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26 December 2019

Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
Job Posting Job Posting
Multiple Post-Docs in Post-Quantum Cryptography Academia Sinica, at the very edge of Taipei, is the national research institute of Taiwan. Here we have an active group of cryptography researchers, including Dr. Bo-Yin Yang, Dr. Kai-Min Chung, and Dr. Tung Chou (joining soon), covering wide research topics in cryptography and actively collaborating with researchers from related research areas such as program verification. We are looking for Post-Docs in PQC (Post-Quantum Cryptography). Here PQC is broadly defined. Starting date is early 2020, for terms of 1 year, renewable. Potential PQC research topics include cryptanalysis, implementation, and theory. Bo-Yin is in particular interested in people who have hands on experience with the design, implementation and/or analysis of cryptosystems submitted to NIST\'s post-quantum standardization project, and Kai-Min is looking for people interested in theoretical aspects of Post-Quantum Cryptography, such as security in the QROM model and novel (post-)quantum primitives and protocols. We are also particularly interested in people with diverse background to facilitate collaboration among our group members. Requires background in mathematics, computer science and cryptography. We desire a research track record in some aspects of post-quantum cryptography, but are especially looking for researchers with a broad research spectrum going from mathematical aspects to the practical side such as implementation aspects. We offer about 2200 USD (~2000 EUR) per month (commensurate with what a starting assistant professor makes locally) in salary and include a 5000 USD per year personal academic travel budget.

Closing date for applications:


Bo-Yin Yang by at crypto dot tw

Kai-Min Chung at kmchung at iis dot sinica dot edu dot tw

Information Security and Machine Learning Lab (Korea)
Job Posting Job Posting
We are seeking research scientists and post-doctoral fellows with high impact journal publications. Research scientists are required to have been awarded a doctoral degree for more than five years and work in Korea for 6 months - 3 years. Post-doctoral fellows are required to have been awarded a doctoral degree within the past five years as of May 31, 2020 and work in Korea for 3-5 years. Please email with subject ‘Research fellow position’ statement of research and CV with publication list to Prof. Hwang.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Prof. Seong Oun Hwang (

More information:


24 December 2019

Asra Ali, Tancrède Lepoint, Sarvar Patel, Mariana Raykova, Phillipp Schoppmann, Karn Seth, Kevin Yeo
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this work, we study the computation and communication costs and their possible trade-offs in existing constructions for private information retrieval (PIR), including schemes based on homomorphic encryption and the Gentry--Ramzan PIR (ICALP'05). We present MulPIR, a PIR construction which uses somewhat homomorphic encryption in a new way that provides a better trade-off between communication and computation, and for the first time enables the implementation of PIR with full recursion. Our construction leverages optimizations from SealPIR (S&P'18) and extends them with new packing and compression techniques. We also present improvements for the Gentry--Ramzan PIR that reduce significantly the computation cost, the main overhead for this scheme, which achieves optimal communication in several settings. We further show how to efficiently construct PIR for sparse databases. Our constructions support batching for multi-queries as well as symmetric PIR. We finally implement several PIR constructions and present a comprehensive comparison of their communication and computation overheads, as well as a cost analysis assuming a standard price setting for CPU power and bandwidth.
Jiaheng Zhang, Tiancheng Xie, Yupeng Zhang, Dawn Song
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We present a new succinct zero knowledge argument scheme for layered arithmetic circuits without trusted setup. The prover time is $O(C + n \log n)$ and the proof size is $O(D \log C + \log^2 n)$ for a $D$-depth circuit with $n$ inputs and $C$ gates. The verification time is also succinct, $O(D \log C + \log^2 n)$, if the circuit is structured. Our scheme only uses lightweight cryptographic primitives such as collision-resistant hash functions and is plausibly post-quantum secure. We implement a zero knowledge argument system, Virgo, based on our new scheme and compare its performance to existing schemes. Experiments show that it only takes 53 seconds to generate a proof for a circuit computing a Merkle tree with 256 leaves, at least an order of magnitude faster than all other succinct zero knowledge argument schemes. The verification time is 50ms, and the proof size is 253KB, both competitive to existing systems. Underlying Virgo is a new transparent zero knowledge verifiable polynomial delegation scheme with logarithmic proof size and verification time. The scheme is in the interactive oracle proof model and may be of independent interest.

23 December 2019

Alexey Oblaukhov
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In this work we study metric properties of the well-known family of binary Reed-Muller codes. Let $A$ be an arbitrary subset of the Boolean cube, and $\widehat{A}$ be the metric complement of $A$ --- the set of all vectors of the Boolean cube at the maximal possible distance from $A$. If the metric complement of $\widehat{A}$ coincides with $A$, then the set $A$ is called a {\it metrically regular set}. The problem of investigating metrically regular sets appeared when studying {\it bent functions}, which have important applications in cryptography and coding theory and are also one of the earliest examples of a metrically regular set. In this work we describe metric complements and establish metric regularity of the codes $\mathcal{RM}(0,m)$ and $\mathcal{RM}(k,m)$ for $k \geqslant m-3$. Additionally, metric regularity of the $\mathcal{RM}(1,5)$ code is proved. Combined with previous results by Tokareva N. (2012) concerning duality of affine and bent functions, this proves metric regularity of most Reed-Muller codes with known covering radius. It is conjectured that all Reed-Muller codes are metrically regular.
Fouazou Lontouo Perez Broon, Emmanuel Fouotsa
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Vélu's formulas for computing isogenies over Weierstrass model of elliptic curves has been extended to other models of elliptic curves such as the Huff model, the Edwards model and the Jacobi model of elliptic curves. This work continues this line of research by providing efficient formulas for computing isogenies over elliptic curves of Hessian form. We provide explicit formulas for computing isogenies of degree 3 and isogenies of degree l not divisible by 3. The theoretical cost of computing these maps in this case is slightly faster than the case with other curves. We also extend the formulas to obtain isogenies over twisted and generalized Hessian forms of elliptic curves. The formulas in this work have been verified with the Sage software and are faster than previous results on the same curve.
Jongkil Kim, Willy Susilo, Fuchun Guo, Joonsang Baek, Nan Li
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We present an advanced encoding framework for predicate encryption (PE) in prime order groups. Our framework captures a wider range of adaptively secure PE schemes such as non-monotonic attribute-based encryption by allowing PE schemes to have more flexible structures. Prior to our work, frameworks featuring adaptively secure PE schemes in prime order groups require strong structural restrictions on the schemes. In those frameworks, exponents of public keys and master secret keys of PE schemes, which are also referred to as common variables, must be linear. In our work, we introduce a modular framework which includes non-linear common variables in PE schemes. First, we formalize non-linear structures which can appear in PE by improving Attrapadung's pair encoding framework (Eurocrypt'14). Then, we provide a generic compiler that features encodings under our framework to PE schemes in prime order groups. Particularly, the security of our compiler is proved by introducing a new technique which decomposes common variables into two types and makes one of them be shared between semi-functional and normal spaces on processes of the dual system encryption to mitigate the linear restriction. As instances of our new framework, we introduce new attribute-based encryption schemes supporting non-monotonic access structures, namely non-monotonic ABE, in prime order groups. We introduce adaptively secure non-monotonic ABE schemes having either short ciphertexts (if KP-ABE) or short keys (if CP-ABE) for the first time. Additionally, we introduce the first non-monotonic ABE schemes supporting both adaptive security and multi-use of attributes property in prime order groups.
Xinping Zhou, Kexin Qiao, Changhai Ou
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Leakage detection seeking the evidence of sensitive data dependencies in the side-channel traces instead of trying to recover the sensitive data directly under the enormous efforts with numerous leakage models and state-of-the-art distinguishers can provide a fast preliminary security assessment on the cryptographic devices for designers and evaluators. Therefore, it is a popular topic in recent side-channel research of which the Welch's $t$-test-based Test Vector Leakage Assessment (TVLA) methodology is the most widely used one. However, the TVLA is not always the best option under all kinds of conditions (as we can see in the latter section of this paper). Kolmogorov-Smirnov test is a well-known nonparametric method for statistical analysis to determine whether the samples are from the same distribution by analyzing the cumulative distribution. It has been proposed into side-channel analysis as a successful distinguisher. This paper proposes---to our knowledge, for the first time---Kolmogorov-Smirnov test as a new method for leakage detection. Besides, we propose two implementations to speed up the KS leakage detection procedure. Experimental results on simulated leakage with various parameters and the practical traces verify that KS is an effective and robust leakage detection tool and the comprehensive comparison with TVLA shows that KS-based leakage detection can be a right-hand supplement to TVLA when performing the side-channel assessment.
Daan van der Valk, Stjepan Picek, Shivam Bhasin
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While several works have explored the application of deep learning for efficient profiled side-channel analysis, explainability or in other words what neural networks learn remains a rather untouched topic. As a first step, this paper explores the Singular Vector Canonical Correlation Analysis (SVCCA) tool to interpret what neural networks learn while training on different side-channel datasets, by concentrating on deep layers of the network. Information from SVCCA can help, to an extent, with several practical problems in a profiled side-channel analysis like portability issue and criteria to choose a number of layers/neurons to fight portability, provide insight on the correct size of training dataset and detect deceptive conditions like over-specialization of networks.
Leo Weissbart, Stjepan Picek, Lejla Batina
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In profiling side-channel analysis, machine learning-based attacks nowadays offer the most powerful performance. This holds especially for techniques stemming from the neural network family: multilayer perceptron and convolutional neural networks. Convolutional neural networks are often favored as state-of-the-art results suggest better performance, especially in scenarios where targets are protected with countermeasures. Multilayer perceptron receives much less attention and researchers seem less interested in this technique, narrowing the results in the literature to comparisons with convolutional neural networks. Yet, a multilayer perceptron has a much simpler structure, which enables easier hyperparameter tuning, and hopefully, could contribute to the explainability of this neural network inner working.

In this paper, we investigate the behavior of a multilayer perceptron in detail in the context of the side-channel analysis of AES. By exploring the sensitivity of multilayer perceptron hyperparameters over the performance of the attack, we aim at providing a better understanding of successful hyperparameters tuning, and ultimately, the performance of this algorithm. Our results show that MLP (with a proper hyperparameter tuning) can easily break implementations having a random delay or masking countermeasures.
Bishwajit Chakraborty, Ashwin Jha, Mridul Nandi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The sponge duplex is a popular mode of operation for constructing authenticated encryption schemes. In fact, one can assess the popularity of this mode from the fact that around 25 out of the 56 round 1 submissions to the ongoing NIST lightweight cryptography (LwC) standardization process are based on this mode. Among these, 14 sponge-type constructions are selected for the second round consisting of 32 submissions. In this paper, we generalize the duplexing interface of the duplex mode, which we call Transform-then-Permute. It encompasses Beetle as well as a new sponge-type mode SpoC (both are round 2 submissions to NIST LwC). We show a tight security bound for Transform-then-Permute based on b-bit permutation, which reduces to finding an exact estimation of the expected number of multi-chains(defined in this paper). As a corollary of our general result, authenticated encryption advantage of Beetle and SpoC is about $T(D+r2^r)/2^b$ where $T,D$ and $r$ denotes the number of offline queries (related to time of the algorithm), number of construction queries (related to data complexity) and rate of the construction (related to efficiency). Previously the same bound has been proved for Beetle under the limitation that $T<< \mathsf{min}\{2^r,2^{b/2}\}$ (that forced us to choose larger permutation with higher rate). In the context of NIST LwC requirement, SpoC based on 192-bit permutation achieves the desired security with 64-bit rate, which is not achieved by either duplex or Beetle(as per the previous analysis)
Lichao Wu, Stjepan Picek
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In the profiled side-channel analysis, deep learning-based techniques proved to be very successful even when attacking targets protected with countermeasures. Still, this does not mean that countermeasures do not make the attacks more difficult or that deep learning attacks will always succeed. As such, to improve the performance of attacks, an intuitive solution is to remove the effect of countermeasures. In this paper, we investigate whether we can consider certain types of countermeasures as noise and then use deep learning to remove that noise. We conduct a detailed analysis of four different types of noise and countermeasures either separately or combined and show that in all scenarios, denoising autoencoder improves the attack performance significantly.
Nils Wisiol, Christopher Mühl, Niklas Pirnay, Phuong Ha Nguyen, Marian Margraf, Jean-Pierre Seifert, Marten van Dijk, Ulrich Rührmair
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We demonstrate that the Interpose PUF proposed at CHES 2019, an Arbiter PUF based design for so-called Strong Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs), can be modeled by novel machine learning strategies up to very substantial sizes and complexities. Our attacks require in the most difficult cases considerable, but realistic, numbers of CRPs, while consuming only moderate computation times, ranging from few seconds to few days. The attacks build on a new divide-and-conquer approach that allows us to model the two building blocks of the Interpose PUF separately. For non-reliability based Machine Learning (ML) attacks, this eventually leads to attack times on \((k_\text{up},k_\text{down})\)-Interpose PUFs that are comparable to the ones against \(\max\{k_\text{up}, k_\text{down}\}\)-XOR Arbiter PUFs, refuting the original claim that Interpose PUFs provide security similar to $(k_\text{down}+\frac{k_\text{up}}{2})$-XOR Arbiter PUFs (CHES 2019). On the technical side, our novel divide-and-conquer technique might also be useful in analyzing other designs where XOR Arbiter PUF challenge bits are unknown to the attacker.
Jan Camenisch, Maria Dubovitskaya, Patrick Towa
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Encryption is an indispensable tool for securing digital infra- structures as it reduces the problem of protecting the data to just protecting decryption keys. Unfortunately, this also makes it easier for users to share protected data by simply sharing decryption keys. Kiayias and Tang (ACM CCS 2013) were the first to address this important issue pre-emptively rather than a posteriori like traitor tracing schemes do. They proposed leakage-deterring encryption schemes that work as follows. For each user, a piece of secret information valuable to her is embedded into her public key. As long as she does not share her ability to decrypt with someone else, her secret is safe. As soon as she does, her secret is revealed to her beneficiaries. However, their solution suffers from serious drawbacks: (1) their model requires a fully-trusted registration authority that is privy to user secrets; (2) it only captures a CPA-type of privacy for user secrets, which is a very weak guarantee; (3) in their construction which turns any public-key encryption scheme into a leakage-deterring one, the new public keys consist of linearly (in the bit-size of the secrets) many public keys of the original scheme, and the ciphertexts are large. In this paper, we redefine leakage-deterring schemes. We remove the trust in the authority and guarantee full protection of user secrets under CCA attacks. Furthermore, in our construction, all keys and ciphertexts are short and constant in the size of the secrets. We achieve this by taking a different approach: we require users to periodically refresh their secret keys by running a protocol with a third party. Users do so anonymously, which ensures that they cannot be linked, and that the third party cannot perform selective failure attacks. We then leverage this refresh protocol to allow for the retrieval of user secrets in case they share their decryption capabilities. This refresh protocol also allows for the revocation of user keys and for the protection of user secrets in case of loss or theft of a decryption device. We provide security definitions for our new model as well as efficient instantiations that we prove secure.
Lukas Malina, Gautam Srivastava, Petr Dzurenda, Jan Hajny, Sara Ricci
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The world has seen an influx of connected devices through both smart devices and smart cities, paving the path forward for the Internet of Things (IoT). These emerging intelligent infrastructures and applications based on IoT can be beneficial to users only if essential private and secure features are assured. However, with constrained devices being the norm in IoT, security and privacy are often minimized. In this paper, we first categorize various existing privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs) and assessment of their suitability for privacy-requiring services within IoT. We also categorize potential privacy risks, threats, and leakages related to various IoT use cases. Furthermore, we propose a simple novel privacy-preserving framework based on a set of suitable privacy-enhancing technologies in order to maintain security and privacy within IoT services. Our study can serve as a baseline of privacy-by-design strategies applicable to IoT based services, with a particular focus on smart things, such as safety equipment.
Carsten Baum, Tore K. Frederiksen, Julia Hesse, Anja Lehmann, Avishay Yanai
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Single Sign-On (SSO) is becoming an increasingly popular authentication method for users that leverages a trusted Identity Provider (IdP) to bootstrap secure authentication tokens from a single user password. It alleviates some of the worst security issues of passwords, as users no longer need to memorize individual passwords for all service providers, and it removes the burden of these service to properly protect huge password databases. However, SSO also introduces a single point of failure. If compromised, the IdP can impersonate all users and learn their master passwords. To remedy this risk while preserving the advantages of SSO, Agrawal et al. (CCS'18) recently proposed a distributed realization termed PASTA (password-authenticated threshold authentication) which splits the role of the IdP across $n$ servers. While PASTA is a great step forward and guarantees security as long as not all servers are corrupted, it uses a rather inflexible corruption model: servers cannot be corrupted adaptively and --- even worse --- cannot recover from corruption. The latter is known as proactive security and allows servers to re-share their keys, thereby rendering all previously compromised information useless.

In this work, we improve upon the work of PASTA and propose a distributed SSO protocol with proactive and adaptive security (PESTO), guaranteeing security as long as not all servers are compromised at the same time. We prove our scheme secure in the UC framework which is known to provide the best security guarantees for password-based primitives. %as it avoids any unrealistic assumption on password distributions. The core of our protocol are two new primitives we introduce: partially-oblivious distributed PRFs and a class of distributed signature schemes. Both allow for non-interactive refreshs of the secret key material and tolerate adaptive corruptions. We give secure instantiations based on the gap one-more BDH and RSA assumption respectively, leading to a highly efficient 2-round PESTO protocol. We also present an implementation and benchmark of our scheme in Java, realizing OAuth-compatible bearer tokens for SSO, demonstrating the viability of our approach.
Georg Maringer, Tim Fritzmann, Johanna Sepúlveda
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Learning with Errors (LWE) and Ring-LWE (RLWE) problems allow the construction of efficient key exchange and public-key encryption schemes. However, while improving the security through the use of error distributions with large standard deviations, the decryption failure rate increases as well. Currently, the independence of individual coefficient failures is assumed to estimate the overall decryption failure rate of many LWE/RLWE schemes. However, previous work has shown that this assumption is not correct. This assumption leads to wrong estimates of the decryption failure probability and consequently of the security level of the LWE/RLWE cryptosystem. An exploration of the influence of the LWE/RLWE parameters on the stochastic dependence among the coefficients is still missing. In this paper, we propose a method to analyze the stochastic dependence between decryption failures in LWE/RLWE cryptosystems. We present two main contributions. First, we use statistical methods to analyze the influence of fixing the norm of the error distribution on the stochastic dependence among decryption failures. The results have shown that fixing the norm of the error distribution indeed reduces the stochastic dependence of decryption failures. Therefore, the independence assumption gives a very close approximation to the true behavior of the cryptosystem. Second, we analyze and explore the influence of the LWE/RLWE parameters on the stochastic dependence. This exploration gives designers of LWE/RLWE based schemes the opportunity to compare different schemes with respect to the inaccuracy made by using the independence assumption. This work shows that the stochastic dependence depends on three LWE/RLWE parameters in different ways: i) it increases with higher lattice dimensions ($n$) and higher standard deviations of the error distribution ($\sqrt{k/2}$); and ii) it decreases with higher modulus ($q$).
Jung Hee Cheon, Duhyeong Kim, Taechan Kim, Yongha Son
ePrint Report ePrint Report
A trapdoor over NTRU lattice proposed by Ducas, Lyubashevsky and Prest~(ASIACRYPT 2014) has been widely used in various crytographic primitives such as identity-based encryption~(IBE) and digital signature, due to its high efficiency compared to previous lattice trapdoors. However, the most of applications use this trapdoor with the power-of-two cyclotomic rings, and hence to obtain higher security level one should double the ring dimension which results in a huge loss of efficiency.

In this paper, we give a new way to overcome this problem by introducing a generalized notion of NTRU lattices which we call \emph{Module-NTRU}~(MNTRU) lattices, and show how to efficiently generate a trapdoor over MNTRU lattices. Moreover, beyond giving parameter flexibility, we further show that the Gram-Schmidt norm of the trapdoor can be reached to about $q^{1/d},$ where MNTRU covers $d \ge 2$ cases while including NTRU as $d = 2$ case. Since the efficiency of trapdoor-based IBE is closely related to the Gram-Schmidt norm of trapdoor, our trapdoor over MNTRU lattice brings more efficient IBE scheme than the previously best one of Ducas, Lyubashevsky and Prest, while providing the same security level.
Andrew M. K. Nassief
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Distributed computational networks allow for effective hardware encryption systems and the rise of Quantum level encryption as well for Qubit based processing. Part of the reason distributed architecture can lead to Qubit level encryption is similar mechanisms applied to cryptographic hashing. In the work presented in this paper, we will look at the decentralized-internet SDK and protocol, grid computing architecture, and mathematical approaches to parallel Qubit-based processing. The utilization for hardware oriented cryptography, modeled around distributed computing, will allow for an even more secure approach to Quantum authentication. The importance of works such as these, are due to the lack of security classical computing has in relation to encryption. Once mathematical formalities surpass NP-hardness, classical encryption mechanisms can be easily surpassed. However, a latent model for increased complexity in post-quantum level encryption likely forbids this trade-off. Given that Quantum Algorithms speed up superpolynomially, than deterministic NP-hardness would likely pose less harm to quantum encryption networks. Furthermore, with Qubit-based parallel processing, complexity models for encryption can harden in difficulty over time.
Edward Eaton, Fang Song
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In a highly influential paper from fifteen years ago, Canetti, Goldreich, and Halevi showed a fundamental separation between the Random Oracle Model (ROM) and the Standard Model. They constructed a signature scheme which can be shown to be secure in the ROM, but is insecure when instantiated with any hash function (and thus insecure in the standard model). In 2011, Boneh et al. defined the notion of the Quantum Random Oracle Model (QROM), where queries to the random oracle may be made in quantum superposition. Because the QROM generalizes the ROM, a proof of security in the QROM is stronger than one in the ROM. This leaves open the possibility that security in the QROM could imply security in the standard model. In this work, we show that this is not the case, and that security in the QROM cannot imply standard model security. We do this by showing that the original schemes that show a separation between the standard model and the ROM are also secure in the QROM. We consider two schemes that establish such a separation, one with length-restricted messages, and one without, and show both to be secure in the QROM. Our results give further understanding to the landscape of proofs in the ROM versus the QROM or standard model, and point towards the QROM and ROM being much closer to each other than either is to standard model security.
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