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29 April 2024

Giulio Malavolta
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A verifiable random function (VRF) allows one to compute a random-looking image, while at the same time providing a unique proof that the function was evaluated correctly. VRFs are a cornerstone of modern cryptography and, among other applications, are at the heart of recently proposed proof-of-stake consensus protocols. In this work we initiate the formal study of aggregate VRFs, i.e., VRFs that allow for the aggregation of proofs/images into a small di- gest, whose size is independent of the number of input proofs/images, yet it still enables sound verification. We formalize this notion along with its security properties and we propose two constructions: The first scheme is conceptually simple, concretely efficient, and uses (asymmetric) bilinear groups of prime order. Pseudorandomness holds in the random oracle model and aggregate pseudorandomness is proven in the algebraic group model. The second scheme is in the standard model and it is proven secure against the learning with errors (LWE) problem.

As a cryptographic building block of independent interest, we introduce the notion of key homomorphic VRFs, where the verification keys and the proofs are endowed with a group structure. We conclude by discussing several applications of key-homomorphic and aggregate VRFs, such as distributed VRFs and aggregate proof-of-stake protocols.
Javad Ghareh Chamani, Ioannis Demertzis, Dimitrios Papadopoulos, Charalampos Papamanthou, Rasool Jalili
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We propose GraphOS, a system that allows a client that owns a graph database to outsource it to an untrusted server for storage and querying. It relies on doubly-oblivious primitives and trusted hardware to achieve a very strong privacy and efficiency notion which we call oblivious graph processing: the server learns nothing besides the number of graph vertexes and edges, and for each query its type and response size. At a technical level, GraphOS stores the graph on a doubly-oblivious data structure, so that all vertex/edge accesses are indistinguishable. For this purpose, we propose Omix++, a novel doubly-oblivious map that outperforms the previous state of the art by up to 34×, and may be of independent interest. Moreover, to avoid any leakage from CPU instruction fetching during query evaluation, we propose algorithms for four fundamental graph queries (BFS/DFS traversal, minimum spanning tree, and single-source shortest paths) that have a fixed execution trace, i.e., the sequence of executed operations is independent of the input. By combining these techniques, we eliminate all information that a hardware adversary observing the memory access pattern within the protected enclave can infer. We benchmarked GraphOS against the best existing solution, based on oblivious relational DBMS(translating graph queries to relational operators). GraphOS is not only significantly more performant (by up to two orders of magnitude for our tested graphs) but it eliminates leakage related to the graph topology that is practically inherent when a relational DBMS is used unless all operations are “padded” to the worst case.
Xuanji Meng, Xiao Sui, Zhaoxin Yang, Kang Rong, Wenbo Xu, Shenglong Chen, Ying Yan, Sisi Duan
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We present Rondo, a scalable and reconfiguration-friendly distributed randomness beacon (DRB) protocol in the partially synchronous model. Rondo is the first DRB protocol that is built from batched asynchronous verifiable secret sharing (bAVSS) and meanwhile avoids the high $O(n^3)$ message cost, where $n$ is the number of nodes. Our key contribution lies in the introduction of a new variant of bAVSS called batched asynchronous verifiable secret sharing with partial output (bAVSS-PO). bAVSS-PO is a weaker primitive than bAVSS but allows us to build a secure and more efficient DRB protocol. We propose a bAVSS-PO protocol Breeze. Breeze achieves the optimal $O(n)$ messages for the sharing stage and allows Rondo to offer better scalability than prior DRB protocols. Additionally, to support the reconfiguration, we introduce Rondo-BFT, a dynamic and partially synchronous Byzantine fault-tolerant protocol inspired by Dyno (S&P 2022). Unlike Dyno, Rondo-BFT provides a communication pattern that generates randomness beacon output periodically, making it well-suited for DRB applications.

We implement our protocols and evaluate the performance on Amazon EC2 using up to 91 instances. Our evaluation results show that Rondo achieves higher throughput than existing works and meanwhile offers better scalability, where the performance does not degrade as significantly as $n$ grows.
Andrija Novakovic, Liam Eagen
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper we explore efficient ways to prove correctness of elliptic curve pairing relations. Pairing-based cryptographic protocols such as the Groth16 and Plonk SNARKs and the BLS signature scheme are used extensively in public blockchains such as Ethereum due in large part to their small size. However the relatively high cost of pairing computation remains a practical problem for many use cases such as verification ``in circuit" inside a SNARK. This naturally arises in recursive SNARK composition and SNARKs of BLS based consensus protocols.

To improve pairing verification, we first show that the final exponentiation step of pairing verification can be replaced with a more efficient ``residue check," which can be incorporated into the Miller loop. Then, we show how to reduce the cost of the Miller loop by pre-computing all the necessary lines, and how this is especially efficient when the second pairing argument is fixed in advance. This is the case for BLS signatures with a fixed public key, as well as for KZG based SNARKs like Plonk and two of the three Groth16 pairings. Finally, we show how to improve of the protocol of [gar] by combining quotients, which allows us to more efficiently prove higher degree relations. These techniques also carry over naturally to pairing verification, for example on-chain verification or as part of the BitVM(2) protocol for Bitcoin smart contracts. We instantiate algorithms and show results for the BN254 curve.

26 April 2024

Dustin Ray, Caroline El Jazmi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Machine-learning systems continue to advance at a rapid pace, demonstrating remarkable utility in various fields and disciplines. As these systems continue to grow in size and complexity, a nascent industry is emerging which aims to bring machine-learning-as-a-service (MLaaS) to market. Outsourcing the operation and training of these systems to powerful hardware carries numerous advantages, but challenges arise when needing to ensure privacy and the correctness of work carried out by a potentially untrusted party. Recent advancements in the discipline of applied zero-knowledge cryptography, and probabilistic proof systems in general, have led to a means of generating proofs of integrity for any computation, which in turn can be efficiently verified by any party, in any place, at any time.

In this work we present the application of a non-interactive, plausibly-post-quantum-secure, probabilistically-checkable argument system utilized as an efficiently verifiable guarantee that a privacy mechanism was irrefutably applied to a machine-learning model during the training process. That is, we prove the correct training of a differentially-private (DP) linear regression over a dataset of 60,000 samples on a single machine in 55 minutes, verifying the entire computation in 47 seconds. To our knowledge, this result represents the fastest known instance in the literature of provable-DP over a dataset of this size. Finally, we show how this task can be run in parallel, leading to further dramatic reductions in prover and verifier runtime complexity. We believe this result constitutes a key stepping-stone towards end-to-end private MLaaS.
Zhengjun Cao, Lihua Liu
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We show the authentication mechanism [Ad Hoc Networks, 2023, 103003] fails to keep user anonymity, not as claimed.
Marshall Ball, Juan Garay, Peter Hall, Aggelos Kiayias, Giorgos Panagiotakos
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We investigate the feasibility of permissionless consensus (aka Byzantine agreement) under standard assumptions. A number of protocols have been proposed to achieve permissionless consensus, most notably based on the Bitcoin protocol; however, to date no protocol is known that can be provably instantiated outside of the random oracle model.

In this work, we take the first steps towards achieving permissionless consensus in the standard model. In particular, we demonstrate that worst-case conjectures in fine-grained complexity, in particular the orthogonal vectors conjecture (implied by the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis), imply permissionless consensus in the random beacon model—a setting where a fresh random value is delivered to all parties at regular intervals. This gives a remarkable win-win result: either permissionless consensus exists relative to a random beacon, or there are non-trivial worst-case algorithmic speed-ups for a host of natural algorithmic problems (including SAT).

Our protocol achieves resilience against adversaries that control an inverse-polynomial fraction of the honest computational power, i.e., adversarial power $A = T^{1−ε} $ for some constant $ε > 0$, where $T$ denotes the honest computational power. This relatively low threshold is a byproduct of the slack in the fine-grained complexity conjectures.

One technical highlight is the construction of a Seeded Proof of Work: a Proof of Work where many (correlated) challenges can be derived from a single short public seed, and yet still no non-trivial amortization is possible.
Seyoon Ragavan
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In this note, we improve the space-efficient variant of Regev's quantum factoring algorithm [Reg23] proposed by Ragavan and Vaikuntanathan [RV24] by constant factors in space and/or size. This allows us to bridge the significant gaps in concrete efficiency between the circuits by [Reg23] and [RV24]; [Reg23] uses far fewer gates, while [RV24] uses far fewer qubits. The main observation is that the space-efficient quantum modular exponentiation technique by [RV24] can be modified to work with more general sequences of integers than the Fibonacci numbers. We parametrize this in terms of a linear recurrence relation, and through this formulation construct three different circuits for quantum factoring: - A circuit that uses $\approx 12.4n$ qubits and $\approx 54.9n^{1/2}$ multiplications of $n$-bit integers. - A circuit that uses $(9+\epsilon)n$ qubits and $O_\epsilon(n^{1/2})$ multiplications of $n$-bit integers, for any $\epsilon > 0$. - A circuit that uses $(24+\epsilon)n^{1/2}$ multiplications of $n$-bit integers, and $O_\epsilon(n)$ qubits, for any $\epsilon > 0$.

In comparison, the original circuit by [Reg23] uses at least $\approx 3n^{3/2}$ qubits and $\approx 6n^{1/2}$ multiplications of $n$-bit integers, while the space-efficient variant by [RV24] uses $\approx 10.32n$ qubits and $\approx 138.3n^{1/2}$ multiplications of $n$-bit integers (although a very simple modification of their Fibonacci-based circuit uses $\approx 11.32n$ qubits and only $\approx 103.7n^{1/2}$ multiplications of $n$-bit integers). The improvements proposed in this note take effect for sufficiently large values of $n$; it remains to be seen whether they can also provide benefits for practical problem sizes.
Mahdieh Heidaripour, Ladan Kian, Maryam Rezapour, Mark Holcomb, Benjamin Fuller, Gagan Agrawal, Hoda Maleki
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Storage of sensitive multi-dimensional arrays must be secure and efficient in storage and processing time. Searchable encryption allows one to trade between security and efficiency. Searchable encryption design focuses on building indexes, overlooking the crucial aspect of record retrieval. Gui et al. (PoPETS 2023) showed that understanding the security and efficiency of record retrieval is critical to understand the overall system. A common technique for improving security is partitioning data tuples into parts. When a tuple is requested, the entire relevant part is retrieved, hiding the tuple of interest. This work assesses tuple partitioning strategies in the dense data setting, considering parts that are random, $1$-dimensional, and multi-dimensional. We consider synthetic datasets of $2$, $3$ and $4$ dimensions, with sizes extending up to $2$M tuples. We compare security and efficiency across a variety of record retrieval methods. Our findings are: 1. For most configurations, multi-dimensional partitioning yields better efficiency and less leakage. 2. 1-dimensional partitioning outperforms multi-dimensional partitioning when the first (indexed) dimension is any size as long as the query is large in all other dimensions except the (the first dimension can be any size). 3. The leakage of 1-dimensional partitioning is reduced the most when using a bucketed ORAM (Demertiz et al., USENIX Security 2020).
Robin Jadoul, Axel Mertens, Jeongeun Park, Hilder V. L. Pereira
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The NTRU problem has proven a useful building block for efficient bootstrapping in Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) schemes, and different such schemes have been proposed. FINAL (ASIACRYPT 2022) first constructed FHE using homomorphic multiplexer (CMux) gates for the blind rotation operation. Later, XZD+23 (CRYPTO 2023) gave an asymptotic optimization by changing the ciphertext format to enable ring automorphism evaluations. In this work, we examine an adaptation to FINAL to evaluate CMux gates of higher arity and the resulting tradeoff to running times and bootstrapping key sizes. In this setting, we can compare the time and space efficiency of both bootstrapping protocols with larger key space against each other and the state of the art.
Tomer Ashur, Mohammad Mahzoun, Jim Posen, Danilo Šijačić
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Zero-knowledge proof systems are widely used in different applications on the Internet. Among zero-knowledge proof systems, SNARKs are a popular choice because of their fast verification time and small proof size. The efficiency of zero-knowledge systems is crucial for usability, resulting in the development of so-called arithmetization-oriented ciphers. In this work, we introduce Vision Mark-32, a modified instance of Vision defined over binary tower fields, with an optimized number of rounds and an efficient MDS matrix. We implement a fully-pipelined Vision Mark-32 permutation on Alveo U55C FPGA accelerator card and argue an order of magnitude better hardware efficiency compared to the popular Poseidon hash. Our fully-pipelined Vision Mark-32 implementation runs at 250 MHz and uses 398 kLUT and 104 kFF. Lastly, we delineate how to implement each step efficiently in hardware.
Qin Yuan, Chunlei Li, Xiangyong Zeng, Tor Helleseth, Debiao He
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Nonlinear complexity is an important measure for assessing the randomness of sequences. In this paper we investigate how circular shifts affect the nonlinear complexities of finite-length binary sequences and then reveal a more explicit relation between nonlinear complexities of finite-length binary sequences and their corresponding periodic sequences. Based on the relation, we propose two algorithms that can generate all periodic binary sequences with any prescribed nonlinear complexity.
Tahoura Mosavirik, Shahin Tajik
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The expansion of flip-chip technologies and a lack of backside protection make the integrated circuit (IC) vulnerable to certain classes of physical attacks mounted from the IC’s backside. Laser-assisted probing, electromagnetic, and body-basing injection attacks are examples of such attacks. Unfortunately, there are few countermeasures proposed in the literature, and none are available commercially. Those that do exist are not only expensive but are incompatible with current IC manufacturing processes. They also cannot be integrated into legacy systems, such as field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), which are integral parts of many of the industrial and defense systems. In this paper, we demonstrate how the impedance monitoring of the printed circuit board (PCB) and IC package’s power distribution network (PDN) using on-chip circuit-based network analyzers can detect IC backside tampering. Our method is based on the fact that any tampering attempt to expose the backside silicon substrate, such as the removal of the fan and heat sinks, leads to changes in the equivalent impedance of the package’s PDN, and hence, scanning the package impedance will reveal whether the package integrity has been violated. To validate our claims, we deploy an on-FPGA network analyzer on an AMD Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC manufactured with 16 nm technology, which is part of a multi-PCB system. We conduct a series of experiments at different temperatures, leveraging the difference of means as the statistical metric, to demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in detecting tamper events required to expose the IC backside silicon.
Vahid R. Asadi, Kohdai Kuroiwa, Debbie Leung, Alex May, Sabrina Pasterski, Chris Waddell
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The conditional disclosure of secrets (CDS) primitive is among the simplest cryptographic settings in which to study the relationship between communication, randomness, and security. CDS involves two parties, Alice and Bob, who do not communicate but who wish to reveal a secret $z$ to a referee if and only if a Boolean function $f$ has $f(x,y)=1$. Alice knows $x,z$, Bob knows $y$, and the referee knows $x,y$. Recently, a quantum analogue of this primitive called CDQS was defined and related to f-routing, a task studied in the context of quantum position-verification. CDQS has the same inputs, outputs, and communication pattern as CDS but allows the use of shared entanglement and quantum messages. We initiate the systematic study of CDQS, with the aim of better understanding the relationship between privacy and quantum resources in the information theoretic setting. We begin by looking for quantum analogues of results already established in the classical CDS literature. Doing so we establish a number of basic properties of CDQS, including lower bounds on entanglement and communication stated in terms of measures of communication complexity. Because of the close relationship to the $f$-routing position-verification scheme, our results have relevance to the security of these schemes.
Cédric Pilatte
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In 1994, Shor introduced his famous quantum algorithm to factor integers and compute discrete logarithms in polynomial time. In 2023, Regev proposed a multi-dimensional version of Shor's algorithm that requires far fewer quantum gates. His algorithm relies on a number-theoretic conjecture on the elements in $(\mathbb{Z}/N\mathbb{Z})^{\times}$ that can be written as short products of very small prime numbers. We prove a version of this conjecture using tools from analytic number theory such as zero-density estimates. As a result, we obtain an unconditional proof of correctness of this improved quantum algorithm and of subsequent variants.
Bernardo David, Rafael Dowsley, Anders Konring, Mario Larangeira
ePrint Report ePrint Report
A Verifiable Random Function (VRF) can be evaluated on an input by a prover who holds a secret key, generating a pseudorandom output and a proof of output validity that can be verified using the corresponding public key. VRFs are a central building block of committee election mechanisms that sample parties to execute tasks in cryptographic protocols, e.g. generating blocks in a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) blockchain or executing a round of MPC protocols. We propose the notion, and a matching construction, of an Aggregatable Key-Evolving VRF (A-KE-VRF) with the following extra properties: 1. Aggregation: combining proofs for several VRF evaluations of different inputs under different secret keys into a single constant size proof; 2. Key-Evolving: preventing adversaries who corrupt a party (learning their secret key) from ``forging'' proofs of past VRF evaluations. As an immediate application, we improve on the block size of PoS blockchains and on the efficiency of Proofs of Proof-of-Stake (PoPoS). Furthermore, the A-KE-VRF notion allows us to construct Encryption to the Future (EtF) and Authentication from the Past (AfP) schemes with a Key-Evolving property, which provides forward security. An EtF scheme allows for sending a message to a party who is randomly selected to execute a role in the future, while an AfP scheme allows for this party to authenticate their messages as coming from a past execution of this role. These primitives are essential for realizing the YOSO MPC Framework (CRYPTO'21).
Nicholas Ngai, Ioannis Demertzis, Javad Ghareh Chamani, Dimitrios Papadopoulos
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Existing oblivious systems offer robust security by concealing memory access patterns, but they encounter significant scalability and performance challenges. Recent efforts to enhance the practicality of these systems involve embedding oblivious computation, e.g., oblivious sorting and shuffling, within Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs). For instance, oblivious sort has been heavily utilized: in Oblix (S&P'18), when oblivious indexes are created and accessed; in Snoopy's high-throughput oblivious key-value (SOSP'21) during initialization and when the input requests are deduplicated and prepared for delivery; in Opaque (NSDI'17) for all the proposed oblivious SQL operators; in the state-of-the-art non-foreign key oblivious join approach (PVLDB'20). Additionally, oblivious sort/shuffle find applications in Signal's commercial solution for contact discovery, anonymous Google's Key Transparency, Searchable Encryption, software monitoring, and differentially private federated learning with user privacy.

In this work, we address the scalability bottleneck of oblivious sort and shuffle by re-designing these approaches to achieve high efficiency in distributed multi-enclave environments. First, we propose a multi-threaded bitonic sort optimized for the distributed setting, making it the most performant oblivious sort for small number of enclaves (up to 4). For larger numbers of enclaves, we propose a novel oblivious bucket sort, which improves data locality and network consumption and outperforms our optimized distributed bitonic-sort by up to 5-6x. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first distributed oblivious TEE-based sorting solutions. For reference, we are able to sort 2 GiB of data in 1 second and 128 GiB in 53.4 seconds in a multi-enclave test. A fundamental building block of our oblivious bucket-sort is an oblivious shuffle that improves the prior state-of-the-art result (CCS'22) by up to 9.5x in the distributed multi-enclave setting---interestingly it is better by 10% even in the single-enclave/multi-thread setting.
Anant Sharma, Nupur Deshpande, Sanchita Ghosh, Sreetama Das, Shibdas Roy
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The traveling salesman problem is the problem of finding out the shortest route in a network of cities, that a salesman needs to travel to cover all the cities, without visiting the same city more than once. This problem is known to be $NP$-hard with a brute-force complexity of $O(N^N)$ or $O(N^{2N})$ for $N$ number of cities. This problem is equivalent to finding out the shortest Hamiltonian cycle in a given graph, if at least one Hamiltonian cycle exists in it. Quantum algorithms for this problem typically provide with a quadratic speedup only, using Grover's search, thereby having a complexity of $O(N^{N/2})$ or $O(N^N)$. We present a bounded-error quantum polynomial-time (BQP) algorithm for solving the problem, providing with an exponential speedup. The overall complexity of our algorithm is $O(N^3\log(N)\kappa/\epsilon + 1/\epsilon^3)$, where the errors $\epsilon$ are $O(1/{\rm poly}(N))$, and $\kappa$ is the not-too-large condition number of the matrix encoding all Hamiltonian cycles.
Masaya Nanri, Octavio Perez Kempner, Mehdi Tibouchi, Masayuki Abe
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Equivalence class signatures allow a controlled form of malleability based on equivalence classes defined over the message space. As a result, signatures can be publicly randomized and adapted to a new message representative in the same equivalence class. Notably, security requires that an adapted signature-message pair looks indistinguishable from a random signature-message pair in the space of valid signatures for the new message representative. Together with the decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption, this yields an unlinkability notion (class-hiding), making them a very attractive building block for privacy-preserving primitives.

Mercurial signatures are an extension of equivalence class signatures that allow malleability for the key space. Unfortunately, the most efficient construction to date suffers a severe limitation that limits their application: only a weak form of public key class-hiding is supported. In other words, given knowledge of the original signing key and randomization of the corresponding public key, it is possible to identify whether they are related.

In this work, we put forth the notion of interactive threshold mercurial signatures and show how they help to overcome the above-mentioned limitation. Moreover, we present constructions in the two-party and multi-party settings, assuming at least one honest signer. We also discuss related applications, including blind signatures, multi-signatures, and threshold ring signatures. To showcase the practicality of our approach, we implement the proposed constructions, comparing them against related alternatives.
Andrea Basso
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We introduce a new framework, POKE, to build cryptographic protocols from irrational isogenies using higher-dimensional representations. The framework enables two parties to manipulate higher-dimensional representations of isogenies to efficiently compute their pushforwards, and ultimately to obtain a shared secret.

We provide three constructions based on POKE: the first is a PKE protocol, which is one of the most compact post-quantum PKEs and possibly the most efficient isogeny-based PKE to date. We then introduce a validation technique to ensure the correctness of uniSIDH public keys: by combining the validation method with a POKE-based construction, we obtain a split KEM, a primitive that generalizes NIKEs and can be used to instantiate a post-quantum version of the Signal's X3DH protocol. The third construction builds upon the split KEM and its validation method to obtain a round-optimal verifiable OPRF. It is the first such construction that does not require more than $\lambda$ isogeny computations, and it is significantly more compact and more efficient than all other isogeny-based OPRFs.
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