International Association for Cryptologic Research

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08 January 2024

Thomas Debris-Alazard, Pouria Fallahpour, Damien Stehlé
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The Learning With Errors ($\mathsf{LWE}$) problem asks to find $\mathbf{s}$ from an input of the form $(\mathbf{A}, \mathbf{b} = \mathbf{A}\mathbf{s}+\mathbf{e}) \in (\mathbb{Z}/q\mathbb{Z})^{m \times n} \times (\mathbb{Z}/q\mathbb{Z})^{m}$, for a vector $\mathbf{e}$ that has small-magnitude entries. In this work, we do not focus on solving $\mathsf{LWE}$ but on the task of sampling instances. As these are extremely sparse in their range, it may seem plausible that the only way to proceed is to first create $\mathbf{s}$ and $\mathbf{e}$ and then set $\mathbf{b} = \mathbf{A}\mathbf{s}+\mathbf{e}$. In particular, such an instance sampler knows the solution. This raises the question whether it is possible to obliviously sample $(\mathbf{A}, \mathbf{A}\mathbf{s}+\mathbf{e})$, namely, without knowing the underlying $\mathbf{s}$. A variant of the assumption that oblivious $\mathsf{LWE}$ sampling is hard has been used in a series of works constructing Succinct Non-interactive Arguments of Knowledge (SNARKs) in the standard model. As the assumption is related to $\mathsf{LWE}$, these SNARKs have been conjectured to be secure in the presence of quantum adversaries.

Our main result is a quantum polynomial-time algorithm that samples well-distributed $\mathsf{LWE}$ instances while provably not knowing the solution, under the assumption that $\mathsf{LWE}$ is hard. Moreover, the approach works for a vast range of $\mathsf{LWE}$ parametrizations, including those used in the above-mentioned SNARKs.
Aarav Varshney, Prashant Agrawal, Mahabir Prasad Jhanwar
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We explore the issue of anonymously proving account ownership (anonymous PAO). Such proofs allow a prover to prove to a verifier that it owns a valid account at a server without being tracked by the server or the verifier, without requiring any changes at the server's end and without even revealing to it that any anonymous PAO is taking place. This concept is useful in sensitive applications like whistleblowing. The first introduction of anonymous PAOs was by Wang et al., who also introduced the secure channel injection (SCI) protocol to realize anonymous PAO in the context of email account ownership. In this paper, we propose YouChoose, an approach that improves upon Wang et al.'s SCI-based anonymous PAO. Unlike SCI, which demands carefully designed multi-party computation (MPC) protocols for efficiency, YouChoose works without MPC, simply relying on the verifier to selectively forward TLS records. It is faster, more efficient, and more adaptable compared to SCI. Further, the simplicity of the YouChoose approach readily enables anonymous PAO in different settings such as various ciphersuites of TLS, account types other than email, etc., while the SCI approach needs specifically designed MPC protocols for each use case. We also provide formal security definitions for a generalized anonymous PAO of which both YouChoose and SCI are concrete instantiations.
Hoeteck Wee, David J. Wu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
A functional commitment allows a user to commit to an input $\mathbf{x} \in \{0,1\}^\ell$ and later open up the commitment to a value $y = f(\mathbf{x})$ with respect to some function $f$. In this work, we focus on schemes that support fast verification. Specifically, after a preprocessing step that depends only on $f$, the verification time as well as the size of the commitment and opening should be sublinear in the input length $\ell$, We also consider the dual setting where the user commits to the function $f$ and later, opens up the commitment at an input $\mathbf{x}$.

In this work, we develop two (non-interactive) functional commitments that support fast verification. The first construction supports openings to constant-degree polynomials and has a shorter CRS for a broad range of settings compared to previous constructions. Our second construction is a dual functional commitment for arbitrary bounded-depth Boolean circuits. Both schemes are lattice-based and avoid non-black-box use of cryptographic primitives or lattice sampling algorithms. Security of both constructions rely on the $\ell$-succinct short integer solutions (SIS) assumption, a falsifiable $q$-type generalization of the SIS assumption (Preprint 2023).

In addition, we study the challenges of extending lattice-based functional commitments to extractable functional commitments, a notion that is equivalent to succinct non-interactive arguments (when considering openings to quadratic relations). We describe a general methodology that heuristically breaks the extractability of our construction and provides evidence for the implausibility of the knowledge $k$-$R$-$\mathsf{ISIS}$ assumption of Albrecht et al. (CRYPTO 2022) that was used in several constructions of lattice-based succinct arguments. If we additionally assume hardness of the standard inhomogeneous SIS assumption, we obtain a direct attack on a variant of the extractable linear functional commitment of Albrecht et al.
Hongxiao Wang, Siu-Ming Yiu, Yanmin Zhao, Zoe L. Jiang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Vector commitments (VC) and their variants attract a lot of attention due to their wide range of usage in applications such as blockchain and accumulator. Mercurial vector commitment (MVC), as one of the important variants of VC, is the core technique for building more complicated cryptographic applications, such as the zero-knowledge set (ZKS) and zero-knowledge elementary database (ZK-EDB). However, to the best of our knowledge, the only post-quantum MVC construction is trivially implied by a generic framework proposed by Catalano and Fiore (PKC '13) with lattice-based components which causes $\textit{large}$ auxiliary information and $\textit{cannot satisfy}$ any additional advanced properties, that is, updatable and aggregatable.

A major difficulty in constructing a $\textit{non-black-box}$ lattice-based MVC is that it is not trivial to construct a lattice-based VC that satisfies a critical property called ``mercurial hiding". In this paper, we identify some specific features of a new falsifiable family of basis-augmented SIS assumption ($\mathsf{BASIS}$) proposed by Wee and Wu (EUROCRYPT '23) that can be utilized to construct the mercurial vector commitment from lattice $\textit{satisfying}$ updatability and aggregatability with $\textit{smaller}$ auxiliary information. We $\textit{first}$ extend stateless update and differential update to the mercurial vector commitment and define a $\textit{new}$ property, named updatable mercurial hiding. Then, we show how to modify our constructions to obtain the updatable mercurial vector commitment that satisfies these properties. To aggregate the openings, our constructions perfectly inherit the ability to aggregate in the $\mathsf{BASIS}$ assumption, which can break the limitation of $\textit{weak}$ binding in the current aggregatable MVCs. In the end, we show that our constructions can be used to build the various kinds of lattice-based ZKS and ZK-EDB directly within the existing framework.
Huiwen Jia, Yupu Hu, Chunming Tang, Lin Wang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Basic encryption and signature on lattices have comparable efficiency to their classical counterparts in terms of speed and key size. However, Identity-based Encryption (IBE) on lattices is much less efficient in terms of compactness, even when instantiated on ideal lattices and in the Random Oracle Model (ROM). This is because the underlying preimage sampling algorithm used to extract the users' secret keys requires huge public parameters. In this work, we specify a compact IBE instantiation for practical use by introducing various optimizations. Specifically, we first propose a modified gadget to make it more suitable for the instantiation of practical IBE. Then, by incorporating our gadget and the non-spherical Gaussian technique, we provide an efficient preimage sampling algorithm, based on which, we give a specification of a compact IBE on ideal lattice. Finally, two parameter sets and a proof-of-concept implementation are presented. Given the importance of the preimage sampling algorithm in lattice-based cryptography, we believe that our technique can also be applied to the practical instantiation of other advanced cryptographic schemes.
Siavash Riahi, Orfeas Stefanos Thyfronitis Litos
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Blockchains suffer from scalability limitations, both in terms of latency and throughput. Various approaches to alleviate this have been proposed, most prominent of which are payment and state channels, sidechains, commit-chains, rollups, and sharding. This work puts forth a novel commit-chain protocol, Bitcoin Clique. It is the first trustless commit-chain that is compatible with all major blockchains, including (an upcoming version of) Bitcoin.

Clique enables a pool of users to pay each other off-chain, i.e., without interacting with the blockchain, thus sidestepping its bottlenecks. A user can directly send its coins to any other user in the Clique: In contrast to payment channels, its funds are not tied to a specific counterparty, avoiding the need for multi-hop payments. An untrusted operator facilitates payments by verifiably recording them.

Furthermore, we define and construct a novel primitive, Two-Shot Adaptor Signatures, which is needed for Bitcoin Clique while being of independent interest. This primitive extends the functionality of normal Adaptor Signatures by allowing the extraction of the witness only after two signatures are published on the blockchain.
Muhammed Ali Bingol, Sermin Kocaman, Ali Dogan, Sibel Kurt Toplu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Threshold signature schemes have gained prominence in enhancing the security and flexibility of digital signatures, allowing a group of participants to collaboratively create signatures while maintaining a predefined threshold of participants for validity. However, conventional threshold signatures treat all participants equally, lacking the capability to accommodate hierarchical structures often seen in real-world applications. Hierarchical Threshold Signature Schemes (HTSS) naturally extend the concept of simple threshold signatures, offering a solution that aligns with hierarchical organizational structures. Our paper introduces a novel, efficient, and flexible HTSS that employs independent polynomials at each hierarchical level, removing limitations on threshold values. This adaptability enables us to tailor the scheme to diverse requirements, whether signing requires only top-level nodes or lower-level participants' involvement. Based on our analysis, our FlexHi integrated into the FROST scheme outperforms Tassa's hierarchical scheme on FROST and operates approximately 30% to 40% faster, depending on the number of participants and the chosen threshold values. This demonstrates that, in addition to flexibility, our scheme has practical benefits through improved performance.
Mustafa Khairallah
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The size of the authentication tag represents a significant overhead for applications that are limited by bandwidth or memory. Hence, some authenticated encryption designs have a smaller tag than the required privacy level, which was also suggested by the NIST lightweight cryptography standardization project. In the ToSC 2022, two papers have raised questions about the IND-CCA security of AEAD schemes in this situation. These papers show that (a) online AE cannot provide IND-CCA security beyond the tag length, and (b) it is possible to have IND-CCA security beyond the tag length in a restricted Encrypt-then-Encipher framework.

In this paper, we address some of the remaining gaps in this area. Our main result is to show that, for a fixed stretch, Pseudo-Random Injection security implies IND-CCA security as long as the minimum ciphertext size is at least as large as the required IND-CCA security level. We also show that this bound is tight and that any AEAD scheme that allows empty plaintexts with a fixed stretch cannot achieve IND-CCA security beyond the tag length.

Next, we look at the weaker notion of MRAE security, and show that two-pass schemes that achieve MRAE security do not achieve IND-CCA security beyond the tag size. This includes SIV and rugged PRPs.
San Ling, Khoa Nguyen, Duong Hieu Phan, Khai Hanh Tang, Huaxiong Wang, Yanhong Xu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Attribute-Based Signature (ABS), introduced by Maji et al. (CT-RSA'11), is an advanced privacy-preserving signature primitive that has gained a lot of attention. Research on ABS can be categorized into three main themes: expanding the expressiveness of signing policies, enabling new functionalities, and providing more diversity in terms of computational assumptions. We contribute to the development of ABS in all three dimensions, by providing a fully dynamic ABS scheme for arbitrary circuits from codes. The scheme is the first ABS from code-based assumptions and also the first ABS system offering the \texttt{full dynamicity} functionality (i.e., attributes can be enrolled and revoked simultaneously). Moreover, the scheme features much shorter signature size than a lattice-based counterpart proposed by El Kaafarani and Katsumata (PKC'18).

In the construction process, we put forward a new theoretical abstraction of Stern-like zero-knowledge (ZK) protocols, which are the major tools for privacy-preserving cryptography from codes. Our main insight here actually lies in the questions we ask about the fundamental principles of Stern-like protocols that have remained unchallenged since their conception by Stern at CRYPTO'93. We demonstrate that these long-established principles are not essential, and then provide a refined framework generalizing existing Stern-like techniques and enabling enhanced constructions.
Gerald Gavin, Sandrine Tainturier
ePrint Report ePrint Report
New ideas to build homomorphic encryption schemes based on rational functions have been recently proposed. The starting point is a private-key encryption scheme whose secret key is a rational function $\phi/\phi'$. By construction, such a scheme is not homomorphic. To get homomorphic properties, nonlinear homomorphic operators are derived from the secret key. In this paper, we adopt the same approach to build HE. We obtain a multivariate encryption scheme in the sense that the knowledge of the CPA attacker can be turned into an over-defined system of nonlinear equations (contrarily to LWE-based encryptions). The factoring assumption is introduced in order to make a large class of algebraic attacks (based on Groebner bases) irrelevant. We extensively analyze the security of our scheme against algebraic attacks. In particular, we exhibit the fundamental role played by symmetry in these attacks. We also formally show that some of these attacks are exponential-time. While we did not propose a formal security proof relying on a classical cryptographic assumption, we hopefully provide convincing evidence for security.
Michael Klooß, Andy Rupp, Daniel Schadt, Thorsten Strufe, Christiane Weis
ePrint Report ePrint Report
To provide users with anonymous access to the Internet, onion routing and mix networks were developed. Assuming a stronger adversary than Tor, Sphinx is a popular packet format choice for such networks due to its efficiency and strong protection. However, it was recently shown that Sphinx is susceptible to a tagging attack on the payload in some settings. The only known packet formats which prevent this attack rely on advanced cryptographic primitives and are highly inefficient, both in terms of packet sizes and computation overhead.

In this paper, we provide the first packet format that protects against the tagging attack with an acceptable overhead. At the cost of doubling the payload size, we are able to build a provably private solution from basic cryptographic primitives. Our implementation demonstrates that our solution is as computationally efficient as Sphinx, beating previous schemes by a large margin. For our security proof, we first strengthen the state-of-the-art proof strategy, before applying it to our solution to demonstrate that not only the tagging attack is prevented, but our scheme is provably private.
Randy Kuang, Maria Perepechaenko, Dafu Lou, Brinda Tank
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This paper conducts a comprehensive benchmarking analysis of the performance of two innovative cryptographic schemes: Homomorphic Polynomial Public Key (HPPK)-Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM) and Digital Signature (DS), recently proposed by Kuang et al. These schemes represent a departure from traditional cryptographic paradigms, with HPPK leveraging the security of homomorphic symmetric encryption across two hidden rings without reliance on NP-hard problems. HPPK can be viewed as a specialized variant of Multivariate Public Key Cryptography (MPKC), intricately associated with two vector spaces: the polynomial vector space for the secret exchange and the multivariate vector space for randomized encapsulation.

The unique integration of asymmetric, symmetric, and homomorphic cryptography within HPPK necessitates a careful examination of its performance metrics. This study focuses on the thorough benchmarking of HPPK KEM and DS across key cryptographic operations, encompassing key generation, encapsulation, decapsulation, signing, and verification. The results highlight the exceptional efficiency of HPPK, characterized by compact key sizes, cipher sizes, and signature sizes. The use of symmetric encryption in HPPK enhances its overall performance. Key findings underscore the outstanding performance of HPPK KEM and DS across various security levels, emphasizing their superiority in crucial cryptographic operations. This research positions HPPK as a promising and competitive solution for post-quantum cryptographic applications in a wide range of applications, including blockchain, digital currency, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices.
Scott Fluhrer, Quynh Dang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
NIST has released the draft specification of SLH-DSA (also known as Sphincs+). When NIST released its original call for proposals for the Postquantum Process, they specified that signature systems would need to be usable at full security for $2^{64}$ signatures per private key. Hence, the parameter sets specified in SLH-DSA is tuned to have full security after that many signatures. However, it has been noted that in many cases, we don't have need for that many signatures, and that parameter sets tuned for fewer signatures would be shorter and more efficient to process. This paper examines such possible alternative parameter sets.

06 January 2024

Virginia Tech
Job Posting Job Posting
The Department of Mathematics at Virginia Tech invites applications for several Postdoctoral Associate positions. These are two-year appointments to begin August 10, 2024. An online application is required. To apply, please visit, select "Apply Now" and search by posting number 528127. For full consideration submit a cover letter, a CV, a research statement, and a teaching statement as part of the online application.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Sarah McDearis,

More information:

ETH, Department of Computer Science; Zurich, Switzerland
Job Posting Job Posting

The Post-Quantum Cryptography group is looking for a motivated PhD candidate on the topic of lattice-based cryptography. In particular, the candidate will work with dr. Cecilia Boschini and prof. Dennis Hofheinz on lattice-based distributed authentication (threshold and multi- signatures), from constructing and analyzing protocols to more foundational work in lattice theory. Besides research, the candidate is expected to do a small amount of teaching each semester, in accordance with ETH regulations.

The position is fully funded for 4 years with a competitive salary (rate 5 according to ETH rules), and available already from Spring 2024; the exact starting date is negotiable. To be eligible, the candidate should have a master's (or equivalent) degree in Computer Science or Mathematics (or other relevant field), and already have some basic knowledge of cryptography and/or lattices.

ETH has a large and diverse community of cryptographers, with strong researchers in both theoretical and applied areas, and ties to the many other cryptography groups present in Switzerland. As a nice bonus, the department of Computer Science is located in the center of Zurich, a dynamic and international city where everything can be reached by public transport, including the Alps.

To apply, please send via email the following:

  • your CV (max 2 pages)
  • transcripts
  • contact information of 2 references
In order to be guaranteed to be considered, please apply before March 1st, 2024. That being said, applications are accepted until the position is filled.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Dr. Cecilia Boschini (

University of St.Gallen, Switzerland
Job Posting Job Posting
We are looking for an excellent, motivated, post-doctoral researcher to work in the area of information security and cryptography. The post-doctoral researcher will join Katerina Mitrokotsa's research group (Chair of Cyber Security), working in the area of information and communication security with a focus on authentication protocols, verifiable delegation of computation, and secure multi-party computation. The position is available for one plus one year after a successful review evaluation.

Key Responsibilities:
  • The post-doctoral fellow is expected to perform exciting and challenging research in the area of information security and cryptography including the design of provably secure cryptographic protocols.
  • The post-doctoral fellow shall be involved in the supervision of PhD and master students
Your profile:
  • The post-doctoral researcher is expected to have a PhD degree in Computer Science, Engineering or Mathematics and a strong background in theoretical computer science and cryptography
  • Have an excellent publication record in top venues Competitive research record in cryptography or information security
  • Strong mathematical and algorithmic CS background
  • Good skills in programming is beneficial
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English
The Chair of Cyber Security, is a part of the Institute of Computer Science (ICS) at the University of St. Gallen. The chair was established in autumn semester 2020 and is led by Prof. Dr. Katerina Mitrokotsa. Our research interests are centered around information security and applied cryptography, with the larger goal of safeguarding communications and providing strong privacy guarantees. We are currently active in multiple areas including the design of provably secure cryptographic protocols and cryptographic primitives that can be employed for reliable authentication, outsourcing computations in cloud-assisted settings, network security problems as well as secure and privacy-preserving machine learning.

Please apply asap through the job link.

Closing date for applications:

Eriane Breu (Administrative matters)
Prof. Katerina Mitrokotsa (Research related questions)

More information:

University of St.Gallen
Job Posting Job Posting
We are looking for a bright and motivated PhD student to work in the topics of information security and cryptography.

The student is expected to work on topics that include security and privacy issues in authentication. More precisely, the student will be working on investigating efficient and privacy-preserving authentication that provides: i) provable security guarantees, and ii) rigorous privacy guarantees.

Key Responsibilities:
  • Perform exciting and challenging research in the domain of information security and cryptography.
  • Support and assist in teaching computer security and cryptography courses.
  • The PhD student is expected to have a MSc degree or equivalent, and strong background in cryptography, network security and mathematics.
  • Experience in one or more domains such as cryptography, design of protocols, secure multi-party computation and differential privacy is beneficial.
  • Excellent programming skills.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English
The Chair of Cyber Security,, is a part of the Institute of Computer Science (ICS) at the University of St.Gallen. The chair was established in autumn semester 2020 and is led by Prof. Dr. Katerina Mitrokotsa. Our research interests are centered around information security and applied cryptography, with the larger goal of safeguarding communications and providing strong privacy guarantees. We are currently active in multiple areas including the design of provably secure cryptographic protocols and cryptographic primitives that can be employed for reliable authentication, outsourcing computations in cloud-assisted settings, network security problems as well as secure and privacy-preserving machine learning. As a doctoral student you will be a part of the Doctoral School of Computer Science (DCS),

Please apply asap through the job link. Applications will be evaluated continuously.

Closing date for applications:

Eriane Breu (Administrative matters)
Prof. Katerina Mitrokotsa (Research related questions)

More information:

Job Posting Job Posting
The Key Management team at Copper is tasked with developing the core components of Copper’s custodial solution. This entails the constructions of tools and services essential for secure storage and transfer of digital assets. A focal point of the team’s responsibilities includes developing and integrating MPC (Multiparty Computation)-based cryptographic signature algorithms. Additionally, the team is charged with the development of APIs that facilitate the interaction of cryptographic primitives with both client-facing applications and certain internal services within Copper. You will conduct cryptography literature review, select relevant papers, and produce a specification and pseudocode from the paper(s). You will implement cryptography specifications into secure, production-level code. You will integrate cryptography primitives into Copper’s internal MPC framework. You will participate in the design and implementation of Copper’s next generation MPC framework. You will interact with auditors and academia, as well as cryptographers on the client side. You will provide cryptography support for other Copper development teams

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Clara Luna

More information:


05 January 2024

Yaroslav Balytskyi, Yevgen Kotukh, Gennady Khalimov, Sang-Yoon Chang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We develop a new PT-symmetric approach for mapping three pure qubit states, implement it by the dilation method, and demonstrate it with a superconducting quantum processor provided by the IBM Quantum Experience. We derive exact formulas for the population of the post-selected PT-symmetric subspace and show consistency with the Hermitian case, conservation of average projections on reference vectors, and Quantum Fisher Information. When used for discrimination of N = 2 pure states, our algorithm gives an equivalent result to the conventional unambiguous quantum state discrimination. For N = 3 states, our approach provides novel properties unavailable in the conventional Hermitian case and can transform an arbitrary set of three quantum states into another arbitrary set of three states at the cost of introducing an inconclusive result. For the QKD three-state protocol, our algorithm has the same error rate as the conventional minimum error, maximum confidence, and maximum mutual information strategies. The proposed method surpasses its Hermitian counterparts in quantum sensing using non-MSE metrics, providing an advantage for precise estimations within specific data space regions and improved robustness to outliers. Applied to quantum database search, our approach yields a notable decrease in circuit depth in comparison to traditional Grover’s search algorithm while maintaining the same average number of oracle calls, thereby offering significant advantages for NISQ computers. Additionally, the versatility of our method can be valuable for the discrimination of highly non-symmetric quantum states, and quantum error correction. Our work unlocks new doors for applying PT -symmetry in quantum communication, computing, and cryptography.
Sedigheh Khajouei-Nejad, Hamid Haj Seyyed Javadi, Sam Jabbehdari, Seyed Mohammad Hossein Moattar
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In order to provide access control on encrypted data, Attribute-based encryption (ABE) defines each user using a set of attributes. Fuzzy identity-based encryption (FIBE) is a variant of ABE that allows for a threshold access structure for users. To address the potential threat posed by future quantum computers, this paper presents a post-quantum fuzzy IBE scheme based on lattices. However, current lattice-based ABE schemes face challenges related to computational complexity and the length of ciphertext and keys. This paper aims to improve the performance of an existing fuzzy IBE scheme by reducing key length and computational complexity during the encryption phase. While negative attributes are not utilized in our scheme, we prove its security under the learning with error (LWE) hard problem assumption in the selective security model. These improvements have significant implications for the field of ABE.
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