International Association for Cryptologic Research

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21 February 2025

Wonseok Choi, Daniel Collins, Xiangyu Liu, Vassilis Zikas
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Receiver anamorphic encryption (hereafter anamorphic encryption), introduced by Persiano et al. at Eurocrypt 2022, allows for a double message to be symmetrically hidden in a public-key encryption ciphertext via a pre-shared -double key-. In anamorphic encryption, confidentiality must be preserved even if the adversary (or the -dictator-) has access to all regular keys. It has been the subject of several works since its introduction that explore tweaks and extensions to the core primitive. However, this study has not been systematic, and so disparate security notions have been proposed, for which their relationships are not clear. Moreover, there are clear gaps in the literature, including in the treatment of chosen-ciphertext attacks. In this work, we conduct a systematic study of receiver anamorphic encryption. We unify existing security notions and propose several new ones, and prove implications and separations between them. Our main findings are as follows. First, we identify gaps in previous security notions against an anamorphic -sender-, namely an adversary who is given the double key, and propose three new security notions to bridge these gaps. We also identify several gaps in the treatment of chosen-ciphertext attacks, a setting only very recently considered in anamorphic cryptography (Jaeger and Stracovsky, Asiacrypt 2024). Moreover, observing that no previous construction achieves all desirable security properties in this setting, we propose a suitable construction that does. Finally, we propose several security notions for -asymmetric- anamorphic encryption, and explore the case here where the dictator and the anamorphic sender collude.
Yanis Belkheyar, Patrick Derbez, Shibam Ghosh, Gregor Leander, Silvia Mella, Léo Perrin, Shahram Rasoolzadeh, Lukas Stennes, Siwei Sun, Gilles Van Assche, Damian Vizár
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We study the problem of embedded code encryption, i.e., encryption for binary software code for a secure microcontroller that is stored in an insecure external memory. As every single instruction must be decrypted before it can be executed, this scenario requires an extremely low latency decryption. We present a formal treatment of embedded code encryption security definitions, propose three constructions, namely ACE1, ACE2 and ACE3, and analyze their security. Further, we present ChiLow, a family of tweakable block ciphers and a related PRF specifically designed for embedded code encryption. At the core of ChiLow, there is ChiChi, a new family of non-linear layers of even dimension based on the well-known χ function. Our fully unrolled hardware implementation of ChiLow, using the Nangate 15nm Open Cell Library, achieves a decryption latency of less than 280 picoseconds.
Yaohua Ma, Chenxin Dai, Elaine Shi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Indistinguishability obfuscation (\iO) is a powerful cryptographic primitive and has been quoted as the ``swiss army-knife of modern cryptography''. Most prior works on \iO focused on theoretical feasibility, and paid less attention to the efficiency of the constructions. As a result, all prior constructions stopped at achieving polynomial efficiency without worrying about how large the polynomial is. In fact, it has even been conjectured that a polynomial dependence on the input length is necessary.

In this work, we show that if the two circuits to be obfuscated enjoy a succinct propositional logic proof of equivalence, then we can create obfuscated versions of these programs that are computationally indistinguishable; and importantly, the obfuscated program's efficiency is quasi-linear in the circuit size and proof size. We show that our quasi-linear \iO construction also leads to new applications. Specifically, we show how to achieve quasi-linear efficiency for 1) \iO for Turing Machines with unbounded inputs, and 2) multi-input functional encryption, also assuming succinct proofs of equivalence.
Antoine Joux, Julian Loss, Giacomo Santato
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We revisit the polynomial attack to the $\mathsf{ROS}$ problem modulo $p$ from [BLLOR22]. Our new algorithm achieves a polynomial time solution in dimension $\ell \gtrsim 0.725 \cdot \log_2 p$, extending the range of dimensions for which a polynomial attack is known beyond the previous bound of $\ell > \log_2p$.

We also combine our new algorithm with Wagner's attack to improve the general $\mathsf{ROS}$ attack complexity for some of the dimensions where a polynomial solution is still not known.

We implement our polynomial attack and break the one-more unforgeability of blind Schnorr signatures over 256-bit elliptic curves in a few seconds with 192 concurrent sessions.
Gennaro Avitabile, Vincenzo Botta, Emanuele Giunta, Marcin Mielniczuk, Francesco Migliaro
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The concept of Anamorphic Encryption (Persiano, Phan and Yung, Eurocrypt '22), aims to enable private communication in settings where the usage of encryption is heavily controlled by a central authority (henceforth called the dictator) who can obtain users' secret keys. Since then, various works have improved our understanding of AE in several aspects, including its limitations. To this regard, two recent works constructed various Anamorphic-Resistant Encryption (ARE) schemes, i.e., schemes admitting at most $O(\log(\lambda))$ bits of covert communication. However, those results are still unsatisfactory, each coming with at least one of the following issues: (1) use of cryptographic heavy hammers such as indistinguishability obfuscation (iO); (2) abuse of the original definition to define overly powerful dictators; (3) reliance on the Random Oracle Model (ROM). In particular, proofs in the ROM are controversial as they fail to account for anamorphic schemes making non-black-box usage of the hash function used to instantiate the Random Oracle. In this work, we overcome all of these limitations. First, we describe an anamorphic-resistant encryption (ARE) scheme approaching practicality by relying only on public-key encryption and Extremely Lossy Functions (ELFs), both known from the (exponential) DDH assumption. Moreover, further assuming Unique NIZKs (known from iO), we provide another construction, which we later use to realize the first $\textit{definitive}$ ARE; that is, a $\textit{single}$ scheme that $\textit{simultaneously}$ achieves the strongest level of anamorphic resistance against each of the possible levels of anamorphic security.
Koen de Boer, Wessel van Woerden
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This survey, mostly written in the years 2022-2023, is meant as an as short as possible description of the current state-of-the-art lattice attacks on lattice-based cryptosystems, without losing the essence of the matter.

The main focus is the security of the NIST finalists and alternatives that are based on lattices, namely CRYSTALS-Kyber, CRYSTALS-Dilithium and Falcon. Instead of going through these cryptosystems case by case, this survey considers attacks on the underlying hardness assumptions: in the case of the mentioned lattice-based schemes, these are (variants of) LWE (Learning With Errors) and NTRU.
Ittai Abraham, Eli Chouatt, Ivan Damgård, Yossi Gilad, Gilad Stern, Sophia Yakoubov
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The celebrated Algorand protocol solves validated byzantine agreement in a scalable manner in the synchronous setting. In this paper, we study the feasibility of similar solutions in the asynchronous setting. Our main result is an asynchronous validated byzantine agreement protocol that we call Asynchronous Algorand. As with Algorand, it terminates in an expected constant number of rounds, and honest parties send an expected $O(n ~\mathsf{polylog}~n)$ bits, where $n$ is the number of parties. The protocol is resilient to a fully-asynchronous weakly-adaptive adversary that can corrupt a near-optimal number of parties ($<(1/3-\epsilon) n$) and requires just a VRF setup and secure erasures.

A key innovation in Asynchronous Algorand is a rather simple but surprisingly effective method to do \textit{committee-based role assignment} for asynchronous verifiable secret sharing in the YOSO (You Only Speak Once) model. This method achieves near-optimal resilience and near-linear communication complexity while relying solely on a verifiable random function (VRF) setup and secure erasures.
Xinxuan Zhang, Ruida Wang, Zeyu Liu, Binwu Xiang, Yi Deng, Xianhui Lu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Verifiable Computation over encrypted data (VC) faces a critical dilemma between two competing paradigms: SNARK-FHE (applying SNARKs to prove FHE operations) and FHE-SNARK (homomorphically evaluating SNARK proofs). There are two interesting questions remain open to solving such a dilemma: 1) Are they identical in terms of security? 2) How practically efficient can we get? This work answers these questions through the following results:

1) We establish a formal security analysis between VC and secure two-party computation (2PC). We investigate VC with server inputs and show the following: a) VC with server input has an exact 1-bit security loss compared to 2PC; b) SNARK-FHE aligns with 2PC while FHE-SNARK naturally falls in the VC category; c) Existing FHE-SNARK works is vulnerable in the VC with server input setting, for which we formalize a input-dependent attack.

2) We design an FHE-friendly SNARK that is: a) 3× lower multiplicative depth than FRI-based SNARKs; b) Compatible with FHE SIMD operations. Based on this novel SNARK, we construct an FHE-SNARK scheme that has: a) Stronger security: resistant against input-dependent attack; b) 8× speedup: 3.6-hour proof generation for $2^{20}$-gate circuits on a single core CPU (vs. 29 hours in the state-of-the-art); c) Practical verification: 65.3 MB proofs with 2.7 seconds verification (single core).
Kazuma Wariki, Atsushi Fujioka, Akira Nagai, Kan Yasuda
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This paper examines whether a revocation function can be added to a protocol, protocol FSU, that has been adopted as an international standard, ISO/IEC11770-3. Protocol FSU is an IB-AKE protocol based on a mathematical problem, an asymmetric gap bilinear Diffie--Hellman (GBDH) problem. To make protocol FSU revocable, a generic technique is applied, which converts an identity-based encryption scheme to a revocable identity-based encryption scheme by introducing a symmetric-key encryption scheme. In addition, to make the converted RIB-AKE protocol efficient, we reduce ephemeral information exchanged in the protocol, and introduce an additional parameter to the master public-key where the secret information of the additional parameter is not needed to include in the master secret-key. We discuss the security of the resultant protocol, and prove that it is rid-eCK secure under the asymmetric GBDH assumption.
Ashrujit Ghoshal, Mingxun Zhou, Elaine Shi, Bo Peng
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Although privately programmable pseudorandom functions (PPPRFs) are known to have numerous applications, so far, the only known constructions rely on Learning with Error (LWE) or indistinguishability obfuscation. We show how to construct a relaxed PPPRF with only one-way functions (OWF). The resulting PPPRF satisfies $1/\textsf{poly}$ security and works for polynomially sized input domains. Using the resulting PPPRF, we can get new results for preprocessing Private Information Retrieval (PIR) that improve the state of the art. Specifically, we show that relying only on OWF, we can get a 2-server preprocessing PIR with polylogarithmic bandwidth while consuming $\widetilde{O}_\lambda(N^{\frac12 + \epsilon})$ client space and $N^{1+\epsilon}$ server space for an arbitrarily small constant $\epsilon \in (0, 1)$. In the 1-server setting, we get a preprocessing PIR from OWF that achieves polylogarithmic online bandwidth and $\widetilde{O}_\lambda(N^{\frac12 + \epsilon})$ offline bandwidth, while preserving the same client and server space as before. Our result, in combination with the lower bound of Ishai, Shi, and Wichs (CRYPTO'24), establishes a tight understanding of the bandwidth and client space tradeoff for 1-server preprocessing PIR from Minicrypt assumptions. Interestingly, we are also the first to show non-trivial ways to combine client-side and server-side preprocessing to get improved results for PIR.
Kathrin Hövelmanns, Andreas Hülsing, Christian Majenz, Fabrizio Sisinni
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The Fujisaki-Okamoto transform (FO) is the go-to method for achieving chosen-ciphertext (CCA) security for post-quantum key encapsulation mechanisms (KEMs). An important step in FO is augmenting the decryption/ decapsulation algorithm with a re-encryption step -- the decrypted message is re-encrypted to check whether the correct encryption randomness was used. While solving a security problem (ciphertext-malleability), re-encryption has turned out to introduce side-channel vulnerabilities and is computationally expensive, which has lead designers to searching for alternatives. In this work, we perform a comprehensive study of such alternatives. We formalize a central security property, computational rigidity, and show that it is sufficient for obtaining CCA security. We present a framework for analyzing algorithms that can replace re-encryption and still achieve rigidity, and analyze existing proposals in this framework. Along the way, we pick up a novel QROM security statement for explicitly rejecting KEMs based on deterministic PKE schemes, something that so far only was possible when requiring a hard-to-ensure quantum property for the base PKE scheme.
Ruben Gonzalez
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology recently standardized the first set of post-quantum cryptography algo- rithms. These algorithms address the quantum threat, but also present new challenges due to their larger memory and computational footprint. Three of the four standardized algorithms are lattice based, offering good performance but posing challenges due to complex implementation and intricate security assumptions. A more conservative choice for quantum- safe authentication are hash-based signature systems. However, due to large signature sizes and low signing speeds, hash-based systems have only found use in niche applications. The first NIST standardized, state- less hash-based signature system is the SPHINCS+-based SLH-DSA. In this work we combine different approaches to show that SPHINCS+ can be optimized in its parameters and implementation, to be high per- forming, even when signing in an embedded setting. We demonstrate this in the context of user authentication using hardware security keys within FIDO. Our SPHINCS+-based implementation can even outper- form lattice-based solutions while remaining highly portable. Due to con- servative security assumptions, our solution does not require a hybrid construction and can perform authentication on current security keys. For reproducibility and to encourage further research we publish our Cortex M4-based implementation.

20 February 2025

Offir Friedman, Avichai Marmor, Dolev Mutzari, Yehonatan Cohen Scaly, Yuval Spiizer
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Threshold signatures have become a critical tool in cryptocurrency systems, offering enhanced security by distributing the signing process among multiple signers. In this work, we distribute this process between a client and a permissionless decentralized blockchain, and present novel protocols for ECDSA and EdDSA/Schnorr signatures in this setting. Typical threshold access architectures used by trusted custodians suffer from the honeypot problem, wherein the more assets the custodian holds, the greater the incentive of compromising it.

Implementing threshold signatures over permissionless blockchains poses a few challenges. First, existing networks typically work over an asynchronous reliable broadcast communication channel. Accordingly, our protocol is implemented over such a channel. As a result, it also benefits from identifiable abort, public verifiability, and guaranteed output delivery, and the client benefits from censorship resistance of blockchain systems. Second, upon signing each block, the participating quorum may dynamically change and is post-determined. Therefore, we design a fluid protocol, that supports a post-determined dynamic quorum in each communication round, thereby complying with existing broadcast channel implementations. Third, in permissionless networks, parties may join, leave, and change their stake. Therefore, we offer protocols for network reconfiguration, with complexity independent of the number of clients in the system, and our protocol efficiently supports a weighted threshold access structure for the network. Specifically, the complexity of distributed key generation and presign only depends on the number of parties and not on the overall weight, and the amortized cost of sign only depends on the individual weight.

Furthermore, our protocol introduces key improvements, including the removal of zero-knowledge proofs towards the client, and presigns with a non-interactive client. For Schnorr, the presigns are client-independent, and can be collected by the blockchain in a common pool, available for all clients in the system. These optimizations reduce communication overhead and improve the system's ability to handle traffic spikes during high-demand periods.

Our protocol is UC-secure, and is therefore natively designed for multiple clients to use the system in parallel. Notably, we propose a novel assumption, Slightly-Enhanced ECDSA Unforgeability, offering concrete security for 256-bit elliptic curves for threshold ECDSA with support for parallel execution of presigns.

In addition to securing cryptocurrency wallets, we demonstrate how our protocol enables various cross-chain applications, such as decentralized bridges, future transactions, andwallet transfer. Our system is designed for interoperability across multiple blockchains, enhancing security, scalability, and flexibility for decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystems.
Yuncong Hu, Pratyush Mishra, Xiao Wang, Jie Xie, Kang Yang, Yu Yu, Yuwen Zhang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-interactive Arguments of Knowledge (zkSNARKs) lead to proofs that can be succinctly verified but require huge computational resources to generate. Prior systems outsource proof generation either through public delegation, which reveals the witness to the third party, or, more preferably, private delegation that keeps the witness hidden using multiparty computation (MPC). However, current private delegation schemes struggle with scalability and efficiency due to MPC inefficiencies, poor resource utilization, and suboptimal design of zkSNARK protocols.

In this paper, we introduce DFS, a new zkSNARK that is delegation-friendly for both public and private scenarios. Prior work focused on optimizing the MPC protocols for existing zkSNARKs, while DFS uses co-design between MPC and zkSNARK so that the protocol is efficient for both distributed computing and MPC. In particular, DFS achieves linear prover time and logarithmic verification cost in the non-delegated setting. For private delegation, DFS introduces a scheme with zero communication overhead in MPC and achieves malicious security for free, which results in logarithmic overall communication; while prior work required linear communication. Our evaluation shows that DFS is as efficient as state-of-the-art zkSNARKs in public delegation; when used for private delegation, it scales better than previous work. In particular, for $2^{24}$ constraints, the total communication of DFS is less than $500$KB, while prior work incurs $300$GB, which is linear to the circuit size. Additionally, we identify and address a security flaw in prior work, EOS (USENIX'23).
Vladimir Kolesnikov, Stanislav Peceny, Srinivasan Raghuraman, Peter Rindal
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Syndrome decoding (SD), and equivalently Learning Parity with Noise (LPN), is a fundamental problem in cryptography, which states that for a field $\mathbb{F}$, some compressing public matrix $\mathbf{G} \in \mathbb{F}^{k\times n}$, and a secret sparse vector $\mathbf{e} \in\mathbb{F}^{n}$ sampled from some noise distribution, $\mathbf{G}\mathbf{e}$ is indistinguishable from uniform. Recently, the SD has gained significant interest due to its use in pseudorandom correlation generators (PCGs).

In pursuit of better efficiency, we propose a new assumption called Stationary Syndrome Decoding (SSD). In SSD, we consider $q$ correlated noise vectors $\mathbf{e}_{1},\ldots,\mathbf{e}_{q}\in \mathbb{F}^n$ and associated instances $\mathbf{G}_{1}\mathbf{e}_{1},\ldots,\mathbf{G}_{q}\mathbf{e}_{q}$ where the noise vectors are restricted to having non-zeros in the same small subset of $t$ positions $L\subset [n]$. That is, for all $i\in L$, $\mathbf{e}_{j,i}$ is uniformly random, while for all other $i$, $\mathbf{e}_{j,i} = 0$.

Although naively reusing the noise vector renders SD and LPN insecure via simple Gaussian elimination, we observe known attacks do not extend to our correlated noise. We show SSD is unconditionally secure against so-called linear attacks, e.g., advanced information set decoding and representation techniques (Esser and Santini, Crypto 2024). We further adapt the state-of-the-art nonlinear attack (Briaud and Oygarden, Eurocrypt 2023) to SSD and demonstrate both theoretically and experimentally resistance to the attack.

We apply SSD to PCGs to amortize the cost of noise generation protocol. For OT and VOLE generation, each instance requires $O(t)$ communication instead of $O(t\log n)$. For suggested parameters, we observe a $1.5\times$ improvement in the running time or between 6 and $18\times$ reduction in communication. For Beaver triple generation using Ring LPN, our techniques have the potential for substantial amortization due to the high concrete overhead of the Ring LPN noise generation.
Wilson Nguyen, Srinath Setty
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This paper introduces Neo, a new lattice-based folding scheme for CCS, an NP-complete relation that generalizes R1CS, Plonkish, and AIR. Neo's folding scheme can be viewed as adapting the folding scheme in HyperNova (CRYPTO'24), which assumes elliptic-curve based linearly homomorphic commitments, to the lattice setting. Unlike HyperNova, Neo can use “small” prime fields (e.g., over the Goldilocks prime). Additionally, Neo provides plausible post-quantum security.

Prior to Neo, folding schemes in the lattice setting, notably LatticeFold (ePrint 2024/257), worked with constraint systems defined over a cyclotomic polynomial ring. This structure allows packing a fixed batch of constraint systems over a small prime field into a single constraint system over a polynomial ring. However, it introduces significant overheads, both for committing to witnesses (e.g., the commitment scheme cannot take advantage of bit-width of values), and within the folding protocol itself (e.g., the sum-check protocol is run over cyclotomic polynomial rings). Additionally, the required ring structure places restrictions on the choice of primes (e.g., LatticeFold is not compatible with the Goldilocks field).

Neo addresses these problems, by drawing inspiration from both HyperNova and LatticeFold. A key contribution is a folding-friendly instantiation of Ajtai's commitments, with "pay-per-bit" commitment costs i.e., the commitment costs scale with the bit-width of the scalars (e.g., committing to a vector of bits is $32\times$ cheaper than committing to a vector of $32$-bit values). This scheme commits to vectors over a small prime field. It does so by transforming the provided vector into a matrix and committing to that matrix. We prove that this commitment scheme provides the desired linear homomorphism for building a folding scheme. Additionally, like HyperNova, Neo runs a single invocation of the sum-check protocol, where in HyperNova it is over the scalar field of an elliptic curve and in Neo it is over an extension of a small prime field.
Yevgeniy Dodis, Eli Goldin
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Ever since the introduction of encryption, society has been divided over whether the government (or law enforcement agencies) should have the capability to decrypt private messages (with or without a war- rant) of its citizens. From a technical viewpoint, the folklore belief is that semantic security always enables some form of steganography. Thus, adding backdoors to semantically secure schemes is pointless: it only weakens the security of the “good guys”, while “bad guys” can easily circumvent censorship, even if forced to hand over their decryption keys.

In this paper we put a dent in this folklore. We formalize three worlds: Dictatoria (“dictator wins”: no convenient steganography, no user co- operation needed), Warrantland (“checks-and-balances”: no convenient steganography, but need user’s cooperation) and Privatopia (“privacy wins”: built-in, high-rate steganography, even if giving away the decryption key). We give strong evidence that all these worlds are possible, thus reopening the encryption debate on a technical level.

Our main novelty is the definition and design of special encryption schemes we call anamorphic-resistant (AR). In contrast to so called “anamorphic schemes”, — which were studied in the literature and form the basis of Privatopia, — any attempt to steganographically communicate over an AR-encryption scheme will be either impossible or hugely slow (depending on the definitional details).
Tamar Ben David, Anat Paskin-Cherniavsky
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Komargodski et. al. defined evolving secret-sharing schemes with an unbounded number of parties. In this model, parties arrive one after the other and the number of parties that will arrive is not known. Another cryptographic primitive related to secret-sharing is conditional disclosure of secrets protocols (CDS) that defined by Gertner et. al. A CDS protocol for a Boolean function $f$ involves $k$ servers and a referee. Each server holds a common secret $s$, a common random string $r$, and a private input $x_i$; using these $r$, each server locally computes one message and sends it to the referee. The referee, knowing the inputs $x_1, \cdots, x_k$ and the messages, should be able to compute $s$ if $f(x_1, \cdots, x_k) = 1$. Otherwise, the referee should not learn information about the secret. In a sense, this is a non-monotone version of secret sharing schemes.

Peter (ISC 23'), defines evolving CDS, implementing in particular evolving predicate $f:\{0,1\}^*\rightarrow\{0,1\}$ (he handles somewhat more general predicates for larger input domains, but generalizing to other input domains is not hard, and we focus on boolean predicates). In this setting, the number of parties is unbounded, where the parties arrive in sequential order. Each party, when arrives, sends one random message to a referee, that depending on its input, the secret, and a common randomness. He also devise evolving CDS protocols for a general evolving predicate via a black-box reduction to evolving secret-sharing scheme for a related access structure. He analyzes this construction for general access structures, as well as other classes of functions, which yields message complexity $O(2^t)$ for the worst predicates.

In this work we provide new upper and lower bounds for evolving CDS. Observing that CDS has the potential for improved efficiency, as it is not restricted to monotone operations, we devise a new evolving general CDS construction. In particular, our construction relies on representing the evolving predicate via an infinite branching program - LINBP, generalizing the monotone infinite branching program based construction of Alon et. al of evolving secret sharing schemes. We obtain nontrivial ($2^{ct-o(t)}$ for $c<1$) message complexity for branching programs of larger width than Alon et al's construction (even when restricting attention to monotone predicates), as well as Peter's construction for certain (but not all) $f$'s.

Indeed, we prove that our construction, as well as Peter's article (ISC 23’) is tight for a certain evolving predicate -- as for evolving secret-sharing, (so called strong) evolving CDS also requires share complexity of $2^{t-o(t)}$. This is unlike the state of affairs for the finite setting, where the best known CDS constructions are much more efficient than the best known secret sharing schemes (for the hardest monotone functions). The latter bound is proved based on an adaptation of Mazor's lower bound (in turns based on Csirmaz's lower bounding technique) to the CDS setting. It relies on a reduction from secret sharing for a certain class of infinite access structures -- the so called partite access structures to evolving CDS for a related (not necessarily monotone) function. Then, a partite evolving access structure is crafted using the Csirmaz-type argument.
Rishab Goyal, Venkata Koppula, Mahesh Sreekumar Rajasree
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We present the first construction for adaptively secure HIBE, that does not rely on bilinear pairings or random oracle heuristics. Notably, we design an adaptively secure HIBE from any selectively secure IBE system in the standard model. Combining this with known results, this gives the first adaptively secure HIBE system from a wide variety of standard assumptions such as CDH/Factoring/LWE/LPN. We also extend our adaptively secure HIBE system to satisfy full anonymity, giving the first adaptively secure anonymous HIBE under CDH/LWE assumption. All our HIBE systems support unbounded length identities as well as unbounded number of recursive delegation operations.
Ky Nguyen, David Pointcheval, Robert Schädlich
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Dynamic Decentralized Functional Encryption (DDFE) is a generalization of Functional Encryption which allows multiple users to join the system dynamically without interaction and without relying on a trusted third party. Users can independently encrypt their inputs for a joint evaluation under functions embedded in functional decryption keys; and they keep control on these functions as they all have to contribute to the generation of the functional keys. In this work, we present new generic compilers which, when instantiated with existing schemes from the literature, improve over the state-of-the-art in terms of security, computational assumptions and functionality. Specifically, we obtain the first adaptively secure DDFE schemes for inner products in both the standard and the stronger function-hiding setting which guarantees privacy not only for messages but also for the evaluated functions. Furthermore, we present the first DDFE for inner products whose security can be proven under the LWE assumption in the standard model. Finally, we give the first construction of a DDFE for the attribute-weighted sums functionality with attribute-based access control (with some limitations). All prior constructions guarantee only selective security, rely on group-based assumptions on pairings, and cannot provide access control.
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