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29 January 2024

Kaartik Bhushan, Sai Lakshmi Bhavana Obbattu, Manoj Prabhakaran, Rajeev Raghunath
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In recent breakthrough results, novel use of garbled circuits yielded constructions for several primitives like Identity-Based Encryption (IBE) and 2-round secure multi-party computation, based on standard assumptions in public-key cryptography. While the techniques in these different results have many common elements, these works did not offer a modular abstraction that could be used across them.

Our main contribution is to introduce a novel notion of obfuscation, called Reach-Restricted Reactive Program Obfuscation (R3PO) that captures the essence of these constructions, and exposes additional capabilities. We provide a powerful composition theorem whose proof fully encapsulates the use of garbled circuits in these works. As an illustration of the potential of R3PO, and as an important contribution of independent interest, we present a variant of Multi-Authority Attribute-Based Encryption (MA-ABE) that can be based on (single-authority) CP-ABE in a blackbox manner, using only standard cryptographic assumptions (e.g., DDH). This is in stark contrast to the existing constructions for MA-ABE, which rely on the random oracle model and/or support only limited policy classes.
Charles Gouert, Nektarios Georgios Tsoutsos
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Homomorphic encryption is a powerful privacy-preserving technology that is notoriously difficult to configure and use, even for experts. The key difficulties include restrictive programming models of homomorphic schemes and choosing suitable parameters for an application. In this tutorial, we outline methodologies to solve these issues and allow for conversion of any application to the encrypted domain using both leveled and fully homomorphic encryption.

The first approach, called Walrus, is suitable for arithmetic-intensive applications with limited depth and applications with high throughput requirements. Walrus provides an intuitive programming interface and handles parameterization automatically by analyzing the application and gathering statistics such as homomorphic noise growth to derive a parameter set tuned specifically for the application. We provide an in-depth example of this approach in the form of a neural network inference as well as guidelines for using Walrus effectively.

Conversely, the second approach (HELM) takes existing HDL designs and converts them to the encrypted domain for secure outsourcing on powerful cloud servers. Unlike Walrus, HELM supports FHE backends and is well-suited for complex applications. At a high level, HELM consumes netlists and is capable of performing logic gate operations homomorphically on encryptions of individual bits. HELM incorporates both CPU and GPU acceleration by taking advantage of the inherent parallelism provided by Boolean circuits. As a case study, we walk through the process of taking an off-the-shelf HDL design in the form of AES-128 decryption and running it in the encrypted domain with HELM.
Alex Pellegrini, Giovanni Tognolini
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We analyse HWQCS, a code based signature scheme presented at ICISC 2023, which uses quasi-cyclic low density parity check codes (QC-LDPC). The scheme introduces high Hamming weight errors and signs each message using a fresh ephemeral secret key rather than using only one secret key, so to avoid known attacks on QC-LDPC signature schemes. In this paper, we show that the signatures of HWQCS leak substantial information concerning the ephemeral keys and formally describe this behaviour. Furthermore, we show that for each security level, we can exploit the leakage to efficiently reconstruct partial secret data from very few signatures, and finally mount a universal forgery attack.
Marina Checri, Renaud Sirdey, Aymen Boudguiga, Jean-Paul Bultel, Antoine Choffrut
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In their 2021 seminal paper, Li and Micciancio presented a passive attack against the CKKS approximate FHE scheme and introduced the notion of CPAD security. The current status quo is that this line of attacks does not apply to ``exact'' FHE. In this paper, we challenge this statu quo by exhibiting a CPAD key recovery attack on the linearly homomorphic Regev cryptosystem which easily generalizes to other xHE schemes such as BFV, BGV and TFHE showing that these cryptosystems are not CPAD secure in their basic form. We also show that existing threshold variants of BFV, BGV and CKKS are particularily exposed to CPAD attackers and would be CPAD-insecure without smudging noise addition after partial decryption. Finally we successfully implement our attack against several mainstream FHE libraries and discuss a number of natural countermeasures and discuss their consequences in terms of FHE practice, security and efficiency. The attack itself is quite practical as it typically takes less than an hour on an average laptop PC, requiring a few thousand ciphertexts as well as up to around a million evaluations/decryptions, to perform a full key recovery.
Shihe Ma, Tairong Huang, Anyu Wang, Xiaoyun Wang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The BGV scheme is one of the most popular FHE schemes for computing homomorphic integer arithmetic. The bootstrapping technique of BGV is necessary to evaluate arbitrarily deep circuits homomorphically. However, the BGV bootstrapping performs poorly for large plaintext prime $p$ due to its digit removal procedure exhibiting a computational complexity of at least $O(\sqrt{p})$. In this paper, we propose optimizations for the digit removal procedure with large $p$ by leveraging the properties of null polynomials over the ring $\mathbb{Z}_{p^e}$. Specifically, we demonstrate that it is possible to construct low-degree null polynomials based on two observations of the input to the digit removal procedure: 1) the support size of the input can be upper-bounded by $(2B+1)^2$; 2) the size of the lower digits to be removed can be upper-bounded by $B$. Here $B$ can be controlled within a narrow interval $[22,23]$ in our parameter selection, making the degree of these null polynomials much smaller than $p$ for large values of $p$. These low-degree null polynomials can significantly reduce the polynomial degrees during homomorphic digit removal, thereby decreasing both running time and capacity consumption. Theoretically, our optimizations reduce the computational cost of extracting a single digit from $O(\sqrt{pe})$ (by Chen and Han) or $O(\sqrt{p}\sqrt[4]{e})$ (by Geelen et al.) to $\min(2B+1,\sqrt{\lceil e/t\rceil(2B+1)})$ for some $t\ge 1$. We implement and benchmark our method on HElib with $p=17,127,257,8191$ and $65537$. With our optimized digit removal, we achieve a bootstrapping throughput $1.38\sim151$ times that in HElib, with the speedup increasing with the value of $p$. For $p=65537$, we accelerate the digit removal step by 80 times and reduce the bootstrapping time from more than 12 hours to less than 14 minutes.
Quinten Norga, Jan-Pieter D'Anvers, Suparna Kundu, Ingrid Verbauwhede
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The conversion between arithmetic and Boolean mask representations (A2B & B2A) is a crucial component for side-channel resistant implementations of lattice-based cryptography. In this paper, we present a first- and high-order masked, unified hardware implementation which can perform both A2B & B2A conversions. We optimize the operation on several layers of abstraction, applicable to any protection order. First, we propose novel higher-order algorithms for the secure addition and B2A operation. This is achieved through, among others, an improved method for repeated masked modular reduction and through the X2B operation, which can be viewed as a conversion from any type of additive masking to its Boolean representation. This allows for the removal of a full secure addition during B2A post-processing. Compared to prior work, our $B2A_q$ requires 51/46/45 % less fresh randomness at first through third protection order when implemented in software or hardware.

Secondly, on the circuit level, we successfully introduce half-cycle data paths and demonstrate how careful, manual masking is a superior approach for masking highly non-linear operations and providing first- and high-order security. Our techniques significantly reduce the high latency and fresh randomness overhead, typically introduced by glitch-resistant masking schemes and universally composable gadgets, including HPC3 by Knichel et al. presented at CCS 2022. Compared to state-of-the-art algorithms and masking techniques, our unified and high-throughput hardware implementation requires up to 89/84/86 % fewer clock cycles and 78/71/55 % fewer fresh random bits.

We show detailed performance results for first-, second- and third-order protected implementations on FPGA. Our proposed algorithms are proven secure in the glitch extended probing model and their implementations are validated via practical lab analysis using the TVLA methodology. We experimentally show that both our first- and second-order masked implementation is hardened against univariate and multivariate attacks using 100 million traces, for each mode of operation.
CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security, Saarbrücken, Germany
Job Posting Job Posting
Two postdoc positions in the research group of Julian Loss at CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security in Saarbrücken, Germany. The positions are for two years, funded by ERC project CRYPTOSYSTEMS.

Our research focuses on cryptography and its applications to distributed computing, e.g., making consensus and blockchain protocols more secure and scalable.

The candidate should have a strong background in cryptography or distributed computing.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Julian Loss

More information:


26 January 2024

Milan, Italy, 2 December - 6 December 2024
Event date: 2 December to 6 December 2024
Wenhui Wu, Muzhou Li, Meiqin Wang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
PRESENT is an ultra-lightweight block cipher designed by Bogdanov et al., and has been widely studied since its proposal. It supports 80-bit and 128-bit keys, which are referred as PRESENT-80 and PRESENT-128, respectively. Up to now, linear cryptanalysis is the most effective method on attacking this cipher, especially when accelerated with the pruned Walsh transform. Combing pruned Walsh transform with multiple linear attacks, one can recover the right key for 28-round PRESENT-80 and -128. Later, this method is further improved with affine pruned Walsh transform by adding more zeros in the Walsh spectrum through rejecting some data. This leads to the 29-round attack on PRESENT-128 with full codebook.

In this paper, we follow the affine pruned Walsh transform accelerated linear method, and propose 29-round attacks on both PRESENT-80 and PRESENT-128 without using full codebook. Both attacks rely on a statistical model depicting distributions of the experimental correlation when some data are artificially rejected in its computation. Besides, detailed analysis of complexity reduction for each linear hull used in attacking PRESENT is also provided and supported by an automatic tool. Our 29-round attack on PRESENT-80 mainly benefits from this tool. According to our knowledge, both attacks are the best ones on PRESENT so far.
Matthias J. Kannwischer, Markus Krausz, Richard Petri, Shang-Yi Yang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In July 2022, the US National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) announced the first set of Post-Quantum Cryptography standards: Kyber, Dilithium, Falcon, and SPHINCS+. Shortly after, NIST published a call for proposals for additional post-quantum signature schemes to complement their initial portfolio. In 2023, 50 submissions were received, and 40 were accepted as round-1 candidates for future standardization. In this paper, we study the suitability and performance of said candidates on the popular Arm Cortex-M4microcontroller. We integrate the suitable implementations into the benchmarking framework pqm4 and provide benchmarking results on the STM32L4R5ZI featuring 640 KB of RAM. pqm4 currently includes reference implementations for 15 submissions and M4-optimized implementations for five submissions. For the remaining candidates, we describe the reasons that hinder integration - the predominant reason being large key size or excessive memory consumption. While the performance of reference implementations is rather meaningless and often does not correlate with the performance of well-optimized implementations, this work provides some first indication of which schemes are most promising on microcontrollers. The publicly available implementations in pqm4 also provide a good starting point for future optimization efforts. Initially, we were hoping for a much higher code quality than for initial submissions to NIST's previous PQC project. However, we got grossly disappointed: Half of the submissions make use of dynamic memory allocations, often completely without reason; Many implementations have compiler warnings, sometimes hinting at more serious issues; Many implementations do not pass simple sanitizer tests such as using valgrind; Multiple implementations make use of static memory.
Yong Liu, Yuejun Liu, Yongbin Zhou, Yiwen Gao, Zehua Qiao, Huaxin Wang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) was proposed due to the potential threats quantum computer attacks against conventional public key cryptosystems, and four PQC algorithms besides CRYSTALS-Dilithium (Dilithium for short) have so far been selected for NIST standardization. However, the selected algorithms are still vulnerable to side-channel attacks in practice, and their physical security need to be further evaluated. This study introduces two efficient power analysis attacks, the optimized fast two-stage approach and the single-bit approach, aimed at reducing the key guess space in NTT polynomial multiplication on an STM32F405 device (ARM Cortex-M4 core). Our findings reveal that the optimized approach outperforms the conservative approach and the fast two-stage approach proposed in ICCD 2021 by factors of 519 and 88, respectively. Similarly, the single-bit approach demonstrates speedups of 365 and 62 times compared to these two approaches, respectively.
Peigen Li, Jintai Ding
ePrint Report ePrint Report
SNOVA is a variant of a UOV-type signature scheme over a noncommutative ring. In this article, we demonstrate that certain parameters provided by authors in SNOVA fail to meet the NIST security level, and the complexities are lower than those claimed by SNOVA.
Jaehyung Kim, Jinyeong Seo, Yongsoo Song
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Bootstrapping is a key operation in fully homomorphic encryption schemes that enables the evaluation of arbitrary multiplicative depth circuits. In the BFV scheme, bootstrapping corresponds to reducing the size of accumulated noise in lower bits while preserving the plaintext in the upper bits. The previous instantiation of BFV bootstrapping is achieved through the digit extraction procedure. However, its performance is highly dependent on the plaintext modulus, so only a limited form of the plaintext modulus, a power of a small prime number, was used for the efficiency of bootstrapping.

In this paper, we present a novel approach to instantiate BFV bootstrapping, distinct from the previous digit extraction-based method. The core idea of our bootstrapping is to utilize CKKS bootstrapping as a subroutine, so the performance of our method mainly depends on the underlying CKKS bootstrapping rather than the plaintext modulus.

We implement our method at a proof-of-concept level to provide concrete benchmark results. When performing the bootstrapping operation for a 51-bits plaintext modulus, our method improves the previous digit extraction-based method by a factor of 37.9 in latency and 29.4 in throughput. Additionally, we achieve viable bootstrapping performance for large plaintext moduli, such as 144-bits and 234-bits, which has never been measured before.
Angus Gruen
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Most multivariate proof systems require, at some point, an algebraic check against the rows of the trace. One popular protocol for this is known as zerocheck which is a sumcheck based protocol which proves a constraint function is zero over the $n$-dimensional Boolean hypercube. One of the drawbacks of running zerocheck over a small field, is that it usually involves a large number of evaluations of the constraint polynomial over a cryptographically large extension field $\mathbb{G}$.

We describe several improvements to the zerocheck protocol over a small field $\mathbb{F}$ which both reduce the number of constraint evaluations the prover needs to perform and shifts some computation from the extension field back into the base field $\mathbb{F}$. Specifically, for a table of length $2^n$, integer parameter $1\leq k \leq n$ and constraint function $C$ of degree $d$ with evaluation costs $C_{\mathbb{F}}, C_{\mathbb{G}}$ we show the protocol can be performed with prover cost roughly \[ 2^n\left(1 + \frac{C_{\mathbb{G}}}{2^k C_{\mathbb{F}}}\right)(d - 1)C_{\mathbb{F}}. \] To check the proof, the verifier needs to perform a single interpolation of degree $2^kd$ and $n$ interpolations of degree $d$. Thus varying $k$ allows for a tradeoff between prover and verifier cost.
Julia Len, Melissa Chase, Esha Ghosh, Daniel Jost, Balachandar Kesavan, Antonio Marcedone
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Key Transparency (KT) systems enable service providers of end-to-end encrypted communication (E2EE) platforms to maintain a Verifiable Key Directory (VKD) that maps each user's identifier, such as a username or email address, to their identity public key(s). Users periodically monitor the directory to ensure their own identifier maps to the correct keys, thus detecting any attempt to register a fake key on their behalf to Meddler-in-the-Middle (MitM) their communications. We introduce and formalize a new primitive called Multi-Device Verifiable Key Directory (MVKD), which strengthens both the security, privacy, and usability guarantees of VKD by leveraging the multi-device setting. We formalize three properties for a MVKD (completeness, extraction-based soundness, and privacy), striking a non-trivial balance between strong guarantees and the limitations imposed by a truly practical system. We then present a new MVKD system called ELEKTRA. This system combines the core of the Keybase KT system (running in production since 2014) with ideas from SEEMless (Chase et. al., 2019) and RZKS (Chen et. al., 2022). Our construction is the first to achieve the above multi-device guarantees while having formal security and privacy proofs. Finally, we implement ELEKTRA and present benchmarks demonstrating its practicality.
Ibrahim Yakut, Huseyin Polat
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Recommender systems are effective mechanisms for recommendations about what to watch, read, or taste based on user ratings about experienced products or services. To achieve higher quality recommendations, e-commerce parties may prefer to collaborate over partitioned data. Due to privacy issues, they might hesitate to work in pairs and some solutions motivate them to collaborate. This study examines how to estimate trust-based predictions on arbitrarily partitioned data in which two parties have ratings for similar sets of customers and items. A privacy- preserving scheme is proposed, and it is justified that it efficiently offers trust-based predictions on partitioned data while preserving privacy.
Emanuele Bellini, Alessandro De Piccoli, Mattia Formenti, David Gerault, Paul Huynh, Simone Pelizzola, Sergio Polese, Andrea Visconti
ePrint Report ePrint Report
SAT, SMT, MILP, and CP, have become prominent in the differential cryptanalysis of cryptographic primitives. In this paper, we review the techniques for constructing differential characteristic search models in these four formalisms. Additionally, we perform a systematic comparison encompassing over 20 cryptographic primitives and 16 solvers, on both easy and hard instances of optimisation, enumeration and differential probability estimation problems.
Bo Jiang, Jian Du, Qiang Yan
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Private Set Intersection (PSI) is a widely used protocol that enables two parties to securely compute a function over the intersected part of their shared datasets and has been a significant research focus over the years. However, recent studies have highlighted its vulnerability to Set Membership Inference Attacks (SMIA), where an adversary might deduce an individual's membership by invoking multiple PSI protocols. This presents a considerable risk, even in the most stringent versions of PSI, which only return the cardinality of the intersection. This paper explores the evaluation of anonymity within the PSI context. Initially, we highlight the reasons why existing works fall short in measuring privacy leakage, and subsequently propose two attack strategies that address these deficiencies. Furthermore, we provide theoretical guarantees on the performance of our proposed methods. In addition to these, we illustrate how the integration of auxiliary information, such as the sum of payloads associated with members of the intersection (PSI-SUM), can enhance attack efficiency. We conducted a comprehensive performance evaluation of various attack strategies proposed utilizing two real datasets. Our findings indicate that the methods we propose markedly enhance attack efficiency when contrasted with previous research endeavors. The effective attacking implies that depending solely on existing PSI protocols may not provide an adequate level of privacy assurance. It is recommended to combine privacy-enhancing technologies synergistically to enhance privacy protection even further.
Daniel Nager
ePrint Report ePrint Report
A cipher scheme related to ChaCha with the variation of using 64 bit operations instead of 32 bits, and the same 512 bit state size, is presented. We will provide strong argumentation to assert that the same security of ChaCha can be obtained with half number of instructions for the same number of 20 rounds. Also, an strategy to implement this cipher on SIMD extensions is presented, with a maximal throughput of about 3.37 bytes per cycle on a 256 bit SIMD extension with at least 11 vector registers.
Sanjam Garg, Mohammad Hajiabadi, Peihan Miao, Alice Murphy
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Laconic cryptography enables secure two-party computation (2PC) on unbalanced inputs with asymptotically-optimal communication in just two rounds of communication. In particular, the receiver (who sends the first-round message) holds a long input and the sender (who sends the second-round message) holds a short input, and the size of their communication to securely compute a function on their joint inputs only grows with the size of the sender's input and is independent of the receiver's input size. The work on laconic oblivious transfer (OT) [Cho et al. CRYPTO 2017] and laconic private set intersection (PSI) [Alamati et al. TCC 2021] shows how to achieve secure laconic computation for OT and PSI from the Diffie-Hellman assumption.

In this work, we push the limits further and achieve laconic branching programs from the Diffie-Hellman assumption. In particular, the receiver holds a large branching program $P$ and the sender holds a short input $x$. We present a two-round 2PC protocol that allows the receiver to learn $x$ iff $P(x) =1$, and nothing else. The communication only grows with the size of $x$ and the depth of $P$, and does not further depend on the size of $P$.
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