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31 May 2024
Ignacio Cascudo, Daniele Cozzo, Emanuele Giunta
ePrint ReportOur main technical handle is a distributed zero-knowledge proof of low degreeness of a polynomial, in the model of Boneh et al. (Crypto `19) where the statement (in this case the evaluations of the witness polynomial) is distributed among several verifiers, each knowing one evaluation. Using folding techniques similar to FRI (Ben-Sasson et al., ICALP `18) we construct such a proof where each verifier receives polylogarithmic information and runs in polylogarithmic time.
Anders Dalskov, Daniel Escudero, Ariel Nof
ePrint Report1. We present a new MPC framework to obtain full security, compatible with effectively any ring, that has an additive communication overhead of only $O(\log |C|)$, where $|C|$ is the number of multiplication gates in the circuit, and a constant number of additional rounds beyond the underlying semi-honest protocol. Our framework works with any linear secret sharing scheme and relies on a new to utilize the machinery of zero-knowledge fully linear interactive oracle proofs (zk-FLIOP) in a black-box way. We present several instantiations to the building blocks of our compiler, from which we derive concretely efficient protocols in different settings.
2. We present extensions to the zk-FLIOP primitive for very general settings. The first one is for proving statements over potentially non-commutative rings, where the only requirement is that the ring has a large enough set where (1) every element in the set commutes with every element in the ring, and (2) the difference between any two distinct elements is invertible. Our second zk-FLIOP extension is for proving statements over Galois Rings. For these rings, we present concrete improvements on the current state-of-the-art for the case of constant-round proofs, by making use of Reverse Multiplication Friendly Embeddings (RMFEs).
Alex B. Grilo, Philippe Lamontagne
ePrint ReportIn this work, we initiate the study of round compression of protocols in the bounded quantum storage model (BQSM). In this model, the malicious parties have a bounded quantum memory and they cannot store the all the qubits that are transmitted in the protocol.
Our main results in this setting are the following: 1. There is a non-interactive (statistical) witness indistinguishable proof for any language in NP (and even QMA) in BQSM in the plain model. We notice that in this protocol, only the memory of the verifier is bounded. 2. Any classical proof system can be compressed in a two-message quantum proof system in BQSM. Moreover, if the original proof system is zero-knowledge, the quantum protocol is zero-knowledge too. In this result, we assume that the prover has bounded memory.
Finally, we give evidence towards the "tightness" of our results. First, we show that NIZK in the plain model against BQS adversaries is unlikely with standard techniques. Second, we prove that without the BQS model there is no 2-message zero-knowledge quantum interactive proof, even under computational assumptions.
Christian Majenz, Fabrizio Sisinni
ePrint ReportBalthazar Bauer, Geoffroy Couteau, Elahe Sadeghi
ePrint ReportIn this work, we make significant progress on both questions. We obtain two main results:
A 4-party non-interactive key exchange protocol with quadratic security gap, assuming the existence of exponentially secure injective pseudorandom generators, and the subexponential hardness of the computational Diffie-Hellman assumption. In addition, our scheme is conceptually simpler, and can be generalized to other settings (with more parties or from other assumptions).
Assuming the existence of non-uniformly secure injective pseudorandom generators with exponential hardness, we further show that our protocol is secure in Maurer's model, albeit with a smaller hardness gap (up to $N^{1.6}$), making progress on filling the gap between the positive and the negative result of (Afshar et al., Eurocrypt 2023). Somewhat intriguingly, proving the security of our scheme in Maurer's idealized model turns out to be significantly harder than proving its security in the standard model.
Christof Beierle, Jakob Feldtkeller, Anna Guinet, Tim Güneysu, Gregor Leander, Jan Richter-Brockmann, Pascal Sasdrich
ePrint ReportThis paper introduces INDIANA, a comprehensive security verification tool for hardware masking. It provides a hardware verification framework, enabling a complete analysis of simulation-based security in the glitch-extended probing model, with cycle-accurate estimations for leakage probabilities in the random probing model. Notably, INDIANA is the first framework to analyze arbitrary masked circuits in both models, even at the scale of full SPN cipher rounds (e.g., AES), while delivering exact verification results.
To attain precise and extensive verifiability, we introduce a partitionable probing distinguisher that enables rapid verification of probe tuples, outperforming state-of-the-art methods based on statistical independence. Most interestingly, our approach inherently facilitates extensions to the random probing model by leveraging Fast Fourier-Hadamard Transformations (FFTs).
Benchmark results show that INDIANA competes effectively with leading probing model verification tools, such as maskVerif and VERICA. Notably, INDIANA the first tool that is capable to provide cycle-accurate estimations of random probing leakage probabilities for large-scale masked circuits.
Gal Arnon, Shany Ben-David, Eylon Yogev
ePrint ReportWe show proofs of proximity for $\mathsf{Ham}_{\alpha}$ with one-sided error and sublinear proof length in three models (MA, PCP, IOP), where stronger models allow for smaller query complexity. For $n$-bit input vectors, highlighting input query complexity, our MA has $O(\mathrm{log} n)$ query complexity, the PCP makes $O(\mathrm{loglog} n)$ queries, and the IOP makes a single input query. The prover in all of our applications runs in expected quasi-linear time. Additionally, we show that any perfectly complete IP of proximity for $\mathsf{Ham}_{\alpha}$ with input query complexity $n^{1-\epsilon}$ has proof length $\Omega(\mathrm{log} n)$.
Furthermore, we study PCPs of proximity where the verifier is restricted to making a single input query (SIQ). We show that any SIQ-PCP for $\mathsf{Ham}_{\alpha}$ must have a linear proof length, and complement this by presenting a SIQ-PCP with proof length $n+o(n)$.
As an application, we provide new methods that transform PCPs (and IOPs) for arbitrary languages with nonzero completeness error into PCPs (and IOPs) that exhibit perfect completeness. These transformations achieve parameters previously unattained.
Fangqi Dong, Qipeng Liu, Kewen Wu
ePrint ReportSalting is a heuristic strategy to counter preprocessing attacks by feeding a small amount of randomness to the cryptographic primitive. We present general and tight characterizations of preprocessing against cryptographic salting, with upper bounds matching the advantages of the most intuitive attack. Our result quantitatively strengthens the previous work by Coretti, Dodis, Guo, and Steinberger (EUROCRYPT'18). Our proof exploits a novel connection between the non-uniform security of salted games and direct product theorems for memoryless algorithms.
For quantum adversaries, we give similar characterizations for property finding games, resolving an open problem of the quantum non-uniform security of salted collision resistant hash by Chung, Guo, Liu, and Qian (FOCS'20). Our proof extends the compressed oracle framework of Zhandry (CRYPTO'19) to prove quantum strong direct product theorems for property finding games in the average-case hardness.
Longcheng Li, Qian Li, Xingjian Li, Qipeng Liu
ePrint ReportA recent line of work has shown that it is indeed possible to build QPKE from OWF, but with one caveat --- they rely on quantum public keys, which cannot be authenticated and reused. In this work, we re-examine the possibility of perfect complete QPKE in the quantum random oracle model (QROM), where OWF exists.
Our first main result: QPKE with classical public keys, secret keys and ciphertext, does not exist in the QROM, if the key generation only makes classical queries. Therefore, a necessary condition for constructing such QPKE from OWF is to have the key generation classically ``un-simulatable’’. Previous discussions (Austrin~et al. CRYPTO'22) on the impossibility of QPKE from OWF rely on a seemingly strong conjecture. Our work makes a significant step towards a complete and unconditional quantization of Impagliazzo and Rudich’s results.
Our second main result extends to QPKE with quantum public keys. The second main result: QPKE with quantum public keys, classical secret keys and ciphertext, does not exist in the QROM, if the key generation only makes classical queries and the quantum public key is either pure or ``efficiently clonable''. The result is tight due to all existing QPKEs constructions. Our result further gives evidence on why existing QPKEs lose reusability.
To achieve these results, we use a novel argument based on conditional mutual information and quantum Markov chain by Fawzi and Renner (Communications in Mathematical Physics). We believe the techniques used in the work will find other usefulness in separations in quantum cryptography/complexity.
Arthur Lazzaretti, Zeyu Liu, Ben Fisch, Charalampos Papamanthou
ePrint ReportJohannes Müller, Jan Oupický
ePrint ReportXiao Yang, Chengru Zhang, Mark Ryan, Gao Meng
ePrint ReportAdditionally, combined with a novel zero-knowledge range proof for Pedersen subvector commitment, we present a Zero-Knowledge Range Proof (ZKRP) for MMP commitment.
We present two sample applications. Firstly, our MMP commitment can be used for efficient aggregation of SNARK based on multivariate polynomial commitments. As a showcase, we apply MMP commitment to HyperPlonk and refer to this variant of HyperPlonk as aHyperPlonk. For $k$ instances, each with circuit size $n$, the communication and verification complexity is reduced from $O(k \cdot \log n)$ to $O(\log k + \log n)$, while the prover complexity remains the same. Secondly, we propose a novel zero-knowledge proof for vehicle GPS traces based on ZKRP for MMP, which allows vehicle owners to prove if a vehicle has/hasn't passed through some location during a specific time interval.
Lukas Aumayr, Zeta Avarikioti, Matteo Maffei, Subhra Mazumdar
ePrint ReportWe start by proving for the first time that Lightning channels are secure against timelock bribing attacks in the presence of rational channel parties under the assumption that these parties constantly monitor the mempool and never deplete the channel in one direction. The latter underscores the importance of keeping a coin reserve in each channel as implemented in the Lightning Network, albeit for different reasons. We show, however, that the security of the Lightning Network against Byzantine channel parties does not carry over to a setting in which miners are rational and accept timelock bribes.
Next, we introduce CRAB, the first Lightning-compatible channel construction that provides security against Byzantine channel parties and rational miners. CRAB leverages miners' incentives to safeguard the channel, thereby also forgoing the unrealistic assumption of channel parties constantly monitoring the mempool.
Finally, we show how our construction can be refined to eliminate the major assumption behind payment channels, i.e., the need for online participation. To that end, we present Sleepy CRAB the first provably secure channel construction under rational miners that enables participants to go offline indefinitely. We also provide a proof-of-concept implementation of Sleepy CRAB and evaluate its cost in Bitcoin, thereby demonstrating its practicality.
Ayaz Khan
ePrint Report28 May 2024
Jeju, Korea, 21 August - 23 August 2024
Event CalendarSubmission deadline: 15 June 2024
Notification: 20 July 2024
Job PostingDigicomAI is focused on building next-generation digital communications and information security technology. Our advanced AI capabilities are designed to automate network management decision-making, harden networks, and enable cross-cloud control without the need for human intervention. By leveraging our technology, organizations can improve network performance, increase operating efficiency, and reduce resource expenditures.
Role Description
We are seeking a part-time consultant (remote) to provide Cryptography & Cybersecurity services in support of technology research, design, implementation and general corporate governance. You will be responsible for providing expertise and guidance on cryptography and cybersecurity principles, trends and best practices. Your project-based tasks will involve conducting information security assessments, ensuring application security, researching and advising product developers on cryptography techniques and engineering recommendations. You will also help keep the company up-to-date with the latest industry trends and technologies.
- Cybersecurity and Information Assurance skills
- Experience in Applied Cryptography Engineering
- Vulnerability Assessment knowledge
- Expertise in Application Security and Network Security
- Understanding of risk assessment and risk management
- International industry experience (Europe, Middle East or Australia preferred)
- Strong problem-solving and analytical skills
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills
- Ability to work independently and remotely
- Relevant Information Security and Cryptographic certifications (CISSP, etc)
- Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Cybersecurity, or a related field
This is an ideal position for an experienced cybersecurity and cryptography engineer who wants to contribute their expertise to cutting-edge technology development projects. We offer a fully-remote, asynchronous schedule tailored to the specific needs of the Consultant.
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Ted Runkle (Venture Advisor)
University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom
Job PostingThe Center for Security and Privacy at the School of Computer Science of the University of Birmingham has an open PhD position in post-quantum cryptography. The supervision will be shared by Rishiraj Bhattacharyya and Christophe Petit. We invite applications from candidates with interests in Cryptography and Computer Algebra. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics or a related area.
The primary research theme for the call is in the foundations and cryptanalysis of post-quantum cryptosystems. The exact projects could be tailored to match the candidate's background and interests.
The review of applications will start immediately and the call remains open until September 2024. For more information, please reach out to Rishiraj (r.bhattacharyya@bham.ac.uk) and Christophe (c.petit.1@bham.ac.uk).Closing date for applications:
Contact: Rishiraj Bhattacharyya (r.bhattacharyya@bham.ac.uk) and Christophe Petit (c.petit.1@bham.ac.uk)
27 May 2024
Eunmin Lee, Joohee Lee, Yuntao Wang
ePrint ReportIn this work, we generalize and extend the idea of Meet-LWE by introducing ternary trees, which result in diverse representations of the secrets. More precisely, we split the secrets into three pieces with the same dimension and expand them into a ternary tree to leverage the increased representations to improve the overall attack complexity. We carefully analyze and optimize the time and memory costs of our attack algorithm exploiting ternary trees, and compare them to those of the Meet-LWE attack. With asymptotic and non-asymptotic comparisons, we observe that our attack provides improved estimations for all parameter settings, including those of the practical post-quantum schemes, compared to the Meet-LWE attack. We also evaluate the security of the Round 2 candidates of the KpqC competition which aims to standardize post-quantum public key cryptosystems in the Republic of Korea, and report that the estimated complexities for our attack applied to SMAUG-T are lower than the claimed for some of the recommended parameters.
Lucas Piske, Jaspal Singh, Ni Trieu
ePrint ReportWe use standard homomorphic secret sharing (HSS) schemes, variant of the Learning with Parity Noise assumption and the Quadratic Residuosity assumption to construct batched FSS schemes for point functions with single-bit and multi-bit output. Our scheme is asymptotically superior than naively batching state of the art FSS schemes for point functions. Concretely our batch key sizes are smaller by a factor of $3-80\times$ as batch size is increased from $2^{13}$ to $2^{19}$. Although our protocol relies on public key operations, it exhibits inefficiency in a LAN setting. However, it demonstrates up to a 120-fold improvement in a WAN setting with slow network bandwidth.
As a building block in our protocols, we introduce a new HSS ciphertext compression algorithm, that can decompress a short compressed ciphertext to give low noise ciphertexts of array of input message bits. This primitive might be of independent interest for other HSS related applications.
Fatima Elsheimy, Julian Loss, Charalampos Papamanthou
ePrint ReportOur first protocol is deterministic and ensures early stopping termination in $ (d+5) \cdot (\lfloor f/d \rfloor +3)$ rounds, where $d$ is a fixed constant. For example, for all $d\ge 6$, our protocol runs in at most $(1+\epsilon )\cdot f$ rounds (where $0<\epsilon<1$), improving (for large $f$) upon the best previous early stopping deterministic broadcast protocol by Perry and Toueg~\cite{Perry}, which terminates in $min(2f+4,2t+2)$ rounds. Additionally, our second protocol is randomized, ensuring termination in an expected constant number of rounds and achieving early stopping in $(d+9) \cdot (\lfloor f/d \rfloor +2)$ rounds in the worst case. This marks a significant improvement over a similar result by Goldreich and Petrank[GOLDREICH1990], which always requires an expected constant number of rounds and $O(t)$ rounds in the worst case, i.e., does not have the early stopping property.