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26 February 2019

Muzhou Li, Kai Hu, Meiqin Wang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Statistical saturation attack takes advantage of a set of plaintext with some bits fixed while the others vary randomly, and then track the evolution of a non-uniform plaintext distribution through the cipher. Previous statistical saturation attacks are all implemented under single-key setting, and there is no public attack models under related-key/tweak setting. In this paper, we propose a new cryptanalytic method which can be seen as related-key/tweak statistical saturation attack by revealing the link between the related-key/tweak statistical saturation distinguishers and KDIB (Key Difference Invariant Bias) / TDIB (Tweak Difference Invariant Bias) ones. KDIB cryptanalysis was proposed by Bogdanov \emph{et al.} at ASIACRYPT'13 and utilizes the property that there can exist linear trails such that their biases are deterministically invariant under key difference. And this method can be easily extended to TDIB distinguishers if the tweak is also alternated. The link between them provides a new and more efficient way to find related-key/tweak statistical saturation distinguishers in ciphers. Thereafter, an automatic searching algorithm for KDIB/TDIB distinguishers is also given in this paper, which can be implemented to find word-level KDIB distinguishers for S-box based key-alternating ciphers. We apply this algorithm to \texttt{QARMA}-64 and give related-tweak statistical saturation attack for 10-round \texttt{QARMA}-64 with outer whitening key. Besides, an 11-round attack on \texttt{QARMA}-128 is also given based on the TDIB technique. Compared with previous public attacks on \texttt{QARMA} including outer whitening key, all attacks presented in this paper are the best ones in terms of the number of rounds.
Dragos Rotaru, Tim Wood
ePrint Report ePrint Report
There are two main ways of performing computation on private data: one method uses linear secret-sharing, in which additions require no communication and multiplications require two secrets to be broadcast; the other method is known as circuit garbling, in which a circuit is somehow randomised by one set of parties and then evaluated by another. There are different advantages and disadvantages to each method in terms of communication and computation complexity. The main disadvantage of secret-sharing-based computation is that many non-linear operations require many rounds of communication. On the other hand, garbled circuit (GC) solutions require only constant rounds. Mixed protocols aim to leverage the advantages of both methods by switching between the two dynamically.

In this work we present the first mixed protocol secure in the presence of a dishonest majority for any number of parties and an active adversary. We call the resulting mixed arithmetic/Boolean circuit a marbled circuit 3 . Our implementation showed that mixing protocols in this way allows us to evaluate a linear Support Vector Machine with 400 times fewer AND gates than a solution using GC alone albeit with twice the preprocessing required using only SPDZ (Damgaard et al., CRYPTO ’12). When evaluating over a WAN network, our online phase is 10 times faster than the plain SPDZ protocol.
James Howe, Ayesha Khalid, Marco Martinoli, Francesco Regazzoni, Elisabeth Oswald
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Lattice-based cryptography is one of the leading candidates for NIST's post-quantum standardisation effort, providing efficient key encapsulation and signature schemes. Most of these schemes base their hardness on variants of LWE, and thus rely heavily on error samplers to provide necessary uncertainty by obfuscating computations on secret information. Because of this it is a clear and obvious target for side-channel analysis, with numerous types of attacks targeting this component to gain secret-key information. In order to bring potential lattice-based cryptographic standards to practical realisation, it is important to protect these modules from past and future fault and side-channel attacks. This paper proposes countermeasures that exploit the distributions expected from these error samples, that is either Gaussian or binomial, by using statistical tests to verify the samplers are operating properly. The novel countermeasures are designed to protect against all previous fault attacks on error samplers. We optimize hardware implementation of the proposed tests to avoid division and square root calculations, however, the countermeasure we propose is sufficiently generic to be suitable also for software. We measure the impact of these countermeasures on performance and area consumption on a Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA. Our countermeasure achieve promising performance while resulting in a minimal overhead.
Barak Shani
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Using the idea behind the recently proposed isogeny- and paring-based verifiable delay function (VDF) by De Feo, Masson, Petit and Sanso, we construct an isogeny-based VDF without the use of pairings. Our scheme is a hybrid of time-lock puzzles and (trapdoor) verifiable delay functions. We explain how to realise the proposed VDF on elliptic curves with commutative endomorphism ring, however this construction is not quantum secure. The more interesting, and potentially quantum-secure, non-commutative case is left open.
Barak Shani
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We study the computational hardness of recovering single bits of the private key in the supersingular isogeny Diffie--Hellman (SIDH) key exchange and similar schemes. Our objective is to give a polynomial-time reduction between the problem of computing the private key in SIDH to the problem of computing any of its bits. The parties in the SIDH protocol work over elliptic curve torsion groups of different order $N$. Our results depend on the parity of $N$. Our main result shows that if $N$ is odd, then each of the top and lower $O(\log\log N)$ bits of the private key is as hard to compute, with any noticeable advantage, as the entire key. A similar, but conditional, result holds for each of the middle bits. This condition can be checked, and heuristically holds almost always. The case of even $N$ is a bit more challenging. We give several results, one of which is similar to the result for an odd $N$, under the assumption that one always succeeds to recover the designated bit. To achieve these results we extend the solution to the chosen-multiplier hidden number problem, for domains of a prime-power order, by studying the Fourier coefficients of single-bit functions over these domains.
Osman Bicer, Alptekin Kupcu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this work, we revisit multi-authority attribute based signatures (MA-ABS), and elaborate on the limitations of the current MA-ABS schemes to provide a hard to achieve (yet very useful) combination of features, i.e., decentralization, periodic usage limitation, dynamic revocation of users and attributes, reliable threshold traceability, and authority hiding. In contrast to previous work, we disallow even the authorities to de-anonymize an ABS, and only allow joint tracing by threshold-many tracing authorities. Moreover, in our solution, the authorities cannot sign on behalf of users. In this context, first we define a useful and practical attribute based signature scheme (versatile ABS or VABS) along with the necessary operations and security games to accomplish our targeted functionalities. Second, we provide the first VABS scheme in a modular design such that any application can utilize a subset of the features endowed by our VABS, while omitting the computation and communication overhead of the features that are not needed. Third, we prove the security of our VABS scheme based on standard assumptions, i.e., Strong RSA, DDH, and SDDHI, in the random oracle model. Fourth, we implement our signature generation and verification algorithms, and show that they are practical (for a VABS with 20 attributes, Sign and Verify times are below 1.2 seconds, and the generated signature size is below 0.5 MB).
James Bartusek, Fermi Ma, Mark Zhandry
ePrint Report ePrint Report
There is surprisingly little consensus on the precise role of the generator g in group-based assumptions such as DDH. Some works consider g to be a fixed part of the group description, while others take it to be random. We study this subtle distinction from a number of angles.

- In the generic group model, we demonstrate the plausibility of groups in which random-generator DDH (resp. CDH) is hard but fixed-generator DDH (resp. CDH) is easy. We observe that such groups have interesting cryptographic applications.

- We find that seemingly tight generic lower bounds for the Discrete-Log and CDH problems with preprocessing (Corrigan-Gibbs and Kogan, Eurocrypt 2018) are not tight in the sub-constant success probability regime if the generator is random. We resolve this by proving tight lower bounds for the random generator variants; our results formalize the intuition that using a random generator will reduce the effectiveness of preprocessing attacks.

- We observe that DDH-like assumptions in which exponents are drawn from low-entropy distributions are particularly sensitive to the fixed- vs. random-generator distinction. Most notably, we discover that the Strong Power DDH assumption of Komargodski and Yogev (Komargodski and Yogev, Eurocrypt 2018) used for non-malleable point obfuscation is in fact false precisely because it requires a fixed generator. In response, we formulate an alternative fixed-generator assumption that suffices for a new construction of non-malleable point obfuscation, and we prove the assumption holds in the generic group model. We also give a generic group proof for the security of fixed-generator, low-entropy DDH (Canetti, Crypto 1997).
Behzad Abdolmaleki, Karim Baghery, Helger Lipmaa, Janno Siim, Michał Zając
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We define a new UC functionality (DL-extractable commitment scheme) that allows committer to open a commitment to a group element $g^x$; however, the simulator will be able to extract its discrete logarithm $x$. Such functionality is useful in situations where the secrecy of $x$ is important since the knowledge of $x$ enables to break privacy while the simulator needs to know $x$ to be able to simulate the corrupted committer. Based on Fujisaki's UC-secure commitment scheme and the Damgård-Fujisaki integer commitment scheme, we propose an efficient commitment scheme that realizes the new functionality. As another novelty, we construct the new scheme in the weaker RPK (registered public key) model instead of the CRS model used by Fujisaki.
Benny Applebaum, Zvika Brakerski, Rotem Tsabary
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We show, via a non-interactive reduction, that the existence of a secure multi-party computation (MPC) protocol for degree-$2$ functions implies the existence of a protocol with the same round complexity for general functions. Thus showing that when considering the round complexity of MPC, it is sufficient to consider very simple functions.

Our completeness theorem applies in various settings: information theoretic and computational, fully malicious and malicious with various types of aborts. In fact, we give a master theorem from which all individual settings follow as direct corollaries. Our basic transformation does not require any additional assumptions and incurs communication and computation blow-up which is polynomial in the number of players and in $S,2^D$, where $S,D$ are the circuit size and depth of the function to be computed. Using one-way functions as an additional assumption, the exponential dependence on the depth can be removed.

As a consequence, we are able to push the envelope on the state of the art in various settings of MPC, including the following cases.

* $3$-round perfectly-secure protocol (with guaranteed output delivery) against an active adversary that corrupts less than a quarter of the parties.

* $2$-round statistically-secure protocol that achieves security with ``selective abort'' against an active adversary that corrupts less than half of the parties.

* Assuming one-way functions, $2$-round computationally-secure protocol that achieves security with (standard) abort against an active adversary that corrupts less than half of the parties. This gives a new and conceptually simpler proof to the recent result of Ananth et al. (Crypto 2018).

Technically, our non-interactive reduction draws from the encoding method of Applebaum, Brakerski and Tsabary (TCC 2018). We extend these methods to ones that can be meaningfully analyzed even in the presence of malicious adversaries.
Tatiana Bradley, Jan Camenisch, Stanislaw Jarecki, Anja Lehmann, Gregory Neven, Jiayu Xu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We introduce password-authenticated public-key encryption (PAPKE), a new cryptographic primitive. PAPKE enables secure end-to-end encryption between two entities without relying on a trusted third party or other out-of-band mechanisms for authentication. Instead, resistance to man-in-the-middle attacks is ensured in a human-friendly way by authenticating the public key with a shared password, while preventing offline dictionary attacks given the authenticated public key and/or the ciphertexts produced using this key.

Our contributions are three-fold. First, we provide property-based and universally composable (UC) de nitions for PAPKE, with the resulting primitive combining CCA security of public-key encryption (PKE) with password authentication. Second, we show that PAPKE implies Password-Authenticated Key Exchange (PAKE), but the reverse implication does not hold, indicating that PAPKE is a strictly stronger primitive than PAKE. Indeed, PAPKE implies a two-flow PAKE which remains secure if either party re-uses its state in multiple sessions, e.g. due to communication errors, thus strengthening existing notions of PAKE security. Third, we show two highly practical UC PAPKE schemes: a generic construction built from CCA-secure and anonymous PKE and an ideal cipher, and a direct construction based on the Decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption in the random oracle model.

Finally, applying our PAPKE-to-PAKE compiler to the above PAPKE schemes we exhibit the first 2-round UC PAKE's with efficiency comparable to (unauthenticated) Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange.
Sandro Coretti, Yevgeniy Dodis, Harish Karthikeyan, Stefano Tessaro
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The need for high-quality randomness in cryptography makes random-number generation one of its most fundamental tasks. A recent important line of work (initiated by Dodis et al., CCS ’13) focuses on the notion of *robustness* for *pseudorandom number generators (PRNGs) with inputs*—these are primitives that use various sources to accumulate sufficient entropy into a state, from which pseudorandom bits are extracted. Robustness ensures that PRNGs remain secure even under state compromise and adversarial control of entropy sources. However, the achievability of robustness inherently depends on a seed, or, alternatively, on an ideal primitive (e.g., a random oracle), independent of the source of entropy. Both assumptions are problematic: seed generation requires randomness to start with, and it is arguable whether the seed or the ideal primitive can be kept independent of the source. This paper resolves this dilemma by putting forward new notions of robustness which enable both (1) *seedless* PRNGs and (2) *primitive-dependent* adversarial sources of entropy. To bypass obvious impossibility results, we make a realistic compromise by requiring that the source produce sufficient entropy even given its evaluations of the underlying primitive. We also provide natural, practical, and provably secure constructions based on hash-function designs from compression functions, block ciphers, and permutations. Our constructions can be instantiated with minimal changes to industry-standard hash functions SHA-2 and SHA-3, or HMAC (as used for the key derivation function HKDF), and can be downgraded to *(online) seedless randomness extractors*, which are of independent interest. On the way we consider both a *computational* variant of robustness, where attackers only make a bounded number of queries to the ideal primitive, as well as a new *information-theoretic* variant, which dispenses with this assumption to a certain extent, at the price of requiring a high rate of injected weak randomness (as it is, e.g., plausible on Intel’s on-chip RNG). The latter notion enables applications such as everlasting security. Finally, we show that the CBC extractor, used by Intel’s on-chip RNG, is provably insecure in our model.
Esteban Landerreche, Marc Stevens, Christian Schaffner
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We present the first treatment of non-interactive publicly-verifiable timestamping schemes in the Universal Composability framework. Similar to a simple construction by Mahmoody et al., we use non-parallelizable computational work that relates to elapsed time to avoid previous impossibility results on non-interactive timestamping. We extend these ideas to the UC-framework and show how to model verifiable delay functions (VDF) related to a global clock, and non-interactive timestamping, in the UC-framework. Furthermore, we present new constructions that are substantial improvements over Mahmoody et al.’s construction, such that any forged timestamps by the adversary are now limited to within a certain time-window that depends only on its ratio to compute VDFs more quickly and the time-window of corruption. Finally, we discuss natural applications for our construction in decentralized protocols.
Michael Backes, Nico Döttling, Lucjan Hanzlik, Kamil Kluczniak, Jonas Schneider
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Ring signatures allow for creating signatures on behalf of an ad hoc group of signers, hiding the true identity of the signer among the group. A natural goal is to construct a ring signature scheme for which the signature size is short in the number of ring members. Moreover, such a construction should not rely on a trusted setup and be proven secure under falsifiable standard assumptions. Despite many years of research this question is still open.

In this paper, we present the first construction of size-optimal ring signatures which do not rely on a trusted setup or the random oracle heuristic. Specifically, our scheme can be instantiated from standard assumptions and the size of signatures grows only logarithmically in the number of ring members.

We also extend our techniques to the setting of linkable ring signatures, where signatures created using the same signing key can be linked.
Jung Hee Cheon, Wonhee Cho, Minki Hhan, Minsik Kang, Jiseung Kim, Changmin Lee
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The approximate greatest common divisor problem (ACD) and its variants have been used to construct many cryptographic primitives. In particular, variants of the ACD problem based on Chinese remainder theorem (CRT) are exploited in the constructions of a batch fully homomorphic encryption to encrypt multiple messages in one ciphertext. Despite the utility of the CRT-variant scheme, the algorithms to solve its security foundation have not been studied well compared to the original ACD based scheme. In this paper, we propose two algorithms for solving the CCK-ACD problem, which is used to construct a batch fully homomorphic encryption over integers. To achieve the goal, we revisit the orthogonal lattice attack and simultaneous Diophantine approximation algorithm. Both two algorithms take the same time complexity $2^{\tilde{O}(\frac{\gamma}{(\eta-\rho)^2})}$ up to a polynomial factor to solve the CCK-ACD problem for the bit size of samples $\gamma$, secret primes $\eta$, and error bound $\rho$. Compared to Chen and Nguyen's algorithm in Eurocrypt' 12, which takes $\tilde{O}(2^{\rho/2})$ complexity, our algorithm gives the first parameter condition related to $\eta$ and $\gamma$ size. We also report the experimental results for our attack upon several parameters. From the results, we can see that our algorithms work well both in theoretical and experimental terms.
Thomas Vidick, Tina Zhang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We show that every language in BQP admits a classical-verifier, quantum-prover zero-knowledge argument system which is sound against quantum polynomial-time provers and zero-knowledge for classical (and quantum) polynomial-time verifiers. The protocol builds upon two recent results: a computational zero-knowledge proof system for languages in QMA, with a quantum verifier, introduced by Broadbent et al. (FOCS 2016), and an argument system for languages in BQP, with a classical verifier, introduced by Mahadev (FOCS 2018).

25 February 2019

Chun Guo, Olivier Pereira, Thomas Peters, François-Xavier Standaert
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Authenticated Encryption (AE) has become the de facto standard for encryption in modern protocols, and the ubiquitous deployment of small connected devices naturally calls for the availability of lightweight AE schemes, as reflected by a new standardisation process initiated by the NIST. Small devices do not only have a limited computational power: they are also targets of choice for side-channel attacks, and the ease of protecting against these attacks is therefore an important aspect of the selection criteria in this standardisation process.

In this paper, we address this challenge by presenting a new AE mode, TETSponge, which carefully combines a tweakable block cipher with strong protections against side-channel attacks that only needs to be called twice per encryption and decryption, and a sponge-style permutation that only needs weak side-channel protections and is used to frugally process the message and associated data.

TETSponge offers many desirable features: (i) it supports single-pass encryption and decryption, and is compatible with limited memory requirements, (ii) it offers black-box security as an AE mode, with good bounds, including in the multi-user setting, (iii) it offers strong resistance against side-channel attacks during both encryption and decryption, and guarantees nonce misuse-resilience. As such, we conclude that TETSponge offers an appealing option for the implementation of lightweight AE in settings where side-channel attacks are an actual concern.

Along our way, we propose the first rigorous methodology that can be used to analyze the leakage-resilience of sponge-based constructions.
Francisco Corella, Karen Lewison
ePrint Report ePrint Report
A cryptographic checksum is a small data item that is computed from a data structure and can be used to prevent undetected intentional modification by making it difficult for an adversary to construct a different data structure that has the same checksum. We broaden the concept of a checksum to include the concept of a data item intended to prevent certain modifications while tolerating others. An omission-tolerant checksum is computed from a data structure that represents a set and does not change when elements are omitted from the set, while making it difficult for an adversary to modify the set in any other way without invalidating the checksum.

We use the root label of a typed hash tree to implement an omission-tolerant checksum. A typed hash tree is a variation on a Merkle tree, where each node has a type and a label. The root label of a typed hash tree does not change when a subtree is pruned from the tree. The same is true for a Merkle tree, but in a Merkle tree this a ``bug'' to be mitigated, while in a typed has tree it is a ``feature'' that makes it possible to use the label of the root node as an omission-tolerant checksum for a set of key-value pairs. To do so, we encode each key-value pair as the type and label of a leaf node of an incomplete typed hash tree without internal-node labels, then serialize the tree to obtain a bit-string encoding of the set. To compute the checksum on the encoding we deserialize the bit-string, compute the missing internal nodes, and output the label of the root node as the checksum.

We use Boneh and Shoup's system parameterization and attack game methodology to prove that, given a set of key-value pairs, an efficient adversary has a negligible probability of producing a set of key-value pairs, other than a subset of the given one, that has the same checksum.
Benedikt Bünz, Shashank Agrawal, Mahdi Zamani, Dan Boneh
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Blockchain-based smart contract platforms like Ethereum have become quite popular as a way to remove trust and add transparency to distributed applications. While different types of important applications can be easily built on such platforms, there does not seem to be an easy way to add a meaningful level of privacy to them. In this paper, we propose Zether, a fully-decentralized, confidential payment mechanism that is compatible with Ethereum and other smart contract platforms. We take an account-based approach similar to Ethereum for efficiency and usability. We design a new smart contract that keeps the account balances encrypted and exposes methods to deposit, transfer and withdraw funds to/from accounts through cryptographic proofs. We describe techniques to protect Zether against replay attacks and front-running situations. We also develop a mechanism to enable interoperability with arbitrary smart contracts. This helps to make several popular applications like auctions, payment channels, voting, etc. confidential. As a part of our protocol, we propose $\Sigma$-Bullets, an improvement of the existing zero-knowledge proof system, Bulletproofs. $\Sigma$-Bullets make Bulletproofs more inter-operable with Sigma protocols, which is of general interest. We implement Zether as an Ethereum smart contract and show the practicality of our design by measuring the amount of gas used by the Zether contract. A Zether confidential transaction costs about 0.014 ETH or approximately $1.51 (as of early Feb, 2019). We discuss how small changes to Ethereum, which are already being discussed independently of Zether, would drastically reduce this cost.
Jelle Don, Serge Fehr, Christian Majenz, Christian Schaffner
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The famous Fiat-Shamir transformation turns any public-coin three-round interactive proof, i.e., any so-called sigma-protocol, into a non-interactive proof in the random-oracle model. We study this transformation in the setting of a quantum adversary that in particular may query the random oracle in quantum superposition.

Our main result is a generic reduction that transforms any quantum dishonest prover attacking the Fiat-Shamir transformation in the quantum random-oracle model into a similarly successful quantum dishonest prover attacking the underlying sigma-protocol (in the standard model). Applied to the standard soundness and proof-of-knowledge definitions, our reduction implies that both these security properties, in both the computational and the statistical variant, are preserved under the Fiat-Shamir transformation even when allowing quantum attacks. Our result improves and completes the partial results that have been known so far, but it also proves wrong certain claims made in the literature.

In the context of post-quantum secure signature schemes, our results imply that for any sigma-protocol that is a proof-of-knowledge against quantum dishonest provers (and that satisfies some additional natural properties), the corresponding Fiat-Shamir signature scheme is secure in the quantum random-oracle model. For example, we can conclude that the non-optimized version of Fish, which is the bare Fiat-Shamir variant of the NIST candidate Picnic, is secure in the quantum random-oracle model.
Yaoling Ding, An Wang, Siu Ming YIU
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Correlation power analysis (CPA) is widely used in side-channel attacks on cryptographic devices. Its efficiency mostly depends on the noise produced by the devices. For parallel implementations, the power consumption during the S-box operation contains information of the whole intermediate state. When one S-box is analyzed by CPA, the others are regarded as noise. Apparently, the information of the remained S-boxes not only is wasted, but also increases the complexity of analysis. If two or more S-boxes are considered simultaneously, the complexity of exhaustive search on the corresponding key words grows exponentially. An optimal solution is to process all the S-boxes simultaneously and avoid traversing the whole candidate key space. Simple genetic algorithm was used by Zhang et al. to achieve this purpose. While, premature convergence causes failure in recovering the whole key, especially when plenty large S-boxes are employed in the target primitive, such as AES. In this paper, we study the reason of premature convergence, and propose the multiple sieve method which overcomes it and reduces the number of traces required in correlation power attacks. Operators and the corresponding parameters are chosen experimentally with respect to a parallel implementation of AES-128. Simulation experimental results show that our method reduces the number of traces by $63.7\%$ and $30.77\%$ compared to classic CPA and the simple genetic algorithm based CPA (SGA-CPA) respectively when the success rate is fixed to $90\%$. Real experiments performed on SAKURA-G confirm that the number of traces required to recover the correct key in our method is almost equal to the minimum number that makes the correlation coefficients of correct keys outstanding from the wrong ones, and is much less than classic CPA and SGA-CPA.
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