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06 May 2024

Nicolas Alhaddad, Leonid Reyzin, Mayank Varia
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Asynchronous Verifiable Information Dispersal (AVID) allows a dealer to disperse a message $M$ across a collection of server replicas consistently and efficiently, such that any future client can reliably retrieve the message $M$ if some servers fail. Since AVID was introduced by Cachin and Tessaro in 2005, several works improved the asymptotic communication complexity of AVID protocols. However, recent gains in communication complexity have come at the expense of sub-optimal storage, which is the dominant cost in long-term archiving. Moreover, recent works do not provide a mechanism to detect errors until the retrieval stage, which may result in completely wasted long-term storage if the dealer is malicious.

In this work, we contribute a new AVID construction that achieves optimal storage and guaranteed output delivery, without sacrificing on communication complexity during dispersal or retrieval. First, we introduce a technique that bootstraps from dispersal of a message with sub-optimal storage to one with optimal storage. Second, we define and construct an AVID protocol that is robust, meaning that all server replicas are guaranteed at dispersal time that their fragments will contribute toward retrieval of a valid message. Third, we add the new possibility that some server replicas may lose their fragment in between dispersal and retrieval (as is likely in the long-term archiving scenario). This allows us to rely on fewer available replicas for retrieval than are required for dispersal.
Lucien K. L. Ng, Panagiotis Chatzigiannis, Duc V. Le, Mohsen Minaei, Ranjit Kumaresan, Mahdi Zamani
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In recent years, many blockchain systems have progressively transitioned to proof-of-stake (PoS) con- sensus algorithms. These algorithms are not only more energy efficient than proof-of-work but are also well-studied and widely accepted within the community. However, PoS systems are susceptible to a particularly powerful "long-range" attack, where an adversary can corrupt the validator set retroactively and present forked versions of the blockchain. These versions would still be acceptable to clients, thereby creating the potential for double-spending. Several methods and research efforts have proposed counter- measures against such attacks. Still, they often necessitate modifications to the underlying blockchain, introduce heavy assumptions such as centralized entities, or prove inefficient for securely bootstrapping light clients. In this work, we propose a method of defending against these attacks with the aid of external servers running our protocol. Our method does not require any soft or hard-forks on the underlying blockchain and operates under reasonable assumptions, specifically the requirement of at least one honest server. Central to our approach is a new primitive called "Insertable Proof of Sequential Work" (InPoSW). Traditional PoSW ensures that a server performs computational tasks that cannot be parallelized and require a minimum execution time, effectively timestamping the input data. InPoSW additionally allows the prover to "insert" new data into an ongoing InPoSW instance. This primitive can be of independent interest for other timestamp applications. Compared to naively adopting prior PoSW schemes for In-PoSW, our construction achieves >22× storage reduction on the server side and >17900× communication cost reduction for each verification.
Zhengjun Cao, Lihua Liu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We show the Seyhan-Akleylek key exchange protocol [J. Supercomput., 2023, 79:17859-17896] cannot resist offline dictionary attack and impersonation attack, not as claimed.
Wutichai Chongchitmate, Steve Lu, Rafail Ostrovsky
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Private Set Intersection (PSI) is a protocol where two parties with individually held confidential sets want to jointly learn (or secret-share) the intersection of these two sets and reveal nothing else to each other. In this paper, we introduce a natural extension of this notion to approximate matching. Specifically, given a distance metric between elements, an approximate PSI (Approx-PSI) allows to run PSI where ``close'' elements match. Assuming that elements are either ``close'' or sufficiently ``far apart'', we present an Approx-PSI protocol for Hamming distance that dramatically improves the overall efficiency compared to all existing approximate-PSI solutions. In particular, we achieve a near-linear $\tilde{O}(n)$ communication complexity, an improvement over the previously best-known $\tilde{O}(n^2)$. We also show Approx-PSI protocols for Edit distance (also known as Levenstein distance), Euclidean distance and angular distance by deploying results on low distortion embeddings to Hamming distance. The latter two results further imply secure Approx-PSI for other metrics such as cosine similarity metric. Our Approx-PSI for Hamming distance is up to 20x faster and communicating 30% less than best known protocols when (1) matching small binary vectors; or (2) matching large threshold; or (3) matching large input sets. We demonstrate that the protocol can be used to match similar images through spread spectrum of the images.
Aloni Cohen, David Bruce Cousins, Nicholas Genise, Erik Kline, Yuriy Polyakov, Saraswathy RV
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We construct an efficient proxy re-encryption (PRE) scheme secure against honest re-encryption attacks (HRA-secure) with precise concrete security estimates. To get these precise concrete security estimates, we introduce the tight, fine-grained noise-flooding techniques of Li et al. (CRYPTO'22) to RLWE-based (homomorphic) PRE schemes, as well as a mixed statistical-computational security to HRA security analysis. Our solution also supports homomorphic operations on the ciphertexts. Such homomorphism allows for advanced applications, e.g., encrypted computation of network statistics across networks and unlimited hops, in the case of full homomorphism, i.e., bootstrapping.

We implement our PRE scheme in the OpenFHE software library and apply it to a problem of secure multi-hop data distribution in the context of 5G virtual network slices. We also experimentally evaluate the performance of our scheme, demonstrating that the implementation is practical.

In addition, we compare our PRE method with other lattice-based PRE schemes and approaches to achieve HRA security. These achieve HRA security, but not in a tight, practical scheme such as our work. Further, we present an attack on the PRE scheme proposed in Davidson et al.'s (ACISP'19), which was claimed to achieve HRA security without noise flooding.
Ojaswi Acharya, Foteini Baldimtsi, Samuel Dov Gordon, Daniel McVicker, Aayush Yadav
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We propose a new notion of vector commitment schemes with proofs of (non-)membership that we call universal vector commitments. We show how to build them directly from (i) Merkle commitments, and (ii) a universal accumulator and a plain vector commitment scheme. We also present a generic construction for universal accumulators over large domains from any vector commitment scheme, using cuckoo hashing. Leveraging the aforementioned generic constructions, we show that universal vector commitment schemes are implied by plain vector commitments and cuckoo hashing.
Martin Feussner, Igor Semaev
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This work introduces DEFI - an efficient hash-and-sign digital signature scheme based on isotropic quadratic forms over a commutative ring of characteristic 0. The form is public, but the construction is a trapdoor that depends on the scheme's private key. For polynomial rings over integers and rings of integers of algebraic number fields, the cryptanalysis is reducible to solving a quadratic Diophantine equation over the ring or, equivalently, to solving a system of quadratic Diophantine equations over rational integers. It is still an open problem whether quantum computers will have any advantage in solving Diophantine problems.
Douglas Stebila, Spencer Wilson
ePrint Report ePrint Report
WebAuthn is a passwordless authentication protocol which allows users to authenticate to online services using public-key cryptography. Users prove their identity by signing a challenge with a private key, which is stored on a device such as a cell phone or a USB security token. This approach avoids many of the common security problems with password-based authentication.

WebAuthn's reliance on proof-of-possession leads to a usability issue, however: a user who loses access to their authenticator device either loses access to their accounts or is required to fall back on a weaker authentication mechanism. To solve this problem, Yubico has proposed a protocol which allows a user to link two tokens in such a way that one (the primary authenticator) can generate public keys on behalf of the other (the backup authenticator). With this solution, users authenticate with a single token, only relying on their backup token if necessary for account recovery. However, Yubico's protocol relies on the hardness of the discrete logarithm problem for its security and hence is vulnerable to an attacker with a powerful enough quantum computer.

We present a WebAuthn recovery protocol which can be instantiated with quantum-safe primitives. We also critique the security model used in previous analysis of Yubico's protocol and propose a new framework which we use to evaluate the security of both the group-based and the quantum-safe protocol. This leads us to uncover a weakness in Yubico's proposal which escaped detection in prior work but was revealed by our model. In our security analysis, we require the cryptographic primitives underlying the protocols to satisfy a number of novel security properties such as KEM unlinkability, which we formalize. We prove that well-known quantum-safe algorithms, including CRYSTALS-Kyber, satisfy the properties required for analysis of our quantum-safe protocol.
Sourav Das, Sisi Duan, Shengqi Liu, Atsuki Momose, Ling Ren, Victor Shoup
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Byzantine consensus is a fundamental building block in distributed cryptographic problems. Despite decades of research, most existing asynchronous consensus protocols require a strong trusted setup and expensive public-key cryptography. In this paper, we study asynchronous Byzantine consensus protocols that do not rely on a trusted setup and do not use public-key cryptography such as digital signatures. We give an Asynchronous Common Subset (ACS) protocol whose security is only based on cryptographic hash functions modeled as a random oracle. Our protocol has $O(\kappa n^3)$ total communication and runs in expected $O(1)$ rounds. The fact that we use only cryptographic hash functions also means that our protocol is post-quantum secure. The minimal use of cryptography and the small number of rounds make our protocol practical. We implement our protocol and evaluate it in a geo-distributed setting with up to 128 machines. Our experimental evaluation shows that our protocol is more efficient than the only other setup-free consensus protocol that has been implemented to date. En route to our asynchronous consensus protocols, we also introduce new primitives called asynchronous secret key sharing and cover gather, which may be of independent interest.

03 May 2024

Karim Eldefrawy, Benjamin Terner, Moti Yung
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Time-lock puzzles are unique cryptographic primitives that use computational complexity to keep information secret for some period of time, after which security expires. Unfortunately, current analysis techniques of time-lock primitives provide no sound mechanism to build multi-party cryptographic protocols which use expiring security as a building block. We explain in this paper that all other attempts at this subtle problem lack either composability, a fully consistent analysis, or functionality. The subtle flaws in the existing frameworks reduce to an impossibility by Mahmoody et al., who showed that time-lock puzzles with super-polynomial gaps (between committer and solver) cannot be constructed from random oracles alone; yet still the analyses of algebraic puzzles today treat the solving process as if each step is a generic or random oracle.

This paper presents a new complexity theoretic based framework and new structural theorems to analyze timed primitives with full generality and in composition (which is the central modular protocol design tool). The framework includes a model of security based on fine-grained circuit complexity which we call residual complexity, which accounts for possible leakage on timed primitives as they expire. Our definitions for multi-party computation protocols generalize the literature standards by accounting for fine-grained polynomial circuit depth to model computational hardness which expires in feasible time. Our composition theorems incur degradation of (fine-grained) security as items are composed. In our framework, simulators are given a polynomial “budget” for how much time they spend, and in composition these polynomials interact.

Finally, we demonstrate via a prototypical auction application how to apply our framework and theorems. For the first time, we show that it is possible to prove – in a way that is fully consistent, with falsifiable assumptions – properties of multi-party applications based on leaky, temporarily secure components.
Scott Griffy, Markulf Kohlweiss, Anna Lysyanskaya, Meghna Sengupta
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Introduced by Kohlweiss, Lysyanskaya, and Nguyen (Eurocrypt'23), an $f$-privacy-preserving blueprint (PPB) system allows an auditor with secret input $x$ to create a public encoding of the function $f(x,\cdot)$ that verifiably corresponds to a commitment $C_x$ to $x$. The auditor will then be able to derive $f(x,y)$ from an escrow $Z$ computed by a user on input the user's private data $y$ corresponding to a commitment $C_y$. $Z$ verifiably corresponds to the commitment $C_y$ and reveals no other information about $y$. PPBs provide an abuse-resistant escrow mechanism: for example, if $f$ is the watchlist function where $f(x,y)$ outputs $y$ only in the event that $y$ is on the list $x$, then an $f$-PPB allows the auditor to trace watchlisted users in an otherwise anonymous system. Yet, the auditor's $x$ must correspond to a publicly available (and potentially authorized by a transparent, lawful process) $C_x$, and the auditor will learn nothing except $f(x,y)$. In this paper, we build on the original PPB results in three ways: (1) We define and satisfy a stronger notion of security where a malicious auditor cannot frame a user in a transaction to which this user was not a party. (2) We provide efficient schemes for a bigger class of functions $f$; for example, for the first time, we show how to realize $f$ that would allow the auditor to trace e-cash transactions of a criminal suspect. (3) For the watchlist and related functions, we reduce the size of the escrow $Z$ from linear in the size of the auditor's input $x$, to logarithmic.
Wyatt Benno
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Foreign field arithmetic often creates significant additional overheads in zero-knowledge proof circuits. Previous work has offloaded foreign arithmetic from proof circuits by using effective and often simple primitives such as Sigma protocols. While these successfully move the foreign field work outside of the circuit, the costs for the Sigma protocol’s verifier still remains high. In use cases where the verifier is constrained computationally this poses a major challenge. One such use case would be in proof composition where foreign arithmetic causes a blowup in the costs for the verifier circuit. In this work we show that by using folding scheme with Sigmabus and other such uniform verifier offloading techniques, we can remove foreign field arithmetic from zero-knowledge proof circuits while achieving succinct final verification. We do this by applying prior techniques iteratively and accumulate the resulting verifier work into one folding proof of size O(|F|) group elements, where F is the size of a single Sigma verifier’s computation. Then by using an existing zkSNARK we can further compress to a proof size of O(log |F|) which can be checked succinctly by a computationally constrained verifier.
Pierre-Emmanuel Clet, Aymen Boudguiga, Renaud Sirdey
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The TFHE cryptosystem only supports small plaintext space, up to 5 bits with usual parameters. However, one solution to circumvent this limitation is to decompose input messages into a basis B over multiple ciphertexts. In this work, we introduce B-gates, an extension of logic gates to non binary bases, to compute base B logic circuit. The flexibility introduced by our approach improves the speed performance over previous approaches such as the so called tree-based method which requires an exponential amount of operations in the number of inputs. We provide experimental results using sorting as a benchmark application and, additionally, we obtain a speed-up of ×3 in latency compared to state of the art BGV techniques for this application. As an additional result, we introduce a keyswitching key specific to packing TLWE ciphertexts into TRLWE ciphertexts with redundancy, which is of interest in many functional bootstrapping scenarios.
Shanuja Sasi, Onur Gunlu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper, we consider two critical aspects of security in the distributed computing (DC) model: secure data shuffling and secure coded computing. It is imperative that any external entity overhearing the transmissions does not gain any information about the intermediate values (IVs) exchanged during the shuffling phase of the DC model. Our approach ensures IV confidentiality during data shuffling. Moreover, each node in the system must be able to recover the IVs necessary for computing its output functions but must also remain oblivious to the IVs associated with output functions not assigned to it. We design secure DC methods and establish achievable limits on the tradeoffs between the communication and computation loads to contribute to the advancement of secure data processing in distributed systems.
Yulian Sun, Li Duan, Ricardo Mendes, Derui Zhu, Yue Xia, Yong Li, Asja Fischer
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Vertical Federated Learning (VFL) is becoming a standard collaborative learning paradigm with various practical applications. Randomness is essential to enhancing privacy in VFL, but introducing too much external randomness often leads to an intolerable performance loss. Instead, as it was demonstrated for other federated learning settings, leveraging internal randomness —as provided by variational autoencoders (VAEs) —can be beneficial. However, the resulting privacy has never been quantified so far nor has the approach been investigated for VFL. We therefore propose a novel differential privacy estimate, denoted as distance-based empirical local differential privacy (dELDP). It allows to empirically bound DP parameters of concrete components, quantifying the internal randomness with appropriate distance and sensitivity metrics. We apply dELDP to investigate the DP of VAEs and observe values up to ε ≈ 6.4 and δ = 2−32. Moreover, to link the dELDP parameters to the privacy of full VAE-including VFL systems in practice, we conduct comprehensive experiments on the robustness against state-of-the-art privacy attacks. The results illustrate that the VAE system is effective against feature reconstruction attacks and outperforms other privacy-enhancing methods for VFL, especially when the adversary holds 75% of features in label inference attack.
Raja Adhithan Radhakrishnan
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This paper endeavors to securely implement a Physical Unclonable Function (PUF) for private data generation within Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). SRAM PUFs are commonly utilized due to their use of memory devices for generating secret data, particularly in resource constrained devices. However, their reliance on memory access poses side-channel threats such as data remanence decay and memory-based attacks, and the time required to generate secret data is significant. To address these issues, we propose implementing n cross-coupled inverters in Verilog to generate n secret bits, followed by syndrome for error correction hardcoded in the hardware itself. This approach improves side channel security and reduces time consumption, albeit at the expense of additional area utilization

02 May 2024

Changzhou, China, 18 October - 19 October 2024
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 18 October to 19 October 2024
Submission deadline: 15 July 2024
Notification: 15 August 2024
Xiamen University Malaysia, Sepang, Malaysia
Job Posting Job Posting

Xiamen University Malaysia is now seeking highly motivated, committed and qualified individuals for academic teaching positions in computer science and cyber security.

Candidates in computer science and cyber security are welcome to apply. The ideal candidate is expected to be able to support general computing subjects, as well as cyber security specialization subjects. Applicants must possess a PhD degree in a related discipline.

Applicants with specific teaching and research interests in TWO OR MORE of the following areas are encouraged to apply:

  • Digital Forensics and Investigation
  • Network Traffic Monitoring and Analysis
  • Advanced Network Attack and Defence Technology
  • Malware Analysis
  • Cryptanalysis
  • Biometrics
  • Blockchain Technology

Applicants are invited to submit a digital application packet to: and

The subject line of your email must include: your name, relevant academic discipline, and the specific position for which you are applying for. All application packets must include the following attachments:

  1. Your detailed and current CV with publication (*Asterisk to indicate corresponding author, include Indexing & Quartile);
  2. Cover letter;
  3. List of courses from the above that the candidate can support;
  4. Evidence of academic qualifications (Bachelor, Master & PhD Certificate; Bachelor, Master & PhD Transcripts and Professional Certificates);
  5. 3-5 Full-Text publications (if applicable);
  6. Teaching evaluation (if applicable);
  7. Two academic references (at least one of them is the applicant’s current/most recent employer).
The positions will remain open until filled, but priority will be given to applications received by 23rd May 2024.

Closing date for applications:


Cyberjaya, Malaysia, 24 September - 26 September 2024
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 24 September to 26 September 2024
Submission deadline: 15 May 2024
Notification: 30 June 2024
Eindhoven, Netherlands, 31 May 2024
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 31 May 2024
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