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04 July 2019

Delft, The Netherlands, 9 December - 12 December 2019
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 9 December to 12 December 2019
Submission deadline: 14 July 2019
Notification: 15 September 2019

03 July 2019

Vladimir Kolesnikov, Mike Rosulek, Ni Trieu, Xiao Wang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We present a new efficient protocol for computing private set union (PSU). Here two semi-honest parties, each holding a dataset of known size (or of a known upper bound), wish to compute the union of their sets without revealing anything else to either party. Our protocol is in the OT hybrid model. Beyond OT extension, it is fully based on symmetric-key primitives. We motivate the PSU primitive by its direct application to network security and other areas.

At the technical core of our PSU construction is the reverse private membership test RPMT protocol. In RPMT, the sender with input $x^*$ interacts with a receiver holding a set $X$. As a result, the receiver learns (only) the bit indicating whether $x^*$ is in $X$, while the sender learns nothing about the set $X$. (Previous similar protocols provide output to the opposite party, hence the term "reverse'' private membership.) We believe our RPMT abstraction and constructions may be a building block in other applications as well.

We demonstrate the practicality of our proposed protocol with an implementation. For input sets of size $2^{20}$ and using a single thread, our protocol requires 238 seconds to securely compute the set union, regardless of the bit length of the items. Our protocol is amenable to parallelization. Increasing the number of threads from 1 to 32, our protocol requires only 13.1 seconds, a factor of $18.25 \times$ improvement.

To the best of our knowledge, ours is the first protocol that reports on large-size experiments, makes code available, and avoids extensive use of computationally expensive public-key operations. (No PSU code is publicly available for prior work, and the only prior symmetric-key-based work reports on small experiments and focuses on the simpler 3-party, 1-corruption setting.)Our work improves reported PSU state of the art by factor up to $7,600\times$ for large instances.
Aljosha Judmayer, Nicholas Stifter, Alexei Zamyatin, Itay Tsabary, Ittay Eyal, Peter Gazi, Sarah Meiklejohn, Edgar Weippl
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The feasibility of bribing attacks on cryptocurrencies was first highlighted in 2016, with various new techniques and approaches having since been proposed. Recent reports of real world $ 51\% $ attacks on smaller cryptocurrencies underline the realistic threat bribing attacks present, in particular to permissionless cryptocurrencies. In this paper, bribing attacks and similar techniques, which we refer to as incentive attacks, are systematically analyzed and categorized.Thereby, we show that the problem space is not fully explored and present several new and improved incentive attacks. We identify no- and near-fork incentive attacks as a powerful, yet largely overlooked, category. In particular transaction ordering and exclusion attacks raise serious security concerns for stateful cryptocurrencies, such as smart contract platforms. Further, we propose the first trustless out-of-band bribing attack capable of facilitating double-spend collusion across different blockchains that reimburses collaborators in case of failure. Our attack is hereby rendered between $ 85 \% $ and $ 95 \% $ cheaper than comparable bribing techniques (e.g., the whale attack). We implement the basic building blocks of all our out-of-band attacks as Ethereum smart contracts to demonstrate their feasibility.
Hamidreza Amini Khorasgani, Hemanta Maji, Tamalika Mukherjee
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Consider the representative task of designing a distributed coin-tossing protocol for $n$ processors such that the probability of heads is $X_0\in[0,1]$, and an adversary can reset one processor to change the distribution of the final outcome. For $X_0=1/2$, in the non-cryptographic setting, no adversary can deviate the probability of the outcome of the well-known Blum's ``majority protocol'' by more than $\frac1{\sqrt{2\pi n}}$, i.e., it is $\frac1{\sqrt{2\pi n}}$ insecure. For computationally bounded adversaries and any $X_0\in[0,1]$, the protocol of Moran, Naor, and Segev (2009) is only $O\left(\frac1n\right)$ insecure.

In this paper, we study discrete-time martingales $(X_0,X_1,\dotsc,X_n)$ such that $X_i\in[0,1]$, for all $i\in\{0,\dotsc,n\}$, and $X_n\in \{0,1\}$. These martingales are commonplace in modeling stochastic processes like coin-tossing protocols in the non-cryptographic setting mentioned above. In particular, for any $X_0\in[0,1]$, we construct martingales that yield $\frac12\sqrt{\frac{X_0(1-X_0)}{n}}$ insecure coin-tossing protocols with $n$-bit communication; irrespective of the number of bits required to represent the output distribution. Note that for sufficiently small $X_0$, we achieve higher security than Moran et al.'s protocol even against computationally unbounded adversaries. For $X_0=1/2$, our protocol requires only 40 percent of the processors to achieve the same security as the majority protocol.

The technical heart of our paper is a new inductive technique that uses geometric transformations to precisely account for the large gaps in these martingales. For any $X_0\in[0,1]$, we show that there exists a stopping time $\tau$ such that $$E\left[{|{X_\tau-X_{\tau-1}}|}\right]\geq \frac2{\sqrt{2n-1}}\cdot X_0(1-X_0)$$ The inductive technique simultaneously constructs martingales that demonstrate the optimality of our bound, \ie, a martingale where the gap corresponding to any stopping time is small. In particular, we construct optimal martingales such that any stopping time $\tau$ has $$E\left[{|{X_\tau-X_{\tau-1}}|}\right]\leq \frac1{\sqrt{n}}\cdot \sqrt{X_0(1-X_0)}$$

Our lower-bound holds for all $X_0\in[0,1]$; while the previous bound of Cleve and Impagliazzo (1993) exists only for positive constant $X_0$. Conceptually, our approach only employs elementary techniques to analyze these martingales and entirely circumvents the complex probabilistic tools inherent to the approaches of Cleve and Impagliazzo (1993) and Beimel, Haitner, Makriyannis, and Omri (2018).

By appropriately restricting the set of possible stopping-times, we present representative applications to constructing distributed coin-tossing/dice-rolling protocols, discrete control processes, fail-stop attacking coin-tossing/dice-rolling protocols, and black-box separations.
Frank Blom, Niek J. Bouman, Berry Schoenmakers, Niels de Vreede
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper we present a practical protocol for secure ridge regression. We develop the necessary secure linear algebra tools, using only basic arithmetic over prime fields. In particular, we will show how to solve linear systems of equations and compute matrix inverses efficiently, using appropriate secure random self-reductions of these problems. The distinguishing feature of our approach is that the use of secure fixed-point arithmetic is avoided entirely, while circumventing the need for rational reconstruction at any stage as well.

We demonstrate the potential of our protocol in a standard setting for information-theoretically secure multiparty computation, tolerating a dishonest minority of passively corrupt parties. Using the MPyC framework, which is based on threshold secret sharing over finite fields, we show how to handle large datasets efficiently, achieving practically the same root-mean-square errors as Scikit-learn. Moreover, we do not assume that any (part) of the datasets is held privately by any of the parties, which makes our protocol much more versatile than existing solutions.

02 July 2019

London, UK, 11 November 2019
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 11 November 2019
Submission deadline: 15 July 2019
Notification: 22 August 2019
Lorenzo Grassi, Markus Schofnegger
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this work, we present new low-data secret-key distinguishers and key-recovery attacks on reduced-round AES.

The starting point of our work is “Mixture Differential Cryptanalysis” recently introduced at FSE/ToSC 2019, a way to turn the “multiple-of-8” 5-round AES secret-key distinguisher presented at Eurocrypt 2017 into a simpler and more convenient one (though, on a smaller number of rounds). By reconsidering this result on a smaller number of rounds, we present as our main contribution a new secret-key distinguisher on 3-round AES with the smallest data complexity in the literature (that does not require adaptive chosen plaintexts/ciphertexts), i.e. approximately half of the data necessary to set up a 3-round truncated differential distinguisher (which is currently the distinguisher in the literature with the lowest data complexity). E.g. for a probability of success of 95%, our distinguisher requires just 10 chosen plaintexts versus 20 chosen plaintexts necessary to set up the truncated differential one.

Besides that, we present new competitive low-data key-recovery attacks on 3- and 4-round AES, both in the case in which the S-Box is known and in the case in which it is secret.
Duc-Phong Le, Guomin Yang, Ali Ghorbani
ePrint Report ePrint Report
A multisignature scheme allows a group of signers to produce a joint signature on a common message, which is more compact than a collection of distinct signatures from all signers. Given this signature and the list of signers' public keys, a verifier is able to check if every signer in the group participated in signing. Recently, a multisignature scheme with public key aggregation has drawn a lot of attention due to their applications into the blockchain technology. Such multisignatures provide not only a compact signature, but also a compact aggregated public key, that is both the signature size and the public key size used to verify the correctness of the signature are independent from the number of signers. This is useful for a blockchain because of its duplication over a distributed network, and thus it is required to be as compact as possible. In this paper, we introduce a new multisignature scheme with such a feature. Our scheme is proven secure under the Decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption. In addition, in the presence of rogue key attacks, the security of our scheme is proven in the plain public key model.
Navid Ghaedi Bardeh, Sondre Rønjom
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper we investigate the security of 5-round AES against two different attacks in an adaptive setting. We present a practical key-recovery attack on 5-round AES with a secret s-box that requires $2^{32}$ adaptively chosen ciphertexts, which is as far as we know a new record. In addition, we present a new and practical key-independent distinguisher for 5-round AES which requires $2^{27.2}$ adaptively chosen ciphertexts. While the data complexity of this distinguisher is in the same range as the current best 5-round distinguisher, it exploits new structural properties of 5-round AES.
Prasanna Ravi, Mahabir Prasad Jhanwar, James Howe, Anupam Chattopadhyay, Shivam Bhasin
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper, we analyze the implementation level fault vulnerabilities of deterministic lattice-based signature schemes. In particular, we extend the practicality of skip-addition fault attacks through exploitation of determinism in certain variants of Dilithium (Deterministic variant) and qTESLA signature scheme (originally submitted deterministic version), which are two leading candidates for the NIST standardization of post-quantum cryptography. We show that single targeted faults injected in the signing procedure allow to recover an important portion of the secret key. Though faults injected in the signing procedure do not recover all the secret key elements, we propose a novel forgery algorithm that allows the attacker to sign any given message with only the extracted portion of the secret key. We perform experimental validation of our attack using Electromagnetic fault injection on reference implementations taken from the pqm4 library, a benchmarking and testing framework for post quantum cryptographic implementations for the ARM Cortex-M4 microcontroller. We also show that our attacks break two well known countermeasures known to protect against skip-addition fault attacks. We further propose an efficient mitigation strategy against our attack that exponentially increases the attacker's complexity at almost zero increase in computational complexity.
Nigel P. Smart, Younes Talibi Alaoui
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We show how to perform a full-threshold $n$-party actively secure MPC protocol over a subgroup of order $p$ of an elliptic curve group $E(K)$. This is done by utilizing a full-threshold $n$-party actively secure MPC protocol over $\mathbb{F}_p$ in the pre-processing model (such as SPDZ), and then locally mapping the Beaver triples from this protocol into equivalent triples for the elliptic curve. This allows us to transform essentially {\em any} one-party protocol over an elliptic curve, into an $n$-party one. As an example we show how to transform the shuffle protocol of Abe into an $n$-party protocol. This application requires us to also give an MPC protocol to derive the switches in a Waksman network from a generic permutation, which may be of independent interest.
Jaeseong Jeong, Chang Heon Kim, Namhun Koo, Soonhak Kwon, Sumin Lee
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The differential uniformity, the boomerang uniformity, and the extended Walsh spectrum etc are important parameters to evaluate the security of S(substitution)-box. In this paper, we introduce efficient formulas to compute these cryptographic parameters of permutation polynomials of the form $x^rh(x^{(q-1)/d})$ over a finite field of $q=2^n$ elements, where $r$ is a positive integer and $d$ is a positive divisor of $q-1$. The computational cost of those formulas is proportional to $d$. We investigate differentially 4-uniform permutation polynomials of the form $x^rh(x^{(q-1)/3})$ and compute the boomerang spectrum and the extended Walsh spectrum of them using the suggested formulas when $4\le n\le 10$ is even, where $d=3$ is the smallest nontrivial $d$ for even $n$. We also investigate the differential uniformity of some permutation polynomials introduced in some recent papers for the case $d=2^{n/2}+1$
Maciej Obremski, Maciej Skorski
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Estimating entropy of random processes is one of the fundamental problems of machine learning and property testing. It has numerous applications to anything from DNA testing and predictability of human behaviour to modeling neural activity and cryptography. We investigate the problem of Renyi entropy estimation for sources that form Markov chains.

Kamath and Verdú (ISIT’16) showed that good mixing properties are essential for that task. We show that even with very good mixing time, estimation of min-entropy requires $\Omega(K^2)$ sample size, while collision entropy requires $\Omega(K^{3/2})$ samples, where K is the size of the alphabet. Our results hold both in asymptotic and non-asymptotic regimes.

We achieve the results by applying Le Cam’s method to two Markov chains which differ by an appropriately chosen sparse perturbation; the discrepancy between these chains is estimated with help of perturbation theory. Our techniques might be of independent interest.
Arpan Jati, Naina Gupta, Anupam Chattopadhyay, Somitra Kumar Sanadhya
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The past few decades have seen significant progress in practically realizable quantum technologies. It is well known since the work of Peter Shor that large scale quantum computers will threaten the security of most of the currently used public key cryptographic algorithms. This has spurred the cryptography community to design algorithms which will remain safe even with the emergence of large scale quantum computing systems. An effort in this direction is the currently ongoing post-quantum cryptography (PQC) competition, which has led to the design and analysis of many concrete cryptographic constructions. Among these, Lattice based algorithms have emerged to be promising candidates. Therefore, we focus on the efficient implementation of Ring-LWE based quantum-safe key-exchange algorithms. Further, deployment of hardware implementing such algorithms in critical applications requires security against implementation attacks. In this work, we design a side channel resistant post-quantum cryptoprocessor which supports NewHope-NIST, NewHope-USENIX and HILA5 key-exchange schemes. The implemented cryptoprocessor is highly optimized with minimal overhead due to the countermeasures. It requires about 13,500 LUTs and 8,100 FFs. Due to a significantly pipelined architecture, an operating speed of 406 MHz could be achieved on the latest 16nm FPGAs; resulting in a key-exchange time of only 158uS, 157uS and 148uS for the above mentioned designs respectively. We also present detailed area and performance metrics for different modules required for all the designs. To the best of our knowledge, this work presents the first side-channel leakage resistant post quantum accelerator. Furthermore, this is also the fastest hardware implementation of NewHope-NIST.
Omri Ben-Eliezer, Eylon Yogev
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Random sampling is a fundamental primitive in modern algorithms, statistics, and machine learning, used as a generic method to obtain a small yet ``representative'' subset of the data. In this work, we investigate the robustness of sampling against adaptive adversarial attacks in a streaming setting: An adversary sends a stream of elements from a universe $U$ to a sampling algorithm (e.g., Bernoulli sampling or reservoir sampling), with the goal of making the sample ``very unrepresentative'' of the underlying data stream. The adversary is fully adaptive in the sense that it knows the exact content of the sample at any given point along the stream, and can choose which element to send next accordingly, in an online manner.

Well-known results in the static setting indicate that if the full stream is chosen in advance (non-adaptively), then a random sample of size $\Omega(d / \varepsilon^2)$ is an $\varepsilon$-approximation of the full data with good probability, where $d$ is the VC-dimension of the underlying set system $(U, \mathcal{R})$. Does this sample size suffice for robustness against an adaptive adversary? The simplistic answer is \emph{negative}: We demonstrate a set system where a constant sample size (corresponding to a VC-dimension of $1$) suffices in the static setting, yet an adaptive adversary can make the sample very unrepresentative, as long as the sample size is (strongly) sublinear in the stream length, using a simple and easy-to-implement attack.

However, this attack is ``theoretical only'', requiring the set system size to (essentially) be exponential in the stream length. This is not a coincidence: We show that in order to make the sampling algorithm robust against adaptive adversaries, the modification required is solely to replace the VC-dimension term $d$ in the sample size with the cardinality term $\log |\mathcal{R}|$. That is, the Bernoulli and reservoir sampling algorithms with sample size $\Omega(\log |\mathcal{R}|/\varepsilon^2)$ output a representative sample of the stream with good probability, even in the presence of an adaptive adversary. This nearly matches the bound imposed by the attack.
Shichang Wang, Meicheng Liu, Dongdai Lin, Li Ma
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The fast correlation attack (FCA) is one of the most important cryptanalytic techniques against LFSR-based stream ciphers. In CRYPTO 2018, Todo et al. found a new property for the FCA and proposed a novel algorithm which was successfully applied to the Grain family of stream ciphers. Nevertheless, these techniques can not be directly applied to Grain-like small state stream ciphers with keyed update, such as Plantlet, Fruit-v2, and Fruit80. In this paper, we study the security of Grain-like small state stream ciphers by the fast correlation attack. We first observe that the number of required parity-check equations can be reduced when there are multiple different parity-check equations. With exploiting the Skellam distribution, we introduce a sufficient condition to identify the correct LFSR initial state and derive a new relationship between the number and bias of the required parity-check equations. Then a modified algorithm is presented based on this new relationship, which can recover the LFSR initial state no matter what the round key bits are. Under the condition that the LFSR initial state is known, an algorithm is given against the degraded system and to recover the NFSR state at some time instant, along with the round key bits. As cases study, we apply our cryptanalytic techniques to Plantlet, Fruit-v2 and Fruit-80. As a result, for Plantlet our attack takes $ 2^{73.75} $ time complexity and $ 2^{73.04} $ keystream bits to recover the full 80-bit key. Regarding Fruit-v2, $ 2^{55.33} $ time complexity and $ 2^{55.59} $ keystream bits are token to determine the secret key. As for Fruit-80, $2^{64.46}$ time complexity and $2^{62.79}$ keystream bits are required to recover the secret key. Moreover, we have implemented our attack methods on a toy version of Fruit-v2. The attack matches the expected complexities predicted by our theoretical analysis quite well, which proves the validity of our cryptanalytic techniques.
Shuo Chen, Jung Hee Cheon, Dongwoo Kim, Daejun Park
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Verifiable computing (VC) is a complexity-theoretic method to secure the integrity of computations. The need is increasing as more computations are outsourced to untrusted parties, e.g., cloud platforms. Existing techniques, however, only deal with exact computations, without the capability of rounding (e.g., "$1.11 \times 2.22 = 2.4642$" is verifiable, but $1.11 \times 2.22 \simeq 2.46$" is not). Hence, in a long sequence of calculations (e.g., multiplications), the number of digits of the result keeps increasing and will quickly exceed the precision limit of the underlying system. Because of this limitation, VC is currently missing the opportunity in the whole AI space where approximate computations are unavoidable.

In pursuit of the vision of verifiable AI computing, a solution to support the rounding operation is necessary. In this paper, we present an efficient verifiable computing scheme to achieve it. The main idea is to reduce the rounding operation into an efficient arithmetic circuit representation, and reuse the machinery of the Goldwasser, Kalai, and Rothblum's protocol (also known as the GRK protocol), the state-of-the-art interactive proof protocol. Specifically, we shift the algebraic structure from a field to a ring to better deal with the notion of "digits", and generalize the original GKR protocol over a ring. Then, we reduce the rounding operation to a low-degree polynomial in a ring, and present a novel, optimal circuit construction of an arbitrary polynomial to transform the rounding polynomial to an optimal arithmetic circuit representation. Moreover, we further optimize the proof generation cost for rounding by employing a Galois ring. We provide experimental results that show the efficiency of our scheme for approximate computations. For example, our implementation performed two orders of magnitude better than the existing GKR protocol for a nested 128x128 matrix multiplication of depth 12 on the 16-bit fixed-point arithmetic.
Ben Smyth
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Seminal work by Juels, Catalano & Jakobsson delivered a verifiable, coercion-resistant voting system with quadratic complexity. This manuscript attempts to advance the state-of-the-art by delivering a voting system with equivalent security and linear complexity.
Amit Jana, Dhiman Saha, Goutam Paul
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In recent literature, there has been a particular interest in studying nonce based AE schemes in the light of fault based attacks as they seem to present an automatic protection against Differential Fault Attacks (DFA). In this work, we present the first DFA on nonce based CAESAR scheme NORX. We demonstrate a scenario when faults introduced in NORX in parallel mode can be used to collide the internal state to produce an \emph{all-zero} state. We later show how this can be used to replay NORX despite being instantiated by different nonces, messages. Once replayed, we show how the key of NORX can be recovered using secondary faults and using the faulty tags. We use different fault models to showcase the versatility of the attack strategy. A detailed theoretical analysis of the expected number of faults required under various models is also furnished. Under the random bit flip model, around 1384 faults are to be induced to reduce the key space from $2^{128}$ to $2^{32}$ while the random byte flip model requires 136 faults to uniquely identify the key. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first fault attack that uses \emph{both internal} and \emph{classical differentials} to mount a DFA on a nonce based authenticated cipher which is otherwise believed to be immune to DFA.
Onur Günlü, Onurcan Iscan, Vladimir Sidorenko, Gerhard Kramer
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The two-terminal key agreement problem with biometric or physical identifiers is considered. Two linear code constructions based on Wyner-Ziv coding are developed. The first construction uses random linear codes and achieves all points of the key-leakage-storage regions of the generated-secret and chosen-secret models. The second construction uses nested polar codes for vector quantization during enrollment and error correction during reconstruction. Simulations show that the nested polar codes achieve privacy-leakage and storage rates that improve on existing code designs. One proposed code achieves a rate tuple that cannot be achieved by existing methods.
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