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22 July 2024

Tamara Finogina, Javier Herranz, Peter B. Roenne
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Coercion is a challenging and multi-faceted threat that prevents people from expressing their will freely. Similarly, vote-buying does to undermine the foundation of free democratic elections. These threats are especially dire for remote electronic voting, which relies on voters to express their political will freely but happens in an uncontrolled environment outside the polling station and the protection of the ballot booth. However, electronic voting in general, both in-booth and remote, faces a major challenge, namely to ensure that voters can verify that their intent is captured correctly without providing a receipt of the cast vote to the coercer or vote buyer.

Even though there are known techniques to resist or partially mitigate coercion and vote-buying, we explicitly demonstrate that they generally underestimate the power of malicious actors by not accounting for current technological tools that could support coercion and vote-selling.

In this paper, we give several examples of how a coercer can force voters to comply with his demands or how voters can prove how they voted. To do so, we use tools like blockchains, delay encryption, privacy-preserving smart contracts, or trusted hardware. Since some of the successful coercion attacks occur on voting schemes that were supposed/claimed/proven to be coercion-resistant or receipt-free, the main conclusion of this work is that the coercion models should be re-evaluated, and new definitions of coercion and receipt-freeness are necessary. We propose such new definitions as part of this paper and investigate their implications.

20 July 2024

Universität der Bundeswehr Munich, Germany
Job Posting Job Posting
We are looking for 1-2 bright researchers with strong interest and suitable experience in any of these research areas:
  • Distributed cryptography: DKG, decentralised credentials with privacy properties
  • Advanced encryption: algorithmic techniques for FHE and SNARKs, updatable encryption
  • Secure computation: MPC techniques and protocol design, PSI
  • PQC techniques for any of the aforementioned areas
Candidates will lead our research in funded projects across the domains of decentralized digital identity, computing over encrypted data, and advanced post-quantum secure encryption, and can work with existing PhD students.

They will work closely with members of the Privacy and Applied Cryptography (PACY) lab, led by Prof. Mark Manulis, and the Quantum-Safe and Advanced Cryptography (QuSAC) lab, led by Prof. Daniel Slamanig. Candidates will benefit from our modern infrastructure and availability of funds to support own research. Also, Munich is amongst best places to live in Germany.

Positions are available for immediate start but no later than 01.01.2025 with ~58k to 74k EUR p.a. depending on qualifications and experience. Initial contracts are for 1.5 - 2 years. (Due to the nature of funding restrictions on the eligibility may apply.)

  • Master's degree (or equivalent) or PhD in Mathematics, Cryptography, or Computer Science with excellent grades
  • Solid knowledge and demonstrable experience in respective research area
  • Post-doc candidates must have a strong track record (ideally with publications at IACR conferences and/or the top 4 security conferences) and good academic writing and presentation skills
  • Experience with cryptographic implementations (desirable)
  • Proficiency in English (essential) and German (desirable but not essential)
Applications (cover letter, CV, transcripts, references) can be sent by email.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Prof. Dr. Mark Manulis
mark [.] manulis [@] unibw [.] de

Applications will be processed continuously until the positions are filled.

More information:

Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences
Job Posting Job Posting

The research group Applied Cyber Security Darmstadt (ACSD) at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (h_da) is currently seeking Ph.D. students for various exciting research opportunities. We are looking for motivated individuals interested in Automotive Security, Smart Energy Network Security, Offensive Security, Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC), and Cryptographic Protocol Design. Our group is engaged in several ongoing and upcoming projects funded by prominent agencies such as the DFG (German Research Foundation), BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research), and the state of Hesse. Among the positions are two PhD positions for a BMBF-funded project commencing in September, focused on cryptoagility and the integration of PQC in modern vehicles. This project addresses critical challenges in future-proofing automotive security against emerging quantum threats. If you are passionate about cutting-edge cyber security research and wish to contribute to the advancement of secure automotive technologies, we encourage you to apply.

Your profile:
  • Master’s degree with very good grades in IT security, computer science, or a similar field
  • Extensive knowledge in IT security and applied cryptography
  • Proficient programming skills in Python, C/C++
  • Knowledge in cryptographic protocols, post-quantum cryptography, automotive technologies, offensive security, or energy networks is beneficial (depending on the project)
  • Experience and interest to engage in teaching
  • Very good English skills, German skills are beneficial
  • Motivated, reliable, creative, and able to work independently

Closing date for applications:


  • Christoph Krauß
  • Alexander Wiesmaier

More information:


19 July 2024

Takumi Shinozaki, Keisuke Tanaka, Masayuki Tezuka, Yusuke Yoshida
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Akavia, Gentry, Halevi, and Vald introduced the security notion of function-chosen-plaintext-attack (FuncCPA security) for public-key encryption schemes. FuncCPA is defined by adding a functional re-encryption oracle to the IND-CPA game. This notion is crucial for secure computation applications where the server is allowed to delegate a part of the computation to the client.

Dodis, Halevi, and Wichs introduced a stronger variant called FuncCPA$^+$. They showed FuncCPA$^+$ implies FuncCPA and conjectured that FuncCPA$^+$ is strictly stronger than FuncCPA. They left an open problem to clarify the relationship between these variants.

Contrary to their conjecture, we show that FuncCPA is equivalent to FuncCPA$^+$. We show it by two proofs with a trade-off between the number of queries and the number of function inputs. Furthermore, we show these parameters determine the security levels of FuncCPA and FuncCPA$^+$.
Alexander Burton, Samir Jordan Menon, David J. Wu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Private information retrieval (PIR) is a key building block in many privacy-preserving systems, and recent works have made significant progress on reducing the concrete computational costs of single-server PIR. However, existing constructions have high communication overhead, especially for databases with small records. In this work, we introduce Respire, a lattice-based PIR scheme tailored for databases of small records. To retrieve a single record from a database with over a million 256-byte records, the Respire protocol requires just 6.1 KB of online communication; this is a 5.9x reduction compared to the best previous lattice-based scheme. Moreover, Respire naturally extends to support batch queries. Compared to previous communication-efficient batch PIR schemes, Respire achieves a 3.4-7.1x reduction in total communication while maintaining comparable throughput (200-400 MB/s). The design of Respire relies on new query compression and response packing techniques based on ring switching in homomorphic encryption.
Thomas den Hollander, Daniel Slamanig
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Orion (Xie et al. CRYPTO'22) is a recent plausibly post-quantum zero-knowledge argument system with a linear time prover. It improves over Brakedown (Golovnev et al. ePrint'21 and CRYPTO'23) by reducing proof size and verifier complexity to be polylogarithmic and additionally adds the zero-knowledge property. The argument system is demonstrated to be concretely efficient with a prover time being the fastest among all existing succinct proof systems and a proof size that is an order of magnitude smaller than Brakedown. Since its publication in CRYPTO 2022, two revisions have been made to the zk-SNARK. First, there was an issue with how zero-knowledge was handled. Second, Orion was discovered to be unsound, which was then repaired through the use of a commit-and-prove SNARK as an ``outer'' SNARK.

As we will show in this paper, unfortunately, Orion in its current revision is still unsound (with and without the zero-knowledge property) and we will demonstrate practical attacks on it. We then show how to repair Orion without additional assumptions, which requies non-trivial fixes when aiming to preserve the linear time prover complexity. The proposed fixes lead to an even improved efficiency, i.e., smaller proof size and verifier time, over the claimed efficiency of the initial version of Orion. Moreover, we provide the first rigorous security proofs and explicitly consider multi-point openings and non-interactivity. While revisiting Orion we make some additional contributions which might be of independent interest, most notable an improved code randomization technique that retains the minimum relative distance.
Benoît Cogliati, Jordan Ethan, Ashwin Jha, Mridul Nandi, Abishanka Saha
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper, we formulate a special class of systems of linear equations over finite fields and derive lower bounds on the number of solutions adhering to some predefined restrictions. We then demonstrate the applications of these lower bounds to derive tight PRF security (up to $2^{3n/4}$ queries) for single-keyed variants of the Double-block Hash-then-Sum (DBHtS) paradigm, specifically PMAC+ and LightMAC+. Additionally, we show that the sum of $r$ independent copies of the Even-Mansour cipher is a secure PRF up to $2^{\frac{r}{r+1}n}$ queries.
Henri Devillez, Olivier Pereira, Thomas Peters
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Traceable Receipt-free Encryption (TREnc) is a verifiable public-key encryption primitive introduced at Asiacrypt 2022. A TREnc allows randomizing ciphertexts in transit in order to remove any subliminal information up to a public trace that ensures the non-malleability of the underlying plaintext. A remarkable property of TREnc is the indistinguishability of the randomization of chosen ciphertexts against traceable chosen-ciphertext attacks (TCCA). This property can support applications like voting, and it was shown that receipt-free non-interactive voting, where voters are unable to convince any third party of the content of their vote, can be generically built from a TREnc.

While being a very promising primitive, the few existing TREnc mechanisms either require a secret coin CRS or are fairly demanding in time and space requirements. Their security proofs also come with a linear security degradation in the number of challenge ciphertexts.

We address these limitations and offer two efficient public coin TREnc mechanisms tailored for the two common tallying approaches in elections: homomorphic and mixnet-based. The TCCA security of our mechanisms also enjoys an almost-tight reduction to SXDH, based on a new randomizable technique of independent interest in the random oracle model.

A Rust implementation of our TREnc mechanisms demonstrates that we can verifiably encrypt 64 bits in less than a second, and full group elements in around 30 ms., which is sufficient for most real-world applications. While comparing with other solutions, we show that our approaches lead to the most efficient non-interactive receipt-free voting system to date.
Alexander R. Block, Pratyush Ranjan Tiwari
ePrint Report ePrint Report
FRI is a cryptographic protocol widely deployed today as a building block of many efficient SNARKs that help secure transactions of hundreds of millions of dollars per day. The Fiat-Shamir security of FRI—vital for understanding the security of FRI-based SNARKs—has only recently been formalized and established by Block et al. (ASIACRYPT ’23).

In this work, we complement the result of Block et al. by providing a thorough concrete security analysis of non-interactive FRI under various parameter settings from protocols deploying (or soon to be deploying) FRI today. We find that these parameters nearly achieve their desired security targets (being at most 1-bit less secure than their targets) for non-interactive FRI with respect to a certain security conjecture about the FRI Protocol. However, in all but one set of parameters, we find that the provable security of non-interactive FRI under these parameters is severely lacking, being anywhere between 21- and 63-bits less secure than the conjectured security. The conjectured security of FRI assumes that known attacks are optimal, the security of these systems would be severely compromised should a better attack be discovered. In light of this, we present parameter guidelines for achieving 100-bits of provable security for non-interactive FRI along with a methodology for tuning these parameters to suit the needs of protocol designers.
Behzad Abdolmaleki, Hannes Blümel, Giacomo Fenzi, Homa Khajeh, Stefan Köpsell, Maryam Zarezadeh
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Servan-Schreiber et al. (S&P 2023) presented a new notion called private access control lists (PACL) for function secret sharing (FSS), where the FSS evaluators can ensure that the FSS dealer is authorized to share the given function. Their construction relies on costly non-interactive secret-shared proofs and is not secure in post-quantum setting. We give a construction of PACL from publicly verifiable secret sharing (PVSS) under short integer solution (SIS). Our construction adapts the Gentry et al’s scheme (Eurocrypt 2022) for post-quantum setting based on learning with error assumption (LWE). The implementation of our PACL with different files showed that it is feasible even at different sizes, and should remain so even with large secret vectors. This construction has many applications for access control by applying FSS. We show how to apply the proposed PACL construction to secure data retrieval. We also present a scheme for secure data retrieval with access control, which might be of independent interest.
Johannes Ottenhues, Alexander Koch
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Private Stream Aggregation (PSA) allows clients to send encryptions of their private values to an aggregator that is then able to learn the sum of these values but nothing else. It has since found many applications in practice, e.g. for smart metering or federated learning. In 2018, Becker et al. proposed the first lattice-based PSA scheme LaPS (NDSS 2018), with putative post-quantum security, which has subsequently been patented. In this paper, we describe two attacks on LaPS that break the claimed aggregator obliviousness security notion, where the second attack even allows to recover the secret keys of the clients, given enough encryptions. Moreover, we review the PSA literature for other occurrences of the responsible flawed proof steps. By explicitly tracking down and discussing these flaws, we clarify and hope to contribute to the literature on PSA schemes, in order to prevent further insecure schemes in practice. Finally, we point out that a Real-or-Random variant of the security notion that is often used as a substitute to make proofs easier, is not well-defined and potentially weaker than the standard PSA security notion. We propose a well defined variant and show that it is equivalent to the standard security notion of PSA under mild assumptions.
Zhengjun Cao, Lihua Liu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We show that the authentication key agreement scheme [IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, 2023, 14(5), 3816-3827] is flawed due to its inconsistent computations. We also show that the scheme fails to keep anonymity, not as claimed.
Jan Kristian Haugland, Tron Omland
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We investigate shift-invariant vectorial Boolean functions on $n$ bits that are lifted from Boolean functions on $k$ bits, for $k\leq n$. We consider vectorial functions that are not necessarily permutations, but are, in some sense, almost bijective. In this context, we define an almost lifting as a Boolean function for which there is an upper bound on the number of collisions of its lifted functions that does not depend on $n$. We show that if a Boolean function with diameter $k$ is an almost lifting, then the maximum number of collisions of its lifted functions is $2^{k-1}$ for any $n$. Moreover, we search for functions in the class of almost liftings that have good cryptographic properties and for which the non-bijectivity does not cause major security weaknesses. These functions generalize the well-known map $\chi$ used in the Keccak hash function.
Tymoteusz Chojecki, Grahame Erskine, James Tuite, Vasyl Ustimenko
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Let K be a commutative ring. We refer to a connected bipartite graph G = G_n(K) with partition sets P = K^n (points) and L = K^n (lines) as an affine graph over K of dimension dim(G) = n if the neighbourhood of each vertex is isomorphic to K. We refer to G as an algebraic affine graph over K if the incidence between a point (x_1, x_2, . . . , x_n) and line [y_1, y_2, . . . , y_n] is defined via a system of polynomial equations of the kind f_i = 0 where f_i ∈ K[x_1, x_2, . . . , x_n, y_1, y_2, . . . , y_n]. We say that an affine algebraic graph is a Jordan-Gauss graph over K if the incidences between points and lines are given by a quadratic system of polynomial equations, and the neighbourhood of each vertex is given as a solution set of the system of linear equations in row-echelon form. For each integral domain K we consider the known explicit construction of the family of Jordan-Gauss graphs A(n, K), n = 2, 3, . . . with cycle indicator ≥ 2n + 2. Additionally several constructions of families of edge intransitive Jordan-Gauss graphs over K of increasing girth with well defined projective limit will be presented. This projective limit is a forest defined by the system of algebraic equations. In the case K = F_q, q ≥ 3 we present results of computer experiments for the evaluation of girth, cycle indicator, diameter and the second largest eigenvalue of the constructed graphs, and we formulate several conjectures on their properties. One of the conjectures is that the girth of A(n, F_q) is 2[(n+ 5)/2]. We discuss briefly some applications of Jordan-Gauss graphs of large girth to Graph Theory, Algebraic Geometry and the theory of LDPC codes; and we consider ideas to use groups related to these graphs in Noncommutative Cryptography and Stream Ciphers Design.
Vlasis Koutsos, Xiangan Tian, Dimitrios Papadopoulos, Dimitris Chatzopoulos
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Auditing throughout a fiscal year is integral to organizations with transactional activity. Organizations transact with each other and record the details for all their economical activities so that a regulatory committee can verify the lawfulness and legitimacy of their activity. However, it is computationally infeasible for the committee to perform all necessary checks for each organization. To overcome this, auditors assist in this process: organizations give access to all their internal data to their auditors, who then produce reports regarding the consistency of the organization's data, alerting the committee to any inconsistencies. Despite this, numerous issues that result in fines annually revolve around such inconsistencies in bookkeeping across organizations. Notably, committees wishing to verify the correctness of auditor-provided reports need to redo all their calculations; a process which is computationally proportional to the number of organizations. In fact, it becomes prohibitive when considering real-world settings with thousands of organizations. In this work, we propose two protocols, CLOSC and CLOLC, whose goals are to enable auditors and a committee to verify the consistency of transactions across different ledgers. Both protocols ensure that for every transaction recorded in an organization's ledger, there exists a dual one in the ledger of another organization while safeguarding against other potential attacks. Importantly, we minimize the information leakage to auditors and other organizations and guarantee three crucial security and privacy properties that we propose: (i) transaction amount privacy, (ii) organization-auditor unlinkability, and (iii) transacting organizations unlinkability. At the core of our protocols lies a two-tier ledger architecture alongside a suite of cryptographic tools. To demonstrate the practicality and scalability of our designs, we provide extensive performance evaluation for both CLOSC and CLOLC. Our numbers are promising, i.e., all computation and verification times lie in the range of seconds, even for millions of transactions, while the on-chain storage costs for an auditing epoch are encouraging i.e. in the range of GB for millions of transactions and thousands of organizations.
Aggelos Kiayias, Elias Koutsoupias, Philip Lazos, Giorgos Panagiotakos
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Handling congestion in blockchain systems is a fundamental problem given that the security and decentralization objectives of such systems lead to designs that compromise on (horizontal) scalability (what sometimes is referred to as the ``blockchain trilemma''). Motivated by this, we focus on the question whether it is possible to design a transaction inclusion policy for block producers that facilitates fee and delay predictability while being incentive compatible at the same time.

Reconciling these three properties is seemingly paradoxical given that the dominant approach to transaction processing is based on first-price auctions (e.g., as in Bitcoin) or dynamic adjustment of the minimum admissible fee (e.g. as in Ethereum EIP-1559) something that breaks fee predictability. At the same time, in fixed fee mechanisms (e.g., as in Cardano), fees are trivially predictable but are subject to relatively inexpensive bribing or denial of service attacks where transactions may be delayed indefinitely by a well funded attacker, hence breaking delay predictability.

In this work, we set out to address this problem by putting forward blockchain space tokenization (BST), namely a new capability of a blockchain system to tokenize its capacity for transactions and allocate it to interested users who are willing to pay ahead of time for the ability to post transactions regularly for a period of time. We analyze our system in the face of worst-case transaction-processing attacks by introducing a security game played between the mempool mechanism and an adversary. Leveraging this framework, we prove that BST offers predictable and asymptotically optimal delays, predictable fees, and is incentive compatible, thus answering the question posed in the affirmative.
Chen Li, Fangguo Zhang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Zero-knowledge succinct non-interactive argument of knowledge (zk-SNARK) is a kind of proof system that enables a prover to convince a verifier that an NP statement is true efficiently. In the last decade, various studies made a lot of progress in constructing more efficient and secure zk-SNARKs. Our research focuses on designated-verifier zk-SNARKs, where only the verifier knowing some secret verification state can be convinced by the proof. A natural idea of getting a designated-verifier zk-SNARK is encrypting a publicly-verifiable zk-SNARK's proof via public-key encryption. This is also the core idea behind the well-known transformation proposed by Bitansky et al. in TCC 2013 to obtain designated-verifier zk-SNARKs. However, the transformation only applies to zk-SNARKs which requires the complicated trusted setup phase and sticks on storage-expensive common reference strings. The loss of the secret verification state also makes the proof immediately lose the designated-verifier property.

To address these issues, we first define "strong designated-verifier" considering the case where the adversary has access to the secret verification state, then propose a construction of strong designated-verifier zk-SNARKs. The construction inspired by designated verifier signatures based on two-party ring signatures does not use encryption and can be applied on any public-verifiable zk-SNARKs to yield a designated-verifiable variant. We introduce our construction under the circuit satisfiability problem and implement it in Circom, then test it on different zk-SNARKs, showing the validity of our construction.
Reo Eriguchi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Bottleneck complexity is an efficiency measure of secure multiparty computation (MPC) protocols introduced to achieve load-balancing in large-scale networks, which is defined as the maximum communication complexity required by any one player within the protocol execution. Towards the goal of achieving low bottleneck complexity, prior works proposed MPC protocols for computing symmetric functions in the correlated randomness model, where players are given input-independent correlated randomness in advance. However, the previous protocols with polylogarithmic bottleneck complexity in the number of players $n$ require a large amount of correlated randomness that is linear in $n$, which limits the per-party efficiency as receiving and storing correlated randomness are the bottleneck for efficiency. In this work, we present for the first time MPC protocols for symmetric functions such that bottleneck complexity and the amount of correlated randomness are both polylogarithmic in $n$, assuming collusion of size at most $n-o(n)$ players. Furthermore, one of our protocols is even computationally efficient in that each player performs only $\mathrm{polylog}(n)$ arithmetic operations while the computational complexity of the previous protocols is $O(n)$. Technically, our efficiency improvements come from novel protocols based on ramp secret sharing to realize basic functionalities with low bottleneck complexity, which we believe may be of interest beyond their applications to secure computation of symmetric functions.
Aydin Abadi, Vishnu Asutosh Dasu, Sumanta Sarkar
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Deduplication is a vital preprocessing step that enhances machine learning model performance and saves training time and energy. However, enhancing federated learning through deduplication poses challenges, especially regarding scalability and potential privacy violations if deduplication involves sharing all clients’ data. In this paper, we address the problem of deduplication in a federated setup by introducing a pioneering protocol, Efficient Privacy-Preserving Multi-Party Deduplication (EP-MPD). It efficiently removes duplicates from multiple clients’ datasets without compromising data privacy. EP-MPD is constructed in a modular fashion, utilizing two novel variants of the Private Set Intersection protocol. Our extensive experiments demonstrate the significant benefits of deduplication in federated learning of large language models. For instance, we observe up to 19.61% improvement in perplexity and up to 27.95% reduction in running time. EP-MPD effectively balances privacy and performance in federated learning, making it a valuable solution for large-scale applications.
Maria Corte-Real Santos, Jonathan Komada Eriksen, Michael Meyer, Francisco Rodríguez-Henríquez
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Isogeny-based schemes often come with special requirements on the field of definition of the involved elliptic curves. For instance, the efficiency of SQIsign, a promising candidate in the NIST signature standardisation process, requires a large power of two and a large smooth integer $T$ to divide $p^2-1$ for its prime parameter $p$.

We present two new methods that combine previous techniques for finding suitable primes: sieve-and-boost and XGCD-and-boost. We use these methods to find primes for the NIST submission of SQIsign. Furthermore, we show that our methods are flexible and can be adapted to find suitable parameters for other isogeny-based schemes such as AprèsSQI or POKE. For all three schemes, the parameters we present offer the best performance among all parameters proposed in the literature.
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