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28 June 2024

Feixiang Zhao, Huaxiong Wang, Jian Weng
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Proxy re-encryption is a cryptosystem that achieves efficient encrypted data sharing by allowing a proxy to transform a ciphertext encrypted under one key into another ciphertext under a different key. Homomorphic proxy re-encryption (HPRE) extends this concept by integrating homomorphic encryption, allowing not only the sharing of encrypted data but also the homomorphic computations on such data. The existing HPRE schemes, however, are limited to a single or bounded number of hops of ciphertext re-encryptions. To address this limitation, this paper introduces a novel lattice-based, unbounded multi-hop fully homomorphic proxy re-encryption (FHPRE) scheme, with constant-size ciphertexts. Our FHPRE scheme supports an unbounded number of reencryption operations and enables arbitrary homomorphic computations over original, re-encrypted, and evaluated ciphertexts. Additionally, we propose a potential application of our FHPRE scheme in the form of a non-interactive, constant-size multi-user computation system for cloud computing environments.
Ghada Almashaqbeh, Sixia Chen, Alexander Russell
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Layer-two blockchain protocols emerged to address scalability issues related to fees, storage cost, and confirmation delay of on-chain transactions. They aggregate off-chain transactions into a fewer on-chain ones, thus offering immediate settlement and reduced transaction fees. To preserve security of the underlying ledger, layer-two protocols often work in a collateralized model; resources are committed on-chain to backup off-chain activities. A fundamental challenge that arises in this setup is determining a policy for establishing, committing, and replenishing the collateral in a way that maximizes the value of settled transactions.

In this paper, we study this problem under two settings that model collateralized layer-two protocols. The first is a general model in which a party has an on-chain collateral $C$ with a policy to decide on whether to settle or discard each incoming transaction. The policy also specifies when to replenish $C$ based on the remaining collateral value. The second model considers a discrete setup in which $C$ is divided among $k$ wallets, each of which is of size $C/k$, such that when a wallet is full, and so cannot settle any incoming transactions, it will be replenished. We devise several online policies for these models, and show how competitive they are compared to optimal (offline) policies that have full knowledge of the incoming transaction stream. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to study and formulate online competitive policies for collateral and wallet management in the blockchain setting.
Nicholas Michel, Mohamed E. Najd, Ghada Almashaqbeh
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Automated market makers (AMMs) are a form of decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges and considered a prime example of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) applications. Their popularity and high trading activity have resulted in millions of on-chain transactions leading to serious scalability issues. In this paper, we address the on-chain storage overhead problem of AMMs by utilizing a new sidechain architecture as a layer 2 solution, building a system called ammBoost. Our system reduces the amount of on-chain transactions, boosts throughput, and supports blockchain pruning. We devise several techniques to enable layer 2 processing for AMMs while preserving correctness and security of the underlying AMM. We also build a proof-of-concept of ammBoost for a Uniswap-inspired use case to empirically evaluate its performance. Our experiments show that ammBoost decreases the gas cost by 94.53% and the chain growth by at least 80%, and that it can support up to 500x of the daily traffic volume observed for Uniswap in practice.
Zahra Motaqy, Mohamed E. Najd, Ghada Almashaqbeh
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology provide an innovative model for reshaping digital services. Driven by the movement toward Web 3.0, recent systems started to provide distributed services, such as computation outsourcing or file storage, on top of the currency exchange medium. By allowing anyone to join and collect cryptocurrency payments for serving others, these systems create decentralized markets for trading digital resources. Yet, there is still a big gap between the promise of these markets and their practical viability. Existing initiatives are still early-stage and have already encountered security and efficiency obstacles. At the same time, existing work around promising ideas, specifically sidechains, fall short in exploiting their full potential in addressing these problems.

To bridge this gap, we propose chainBoost, a secure performance booster for decentralized resource markets. It expedites service related operations, reduces the blockchain size, and supports flexible service-payment exchange modalities at low overhead. At its core, chainBoost employs a sidechain, that has a (security and semantic) mutual-dependence with the mainchain, to which the system offloads heavy/frequent operations. To enable it, we develop a novel sidechain architecture composed of temporary and permanent blocks, a block suppression mechanism to prune the sidechain, a syncing protocol to permit arbitrary data exchange between the two chains, and an autorecovery protocol to support robustness and resilience. We analyze the security of chainBoost, and implement a proof-of-concept prototype for a distributed file storage market as a use case. For a market handling around 2000 transactions per round, our experiments show up to 11x improvement in throughput and 94% reduction in confirmation time. They also show that chainBoost can reduce the main blockchain size by about 90%, and that it outperforms comparable optimistic rollup solutions by reducing transaction finality by 99.7%.
Archisman Ghosh, Md. Abdur Rahman, Debayan Das, Santosh Ghosh, Shreyas Sen
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Mathematically secured cryptographic implementations leak critical information in terms of power, EM emanations, etc. Several circuit-level countermeasures are proposed to hinder side channel leakage at the source. Circuit-level countermeasures (e.g., IVR, STELLAR, WDDL, etc) are often preferred as they are generic and have low overhead. They either dither the voltage randomly or attenuate the meaningful signature at $V_{DD}$ port. Although any digital implementation has two generic ports, namely clock and $V_{DD}$, circuit-level countermeasures primarily focus on $V_{DD}$ port, and countermeasures using the clock are mainly unexplored. System-level clock randomization is ineffective due to post-processing techniques. This work, for the first time, presents clock-based countermeasures by providing a controlled slew that exploits the inherent variability of digital circuits in terms of power consumption and transforms power/EM emanation into a complex function of data and slew. Due to this, minimum traces-to-disclosure (MTD) improves by 100$\times$ with respect to the unprotected one. Moreover, the slewed clock reduces the leaky frequency, and the clock randomization countermeasure is more effective as it becomes more difficult} to post-process in the frequency domain. Clock slew and randomization together have a cumulative effect(1800x) more than the multiplication of individual techniques (100x & 5x respectively). In brief, this paper presents a clock-level generic synthesizable countermeasure technique that improved the minimum-traces-to-disclosure (MTD) by 1800$\times$ and incurs only 11% area overhead, $<3\%$ power overhead (measured) and $<6\%$ performance overhead (measured). Moreover, this can be easily combined with other power-port-based mitigation techniques for enhanced security.
Alan Li, Qingkai Liang, Mo Dong
ePrint Report ePrint Report
As deep learning is being widely adopted across various domains, ensuring the integrity of models has become increasingly crucial. Despite the recent advances in Zero-Knowledge Machine Learning (ZKML) techniques, proving the inference over large ML models is still prohibitive. To enable practical ZKML, model simplification techniques like pruning and quantization should be applied without hesitation. Contrary to conventional belief, recent development in ML space have demonstrated that these simplification techniques not only condense complex models into forms with sparse, low-bit weight matrices, but also maintain exceptionally high model accuracies that matches its unsimplified counterparts.

While such transformed models seem inherently ZK-friendly, directly applying existing ZK proof frameworks still lead to suboptimal inference proving performance. To make ZKML truly practical, a quantization-and-pruning-aware ZKML framework is needed. In this paper, we propose SpaGKR, a novel sparsity-aware ZKML framework that is proven to surpass capabilities of existing ZKML methods. SpaGKR is a general framework that is widely applicable to any computation structure where sparsity arises. It is designed to be modular - all existing GKR-based ZKML frameworks can be seamlessly integrated with it to get remarkable compounding performance enhancements. We tailor SpaGKR specifically to the most commonly-used neural network structure - the linear layer, and propose the SpaGKR-LS protocol that achieves asymptotically optimal prover time. Notably, when applying SpaGKR-LS to a special series of simplified model - ternary network, it achieves further efficiency gains by additionally leveraging the low-bit nature of model parameters.
Senegue Gomez Nyamsi, Laurian Guimagang Azebaze, Emmanuel Fouotsa
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Since the advent of pairing based cryptography, many researchers have developed several techniques and variants of pairings to optimise the speed of pairing computations. The selection of the elliptic curve for a given pairing based protocol is crucial for operations in the first and second pairing groups of points of the elliptic curve and for many cryptographic schemes. A new variant of superoptimal pairing was proposed in 2023, namely x-superoptimal pairing on curves with odd prime embedding degrees BW13-310 and BW19-286. This paper extends the definition of the x-superoptimal pairing on elliptic curves with even embedding degrees BW10-511 and BW14-351 at 128 bits security level. We provide a suitable formula of the x-superoptimal pairing on BW10-511 and BW14-351 where the Miller loop is about $13.5\%$ and $21.6\%$ faster than the optimal ate pairing on BW10-511 and BW14-351 respectively. The correctness of the x-superoptimal pairing on BW10-511 and BW14-351 and bilinearity has been verified by a Magma code.
Rui Gao, Zhiguo Wan, Yuncong Hu, Huaqun Wang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
A range proof serves as a protocol for the prover to prove to the verifier that a committed number lies in a specified range, such as $[0,2^n)$, without disclosing the actual value. Range proofs find extensive application in various domains. However, the efficiency of many existing schemes diminishes significantly when confronted with batch proofs encompassing multiple elements. To improve the scalability and efficiency, we propose MissileProof, a vector range proof scheme, proving that every element in the committed vector is within $[0,2^n)$. We first reduce this argument to a bi-to-univariate SumCheck problem and a bivariate polynomial ZeroTest problem. Then generalizing the idea of univariate SumCheck PIOP, we design a bi-to-univariate SumCheck PIOP. By introducing a random polynomial, we construct the bivariate polynomial ZeroTest using a univariate polynomial ZeroTest and a univariate polynomial SumCheck PIOP. Finally, combining the PIOP for vector range proof, a KZG-based polynomial commitment scheme and the Fiat-Shamir transformation, we get a zero-knowledge succinct non-interactive vector range proof. Compared with existing schemes, our scheme has the optimal proof size ($O(1)$), the optimal commitment length ($O(1)$), and the optimal verification time ($O(1)$), at the expense of slightly sacrificing proof time ($O(l\log l\cdot n\log n)$ operations on the prime field for FFT and $O(ln)$ group exponentiations in $\mathbb{G}$). Moreover, we implemented an anti-money-laundering stateless blockchain based on the MissileProof. The gas consumption of the verification smart contract is reduced by 85%.
Mingfei Yu, Giovanni De Micheli
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) enables secure data processing without compromising data access, but its computational cost and slower execution compared to plaintext operations pose challenges. The growing interest in FHE-based secure computation necessitates the acceleration of homomorphic computations. While existing research primarily targets the reduction of the multiplicative depth (MD) of homomorphic circuits, this paper addresses the trade-off between MD reduction and the increase in multiplicative complexity (MC), a critical gap often overlooked during circuit optimization and potentially resulting in suboptimal outcomes. Three contributions are presented: (a) an exact synthesis paradigm for optimal homomorphic circuit implementations, (b) an efficient heuristic algorithm named MC-aware MD minimization, and (c) a homomorphic circuit optimization flow combining MC-aware MD minimization with existing MD reduction techniques. Experimental results demonstrate a 21.32% average reduction in homomorphic computation time and showcase significantly improved efficiency in circuit optimization.
Jung Hee Cheon, Hyeongmin Choe, Minsik Kang, Jaehyung Kim
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The RNS variant of the CKKS scheme (SAC 2018) is widely implemented due to its computational efficiency. However, the current optimized implementations of the RNS-CKKS scheme have a limitation when choosing the ciphertext modulus. It requires the scale factors to be approximately equal to a factor (or a product of factors) of the ciphertext modulus. This restriction causes inefficiency when the scale factor is not close to the power of the machine's word size, wasting the machine's computation budget.

In this paper, we solve this implementation-side issue algorithmically by introducing \emph{Grafting}, a ciphertext modulus management system. In Grafting, we mitigate the link between the ciphertext modulus and the application-dependent scale factor. We efficiently enable rescaling by an arbitrary amount of bits by suggesting a method managing the ciphertext modulus with mostly word-sized factors. Thus, we can fully utilize the machine architecture with word-sized factors of the ciphertext modulus while keeping the application-dependent scale factors. This also leads to hardware-friendly RNS-CKKS implementation as a side effect. Furthermore, we apply our technique to Tuple-CKKS multiplication (CCS 2023), solving a restriction due to small scale factors.

Our proof-of-concept implementation shows that the overall complexity of RNS-CKKS is almost proportional to the number of coprime factors comprising the ciphertext modulus, of size smaller than the machine's word size. This results in a substantial speed-up from Grafting: $17$-$51$% faster homomorphic multiplications and $43$% faster CoeffsToSlots in bootstrapping, implemented based on the HEaaN library. We estimate that the computational gain could range up to $1.71\times$ speed-up for the current parameters used in the RNS-CKKS libraries.

26 June 2024

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile
Job Posting Job Posting
The School of Engineering at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (UC | Chile), one of the leading engineering academic institutions in Latin America and ranked among the top four emerging leaders for engineering education worldwide, invites outstanding candidates for two faculty positions to form a new group in Computer Security and Privacy.
Admission to UC | Chile is highly competitive and we consistently admit the top students in the country. Among computer science students, there is a growing interest in computer security and privacy, with multiple student-led activities such as talks, seminars, cybersecurity training workshops, and tournaments.
The successful candidates will be expected to:
  • Deliver high-quality teaching at both undergraduate and graduate levels.
  • Conduct independent research.
  • Engage in knowledge transfer, outreach, and university administrative tasks.
  • Conduct teaching, research, and technological innovation activities in Computer Security and Privacy
  • Develop a strong externally funded research program, support doctoral programs, and teach three courses per year.
    Applicants must:
  • Hold a Ph.D., preferably in Computer Science, or have demonstrable expertise in the field.
  • Be willing to collaborate with other departments within the School of Engineering.
  • Be prepared to learn Spanish well enough to teach in the language within two years (English proficiency is required).
  • Demonstrate a strong commitment to academic life and the public good of the institution.
  • Show a high motivation to continuously improve teaching skills.
  • Have a genuine interest in engaging with graduate programs, particularly the doctoral program.
  • Develop and maintain an active research agenda leading to high-quality publications, secure research grants, generate and participate in interdisciplinary projects, lead scientific and industry-liaison initiatives, and strengthen and create national and international academic networks.

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: Applicants should submit the documents requested in to (please indicate "Faculty Position in Computer Security and Privacy" in the email subject line)

    More information:

  • Expand

    24 June 2024

    University of Luxembourg
    Job Posting Job Posting
    The successful candidate will join the CryptoLux team led by Prof. Alex Biryukov. He or she will contribute to a research project entitled "Advanced Cryptography for Finance and Privacy (CryptoFin)", which is funded by the Luxembourgish Fonds National de la Recherche (FNR) through the CORE program. Candidates with research interests in one or more of the following areas are particularly encouraged to apply:
    • Applied or symmetric cryptography
    • Blockchain cryptography, cryptoeconomics
    • Anonymity and privacy on the Internet
    The main responsibility of the successful candidate would be to:
    • Conduct, publish and present research results at conferences
    • Collaborate with the two Ph.D. students of the project
    • Attract funding in cooperation with academic and industrial partners
    Deadline for applications: 31-July 2024. Starting date: 1-November-2024

    Closing date for applications:


    More information:

    Bosch Research, Renningen, Germany
    Job Posting Job Posting
    Bosch Research is developing an open source cloud platform ( for computing on encrypted data using Secure Multi-party Computation (MPC). Potential use cases include, but are not limited to, Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning and Privacy-Preserving Data Analytics. For such large computations on big data, active secure MPC becomes quite expensive. Bosch Research is therefore trying to reduce the computational and communication costs of MPC by optimizing the underlying cryptographic primitives and protocols.

    Thus, we are looking for a highly motivated PhD candidate with a strong background in applied cryptography and preferably also MPC. The candidates should meet the following requirements:

    • Education: Hold an M.Sc. degree (or equivalent) with excellent grades in IT security or computer science.
    • Experience and Knowledge: Strong background in (applied) cryptography with a particular focus on cryptographic protocols/MPC, including security models and basic security proof techniques. Good software development/programming skills.
    • Personality and Working Practice: Self-motivated and enthusiastic, independent, reliable, creative, and able to work in an international team with diverse background.
    • Language: Fluent English language skills.

    If the above requirements apply to you, you are welcome to read on. The successful candidate will:
    • become a part of the team and advance research on MPC.
    • develop novel approaches to improve the practical efficiency of actively secure MPC protocols.
    • design efficient MPC protocols for diverse use-cases.
    • publish and present the results in top-tier journals and at conferences.
    The position is based at the Bosch Research Campus in Renningen, Germany, fully funded for three years, no teaching duties, 30 days of anual vacation, and the usual benefits.

    Please submit your application, including your CV, transcripts of records from your Master studies, and a cover letter including your research background and research interest, via:

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: Formal applications must be submitted through:

    Monash University
    Job Posting Job Posting
    We are looking for a strong candidate that would be interested in pursuing a PhD on privacy-preserving machine learning at Monash University (a world top 50 university) in the vibrant city of Melbourne, Australia (frequently ranked among the top 10 cities to live in the world). Contact:

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: Rafael Dowsley

    Aydin Abadi
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    To securely transmit sensitive information into the future, Time-Lock Puzzles (TLPs) have been developed. Their applications include scheduled payments, timed commitments, e-voting, and sealed-bid auctions. Homomorphic TLP is a key variant of TLP that enables computation on puzzles from different clients. This allows a solver/server to tackle only a single puzzle encoding the computation's result. However, existing homomorphic TLPs lack support for verifying the correctness of the computation results. We address this limitation by introducing Tempora-Fusion, a TLP that allows a server to perform homomorphic linear combinations of puzzles from different clients while ensuring verification of computation correctness. This scheme avoids asymmetric-key cryptography for verification, thus paving the way for efficient implementations. We discuss our scheme's application in various domains, such as federated learning, scheduled payments in online banking, and e-voting.
    Aydin Abadi, Yvo Desmedt
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    Oblivious Transfer (OT) is a fundamental cryptographic protocol with applications in secure Multi-Party Computation, Federated Learning, and Private Set Intersection. With the advent of quantum computing, it is crucial to develop unconditionally secure core primitives like OT to ensure their continued security in the post-quantum era. Despite over four decades since OT's introduction, the literature has predominantly relied on computational assumptions, except in cases using unconventional methods like noisy channels or a fully trusted party. Introducing “Supersonic OT”, a highly efficient and unconditionally secure OT scheme that avoids public-key-based primitives, we offer an alternative to traditional approaches. Supersonic OT enables a receiver to obtain a response of size O(1). Its simple (yet non-trivial) design facilitates easy security analysis and implementation. The protocol employs a basic secret-sharing scheme, controlled swaps, the one-time pad, and a third-party helper who may be corrupted by a semi-honest adversary. Our implementation and runtime analysis indicate that a single instance of Supersonic OT completes in 0.35 milliseconds, making it up to 2000 times faster than the state-of-the-art base OT.
    Chaya Ganesh, Shreyas Gupta, Bhavana Kanukurthi, Girisha Shankar
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    In this work, we construct a second price (Vickrey) auction protocol (SPA), which does not require any auctioneers and ensures total privacy in the presence of rational parties participating in auction. In particular, the confidentiality of the highest bid and the identity of the second highest bidder are protected. We model the bidders participating in the second price auction as rational, computationally bounded and privacy-sensitive parties. These are self-interested agents who care about winning the auction more than learning about the private bids of other parties. A rational party does not deviate from the protocol arbitrarily but does so only for its own individual `advantage' -- without any consideration for others. Such an advantage is modeled using suitable utility functions.

    We show that for rational and computationally bounded parties participating in our second-price auctions protocol, there exists a privacy-preserving dominant strategy equilibrium in which every party prefers to follow the protocol rather than to deviate.

    Our protocol is implemented using open-source cryptographic constructs. Running our SPA protocol on commodity hardware with $15$ bidders, with bids of length $10$ bits, completes in $1.26$sec and has total communication of $0.77$MB whereas, under similar conditions, Atlas (semi-honest) protocol takes $40\%$ more time ($2.11$ sec) and $87\%$ more communication ($6.09$MB).
    Peng Yang, Zoe Lin Jiang, Jiehang Zhuang, Junbin Fang, Siu Ming Yiu, Xuan Wang
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    Neural network inference as a service refers to the process where a cloud server holding a model provides inference services to a client initiating inference requests. Secure neural network inference built on this service ensures the privacy of both the cloud server's model and the client's data. A binarized neural network (BNN) is a type of neural network with binary weights and activations, expected to accelerate inference. When achieving secure BNN inference using multi-party computation, we must address the issue of non-uniform bitwidths, i.e., secure computation protocols cannot directly operate on values of different bitwidths and require bitwidth conversion. Existing bitwidth conversion schemes have to expand the bitwidths of weights and activations, incurring significant communication latency and computational load.

    To address the above issues, we propose a secure BNN inference framework, FSSiBNN, with free bitwidth conversion based on function secret sharing (FSS). Specifically, by leveraging the property of FSS that supports arbitrary input and output bitwidths, we propose a bitwidth conversion embedding scheme. We naturally embed the bitwidth conversion into the FSS-based secure activation and max pooling computation, thereby avoiding the additional computational and communication overhead introduced by the bitwidth conversion. Moreover, we combine and convert multiple BNN layer functions into fewer matrix multiplication and comparison operations, and precompute multiplication tuples and FSS keys in the offline phase to achieve constant-round online inference.

    In the experiment, we conduct tests on various datasets and models, and compare our results with state-of-the-art work. Compared to the existing best two-party framework XONN (USENIX Security '19), our work is approximately 7$\times$ faster in inference time and reduces communication overhead by about 577$\times$. Compared with the existing best three-party frameworks, SecureBiNN (ESORICS '22) and FLEXBNN (TIFS '23), our work is approximately 2.5$\times$ faster in inference time and reduces communication overhead by 1.3 to 16.4$\times$.
    Maciej Obremski, João Ribeiro, Lawrence Roy, François-Xavier Standaert, Daniele Venturi
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    There exists a mismatch between the theory and practice of cryptography in the presence of leakage. On the theoretical front, the bounded leakage model, where the adversary learns bounded-length but noiseless information about secret components, and the random probing model, where the adversary learns some internal values of a leaking implementation with some probability, are convenient abstractions to analyze the security of numerous designs. On the practical front, side-channel attacks produce long transcripts which are inherently noisy but provide information about all internal computations, and this noisiness is usually evaluated with closely related metrics like the mutual information or statistical distance. Ideally, we would like to claim that resilience to bounded leakage or random probing implies resilience to noisy leakage evaluated according to these metrics. However, prior work (Duc, Dziembowski and Faust, Eurocrypt 2014; Brian et al., Eurocrypt 2021) has shown that proving such reductions with useful parameters is challenging.

    In this work, we study noisy leakage models stemming from hockey-stick divergences, which generalize statistical distance and are also the basis of differential privacy. First, we show that resilience to bounded leakage and random probing implies resilience to our new noisy leakage model with improved parameters compared to models based on the statistical distance or mutual information. Second, we establish composition theorems for our model, showing that these connections extend to a setting where multiple leakages are obtained from a leaking implementation. We complement our theoretical results with a discussion of practical relevance, highlighting that (i) the reduction to bounded leakage applies to realistic leakage functions with noise levels that are decreased by several orders of magnitude compared to Brian et al., and (ii) the reduction to random probing usefully generalizes the seminal work of Duc, Dziembowski, and Faust, although it remains limited when the field size in which masking operates grows (i.e., hockey-stick divergences can better hide the field size dependency of the noise requirements, but do not annihilate it).
    Xichao Hu, Dengguo Feng, Lin Jiao, Yonglin Hao, Xinxin Gong, Yongqiang Li
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    The impossible boomerang attack (IBA) is a combination of the impossible differential attack and boomerang attack, which has demonstrated remarkable power in the security evaluation of AES and other block ciphers. However, this method has not received sufficient attention in the field of symmetric cipher analysis. The only existing search method for impossible boomerang distinguishers (IBD), the core of IBAs, is the $\mathcal{UB}\text{-method}$, but it is considered rather rudimentary given current technological advancements and may result in missed opportunities for effective attacks. Therefore, this paper delves into a comprehensive study on the construction theory and automatic search method of IBDs.

    Theoretically, we propose 5 IBD constructions aligned with the techniques of arbitrary S-box, boomerang distinguisher, Boomerang Connectivity Table, U/L/EBCT and mixed tables for differential propagation for SPN-network block ciphers, and 2 IBD constructions accompanied by state propagation for block ciphers with any structure. Furthermore, we investigate the relationship among these IBD constructions and demonstrate that the most superior IBD aligns precisely with the original definition. Technically, we develop a general SAT-based automatic search tool for IBDs by introducing optimized search strategies of the composite model method and the mixed model method. This tool not only considers the details of each operation but also takes into account the impact of key schedule in a single-key setting.

    As applications, we first acquire 59584 4-round 1 active word truncated IBDs for AES-128, and 192 of those IBDs cannot be detected by the $\mathcal{UB} \text{-method}$. For Midori64, we first demonstrate the non-existence of $7$-round $1$ active word truncated IBDs, and obtain $7296$ $6$-round $1$ active word truncated IBDs, which is complementary to the finding that there are no existing $6$-round $1$ active word truncated IDs. For PRESENT-80, we get the first 6-round IBDs which cannot be detected by the $\mathcal{UB}\text{-method}$. Those results indicate that our method outperforms the $\mathcal{UB}\text{-method}$ and offer an advantage over IDs. We believe that our work can bring new insights to symmetric cipher analysis.
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