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06 April 2024

Fernando Virdia, Mia Filić
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We describe a small tweak to Cuckoo filters that allows securing them under insertions using the techniques from Filić et al. (ACM CCS 2022), without the need for an outer PRF call.
Sulaiman Alhussaini, Serge˘ı Sergeev
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Given that the tropical Stickel protocol and its variants are all vulnerable to the generalized Kotov-Ushakov attack, we suggest employing the max-min semiring and, more generally, max-$T$ semiring where the multiplication is based on a $T-$norm, as a framework to implement the Stickel protocol. While the Stickel protocol over max-min semiring or max-$T$ semiring remains susceptible to a form of Kotov-Ushakov attack, we demonstrate that it exhibits significantly increased resistance against this attack when compared to the tropical (max-plus) implementation.
Jihoon Cho, Changhoon Lee, Eunkyung Kim, Jieun Lee, Beumjin Cho
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Cryptographic agility, or crypto-agility, is a design feature that enables agile updates to new cryptographic algorithms and standards without the need to modify or replace the surrounding infrastructure. This paper examines the prerequisites for crypto-agility and proposes its desired design feature. More specifically, we investigate the design characteristics of widely deployed cybersecurity paradigms, i.e., zero trust, and apply its design feature to crypto-agility, achieving greater visibility and automation in cryptographic management.
Damien Robert
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Biextensions associated to line bundles on abelian varieties allows to reinterpret the usual Weil, Tate, Ate, optimal Ate, \ldots, pairings as monodromy pairings. We introduce a cubical arithmetic, derived from the canonical cubical torsor structure of these line bundles, to obtain an efficient arithmetic of these biextensions.

This unifies and extends Miller's standard algorithm to compute pairings along with other algorithms like elliptic nets and theta functions, and allows to adapt these algorithms to pairings on any model of abelian varieties with a polarisation $\Phi_D$, as long as we have an explicit theorem of the square for $D$.

In particular, we give explicit formulas for the arithmetic of the biextension (and cubical torsor structure) associated to the divisor $D=2(0_E)$ on an elliptic curve. We derive very efficient pairing formulas on elliptic curves and Kummer lines. Notably for generic pairings on Montgomery curves, our cubical biextension ladder algorithm to compute pairings costs only $15M$ by bits, which as far as I know is faster than any pairing doubling formula in the literature.
Björn Ho, Huanhuan Chen, Zeshun Shi, Kaitai Liang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Searchable symmetric encryption (SSE) schemes provide users with the ability to perform keyword searches on encrypted databases without the need for decryption. While this functionality is advantageous, it introduces the potential for inadvertent information disclosure, thereby exposing SSE systems to various types of attacks. In this work, we introduce a new inference attack aimed at enhancing the query recovery accuracy of RefScore (presented at USENIX 2021). The proposed approach capitalizes on both similar data knowledge and an additional volume leakage as auxiliary information, facilitating the extraction of keyword matches from leaked data. Empirical evaluations conducted on multiple real-world datasets demonstrate a notable enhancement in query recovery accuracy, up to 19.5%. We also analyze the performance of the proposed attack in the presence of diverse countermeasures.
Manning Zhang, Zeshun Shi, Huanhuan Chen, Kaitai Liang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Searchable symmetric encryption has been vulnerable to inference attacks that rely on uniqueness in leakage patterns. However, many keywords in datasets lack distinctive leakage patterns, limiting the effectiveness of such attacks. The file injection attacks, initially proposed by Cash et al. (CCS 2015), have shown impressive performance with 100% accuracy and no prior knowledge requirement. Nevertheless, this attack fails to recover queries with underlying keywords not present in the injected files. To address these limitations, our research introduces a novel attack strategy called LEAP-Hierarchical Fusion Attack (LHFA) that combines the strengths of both file injection attacks and inference attacks. Before initiating keyword injection, we introduce a new approach for inert/active keyword selection. In the phase of selecting injected keywords, we focus on keywords without unique leakage patterns and recover them, leveraging their presence for document recovery. Our goal is to achieve an amplified effect in query recovery. We demonstrate a minimum query recovery rate of 1.3 queries per injected keyword with a 10% data leakage of a real-life dataset, and initiate further research to overcome challenges associated with non-distinctive keywords.
Xueyan Tang, Lingzhi Shi, Xun Wang, Kyle Charbonnet, Shixiang Tang, Shixiao Sun
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) technology marks a revolutionary advancement in the field of cryptography, enabling the verification of certain information ownership without revealing any specific details. This technology, with its paradoxical yet powerful characteristics, provides a solid foundation for a wide range of applications, especially in enhancing the privacy and security of blockchain technology and other cryptographic systems. As ZKP technology increasingly becomes a part of the blockchain infrastructure, its importance for security and integrity becomes more pronounced. However, the complexity of ZKP implementation and the rapid iteration of the technology introduce various vulnerabilities, challenging the privacy and security it aims to offer.

This study bases on the integrity, soundness, and zero-knowledge properties of ZKP to meticulously classify existing vulnerabilities and deeply explores multiple categories of vulnerabilities, including integrity issues, soundness problems, information leakage, and non-standardized cryptographic implementations. Furthermore, we propose a set of defense strategies that include a rigorous security audit process and a robust distributed network security ecosystem. This audit strategy employs a divide-and-conquer approach, segmenting the project into different levels, from the application layer to the platform-nature infrastructure layer, using threat modeling, linear code checking, and internal cross-review, among other means, aimed at comprehensively identifying vulnerabilities in ZKP circuits, revealing design flaws in ZKP applications, and accurately identifying inaccuracies in the integration process of ZKP primitives.

04 April 2024

Kolkata, India, 9 December - 13 December 2024
Asiacrypt Asiacrypt
Event date: 9 December to 13 December 2024
Submission deadline: 28 May 2024
Notification: 25 August 2024

01 April 2024

Riva San Vitale, Switzerland, 1 July - 5 July 2024
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 1 July to 5 July 2024
Kyungbae Jang, Sejin Lim, Yujin Oh, Anubhab Baksi, Sumanta Chakraborty, Hwajeong Seo
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Quantum computers have the potential to solve hard problems that are nearly impossible to solve by classical computers, this has sparked a surge of research to apply quantum technology and algorithm against the cryptographic systems to evaluate for its quantum resistance. In the process of selecting post-quantum standards, NIST categorizes security levels based on the complexity that quantum computers would require to crack AES encryption (levels 1, 3, and 5) and SHA-2 or SHA-3 (levels 2 and 4).

In assessing the security strength of cryptographic algorithms against quantum threats, accurate predictions of quantum resources are crucial. Following the work of Jaques et al. in Eurocrypt 2020, NIST estimated security levels 1, 3, and 5, corresponding to quantum circuit size for finding the key for AES-128, AES-192, and AES-256, respectively. This work has been recently followed-up by Huang et al. (Asiacrypt'22) and Liu et al. (Asiacrypt'23). However, for levels 2 and 4, which relate to the collision finding for the SHA-2 and SHA-3 hash functions, quantum attack complexities are probably not well-studied.

In this paper, we present novel techniques for optimizing the quantum circuit implementations for SHA-2 and SHA-3 algorithms in all the categories specified by NIST. After that, we evaluate the quantum circuits of target cryptographic hash functions for quantum collision search. Finally, we define the optimal quantum attack complexity for levels 2 and 4, and comment on the security strength of the extended level. We present new concepts to optimize the quantum circuits at the component level and the architecture level.
Zehua Qiao, Yuejun Liu, Yongbin Zhou, Yuhan Zhao, Shuyi Chen
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As the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) concludes its post-quantum cryptography (PQC) competition, the winning algorithm, Dilithium, enters the deployment phase in 2024. This phase underscores the importance of conducting thorough practical security evaluations. Our study offers an in-depth side-channel analysis of Dilithium, showcasing the ability to recover the complete private key, ${s}_1$, within ten minutes using just two signatures and achieving a 60 success rate with a single signature. We focus on analyzing the polynomial addition in Dilithium, $z=y+{cs}_1$, by breaking down the attack into two main phases: the recovery of $y$ and ${cs}_1$ through side-channel attacks, followed by the resolution of a system of error-prone equations related to ${cs}_1$. Employing Linear Regression-based profiled attacks enables the successful recovery of the full $y$ value with a 40% success rate without the necessity for initial filtering. The extraction of ${cs}_1$ is further improved using a CNN model, which boasts an average success rate of 75%. A significant innovation of our research is the development of a constrained optimization-based residual analysis technique. This method efficiently recovers ${s}_1$ from a large set of error-containing equations concerning ${cs}_1$, proving effective even when only 10% of the equations are accurate. We conduct a practical attack on the Dilithium2 implementation on an STM32F4 platform, demonstrating that typically two signatures are sufficient for complete private key recovery, with a single signature sufficing in optimal conditions. Using a general-purpose PC, the full private key can be reconstructed in ten minutes.
Cezary Pilaszewicz, Lea R. Muth, Marian Margraf
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We show how fixed-unitary quantum encryption schemes can be attacked in a black-box setting. We use an efficient technique to invert a unitary transformation on a quantum computer to retrieve an encrypted secret quantum state $\ket{\psi}$. This attack has a success rate of 100% and can be executed in constant time. We name a vulnerable scheme and suggest how to improve it to invalidate this attack. The proposed attack highlights the importance of carefully designing quantum encryption schemes to ensure their security against quantum adversaries, even in a black-box setting.
Zeyu Liu, Katerina Sotiraki, Eran Tromer, Yunhao Wang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Oblivious message retrieval (OMR) allows messages resource-limited recipients to outsource the message retrieval process without revealing which messages are pertinent to which recipient. Its realizations in recent works leave an open problem: can an OMR scheme be both practical and provably secure against spamming attacks from malicious senders (i.e., DoS-resistant) under standard assumptions? In this paper, we first prove that a prior construction OMRp2 is DoS-resistant under a standard LWE assumption, resolving an open conjecture of prior works. Then, we present DoS-PerfOMR: a provably DoS-resistant OMR construction that is 12x faster than OMRp2, and (almost) matches the performance of the state-of-the-art OMR scheme that is not DoS-resistant. As a building block, we analyze the snake-eye resistance property for general PKE schemes. We construct a new lattice-based PKE scheme, LWEmongrass that is provably snake-eye resistant and has better efficiency than the PVW scheme underlying OMRp2. We also show that the natural candidates (e.g., RingLWE PKE) are not snake-eye resistant.

Of independent interest, we introduce two variants of LWE with side information, as components towards proving the properties of LWEmongrass, and reduce standard LWE to them for the parameters of interest.
Eli Orvis
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Recent work by Arpin, Chen, Lauter, Scheidler, Stange, and Tran counted the number of cycles of length $r$ in supersingular $\ell$-isogeny graphs. In this paper, we extend this work to count the number of cycles that occur along the spine. We provide formulas for both the number of such cycles, and the average number as $p \to \infty$, with $\ell$ and $r$ fixed. In particular, we show that when $r$ is not a power of $2$, cycles of length $r$ are disproportionately likely to occur along the spine. We provide experimental evidence that this result holds in the case that $r$ is a power of $2$ as well.
Jules Maire, Damien Vergnaud
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We present new secure multi-party computation protocols for linear algebra over a finite field, which improve the state-of-the-art in terms of security. We look at the case of \emph{unconditional security with perfect correctness}, i.e., information-theoretic security without errors. We notably propose an expected constant-round protocol for solving systems of $m$ linear equations in $n$ variables over $\mathbb{F}_q$ with expected complexity $O(k(n^{2.5} + m^{2.5}+n^2m^{0.5}))$ where $k > m(m+n)+1$ (complexity is measured in terms of the number of secure multiplications required). The previous proposals were not error-free: known protocols can indeed fail and thus reveal information with probability $\Omega(\textsf{poly}(m)/q)$. Our protocols are simple and rely on existing computer-algebra techniques, notably the Preparata-Sarwate algorithm, a simple but poorly known ``baby-step giant-step'' method for computing the characteristic polynomial of a matrix, and techniques due to Mulmuley for error-free linear algebra in positive characteristic.
Jehyuk Jang, Jamie Judd
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The advancement of succinct non-interactive argument of knowledge (SNARK) with constant proof size has significantly enhanced the efficiency and privacy of verifiable computation. Verifiable computation finds applications in distributed computing networks, particularly in scenarios where nodes cannot be generally trusted, such as blockchains. However, fully harnessing the efficiency of SNARK becomes challenging when the computing targets in the network change frequently, as the SNARK verification can involve some untrusted preprocess of the target, which is expected to be reproduced by other nodes. This problem can be addressed with two approaches: One relieves the reproduction overhead by reducing the dimensionality of preprocessing data; The other utilizes verifiable machine computation, which eliminates the dependency on preprocess at the cost of increased overhead to SNARK proving and verification. In this paper, we propose a new SNARK with constant proof size applicable to both approaches. The proposed SNARK combines the efficiency of Groth16 protocol, albeit lacking universality for new problems, and the universality of PlonK protocol, albeit with significantly larger preprocessing data dimensions. Consequently, we demonstrate that our proposed SNARK maintains the efficiency and the universality while significantly reducing the dimensionality of preprocessing data. Furthermore, our SNARK can be seamlessly applied to the verifiable machine computation, requiring a proof size smaller about four to ten times than other related works.
Olive Chakraborty, Aymen Boudguiga
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Nowadays Federated learning (FL) is established as one of the best techniques for collaborative machine learning. It allows a set of clients to train a common model without disclosing their sensitive and private dataset to a coordination server. The latter is in charge of the model aggregation. However, FL faces some problems, regarding the security of updates, integrity of computation and the availability of a server. In this paper, we combine some new ideas like clients’ reputation with techniques like secure aggregation using Homomorphic Encryption and verifiable secret sharing using Multi-Party Computation techniques to design a decentralized FL system that addresses the issues of incentives, security and availability amongst others. One of the original contributions of this work is the new leader election protocol which uses a secure shuffling and is based on a proof of reputation. Indeed, we propose to select an aggregator among the clients participating to the FL training using their reputations. That is, we estimate the reputation of each client at every FL iteration and then we select the next round aggregator from the set of clients with the best reputations. As such, we remove misbehaving clients (e.g., byzantines) from the list of clients eligible for the role of aggregation server.
Victor Youdom Kemmoe, Anna Lysyanskaya
ePrint Report ePrint Report
A cryptographic accumulator is a compact data structure for representing a set of elements coming from some domain. It allows for a compact proof of membership and, in the case of a universal accumulator, non-membership of an element x in the data structure. A dynamic accumulator, furthermore, allows elements to be added to and deleted from the accumulator. Previously known RSA-based dynamic accumulators were too slow in practice because they required that an element in the domain be represented as a prime number. Accumulators based on settings other than RSA had other drawbacks such as requiring a prohibitively large common reference string or a trapdoor, or not permitting deletions. In this paper, we construct RSA-based dynamic universal accumulators that do not require that the accumulated elements be represented as primes. We also show how to aggregate membership and non-membership witnesses and batch additions and deletions. We demonstrate that the efficiency gains compared to previously known RSA-based accumulators are substantial, and, for the first time, make cryptographic accumulators a viable candidate for a certificate revocation mechanism as part of a WebPKI-type system.
Benjamin E. Diamond, Jim Posen
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We introduce a polylogarithmic-verifier polynomial commitment scheme for multilinears over towers of binary fields. To achieve this, we adapt an idea of Zeilberger, Chen and Fisch's BaseFold ('23) to the setting of binary towers, using FRI (ICALP '18)'s binary-field variant. In the process, we reinterpret Lin, Chung and Han (FOCS '14)'s novel polynomial basis so as to make apparent its compatibility with FRI. We moreover introduce a "packed" version of our protocol, which supports—with no embedding overhead during its commitment phase—multilinears over tiny fields (including that with just two elements). Our protocol leverages a new multilinear FRI-folding technique, and exploits the recent tensor proximity gap of Diamond and Posen (Commun. Cryptol. '24). We achieve concretely small proofs for enormous binary multilinears, shrinking the proofs of Diamond and Posen ('23) by an order of magnitude.
Alexander Bienstock, Kevin Yeo
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In recent years, there has been tremendous progress in improving the communication complexity of dishonest majority MPC. In the sub-optimal corruption threshold setting, where $t<(1-\varepsilon)\cdot n$ for some constant $0<\varepsilon\leq 1/2$, the recent works Sharing Transformation (Goyal $\textit{et al.}$, CRYPTO'22) and SuperPack (Escudero $\textit{et al.}$, EUROCRYPT'23) presented protocols with information-theoretic online phases achieving $O(1)$ communication per multiplication gate, across all parties. However, the former assumes that their offline phase is instantiated by a trusted party, while the latter instantiates their offline phase with $\Omega(n)$ communication per multiplication gate assuming oblivious linear evaluation (OLE) correlations.

In this work, we present a dishonest majority MPC protocol for $t< (1-\varepsilon)\cdot n$ with $\widetilde{O}(1)$ total communication per multiplication gate across both the offline and online phases, or $\widetilde{O}(|C|)$ total communication for any arithmetic circuit $C$. To do so, we securely instantiate the offline phase of Sharing Transformation, assuming some OLE correlations. The major bottleneck in instantiating the offline phases of both Sharing Transformation and SuperPack is generating random packed beaver triples of the form $[\boldsymbol{a}], [\boldsymbol{b}], [\boldsymbol{c}]$, for random $\boldsymbol{a},\boldsymbol{b}\in\mathbb{F}^k$, and $\boldsymbol{c}=\boldsymbol{a}*\boldsymbol{b}\in\mathbb{F}^k$, where $k=\Omega(n)$ is the $\textit{packing parameter}$. We overcome this barrier by presenting a packed beaver triple protocol with $\widetilde{O}(n)$ total communication, or $\widetilde{O}(1)$ communication per underlying triple.

Our packed beaver triple protocol consists of two levels of randomness extraction. The first level uses a relaxation of super-invertible matrices that we introduce, called $\textit{weakly}$ super-invertible matrices, in which sub-matrices have sufficiently high (but not necessarily full) rank. This weakening enables matrix constructions with only $O(n)$ non-zero entries, which is a primary reason for the efficiency of our protocol. Our second level of extraction is based on the $\textit{triple extraction}$ protocol of (Choudhury and Patra, Trans. Inform. Theory '17).
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