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09 August 2024
Daniel Dobkin, Edut Katz, David Popovtzer, Itamar Levi
ePrint Report07 August 2024
Zhenyu Guan, Ran Mao, Qianyun Zhang, Zhou Zhang, Zian Zhao, Song Bian
ePrint ReportParisa Amiri Eliasi, Yanis Belkheyar, Joan Daemen, Santosh Ghosh, Daniël Kuijsters, Alireza Mehrdad, Silvia Mella, Shahram Rasoolzadeh, Gilles Van Assche
ePrint ReportThe Koala-P permutation is obtained as the $8$-fold iteration of a simple round function inspired by that of Subterranean. Based on careful preliminary cryptanalysis, we made a variant of the Subterranean permutation by reordering and modifying it in a way that does not introduce any implementation overhead and enhances the cryptographic resistance of the resulting PRF. Indeed, we demonstrate that Koala exhibits a high resistance against integral, cube, division property, and higher-order differential attacks.
Additionally, we compare the hardware implementation of Koala with the smallest latency with state-of-the-art low-latency PRF Orthros and Gleeok and the block cipher Prince in the same ASIC synthesis setup. Our results show that Koala outperforms these primitives not only in terms of latency but also with respect to various other performance measures.
Morgane Guerreau, Mélissa Rossi
ePrint ReportThis work presents the first power analysis leakage review on HAWK signature scheme: it extensively assesses the vulnerabilities of a central and sensitive brick of the scheme, the discrete Gaussian sampler. Knowing the output x of the sampler for a given signature leads to linear information about the private key of the scheme.
This paper includes several demonstrations of simple power analysis attacks targeting this sample x with various attacker strengths, all of them performed on the reference implementation on a ChipWhisperer Lite with STM32F3 target (ARM Cortex M4). We report being able to perform key recoveries with very low (to no) offline resources. As this reference implementation of HAWK is not claimed to be protected against side-channel attacks, the existence of such attacks is not surprising, but they still concretely warn about the use of this unprotected signature on physical devices.
To go further, our study proposes a generic way of assessing the performance of a side-channel attack on x even when less information is recovered, in a setting where some protections are implemented or when the attacker has less measurement possibilities. While it is easy to see that x is a sensitive value, quantifying the residual complexity of the key recovery with some knowledge about x (like the parity or the sign of some coefficients) is not straightforward as the underlying hardness assumption is the newly introduced Module-LIP problem. We propose to adapt the existing methodology of leaky LWE estimation tools (Dachman-Soled et al. at Crypto 2020) to exploit the retrieved information and lower down the residual key recovery complexity.
To finish, we propose an ad-hoc technique to lower down the leakage on the identified vulnerability points. These modifications prevent our attacks on our platform and come with essentially no cost in terms of performance. It could be seen as a temporary solution and encourages more analysis on proven side-channel protection of HAWK like masking.
George Teseleanu
ePrint ReportPengcheng Qiu, Guiming Wu, Tingqiang Chu, Changzheng Wei, Runzhou Luo, Ying Yan, Wei Wang, Hui Zhang
ePrint ReportMichel Dellepere, Pratyush Mishra, Alireza Shirzad
ePrint ReportBoth constructions rely on a new cryptographic primitive: "equifficient" polynomial commitment schemes that enforce that committed polynomials have the same representation in particular bases. We provide both rigorous security definitions for this primitive as well as efficient constructions for univariate and multilinear polynomials.
Zhengjun Cao, Lihua Liu
ePrint ReportThales B. Paiva, Marcos A. Simplicio Jr, Syed Mahbub Hafiz, Bahattin Yildiz, Eduardo L. Cominetti
ePrint ReportDavid Wong, Denis Kogelov, Ivan Mikushin
ePrint ReportKushal Babel, Nerla Jean-Louis, Yan Ji, Ujval Misra, Mahimna Kelkar, Kosala Yapa Mudiyanselage, Andrew Miller, Ari Juels
ePrint ReportThis work introduces a system called PROF (PRotected Order Flow) that is designed to limit harmful forms of MEV in existing PBS systems. PROF aims at this goal using two ideas. First, PROF imposes an ordering on a set ("bundle") of privately input transactions and enforces that ordering all the way through to block production-preventing transaction-order manipulation. Second, PROF creates bundles whose inclusion is profitable to block producers, thereby ensuring that bundles see timely inclusion in blocks.
PROF is backward-compatible, meaning that it works with existing and future PBS designs. PROF is also compatible with any desired algorithm for ordering transactions within a PROF bundle (e.g., first-come, first-serve, fee-based, etc.). It executes efficiently, i.e., with low latency, and requires no additional trust assumptions among PBS entities. We quantitatively and qualitatively analyze PROF’s incentive structure, and its utility to users compared with existing solutions. We also report on inclusion likelihood of PROF transactions, and concrete latency numbers through our end-to-end implementation.
Patricia Greene, Mark Motley, Bryan Weeks
ePrint ReportXinyu Peng, Yufei Wang, Weiran Liu, Liqiang Peng, Feng Han, Zhen Gu, Jianling Sun, Yuan Hong
ePrint ReportIn this paper, we revisit the DPSI definition and formalize its ideal functionality. We identify the key desiderata required by PSI-related tools to construct DPSI and propose two frameworks to construct efficient DPSI protocols. The first one generalizes the idea of existing DPSI, showing that any circuit-PSI can be used to construct DPSI. We obtain a more efficient DPSI protocol by plugging the SOTA circuit-PSI protocol in the framework. The second one helps to obtain a more efficient DPSI protocol based on the multi-query Reverse Private Membership Test (mqRPMT) that was previously used to construct Private Set Operation (PSO). However, mqRPMT additionally leaks the intersection size to the sender. We bound such leakage using differential privacy by padding random dummy items in input sets. We implement numerous constructions based on our frameworks. Experiments show that our protocols significantly outperform the existing DPSI construction, 2.5-22.6$\times$ more communication efficient and up to 110.5-151.8$\times$ faster. Our work also shows a new use case for mqRPMT besides obtaining PSO.
Rachit Garg, Rishab Goyal, George Lu
ePrint ReportHowever, until very recently, all these works studied bounded collusion resistance in a "static model", where the collusion bound $q$ was a global system parameter. While the static collusion model led to great research progress in the community, it has many major drawbacks. Very recently, Agrawal et al. (Crypto 2021) and Garg et al. (Eurocrypt 2022) independently introduced the "dynamic model" for bounded collusion resistance, where the collusion bound $q$ was a fluid parameter that was not globally set but only chosen by each encryptor. The dynamic collusion model enabled harnessing the many virtues of the static collusion model, while avoiding its various drawbacks.
In this work, we give a simple and generic approach to upgrade any scheme from the static collusion model to the dynamic collusion model. Our result captures all existing results in the dynamic model in the form of a single unified framework, and also gives new results as simple corollaries with a lot more potential in the future. An interesting artifact of our result is that it gives a generic way to match existing lower bounds in functional encryption.
06 August 2024
University of Luxembourg
Job PostingClosing date for applications:
Contact: Peter Y A Ryan
More information: http://emea3.mrted.ly/3q4lu
QuSoft Amsterdam
Job PostingBoth positions will be part of QuSoft, the Dutch research centre for quantum software, launched in 2015 to combine the quantum computing research of CWI and of the University of Amsterdam. QuSoft’s mission is to use the extraordinary properties of quantum mechanics, such as superposition, interference and entanglement, to develop new algorithms, communication protocols, and applications for small and medium-sized prototypes as well as larger quantum computers. QuSoft values diversity and inclusion, and improving the gender representation within QuSoft is an urgent concern. To this end, we will, among equally qualified candidates, prioritise applications from women researchers (including identifying as).
The positions are in the area of quantum computing, particularly in one or more of the following subareas:
- quantum algorithms,
- quantum complexity theory,
- quantum error-correction and fault-tolerance,
- quantum cryptography,
- quantum simulation of molecules and materials,
- quantum information theory.
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Stacey Jeffery
More information: https://vacatures.uva.nl/UvA/job/QuSoft/800609602/
Sorbonne University
Job PostingThe post-doc will conduct research at the intersection of theoretical cryptography and practical experiments on a quantum optical testbed to demonstrate a practical quantum advantage in terms of security and/or efficiency for advanced quantum cryptographic protocols.
The post-doc will be jointly supervised by Alex B. Grilo (CNRS, Sorbonne University), Eleni Diamanti (CNRS, Sorbonne University), and Ludovic Perret (EPITA & Sorbonne University). The ideal candidate will hold a PhD in quantum cryptography or cryptography with a strong motivation to work at the intersection of these two domains. Programming skills are a plus.
The position is for 12 months, renewable for up to 24 months, with a flexible start date. It is offered in the framework of the QSNP project, a European Quantum Flagship project aiming to develop quantum cryptography technology.
The PolSys team has strong expertise in post-quantum-cryptography whilst the QI team is an interdisciplinary research group covering computer science, theoretical physics and experimental quantum optics. We are based in LIP6, Sorbonne Université, in central Paris, and are founding members of interdisciplinary centers the Quantum Information Centre Sorbonne and the Paris Centre for Quantum Technologies. We strive to promote equality, diversity, inclusion and tolerance.
Applicants should send their CV, and a cover letter and arrange for at least two references to be sent to the contact person given below. The deadline for applications is 30/09/2024.
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Ludovic Perret
The IACR Test-of-Time Award honors papers published at the 3 IACR flagship conferences 15 years ago which have had a lasting impact on the field.
The Test-of-Time award for Crypto 2009 is awarded to the following two papers:
Dual-System Encryption, by Brent Waters.
For introducing the dual-system technique, breaking through the partitioning-reductions barrier of pairing-based cryptography and enabling new and improved pairing-based cryptosystems.
Reconstructing RSA Private Keys from Random Key Bits, by Nadia Heninger and Hovav Shacham.
For introducing the go-to tool for side channel attacks on CRT-RSA that played a pivotal role in helping secure the Internet.
For more information, see https://www.iacr.org/testoftime.
Congratulations to all winners!