International Association for Cryptologic Research

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10 May 2019

Iris Anshel, Derek Atkins, Dorian Goldfeld, Paul E Gunnells
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The Walnut Digital Signature Algorithm (WalnutDSA) brings together methods in group theory, representation theory, and number theory, to yield a public-key method that provides a means for messages to be signed and signatures to be verified, on platforms where traditional approaches cannot be executed. After briefly reviewing the various heuristic/practical attacks that have be posited by Hart et al, Beullens-Blackburn, Kotov-Menshov-Ushakov, and Merz-Petit, we detail the parameter choices that defeat each attack, ensure the security of the of the method, and demonstrate its continued utility.
Behzad Abdolmaleki, Karim Baghery, Helger Lipmaa, Janno Siim, Michal Zajac
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Zero-knowledge SNARKs (zk-SNARKs) have recently found various applications in verifiable computation and blockchain applications (Zerocash), but unfortunately they rely on a common reference string (CRS) that has to be generated by a trusted party. A standard suggestion, pursued by Ben Sasson et al. [IEEE S&P, 2015], is to generate CRS via a multi-party protocol. We enhance their CRS-generation protocol to achieve UC-security. This allows to safely compose the CRS-generation protocol with the zk-SNARK in a black-box manner with the insurance that the security of the zk-SNARK is not influenced. Differently from the previous work, the new CRS-generation protocol also avoids the random oracle model which is typically not required by zk-SNARKs themselves. As a case study, we apply the protocol to the state-of-the-art zk-SNARK by Groth [EUROCRYPT, 2016].
Niek J. Bouman, Niels de Vreede
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We devise an efficient and \emph{data-oblivious} algorithm for solving a bounded integral linear system of arbitrary rank over the rational numbers via the Moore--Penrose pseudoinverse, using finite-field arithmetic. This particular problem setting stems from our goal to run the algorithm as a secure multiparty computation (MPC). Beyond MPC, our algorithm could be valuable in other scenarios, like secure enclaves in CPUs, where data-obliviousness is crucial for protecting secrets. We compute the Moore--Penrose inverse over a finite field of sufficiently large order, so that we can recover the rational solution from the solution over the finite field.

Previous work by Cramer, Kiltz and Padr\'o (\textsl{CRYPTO 2007}) proposes a constant-rounds protocol for computing the Moore--Penrose pseudoinverse over a finite field. The asymptotic complexity (counted as the number of secure multiplications) of their solution is $O(m^4 + n^2 m)$, where $m$ and $n$, $m\leq n$, are the dimensions of the linear system.

To reduce the number of secure multiplications, we sacrifice the constant-rounds property and propose a protocol for computing the Moore--Penrose pseudoinverse over the rational numbers in a linear number of rounds, requiring only $O(m^2n)$ secure multiplications.

To obtain the common denominator of the pseudoinverse, required for constructing an integer-representation of the pseudoinverse, we generalize a result by Ben-Israel for computing the squared volume of a matrix. Also, we show how to precondition a symmetric matrix to achieve generic rank profile while preserving symmetry and being able to remove the preconditioner after it has served its purpose. These results may be of independent interest.
Rui Qiao, Qinglong Wang*, Zongtao Duan, Na Fan
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Protecting a driver’s privacy is one of the major concerns in vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). Currently, Azees et al. has proposed an efficient anonymous authentication protocol (EAAP) for VANETs. The authors claim that their scheme can implement conditional privacy, and that it can provide resistance against impersonation attack and bogus message attack from an external attacker. In this paper, we show that their scheme fails to resist these two types of attack as well as forgery attack. By these attacks, an attacker can broadcast any messages successfully. Further, the attacker cannot be traced by a trusted authority, which means their scheme does not satisfy the requirement of conditional privacy. The results of this article clearly show that the scheme of Azees et al. is insecure.
Alessandro Budroni, Andrea Tenti
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In 2017, Aggarwal, Joux, Prakash, and Santha proposed an innovative NTRU-like public-key cryptosystem that was believed to be quantum resistant, based on Mersenne prime numbers \(q = 2^N-1\). After a successful attack designed by Beunardeau, Connolly, Géraud, and Naccache, the authors revised the protocol which was accepted for Round 1 of the Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization Process organized by NIST. The security of this protocol is based on the assumption that a so-called Mersenne Low Hamming Combination Search Problem (MLHCombSP) is hard to solve. In this work, we present a reduction of MLHCombSP to an instance of Integer Linear Programming (ILP). This opens new research directions that are necessary to be investigated in order to assess the concrete robustness of such cryptosystem. We propose different approaches to perform such reduction. Moreover, we uncover a new family of weak keys, for whose our reduction leads to an attack consisting in solving \(<N^3\) ILP problems of dimension 3.
Clément Massart, François-Xavier Standaert
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Inspired by the literature on side-channel attacks against cryptographic implementations, we describe a framework for the analysis of location privacy. It allows us to revisit (continuous) re-identification attacks with a combination of information theoretic and security metrics. Our results highlight conceptual differences between re-identification attacks exploiting leakages that are internal or external to a pseudonymised database. They put forward the amount of data to collect in order to estimate a predictive model as an important -- yet less discussed -- dimension of privacy assessments. They finally leverage recent results on the security evaluations/certification of cryptographic implementations to connect information theoretic and security metrics, and to formally bound the risk of re-identification with external leakages.
Jung Hee Cheon, Jinhyuck Jeong, Dohyeong Ki, Jiseung Kim, Joohee Lee, Seok Won Lee
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Recently with the advent of technology, a lot of data are stored and mined in cloud servers. Since most of the data contain potential private information, it has become necessary to preserve the privacy in data mining. In this paper, we propose a protocol for collaboratively performing the K-means clustering algorithm on the data distributed among multiple data owners, while protecting the sensitive private data. We employ two service providers in our scenario, namely a main service provider and a key manager. Under the assumption that the cryptosystems used in our protocol are secure and that the two service providers do not collude, we provide a perfect secrecy in the sense that the cluster centroids and data are not leaked to any party including the two service providers. Also, we implement the scenario using recently proposed leveled homomorphic encryption called HEAAN. With our construction, the privacy-preserving K-means clustering can be done in less than one minute while maintaining 80-bit security in a situation with 10,000 data, 8 features and 4 clusters.
Jung Hee Cheon, Duhyeong Kim, Jai Hyun Park
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Clustering analysis is one of the most significant unsupervised machine learning tasks, and it is utilized in various fields associated with privacy issue including bioinformatics, finance and image processing. In this paper, we propose a practical solution for privacy-preserving clustering analysis based on homomorphic encryption~(HE). Our work is the first HE solution for the mean-shift clustering algorithm. To reduce the super-linear complexity of the original mean-shift algorithm, we adopt a novel random sampling method called dust sampling which perfectly fits in HE and achieve the linear complexity. We also substitute non-polynomial kernels by a new polynomial kernel so that it can be efficiently computed in HE. The quality of clustering analysis with the new HE-friendly kernel is fairly fine in practice.

The performance of our modified mean-shift clustering algorithm based on the approximate HE scheme HEAAN is quite remarkable in terms of speed and accuracy. It takes about $30$ minutes with $99\%$ accuracy over several public datasets with hundreds of data, but even for two hundred thousands of data it takes only $82$ minutes with SIMD operations in HEAAN. Our results outperform the previously best known result over $400$ times.
Alessio Caminata, Elisa Gorla
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this note, we leverage some of our previous results to produce a concise and rigorous proof for the complexity of the generalized MinRank Problem in the under-defined and well-defined case. Our main theorem recovers and extends previous results by Faugère, Safey El Din, Spaenlehauer.
Allison Bishop, Lucas Kowalczyk, Tal Malkin, Valerio Pastro, Mariana Raykova, Kevin Shi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
An account of meandering research efforts in the area of cryptographic obfuscation over several years.
Alexander Dax, Robert Künnemann, Sven Tangermann, Michael Backes
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Being the most widely used and comprehensive standard for hardware security modules, cryptographic tokens and smart cards, PKCS#11 has been the subject of academic study for years. PKCS#11 provides a key store that is separate from the application, so that, ideally, an application never sees a key in the clear. Again and again, researchers have pointed out the need for an import/export mechanism that ensures the integrity of the permissions associated to a key. With version 2.40, for the first time, the standard included authenticated deterministic encryption schemes. The interface to this operation is insecure, however, so that an application can get the key in the clear, subverting the purpose of using a hardware security module.

This work proposes a formal model for the secure use of authenticated deterministic encryption in PKCS11, including concrete API changes to allow for secure policies to be implemented. Owing to the authenticated encryption mechanism, the policy we propose provides more functionality than any policy proposed so far and can be implemented without access to a random number generator. Our results cover modes of operation that rely on unique initialisation vectors (IVs), like GCM or CCM, but also modes that generate synthetic IVs. We furthermore provide a proof for the deduction soundness of our modelling of deterministic encryption in Böhl's composable deduction soundness framework.
Xiaolu Hou, Jakub Breier, Dirmanto Jap, Lei Ma, Shivam Bhasin, Yang Liu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Deep learning is becoming a basis of decision making systems in many application domains, such as autonomous vehicles, health systems, etc., where the risk of misclassification can lead to serious consequences. It is necessary to know to which extent are Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) robust against various types of adversarial conditions.

In this paper, we experimentally evaluate DNNs implemented in embedded device by using laser fault injection, a physical attack technique that is mostly used in security and reliability communities to test robustness of various systems. We show practical results on four activation functions, ReLu, softmax, sigmoid, and tanh. Our results point out the misclassification possibilities for DNNs achieved by injecting faults into the hidden layers of the network. We evaluate DNNs by using several different attack strategies to show which are the most efficient in terms of misclassification success rates. Protection techniques against these attacks are also presented. Outcomes of this work should be taken into account when deploying devices running DNNs in environments where malicious attacker could tamper with the environmental parameters that would bring the device into unstable conditions, resulting into faults.
Jan Camenisch, Manu Drijvers, Petr Dzurenda, Jan Hajny
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Cryptographic anonymous credential schemes allow users to prove their personal attributes, such as age, nationality, or the validity of a ticket or a pre-paid pass, while preserving their privacy, as such proofs are unlinkable and attributes can be selectively disclosed. Recently, Chase et al. (CCS 2014) observe that in such systems, a typical setup is that the credential issuer also serves as the verifier. They introduce keyed-verification credentials that are tailored to this setting. In this paper, we present a novel keyed-verification credential system designed for lightweight devices (primarily smart cards) and prove its security. By using a novel algebraic MAC based on Boneh-Boyen signatures, we achieve the most efficient proving protocol compared to existing schemes. To demonstrate the practicality of our scheme in real applications, including large-scale services such as public transportation or e-government, we present an implementation on a standard, off-the-shelf, Multos smart card. While using significantly higher security parameters than most existing implementations, we achieve performance that is more than 44 % better than the current state-of-the-art implementation.
Gaëtan Leurent, Thomas Peyrin
ePrint Report ePrint Report
A chosen-prefix collision attack is a stronger variant of a collision attack, where an arbitrary pair of challenge prefixes are turned into a collision. Chosen-prefix collisions are usually significantly harder to produce than (identical-prefix) collisions, but the practical impact of such an attack is much larger. While many cryptographic constructions rely on collision-resistance for their security proofs, collision attacks are hard to turn into a break of concrete protocols, because the adversary has limited control over the colliding messages. On the other hand, chosen-prefix collisions have been shown to break certificates (by creating a rogue CA) and many internet protocols (TLS, SSH, IPsec).

In this article, we propose new techniques to turn collision attacks into chosen-prefix collision attacks. Our strategy is composed of two phases: first, a birthday search that aims at taking the random chaining variable difference (due to the chosen-prefix model) to a set of pre-defined target differences. Then, using a multi-block approach, carefully analysing the clustering effect, we map this new chaining variable difference to a colliding pair of states using techniques developed for collision attacks.

We apply those techniques to MD5 and SHA1, and obtain improved attacks. In particular, we have a chosen-prefix collision attack against SHA1 with complexity between $2^{66.9}$ and $2^{69.4}$ (depending on assumptions about the cost of finding near-collision blocks), while the best-known attack has complexity $2^{77.1}$. This is within a small factor of the complexity of the classical collision attack on SHA1 (estimated as $2^{64.7}$). This represents yet another warning that industries and users have to move away from using SHA1 as soon as possible.
Lorenzo Grassi, Daniel Kales, Dmitry Khovratovich, Arnab Roy, Christian Rechberger, Markus Schofnegger
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The area of practical proof systems, like SNARKs, STARKs, or Bulletproofs, is seeing a very dynamic development. Many use-cases of such systems involve, often as their most expensive apart, proving the knowledge of a preimage under a certain cryptographic hash function.

In this paper we present a modular framework and concrete instances of cryptographic hash functions which either work natively with GF(p) objects or on binary strings. Compared to competitors, our hash function Poseidon uses up to 8x fewer constraints per message bit compared to Pedersen Hash, whereas our STARK-friendly hash Starkad takes wins the factor of 4 over the hash function Friday by using a much smaller field.
Mustafa Khairallah
ePrint Report ePrint Report
mixFeed [CN19] is a round 1 candidate for the NIST Lightweight Cryptography Standardization Project. It is a single-pass, nonce-based, AES-based authenticated encryption algorithms. The authors claim that while there are no guarantees for security in terms of confidentiality in case of nonce-misuse (repetition), the integrity security still holds up to 2^32 data complexity. In this report, this claim is not true in case the plaintext length is non-zero (&#8805; 16 bytes to be exact). We show a forgery attack that requires only two encryption queries with the same nonce and 34 bytes of data.
Peifang Ni, Hongda Li, Xianning Meng, Dongxue Pan
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We present "UniqueChain", a proof-of-stake based blockchain protocol that achieves secure initialization of newly joining parties without any additional trusted assumptions and fast messages (transactions) confirmation. Specifically, the adversary can send corrupt instructions to any parties at any time mildly and have messages delivery delay with an upper bound. Security of our protocol holds if majority of overall stakes are controlled by honest parties.

In "UniqueChain", we propose a new form of two-chain structure that consists of two tightly linked chains named leader chain and transaction chain with two types of corresponding blocks named leader block and transaction block. To achieve the above guarantees, we formalize a secure bootstrapping mechanism for new parties in open setting and realize uniqueness of transaction chains held by honest parties. We prove that "UniqueChain" satisfies security properties as chain growth, chain quality, common prefix and soundness, and two additional properties as uniqueness and high efficiency.
João Otávio Massari Chervinski, Diego Kreutz, Jiangshan Yu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Monero is one of the first and most popular cryptocurrencies to address privacy issues of other crypto coins such as Bitcoin. Monero has a market capitalization of over one billion US dollars, and is ranked the 12th most valuable cryptocurrency on CoinMarketCap (17 April 2019). This digital coin provides different mechanisms to protect its users, such as decoy keys or mixins to obfuscate transaction inputs. However, in spite of the efforts to protect Monero’s users privacy, transaction tracing attacks are still feasible. Our contribution is twofold. First, we propose and evaluate a new traceability attack, called transaction flooding attack (FloodXMR). Second, we present an analysis of thecosts required for an attacker to conduct FloodXMR. We show how an attacker can take advantage of Monero’s Bulletproof protocol, which reduces transaction fees, to flood the network with his own transactions and, consequently, remove mixins from transaction inputs. Assuming an attack timeframe of 12 months, our findings show that an attacker can trace up to 47.63% of the transaction inputs at a cost of just 1,746.53 USD. Moreover, we show also that more than 90% of the inputs are affected by our tracing algorithm.

08 May 2019

Ryan Karl, Timothy Burchfield, Jonathan Takeshita, Taeho Jung
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Secure multiparty computation (MPC) has been repeatedly optimized, and protocols with two communication rounds and strong security guarantees have been achieved. While progress has been made constructing non-interactive protocols with just one-round of online communication (i.e., non-interactive MPC or NI-MPC), since correct evaluation must be guaranteed with only one round, these protocols are by their nature vulnerable to the residual function attack in the standard model. This is because a party that receives a garbled circuit may repeatedly evaluate the circuit locally, while varying their own inputs and fixing the input of others to learn the values entered by other participants. We present the first MPC protocol with a one-round online phase that is secure against the residual function attack. We also present rigorous proofs of correctness and security in the covert adversary model, a reduction of the malicious model that is stronger than the semi-honest model and better suited for modeling the behaviour of parties in the real world, for our protocol. Furthermore, we rigorously analyze the communication and computational complexity of current state of the art protocols which require two rounds of communication or one-round during the online-phase with a reduced security requirement, and demonstrate that our protocol is comparable to or outperforms their complexity.
Lydia Garms, Elizabeth A. Quaglia
ePrint Report ePrint Report
A reputation system assigns a user or item a reputation value which can be used to evaluate trustworthiness. Bl{\"o}mer, Juhnke and Kolb in 2015, and Kaafarani, Katsumata and Solomon in 2018, gave formal models for \mathit{centralised} reputation systems, which rely on a central server and are widely used by service providers such as AirBnB, Uber and Amazon. In these models, reputation values are given to items, instead of users. We advocate a need for shift in how reputation systems are modelled, whereby reputation values are given to users, instead of items, and each user has unlinkable items that other users can give feedback on, contributing to their reputation value. This setting is not captured by the previous models, and we argue it captures more realistically the functionality and security requirements of a reputation system. We provide definitions for this new model, and give a construction from standard primitives, proving it satisfies these security requirements. We show that there is a low efficiency cost for this new functionality.
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