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22 May 2018

Pierre Karpman, Daniel S. Roche
ePrint Report ePrint Report
At CRYPTO 2017, Belaïd et al. presented two new private multiplication algorithms over finite fields, to be used in secure masking schemes. To date, these algorithms have the lowest known complexity in terms of bilinear multiplication and random masks respectively, both being linear in the number of shares $d+1$. Yet, a practical drawback of both algorithms is that their safe instantiation relies on finding matrices satisfying certain conditions. In their work, Belaïd et al. only address these up to $d=2$ and 3 for the first and second algorithm respectively, limiting so far the practical usefulness of their constructions.

In this paper, we use in turn an algebraic, heuristic, and experimental approach to find many more safe instances of Belaïd et al.'s algorithms. This results in explicit instantiations up to order $d = 6$ over large fields, and up to $d = 4$ over practically relevant fields such as $\mathbb{F}_{2^8}$.
Matvei Kotov, Anton Menshov, Alexey Myasnikov, Dmitry Panteleev, Alexander Ushakov
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper, we consider the conjugacy separation search problem in braid groups. We deeply redesign the algorithm presented in (Myasnikov & Ushakov, 2009) and provide an experimental evidence that the problem can be solved for $100\%$ of very long randomly generated instances. The lengths of tested randomly generated instances is increased by the factor of two compared to the lengths suggested in the original proposal for $120$ bits of security.

An implementation of our attack is freely available in CRAG. In particular, the implementation contains all challenging instances we had to deal with on a way to $100\%$ success. We hope it will be useful to braid-group cryptography community.
Thorben Moos, Amir Moradi, Tobias Schneider, François-Xavier Standaert
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Implementing the masking countermeasure in hardware is a delicate task. Various solutions have been proposed for this purpose over the last years: we focus on Threshold Implementations (TIs), Domain-Oriented Masking (DOM), the Unified Masking Approach (UMA) and Generic Low Latency Masking (GLM). The latter generally come with innovative ideas to prevent physical defaults such as glitches. Yet, and in contrast to the situation in software-oriented masking, these schemes have not been formally proven at arbitrary security orders and their composability properties were left unclear. So far, only a 2-cycle implementation of the seminal masking scheme by Ishai, Sahai and Wagner has been shown secure and composable in the robust probing model -- a variation of the probing model aimed to capture physical defaults such as glitches -- for any number of shares. In this paper, we argue that this lack of proofs for TIs, DOM, UMA and GLM makes the interpretation of their security guarantees difficult as the number of shares increases. For this purpose, we first put forward that the higher-order variants of all these schemes are affected by (local or composability) security flaws in the (robust) probing model, due to insufficient refreshing. We then show that composability and robustness against glitches cannot be analyzed independently. We finally detail how these abstract flaws translate into concrete (experimental) attacks, and discuss the additional constraints robust probing security implies on the need of registers. Despite not systematically leading to improved complexities at low security orders, e.g., with respect to the required number of measurements for a successful attack, we argue that these weaknesses provide a case for the need of security proofs in the robust probing model at higher security orders.
Changyu Dong, Yilei Wang, Amjad Aldweesh, Patrick McCorry, Aad van Moorsel
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Cloud computing has become an irreversible trend. Together comes the pressing need for verifiability, to assure the client the correctness of computation outsourced to the cloud. Existing verifiable computation techniques all have a high overhead, thus if being deployed in the clouds, would render cloud computing more expensive than the on-premises counterpart. To achieve verifiability at a reasonable cost, we leverage game theory and propose a smart contract based solution. In a nutshell, a client lets two clouds compute the same task, and uses smart contracts to stimulate tension, betrayal and distrust between the clouds, so that rational clouds will not collude and cheat. In the absence of collusion, veri cation of correctness can be done easily by crosschecking the results from the two clouds. We provide a formal analysis of the games induced by the contracts, and prove that the contracts will be e ective under certain reasonable assumptions. By resorting to game theory and smart contracts, we are able to avoid heavy cryptographic protocols. The client only needs to pay two clouds to compute in the clear, and a small transaction fee to use the smart contracts. We also con- ducted a feasibility study that involves implementing the contracts in Solidity and running them on the o cial Ethereum network.
Benoît Cogliati, Jooyoung Lee
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Substitution-Permutation Networks (SPNs) refer to a family of constructions which build a $wn$-bit (tweakable) block cipher from $n$-bit public permutations. Many widely deployed block ciphers are part of this family and rely on very small public permutations. Surprisingly, this structure has seen little theoretical interest when compared with Feistel networks, another high-level structure for block ciphers.

This paper extends the work initiated by Dodis et al. in three directions; first, we make SPNs tweakable by allowing keyed tweakable permutations in the permutation layer, and prove their security as tweakable block ciphers. Second, we prove beyond-the-birthday-bound security for $2$-round non-linear SPNs with independent S-boxes and independent round keys. Our bounds also tend towards optimal security $2^n$ (in terms of the number of threshold queries) as the number of rounds increases. Finally, all our constructions permit their security proofs in the multi-user setting.

As an application of our results, SPNs can be used to build provably secure wide tweakable block ciphers from several public permutations, or from a block cipher. More specifically, our construction can turn two strong public $n$-bit permutations into a tweakable block cipher working on $wn$-bit blocks and using a $6n$-bit key and an $n$-bit tweak (for any $w\geq 2$); the tweakable block cipher provides security up to $2^{2n/3}$ adversarial queries in the random permutation model, while only requiring $w$ calls to each permutation and $3w$ field multiplications for each $wn$-bit block.
Edouard Dufour Sans, David Pointcheval
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In 2015, Abdalla et al. introduced Inner Product Functional Encryption, where both ciphertexts and decryption keys are vectors of fixed size $n$, and keys enable the computation of an inner product between the two. In practice, however, the size of the data parties are dealing with may vary over time. Having a public key of size $n$ can also be inconvenient when dealing with very large vectors. We define the Unbounded Inner Product functionality in the context of Public-Key Functional Encryption, and introduce the first scheme that realizes it under standard assumptions. In an Unbounded Inner Product Functional Encryption scheme, a public key allows anyone to encrypt unbounded vectors, that are essentially mappings from $\mathbb{N}^*$ to $\mathbb{Z}_p$. The owner of the master secret key can generate functional decryption keys for other unbounded vectors. These keys enable one to evaluate the inner product between the unbounded vector underlying the ciphertext and the unbounded vector in the functional decryption key, provided certain conditions on the two vectors are met. We build Unbounded Inner Product Functional Encryption by introducing pairings, using a technique similar to that of Boneh-Franklin Identity-Based Encryption. A byproduct of this is that our scheme can be made Identity-Based "for free". It is also the first Public-Key Inner Product Functional Encryption Scheme with a constant size public key (and master secret key).
Ghada Dessouky, Farinaz Koushanfar, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, Thomas Schneider, Shaza Zeitouni, Michael Zohner
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Secure two-party computation has witnessed significant efficiency improvements in the recent years. Current implementations of protocols with security against passive adversaries generate and process data much faster than it can be sent over the network, even with a single thread. This paper introduces novel methods to further reduce the communication bottleneck and round complexity of semi-honest secure two-party computation. Our new methodology creates a trade-off between communication and computation, and we show that the added computing cost for each party is still feasible and practicable in light of the new communication savings. We first improve communication for Boolean circuits with 2-input gates by factor 1.9x when evaluated with the protocol of Goldreich-Micali-Wigderson (GMW). As a further step, we change the conventional Boolean circuit representation from 2-input gates to multi-input/multi-output lookup tables (LUTs) which can be programmed to realize arbitrary functions. We construct two protocols for evaluating LUTs offering a trade-off between online communication and total communication. Our most efficient LUT-based protocol reduces the communication and round complexity by a factor 2-4x for several basic and complex operations. Our proposed scheme results in a significant overall runtime decrease of up to a factor of 3x on several benchmark functions.
Luca De Feo, Jean Kieffer, Benjamin Smith
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We revisit the ordinary isogeny-graph based cryptosystems of Couveignes and Rostovtsev–Stolbunov, long dismissed as impractical. We give algorithmic improvements that accelerate key exchange in this framework, and explore the problem of generating suitable system parameters for contemporary pre- and post-quantum security that take advantage of these new algorithms. We also prove the session-key security of this key exchange in the Canetti–Krawczyk model, and the IND-CPA security of the related public-key encryption scheme, under reasonable assumptions on the hardness of computing isogeny walks. Our systems admit efficient key-validation techniques that yield CCA-secure encryption, thus providing an important step towards efficient post-quantum non-interactive key exchange.
Chun Guo, Olivier Pereira, Thomas Peters, François-Xavier Standaert
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We propose definitions and constructions of authenticated encryption (AE) schemes that offer security guarantees even in the presence of side-channel leakages and nonce misuse. This is part of an important ongoing effort to make AE as robust as possible, while preserving appealing efficiency properties. In order to achieve this efficiency, we aim at modes of operation that support leveled implementations such that the encryption and decryption operations require the use of a small constant number of evaluations of an expensive and heavily protected component, while the bulk of the computation can be performed by cheap and weakly protected blocks.

Our definitions offer various insights on the effect of leakages in the security landscape. In particular, we show that, in contrast with the black-box setting, leaking variants of INT-CTXT and CPA security do not imply a leaking variant CCA security, and that leaking variants of INT-PTXT and CCA do not imply a leaking variant of INT-CTXT. Eventually, we propose FEMALE, a new mode of operation that satisfies our security definitions and supports efficient leveled implementations, and AEDT, another efficient mode of operation that offers the strongest form of misuse resistance that can be achieved in the presence of leakages, while not being fully misuse resistant in the black-box setting.
Dan Boneh, Manu Drijvers, Gregory Neven
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We construct new multi-signature schemes that provide new functionality. Our schemes are designed to reduce the size of the Bitcoin blockchain, but are useful in many other settings where multi-signatures are needed. All our constructions support both signature compression and public-key aggregation. Hence, to verify that a number of parties signed a common message m, the verifier only needs a short multi-signature, a short aggregation of their public keys, and the message m. We give new constructions that are derived from Schnorr signatures and from BLS signatures. Our constructions are in the plain public key model, meaning that users do not need to prove knowledge or possession of their secret key.

In addition, we construct the first short accountable-subgroup multi-signature (ASM) scheme. An ASM scheme enables any subset S of a set of n parties to sign a message m so that a valid signature discloses which subset generated the signature (hence the subset S is accountable for signing m). We construct the first ASM scheme where signature size is only O(k) bits over the description of S, where k is the security parameter. Similarly, the aggregate public key is only O(k) bits, independent of n. The signing process is non-interactive. Our ASM scheme is very practical and well suited for compressing the data needed to spend funds from a t-of-n Multisig Bitcoin address, for any (polynomial size) t and n.
Ronald Cramer, Ivan Damgård, Daniel Escudero, Peter Scholl, Chaoping Xing
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Most multi-party computation protocols allow secure computation of arithmetic circuits over a finite field, such as the integers modulo a prime. In the more natural setting of integer computations modulo $2^{k}$, which are useful for simplifying implementations and applications, no solutions with active security are known unless the majority of the participants are honest.

We present a new scheme for information-theoretic MACs that are homomorphic modulo $2^k$, and are as efficient as the well-known standard solutions that are homomorphic over fields. We apply this to construct an MPC protocol for dishonest majority in the preprocessing model that has efficiency comparable to the well-known SPDZ protocol (Damgård et al., CRYPTO 2012), with operations modulo $2^k$ instead of over a field. We also construct a matching preprocessing protocol based on oblivious transfer, which is in the style of the MASCOT protocol (Keller et al., CCS 2016) and almost as efficient.
Arpita Patra, Divya Ravi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We settle the exact round complexity of three-party computation (3PC) in honest-majority setting, for a range of security notions such as selective abort, unanimous abort, fairness and guaranteed output delivery. Selective abort security, the weakest in the lot, allows the corrupt parties to selectively deprive some of the honest parties of the output. In the mildly stronger version of unanimous abort, either all or none of the honest parties receive the output. Fairness implies that the corrupted parties receive their output only if all honest parties receive output and lastly, the strongest notion of guaranteed output delivery implies that the corrupted parties cannot prevent honest parties from receiving their output. It is a folklore that the implication holds from the guaranteed output delivery to fairness to unanimous abort to selective abort. We focus on two network settings-- pairwise-private channels without and with a broadcast channel.

In the minimal setting of pairwise-private channels, 3PC with selective abort is known to be feasible in just two rounds, while guaranteed output delivery is infeasible to achieve irrespective of the number of rounds. Settling the quest for exact round complexity of 3PC in this setting, we show that three rounds are necessary and sufficient for unanimous abort and fairness. Extending our study to the setting with an additional broadcast channel, we show that while unanimous abort is achievable in just two rounds, three rounds are necessary and sufficient for fairness and guaranteed output delivery. Our lower bound results extend for any number of parties in honest majority setting and imply tightness of several known constructions. The fundamental concept of garbled circuits underlies all our upper bounds. Concretely, our constructions involve transmitting and evaluating only constant number of garbled circuits. Assumption-wise, our constructions rely on injective (one-to-one) one-way functions.
Ilan Komargodski, Eylon Yogev
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Collision resistant hashing is a fundamental concept that is the basis for many of the important cryptographic primitives and protocols. Collision resistant hashing is a family of compressing functions such that no efficient adversary can find any collision given a random function in the family.

In this work we study a relaxation of collision resistance called distributional collision resistance, introduced by Dubrov and Ishai (STOC '06). This relaxation of collision resistance only guarantees that no efficient adversary, given a random function in the family, can sample a pair $(x,y)$ where $x$ is uniformly random and $y$ is uniformly random conditioned on colliding with $x$. Our first result shows that distributional collision resistance can be based on the existence of multi-collision resistance hash (with no additional assumptions). Multi-collision resistance is another relaxation of collision resistance which guarantees that an efficient adversary cannot find any tuple of $k>2$ inputs that collide relative to a random function in the family. The construction is non-explicit, non-black-box, and yields an infinitely-often secure family. This partially resolves a question of Berman et al. (EUROCRYPT '18). We further observe that in a black-box model such an implication (from multi-collision resistance to distributional collision resistance) does not exist.

Our second result is a construction of a distributional collision resistant hash from the average-case hardness of SZK. Previously, this assumption was not known to imply any form of collision resistance (other than the ones implied by one-way functions).
Adrian G. Schipor
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In 2008, Jhanwar and Barua presented an improvement of the Boneh-Gentry-Hamburg (BGH) scheme. In addition to reducing the time complexity of the algorithm to find a solution of the equation $ax^2+Sy^2\equiv 1 \bmod n$, their scheme reduces the number of equations to be solved by combining existing solutions. Susilo et al. extended the Jhanwar-Barua scheme, reducing more the number of equations to be solved. This paper presents a security flaw that appears in both schemes and shows that they are not IND-ID-CPA secure.
Ali Aydin Selcuk
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Like any other cryptanalytic attack, the success rate of a linear attack is expected to improve as more data becomes available. Bogdanov and Tischhauser (FSE 2013) made the rather surprising claim that the success rate of a linear attack may go down with increasing plaintext amount, after an optimal point. They supported this claim with experimental evidence by an attack on SmallPresent-20. Different explanations have been given to explain this surprising phenomenon. In this note, we give quantitative values regarding when this phenomenon can be observed. We conclude that it should not be an issue for attacks in practice except for those with a tiny bias.
Lejla Batina, Shivam Bhasin, Dirmanto Jap, Stjepan Picek
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Machine learning has become mainstream across industries. In this work we pose the following question: Is it possible to reverse engineer a neural network by using only side-channel information? We answer the question affirmatively. To this end, we consider a multi layer perceptron as the machine learning architecture of choice and assume a passive attacker capable of measuring only passive side-channels like power, electromagnetic radiation, and timing.

We conduct all experiments on real data and common neural net architectures in order to properly assess the applicability and extendability of such attacks. Our experiments show that the side-channel attacker is able to obtain information about the activation functions, the number of layers and neurons in layers, the number of output classes, and weights in the neural network. Thus, the attacker can efficiently reverse engineer the network using side-channel information.

Next, we show that if the attacker has the knowledge about the neural network architecture, he/she could also recover the inputs to the network with only a single measurement. Finally, we discuss several mitigations one could use to thwart such attacks.
Stjepan Picek, Annelie Heuser, Alan Jovic, Shivam Bhasin, Francesco Regazzoni
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We concentrate on machine learning techniques used for profiled side-channel analysis when having imbalanced data. Such scenarios are realistic and often occurring, for instance in the Hamming weight or Hamming distance leakage models. In order to deal with the imbalanced data, we use various balancing techniques where we show that most of them help in mounting successful attack when the data is highly imbalanced. Especially the results with the SMOTE technique are encouraging since we observe scenarios where it reduces the number of necessary measurements for more than 8 times. Next, we provide extensive results on comparison of machine learning and side-channel metrics where we show that machine learning metrics (and especially accuracy as the most often used one) can be extremely deceptive. This opens a need to revisit the previous works and their findings in order to properly assess the performance of machine learning in side-channel analysis.
Jonathan Katz, Vladimir Kolesnikov, Xiao Wang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Recent work, including ZKBoo, ZKB++, and Ligero, has developed efficient non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge (NIZKPoKs) for arbitrary Boolean circuits based on symmetric- key primitives alone using the “MPC-in-the-head” paradigm of Ishai et al. We show how to instantiate this paradigm with MPC protocols in the preprocessing model; once optimized, this results in an NIZKPoK with shorter proofs (and comparable computation) as in prior work for circuits containing roughly 300–100,000 AND gates. In contrast to prior work, our NIZKPoK also supports witness-independent preprocessing, which allows the prover to move most of its work to an offline phase before the witness is known.

We use our NIZKPoK to construct a signature scheme based only on symmetric-key primitives (and hence with “post-quantum” security). The resulting scheme has shorter signatures than the scheme built using ZKB++ (with comparable signing/verification time), and is even competitive with hash-based signature schemes.

To further highlight the flexibility and power of our NIZKPoK, we also use it to build efficient ring and group signatures based on symmetric-key primitives alone. To our knowledge, the resulting schemes are the most efficient constructions of these primitives that offer post-quantum security.
Peter Sebastian Nordholt, Meilof Veeningen
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper, we present two new and very communication-efficient protocols for maliciously secure multi-party computation over fields in the honest-majority setting with abort. Our first protocol improves a recent protocol by Lindell and Nof. Using the so far overlooked tool of batchwise multiplication verification, we speed up their technique for checking correctness of multiplications (with some other improvements), reducing communication by 2x to 7x. In particular, in the 3PC setting, each party sends only two field elements per multiplication. We also show how to achieve fairness, which Lindell and Nof left as an open problem. Our second protocol again applies batchwise multiplication verification, this time to perform 3PC by letting two parties perform the SPDZ protocol using triples generated by a third party and verified batchwise. In this protocol, each party sends only 4/3 field elements during the online phase and 53 field elements during the preprocessing phase.
Daniele Friolo, Daniel Masny, Daniele Venturi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We give a construction of a secure multi-party computation (MPC) protocol from a special type of key agreement, where the distribution of the messages sent by one of the parties is computationally close to the uniform distribution over an efficiently sampleable group, even when the other party is malicious. We term the latter strongly uniform key agreement (SU-KA). First, we show that for any odd t, t-round SU-KA and statistically binding commitments are sufficient for a black-box construction of (t+1)-round maliciously secure oblivious transfer (M-OT). By invoking a recent result of Benhamouda and Lin (Eurocrypt 2017), the latter implies maliciously secure MPC within max(t+1,5) rounds in the plain model. Additionally, we investigate the relationship between SU-KA, and similar types of public-key encryption and semi-honestly secure OT protocols where we also demand strong uniformity. This finally allows us to instantiate our result for t=2 and t=3 under standard assumptions, including any of low-noise LPN, LWE, Subset Sum, DDH, CDH, and RSA (all with polynomial hardness), so that under the same set of assumptions we also obtain 5-round maliciously secure MPC (and 4-round M-OT) in the plain model.
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