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13 June 2024
Sathvika Balumuri, Edward Eaton, Philippe Lamontagne
ePrint ReportWe present a new way to build key blinding schemes form any MPC-in-the-Head signature scheme. These schemes rely on well-studied symmetric cryptographic primitives and admit short public keys. We prove a general framework for constructing key blinding schemes and for proving their security in the quantum random oracle model (QROM).
We instantiate our framework with the recent AES-based Helium signature scheme (Kales and Zaverucha, 2022). Blinding Helium only adds a minor overhead to the signature and verification time. Both Helium and the aforementioned lattice-based key blinding schemes were only proven secure in the ROM. This makes our results the first QROM proof of Helium and the first fully quantum-safe public key blinding scheme.
Navid Alamati, Varun Maram
ePrint ReportBoneh and Zhandry (CRYPTO 2013) defined the notion of quantum CCA (qCCA) security to guarantee privacy of messages in the presence of quantum decryption queries. However, their construction is based on an exotic cryptographic primitive (namely, identity-based encryption with security against quantum queries), for which only one instantiation is known. In this work, we comprehensively study qCCA security for public-key encryption (PKE) based on both generic cryptographic primitives and concrete assumptions, yielding the following results:
* We show that key-dependent message secure encryption (along with PKE) is sufficient to realize qCCA-secure PKE. This yields the first construction of qCCA-secure PKE from the LPN assumption.
* We prove that hash proof systems imply qCCA-secure PKE, which results in the first instantiation of PKE with qCCA security from (isogeny-based) group actions.
* We extend the notion of adaptive TDFs (ATDFs) to the quantum setting by introducing quantum ATDFs, and we prove that quantum ATDFs are sufficient to realize qCCA-secure PKE. We also show how to instantiate quantum ATDFs from the LWE assumption.
* We show that a single-bit qCCA-secure PKE is sufficient to realize a multi-bit qCCA-secure PKE by extending the completeness of bit encryption for CCA security to the quantum setting.
Chaya Ganesh, Vineet Nair, Ashish Sharma
ePrint ReportWe achieve this via a combination of the following technical contributions: (i) we construct a new univariate commitment scheme in the updatable SRS setting that has better prover complexity than KZG (ii) we construct a new multilinear commitment scheme in the updatable setting that is compatible for linking with our univariate scheme (iii) we construct an argument of knowledge to prove a given linear relationship between two witnesses committed using a two-tiered commitment scheme (Pedersen+AFG) using Dory as a black-box. These constructions are of independent interest.
We implement our commitment schemes and report on performance. We also implement the version of Spartan with our dual polynomial commitment scheme and demonstrate that it outperforms Spartan in proof size and verification complexity.
Riccardo Taiello, Melek Önen, Clémentine Gritti, Marco Lorenzi
ePrint ReportKing's College London
Job PostingThe candidate will work alongside Prof. Martin Albrecht, Dr. Benjamin Dowling, Dr. Rikke Bjerg Jensen (Royal Holloway University of London) and Dr. Andrea Medrado (Exeter) on establishing social foundations of cryptography in protest settings. In particular, the candidate will work with a multi-disciplinary team of cryptographers (Dowling, Albrecht) and ethnographers (Jensen, Medrado) to understand the security needs of participants in protests, to formalise these needs as cryptographic security notions and to design or analyse cryptographic solutions with respect to these notions.
This position is part of the EPSRC-funded project “Social Foundations of Cryptography” and more information is available at https://social-foundations-of-cryptography.gitlab.io/.
In brief, ethnography is a social science method involving prolonged fieldwork, i.e. staying with the group under study, to observe not only what they say but also what their social reality and practice is. In this project, we are putting cryptography at the mercy of ethnographic findings, allowing them to shape what we model.
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Martin Albrecht <martin.albrecht@kcl.ac.uk>
More information: https://martinralbrecht.wordpress.com/2024/06/11/cryptography-postdoc-position-in-social-foundations-of-cryptography/
12 June 2024
Xuanming Liu, Jiawen Zhang, Yinghao Wang, Xinpeng Yang, Xiaohu Yang
ePrint ReportIn this paper, several potential attacks are identified when applying the ZKCP protocol in a practical public data marketplace. To address these issues, we propose SmartZKCP, an enhanced solution that offers improved security measures and increased performance. The protocol is formalized to ensure fairness and secure against potential attacks. Moreover, SmartZKCP offers efficiency optimizations and minimized communication costs. Evaluation results show that SmartZKCP is both practical and efficient, making it applicable in a data exchange marketplace.
Xuanming Liu, Zhelei Zhou, Yinghao Wang, Jinye He, Bingsheng Zhang, Xiaohu Yang, Jiaheng Zhang
ePrint ReportIn this work, we address this problem by extending the existing zk-SNARKs Libra (Crypto'19) and HyperPlonk (Eurocrypt'23) into scalable collaborative zk-SNARKs. Crucially, our collaborative proof generation does not require a powerful server, and all servers take up roughly the same proportion of the total workload. In this way, we achieve privacy and scalability simultaneously for the first time in proof outsourcing. To achieve this, we develop an efficient MPC toolbox for a number of useful multivariate polynomial primitives, including sumcheck, productcheck, and multilinear polynomial commitment, which can also be applied to other applications as independent interests. For proof outsourcing purposes, when using $128$ servers to jointly generate a proof for a circuit size of $2^{24}$ gates, our benchmarks for these two collaborative proofs show a speedup of $21\times$ and $24\times$ compared to a local prover, respectively. Furthermore, we are able to handle enormously large circuits, making it practical for real-world applications.
A. Telveenus
ePrint ReportZoë Ruha Bell, Shafi Goldwasser, Michael P. Kim, Jean-Luc Watson
ePrint Report(1) We introduce two new notions: Certified Probabilistic Mechanisms (CPM) and Random Variable Commitment Schemes (RVCS). A CPM is an interactive protocol that forces a prover to enact a given probabilistic mechanism or be caught; importantly, the interaction does not reveal secret parameters of the mechanism. An RVCS—a key primitive for constructing CPMs—is a commitment scheme where the verifier is convinced that the commitment is to an RV sampled according to an agreed-upon distribution, but learns nothing else.
(2) We instantiate the general notion of CPM for the special case of Certifying DP. We build a lightweight, doubly-efficent interactive proof system to certify arbitrary-predicate counting queries released via the DP Binomial mechanism. The construction relies on a commitment scheme with perfect hiding and additive homomorphic properties that can be used to release a broad class of queries about a committed database, which we construct on top of Pedersen commitments.
(3) Finally, we demonstrate the immediate feasibility of Certified DP via a highly-efficient and scalable prototype implementation to answer counting queries of arbitrary predicates. The mechanism is composed of an offline and online stage, where the online phase allows for non-interactive certification of queries. For example, we show that CDP queries over a US Census Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) ($n=7000$) can be completed in only 1.6 ms and verified in just 38 $\mu \text{s}$. Our implementation is available in open source at https://github.com/jlwatson/certified-dp.
Keyu Ji, Bingsheng Zhang, Hong-Sheng Zhou, Kui Ren
ePrint ReportRecently, Servan-Schreiber et al. (S&P 2023) investigate the access control problem for DPF; namely, the DPF evaluators can ensure that the DPF dealer is authorized to share the given function with privacy assurance. In this work, we revisit this problem, introducing a new notion called DPF with constraints; meanwhile, we identify that there exists a subtle flaw in their privacy definition as well as a soundness issue in one of their proposed schemes due to the lack of validation of the special output value $\beta$. Next, we show how to reduce both the storage size of the constraint representation and the server's computational overhead from $O(N)$ to $O(\log N)$, where $N$ is the number of authorized function sets. In addition, we show how to achieve fine-grained private access control, that is, the wildcard-style constraint for the choice of the special output $\beta$. Our benchmarks show that the amortized running time of our logarithmic storage scheme is $2\times$ - $3\times$ faster than the state-of-the-art when $N=2^{15}$. Furthermore, we provide the first impossibility and feasibility results of the DPF with constraints where the evaluators do not need to communicate with each other.
James Bell-Clark, Adrià Gascón, Baiyu Li, Mariana Raykova, Phillipp Schoppmann
ePrint ReportMatteo Scarlata, Matilda Backendal, Miro Haller
ePrint ReportWe show that the MFKDF constructions proposed by Nair and Song fall short of the stated security goals. Underspecified cryptographic primitives and the lack of integrity of the MFKDF state lead to several attacks, ranging from full key recovery when an HOTP factor is compromised, to bypassing factors entirely or severely reducing their entropy. We reflect on the different threat models of key-derivation and authentication, and conclude that MFKDF is always weaker than plain PBKDF and multi-factor authentication in each setting.
Gil Segev, Liat Shapira
ePrint ReportBrent Waters, David J. Wu
ePrint ReportWe first give a direct construction of an adaptively-sound SNARG for NP assuming (sub-exponentially-secure) $i\mathcal{O}$ and an injective one-way function. Then, we show that it suffices to have an injective one-way function that has an inefficient sampler (i.e., sampling a challenge for the one-way function requires super-polynomial time). Because we rely on the existence of injective one-way functions only in the security proof and not in the actual construction, having an inefficient sampling procedure does not impact correctness. We then show that injective one-way functions with an inefficient sampler can be built generically from any vanilla one-way function. Our approach may be independently useful in other settings to replace injective one-way functions with standard one-way functions in applications of $i\mathcal{O}$.
Aruna Jayasena, Richard Bachmann, Prabhat Mishra
ePrint ReportAbtin Afshar, Jiaqi Cheng, Rishab Goyal
ePrint ReportIn this work, we design homomorphic signatures satisfying all above properties. We construct homomorphic signatures for polynomial-sized circuits from a variety of standard assumptions such as sub-exponential DDH, standard pairing-based assumptions, or learning with errors. We also discuss how our constructions can be easily extended to the multi-key setting.
Yuval Ishai, Mahimna Kelkar, Daniel Lee, Yiping Ma
ePrint ReportItai Dinur
ePrint ReportModeling $\pi$ as a uniformly chosen permutation, several previous works proved a tight information-theoretic indistinguishability bound for SXoP$[2,n]$ of about $q/2^{n}$, where $q$ is the number of queries. On the other hand, tight bounds are unknown for the generalized variant (denoted SXoP$[r,n]$) which XORs the outputs of $r>2$ domain-separated calls to a uniform permutation.
In this paper, we obtain two results. Our first result improves the known bounds for SXoP$[r,n]$ for all (constant) $r \geq 3$ (assuming $q \leq O(2^n/r)$ is not too large) in both the single-user and multi-user settings. In particular, for $q=3$, our bound is about $\sqrt{u}q_{\max}/2^{2.5n}$ (where $u$ is the number of users and $q_{\max}$ is the maximal number of queries per user), improving the best-known previous result by a factor of at least $2^n$.
For odd $r$, our bounds are tight for $q > 2^{n/2}$, as they match known attacks. For even $r$, we prove that our single-user bounds are tight by providing matching attacks.
Our second and main result is divided into two parts. First, we devise a family of constructions that output $n$ bits by efficiently combining outputs of 2 calls to a permutation on $\{0,1\}^n$, and achieve multi-user security of about $\sqrt{u} q_{\max}/2^{1.5n}$. Then, inspired by the CENC construction of Iwata [FSE'06], we further extend this family to output $2n$ bits by efficiently combining outputs of 3 calls to a permutation on $\{0,1\}^n$. The extended construction has similar multi-user security of $\sqrt{u} q_{\max}/2^{1.5n}$.
The new single-user ($u=1$) bounds of $q/2^{1.5n}$ for both families should be contrasted with the previously best-known bounds of $q/2^n$, obtained by the comparable constructions of SXoP$[2,n]$ and CENC.
All of our bounds are proved by Fourier analysis, extending the provable security toolkit in this domain in multiple ways.