International Association for Cryptologic Research

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12 March 2025

Sebastian Becker, Christoph Bösch, Benjamin Hettwer, Thomas Hoeren, Merlin Rombach, Sven Trieflinger, Hossein Yalame
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This paper examines the deployment of Multi-Party Computation (MPC) in corporate data processing environments, focusing on its legal and technical implications under the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). By combining expertise in cryptography and legal analysis, we address critical questions necessary for assessing the suitability of MPC for real-world applications. Our legal evaluation explores the conditions under which MPC qualifies as an anonymizing approach under GDPR, emphasizing the architectural requirements, such as the distribution of control among compute parties, to minimize re-identification risks effectively. The assertions put forth in the legal opinion are validated by two distinct assessments conducted independently.

We systematically answer key regulatory questions, demonstrating that a structured legal assessment is indispensable for organizations aiming to adopt MPC while ensuring compliance with privacy laws. In addition, we complement this analysis with a practical implementation of privacy-preserving analytics using Carbyne Stack, a cloud-native open-source platform for scalable MPC applications, which integrates the MP-SPDZ framework as its backend. We benchmark SQL queries under various security models to evaluate scalability and efficiency.
Jianqiang Ni, Yingxin Li, Fukang Liu, Gaoli Wang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The key collision attack was proposed as an open problem in key-committing security in Authenticated Encryption (AE) schemes like $\texttt{AES-GCM}$ and $\texttt{ChaCha20Poly1305}$. In ASIACRYPT 2024, Taiyama et al. introduce a novel type of key collision—target-plaintext key collision ($\texttt{TPKC}$) for $\texttt{AES}$. Depending on whether the plaintext is fixed, $\texttt{TPKC}$ can be divided into $\texttt{fixed-TPKC}$ and $\texttt{free-TPKC}$, which can be directly converted into collision attacks and semi-free-start collision attacks on the Davies-Meyer ($\texttt{DM}$) hashing mode. In this paper, we propose a new rebound attack framework leveraging a time-memory tradeoff strategy, enabling practical key collision attacks with optimized complexity. We also present an improved automatic method for finding \textit{rebound-friendly} differential characteristics by controlling the probabilities in the inbound and outbound phases, allowing the identified characteristics to be directly used in $\textit{rebound-based}$ key collision attacks. Through our analysis, we demonstrate that the 2-round $\texttt{AES-128}$ $\texttt{fixed-TPKC}$ attack proposed by Taiyama et al. is a $\texttt{free-TPKC}$ attack in fact, while $\texttt{fixed-TPKC}$ attacks are considerably more challenging than $\texttt{free-TPKC}$ attacks. By integrating our improved automatic method with a new rebound attack framework, we successfully identify a new differential characteristic for the 2-round $\texttt{AES-128}$ $\texttt{fixed-TPKC}$ attack and develope the first practical $\texttt{fixed-TPKC}$ attack against 2-round $\texttt{AES-128}$. Additionally, we present practical $\texttt{fixed-TPKC}$ attacks against 5-round $\texttt{AES-192}$ and 3-round $\texttt{Kiasu-BC}$, along with a practical $\texttt{free-TPKC}$ attack against 6-round $\texttt{Kiasu-BC}$. Furthermore, we reduce time complexities for $\texttt{free-TPKC}$ and $\texttt{fixed-TPKC}$ attacks on other $\texttt{AES}$ variants.
Thomas Haines, Rajeev Goré, Mukesh Tiwari
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Shuffles are used in electronic voting in much the same way physical ballot boxes are used in paper systems: (encrypted) ballots are input into the shuffle and (encrypted) ballots are output in a random order, thereby breaking the link between voter identities and ballots. To guarantee that no ballots are added, omitted or altered, zero-knowledge proofs, called proofs of shuffle, are used to provide publicly verifiable transcripts that prove that the outputs are a re-encrypted permutation of the inputs. The most prominent proofs of shuffle, in practice, are those due to Terelius and Wikström (TW), and Bayer and Groth (BG). TW is simpler whereas BG is more efficient, both in terms of bandwidth and computation. Security for the simpler (TW) proof of shuffle has already been machine-checked but several prominent vendors insist on using the more complicated BG proof of shuffle. Here, we machine-check the security of the Bayer-Groth proof of shuffle via the Coq proof-assistant. We then extract the verifier (software) required to check the transcripts produced by Bayer-Groth implementations and use it to check transcripts from the Swiss Post evoting system under development for national elections in Switzerland.
Truong Son Nguyen, Yi Ren, Guangyu Nie, Ni Trieu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Generative models have achieved remarkable success in a wide range of applications. Training such models using proprietary data from multiple parties has been studied in the realm of federated learning. Yet recent studies showed that reconstruction of authentic training data can be achieved in such settings. On the other hand, multiparty computation (MPC) guarantees standard data privacy, yet scales poorly for training generative models. In this paper, we focus on improving reconstruction hardness during Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) training while keeping the training cost tractable. To this end, we explore two training protocols that use a public generator and an MPC discriminator: Protocol 1 (P1) uses a fully private discriminator, while Protocol 2 (P2) privatizes the first three discriminator layers. We prove reconstruction hardness for P1 and P2 by showing that (1) a public generator does not allow recovery of authentic training data, as long as the first two layers of the discriminator are private; and through an existing approximation hardness result on ReLU networks, (2) a discriminator with at least three private layers does not allow authentic data reconstruction with algorithms polynomial in network depth and size. We show empirically that compared with fully MPC training, P1 reduces the training time by $2\times$ and P2 further by $4-16\times$.
Manuel Barbosa, Alexandra Boldyreva, Shan Chen, Kaishuo Cheng, Luís Esquível
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We revisit the privacy and security analyses of FIDO2, a widely deployed standard for passwordless authentication on the Web. We discuss previous works and conclude that each of them has at least one of the following limitations: (i) impractical trusted setup assumptions, (ii) security models that are inadequate in light of state of the art of practical attacks, (iii) not analyzing FIDO2 as a whole, especially for its privacy guarantees. Our work addresses these gaps and proposes revised security models for privacy and authentication. Equipped with our new models, we analyze FIDO2 modularly and focus on its component protocols, WebAuthn and CTAP2, clarifying their exact security guarantees. In particular, our results, for the first time, establish privacy guarantees for FIDO2 as a whole. Furthermore, we suggest minor modifications that can help FIDO2 provably meet stronger privacy and authentication definitions and withstand known and novel attacks.
Kathrin Hövelmanns, Andreas Hülsing, Mikhail Kudinov, Silvia Ritsch
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this work we revisit the post-quantum security of KEM-based password-authenticated key exchange (PAKE), specifically that of (O)CAKE. So far, these schemes evaded a security proof considering quantum adversaries. We give a detailed analysis of why this is the case, determining the missing proof techniques. To this end, we first provide a proof of security in the post-quantum setting, up to a single gap. This proof already turns out to be technically involved, requiring advanced techniques to reason in the QROM, including the compressed oracle and the extractable QROM. To pave the way towards closing the gap, we then further identify an efficient simulator for the ideal cipher. This provides certain programming abilities as a necessary and sufficient condition to close the gap in the proof: we demonstrate that we can close the gap using the simulator, and give a meta-reduction based on KEM-anonymity that shows the impossibility of a non-programming reduction that covers a class of KEMs that includes Kyber / ML-KEM.
Thomas Prévost, Bruno Martin
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper, we propose a new 10-bit S-box generated from a Feistel construction. The subpermutations are generated by a 5-cell cellular automaton based on a unique well-chosen rule and bijective affine transformations. In particular, the cellular automaton rule is chosen based on empirical tests of its ability to generate good pseudorandom output on a ring cellular automaton. Similarly, Feistel's network layout is based on empirical data regarding the quality of the output S-box.

We perform cryptanalysis of the generated 10-bit S-box: we test the properties of algebraic degree, algebraic complexity, nonlinearity, strict avalanche criterion, bit independence criterion, linear approximation probability, differential approximation probability, differential uniformity and boomerang uniformity of our S-box, and relate them to those of the AES S-box. We find security properties comparable to or sometimes even better than those of the standard AES S-box. We believe that our S-box could be used to replace the 5-bit substitution of ciphers like ASCON.
Thomas Prévost, Bruno Martin, Olivier Alibart
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We propose a post-quantum certificateless encryption scheme based on a web of trust instead of a centralized Key Generation Center. Our scheme allows nodes to communicate securely. It is the nodes already present in the network that vote on the acceptance of new nodes, and agree on the shared key. The threshold required for the acceptance of a new node is configurable. Our protocol thus allows to completely operate without the Key Generation Center (or Key Distribution Center).

Our scheme is based on Quasi-Cyclic Moderate Density Parity Check Code McEliece, which is resistant to quantum computer attacks. The voting system uses Shamir secret sharing, coupled with the Kabatianskii-Krouk-Smeets signature scheme, both are also resistant to quantum computer attacks.

We provide a security analysis of our protocol, as well as a formal verification and a proof of concept code.
Siemen Dhooghe, Artemii Ovchinnikov, Dilara Toprakhisar
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Fault attacks pose a significant threat to cryptographic implementations, motivating the development of countermeasures, primarily based on a combination of redundancy and masking techniques. Redundancy, in these countermeasures, is often implemented via duplication or linear codes. However, their inherent structure remains susceptible to strategic fault injections bypassing error checks. To address this, the CAPA countermeasure from CRYPTO 2018 leveraged information-theoretic MAC tags for protection against fault and combined attacks. However, a recent attack has shown that CAPA can only protect against either side-channel analysis or fault attacks, but not both simultaneously, and with significant hardware costs. Its successor, M&M, improves efficiency but lacks protection against ineffective faults.

In this paper, we propose StaMAC, a framework aimed at securely incorporating MAC tags against both side-channel and fault adversaries in a non-combined scenario. We extend the security notions outlined in StaTI from TCHES 2024, and propose the notion of MAC-stability, ensuring fault propagation in masked and MACed circuits, necessitating only a single error check at the end of the computation. Additionally, we show that the stability notion from StaTI is arbitrarily composable (whereas it was previously thought to be only serially composable), making it the first arbitrary composable fault security notion which does not require intermediate error checks or correction. Then, we establish the improved protection of masking combined with MAC tags compared to linear encoding techniques by showing bounds on the advantage considering several fault adversaries: a gate/register faulting adversary, an arbitrary register faulting adversary, and a random register faulting adversary. Then, we show how to transform any probing secure circuit to protect against fault attacks using the proposed MAC-stable gadgets implementing field operations. Finally, we demonstrate StaMAC on an AES implementation, evaluating its security and hardware costs compared to the countermeasures using MAC tags.
Huinan Chen, Binbin Cai, Fei Gao, Song Lin
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is one of the most widely used and extensively studied encryption algorithms globally, which is renowned for its efficiency and robust resistance to attacks. In this paper, three quantum circuits are designed to implement the S-box, which is the sole nonlinear component in AES. By incorporating a linear key schedule, we achieve a quantum circuit for implementing AES with the minimum number of qubits used. As a consequence, only 264/328/398 qubits are needed to implement the quantum circuits for AES-128/192/256. Furthermore, through quantum circuits of the S-box and key schedule, the overall size of the quantum circuit required for Grover's algorithm to attack AES is significantly decreased. This enhancement improves both the security and resource efficiency of AES in a quantum computing environment.
Xiangyu Kong, Min Zhang, Yu Chen
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Privacy-preserving distributed computation enables a resource-limited client to securely delegate computations on sensitive data to multiple servers by distributing shares of the data. In such systems, verifiable secret sharing (VSS) is a fundamental component, ensuring secure data distribution and directly impacting the overall performance. The most practical approach to construct VSS is through polynomial commitment (PC), with two main research directions to improve the VSS efficiency. The first focuses on improving the dealer time by designing PC that supports batch evaluation, i.e., generating multiple evaluation$\&$proof pairs in one shot. The second aims to reduce the broadcast cost by designing PC that supports batch opening, i.e., producing a compact proof for multiple evaluations.

Recently, Zhang et al. (Usenix Security 2022) proposed a transparent PC that supports batch evaluation and obtained a transparent VSS with optimal dealer time. However, their scheme does not support batch opening, leading to high broadcast costs in VSS. To the best of our knowledge, no transparent PC currently supports both batch evaluation and batch opening, thus limiting the performance of existing VSS schemes.

In this paper, we propose a transparent fully batchable polynomial commitment (TFB-PC), that simultaneously supports batch evaluation and batch opening. Leveraging TFB-PC, we present a VSS scheme with optimal complexity: $O(n\log n)$ dealer time, $O(n)$ participant time and $O(n)$ communication cost. Furthermore, we implement our VSS scheme and compare its performance with Zhang et al.’s VSS (the naive approach). Results show that our scheme achieves $954\text{-}27,595\times$ reduction in communication cost and a $1,028\text{-}1,155,106\times$ speed up in participant time for $2^{11}$-$2^{21}$ parties.
Gideon Samid
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Presenting a protocol that builds a cryptographic solution which shifts security responsibility from the cipher designer to the cipher user. The Polar Lattice is a pattern-devoid cryptographic cipher. It is based on a geometric construct -- a polar lattice, on which the letters of a plaintext alphabet A, are presented as two points each letter, so that to transmit a letter the transmitter transmits a randomized pathway, a trail, (ciphertext) that begins at the first point of the transmitted letter and ends at the second point of the transmitted letter; the transmitted pathway is a set of steps on the lattice. Once a letter is transmitted the next bits on the ciphertext mark the beginning of the pathway that points to the next letter. The size and the geometric construction of the polar lattice are randomized and kept secret. The randomized pathways may be long or short, the attacker does not know how to parcel the ciphertext to individual trails pointing to distinct letters in the plaintext alphabet A. The polar lattice may be implemented algebraically, or geometrically; the lattice may be a physical nano-construct. The polar lattice is very power efficient, very fast. It claims all the attributes associated with pattern devoid cryptography: it allows for only brute force cryptanalysis, which in turn can be defeated through increased ciphertext size, unlimited key size and structure complexity.
Virtual event, Anywhere on Earth, 26 February - 27 February 2025
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 26 February to 27 February 2025
Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool Univeristy
Job Posting Job Posting
The Post-Quantum Migration Interdisciplinary Lab (PQC-X) at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) led by Prof. Jintai Ding specializes in Post- quantum Cryptography. It is an internationally collaborative, open lab, with English as the primary working language. The lab aims to establish itself as a world-class research facility, focused on advancing key post-quantum migration technologies, facilitating their transfer to industry, and fostering the development of high-level talent in the field. Now PQX-X is hiring talents in working in areas such as computational algebra, algebraic geometry, number theory, mathematical optimization, quantum algorithms, post-quantum cryptography, multi-party computation, zero-knowledge proofs, fully homomorphic encryption, privacy-preserving algorithms, block chain, high-performance computing, and algorithm implementation. The position requires you to have a doctorate degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, Cryptography, or equivalent practical experience. How to Apply Please submit your application through our university website: The documents listed as below are required for the application: • A Cover Letter • A current CV, including date of birth, country of citizenship, and highest degree level • Three Academic References Letters

Closing date for applications:

Contact: For specific inquiries relating to the position, please email the dean of the School, Prof. Jintai Ding, at Informal inquiries may be addressed to HR at

More information:


11 March 2025

Martin R. Albrecht, Lenka Mareková, Kenneth G. Paterson, Eyal Ronen, Igors Stepanovs
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We describe, formally model, and prove the security of Telegram's key exchange protocols for client-server communications. To achieve this, we develop a suitable multi-stage key exchange security model along with pseudocode descriptions of the Telegram protocols that are based on analysis of Telegram's specifications and client source code. We carefully document how our descriptions differ from reality and justify our modelling choices. Our security proofs reduce the security of the protocols to that of their cryptographic building blocks, but the subsequent analysis of those building blocks requires the introduction of a number of novel security assumptions, reflecting many design decisions made by Telegram that are suboptimal from the perspective of formal analysis. Along the way, we provide a proof of IND-CCA security for the variant of RSA-OEAP+ used in Telegram and identify a hypothetical attack exploiting current Telegram server behaviour (which is not captured in our protocol descriptions). Finally, we reflect on the broader lessons about protocol design that can be taken from our work.
Lewis Glabush, Felix Günther, Kathrin Hövelmanns, Douglas Stebila
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Cryptographic schemes often contain verification steps that are essential for security. Yet, faulty implementations missing these steps can easily go unnoticed, as the schemes might still function correctly. A prominent instance of such a verification step is the re-encryption check in the Fujisaki-Okamoto (FO) transform that plays a prominent role in the post-quantum key encapsulation mechanisms (KEMs) considered in NIST's PQC standardization process. In KEMs built from FO, decapsulation performs a re-encryption check that is essential for security, but not for functionality. In other words, it will go unnoticed if this essential step is omitted or wrongly implemented, opening the door for key recovery attacks. Notably, such an implementation flaw was present in HQC's reference implementation and was only noticed after 19 months.

In this work, we develop a modified FO transform that binds re-encryption to functionality, ensuring that a faulty implementation which skips re-encryption will be exposed through basic correctness tests. We do so by adapting the "verifiable verification" methodology of Fischlin and Günther (CCS 2023) to the context of FO-based KEMs. More concretely, by exporting an unpredictable confirmation code from the public key encryption and embedding it into the key derivation function, we can confirm that (most of) the re-encryption step was indeed performed during decapsulation. We formalize this concept, establish modified FO transforms, and prove how unpredictable PKE confirmation codes turn into noticeable correctness errors for faulty implementations. We show how to apply this technique to ML-KEM and HQC, both with negligible overhead, by leveraging the entropy lost through ciphertext compression or truncation. We confirm that our approach works through mathematical proofs, as well as experimental data. Our experiments show that the implementation flaw in HQC's reference implementation indeed makes basic test cases when following our approach.
Feng Han, Xiao Lan, Weiran Liu, Lei Zhang, Hao Ren, Lin Qu, Yuan Hong
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Oblivious permutation (OP) enables two parties, a sender with a private data vector $x$ and a receiver with a private permutation π, to securely obtain the shares of π(x). OP has been used to construct many important MPC primitives and applications such as secret shuffle, oblivious sorting, private set operations, secure database analysis, and privacy-preserving machine learning. Due to its high complexity, OP has become a performance bottleneck in several practical applications, and many efforts have been devoted to enhancing its concrete efficiency. Chase et al. (Asiacrypt'20) proposed an offline-online OP paradigm leveraging a pre-computable resource termed Share Translation. While this paradigm significantly reduces online costs, the substantial offline cost of generating Share Translation remains an area for further investigation.

In this work, we redefine the pre-computable resource as a cryptographic primitive known as Correlated Oblivious Permutation (COP) and conduct in-depth analyses and optimizations of the two COP generation solutions: network-based solution and matrix-based solution. The optimizations for the network-based solution halve the communication/computation cost of constructing a switch (the basic unit of the permutation network) and reduce the number of switches in the permutation network. The optimizations for the matrix-based solution halve the communication cost of small-size COP generation and reduce the cost of large-size COP generation with in-outside permutation decomposition.

We implement our two COP generation protocols and conduct comprehensive evaluations. Taking commonly used 128-bit input data as an example, our network-based and matrix-based solutions are up to 1.7x and 1.6x faster than baseline protocols, respectively. We further facilitate the state-of-the-art (SOTA) PSU protocols with our optimized COP, achieving over 25% reduction in communication cost and 35% decrease in execution time. This shows that our COP optimizations bring significant improvements for real-world MPC primitives.
Jai Hyun Park
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Matrix multiplication of two encrypted matrices (CC-MM) is a key challenge for privacy-preserving machine learning applications. As modern machine learning models focus on scalability, fast CC-MM on large datasets is increasingly in demand.

In this work, we present a CC-MM algorithm for large matrices. The algorithm consists of plaintext matrix multiplications (PP-MM) and ciphertext matrix transpose algorithms (C-MT). We propose a fast C-MT algorithm, which is computationally inexpensive compared to PP-MM. By leveraging high-performance BLAS libraries to optimize PP-MM, we implement large-scale CC-MM with substantial performance improvements. Furthermore, we propose lightweight algorithms, significantly reducing the key size from $1\ 960$ MB to $1.57$ MB for CC-MM with comparable efficiency.

In a single-thread implementation, the C-MT algorithm takes $0.76$ seconds to transpose a $2\ 048\times 2\ 048$ encrypted matrix. The CC-MM algorithm requires $85.2$ seconds to multiply two $4\ 096\times 4\ 096$ encrypted matrices. For large matrices, our algorithm outperforms the state-of-the-art CC-MM method from Jiang-Kim-Lauter-Song [CCS'18] by a factor of over $800$.
Eurocrypt Eurocrypt
Registration for Eurocrypt 2025 is now open. The early registration deadline is April 4, 2025. More information can be found here:

In the conference website you can also find, among other information, the preliminary schedule, the list of accepted papers, and the list of affiliated events:

Finally, considering that Madrid is a popular tourist city which gets busy in May, we recommend you to book your hotel early. Information on accommodation is available at:


10 March 2025

Yuval Ishai, Yifan Song
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We consider the question of protecting a general computation device, modeled by a stateful Boolean circuit, against leakage of partial information about its internal wires. Goyal et al. (FOCS 2016) obtained a solution for the case of bounded-communication leakage, where the wires are partitioned into two parts and the leakage can be any function computed using $t$ bits of communication between the parts. However, this solution suffers from two major limitations: (1) it only applies to a one-shot (stateless) computation, mapping an encoded input to an encoded output, and (2) the leakage-resilient circuit consumes fresh random bits, whose number scales linearly with the circuit complexity of the computed function.

In this work, we eliminate the first limitation and make progress on the second. Concretely: - We present the first construction of stateful circuits that offer information-theoretic protection against continuous bounded-communication leakage. As an application, we extend a two-party ``malware-resilient'' protocol of Goyal et al. to the continuous-leakage case. - For simple types of bounded-communication leakage, which leak $t$ parities or $t$ disjunctions of circuit wires or their negations, we obtain a deterministic variant that does not require any fresh randomness beyond the randomness in the initial state. Here we get computational security based on a subexponentially secure one-way function. This is the first deterministic leakage-resilient circuit construction for any nontrivial class of global leakage.
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