International Association for Cryptologic Research

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12 March 2019

Xavier Bonnetain, María Naya-Plasencia, André Schrottenloher
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper we analyze for the first time the post-quantum security of AES. AES is the most popular and widely used block cipher, established as the encryption standard by the NIST in 2001. We consider the secret key setting and, in particular, AES-256, the recommended primitive and one of the few existing ones that aims at providing a post-quantum security of 128 bits. In order to determine the new security margin, i.e., the lowest number of non-attacked rounds in time less than $2^{128}$ encryptions, we first provide generalized and quantized versions of the best known cryptanalysis on reduced-round AES, as well as a discussion on attacks that don't seem to benefit from a significant quantum speed-up.

We propose a new framework for structured search that encompasses both the classical and quantum attacks we present, and allows to efficiently compute their complexity. We believe this framework will be useful for future analysis.

Our best attack is a quantum Demirci-Selçuk meet-in-the-middle attack. Unexpectedly, using the ideas underlying its design principle also enables us to obtain new, counter-intuitive classical TMD trade-offs. In particular, we can reduce the memory in some attacks against AES-256 and AES-128.

One of the building blocks of our attacks is solving efficiently the AES S-Box differential equation, with respect to the quantum cost of a reversible S-Box. We believe that this generic quantum tool will be useful for future quantum differential attacks.

Judging by the results obtained so far, AES seems a resistant primitive in the post-quantum world as well as in the classical one, with a bigger security margin with respect to quantum generic attacks.
Jintai Ding, Chi Cheng, Yue Qin
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper, we present a simple attack on LWE and Ring LWE encryption schemes used directly as Key Encapsulation Mechanisms (KEMs). This attack could work due to the fact that a key mismatch in a KEM is accessible to an adversary. Our method clearly indicates that any LWE or RLWE (or any similar type of construction) encryption directly used as KEM can be broken by modifying our attack method according to the respective cases.
Ittai Abraham, Dahlia Malkhi, Kartik Nayak, Ling Ren, Maofan Yin
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Synchronous solutions for building Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) replication can be safe when < 1/2 of the replicas fail. Assuming $\Delta$ is an upper bound on the time for messages to arrive, these solutions must incur at least $\Delta$ latency for consensus on a single value. In this work, we show a consensus protocol named Sync HotStuff designed to achieve consensus on a sequence of values with a latency of $2\Delta$ in the common mode when less than half of the replicas are Byzantine. Thus, in the common mode, Sync HotStuff is within a factor of 2 of the optimal latency. Moreover, Sync HotStuff has responsiveness, i.e., it advances at network speed, when < 1/4 of the replicas are not responding, a small sacrifice in availability compared with optimal asynchronous solutions. Borrowing from practical BFT solutions in the asynchronous arena, Sync HotStuff has an extremely simple, two-phase leader-based structure, that easily fits in one frame of pseudo-code.

10 March 2019

Jonathan Taverne, Armando Faz-Hernández, Diego F. Aranha, Francisco Rodríguez-Henríquez, Darrel Hankerson, Julio López
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The availability of a new carry-less multiplication instruction in the latest Intel desktop processors significantly accelerates multiplication in binary fields and hence presents the opportunity for reevaluating algorithms for binary field arithmetic and scalar multiplication over elliptic curves. We describe how to best employ this instruction in field multiplication and the effect on performance of doubling and halving operations. Alternate strategies for implementing inversion and half-trace are examined to restore most of their competitiveness relative to the new multiplier. These improvements in field arithmetic are complemented by a study on serial and parallel approaches for Koblitz and random curves, where parallelization strategies are implemented and compared. The contributions are illustrated with experimental results improving the state-of-the-art performance of halving and doubling-based scalar multiplication on NIST curves at the 112- and 192-bit security levels, and a new speed record for side-channel resistant scalar multiplication in a random curve at the 128-bit security level.

08 March 2019

York, United Kingdom, 20 June - 21 June 2019
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 20 June to 21 June 2019

06 March 2019

Sergey Gorbunov, Hoeteck Wee
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We present a pairing-based signature scheme for use in blockchains that achieves substantial savings in bandwidth and storage requirements while providing strong security guarantees. Our signature scheme supports aggregation on the same message, which allows us to compress multiple signatures on the same block during consensus, and achieves forward security, which prevents adaptive attacks on the blockchain. Our signature scheme can be applied to all blockchains that rely on multi-party consensus protocols to agree on blocks of transactions (such as proof-of-stake or permissioned blockchains).

05 March 2019

Sergei Bauer, Martin Brunner, Peter Schartner
ePrint Report ePrint Report
With increasing autonomous features of vehicles, key issues of robotic- and automotive engineering converge toward each other. Closing existing security gaps of device communication networks will be an enabling feature for connecting autonomously interacting systems in a more secure way. We introduce a novel approach for deriving a secret key using a lightweight cipher in the firmware of a low-end control unit. In this approach, we propose to use a non-standardized lightweight algorithm with unique hardware based parameters to prevent duplicate key generation. The randomness of the selected cipher was assessed by applying the NIST statistical test suite to produced key values. By evaluating the method on a typical low-end automotive platform, we could demonstrate the realistic applicability of the solution. The proposed method counteracts a known security issue in device communication between control units not only present in automotive solutions but also in the robotics domain. The security of the implemented solution has been compared to current automotive guidelines and recommendations for the security of resource constrained devices, also present in robotics. This approach allows low-end communication systems to be enhanced by message- and device authentication.
Angshuman Karmakar, Sujoy Sinha Roy, Ingrid Verbauwhede, Frederik Vercauteren
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Sampling from discrete Gaussian distribution has applications in lattice-based post-quantum cryptography. Several efficient solutions have been proposed in recent years. However, making a Gaussian sampler secure against timing attacks turned out to be a challenging research problem. In this work, we observed an important property of the input random bit strings that generate samples in Knuth-Yao sampling. We delineate a generic step-by-step method to instantiate a discrete Gaussian sampler of arbitrary standard deviation and precision by efficiently minimizing the Boolean expressions by exploiting this prop- erty. Discrete Gaussian samplers generated in this method can be up to 37% faster than the state of the art method. Finally, we show that the signing algorithm of post-quantum signature scheme Falcon using our constant-time sampler is at most 33% slower than the fastest non-constant time sampler.
Daniel J. Bernstein, Bo-Yin Yang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This paper introduces streamlined constant-time variants of Euclid's algorithm, both for polynomial inputs and for integer inputs. As concrete applications, this paper saves time in (1) modular inversion for Curve25519, which was previously believed to be handled much more efficiently by Fermat's method, and (2) key generation for the ntruhrss701 and sntrup4591761 lattice-based cryptosystems.
Rami Khalil, Arthur Gervais, Guillaume Felley
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Financial exchanges are typically built out of two trusted components: a trade matching and a trade settlement system. With the advent of decentralized ledgers, that perform transactions without a trusted intermediary, so called decentralized exchanges (DEX) emerged. Some DEXs propose to off-load trade order matching to a centralized system outside the blockchain to scale, but settle each trade trustlessly as an expensive on-chain transaction. While DEX are non-custodial, their order books remains trusted, a malicious exchange operator or miner could front-run trades --- i.e. alter trade order execution for financial gain. The scalability limitations of the settlement layer (e.g. Proof of Work (PoW) blockchains) moreover hinders the practical growth of such DEX architectures.

We propose TEX, a front-running resilient, non-custodial centralized exchange. Our matching system enforces the trade order sequence provided by traders, i.e. is resilient against trade sequence alteration by the exchange operator. As such the matching system can operate in conjunction with a blockchain based settlement layer (as proposed in the following), or make custodian exchanges provably accountable for their matching process. Our layer-two settlement system executes a trade without holding the assets, and allows to reach similar scales as traditional exchanges (trading volume in USD, number of trades/second), despite a slow underlying ledger. TEX might become a point of availability-failure, but we show how the settlement system's security properties would not compromise the trader's assets, even if the centralized operator is compromised and/or colludes with all other traders. We provide an evaluation on a PoW blockchain.
Rohit Agrawal, Yi-Hsiu Chen, Thibaut Horel, Salil Vadhan
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We introduce KL-hardness, a new notion of hardness for search problems which on the one hand is satisfied by all one-way functions and on the other hand implies both next-block pseudoentropy and inaccessible-entropy, two forms of computational entropy used in recent constructions of pseudorandom generators and statistically hiding commitment schemes, respectively. Thus, KL-hardness unifies the latter two notions of computational entropy and sheds light on the apparent "duality" between them. Additionally, it yields a more modular and illuminating proof that one-way functions imply next-block inaccessible entropy, similar in structure to the proof that one-way functions imply next-block pseudoentropy (Vadhan and Zheng, STOC '12).
Jiaping Wang, Hao Wang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Cryptocurrencies have provided a promising infrastructure for pseudonymous online payments. However, low throughput has significantly hindered the scalability and usability of cryptocurrency systems for increasing numbers of users and transactions. Another obstacle to achieving scalability is the requirement for every node to duplicate the communication, storage, and state representation of the entire network.

In this paper, we introduce the Asynchronous Consensus Zones, which scales blockchain system linearly without compromising decentralization or security. We achieve this by running multiple independent and parallel instances of single-chain consensus systems termed as zones. The consensus happens independently within each zone with minimized communication, which partitions the workload of the entire network and ensures a moderate burden for each individual node as the network grows. We propose eventual atomicity to ensure transaction atomicity across zones, which achieves the efficient completion of transactions without the overhead of a two-phase commit protocol. Additionally, we propose Chu-ko-nu mining to ensure the effective mining power in each zone to be at the same level of the entire network, making an attack on any individual zone as hard as that on the full network. Our experimental results show the effectiveness of our work: on a testbed including 1,200 virtual machines worldwide to support 48,000 nodes, our system delivers 1,000x throughput and 2,000x capacity over the Bitcoin and Ethereum networks.
Qipeng Liu, Mark Zhandry
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The Fiat-Shamir transformation is a useful approach to building non-interactive arguments (of knowledge) in the random oracle model. Unfortunately, existing proof techniques are incapable of proving the security of Fiat-Shamir in the quantum setting. The problem stems from (1) the difficulty of quantum rewinding, and (2) the inability of current techniques to adaptively program random oracles in the quantum setting.

In this work, we show how to overcome the limitations above in many settings. In particular, we give mild conditions under which Fiat-Shamir is secure in the quantum setting. As an application, we show that existing lattice signatures based on Fiat-Shamir are secure without any modifications.
Manu Drijvers, Gregory Neven
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Multi-signatures allow a group of signers to jointly sign a message in a compact and efficiently verifiable signature, ideally independent of the number of signers in the group. We present the first provably secure forward-secure multi-signature scheme by deriving a forward-secure signature scheme from the hierarchical identity-based encryption of Boneh, Boyen, and Goh (Eurocrypt 2005) and showing how the signatures in that scheme can be securely composed. Multi-signatures in our scheme contain just two group elements (one from each of the base groups) and require one exponentation and three pairing computations to verify.
Eduard Hauck, Eike Kiltz, Julian Loss
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We propose a modular security treatment of blind signatures derived from linear identification schemes in the random oracle model. To this end, we present a general framework that captures several well known schemes from the literature and allows to prove their security. Our modular security reduction introduces a new security notion for identification schemes called One-More-Man In the Middle Security which we show equivalent to the classical One-More-Unforgeability notion for blind signatures. We also propose a generalized version of the Forking Lemma due to Bellare and Neven (CCS 2006) and show how it can be used to greatly improve the understandability of the classical security proofs for blind signatures schemes by Pointcheval and Stern (Journal of Cryptology 2000).
SenPeng Wang, Bin Hu, Jie Guan, Kai Zhang, TaiRong Shi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Cube attack is an important cryptanalytic technique against symmetric cryptosystems, especially for stream ciphers. The key step in cube attack is recovering superpoly. However, when cube size is large, the large time complexity of recovering the exact algebraic normal form (ANF) of superpoly confines cube attack. At CRYPTO 2017, Todo et al. applied conventional bit-based division property (CBDP) into cube attack which could exploit large cube sizes. However, CBDP based cube attacks cannot ensure that the superpoly of a cube is non-constant. Hence the key recovery attack may be just a distinguisher. Moreover, CBDP based cube attacks can only recover partial ANF coefficients of superpoly. The time complexity of recovering the reminding ANF coefficients is very large, because it has to query the encryption oracle and sum over the cube set. To overcome these limits, in this paper, we propose a practical method to recover the ANF coefficients of superpoly. This new method is developed based on bit-based division property using three subsets (BDPT) proposed by Todo at FSE 2016. We apply this new method to reduced-round Trivium. To be specific, the time complexity of recovering the superpoly of 832-round Trivium at CRYPTO 2017 is reduced from $2^{77}$ to practical, and the time complexity of recovering the superpoly of 839-round Trivium at CRYPTO 2018 is reduced from $2^{79}$ to practical. Then, we propose a theoretical attack which can recover the superpoly of Trivium up to 842 round. As far as we know, this is the first time that the superpoly can be recovered for Trivium up to 842 rounds.
Joseph Jaeger, Stefano Tessaro
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Concrete security proofs give upper bounds on the attacker's advantage as a function of its time/query complexity. Cryptanalysis suggests however that other resource limitations - most notably, the attacker's memory - could make the achievable advantage smaller, and thus these proven bounds too pessimistic. Yet, handling memory limitations has eluded existing security proofs.

This paper initiates the study of time-memory trade-offs for basic symmetric cryptography. We show that schemes like counter-mode encryption, which are affected by the Birthday Bound, become more secure (in terms of time complexity) as the attacker's memory is reduced.

One key step of this work is a generalization of the Switching Lemma: For adversaries with $S$ bits of memory issuing $q$ distinct queries, we prove an $n$-to-$n$ bit random function indistinguishable from a permutation as long as $S \times q \ll 2^n$. This result assumes a combinatorial conjecture, which we discuss, and implies right away trade-offs for deterministic, stateful versions of CTR and OFB encryption.

We also show an unconditional time-memory trade-off for the security of randomized CTR based on a secure PRF. Via the aforementioned conjecture, we extend the result to assuming a PRP instead, assuming only one-block messages are encrypted.

Our results solely rely on standard PRF/PRP security of an underlying block cipher. We frame the core of our proofs within a general framework of indistinguishability for streaming algorithms which may be of independent interest.
Atlanta, USA, 24 August 2019
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 24 August 2019
Submission deadline: 25 May 2019

02 March 2019

Prague, Czech Republic, 26 July - 28 July 2019
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 26 July to 28 July 2019
Submission deadline: 15 April 2019
Notification: 23 May 2019
Darmstadt, Germany, 17 May - 18 May 2019
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 17 May to 18 May 2019
Submission deadline: 18 March 2019
Notification: 25 March 2019
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