International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


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27 November 2018

Rambus Security Division, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Job Posting Job Posting

Rambus is seeking for a dynamic, highly motivated, experienced Senior Security Engineer. The ideal candidate will be team oriented, and have a strong knowledge of the HW security including side-channel analysis and fault analysis. In addition, She/he possesses an in-depth knowledge of front end digital design process and related design flows.


  • Design and implement secure cryptographic hardware IP blocks as part of cryptography research’s security IP portfolio.
  • Implement fault and side-channel analysis countermeasures and verify resistance to state-of-the-art attack techniques
  • Invent, patent and publish new techniques in the fields of DPA countermeasures, fault resistance and efficient hardware designs
  • Supports FAEs, customers, and Rambus sales and marketing team in Europe and Asia and work closely with our offices in Sunnyvale, San Francisco, and Bangalore
  • Collaborates with different teams to support all technical aspects of the sales cycle
  • Represent Rambus CRD at international workshops, conferences and trade shows.
  • Author technical collateral and whitepapers on CRD’s cryptographic hardware technologies

Closing date for applications:

More information:

Department of Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Job Posting Job Posting
We are looking for research fellow (post-doc), research associate, research assistant, research assistant, project interns, phd students to join our group.

Candidates for research fellow/associate should have completed (or close to completing) a PhD degree in computer science, mathematics or a related discipline. Research assistants/project interns are expected to have an honours degree or an equivalent qualification.

Research Fellow/Associates are expected to have solid experience in Public Key Cryptography and Provable Security. Research assistants and project interns should have respectable academic record and an interest in the above area. Specific topic of interest:

- Lattice-Based Anonymous Credentials

- Empirical Analysis on Strength of Ideal Lattice

- Ring Signatures & Linkable Ring Signatures

- Different kinds of zero-knowledge proof/argument systems

- Transaction Privacy in Public and Consortium Blockchain

These positions have flexible starting dates. The initial appointment will be for 12 months, with a strong possibility for further appointment.

Closing date for applications: 31 March 2019

Contact: Dr. Man Ho Au (csallen (at)

More information:


24 November 2018

Fukuoka, Japan, 5 August - 8 August 2019
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 5 August to 8 August 2019
Submission deadline: 20 March 2019
Notification: 25 April 2019
Miami, USA, 15 May - 17 May 2019
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 15 May to 17 May 2019
Submission deadline: 25 January 2019
Notification: 1 March 2019

23 November 2018

Steven D. Galbraith, John M. Pollard, Raminder S. Ruprai
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The discrete logarithm problem in an interval of size $N$ in a group $G$ is: Given $g, h \in G$ and an integer $ N$ to find an integer $0 \le n \le N$, if it exists, such that $h = g^n$. Previously the best low-storage algorithm to solve this problem was the van Oorschot and Wiener version of the Pollard kangaroo method. The heuristic average case running time of this method is $(2 + o(1)) \sqrt{N}$ group operations.

We present two new low-storage algorithms for the discrete logarithm problem in an interval of size $N$. The first algorithm is based on the Pollard kangaroo method, but uses 4 kangaroos instead of the usual two. We explain why this algorithm has heuristic average case expected running time of $(1.715 + o(1)) \sqrt{N}$ group operations. The second algorithm is based on the Gaudry-Schost algorithm and the ideas of our first algorithm. We explain why this algorithm has heuristic average case expected running time of $(1.661 + o(1)) \sqrt{N}$ group operations. We give experimental results that show that the methods do work close to that predicted by the theoretical analysis.

This is a revised version since the published paper that contains a corrected proof of Theorem 6 (the statement of Theorem 6 is unchanged). We thank Ravi Montenegro for pointing out the errors.
Nico Döttling, Daniel Kraschewski, Jörn Müller-Quade
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In a seminal work, Katz (Eurocrypt 2007) showed that parties being able to issue tamper-proof hardware can implement universally composable secure computation without a trusted setup. Our contribution to the line of research initiated by Katz is a construction for general, information-theoretically secure, universally composable two-party computation based on a single stateful tamper-proof token. We provide protocols for multiple one-time memories, multiple commitments in both directions, and also bidirectional oblivious transfer. From this, general secure two-party computation (and even one-time programs) can be implemented by known techniques. Moreover, our protocols have asymptotically optimal communication complexity.

The central part of our work is a construction for oblivious affine function evaluation (OAFE), which can be seen as a generalization of the oblivious transfer primitive: Parametrized by a finite field F and a dimension k, the OAFE primitive allows a designated sender to choose an affine function f:F->F^k, such that hidden from the sender a designated receiver can learn f(x) for exactly one input x in F of his choice. All our abovementioned results build upon this primitive and it may also be of particular interest for the construction of garbled arithmetic circuits.

22 November 2018

Mathematics Department, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Job Posting Job Posting
Post-doctoral Research Fellow in Post-Quantum Cryptography, Mathematics Department, University of Auckland.

Two years duration

The aim of this role is to conduct research at an international level on post-quantum cryptography and related mathematics. The successful applicant will be working in collaboration with Professor Steven Galbraith, his students, and other collaborators. The ability to work as part of a team and independently is essential. PhD in Mathematics or a related discipline (eg Computer Science) desired.

The Mathematics department at the University of Auckland was ranked 45th worldwide in the 2018 QS World University Rankings. Professor Galbraith\'s research group contains approx 6 post-grad students working in mathematical crypto.

The minimum salary for a research fellow at the University of Auckland in 2019 is NZD 81963.00.

Closing date for applications: 15 January 2019

Contact: Steven Galbraith

Professor of Pure Mathematics

s.galbraith (at)

More information:

Quantum Software Consortium, Netherlands
Job Posting Job Posting
Ada Lovelace Post-Doc Fellowships with the Quantum Software Consortium (QSC).

QSC is a project of University of Amsterdam, Leiden University, Delft University of Technology, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, funded by NWO.

We are inviting applications for our program of prestigious 3 year Ada Lovelace postdoctoral Fellowships, which has the explicit aim of hiring talented female researchers.

The consortium is organized around three themes of algorithmic development: for quantum computers, for quantum networks, and for quantum(-safe) cryptography. A fourth hardware theme, the demonstrator, provides a distributed quantum computing network linking the three sites of the consortium and The Hague, to test designs arising from the three software themes. World class hardware for demonstrating quantum algorithms is furthermore available via QuTech, Leiden, and Amsterdam outside this proposal.

The subject matter of a candidate’s proposed research is free, as long as it contributes to the scientific program of the QSC. The first call for Ada Lovelace Fellowships will be open until January 31th 2019. Candidates can be proposed in the following two ways:

(1) proposal by one of the QSC Senior Researchers.

(2) application by the candidate, accompanied by a supporting letter by a QSC Senior Researcher.

In both cases, the proposal should include CV and list of publications, description of proposed research, description of embedding in the QSC (preferred location, collaborators), up to three names of scientists who can be contacted for reference letters

You can submit your application to the QSC office. Email: office (at) Deadline for applications is January 31st 2019. In the current round up to two fellowships can be granted.

Closing date for applications: 31 January 2019

Contact: Ronald Cramer (cramer (at), cramer (at)

More information:

CNRS, IRISA, Rennes, France
Job Posting Job Posting
TAMIS research group at IRISA (Rennes, France) is seeking two motivated researchers (1 Ph.D. and 1 research engineer) in the area of side-channel analysis for malware detection.

The project targets to build a malware detection framework using side-channel information.

We are looking for team players who are motivated to drive top-quality research and save the world. The area of research lies between two fields and we expect at least competences in one of them: security on embedded devices and/or malware analysis.

The positions are available from March 2019, but starting dates are negotiable.

The Ph.D. position is estimated for 3 years. The initial contract for the research engineer will be one year, but extendable for 3 years in case of successful performance.

Review of applications will start immediately until position is filled.

Interested candidates should contact us asap and send their detailed CVs, cover letter and references.

Closing date for applications: 1 March 2019

Contact: Annelie Heuser, annelie.heuser (at)

More information:

Chalmers & NTU
Job Posting Job Posting
NTU Postdoctoral Fellowship 2018.

The fellowship provides post-doc scholars from around the world with the opportunity to conduct one year of independent investigations at NTU in Singapore and one year at a Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP) research partner institution in Sweden e.g., Chalmers University of Technology and collaborate with Katerina Mitrokotsa and her group focusing on security and privacy and cryptography.

The official call closes on the 30th of Nov. 2018.

Please contact Katerina Mitrokotsa in case you are interested to work with her until the 27th of Nov. 2018

Closing date for applications: 30 November 2018

Contact: Katerina Mitrokotsa

Associate Professor

Chalmers University of Technology

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

aikmitr (at)

More information:


21 November 2018

Huawei Singapore Research Center
Job Posting Job Posting

Beijing, Shenzhen & Singapore.

Duties & Responsibilities:

  • Formulate research problems based on real-world security requirements and conduct high-quality research independently.
  • o Understand business requirements from the products of Huawei and translate them into technical requirements and research topics.

    o Design innovative solutions for security requirements from Huawei’s products while fulfilling various constraints from all aspects, including compliance, manufacturing process, hardware capability, performance, cost, etc.

    o Design and develop prototypes; deliver research results and provide competitive solution to the product lines.

  • Contribute to the research activities in applied cryptography team; participate or lead research subjects.
  • Work on IP (Intellectual Property, i.e. patents) and standardization.
  • Develop collaborations with industry peers and academia.
  • Participate and contribute in corporate direction and strategy over security technology.

Skills / Qualifications:

  • or Ph.D. in Mathematics, Cryptography, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, or related field with 2-5 years of experience in information security or applied cryptography.
  • Programming skills in at least one language. C, C++, Java, or Shell codes, etc.
  • Good written and verbal communications skills.
  • Self-motivated with strong sense of responsibility.
  • Strong interpersonal and problem solving skills.
  • Knowledge in one or more of the following areas is preferred:
  • o Deep understanding of elliptic curves, bilinear pairing and underline algebra.

    o Lattice-based algorithms & post-quantum cryptographic algorithms.

    o Blockchain and other distributed ledger technology.

    o Privacy protection algorithms such as Homomorphic Encryption, Multiparty Computation & Zero-Knowledge Proofs.

    o Symmetric-key cryptography, including white-box crypto algorithm.

Closing date for applications: 30 March 2019

Contact: Shuang Wu, wu.shuang (at)

Computer Science, Aarhus University
Job Posting Job Posting
Several full-time research positions in cryptography, blockchain, and formal verification are available at Computer Science, Aarhus University at several levels.

We are looking for:

  • PhD students

  • Postdocs

  • Assistant Professors (tenure track)

  • Associate Professors

We are hiring within the following topics:

  • Consensus protocols for blockchains

  • Blockchain technology

  • Game theoretic analysis of cryptographic protocols and blockchains

  • Privacy-enhancing technologies

  • Differential Privacy

  • Zero-knowledge proofs

  • Efficient implementation of secure multiparty computation

  • Theory of secure multiparty computation

  • Secure multiparty computation for the blockchain

  • Cryptographic security models

  • Formally verified cryptographic implementations

  • Language design and semantics for smart contracts

  • Formal verification of cryptographic protocols, including blockchain and secure multiparty computation


If you are interested in a PhD or postdoc position contact us as soon as possible. Positions will stay open until suitable candidates are found. PhD students will later formally apply here: (Deadline February 2019). Assistant Professor or Associate Professor applications are sent here: (deadline January, 2019), but feel free to contact us for more information if you are interested in applying.

Closing date for applications: 1 February 2019

Contact: any of:

  • Ivan Damgård, ivan (at)

  • Jesper Buus Nielsen, jbn (at)

  • Claudio Orlandi, orlandi (at)

  • Bas Spitters, spitters (at)

University of Victoria
Job Posting Job Posting
The Department of Computer Science at the University of Victoria is seeking applicants for up to four positions at the Assistant or Associate rank. Candidates with research in AI, Systems, Theory, or Interdisciplinary Areas, as broadly defined by, are encouraged to apply. Another position at the Assistant or Associate rank, with a preference for female applicants, is available.

Closing date for applications: 21 December 2018

Contact: search (at)

More information:

CryptoExperts, Paris
Job Posting Job Posting
CryptoExperts is looking for highly motivated engineers / researchers to work on applied cryptographic topics.

The job would include

  • conducting missions of {design, development, evaluation} of crypto {primitives, protocols, applications} for CryptoExperts customers,

  • managing your own research and taking part to collaborative research projects,

  • developing innovative crypto technologies and products.

CryptoExperts office is located in the center of Paris.

A PhD degree (preferably in crypto) and a previous experience in development are a strong plus.

To apply, please send your resume and a short statement (background and what you would like to achieve next) at jobs (at)

Closing date for applications: 31 March 2019

Contact: jobs (at)

More information:

Pompeu Fabra University
Job Posting Job Posting
Applications are invited for a Ph.D. position in the field of cryptography at the Department of Information and Communication Technologies at Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Spain, to be co-supervised by Dr. Vanesa Daza (UPF) and Dr. Alessandra Scafuro (NCSU). Research in Anonymity and Accountability in Blockchain technologies is expected. The starting date will be around September 2019.

Only outstanding candidates that satisfy international mobility criteria will be considered (i.e. the applicant should not have resided or carried out their main activity in Spain for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the recruitment date).

The contract will be for 3 years with a gross salary of €34,800, plus other advantages.

The candidate should hold or be about to receive a master\'s degree by September 2019 in computer science, mathematics or a related area. Specialization in cryptography (demonstrated by a relevant MSc) will be positively evaluated.

The application must include: research interests and motivation for applying for the position, CV, the names of two referees, transcripts and diplomas, and a list of any scientific work (if any).

Further inquiries about the project and conditions should be sent to cryptophdapplications (at) .

Closing date for applications: 3 January 2019

Contact: cryptophdapplications (at)

NXP Semiconductors
Job Posting Job Posting

Your Responsibilities:

- Definition of IoT end-to-end security architecture

- Creation of innovative and disruptive security solutions

- Specification / Design / Review of embedded security architectures

- Risk and threats analysis of security systems

- Root cause analysis of security defects and creation of counter measures

-Technical interface to customers and to the product development team

Your Profile:

- Have a Master degree or PhD in Cryptography, Security, Software Engineering, Electronics, Mathematics

- Have experience in the design and development of Embedded Secure Systems

- Knowledge of SoCs and/or Smartcard/Secure Element products

- Have a security background

- Independent working style, but willingness to listen and to adapt

- Very good communication skills

- Strong team player

- Willingness to travel

Closing date for applications: 31 December 2018

Contact: Veronika von Hepperger, Senior Recruiter, (Email: Veronika.vonhepperger (at)

More information:

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria
Job Posting Job Posting

The cryptography group at AIT is looking for a Ph.D. student to work on the PROFET (Cryptographic Foundations for Future-proof Internet Security) project, led by Dr. Daniel Slamanig (AIT) in cooperation with the Security and Privacy group at TU Wien (Prof. Matteo Maffei). The project is planned to start in Q1 2019 and has a duration of 3 years.

The project targets at designing public-key cryptography capable to secure tomorrow\'s Internet which will encompass paradigms such as cloud computing, the IoT or distributed ledgers as essential ingredients. It specifically puts a focus on: (1) designing security models and schemes that are surveillance and subversion resilient by design (forward and post-compromise security), and 2) designing cryptographic schemes that provide post-quantum security (either via generic or direct constructions). The project covers foundational as well as applied aspects.

Research group

The applicant will have a 30h/week employment at AIT in Vienna working in close collaboration with other members of the cryptography group. There will also be a strong interaction with the Security and Privacy group at TU Wien (and in particular with another PhD student ).


Eligible candidates will hold a Master\'s degree in Mathematics, Computer Science, Information Security or similar discipline. Students who are expected to receive their MSc degree by the end of 2018 are also encouraged to apply. We prefer candidates who can demonstrate that they have developed their research skills during their studies. Adequate English (written and verbal communication) for scientific interactions is required.


  • High motivation for research work and ability to work independently.
  • Good organisation and communication skills.
  • Eager to disseminate research results through publications and presentations at top-tier conferences.

Closing date for applications: 28 February 2019


Interested candidates should send their detailed CVs, cover letter and references. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interview.

Contact: Daniel Slamanig, daniel.slamanig (at)

More information:


20 November 2018

Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia
Job Posting Job Posting
Two (2) full-time research positions in Cyber

Security are available at either Research

Fellow or Senior Research Fellow level in the

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer

Science at QUT.

These positions will undertake research

projects funded by the Cyber Security

Cooperative Research Centre (CRC),

collaborating with its industry partners and

other participant universities throughout


Specifically, QUT is host to the CRC’s Resilient

Systems research theme, which focusses on

technological solutions to cyber security

threats, especially those relating to computer

networks. Applicants with research experience

in computer network security, communications

protocols, industrial control systems,

communications log analysis, digital forensics,

complex system modelling, intrusion detection,

and related topics are especially welcome.

Closing date for applications: 13 January 2019

Contact: Professor Colin Fidge

Discipline Leader - Information Security

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

More information:

University of Vienna, Faculty of Computer Science
Job Posting Job Posting

At the Faculty of Computer Science of the University of Vienna the position of a

University Professor of Security and Privacy

(full time, permanent position) is to be filled.

We are looking for outstanding scientists who are active in the core areas to be covered by this position: information and network security, including privacy. The position is envisioned to serve as a crystallization point in the faculty for security and privacy research and teaching, with the thematic focus on software and systems security. The candidate should demonstrate deep knowledge and have an excellent research record in the theory and practice of security and privacy, with documented outreach to application areas, for example (but not limited to) Cyber Physical Systems or Internet of Things, addressing the increasing demand for security and privacy solutions in research and industry.

Closing date for applications: 7 January 2019

More information:


19 November 2018

Sergiu Costea, Marios O. Choudary, Doru Gucea, Björn Tackmann, Costin Raiciu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The security of today's widely used communication security protocols is based on trust in Certificate Authorities (CAs). However, the real security of this approach is debatable, since certificate handling is tedious and many recent attacks have undermined the trust in CAs. On the other hand, opportunistic encryption protocols such as Tcpcrypt, which are currently gaining momentum as an alternative to no encryption, have similar security to using untrusted CAs or self-signed certificates: they only protect against passive attackers.

In this paper, we present a key exchange protocol, Secure Multipath Key Exchange (SMKEX), that enables all the benefits of opportunistic encryption (no need for trusted third parties or pre-established secrets), as well as proven protection against some classes of active attackers. Furthermore, SMKEX can be easily extended to a trust-on-first-use setting and can be easily integrated with TLS, providing the highest security for opportunistic encryption to date while also increasing the security of standard TLS.

We show that SMKEX is made practical by the current availability of path diversity between different AS-es. We also show a method to create path diversity with encrypted tunnels without relying on the network topology. These allow SMKEX to provide protection against most adversaries for a majority of Alexa top 100 web sites.

We have implemented SMKEX using a modified Multipath TCP kernel implementation and a user library that overwrites part of the socket API, allowing unmodified applications to take advantage of the security provided by SMKEX.
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