International Association for Cryptologic Research

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for Cryptologic Research


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04 December 2019

Ferdinand Sibleyras
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Tweakable block ciphers are increasingly becoming a common primitive to build new resilient modes as well as a concept for multiple dedicated designs. While regular block ciphers define a family of permutations indexed by a secret key, tweakable ones define a family of permutations indexed by both a secret key and a public tweak. In this work we formalize and study a generic framework for building such a tweakable block cipher based on regular block ciphers, the iterated tweakable FX construction, which includes many such previous constructions of tweakable block ciphers. Then we describe a cryptanalysis from which we can derive a provable security upper-bound for all constructions following this tweakable iterated FX strategy. Concretely, the cryptanalysis of r rounds of our generic construction based on n-bit block ciphers with \kap-bit keys requires O(2^{r(n + \kap)/(r+1)}) online and offline queries. For r = 2 rounds this interestingly matches the proof of the particular case of XHX2 by Lee and Lee (ASIACRYPT 2018) thus proving for the first time its tightness. In turn, the XHX and XHX2 proofs show that our generic cryptanalysis is information theoretically optimal for 1 and 2 rounds.
Jayashree Dey, Ratna Dutta
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Code-based public key cryptosystems have been found to be an interesting option in the area of Post-Quantum Cryptography. In this work, we present a key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) using a parity check matrix of the Generalized Srivastava code as the public key matrix. Generalized Srivastava codes are privileged with the decoding technique of Alternant codes as they belong to the family of Alternant codes. We exploit the dyadic structure of the parity check matrix to reduce the storage of the public key. Our encapsulation leads to a shorter ciphertext as compared to DAGS proposed by Banegas et al. in Journal of Mathematical Cryptology which also uses Generalized Srivastava code. Our KEM provides IND-CCA security in the random oracle model. Also, our scheme can be shown to achieve post-quantum security in the quantum random oracle model.
Craig Costello, Benjamin Smith
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Let $A/\overline{\mathbb{F}}_p$ and $A'/\overline{\mathbb{F}}_p$ be supersingular principally polarized abelian varieties of dimension $g>1$. For any prime $\ell \ne p$, we give an algorithm that finds a path $\phi : A \rightarrow A'$ in the $(\ell, \dots , \ell)$-isogeny graph in $\widetilde{O}(p^{g-1})$ group operations on a classical computer, and $\widetilde{O}(\sqrt{p^{g-1}})$ calls to the Grover oracle on a quantum computer. The idea is to find paths from $A$ and $A'$ to nodes that correspond to products of lower dimensional abelian varieties, and to recurse down in dimension until an elliptic path-finding algorithm (such as Delfs--Galbraith) can be invoked to connect the paths in dimension $g=1$. In the general case where $A$ and $A'$ are any two nodes in the graph, this algorithm presents an asymptotic improvement over all of the algorithms in the current literature. In the special case where $A$ and $A'$ are a known and relatively small number of steps away from each other (as is the case in higher dimensional analogues of SIDH), it gives an asymptotic improvement over the quantum claw finding algorithms and an asymptotic improvement over the classical van Oorschot--Wiener algorithm.
Chao Liu, Zhongxiang Zheng, Keting Jia, Qidi You
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Three-party key exchange, where two clients aim to agree a session key with the help of a trusted server, is prevalent in present-day systems. In this paper, we present a practical and secure three-party password-based authenticated key exchange protocol over ideal lattices. Aside from hash functions our protocol does not rely on external primitives in the construction and the security of our protocol is directly relied on the Ring Learning with Errors (RLWE) assumption. Our protocol attains provable security. A proof-of-concept implementation shows our protocol is indeed practical.
Gijs van Dam, Rabiah Abdul Kadir, Puteri N.E. Nohuddin, Halimah Badioze Zaman
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The Lighting Network (LN) is a network of micropayment channels that runs on top of Bitcoin. The balances of payment channels are not broadcasted to the LN network to preserve the privacy of the nodes participating in the network. A balance disclosure attack (BDA) has been proven to be successful in determining the balance of large amount of channels in the network. In this paper we propose an improved algorithm for the BDA as well as a new type of attack that leverages the differences between LN client software implementations. Our improved algorithm extends the original BDA by performing payments from both sides of the channel. The new attack uses malformed payments to shutdown payment channels an adversary isn't part of.
Keita Emura, Shuichi Katsumata, Yohei Watanabe
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The key escrow problem is one of the main barriers to the widespread real-world use of identity-based encryption (IBE). Specifically, a key generation center (KGC), which generates secret keys for a given identity, has the power to decrypt all ciphertexts. At PKC 2009, Chow defined a notion of security against the KGC, that relies on assuming that it cannot discover the underlying identities behind ciphertexts. However, this is not a realistic assumption since, in practice, the KGC manages an identity list, and hence it can easily guess the identities corresponding to given ciphertexts. Chow later amended this issue by introducing a new entity called an identity-certifying authority (ICA) and proposed an anonymous key-issuing protocol. Essentially, this allows the users, KGC, and ICA to interactively generate secret keys without users ever having to reveal their identities to the KGC. Unfortunately, since Chow separately defined the security of IBE and that of the anonymous key-issuing protocol, his IBE definition did not provide any formal treatment when the ICA is used to authenticate the users. Effectively, all of the subsequent works following Chow lack the formal proofs needed to determine whether or not it delivers a secure solution to the key escrow problem.

In this paper, based on Chow's work, we formally define an IBE scheme that resolves the key escrow problem and provide formal definitions of security against corrupted users, KGC, and ICA. Along the way, we observe that if we are allowed to assume a fully trusted ICA, as in Chow's work, then we can construct a trivial (and meaningless) IBE scheme that is secure against the KGC. Finally, we present two instantiations in our new security model: a lattice-based construction based on the Gentry--Peikert--Vaikuntanathan IBE scheme (STOC 2008) and R{\"{u}}ckert's lattice-based blind signature scheme (ASIACRYPT 2010), and a pairing-based construction based on the Boneh--Franklin IBE scheme (CRYPTO 2001) and Boldyreva's blind signature scheme (PKC 2003).
Karim Eldefrawy, Tancrède Lepoint, Antonin Leroux
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In standard Secret Sharing (SS), a dealer shares a secret $s$ among $n$ parties such that an adversary corrupting no more than $t$ parties does not learn $s$, while any $t+1$ parties can efficiently recover $s$. Proactive Secret Sharing (PSS) retains confidentiality of $s$ even when a mobile adversary corrupts all parties over the lifetime of the secret, but no more than a threshold $t$ in each epoch (called a refresh period). Withstanding such adversaries has become of increasing importance with the emergence of settings where private keys are secret shared and used to sign cryptocurrency transactions, among other applications. Feasibility of single-secret PSS for static groups with dishonest majorities was demonstrated but with a protocol that requires inefficient communication of $O(n^4)$.

In this work, we improve over prior work in three directions: batching without incurring a linear loss in corruption threshold, communication efficiency, and handling dynamic groups. While each of properties we improve upon appeared independently in the context of PSS and in other previous work, handling them simultaneously (and efficiently) in a single scheme faces non-trivial challenges. Some PSS protocols can handle batching of $\ell \sim n$ secrets, but all of them are for the honest majority setting. Techniques typically used to accomplish such batching decrease the tolerated corruption threshold bound by a linear factor in $\ell$, effectively limiting the number of elements that can be batched with dishonest majority. We solve this problem by reducing the threshold decrease to $\sqrt{\ell}$ instead, allowing us to deal with the dishonest majority setting when $\ell \sim n$. This is accomplished based on new bivariate-polynomials-based techniques for sharing, and refreshing and recovering of shares, that allow batching of up to $n-2$ secrets in our PSS. To tackle the efficiency bottleneck the constructed PSS protocol requires only $O(n^3/\ell)$ communication for $\ell$ secrets, i.e., an amortized communication complexity of $O(n^2)$ when the maximum batch size is used. To handle dynamic groups we develop three new sub-protocols to deal with parties joining and leaving the group.

03 December 2019

Job Posting Job Posting
The IACR news channel for job postings has been inactive for a few months, but about 100 new jobs have been posted to the jobs page. We have restored the flow of new job postings to the news channel, but older jobs will not be sent out to subscribers.
University of Exeter, UK
Job Posting Job Posting

The Security and Trust of Advanced Systems Group at the Computer Science Department of the University of Exeter is hiring a Lecturer in Cybersecurity. Candidates in all areas of security are encouraged to apply.

This is a unique opportunity to shape the future development of Cybersecurity research at Exeter both within the Department of Computer Science and the University as a whole. The Department is a member of the Turing Institute and the Complete University Guide ranks the Department 11th in the UK and Exeter is one of the fastest growing cities in the UK, with the IT sector being particularly strong.

The new Security and Trust of Advanced Systems Group is embedded in a strong cyber environment within and outside of the University. Within the University, cybersecurity is not only rooted within the Computer Science Department (e.g. working in the intersection of data science and cybersecurity, an area in which we also offer a new MSc in Cyber Security Analytics: for example, we also work together with the Law School, which has a strong expertise in international cybersecurity law, the Strategy and Security Institute, and we collaborate with the Management School on a MSc in Financial Technology. Outside of the university, we actively engage with the local industry, e.g., via the South West Cyber Security Cluster.

We are looking for a candidate with an outstanding research record in any area of cybersecurity such as (but not limited to): language-based security, access control, usable security, software security, formal methods for security, security analytics, security protocols, human aspects of security, security economics, security by design, applied cryptography, security testing.

You are expected to carry out research in any area of cybersecurity and to supervise PhD students in her/his research area. We are particularly keen on research areas that either extend the current strength in software security and formal methods in security or that complement these existing focus area.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Prof. Achim Brucker, Streatham Campus Innovation Centre, A1, Exeter EX4 4RN, UK.

More information:

The University of Sheffield, Department of Computer Science, Sheffield, UK
Job Posting Job Posting

The Department of Computer Science at University of Sheffield, UK is seeking a highly-motivated PhD candidate in the field of cyber security with an emphasis on embedded and hardware security.

Candidates with experience in one or more of the following are preferred:
  • Cryptography (lightweight cryptography, post-quantum cryptography, fully-homomorphic encryption)
  • Designing novel cryptographic primitives and protocols
  • Digital design on ASIC or FPGA platforms using hardware description languages
  • Computer architectures and embedded software
  • Side-channel analysis and fault attacks
  • Machine learning and artificial intelligence especially for security applications

  • Research topics include but are not limited to:
  • Secure cryptographic implementations in hardware and software
  • Mechanisms against side-channel analysis and fault attacks
  • Security and privacy for IoT systems
  • Post-quantum cryptography
  • Fully-homomorphic encryption
  • The studentship is available from February 2020.
    A stipendiary studentship is available. This covers fees at the EU/home rate as well as a student stipend for three and a half years.
    The candidates should have an M.Sc./B.Sc. degree or equivalent in Computer Science/Computer Engineering/Electrical Engineering/Applied Mathematics/IT Security.
    If English is not your first language, you must have an IELTS score of 6.5 overall, with no less than 6.0 in each component.

    In the first instance, candidates are advised to discuss applications with Dr. Elif Kavun (

    To apply for the studentship, applicants need to apply directly to The University of Sheffield using the online application system. Please name Dr Elif Kavun as your proposed supervisor.
    Complete an application for admission to the standard Computer Science PhD programme
    Applications should include CV, statement of purpose, transcripts, and contact information of at least two referencesClosing date for applications:

    Contact: Dr Elif Kavun

    More information:

    Concordia University, Institute for Information Systems Engineering (CIISE); Montreal, Canada
    Job Posting Job Posting
    The Concordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering (CIISE) invites applications for a tenure-track position in Blockchain Technology. The selected candidate will be appointed at the rank of Assistant Professor, but exceptional candidates at the Associate Professor level may also be considered. The call extends to all individuals with interests in the following: blockchain, digital ledgers, distributed systems, crypto-currencies, applied cryptography, zero knowledge proofs, cybersecurity, voting technologies, or financial technologies; with a demonstrated ability to work in collaborative multidisciplinary settings.

    Concordia University is strongly committed to building a diverse, equitable, and inclusive community, and recognizes the importance of inclusion in achieving excellence in teaching and research. Commensurate with their rank candidates will be assessed on their demonstrated potential to attract diverse students and collaborators to Concordia University, conduct internationally-recognized research, secure research funds, as well as teach and drive curricular development within their respective area.

    Applicants must hold a PhD in Computer Science, Systems Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, or a closely related engineering field. A strong commitment to research excellence, supervision of graduate students, and teaching excellence is expected. The successful candidate is expected to provide academic leadership, conduct independent and superior scholarly research, establish a strong externally-funded research program and demonstrate industrial applications of her/his research activities. Membership or eligibility for membership in a Canadian professional engineering association, preferably in the province of Quebec, is desirable. The language of instruction at Concordia is English; however, knowledge of French is an asset.

    How to Apply Click on link in title above.

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: Dr. Abdessamad Ben Hamza, Director
    Concordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering
    Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science
    Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Canada

    More information:

    Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya; Barcelona, Spain
    Job Posting Job Posting
    The candidate will do both theoretical and practical research in the framework of the European project PROMETHEUS:

    Specifically, to design/analyze/implement better lattice-based cryptographic protocols that may be needed in electronic voting applications; this includes encryption (with threshold decryption), (group, blind) signatures and zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge.

    The candidate (with a phD. completed or close to be completed) should therefore have experience in the area of lattice-based cryptography.

    The expected salary will be around 43.000 euros per year, before taxes are applied (which may mean around 30.000 euros per year, at the end; the salary includes health insurance). The work place will be in UPC Campus Nord (Barcelona). The contract would start at some point in 2020, and could last 1-2 years.

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: Javier Herranz

    Horizen Labs, Milan (Italy)
    Job Posting Job Posting

    Horizen Labs is a technology company that develops and delivers scalable and reliable distributed ledger solutions. Our Research and Development team is now looking for a cryptography scientist who can help bridging between academia and practice in our on-going effort of designing and coding world-class SNARG implementations.

    The Role

    • Keep up to date on emerging capabilities in the fast-growing Zero-Knowledge research area, and identify where and how new capabilities can be applied
    • Identify and recommend technologies and cryptographic solutions to solve identified technical challenges
    • Support the team’s software developers with the introduction of advanced Zero Knowledge Proof protocols and conventional cryptographic tools
    • Participate in standards setting, perform collaborative research into open source solutions


    • MS/Ph.D. in Mathematics, Computer Science, Computer Programming, or Computer Engineering
    • Core understanding of cryptography, public/private key, hash functions, encryption/signatures
    • Strong understanding of Elliptic Curve Cryptography

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: Luca Cermelli, luca AT horizenlabs DOT io

    More information:

    Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
    Job Posting Job Posting
    The Faculty of Sciences of the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) invites applications for a full-time academic position in Computer Science to begin October 1st, 2020. All areas of Computer Science will be considered, with a focus on cybersecurity and cryptography, including their possible connections with other areas such as artificial intelligence and data science.

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: Prof. Tom Lenaerts

    More information:

    TU Dresden, Germany
    Job Posting Job Posting
    The Faculty of Computer Science, Institute of Systems Architecture, invites applications for the Chair (W3) of Privacy and Security to be filled at 1st October 2020. The successful candidate is required to represent the area Privacy and Security in research and teaching. In research, we expect applicants to show novel and high-impact contributions in at least one of the following research areas: security of complex systems ranging from large computing infrastructures to small devices; distributed security architectures and protocols; preservation of privacy in a connected world; network security and identity management; applied cryptography and cryptographic protocols. International publications and contacts as well as the active participation in research projects in one or several of the above-mentioned areas are of particular importance.

    More information can be found at:

    Deadline for submission: Dec 16th, 2019

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: Wolfgang Lehner at +49 351 463 38383

    More information:

    University of Birmingham
    Job Posting Job Posting
    This is an exciting opportunity to join the University of Birmingham’s Centre for Cyber Security and Privacy on an exciting EPSRC funded project ‘SIPP - Secure IoT Processor Platform with Remote Attestation’. The proposed project brings together the core partners of the NCSC/EPSRC-funded Research Institute in Secure Hardware and Embedded Systems (RISE), that is, Queen's University Belfast and the Universities of Cambridge, Bristol and Birmingham, with the leading academics in the field of hardware security and security architecture design from the National University of Singapore and Nanyang Technological University, to develop a novel secure IoT processor platform with remote attestation implemented on the RISC-V architecture. Skills and Knowledge • Knowledge of Remote Attestation Mechanisms and/or a Hardware Design Language such as VHDL or Verilog preferable • High level analytical capability • Ability to communicate complex information clearly • Fluency in relevant models, techniques or methods and ability to contribute to developing new ones • Ability to assess resource requirements and use resources effectively • Understanding of and ability to contribute to broader management/administration processes • Contribute to the planning and organising of the research programme and/or specific research project • Co-ordinate own work with others to avoid conflict or duplication of effort Qualifications and Experience • Research experience relevant to the project area

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: Professor Mark Ryan

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    Guangzhou University, Guangzhou, China
    Job Posting Job Posting
    Prof. Jin Li has several open positions for PostDoc/PhD at School of Computer Science, Guangzhou University, which is located in Guangzhou, China. Guangzhou is the third largest city with very convenient traffic to the world. Our Information security research ranking is top 10 in China. Our attractive openings are suitable for PhD candidates and PostDoc researchers who seek to work in the field of AI security, data security, and applied cryptography. The research topics include but not limited to: Security and Privacy in Artificial Intelligence, AI, Blockchain, network security, data security, IoT security, and public-key cryptography. PostDoc researchers will be offered competitive salary package plus other benefits, which is around 50,000-60,000 USD per year (salary and bonus before tax) and 30,000 USD research funding. PhD candidates will be provided full research scholarship, allowances, free single dorm room, and round-trip tickets (Once a year). Interested candidates please send your CV to Prof. Jin Li. PostDocs please add your publication list. We will evaluate, confirm and reply your application in one week after receiving your CV. If you have one top conference or journal publication, the salary can be discussed to be more. Look forward to your application.

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: Prof. Jin Li: E-mail: jinli71 (at)

    More information:

    Microsoft Research India, Bangalore
    Job Posting Job Posting
    Microsoft Research India, in partnership with the Security and Compliance Organization in Microsoft, Redmond, seeks outstanding graduate students for an internship during the period January to April 2020 to work on problems related to secure multi-party computation (MPC) and its application to real-world security problems. The internship will be based in the Bangalore lab of Microsoft Research, India. The intern will get to work on the latest state-of-the-art techniques pertaining to applied cryptography, practical MPC, programming languages and machine learning, as well as on how to deploy these techniques in a real-world environment.

    Required Qualification: The applicant must be enrolled in a PhD or Masters program in mathematics, computer science, electrical engineering, or a related field.

    Preferred Qualifications: • Experience in cryptography or MPC • Strong coding skills • Experience in research pertaining to the above topics

    Interested candidates must write to ezpc AT with the subject “MPC Internship”. The deadline for applying is December 15th 2019.

    Microsoft is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to age, ancestry, color, family or medical care leave, gender identity or expression, genetic information, marital status, medical condition, national origin, physical or mental disability, political affiliation, protected veteran status, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by applicable laws, regulations and ordinances. We also consider qualified applicants regardless of criminal histories, consistent with legal requirements.

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: Nishanth Chandran

    More information:

    University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
    Job Posting Job Posting
    University of Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) invites applications for up to four W1 Professorships for Computer Science (Digital Health) (Assistant Professor) at the Department of Computer Science. The professorships are to be filled by the earliest possible starting date for an initial period of three years. Upon successful evaluation, the appointment will be extended for another three years. We seek to appoint top early career scientists who will develop outstanding expertise in the field and that have research and teaching experience in one or several of the following areas of digital health:

    ... Privacy and (long-term) security in digital health ...

    Your responsibilities will also entail setting up and leading an independent research group in the Department of Computer Science. You will be required to make a contribution to the degree programmes in computer science and medical engineering. Two of the four professorships are endowed professorships of Siemens Healthcare GmbH. For these professorships, it would be advantageous if applicants want to be involved in industry-related application research, especially at the organisation funding the professorship. The remaining two professorships will be funded by FAU. Please indicate in your application whether you are particularly interested in one of the endowed professorships or one of the FAU professorships. If you have no preference, please indicate this as well.

    Please submit your complete application documents (CV, list of publications, list of lectures and courses taught, copies of certificates and degrees, list of third-party funding) online at by 06.01.2020, addressed to the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering. Please contact with any questions.

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: Dominique Schröder

    More information:

    NCC Group
    Job Posting Job Posting
    Cryptography Services @ NCC Group | NYC, SF, Chicago, Seattle, Austin, Waterloo (Ontario) | ONSITE | INTERNS

    NCC Group Crypto Services is hiring interns for summer 2020! We're a small team auditing applied crypto and doing research in the field. If you like cryptography and security, and would like to pursue a research project in any of the applied crypto areas, such as (but not limited to):

    - cryptographic implementations (cryptographic protocols or primitives, post-quantum crypto)

    - cryptocurrencies (payment channel security, audit of novel consensus algorithms, privacy preserving coin implementations)

    - audits of existing cryptographic software

    Some previous work done by our crypto interns:

    - Implementing Optimized Cryptography for Embedded Systems

    - nQUIC: Noise-Based QUIC Packet Protection

    - Confidential Transactions from Basic Principles

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: aleksandar.kircanski_at_nccgroup_com

    More information:
