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09 February 2024

Dongwon Lee, Seonhong Min, Yongsoo Song
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Fully Homomorphic encryption (FHE) enables the computation of an arbitrary function over encrypted data without decrypting them. In particular, bootstrapping is a core building block of FHE which reduces the noise of a ciphertext thereby recovering the computational capability.

This paper introduces a new bootstrapping framework for the Fan-Vercuteren (FV) scheme, called the functional bootstrapping, providing more generic and advanced functionality than the ordinary bootstrapping method. More specifically, the functional bootstrapping allows us to evaluate an arbitrary function while removing the error of an input ciphertext. Therefore, we achieve better depth consumption and computational complexity as the evaluation of a circuit can be integrated as part of the functional bootstrapping procedure. In particular, our approach extends the functionality of FV since it is even applicable to functions between different plaintext spaces.

At the heart of our functional bootstrapping framework is a novel homomorphic Look-Up Table (LUT) evaluation method where we represent any LUT using only the operations supported by the FV scheme. Finally, we provide a proof-of-concept implementation and present benchmarks. In concrete examples, such as delta and sign functions, our functional bootstrapping takes about 46.5s or 171.4s for 9-bit or 13-bit plaintext modulus, respectively.
Aya Fukami, Richard Buurke, Zeno Geradts
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Embedded Multimedia Cards (eMMCs) provide a protected memory area called the Replay Protected Memory Block (RPMB). eMMCs are commonly used as storage media in modern smartphones. In order to protect these devices from unauthorized access, important data is stored in the RPMB area in an authenticated manner. Modification of the RPMB data requires a pre-shared authentication key. An unauthorized user cannot change the stored data. On modern devices, this pre-shared key is generated and used exclusively within a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) preventing attackers from access. In this paper, we investigate how the authentication key for RPMB is programmed on the eMMC. We found that this key can be extracted directly from the target memory chip. Once obtained, the authentication key can be used to manipulate stored data. In addition, poor implementation of certain security features, aimed at preventing replay attacks using RPMB on the host system can be broken by an attacker. We show how the authentication key can be extracted and how it can be used to break the anti-rollback protection to enable data restoration even after a data wipe operation has been completed. Our findings show that non-secure RPMB implementations can enable forensic investigators to break security features implemented on modern smartphones.
Pedro Branco, Russell W. F. Lai, Monosij Maitra, Giulio Malavolta, Ahmadreza Rahimi, Ivy K. Y. Woo
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Traitor-tracing systems allow identifying the users who contributed to building a rogue decoder in a broadcast environment. In a traditional traitor-tracing system, a key authority is responsible for generating the global public parameters and issuing secret keys to users. All security is lost if the \emph{key authority itself} is corrupt. This raises the question: Can we construct a traitor-tracing scheme, without a trusted authority?

In this work, we propose a new model for traitor-tracing systems where, instead of having a key authority, users could generate and register their own public keys. The public parameters are computed by aggregating all user public keys. Crucially, the aggregation process is \emph{public}, thus eliminating the need of any trusted authority. We present two new traitor-tracing systems in this model based on bilinear pairings. Our first scheme is proven adaptively secure in the generic group model. This scheme features a transparent setup, ciphertexts consisting of $6\sqrt{L}+4$ group elements, and a public tracing algorithm. Our second scheme supports a bounded collusion of traitors and is proven selectively secure in the standard model. Our main technical ingredients are new registered functional encryption (RFE) schemes for quadratic and linear functions which, prior to this work, were known only from indistinguishability obfuscation. To substantiate the practicality of our approach, we evaluate the performance a proof of concept implementation. For a group of $L = 1024$ users, encryption and decryption take roughly 50ms and 4ms, respectively, whereas a ciphertext is of size 6.7KB.
Dung Bui, Geoffroy Couteau, Pierre Meyer, Alain Passelègue, Mahshid Riahinia
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Pseudorandom Correlation Functions (PCFs) allow two parties, given correlated evaluation keys, to locally generate arbitrarily many pseudorandom correlated strings, e.g. Oblivious Transfer (OT) correlations, which can then be used by the two parties to jointly run secure computation protocols. In this work, we provide a novel and simple approach for constructing PCFs for OT correlation, by relying on constrained pseudorandom functions for a class of constraints containing a weak pseudorandom function (wPRF). We then show that tweaking the Naor-Reingold pseudorandom function and relying on low-complexity pseudorandom functions allow us to instantiate our paradigm. We further extend our ideas to obtain efficient public-key PCFs, which allow the distribution of correlated keys between parties to be non-interactive: each party can generate a pair of public/secret keys, and any pair of parties can locally derive their correlated evaluation key by combining their secret key with the other party's public key. In addition to these theoretical contributions, we detail various optimizations and provide concrete instantiations of our paradigm relying on the Boneh-Ishai-Passelègue-Sahai-Wu wPRF and the Goldreich-Applebaum-Raykov wPRF. Putting everything together, we obtain public-key PCFs with a throughput of 15k-40k OT/s, which is of a similar order of magnitude to the state-of-the-art interactive PCFs and about 4 orders of magnitude faster than state-of-the-art public-key PCFs. As a side result, we also show that public-key PCFs can serve as a building block to construct reusable designated-verifier non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs (DV-NIZK) for NP. Combined with our instantiations, this yields simple and efficient reusable DV-NIZKs for NP in pairing-free groups.

06 February 2024

Engineering Department, Horizen Labs, Remote
Job Posting Job Posting

We are looking for a talented and motivated engineer who will contribute to building the cryptographic infrastructure of our Web 3.0-enabled blockchain ecosystem. You will be involved in the design and implementation of blockchain scaling solutions, primarily based on zero-knowledge cryptography, with the aim of dramatically reducing the costs that blockchain operators incur when deploying their products. Our international team works in a stimulating and innovative environment, where technical expertise and experience contribute to the development of cutting-edge blockchain technology. You will be joining a small, deeply driven team of highly technical minds in a culture of openness, pragmatism, and ownership of challenging problems that span software engineering, systems design, cryptography, and computing.

What You’ll Own
  • Design and implementation of blockchain-based cryptographic solutions leveraging modern cryptography (ZK, MPC, FHE).
  • Assume technical responsibility of novel systems while identifying areas for innovative research and development.
  • Writing reusable, testable, and efficient code with a focus on best practices and security.
  • Help shape the future of the company where you will be intimately involved in the strategic decision making process and immediately see the impact of your contributions.
  • Attend conferences and find opportunities in the on-chain ecosystem.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: People & Talent Team -

More information:

Qiaohan Chu, Li Lin, Chen Qian, Jie Chen
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We present a Registered Functional Encryption (RFE) scheme for inner product and a RFE scheme for quadratic functions based on pairings and relying on the Matrix Decision Diffie-Hellman (MDDH) assumption and bilateral MDDH assumption. Previously, RFE is only known to be constructed from indistinguishability obfuscation (iO) in Francati-Friolo-Maitra-Malavolta-Rahimi-Venturi [Asiacrypt '23].
Panos Kampanakis, Will Childs-Klein
ePrint Report ePrint Report
It has been shown that post-quantum key exchange and authentication with ML-KEM and ML-DSA, NIST’s postquantum algorithm picks, will have an impact on TLS 1.3 performance used in the Web or other applications. Studies so far have focused on the overhead of quantum-resistant algorithms on TLS time-to-first-byte (handshake time). Although these works have been important in quantifying the slowdown in connection establishment, they do not capture the full picture regarding real-world TLS 1.3 connections which carry sizable amounts of data. Intuitively, the introduction of an extra 10KB of ML-KEM and ML-DSA exchanges in the connection negotiation will inflate the connection establishment time proportionally more than it will increase the total connection time of a Web connection carrying 200KB of data. In this work, we quantify the impact of ML-KEM and ML-DSA on typical TLS 1.3 connections which transfer a few hundreds of KB from the server to the client. We study the slowdown in the time-to-last-byte of postquantum connections under normal network conditions and in more unstable environments with high packet delay variability and loss probabilities. We show that the impact of ML-KEM and ML-DSA on the TLS 1.3 time-to-last-byte under stable network conditions is lower than the impact on the time-to-first-byte and diminishes as the transferred data increases. The time-to-last-byte increase stays below 5% for high-bandwidth, stable networks. It goes from 32% increase of the time-to-first-byte to under 15% increase of the time-to-last-byte when transferring 50KiB of data or more under low-bandwidth, stable network conditions. Even when congestion control affects connection establishment, the additional slowdown drops below 10% as the connection data increases to 200KiB. We also show that connections under lossy or volatile network conditions could see higher impact from post-quantum handshakes, but these connections’ time-to-lastbyte increase still drops as the transferred data increases. Finally, we show that such connections are already significantly slow and volatile regardless of the TLS handshake.
Quang Dao, Aayush Jain
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Over the past few decades, we have seen a proliferation of advanced cryptographic primitives with lossy or homomorphic properties built from various assumptions such as Quadratic Residuosity, Decisional Diffie-Hellman, and Learning with Errors. These primitives imply hard problems in the complexity class $\mathcal{SZK}$ (statistical zero-knowledge); as a consequence, they can only be based on assumptions that are broken in $\mathcal{BPP}^{\mathcal{SZK}}$. This poses a barrier for building advanced primitives from code-based assumptions, as the only known such assumption is Learning Parity with Noise (LPN) with an extremely low noise rate $\frac{\log^2 n}{n}$, which is broken in quasi-polynomial time.

In this work, we propose a new code-based assumption: Dense-Sparse LPN, that falls in the complexity class $\mathcal{BPP}^{\mathcal{SZK}}$ and is conjectured to be secure against subexponential time adversaries. Our assumption is a variant of LPN that is inspired by McEliece's cryptosystem and random $k\mbox{-}$XOR in average-case complexity. Roughly, the assumption states that \[(\mathbf{T}\, \mathbf{M}, \mathbf{s} \,\mathbf{T}\, \mathbf{M} + \mathbf{e}) \quad \text{is indistinguishable from}\quad (\mathbf{T} \,\mathbf{M}, \mathbf{u}),\] for a random (dense) matrix $\mathbf{T}$, random sparse matrix $\mathbf{M}$, and sparse noise vector $\mathbf{e}$ drawn from the Bernoulli distribution with inverse polynomial noise probability.

We leverage our assumption to build lossy trapdoor functions (Peikert-Waters STOC 08). This gives the first post-quantum alternative to the lattice-based construction in the original paper. Lossy trapdoor functions, being a fundamental cryptographic tool, are known to enable a broad spectrum of both lossy and non-lossy cryptographic primitives; our construction thus implies these primitives in a generic manner. In particular, we achieve collision-resistant hash functions with plausible subexponential security, improving over a prior construction from LPN with noise rate $\frac{\log^2 n}{n}$ that is only quasi-polynomially secure.
Randy Kuang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In response to the evolving landscape of quantum computing and the heightened vulnerabilities in classical cryptographic systems, our paper introduces a comprehensive cryptographic framework. Building upon the pioneering work of Kuang et al., we present a unification of two innovative primitives: the Quantum Permutation Pad (QPP) for symmetric key encryption and the Homomorphic Polynomial Public Key (HPPK) for Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM) and Digital Signatures (DS). By harnessing matrix representations of the Galois Permutation Group and inheriting its bijective and non-commutative properties, QPP achieves quantum-secure symmetric key encryption, seamlessly extending Shannon’s perfect secrecy to both classical and quantum-native systems. Simultaneously, HPPK, free of NP-hard problems, relies on the security of symmetric encryption for the plain public key. This is accomplished by concealing the mathematical structure through arithmetic representations or modular multiplicative operators (arithmetic QPP) of the Galois Permutation Group over hidden rings, utilizing their partial homomorphic properties. This ensures secure computation on encrypted data during secret encapsulations, thereby enhancing the security of the plain public key. The integration of KEM and DS within HPPK cryptography results in compact key, cipher, and signature sizes, showcasing exceptional performance. This paper organically unifies QPP and HPPK under the Galois Permutation Group, marking a significant advance in laying the groundwork for quantum-resistant cryptographic protocols. Our contribution propels the development of secure communication systems in the era of quantum computing.
Helger Lipmaa, Roberto Parisella, Janno Siim
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We prove that the seminal KZG polynomial commitment scheme (PCS) is black-box extractable under a simple falsifiable assumption ARSDH. To create an interactive argument, we construct a compiler that combines a black-box extractable non-interactive PCS and a polynomial IOP (PIOP). The compiler incurs a minor cost per every committed polynomial. Applying the Fiat-Shamir transformation, we obtain slightly less efficient variants of well-known PIOP-based zk-SNARKs, such as Plonk, that are knowledge-sound in the ROM under the ARSDH assumption. Importantly, there is no need for idealized group models or knowledge assumptions. This results in the first known zk-SNARKs in the ROM from falsifiable assumptions with both an efficient prover and constant-size argument.
Zeyu Liu, Yunhao Wang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
BGV and BFV are among the most widely used fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) schemes, supporting evaluations over a finite field. To evaluate a circuit with arbitrary depth, bootstrapping is needed. However, despite the recent progress, bootstrapping of BGV/BFV still remains relatively impractical, compared to other FHE schemes.

In this work, we inspect the BGV/BFV bootstrapping procedure from a different angle. We provide a generalized bootstrapping definition that relaxes the correctness requirement of regular bootstrapping, allowing constructions that support only certain kinds of circuits with arbitrary depth. In addition, our definition captures a form of functional bootstrapping. In other words, the output encrypts a function evaluation of the input instead of the input itself. Under this new definition, we provide a bootstrapping procedure supporting different types of functions. Our construction is 1-2 orders of magnitude faster than the state-of-the-art BGV/BFV bootstrapping algorithms, depending on the evaluated function. Of independent interest, we show that our technique can be used to improve the batched FHEW/TFHE bootstrapping construction introduced by Liu and Wang (Asiacrypt 2023). Our optimization provides a speed-up of 6x in latency and 3x in throughput for batched binary gate bootstrapping and a plaintext-space-dependent speed-up for batched functional bootstrapping with plaintext space smaller than $\mathbb{Z}_{512}$.
Tairong Huang, Shihe Ma, Anyu Wang, XiaoYun Wang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The computation of step functions over encrypted data is an essential issue in homomorphic encryption due to its fundamental application in privacy-preserving computing. However, an effective method for homomorphically computing general step functions remains elusive in cryptography. This paper proposes two polynomial approximation methods for general step functions to tackle this problem. The first method leverages the fact that any step function can be expressed as a linear combination of shifted sign functions. This connection enables the homomorphic evaluation of any step function using known polynomial approximations of the sign function. The second method boosts computational efficiency by employing a composite polynomial approximation strategy. We present a systematic approach to construct a composite polynomial $f_k \circ f_{k-1} \circ \cdots \circ f_1$ that increasingly approximates the step function as $k$ increases. This method utilizes an adaptive linear programming approach that we developed to optimize the approximation effect of $f_i$ while maintaining the degree and coefficients bounded. We demonstrate the effectiveness of these two methods by applying them to typical step functions such as the round function and encrypted data bucketing, implemented in the HEAAN homomorphic encryption library. Experimental results validate that our methods can effectively address the homomorphic computation of step functions.
Trevor Yap Hong Eng, Shivam Bhasin, Léo Weissbart
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Side-Channel Analysis (SCA) is critical in evaluating the security of cryptographic implementations. The search for hyperparameters poses a significant challenge, especially when resources are limited. In this work, we explore the efficacy of a multifidelity optimization technique known as BOHB in SCA. In addition, we proposed a new objective function called $ge_{+ntge}$, which could be incorporated into any Bayesian Optimization used in SCA. We show the capabilities of both BOHB and $ge_{+ntge}$ on four different public datasets. Specifically, BOHB could obtain the least number of traces in CTF2018 when trained in the Hamming weight and identity leakage model. Notably, this marks the first reported successful recovery of the key for the identity leakage model in CTF2018.
Prasanna Ravi, Dirmanto Jap, Shivam Bhasin, Anupam Chattopadhyay
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Kyber KEM, the NIST selected PQC standard for Public Key Encryption and Key Encapsulation Mechanisms (KEMs) has been subjected to a variety of side-channel attacks, through the course of the NIST PQC standardization process. However, all these attacks targeting the decapsulation procedure of Kyber KEM either require knowledge of the ciphertexts or require to control the value of ciphertexts for key recovery. However, there are no known attacks in a blind setting, where the attacker does not have access to the ciphertexts. While blind side-channel attacks are known for symmetric key cryptographic schemes, we are not aware of such attacks for Kyber KEM. In this paper, we fill this gap by proposing the first blind side-channel attack on Kyber KEM. We target leakage of the pointwise multiplication operation in the decryption procedure to carry out practical blind side-channel attacks resulting in full key recovery. We perform practical validation of our attack using power side-channel from the reference implementation of Kyber KEM taken from the pqm4 library, implemented on the ARM Cortex-M4 microcontroller. Our experiments clearly indicate the feasibility of our proposed attack in recovering the full key in only a few hundred to few thousand traces, in the presence of a suitably accurate Hamming Weight (HW) classifier.
Hanwen Feng, Zhenliang Lu, Qiang Tang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
There are long line of researches on the fundamental distributed key generation (DKG) protocols. Unfortunately, all of them suffer from a large cubic total communication, due to the fact that $O(n)$ participants need to {\em broadcast} to all $n$ participants.

We introduce the first two DKG protocols, both achieving optimal resilience, with sub-cubic total communication and computation. The first DKG generates a secret key within an Elliptic Curve group, incurring $\widetilde{\mathcal{O}}(n^{2.5}\lambda)$ total communication and computation. The second DKG, while slightly increasing communication and computation by a factor of the statistical security parameter, generates a secret key as a field element. This property makes it directly compatible with various off-the-shelf DLog-based threshold cryptographic systems. Additionally, both DKG protocols straightforwardly imply an improved (single-shot) common coin protocol.

At the core of our techniques, we develop a simple-yet-effective methodology via deterministic sharding that arbitrarily groups nodes into shards; and a new primitive called consortium-dealer secret sharing, to enable a shard of nodes to securely contribute a secret to the whole population only at the cost of one-dealer. We also formalize simulation-based security for publicly verifiable secret sharing (PVSS), making it possible for a modular analysis for DKG. Those might be of independent interest.
Trevor Yap, Dirmanto Jap
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In side-channel analysis (SCA), the success of an attack is largely dependent on the dataset sizes and the number of instances in each class. The generation of synthetic traces can help to improve attacks like profiling attacks. However, manually creating synthetic traces from actual traces is arduous. Therefore, automating this process of creating artificial traces is much needed. Recently, diffusion models have gained much recognition after beating another generative model known as Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) in creating realistic images. We explore the usage of diffusion models in the domain of SCA. We proposed frameworks for a known mask setting and unknown mask setting in which the diffusion models could be applied. Under a known mask setting, we show that the traces generated under the proposed framework preserved the original leakage. Next, we demonstrated that the artificially created profiling data in the unknown mask setting can reduce the required attack traces for a profiling attack. This suggests that the artificially created profiling data from the trained diffusion model contains useful leakages to be exploited.
Hao Guo, Jintai Ding
ePrint Report ePrint Report
VOX is a UOV-like signature scheme submitted to Round 1 additional signatures of NIST PQC standardization process. In 2023 Furue and Ikematsu proposed a rectangular MinRank attack on VOX, resulting in the submitters changing their parameters to counter this attack. In this paper we propose a new type of MinRank attack called padded MinRank attack. We show that the attack is highly efficient in its running time, taking less than one minute to break eight of nine parameters and about eight hours for the remaining one. Therefore the parameters of VOX should be reexamined to ensure its safety.
Brent Waters, David J. Wu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
A succinct non-interactive argument (SNARG) for $\mathsf{NP}$ allows a prover to convince a verifier that an $\mathsf{NP}$ statement $x$ is true with a proof of size $o(|x| + |w|)$, where $w$ is the associated $\mathsf{NP}$ witness. A SNARG satisfies adaptive soundness if the malicious prover can choose the statement to prove after seeing the scheme parameters. In this work, we provide the first adaptively-sound SNARG for $\mathsf{NP}$ in the plain model assuming sub-exponentially-hard indistinguishability obfuscation, sub-exponentially-hard one-way functions, and either the (polynomial) hardness of the discrete log assumption or the (polynomial) hardness of factoring. This gives the first adaptively-sound SNARG for $\mathsf{NP}$ from falsifiable assumptions. All previous SNARGs for $\mathsf{NP}$ in the plain model either relied on non-falsifiable cryptographic assumptions or satisfied a weak notion of non-adaptive soundness (where the adversary has to choose the statement it proves before seeing the scheme parameters).
Shihe Ma, Tairong Huang, Anyu Wang, Xiaoyun Wang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Power-of-two cyclotomics is a popular choice when instantiating the BGV scheme because of its efficiency and compliance with the FHE standard. However, in power-of-two cyclotomics, the linear transformations in BGV bootstrapping cannot be decomposed into sub-transformations for acceleration with existing techniques. Thus, they can be highly time-consuming when the number of slots is large, degrading the advantage brought by the SIMD property of the plaintext space. By exploiting the algebraic structure of power-of-two cyclotomics, this paper derives explicit decomposition of the linear transformations in BGV bootstrapping into NTT-like sub-transformations, which are highly efficient to compute homomorphically. Moreover, multiple optimizations are made to evaluate homomorphic linear transformations, including modified BSGS algorithms, trade-offs between level and time, and specific simplifications for thin and general bootstrapping. We implement our method on HElib. With the number of slots ranging from 4096 to 32768, we obtain a 7.35x$\sim$143x improvement in the running time of linear transformations and a 4.79x$\sim$66.4x improvement in bootstrapping throughput, compared to previous works or the naive approach.
Chun Guo, Xiao Wang, Kang Yang, Yu Yu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We continue the study of blockcipher-based (tweakable) correlation robust hash functions, which are central building blocks of circuit garbling and oblivious-transfer extension schemes. As results, we first enhance the multi-user tweakable correlation robust notion of Guo et al. (CRYPTO 2020) with a {\it key leaking oracle} that tells the adversary whether a certain user key satisfies the adversarially-chosen predicate. We then investigate the state-of-the-art hash construction of Guo et al. with respect to our new security definition, providing security proof as well as matching attacks. As an application, we exhibit an OT extension protocol with non-trivial multi-user security.
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