08 July 2024
Lihua Liu
Any Muanalifah, Zahari Mahad, Nurwan, Rosalio G Artes
Franklin Harding, Jiayu Xu
This paper serves as a first step towards characterizing the security of the Schnorr BSS in the limited concurrency setting. Specifically, we demonstrate that the Schnorr BSS satisfies OMUF when at most two signing sessions can be open concurrently (in the AGM+ROM). Our argument suggests that it is plausible that the Schnorr BSS satisfies OMUF for up to polylogarithmically many concurrent signing sessions.
Lars Wolfgang Folkerts, Nektarios Georgios Tsoutsos
05 July 2024
Dario Catalano, Emanuele Giunta, Francesco Migliaro
Over the last few years several works addressed this challenge by showing new constructions, refined notions and extensions. Most of these constructions, however, are either ad hoc, in the sense that they build upon specific properties of the underlying PKE, or impose severe restrictions on the size of the underlying anamorphic message space.
In this paper we consider the question of whether it is possible to have realizations of the primitive that are both generic and allow for large anamorphic message spaces. We give strong indications that, unfortunately, this is not the case.
Our first result shows that $ \textit{any black-box realization} $ of the primitive, i.e. any realization that accesses the underlying PKE only via oracle calls, $ \textit{must} $ have an anamorphic message space of size at most $poly(\lambda)$ ($\lambda$ security parameter).
Even worse, if one aims at stronger variants of the primitive (and, specifically, the notion of asymmetric anamorphic encryption, recently proposed by Catalano $ \textit{et al.} $) we show that such black-box realizations are plainly impossible, i.e. no matter how small the anamorphic message space is.
Finally, we show that our impossibility results are rather tight: indeed, by making more specific assumptions on the underlying PKE, it becomes possible to build generic AE where the anamorphic message space is of size $\Omega(2^\lambda)$.
Michael Anastos, Benedikt Auerbach, Mirza Ahad Baig, Miguel Cueto Noval, Matthew Kwan, Guillermo Pascual-Perez, Krzysztof Pietrzak
We prove our bounds in a combinatorial setting where the state of the protocol progresses in rounds. The state of the protocol in each round is captured by a set system, with each of its elements specifying a set of users who share a secret key. We show this combinatorial model implies bounds in symbolic models for ME and CGKA that capture, as building blocks, PRGs, PRFs, dual PRFs, secret sharing, and symmetric encryption in the setting of ME, and PRGs, PRFs, dual PRFs, secret sharing, public-key encryption, and key-updatable public-key encryption in the setting of CGKA. The models are related to the ones used by Micciancio and Panjwani (Eurocrypt'04) and Bienstock et al. (TCC'20) to analyze ME and CGKA, respectively.
We prove - using the Bollobás' Set Pairs Inequality - that the cost (number of uploaded ciphertexts) for replacing a set of $d$ users in a group of size $n$ is $\Omega(d\ln(n/d))$. Our lower bound is asymptotically tight and both improves on a bound of $\Omega(d)$ by Bienstock et al. (TCC'20), and generalizes a result by Micciancio and Panjwani (Eurocrypt'04), who proved a lower bound of $\Omega(\log(n))$ for $d=1$.
Marcel Tiepelt, Christian Martin, Nils Maeurer
Debasmita Chakraborty, Mridul Nandi
SecITC 2024: 17th International Conference on Security for Information Technology and Communications
Bucharest, Romania, 21 November - 22 November 2024
Submission deadline: 18 September 2024
Notification: 30 October 2024
Auckland, New Zealand, 16 December - 18 December 2024
Halifax, Canada, 4 September 2024
Submission deadline: 10 July 2024
Notification: 19 July 2024
Kunming, China, 14 December - 16 December 2024
Submission deadline: 15 August 2024
Notification: 10 November 2024
University of Wollongong, Australia
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Prof Willy Susilo
More information: https://www.uow.edu.au/about/jobs/jobs-available/#en/sites/CX_1/job/4604/?utm_medium=jobshare
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Kerstin Krauss
More information: https://nxp.wd3.myworkdayjobs.com/careers/job/Gratkorn/Senior-Web-Service-Java-Software-Engineer-for-Trust-Provisioning--m-f-d-_R-10053960-1
TU Wien
At the Institute of Logic and Computation, in the Research Unit of Security and Privacy (in the upcoming Research Unit Privacy Enhanced Technologies) at TU Wien is offering two 40hours/week positions as university assistant (prae-doc) limited to expected 4 years. Expected start: September 2024
- Research in the area of privacy enhancing technologies, cryptocurrencies, and (applied) cryptography
- Teaching tasks (exercises and exams), student guidance
- Teaching in German and English is expected
- Assistance with thesis supervision
- Scientific publishing (journal and conference papers, dissertation) - Participation in scientific events
- Assistance with organizational and administrative tasks
Your profile: - Completion of a master or diploma curriculum in one of these fields: computer Science, math, or smilar fields
- Knowledge of privacy-enhancing technologies, such as cryptography, differential privacy, and related areas.
- Very good skills in German and English communication and writing Interest in academic research and teaching
- Advanced problem solving skills and scientific curiosity
- Team player with very good communication skills
We offer: A highly visible and connected international research group A broad range of opportunities in a thriving research area Hybrid working style with home office option A range of attractive social benefits (see Fringe-Benefit Catalogue of TU Wien) Internal and external training opportunities, various career options Central location of workplace as well as good accessibility (U1/U4 Karlsplatz)
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dominique Schröder dominique.schroeder@tuwien.ac.at
More information: https://jobs.tuwien.ac.at/Job/235902
Aalto University, Finland
We are looking for postdocs interested in working with us (Chris Brzuska and Russell W. F. Lai) on topics including but not limited to:
- Lattice-based cryptography, with special focus on the design, application, and analysis of non-standard lattice assumptions
- Succinct and/or zero-knowledge proof and argument systems
- Advanced (e.g. homomorphic, attribute-based, functional, laconic) encryption and (e.g. ring, group, threshold, blind) signature schemes
- Fine-grained cryptography (e.g. against bounded-space-time adversaries)
- Lower bounds and impossibility results
For questions about the topics, feel free to drop us an email to discuss.
For more details about the position, and for the instructions of how to apply, please refer to https://www.hiit.fi/ict-community-postdoctoral-researcher-positions/.
Closing date for applications:
- For the position: Chris Brzuska, Russell W. F. Lai
- For the recruiting system: HIIT coordinator (see link above)
More information: https://www.hiit.fi/ict-community-postdoctoral-researcher-positions/
University of Surrey
Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow, to start as soon as possible, to work on the EPSRC-funded project “PKC-Sec: Security Analysis of Classical and Post-Quantum Public Key Cryptography Assumptions”. Based within the Computer Science Research Centre, and the highly regarded Surrey Centre for Cyber Security (SCCS), the post-holder will be responsible for conducting research into three areas mentioned below, working alongside Dr Granger, and in collaboration with the official project partners, the Ethereum Foundation, PQShield and K.U. Leuven.
The aim of the project is to research and develop algorithms for solving computational problems that are foundational to the security of public key cryptography, both now and in the future. In particular, it will study:
- The discrete logarithm problem in finite fields of fixed characteristic, for which an efficient classical algorithm is potentially on the horizon;
- The security of the Legendre pseudo-random function, which is extremely well suited for multi-party computation and is used in the proof of custody construction within Ethereum, but is not so well-studied;
- The security of supersingular isogeny-based post-quantum cryptography, which although a relatively young field offers many very promising applications.
Due to their nature, any cryptographic assumptions based on mathematical constructions are potentially weaker than currently believed, and the project will deepen our understanding and assess the hardness of these natural and fundamental problems.
The successful applicant is expected to have a PhD (gained or near completion), or equivalent professional experience in computer science or a related subject in the technical areas relevant to the envisioned research.
For informal inquiries about the position, please contact Dr. Robert Granger.
Closing date for applications:
Contact: r.granger@surrey.ac.uk
More information: https://jobs.surrey.ac.uk/vacancy.aspx?ref=021224-R
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Kostas Papagiannopoulos - k.papagiannopoulos@uva.nl
More information: https://vacatures.uva.nl/UvA/job/Security-and-Network-Engineering-Education-Technical-Coordinator/798272902/
IRIF, Université de Paris Cité; Paris, France
Required qualifications: The ideal candidate for the postdoc position will hold a PhD (or be close to completion) in cryptography and be an expert in any of the areas of interest.
Salary: €3080 to €4291 gross monthly salary depending on the experience of the candidate
Dates: The starting date is flexible, starting October 2024.
Closing date for applications:
Contact: algocomp-apply@irif.fr
More information: https://www.irif.fr/postes/postdoc
University of Edinburgh
The position will be part of our research group, Quantum Software Lab which currently consists of more than 40 members, including eight faculty (Prof Elham Kashefi, Prof Chris Heunen, Dr Petros Wallden, Dr Myrto Arapinis, Dr Raul Garcia-Patron, Dr Mina Doosti, Dr Oliver Brown, Dr Alexandru Cojocaru). For more information, please contact a.cojocaru@ed.ac.uk with a CV and a short (up to 1 page) statement of research interests. The PhD position will have the expected starting date 1st October 2024, but later starting dates are negotiable. Candidates should apply by the 15th of July 2024, but are encouraged to reach out as early as possible. For a more detailed description, please see below.
Candidate’s profile. Applicants are expected to have (or about to obtain) a Master’s degree or equivalent (e.g., a First Class Honours) in Computer Science, Physics, or Mathematics. Outstanding candidates with a Bachelor’s degree (without a Master’s) will also be considered. A strong background in the theory of quantum computation, quantum information theory, cryptography or closely related fields is highly desirable.
Studentship and eligibility. Full time PhD tuition fees for a student with a Home or Overseas fee status; A tax free stipend of £19,237 per year for 3.5 years;
Research Environment. The School of Informatics at University of Edinburgh is one of the largest in Europe and currently the top Informatics institute in UK for research power, with 40% of its research outputs considered world-leading (top grade). University of Edinburgh is constantly ranked among the world’s top universities (among the top 20 Universities in the world in computer science) and is a highly international environment with several centres of excellence.
Closing date for applications:
Contact: a.cojocaru@ed.ac.uk