04 March 2025
Xiaopeng Zhao, Zhenfu Cao, Xiaolei Dong, Zhusen Liu
Secure two-party comparison, known as Yao's millionaires' problem, has been a fundamental challenge in privacy-preserving computation. It enables two parties to compare their inputs without revealing the exact values of those inputs or relying on any trusted third party. One elegant approach to secure computation is based on homomorphic encryption. Recently, building on this approach, Carlton et al. (CT-RSA 2018) and Bourse et al. (CT-RSA 2020) presented novel solutions for the problem of secure integer comparison. These protocols have demonstrated significantly improved performance compared to the well-known and frequently used DGK protocol (ACISP 2007 and Int. J. Appl. Cryptogr. 1(4),323–324, 2009). In this paper, we introduce a class of higher residuosity attacks, which can be regarded as an extension of the classical quadratic residuosity attack on the decisional Diffie-Hellman problem. We demonstrate that the small RSA subgroup decision problems, upon which both the CEK and BST protocols are based, are not difficult to solve when the prime base $p_0$ is small (e.g., \( p_0 < 100 \)). Under these conditions, the protocols achieve optimal overall performance. Furthermore, we offer recommendations for precluding such attacks, including one approach that does not adversely affect performance. We hope that these attacks can be applied to analyze other number-theoretic hardness assumptions.
Amos Beimel, Oriol Farràs, Adriana Moya
In a secret sharing scheme with polynomial sharing, the secret is an element of a finite field, and the shares are obtained by evaluating polynomials on the secret and some random field elements, i.e., for every party there is a set of polynomials that computes the share of the party. These schemes generalize the linear ones, adding more expressivity and giving room for more efficient schemes. To identify the access structures for which this efficiency gain is relevant, we need a systematic method to identify the access structure of polynomial schemes; i.e., to identify which sets can reconstruct the secret in the scheme. As a first step, we study ideal polynomial secret sharing schemes where there is a single polynomial for each party. Ideal schemes have optimal share size because the size of each share is the size of the secret.
Our goal is to generalize results of linear secret sharing schemes, i.e., schemes in which the shares are computed by applying linear mappings and the linear dependency of these mappings determines their access structures. To achieve this goal, we study the connection between the algebraic dependency of the sharing polynomials and the access structure of the polynomial scheme. Our first result shows that if the degree of the sharing polynomials is not too big compared to the size of the field, then the algebraic dependence of the sharing polynomials determines the access structure of the scheme. This contributes to the characterization of ideal polynomial schemes and establishes a new connection between families of ideal schemes and algebraic matroids.
Conversely, we ask the question: If we associate a polynomial with each party and the dealer, can we use these polynomials to realize the access structure determined by the algebraic dependency of the polynomials? Our second result shows that these access structures admit statistical schemes with small shares. Finally, we extend this result to the general case where each party may have more than one polynomial.
Our goal is to generalize results of linear secret sharing schemes, i.e., schemes in which the shares are computed by applying linear mappings and the linear dependency of these mappings determines their access structures. To achieve this goal, we study the connection between the algebraic dependency of the sharing polynomials and the access structure of the polynomial scheme. Our first result shows that if the degree of the sharing polynomials is not too big compared to the size of the field, then the algebraic dependence of the sharing polynomials determines the access structure of the scheme. This contributes to the characterization of ideal polynomial schemes and establishes a new connection between families of ideal schemes and algebraic matroids.
Conversely, we ask the question: If we associate a polynomial with each party and the dealer, can we use these polynomials to realize the access structure determined by the algebraic dependency of the polynomials? Our second result shows that these access structures admit statistical schemes with small shares. Finally, we extend this result to the general case where each party may have more than one polynomial.
Martin R. Albrecht, Russell W. F. Lai, Oleksandra Lapiha, Ivy K. Y. Woo
Lattice trapdoor algorithms allow us to sample hard random lattices together with their trapdoors, given which short lattice vectors can be sampled efficiently. This enables a wide range of advanced cryptographic primitives. In this work, we ask: can we distribute lattice trapdoor algorithms non-interactively?
We study a natural approach to sharing lattice trapdoors: splitting them into partial trapdoors for different lower-rank sublattices which allow the local sampling of short sublattice vectors. Given sufficiently many short sublattice vectors, these can then be combined to yield short vectors in the original lattice. Moreover, this process can be repeated an unbounded polynomial number of times without needing a party holding a full trapdoor to intervene. We further define one-wayness and indistinguishability properties for partial trapdoors.
We establish that such objects exist that have non-trivial performance under standard assumptions. Specifically, we prove these properties for a simple construction from the κ-SIS and κ-LWE assumptions, which were previously shown to be implied by the plain SIS and LWE assumptions, respectively. The security proofs extend naturally to the ring or module settings under the respective analogues of these assumptions, which have been conjectured to admit similar reductions.
Our partial trapdoors achieve non-trivial efficiency, with relevant parameters sublinear in the number of shareholders. Our construction is algebraic, without resorting to generic tools such as multiparty computation or fully homomorphic encryption. Consequently, a wide range of lattice-trapdoor-based primitives can be thresholdised non-interactively by simply substituting the trapdoor preimage sampling procedure with our partial analogue.
We study a natural approach to sharing lattice trapdoors: splitting them into partial trapdoors for different lower-rank sublattices which allow the local sampling of short sublattice vectors. Given sufficiently many short sublattice vectors, these can then be combined to yield short vectors in the original lattice. Moreover, this process can be repeated an unbounded polynomial number of times without needing a party holding a full trapdoor to intervene. We further define one-wayness and indistinguishability properties for partial trapdoors.
We establish that such objects exist that have non-trivial performance under standard assumptions. Specifically, we prove these properties for a simple construction from the κ-SIS and κ-LWE assumptions, which were previously shown to be implied by the plain SIS and LWE assumptions, respectively. The security proofs extend naturally to the ring or module settings under the respective analogues of these assumptions, which have been conjectured to admit similar reductions.
Our partial trapdoors achieve non-trivial efficiency, with relevant parameters sublinear in the number of shareholders. Our construction is algebraic, without resorting to generic tools such as multiparty computation or fully homomorphic encryption. Consequently, a wide range of lattice-trapdoor-based primitives can be thresholdised non-interactively by simply substituting the trapdoor preimage sampling procedure with our partial analogue.
Amin Abdulrahman, Matthias J. Kannwischer, Thing-Han Lim
Highly-optimized assembly is commonly used to achieve the best performance for popular cryptographic schemes such as the newly standardized ML-KEM and ML-DSA.
The majority of implementations today rely on hand-optimized assembly for the core building blocks to achieve both security and performance.
However, recent work by Abdulrahman et al. takes a new approach, writing a readable base assembly implementation first and leaving the bulk of the optimization work to a tool named SLOTHY based on constraint programming.
SLOTHY performs instruction scheduling, register allocation, and software pipelining simultaneously using constraints modeling the architectural and microarchitectural details of the target platform.
In this work, we extend SLOTHY and investigate how it can be used to migrate already highly hand-optimized assembly to a different microarchitecture, while maximizing performance. As a case study, we optimize state-of-the-art Arm Cortex-M4 implementations of ML-KEM and ML-DSA for the Arm Cortex-M7.
Our results suggest that this approach is promising: For the number-theoretic transform (NTT) – the core building block of both ML-DSA and ML-KEM – we achieve speed-ups of $1.97\times$ and $1.69\times$, respectively. For Keccak – the permutation used by SHA-3 and SHAKE and also vastly used in ML-DSA and ML-KEM – we achieve speed-ups of 30% compared to the M4 code and 5% compared to hand-optimized M7 code. For many other building blocks, we achieve similarly significant speed-ups of up to $2.35\times$. Overall, this results in 11 to 33% faster code for the entire cryptosystems.
In this work, we extend SLOTHY and investigate how it can be used to migrate already highly hand-optimized assembly to a different microarchitecture, while maximizing performance. As a case study, we optimize state-of-the-art Arm Cortex-M4 implementations of ML-KEM and ML-DSA for the Arm Cortex-M7.
Our results suggest that this approach is promising: For the number-theoretic transform (NTT) – the core building block of both ML-DSA and ML-KEM – we achieve speed-ups of $1.97\times$ and $1.69\times$, respectively. For Keccak – the permutation used by SHA-3 and SHAKE and also vastly used in ML-DSA and ML-KEM – we achieve speed-ups of 30% compared to the M4 code and 5% compared to hand-optimized M7 code. For many other building blocks, we achieve similarly significant speed-ups of up to $2.35\times$. Overall, this results in 11 to 33% faster code for the entire cryptosystems.
Joël Alwen, Georg Fuchsbauer, Marta Mularczyk, Doreen Riepel
Updatable Public-Key Encryption (UPKE) augments the security of PKE with Forward Secrecy properties. While requiring more coordination between parties, UPKE enables much more efficient constructions than full-fledged Forward-Secret PKE. Alwen, Fuchsbauer and Mularczyk (AFM, Eurocrypt’24) presented the strongest security notion to date. It is the first to meet the needs of UPKE’s most important applications: Secure Group Messaging and Continuous Group Key Agreement. The authors provide a very efficient construction meeting their notion with classic security based on the Computational Diffie-Hellman (CDH) assumption in the Random Oracle Model (ROM).
In this work we present the first post-quantum secure UPKE construction meeting (a slight relaxation of) the AFM security notion. Based on the Module LWE assumption, our construction is practically efficient. Moreover, public key sizes are about $1/2$ and ciphertext sizes around $2/3$ of those of the state-of-the-art lattice-based UPKE scheme in the ROM by Abou Haidar, Passelègue and Stehlé – despite only being shown to satisfy a significantly weaker security notion. As the AFM proofs relies on random self-reducibility of CDH, which has no analogue for lattices, we develop a new proof technique for strong UPKE, identifying the core properties required from the underlying (lattice-based) encryption scheme.
In this work we present the first post-quantum secure UPKE construction meeting (a slight relaxation of) the AFM security notion. Based on the Module LWE assumption, our construction is practically efficient. Moreover, public key sizes are about $1/2$ and ciphertext sizes around $2/3$ of those of the state-of-the-art lattice-based UPKE scheme in the ROM by Abou Haidar, Passelègue and Stehlé – despite only being shown to satisfy a significantly weaker security notion. As the AFM proofs relies on random self-reducibility of CDH, which has no analogue for lattices, we develop a new proof technique for strong UPKE, identifying the core properties required from the underlying (lattice-based) encryption scheme.
Xuan Thanh Do, Dang Truong Mac, Ky Nguyen, Duong Hieu Phan, Quoc-Huy Vu
Traitor tracing is a traditional cryptographic primitive designed for scenarios with multiple legitimate receivers. When the plaintext - that is, the output of decryption - is leaked and more than one legitimate receiver exists, it becomes imperative to identify the source of the leakage, a need that has motivated the development of traitor tracing techniques. Recent advances in standard encryption have enabled decryption outcomes to be defined in a fine-grained manner through the introduction of Functional Encryption (FE). Constructing FE schemes is intriguing, and achieving the tracing property adds an additional layer of complexity. Traitor tracing techniques have been actively developed for more than three decades, yet they have always remained within the same framework - a single sender responsible for encrypting all the data.
However, fine-grained decryption is particularly useful when data originates from multiple sources, allowing for joint computation on personal data. This leads to the concept of multi-client functional encryption (MCFE), where multiple concurrent senders independently encrypt their data while agreeing on the decryption of a specific function (e.g., a statistical measure) computed on the aggregated data, without revealing any additional information. In the era of cloud computing and big data, privacy-preserving joint computation is crucial, and tracing the source of any breach by dishonest participants becomes essential. Thus, in this paper we take the first step toward addressing the tracing problem in the general context of joint computation with multiple senders. Our contributions are twofold: - $\textbf{Conceptually:}$ We propose the first tracing model in the context of multi-sender encryption, namely $\textit{Traceable Multi-Client Functional Encryption}$ ($\textsf{TMCFE}$), which allows a pirate to extract secret information from both receivers and senders. Our model supports strong and naturally admissible decoders, removing artificial restrictions on the pirate decoder and thus addressing the shortcomings of existing traceable functional encryption schemes designed for the single-sender setting. - $\textbf{Technically:}$ To achieve our conceptual objective, we build upon the recently introduced notion of strong admissibility for MCFE. Our main technical contribution is a generic compiler that transforms a large class of MCFE schemes with weak admissibility into schemes with strong admissibility. This compiler not only helps overcome existing challenges but may also be of general interest within the functional encryption domain. Finally, we present a concrete lattice-based scheme $\textsf{TMCFE}$ for inner-product functionalities that achieves post-quantum security under standard assumptions.
However, fine-grained decryption is particularly useful when data originates from multiple sources, allowing for joint computation on personal data. This leads to the concept of multi-client functional encryption (MCFE), where multiple concurrent senders independently encrypt their data while agreeing on the decryption of a specific function (e.g., a statistical measure) computed on the aggregated data, without revealing any additional information. In the era of cloud computing and big data, privacy-preserving joint computation is crucial, and tracing the source of any breach by dishonest participants becomes essential. Thus, in this paper we take the first step toward addressing the tracing problem in the general context of joint computation with multiple senders. Our contributions are twofold: - $\textbf{Conceptually:}$ We propose the first tracing model in the context of multi-sender encryption, namely $\textit{Traceable Multi-Client Functional Encryption}$ ($\textsf{TMCFE}$), which allows a pirate to extract secret information from both receivers and senders. Our model supports strong and naturally admissible decoders, removing artificial restrictions on the pirate decoder and thus addressing the shortcomings of existing traceable functional encryption schemes designed for the single-sender setting. - $\textbf{Technically:}$ To achieve our conceptual objective, we build upon the recently introduced notion of strong admissibility for MCFE. Our main technical contribution is a generic compiler that transforms a large class of MCFE schemes with weak admissibility into schemes with strong admissibility. This compiler not only helps overcome existing challenges but may also be of general interest within the functional encryption domain. Finally, we present a concrete lattice-based scheme $\textsf{TMCFE}$ for inner-product functionalities that achieves post-quantum security under standard assumptions.
Haruhisa Kosuge, Keita Xagawa
Considering security against quantum adversaries, while it is important to consider the traditional existential unforgeability (EUF-CMA security), it is desirable to consider security against adversaries making quantum queries to the signing oracle: Plus-one security (PO security) and blind unforgeability (BU security) proposed by Boneh and Zhandry (Crypto 2013) and Alagic et al. (EUROCRYPT 2020), respectively. Hash-and-sign is one of the most common paradigms for constructing EUF-CMA-secure signature schemes in the quantum random oracle model, employing a trapdoor function and a hash function. It is known that its derandomized version is PO- and BU-secure. A variant of hash-and-sign, known as hash-and-sign with retry (HSwR), formulated by Kosuge and Xagawa (PKC 2024), is widespread since it allows for weakening the security assumptions of a trapdoor function. Unfortunately, it has not been known whether HSwR can achieve PO- and BU-secure even with derandomization.
In this paper, we apply a derandomization with bounded loops to HSwR. We demonstrate that HSwR can achieve PO and BU security through this approach. Since derandomization with bounded loops offers advantages in some implementations, our results support its wider adoption, including in NIST PQC candidates.
Jeongsu Kim, Aaram Yun
There has been remarkable progress in fully homomorphic encryption, ever since Gentry's first scheme. In contrast, fully homomorphic authentication primitives received relatively less attention, despite existence of some previous constructions. While there exist various schemes with different functionalities for fully homomorphic encryption, there are only a few options for fully homomorphic authentication. Moreover, there are even fewer options when considering two of the most important properties: adaptive security, and pre-processable verification. To our knowledge, except for some concurrent works, achieving both properties requires the use of nested construction, which involves homomorphically authenticating a homomorphic authentication tag of a message, making the scheme costly and complicated.
In this work, we propose a dedicated scheme for (leveled) fully homomorphic message authentication code that is adaptively secure and has pre-processable verification. Leveraging the secrecy of the primitive, we demonstrate that a slight modification of a selectively secure (leveled) fully homomorphic signature scheme yields an adaptively secure (leveled) fully homomorphic message authentication code with pre-processable verification. Additionally, we introduce a novel notion and generic transform to enhance the security of a homomorphic message authentication code, which also exploits the secrecy of the primitive.
In this work, we propose a dedicated scheme for (leveled) fully homomorphic message authentication code that is adaptively secure and has pre-processable verification. Leveraging the secrecy of the primitive, we demonstrate that a slight modification of a selectively secure (leveled) fully homomorphic signature scheme yields an adaptively secure (leveled) fully homomorphic message authentication code with pre-processable verification. Additionally, we introduce a novel notion and generic transform to enhance the security of a homomorphic message authentication code, which also exploits the secrecy of the primitive.
Yuejun Wang, Baocang Wang, Qiqi Lai, Huaxiong Wang
In this work, we explore the field of lattice-based Predicate Encryption (PE), with a focus on enhancing compactness and refining functionality.
First, we present a more compact bounded collusion predicate encryption scheme compared to previous constructions, significantly reducing both the per-unit expansion and fixed overhead, while maintaining an optimal linear blow-up proportional to $Q$.
Next, we propose a Predicate Inner Product Functional Encryption (P-IPFE) scheme based on our constructed predicate encryption scheme. P-IPFE preserves the attribute-hiding property while enabling decryption to reveal only the inner product between the key and message vectors, rather than the entire message as in traditional PE. Our P-IPFE scheme also achieves bounded collusion resistance while inheriting the linear compactness optimized in the underlying PE scheme. Additionally, it supports any polynomial-sized and bounded-depth circuits, thereby extending beyond the inner-product predicate class in prior works.
Furthermore, all the proposed schemes achieve selective fully attribute-hiding security in the simulation-based model, therefore, can further attain semi-adaptive security by adopting existing upgrading techniques.
First, we present a more compact bounded collusion predicate encryption scheme compared to previous constructions, significantly reducing both the per-unit expansion and fixed overhead, while maintaining an optimal linear blow-up proportional to $Q$.
Next, we propose a Predicate Inner Product Functional Encryption (P-IPFE) scheme based on our constructed predicate encryption scheme. P-IPFE preserves the attribute-hiding property while enabling decryption to reveal only the inner product between the key and message vectors, rather than the entire message as in traditional PE. Our P-IPFE scheme also achieves bounded collusion resistance while inheriting the linear compactness optimized in the underlying PE scheme. Additionally, it supports any polynomial-sized and bounded-depth circuits, thereby extending beyond the inner-product predicate class in prior works.
Furthermore, all the proposed schemes achieve selective fully attribute-hiding security in the simulation-based model, therefore, can further attain semi-adaptive security by adopting existing upgrading techniques.
Kalle Jyrkinen, Russell W. F. Lai
The vanishing short integer solution (vSIS) assumption [Cini-Lai-Malavolta, Crypto'23], at its simplest form, asserts the hardness of finding a polynomial with short coefficients which vanishes at a given random point. While vSIS has proven to be useful in applications such as succinct arguments, not much is known about its theoretical hardness. Furthermore, without the ability to generate a hard instance together with a trapdoor, the applicability of vSIS is significantly limited.
We revisit the vSIS assumption focusing on the univariate single-point constant-degree setting, which can be seen as a generalisation of the (search) NTRU problem. In such a setting, we show that the vSIS problem is as hard as finding the shortest vector in certain ideal lattices. We also show how to generate a random vSIS instance together with a trapdoor, under the (decision) NTRU assumption. Interestingly, a vSIS trapdoor allows to sample polynomials of short coefficients which evaluate to any given value at the public point. By exploiting the multiplicativity of the polynomial ring, we use vSIS trapdoors to build a new homomorphic signature scheme for low-degree polynomials.
We revisit the vSIS assumption focusing on the univariate single-point constant-degree setting, which can be seen as a generalisation of the (search) NTRU problem. In such a setting, we show that the vSIS problem is as hard as finding the shortest vector in certain ideal lattices. We also show how to generate a random vSIS instance together with a trapdoor, under the (decision) NTRU assumption. Interestingly, a vSIS trapdoor allows to sample polynomials of short coefficients which evaluate to any given value at the public point. By exploiting the multiplicativity of the polynomial ring, we use vSIS trapdoors to build a new homomorphic signature scheme for low-degree polynomials.
Shai Levin
We point out flaw in zero-knowledge of the CROSS identification protocol, $\textsf{CROSS-ID}$, which allows a distinguisher to distinguish real and simulated transcripts given access to the witness. Moreover, we show that the real and simulated transcripts are not statistically indistinguishable, and therefore the protocol can only satisfy weak computational (rather than strong, statistical or perfect) Honest Verifier Zero-knowledge. This issue is still present in version 2.0 updated on January 31, 2025, which resolves the security losses attained via the attacks of [BLP+25]
Elette Boyle, Ilan Komargodski, Neekon Vafa
A memory checker is an algorithmic tool used to certify the integrity of a database maintained on a remote, unreliable, computationally bounded server. Concretely, it allows a user to issue instructions to the server and after every instruction, obtain either the correct value or a failure (but not an incorrect answer) with high probability. A recent result due to Boyle, Komargodski, and Vafa (BKV, STOC '24) showed a tradeoff between the size of the local storage and the number of queries the memory checker makes to the server upon every logical instruction. Specifically, they show that every non-trivial memory checker construction with inverse-polynomial soundness and local storage at most $n^{1 - \epsilon}$ must make $\Omega(\log n/ \log \log n)$ queries, and this is tight up to constant factors given known constructions. However, an intriguing question is whether natural relaxations of the security guarantee could allow for more efficient constructions.
We consider and adapt the notion of covert security to the memory checking context, wherein the adversary can effectively cheat while taking the risk of being caught with constant probability. Notably, BKV's lower bound does not apply in this setting.
We close this gap and prove that $\Omega(\log n/ \log \log n)$ overhead is unavoidable even in the covert security setting. Our lower bound applies to any memory checker construction, including ones that use randomness and adaptivity and ones that rely on cryptographic assumptions and/or the random oracle model, as long as they satisfy a natural "read-only reads" property. This property requires a memory checker not to modify contents of the database or local storage in the execution of a logical read instruction.
We consider and adapt the notion of covert security to the memory checking context, wherein the adversary can effectively cheat while taking the risk of being caught with constant probability. Notably, BKV's lower bound does not apply in this setting.
We close this gap and prove that $\Omega(\log n/ \log \log n)$ overhead is unavoidable even in the covert security setting. Our lower bound applies to any memory checker construction, including ones that use randomness and adaptivity and ones that rely on cryptographic assumptions and/or the random oracle model, as long as they satisfy a natural "read-only reads" property. This property requires a memory checker not to modify contents of the database or local storage in the execution of a logical read instruction.
Hayder Tirmazi
Pulsars exhibit signals with precise inter-arrival times that are on the order of milliseconds to seconds depending on the individual pulsar. There is subtle variation in the timing of pulsar signals, primarily due to the presence of gravitational waves, intrinsic variance in the period of the pulsar, and errors in the realization of Terrestrial Time (TT). Traditionally, these variations are dismissed as noise in high-precision timing experiments. In this paper, we show that these variations serve as a natural entropy source for the creation of Random Number Generators (RNG). We also explore the effects of using randomness extractors to increase the entropy of random bits extracted from Pulsar timing data. To evaluate the quality of the Pulsar RNG, we model its entropy as a $k$-source and use well-known cryptographic results to show its closeness to a theoretically ideal uniformly random source. To remain consistent with prior work, we also show that the Pulsar RNG passes well-known statistical tests such as the NIST test suite.
Adrien Dubois, Michael Klooß, Russell W. F. Lai, Ivy K. Y. Woo
Efficient anonymous credentials are typically constructed by combining proof-friendly signature schemes with compatible zero-knowledge proof systems. Inspired by pairing-based proof-friendly signatures such as Boneh- Boyen (BB) and Boneh-Boyen-Shacham (BBS), we propose a wide family of lattice-based proof-friendly signatures based on variants of the vanishing short integer solution (vSIS) assumption [Cini-Lai-Malavolta, Crypto'23]. In particular, we obtain natural lattice-based adaptions of BB and BBS which, similar to their pairing-based counterparts, admit nice algebraic properties.
[Bootle-Lyubashevsky-Nguyen-Sorniotti, Crypto'23] (BLNS) recently proposed a framework for constructing lattice-based proof-friendly signatures and anonymous credentials, based on another new lattice assumption called $\mathsf{ISIS}_f$ parametrised by a fixed function $f$, with focus on $f$ being the binary decomposition. We introduce a generalised $\mathsf{ISIS}_f$ framework, called $\mathsf{GenISIS}_f$, with a keyed and probabilistic function $f$. For example, picking $f_b(\mu) = 1/(b-\mu)$ with key $b$ for short ring element $\mu$ leads to algebraic and thus proof-friendly signatures. To better gauge the robustness and proof-friendliness of $\mathsf{(Gen)}\mathsf{ISIS}_f$, we consider what happens when the inputs to $f$ are chosen selectively (or even adaptively) by the adversary, and the behaviour under relaxed norm checks. While bit decomposition quickly becomes insecure, our proposed function families seem robust.
[Bootle-Lyubashevsky-Nguyen-Sorniotti, Crypto'23] (BLNS) recently proposed a framework for constructing lattice-based proof-friendly signatures and anonymous credentials, based on another new lattice assumption called $\mathsf{ISIS}_f$ parametrised by a fixed function $f$, with focus on $f$ being the binary decomposition. We introduce a generalised $\mathsf{ISIS}_f$ framework, called $\mathsf{GenISIS}_f$, with a keyed and probabilistic function $f$. For example, picking $f_b(\mu) = 1/(b-\mu)$ with key $b$ for short ring element $\mu$ leads to algebraic and thus proof-friendly signatures. To better gauge the robustness and proof-friendliness of $\mathsf{(Gen)}\mathsf{ISIS}_f$, we consider what happens when the inputs to $f$ are chosen selectively (or even adaptively) by the adversary, and the behaviour under relaxed norm checks. While bit decomposition quickly becomes insecure, our proposed function families seem robust.
Anja Lehmann, Cavit Özbay
Multi-signatures allow to combine several individual signatures into a compact one and verify it against a short aggregated key. Compared to threshold signatures, multi-signatures enjoy non-interactive key generation but give up on the threshold-setting. Recent works by Das et al. (CCS'23) and Garg et al. (S&P'24) show how multi-signatures can be turned into schemes that enable efficient verification when an ad hoc threshold -- determined only at verification -- is satisfied. This allows to keep the simple key generation of multi-signatures and support flexible threshold settings in the signing process later on. Both works use the same idea of combining BLS multi-signatures with inner-product proofs over committed keys. Das et al. give a somewhat generic proof from both building blocks, which we show to be flawed, whereas Garg et al. give a direct proof for the combined construction in the algebraic group model.
In this work, we identify the common blueprint used in both works and abstract the proof-based approach through the building block of a commit-and-prove system for vectors (CP). We formally define a flexible set of security properties for the CP system and show how it can be securely combined with a multi-signature to yield a signature with ad hoc thresholds. Our scheme also lifts the threshold signatures into the multiverse setting recently introduced by Baird et al. (S&P'23), which allows signers to re-use their long-term keys across several groups. The challenge in the generic construction is to express -- and realize -- the combination of homomorphic proofs and commitments (needed to realize flexible thresholds over fixed group keys) and their simulation extractability (needed in the threshold signature security proof). We finally show that a CP instantiation closely following the ideas of Das et al. can be proven secure, but requires a new flexible-base DL-assumption to do so.
In this work, we identify the common blueprint used in both works and abstract the proof-based approach through the building block of a commit-and-prove system for vectors (CP). We formally define a flexible set of security properties for the CP system and show how it can be securely combined with a multi-signature to yield a signature with ad hoc thresholds. Our scheme also lifts the threshold signatures into the multiverse setting recently introduced by Baird et al. (S&P'23), which allows signers to re-use their long-term keys across several groups. The challenge in the generic construction is to express -- and realize -- the combination of homomorphic proofs and commitments (needed to realize flexible thresholds over fixed group keys) and their simulation extractability (needed in the threshold signature security proof). We finally show that a CP instantiation closely following the ideas of Das et al. can be proven secure, but requires a new flexible-base DL-assumption to do so.
03 March 2025
Rochester, USA, 6 March - 7 March 2025
Event date: 6 March to 7 March 2025
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Rome, Italy, 1 October 2025
Event date: 1 October 2025
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Submission deadline: 28 April 2025
Notification: 1 July 2025
Chania, Greece, 2 June - 5 June 2025
Event date: 2 June to 5 June 2025