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27 May 2024

Jana Berušková, Martin Jureček, Olha Jurečková
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This paper deals with reducing the secret key computation time of small scale variants of the AES cipher using algebraic cryptanalysis, which is accelerated by data mining methods. This work is based on the known plaintext attack and aims to speed up the calculation of the secret key by processing the polynomial equations extracted from plaintext-ciphertext pairs. Specifically, we propose to transform the overdefined system of polynomial equations over GF(2) into a new system so that the computation of the Gröbner basis using the F4 algorithm takes less time than in the case of the original system. The main idea is to group similar polynomials into clusters, and for each cluster, sum the two most similar polynomials, resulting in simpler polynomials. We compare different data mining techniques for finding similar polynomials, such as clustering or locality-sensitive hashing (LSH). Experimental results show that using the LSH technique, we get a system of equations for which we can calculate the Gröbner basis the fastest compared to the other methods that we consider in this work. Experimental results also show that the time to calculate the Gröbner basis for the transformed system of equations is significantly reduced compared to the case when the Gröbner basis was calculated from the original non-transformed system. This paper demonstrates that reducing an overdefined system of equations reduces the computation time for finding a secret key.
Yacov Manevich, Hagar Meir, Kaoutar Elkhiyaoui, Yoav Tock, May Buzaglo
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Arma is a Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) consensus system designed to achieve horizontal scalability across all hardware resources: network bandwidth, CPU, and disk I/O. As opposed to preceding BFT protocols, Arma separates the dissemination and validation of client transactions from the consensus process, restricting the latter to totally ordering only metadata of batches of transactions. This separation enables each party to distribute compute and storage resources for transaction validation, dissemination and disk I/O among multiple machines, resulting in horizontal scalability. Additionally, Arma ensures censorship resistance by imposing a maximum time limit on the inclusion of client transactions. We built and evaluated two Arma prototypes. The first is an independent system handling over 200,000 transactions per second, the second integrated into Hyperledger Fabric, speeding its consensus by an order of magnitude.
Julian Loss, Kecheng Shi, Gilad Stern
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Understanding the fault tolerance of Byzantine Agreement protocols is an important question in distributed computing. While the setting of Byzantine faults has been thoroughly explored in the literature, the (arguably more realistic) omission fault setting is far less studied. In this paper, we revisit the recent work of Loss and Stern who gave the first protocol in the mixed fault model tolerating $t$ Byzantine faults, $s$ send faults, and $r$ receive faults, when $2t+r+s2$, or a broadcast protocol for $s+r=n$ and $s>1$ even without overlapping faults.
Susumu Kiyoshima
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Resettable statistical zero-knowledge [Garg--Ostrovsky--Visconti--Wadia, TCC 2012] is a strong privacy notion that guarantees statistical zero-knowledge even when the prover uses the same randomness in multiple proofs.

In this paper, we show an equivalence of resettable statistical zero-knowledge arguments for $NP$ and witness encryption schemes for $NP$. - Positive result: For any $NP$ language $L$, a resettable statistical zero-knowledge argument for $L$ can be constructed from a witness encryption scheme for $L$ under the assumption of the existence of one-way functions. - Negative result: The existence of even resettable statistical witness-indistinguishable arguments for $NP$ imply the existence of witness encryption schemes for $NP$ under the assumption of the existence of one-way functions. The positive result is obtained by naturally extending existing techniques (and is likely to be already well-known among experts). The negative result is our main technical contribution.

To explore workarounds for the negative result, we also consider resettable security in a model where the honest party's randomness is only reused with fixed inputs. We show that resettable statistically hiding commitment schemes are impossible even in this model.
Ali Raya, Vikas Kumar, Sugata Gangopadhyay
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NTRU-like cryptosystems are among the most studied lattice-based post-quantum candidates. While most NTRU proposals have been introduced over a commutative ring of quotient polynomials, other rings can be used. Noncommutative algebra has been endorsed as a direction to build new variants of NTRU a long time ago. The first attempt to construct a noncommutative variant was due to Hoffstein and Silverman motivated by more resistance to lattice attack. The scheme has been built over the group ring of a dihedral group. However, their design differed from standard NTRU and soon was found vulnerable to algebraic attacks. In this work, we revive the group ring NTRU over the dihedral group as an instance of the GR-NTRU framework. Unlike many proposals of noncommutative variants in the literature, our work focuses on putting the scheme into practice. We clear all the aspects that make our scheme implementable by proposing an efficient inversion algorithm over the new setting of the noncommutative ring, describing the decryption failure model, and analyzing the lattice associated with our instantiation. Finally, we discuss the best-known attacks against our scheme and provide an implementation targeting 128-bit, 192-bit, and 256-bit levels of security as proof of its practicality.
Taechan Kim
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Recent improvements to garbled circuits are mainly focused on reducing their size. The state-of-the-art construction of Rosulek and Roy~(Crypto~2021) requires $1.5\kappa$ bits for garbling AND gates in the free-XOR setting. This is below the previously proven lower bound $2\kappa$ in the linear garbling model of Zahur, Rosulek, and Evans~(Eurocrypt~2015).

Recently, Ashur, Hazay, and Satish~(eprint 2024/389) proposed a scheme that requires $4/3\kappa + O(1)$ bits for garbling AND gates. Precisely they extended the idea of \emph{slicing} introduced by Rosulek and Roy to garble 3-input gates of the form $g(u,v,w) := u(v+w)$. By setting $w = 0$, it can be used to garble AND gates with the improved communication costs.

However, in this paper, we observe that the scheme proposed by Ashur, Hazy, and Satish leaks information on the permute bits, thereby allowing the evaluator to reveal information on the private inputs. To be precise, we show that in their garbling scheme, the evaluator can compute the bits $\alpha$ and $\beta + \gamma$, where $\alpha$, $\beta$, and $\gamma$ are the private permute bits of the input labels $A$, $B$, and $C$, respectively.

24 May 2024

IBM Research Europe, Zurich
Job Posting Job Posting
The Cryptography group at IBM Research in Zurich is looking to hire a Ph.D. student to work on constructions and applications of lattice-based zero knowledge proofs. The group is one of the world-leaders in quantum-safe cryptography research and has significantly contributed to all three lattice-based NIST quantum-safe standards.

Our current research emphasis is on practical zero-knowledge proofs based on the same foundations and their application to privacy-based cryptography, where the results look very promising. A motivated researcher should find this to be a very exciting and fast-moving environment to work in.

The ideal candidate is someone who has strong industrial development experience (preferably, but not necessarily, working on some aspect of zero- knowledge proofs or lattice cryptography) and would like to get into the research field by gaining an in-depth understanding of lattice-based cryptography and apply it to designing and deploying practical privacy-based protocols. Strong mathematical foundations and some experience with cryptography is desirable.

Zurich is consistently ranked as one of the top cities for living standards and the immediate proximity of lakes and mountains to the lab allows for the pursuit of numerous hobbies.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Please send a CV and a short description about your interests to Vadim Lyubashevsky ( and Gregor Seiler (

University of New South Wales
Job Posting Job Posting
Remote and embedded devices are the lynchpin of modern networks. Satellites, Aircraft, Remote Sensors and Drones all require numerous embedded devices to function. A key part of ensuring these devices remain ready to carry out operations is to ensure their memory has not been corrupted by an adversary. In this project we will explore methods for securing remote devices using early generation quantum computers. These have the ability to work with one or two qubits at a time, and operate with very limited quantum memory, but they still provide access to valuable quantum effects which can be used for security. The successful student will have an interest in both cyber-security and quantum computing, with a willingness to explore the mathematics needed to exploit quantum algorithms. The student needs to be a domestic Australian, but could be based in either Sydney or Canberra.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Jesse Laeuchli(j.laeuchli at

More information:

Chunghun Baek, Taechan Kim
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Recent improvements to garbled circuits are mainly focused on reducing their size. The state-of-the-art construction of Rosulek and Roy (Crypto 2021) requires $1.5\kappa$ bits for garbling AND gates in the free-XOR setting. This is below the previously proven lower bound $2\kappa$ in the linear garbling model of Zahur, Rosulek, and Evans (Eurocrypt 2015). Whether their construction is optimal in a more inclusive model than the linear garbling model still remains open.

This paper begins by providing a comprehensive model for a large class of practical garbling schemes and proves the lower bound for the size of the garbled AND gates in our model. We show that garbled AND gates require at least $1.5\kappa$ bits in our new model with the free-XOR setting.

It is remarkable to see that the construction by Rosulek and Roy is already optimal despite the fact that our model possibly captures any potential extension of their construction.
Nicolas T. Courtois, Frédéric Amiel, Alexandre Bonnard de Fonvillars
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper we study the S-box known as Xi initially proposed by Daemen in 1995 and very widely used ever since in Keccak, Ascon, and many other. This type of ciphers is typically analyzed [in recent research] in terms of subspace trail attacks [TeDi19] and vector space invariants. An interesting question is then, when different spaces are mapped to each other by translations with a constant. In this paper we relax this fundamental question and we consider arbitrary sets of points and their translations. We generalize previous S-box partial linearization results on Keccak and Ascon from Eurocrypt 2017. We basically introduce new ways to linearize the Ascon S-box to the maximum possible extent. On this basis we show further remarkable properties and some surprising connections between [simultaneous] linear and [prominent] differential properties. We exhibit a new family of maximum size and optimal approximation properties with 11 points, beyond the maximum size of any set in the DDT table. We prove a theorem which guarantees that this type of properties are stable by arbitrary input-side translations which holds for all quadratic permutations. All this will be placed in the context of previous work on classification of 5-bit quadratic permutations.
Björn Kriepke, Gohar Kyureghyan
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We consider the map $\chi:\mathbb{F}_2^n\to\mathbb{F}_2^n$ for $n$ odd given by $y=\chi(x)$ with $y_i=x_i+x_{i+2}(1+x_{i+1})$, where the indices are computed modulo $n$. We suggest a generalization of the map $\chi$ which we call generalized $\chi$-maps. We show that these maps form an Abelian group which is isomorphic to the group of units in $\mathbb{F}_2[X]/(X^{(n+1)/2})$. Using this isomorphism we easily obtain closed-form expressions for iterates of $\chi$ and explain their properties.
Yanyi Liu, Noam Mazor, Rafael Pass
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We present a simple alternative exposition of the the recent result of Hirahara and Nanashima (STOC’24) showing that one-way functions exist if (1) every language in NP has a zero-knowledge proof/argument and (2) ZKA contains non-trivial languages. Our presentation does not rely on meta-complexity and we hope it may be useful for didactic purposes.
Joseph Jaeger, Akshaya Kumar, Igors Stepanovs
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We introduce a new cryptographic primitive called symmetric signcryption, which differs from traditional signcryption because the sender and recipient share a secret key. We prove that a natural composition of symmetric encryption and signatures achieves strong notions of security against attackers that can learn and control many keys. We then identify that the core encryption algorithm of the Keybase encrypted messaging protocol can be modeled as a symmetric signcryption scheme. We prove the security of this algorithm, though our proof requires assuming non-standard, brittle security properties of the underlying primitives.
Rishab Goyal, Venkata Koppula, Mahesh Sreekumar Rajasree, Aman Verma
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Incompressible encryption (Dziembowski, Crypto'06; Guan, Wichs, Zhandry, Eurocrypt'22) protects from attackers that learn the entire decryption key, but cannot store the full ciphertext. In incompressible encryption, the attacker must try to compress a ciphertext within pre-specified memory bound $S$ before receiving the secret key.

In this work, we generalize the notion of incompressibility to functional encryption. In incompressible functional encryption, the adversary can corrupt non-distinguishing keys at any point, but receives the distinguishing keys only after compressing the ciphertext to within $S$ bits. An important efficiency measure for incompressible encryption is the ciphertext-rate ( i.e., $\mathsf{rate} = \frac{|m|}{|\mathsf{ct}|}\;$). We give many new results for incompressible functional encryption:

1. Incompressible attribute-based encryption for circuits from standard assumptions, with $\mathsf{ct}$-rate-$\frac{1}{2}$ and short secret keys, 2. Incompressible functional encryption for circuits from (non-incompressible) functional encryption, with (a) $\mathsf{ct}$-rate-$\frac{1}{2}$ and short secret keys, (b) $\mathsf{ct}$-rate-$1$ and large secret keys.

Our results achieve optimal efficiency, as incompressible attribute-based/functional encryption with $\mathsf{ct}$-rate-$1$ as well as short secret keys has strong implausibility barriers. Moreover, our assumptions are minimal as incompressible attribute-based/functional encryption are strictly stronger than their non-incompressible counterparts.
Joseph Jaeger
ePrint Report ePrint Report
An important proof technique in the random oracle model involves reprogramming it on hard to predict inputs and arguing that an attacker cannot detect that this occurred. In the quantum setting, a particularly challenging version of this considers adaptive reprogramming wherein the points to be reprogrammed (or output values they should be programmed to) are dependent on choices made by the adversary. Frameworks for analyzing adaptive reprogramming were given by, e.g., by Unruh (CRYPTO 2014), Grilo-Hövelmanns-Hülsing-Majenz (ASIACRYPT 2021), and Pan-Zeng (PKC 2024).

We show, counterintuitively, that these adaptive results follow directly from the non-adaptive one-way to hiding theorem of Ambainis-Hamburg-Unruh (CRYPTO 2019). These implications contradict beliefs (whether stated explicitly or implicitly) that some properties of the adaptive frameworks cannot be provided by the Ambainis-Hamburg-Unruh result.
Esha Ghosh, Melissa Chase
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The need for third-party auditors in privacy-preserving Key Transparency (KT) systems presents a deployment challenge. In this short note, we take a simple privacy-preserving KT system that provides strong security guarantees in the presence of an honest auditor (OPTIKS) and show how to add a auditor-free mode to it. The auditor-free mode offers slightly weaker security. We formalize this security property and prove that our proposed protocol satisfies our security definition.
Sven Schäge
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We provide new results showing that ElGamal encryption cannot be proven CCA1-secure – a long-standing open problem in cryptography. Our result follows from a very broad, meta-reduction-based impossibility result on random self-reducible relations with efficiently re-randomizable witnesses. The techniques that we develop allow, for the first time, to provide impossibility results for very weak security notions where the challenger outputs fresh challenge statements at the end of the security game. This can be used to finally tackle encryption-type definitions that have remained elusive in the past. We show that our results have broad applicability by casting several known cryptographic setups as instances of random self-reducible and re-randomizable relations. These setups include general semi-homomorphic PKE and the large class of certified homomorphic one-way bijections. As a result, we also obtain new impossibility results for the IND-CCA1 security of the PKEs of Paillier and Damg ̊ard–Jurik, and many one-more inversion assumptions like the one-more DLOG or the one-more RSA assumption.
James Hsin-yu Chiang, Bernardo David, Tore Kasper Frederiksen, Arup Mondal, Esra Yeniaras
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Keeping decrypting parties accountable in public key encryption is notoriously hard since the secret key owner can decrypt any arbitrary ciphertext. Threshold encryption aims to solve this issue by distributing the power to decrypt among a set of parties, who must interact via a decryption protocol. However, such parties can employ cryptographic tools such as Multiparty Computation (MPC) to decrypt arbitrary ciphertexts $\textit{without being detected}$. We introduce the notion of (threshold) encryption with Self-Incriminating Proofs, where parties must $\textit{produce a self-incriminating proof of decryption when decrypting every ciphertext}$. In the standard public key encryption case, the adversary could destroy these proofs, so we strengthen our notion to guarantee that the proofs are published when decryption succeeds. This creates a decryption audit trail, which is useful in scenarios where decryption power is held by a single trusted party ($\textit{e.g.,}$ a Trusted Execution Environment) who must be kept accountable. In the threshold case, we ensure that at least one of the parties who execute the decryption protocol will learn a self-incriminating proof, even if they employ advanced tools such as MPC. The fact that a party learns the proof and may leak it at any moment functions as a deterrent for parties who do not wish to be identified as malicious decryptors ($\textit{e.g.,}$ a commercial operator of a service based on threshold encryption). We investigate the (im)possibility and applications of our notions while providing matching constructions under appropriate assumptions. In the threshold case, we build on recent results on Individual Cryptography (CRYPTO 2023).
Jelle Don, Serge Fehr, Yu-Hsuan Huang, Jyun-Jie Liao, Patrick Struck
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The BUFF transform, due to Cremers et al. (S&P'21), is a generic transformation for digital signature scheme, with the purpose of obtaining additional security guarantees beyond unforgeability: exclusive ownership, message-bound signatures, and non-resignability. Non-resignability (which essentially challenges an adversary to re-sign an unknown message for which it only obtains the signature) turned out to be a delicate matter, as recently Don et al. (CRYPTO'24) showed that the initial definition is essentially unachievable; in particular, it is not achieved by the BUFF transform. This led to the introduction of new, weakened versions of non-resignability, which are (potentially) achievable. In particular, it was shown that a salted variant of the BUFF transform does achieves some weakened version of non-resignability. However, the salting requires additional randomness and leads to slightly larger signatures. Whether the original BUFF transform also achieves some meaningful notion of non-resignability remained a natural open question.

In this work, we answer this question in the affirmative. We show that the BUFF transform satisfies the (almost) strongest notions of non-resignability one can hope for, facing the known impossibility results. Our results cover both the statistical and the computational case, and both the classical and the quantum setting. At the core of our analysis lies a new security game for random oracles that we call Hide-and-Seek. While seemingly innocent at first glance, it turns out to be surprisingly challenging to rigorously analyze.
Daniel Nager
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this document we present a further development of non-commutative algebra based key agreement due to E. Stickel and a way to deal with the algebraic break due to V. Sphilrain.
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