International Association for Cryptologic Research

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20 June 2024

Daniel Benarroch, Bryan Gillespie, Ying Tong Lai, Andrew Miller
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This Systematization of Knowledge conducts a survey of contemporary distributed blockchain protocols, with the aim of identifying cryptographic and design techniques which practically enable both expressive programmability and user data confidentiality. To facilitate a framing which supports the comparison of concretely very different protocols, we define an epoch-based computational model in the form of a flexible UC-style ideal functionality which divides the operation of privacy-preserving networks into three phases: Independent, Mediated, and Global computation. Our analysis of protocols focuses in particular on features of the Mediated computation phase, which provides the facility to execute non-trivial program logic on private inputs from multiple users. Specifically, we compare implementations in different protocols for private limit order auctions, which we find to be a representative application which is common and relatively simple, but which exhibits adversarial dynamics which demonstrate the capabilities of a non-trivial Mediated computation mechanism. In our analysis, we identify four protocols representative of different high-level approaches used to implement Mediated computations. We compare protocols according to the degree and flexibility of programmability, the privacy properties achieved, and the security assumptions required for correct operation. We conclude by offering recommendations and best practices for future programmable privacy designs.
Kyeongtae Lee, Donghwan Oh, Hankyung Ko, Jihye Kim, Hyunok Oh
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This paper introduces transparent and efficient arguments for Hadamard products between committed vectors from two source groups. For vectors of length $n$, the proofs consist of $\mathcal{O}(\log n)$ target group elements and $\mathcal{O}(1)$ additional elements. The verifier's workload is dominated by $\mathcal{O}(\log n)$ multi-exponentiations in the target group and $\mathcal{O}(1)$ pairings. We prove our security under the standard SXDH assumption. Additionally, we propose an aggregator for Groth16 pairing-based zk-SNARKs and a proof aggregation technique for the general case of the KZG pairing-based polynomial commitment scheme using our Hadamard product arguments. Both applications support logarithmic-sized aggregated proofs without requiring an additional trusted setup, significantly reducing the verifier’s pairing operations to $\mathcal{O}(1)$.
Mohammad Hashemi, Dev Mehta, Kyle Mitard, Shahin Tajik, Fatemeh Ganji
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The success of deep learning across a variety of applications, including inference on edge devices, has led to increased concerns about the privacy of users’ data and deep learning models. Secure multiparty computation allows parties to remedy this concern, resulting in a growth in the number of such proposals and improvements in their efficiency. The majority of secure inference protocols relying on multiparty computation assume that the client does not deviate from the protocol and passively attempts to extract information. Yet clients, driven by different incentives, can act maliciously to actively deviate from the protocol and disclose the deep learning model owner’s private information. Interestingly, faults are well understood in multiparty computation-related literature, although fault attacks have not been explored. Our paper introduces the very first fault attack against secure inference implementations relying on garbled circuits as a prime example of multiparty computation schemes. In this regard, laser fault injection coupled with a model-extraction attack is successfully mounted against existing solutions that have been assumed to be secure against active attacks. Notably, the number of queries required for the attack is equal to that of the best model extraction attack mounted against the secure inference engines under the semi-honest scenario.

18 June 2024

University of Isfahan, Department of Computer Engineering, Isfahan, Iran
Job Posting Job Posting
We are seeking an exceptional candidate for a 1-year postdoctoral position in Post-quantum Key Exchange Protocols, offering a competitive salary of at least the salary a fresh Associate Professor receives from the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology in Iran. The University of Isfahan (UI) is one of the top, ranked A, universities in Iran. It is one of the pioneer universities in Iran which has admitted MSc and PhD students in the Cyber security and Secure Computation discipline for the last two decades. If you are interested in the position, please send an email including your CV and transcripts to As the position should be filled as soon as possible, your application will be considered promptly.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Dr. Hamid Mala (

More information:

LIRMM, Montpellier, France
Job Posting Job Posting
We have a full-time two-years post-doc position available. The recruited person will have the possibility to do research in cryptography. More precisely, we are searching for someone interested in cryptography based on lattice problems and/or class group problems. Moreover, we would like to investigate further threshold solutions for both classes of problems.

The recruited person will be part of the very welcoming ECO research group. Given the topic, the postdoc will be most likely collaborating with Katharina Boudgoust and Fabien Laguillaumie, but there are also other interesting research fields represented in the team: side-channel analysis, coding theory, computer algebra, information-theoretic cryptography.

We are preferably looking for a candidate with experience in designing public-key primitives. It is not mandatory to have prior knowledge on lattice-based or class-group-based cryptography. The postdoc could be your opportunity to learn about those exciting topics! It goes without saying (but we still write it, to be sure) that we are welcoming everyone, independent of their gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, national origin, health status, or disability. We promote a friendly, safe, and supporting work environment.

The deadline for applying is August 15th 2024. The starting date is flexible between October 2024 and January 2025.

Please send an e-mail to Katharina and Fabien, including your CV, at least one paragraph on why you want to work with us, as well as the name of one person who we can contact for an informal recommendation.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Katharina Boudgoust ( Fabien Laguillaumie (

More information:

Alex Ozdemir, Evan Laufer, Dan Boneh
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In verifiable outsourcing, an untrusted server runs an expensive computation and produces a succinct proof (called a SNARK) of the results. In many scenarios, the computation accesses a RAM that the server maintains a commitment to (persistent RAM) or that is initially zero (volatile RAM). But, SNARKs for such scenarios are limited by the high overheads associated with existing techniques for RAM checking. We develop new proofs about volatile, persistent, and sparse persistent RAM that reduce SNARK proving times. Our results include both asymptotic and concrete improvements---including a proving time reduction of up to 51.3$\times$ for persistent RAM. Along the way, we apply two tools that may be of independent interest. First, we generalize an existing construction to convert any algebraic interactive proof (AIP) into a SNARK. An AIP is a public-coin, non-succinct, interactive proof with a verifier that is an arithmetic circuit. Second, we apply Bézout's identity for polynomials to construct new AIPs for uniqueness and disjointness. These are useful for showing the independence of accesses to different addresses.
Elkana Tovey, Jonathan Weiss, Yossi Gilad
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This paper presents a new architecture for metadata-private messaging that counters scalability challenges by offloading most computations to the clients. At the core of our design is a distributed private information retrieval (PIR) protocol, where the responder delegates its work to alleviate PIR's computational bottleneck and catches misbehaving delegates by efficiently verifying their results. We introduce DPIR, a messaging system that uses distributed PIR to let a server storing messages delegate the work to the system's clients, such that each client contributes proportional processing to the number of messages it reads. The server removes clients returning invalid results, which DPIR leverages to integrate an incentive mechanism for honest client behavior by conditioning messaging through DPIR on correctly processing PIR requests from other users. The result is a metadata-private messaging system that asymptotically improves scalability over prior work with the same threat model. We show through experiments on a prototype implementation that DPIR concretely improves performance by $3.25\times$ and $4.31\times$ over prior work and that the performance gap grows with the user base size.
Augustin Bariant, Orr Dunkelman, Nathan Keller, Gaëtan Leurent, Victor Mollimard
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The boomerang attack is a cryptanalytic technique which allows combining two short high-probability differentials into a distinguisher for a large number of rounds. Since its introduction by Wagner in 1999, it has been applied to many ciphers. One of the best-studied targets is a 6-round variant of AES, on which the boomerang attack is outperformed only by the dedicated Square attack. Recently, two new variants of the boomerang attack were presented: retracing boomerang (Eurocrypt'20) and truncated boomerang (Eurocrypt'23). These variants seem incompatible: the former achieves lower memory complexity by throwing away most of the data in order to force dependencies, while the latter achieves lower time complexity by using large structures, which inevitably leads to a large memory complexity.

In this paper we show that elements of the two techniques can be combined to get `the best of the two worlds' – the practical memory complexity of the retracing attack and the lower time complexity of the truncated attack. We obtain an attack with data complexity of $2^{57}$ (compared to $2^{59}$ and $2^{55}$ of truncated and retracing boomerang, respectively), memory complexity of $2^{33}$ (compared to $2^{59}$ and $2^{31}$), and time complexity of $2^{61}$ (compared to $2^{61}$ and $2^{80}$). This is the second-best attack on 6-round AES, after the Square attack.
Yuval Ishai, Elaine Shi, Daniel Wichs
ePrint Report ePrint Report
It is well-known that classical Private Information Retrieval (PIR) schemes without preprocessing must suffer from linear server computation per query. Moreover, any such single-server PIR with sublinear bandwidth must rely on public-key cryptography. Several recent works showed that these barriers pertaining to classical PIR can be overcome by introducing a preprocessing phase where each client downloads a small hint that helps it make queries subsequently. Notably, the Piano PIR scheme (and subsequent improvements) showed that with such a client-side preprocessing, not only can we have PIR with sublinear computation and bandwidth per query, but somewhat surprisingly, we can also get it using only symmetric-key cryptography (i.e., one-way functions).

In this paper, we take the question of minimizing cryptographic assumptions to an extreme. In particular, we are the first to explore the landscape of information theoretic single-server preprocessing PIR. We make contributions on both the upper- and lower-bounds fronts. First, we show new information-theoretic constructions with various non-trivial performance tradeoffs between server computation, client space and bandwidth. Second, we prove a (nearly) tight lower bound on the tradeoff between the client space and bandwidth in information-theoretic constructions. Finally, we prove that any computational scheme that overcomes the information-theoretic lower bound and satisfies a natural syntactic requirement (which is met by all known constructions) would imply a hard problem in the complexity class SZK. In particular, this shows that Piano achieves (nearly) optimal client space and bandwidth tradeoff subject to making a black-box use of a one-way function. Some of the techniques we use for the above results can be of independent interest.
Wonseok Choi, Seongha Hwang, Byeonghak Lee, Jooyoung Lee
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Online authenticated encryption has been considered of practical relevance in light-weight environments due to low latency and constant memory usage. In this paper, we propose a new tweakable block cipher-based online authenticated encryption scheme, dubbed ZLR, and its domain separation variant, dubbed DS-ZLR. ZLR and DS-ZLR follow the Encrypt-MixEncrypt paradigm. However, in contrast to existing schemes using the same paradigm such as ELmE and CoLM, ZLR and DS-ZLR enjoy n-bit security by using larger internal states with an efficient ZHash-like hashing algorithm. In this way, 2n-bit blocks are processed with only a single primitive call for hashing and two primitive calls for encryption and decryption, when they are based on an n-bit tweakable block cipher using n-bit (resp. 2n-bit) tweaks for ZLR (resp. DS-ZLR). Furthermore, they support pipelined computation as well as online nonce-misuse resistance. To the best of our knowledge, ZLR and DS-ZLR are the first pipelineable tweakable block cipher-based online authenticated encryption schemes of rate 2/3 that provide n-bit security with online nonce-misuse resistance.

17 June 2024

Daniel Collins, Sisi Duan, Julian Loss, Charalampos Papamanthou, Giorgos Tsimos, Haochen Wang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The parallel broadcast (PBC) problem generalises the classic Byzantine broadcast problem to the setting where all $n$ nodes broadcast a message and deliver $O(n)$ messages. PBC arises naturally in many settings including multi-party computation. Recently, Tsimos, Loss, and Papamanthou (CRYPTO 2022) showed PBC protocols with improved communication, against an adaptive adversary who can corrupt all but a constant fraction $\epsilon$ of nodes (i.e., $f < (1 - \epsilon)n$). However, their study is limited to single-bit messages, and their protocols have large polynomial overhead in the security parameter $\kappa$: their TrustedPBC protocol achieves $\tilde{O}(n^2 \kappa^4)$ communication and $O(\kappa\log n)$ rounds. Since these factors of $\kappa$ are in practice often close (or at least polynomially related) to $n$, they add a significant overhead. In this work, we propose three parallel broadcast protocols for $L$-bit messages, for any size $L$, that significantly improve the communication efficiency of the state-of-the-art.

We first propose a new extension protocol that uses a $\kappa$-bit PBC as a black box and achieves i) communication complexity of $O(L n^2 + \mathcal{P}(\kappa))$, where $\mathcal{P}(\kappa)$ is the communication complexity of the $\kappa$-bit PBC, and ii) round complexity same as the $\kappa$-bit PBC. By comparison, the state-of-the-art extension protocol for regular broadcast (Nayak et al., DISC 2020) incurs $O(n)$ additional rounds of communication. Next, we propose a protocol that is secure against a static adversary, for $\kappa$-bit messages with $O(n^2 \kappa^{1+K} + n\kappa^3 + \kappa^4)$ communication and $O(\kappa)$ round complexity, where $K$ is an arbitrarily small constant such that $0
Karthik Inbasekar, Yuval Shekel, Michael Asa
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Polynomials play a central role in cryptography. In the context of Zero Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs), protocols can be exclusively expressed using polynomials, making them a powerful abstraction tool, as demonstrated in most ZK research papers. Our first contribution is a high-level framework that enables practitioners to implement ZKPs in a more natural way, based solely on polynomial primitives.

ZK provers are considered computationally intensive algorithms with a high degree of parallelization. These algorithms benefit significantly from hardware acceleration, and deployed ZK systems typically include specialized hardware to optimize the performance of the prover code. Our second contribution is leveraging our polynomial API to abstract away low-level hardware primitives and automate their memory management. This device-agnostic design allows ZK engineers to prototype and build solutions while taking advantage of the performance gains offered by specialized hardware, such as GPUs and FPGAs, without needing to understand the hardware implementation details.

Finally, our polynomial API is integrated into version 2 of the ICICLE library and is running in production. This paper also serves as a comprehensive documentation for the ICICLE v2 polynomial API.
Ivan Damgård, Divya Ravi, Lawrence Roy, Daniel Tschudi, Sophia Yakoubov
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We study the problem of implementing unconditionally secure reliable and private communication (and hence secure computation) in dynamic incomplete networks. Our model assumes that the network is always $k$-connected, for some $k$, but the concrete connection graph is adversarially chosen in each round of interaction. We show that, with $n$ players and $t$ malicious corruptions, perfectly secure communication is possible if and only if $k > 2t$. This disproves a conjecture from earlier work, that $k> 3t$ is necessary. Our new protocols are much more efficient than previous work; in particular, we improve the round and communication complexity by an exponential factor (in $n$) in both the semi-honest and the malicious corruption setting, leading to protocols with polynomial complexity.
Jianming Lin, Saiyu Wang, Chang-An Zhao
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper, we revisit the algorithm for computing chains of $(2, 2)$-isogenies between products of elliptic curves via theta coordinates proposed by Dartois et al. For each fundamental block of this algorithm, we provide a explicit inversion-free version. Besides, we exploit a novel technique of $x$-only ladder to speed up the computation of gluing isogeny. Finally, we present a mixed optimal strategy, which combines the inversion-elimination tool with the original methods together to execute a chain of $(2, 2)$-isogenies.

We make a cost analysis and present a concrete comparison between ours and the previously known methods for inversion elimination. Furthermore, we implement the mixed optimal strategy for benchmark. The results show that when computing $(2, 2)$-isogeny chains with lengths of 126, 208 and 632, compared to Dartois, Maino, Pope and Robert's original implementation, utilizing our techniques can reduce $30.8\%$, $20.3\%$ and $9.9\%$ multiplications over the base field $\mathbb{F}_p$, respectively. Even for the updated version which employs their inversion-free methods, our techniques still possess a slight advantage.
Eric Blair
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This paper explores the intersection of cryptographic work with ethical responsibility and political activism, inspired by the Cypherpunk Manifesto and Phillip Rogaway's analysis of the moral character of cryptography. The discussion encompasses the historical context of cryptographic development, the philosophical underpinnings of the cypherpunk ideology, and contemporary challenges posed by mass surveillance and privacy concerns. By examining these facets, the paper calls for a renewed commitment to developing cryptographic solutions that prioritize human rights and societal good.
Zhuang Shan, Leyou Zhang, Qing Wu, Qiqi Lai
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Multi-party computation (\textsf{MPC}) is a major research interest in modern cryptography, and Privacy Set Intersection (\textsf{PSI}) is an important research topic within \textsf{MPC}. Its main function is to allow two parties to compute the intersection of their private sets without revealing any other information. Therefore, \textsf{PSI} can be applied to various real-world scenarios, such as the Industrial Internet of Things (\textsf{IIOT}). Chase and Miao presented a paper on ``Light-weight PSI'' at CRYPTO 2020, highlighting its convenient structure and optimal communication cost. However, the drawback is that this protocol is deterministically encrypted and it was discovered through simulation that it is not resistant to probabilistic attacks. Building upon the ideas from CM20, this paper introduces the concept of a {\em perturbed pseudorandom generator}, constructs and proves its security, and replaces one of the hash functions (originally there were two) from CM20. In order to demonstrate the security of the \textsf{PSI} protocol proposed in this paper, a dedicated definition of Chosen Plaintext Attack (\textsf{CPA}) security model for this \textsf{PSI} protocol is provided. The paper then proceeds to prove that the \textsf{PSI} protocol satisfies this defined security model. Efficiency analysis shows that the \textsf{PSI} in this paper is comparable to CM20's \textsf{PSI}, whether on PC, pad, or phone.
Jia Liu, Mark Manulis
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Distributed randomness beacons (DRBs) are fundamental for various decentralised applications, such as consensus protocols, decentralised gaming and lotteries, and collective governance protocols. These applications are heavily used on modern blockchain platforms. This paper presents the so far most efficient direct construction and implementation of a non-interactive distributed verifiable random function (NI-DVRF) that is fully compatible with Ethereum. Our NI-DVRF scheme adopts pairings and combines techniques from secret sharing, SNARKs, and BLS signatures. The security properties of the resulting NI-DVRF scheme are formally modelled and proven in the random oracle model under standard pairing-based assumptions. To justify the efficiency and cost claims and more generally its adoption potential in practice, the proposed NI-DVRF scheme was implemented in Rust and Solidity. Our NI-DVRF implementation is highly optimised and is currently being investigated for deployment on the multichain layer-2 scaling solution provided by Boba Network to power its DRB service. Our experimental analysis, therefore, also evaluates performance and scalability properties of the proposed NI-DVRF and its implementation.
Itamar Levi, Osnat Keren
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Masking is a widely adopted countermeasure against side-channel analysis (SCA) that protects cryptographic implementations from information leakage. However, current masking schemes often incur significant overhead in terms of electronic cost. RAMBAM, a recently proposed masking technique that fits elegantly with the AES algorithm, offers ultra-low latency/area by utilizing redundant representations of finite field elements. This paper presents a comprehensive generalization of RAMBAM and various other masking schemes within a unified framework and a mathematical representation known as Consolidated Linear Masking (CLM), where masking schemes are formalized by their encoding. We establish a theoretical foundation for CLM linking randomized isomorphic (code) representations and the entropy provided by the redundancy to a revised notion of masking order. Our analysis reveals that RAMBAM is a specific instance of CLM as well as other masking constructions, thus paving the way for significant enhancements. For example, a $1^{st}$-order secure design can be achieved almost without increasing the size of the representation of the variables. This property scales up to any order and is versatile. We demonstrate how CLM enables: (1) randomized selection of the isomorphic field for improved security; (2) flexible choice of the randomization polynomial; (3) embedded mask-refreshing via the randomized isomorphic representation that reduces randomness requirements significantly as well as improves performance; (4) a wider range of isomorphic randomized mappings that significantly increases the available randomization space compared to RAMBAM; (5) considerable improvement in securing fault-injection attacks and inherent security against probing adversaries, i.e., more required probes. In addition, our framework addresses ways to improve the brute-force parameter choices in the original RAMBAM. By offering a unifying theoretical perspective for masking and practical enhancements, this work advances the design of efficient and secure masking countermeasures against SCA threats.
Sengim Karayalcin, Guilherme Perin, Stjepan Picek
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Resilience against side-channel attacks is an important consideration for cryptographic implementations deployed in devices with physical access to the device. However, noise in side-channel measurements has a significant impact on the complexity of these attacks, especially when an implementation is protected with masking. Therefore, it is important to assess the ability of an attacker to deal with noise. While some previous works have considered approaches to remove (some) noise from measurements, these approaches generally require considerable expertise to be effectively employed or necessitate the ability of the attacker to capture a 'clean' set of traces without the noise. In this paper, we introduce a method for utilizing diffusion models to remove measurement noise from side-channel traces in a fully non-profiled setting. Denoising traces using our method considerably lowers the complexity of mounting attacks in both profiled and non-profiled settings. For instance, for a collision attack against the ASCADv2 dataset, we reduced the number of traces required to retrieve the key by 40%, and we showed similar improvements for ESHARD using a state-of-the-art MORE attack. Furthermore, we provide analyses into the scenarios where our method is useful and generate insights into how the diffusion networks denoise traces.
Shiyuan Xu, Xue Chen, Yu Guo, Siu-Ming Yiu, Shang Gao, Bin Xiao
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) has gained significant research focus in both academic and medical institutions. Nevertheless, the sensitive data involved in IoMT raises concerns regarding user validation and data privacy. To address these concerns, certificateless signcryption (CLSC) has emerged as a promising solution, offering authenticity, confidentiality, and unforgeability. Unfortunately, most existing CLSC schemes are impractical for IoMT due to their heavy computational and storage requirements. Additionally, these schemes are vulnerable to quantum computing attacks. Therefore, research focusing on designing an efficient post-quantum CLSC scheme is still far-reaching. In this work, we propose PQ-CLSC, a novel post-quantum CLSC scheme that ensures quantum safety for IoMT. Our proposed design facilitates secure transmission of medical data between physicians and patients, effectively validating user legitimacy and minimizing the risk of private information leakage. To achieve this, we leverage lattice sampling algorithms and hash functions to generate the particial secret key and then employ the sign-then-encrypt method to obtain the ciphertext. We also formally and prove the security of our design, including indistinguishability against chosen-ciphertext attacks (IND-CCA2) and existential unforgeability against chosen-message attacks (EU-CMA) security. Finally, through comprehensive performance evaluation, our signcryption overhead is only 30%-55% compared to prior arts, while our computation overhead is just around 45% of other existing schemes. The evaluation results demonstrate that our solution is practical and efficient.
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