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05 February 2020

TU Wien, Vienna, Austria
Job Posting Job Posting
As part of a special measure towards increasing female employment in scientific positions and promoting young researchers, the Faculty of Informatics at the TU Wien invites applications for two full time Assistant Professor positions (tenure track) for women.
The candidates should have an excellent research record, experience in working with industry, relevant postdoctoral experience, and a compelling research vision.
Applications are welcome from any field of computer science. We are particularly interested in candidates working in areas that will complement our existing expertise and lead to fruitful collaborations with other members of the faculty and TU Wien in general. In particular, researchers in security, privacy, and cryptography are encouraged to apply.
Deadline for applications is March 8, 2020. More information (including a dedicated brochure) is available at

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Matteo Maffei

Amalfi, Italy, 9 September - 11 September 2020
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 9 September to 11 September 2020
Submission deadline: 19 April 2020
Notification: 14 June 2020

04 February 2020

Patrick Karl, Michael Tempelmeier
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The "Competition for Authenticated Encryption: Security, Applicability, and Robustness" (CAESAR) was the first cryptographic competition that required designers to use a mandatory hardware API for their implementations. Recently, a similar hardware API for the NIST Lightweight Cryptography (LWC) project was proposed. Both APIs feature an accompanying development package to help designers implementing the API.

In this paper, we have an in-depth look on these packages. We analyze the features of both packages, discuss their resource utilization, and demonstrate their impact on Ascon128, SpoC-64, and Gimli implementations on a modern Artix-7 FPGA. Finally, we provide some tweaks and enhancements to further optimize the development package for the LWC API.
Alex Davidson, Shuichi Katsumata, Ryo Nishimaki, Shota Yamada, Takashi Yamakawa
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Constrained pseudorandom functions (CPRFs) allow learning ``constrained'' PRF keys that can evaluate the PRF on a subset of the input space, or based on some predicate. First introduced by Boneh and Waters [AC’13], Kiayias et al. [CCS’13] and Boyle et al. [PKC’14], they have shown to be a useful cryptographic primitive with many applications. These applications often require CPRFs to be adaptively secure, which allows the adversary to learn PRF values and constrained keys in an arbitrary order. However, there is no known construction of adaptively secure CPRFs based on a standard assumption in the standard model for any non-trivial class of predicates. Moreover, even if we rely on strong tools such as indistinguishability obfuscation (IO), the state-of-the-art construction of adaptively secure CPRFs in the standard model only supports the limited class of NC1 predicates.

In this work, we develop new adaptively secure CPRFs for various predicates from different types of assumptions in the standard model. Our results are summarized below.

- We construct adaptively secure and $O(1)$-collusion-resistant CPRFs for $t$-conjunctive normal form ($t$-CNF) predicates from one-way functions (OWFs) where $t$ is a constant. Here, $O(1)$-collusion-resistance means that we can allow the adversary to obtain a constant number of constrained keys. Note that $t$-CNF includes bit-fixing predicates as a special case.

- We construct adaptively secure and single-key CPRFs for inner-product predicates from the learning with errors (LWE) assumption. Here, single-key security means that we only allow the adversary to learn one constrained key. Note that inner-product predicates include $t$-CNF predicates for a constant $t$ as a special case. Thus, this construction supports more expressive class of predicates than that supported by the first construction though it loses the collusion-resistance and relies on a stronger assumption.

- We construct adaptively secure and $O(1)$-collusion-resistant CPRFs for all circuits from the LWE assumption and indistinguishability obfuscation (IO).

The first and second constructions are the first CPRFs for any non-trivial predicates to achieve adaptive security outside of the random oracle model or relying on strong cryptographic assumptions. Moreover, the first construction is also the first to achieve any notion of collusion-resistance in this setting. Besides, we prove that the first and second constructions satisfy weak $1$-key privacy, which roughly means that a constrained key does not reveal the corresponding constraint. The third construction is an improvement over previous adaptively secure CPRFs for less expressive predicates based on IO in the standard model.
Ran Canetti, Pratik Sarkar, Xiao Wang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Oblivious Transfer (OT) is an important building block for multi-party computation (MPC). Since OT requires expensive public-key operations, efficiency-conscious MPC protocols use an OT extension (OTE) mechanism [Beaver 96, Ishai et al. 03] to provide the functionality of many independent OT instances with the same sender and receiver, using only symmetric-key operations plus few instances of some base OT protocol. Consequently there is significant interest in constructing OTE friendly protocols, namely protocols that, when used as base-OT for OTE, result in extended OT that are both round-efficient and cost-efficient. We present the most efficient OTE-friendly protocol to date.


- Our base protocol incurs only 3 exponentiations per instance.

- Our base protocol results in a 3 round extended OT protocol.

- The extended protocol is UC secure in the Observable Random Oracle Model (ROM) under the CDH assumption.

For comparison, the state of the art for base OTs that result in 3-round OTE are proven only in the programmable ROM, and require 4 exponentiations under Interactive DDH or 6 exponentiations under DDH [Masney-Rindal 19]. We also implement our protocol and benchmark it against the Simplest OT protocol [Chou and Orlandi, Latincrypt 2015], which is the most efficient and widely used OT protocol but not known to suffice for OTE. The computation cost is roughly the same in both cases. Interestingly, our base OT is also 3 rounds. However, we slightly modify the extension mechanism (which normally adds a round) so as to preserve the number of rounds in our case.
Lucca Hirschi, Lara Schmid, David Basin
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The results of electronic elections should be verifiable so that any cheating is detected. To support this, many protocols employ an electronic bulletin board (BB) for publishing data that can be read by participants and used to perform verifiability checks. We demonstrate that the BB is itself a security-critical component that has often been treated far too casually in previous designs and analyses. In particular, we present novel attacks on the e-voting protocols Helios, Civitas, and Belenios that violate some of their central security claims under realistic system assumptions. These attacks were outside the scope of prior security analyses as their verifiability notions assume an idealized BB.

To enable the analysis of protocols under realistic assumptions about the BB, we introduce a new verifiability definition that is applicable to arbitrary BBs. We identify a requirement, called final-agreement, and formally prove that it is sufficient and, in most cases, necessary to achieve verifiability. We then propose a BB protocol that satisfies final-agreement under weak, realistic trust assumptions and provide a machine-checked proof thereof. Our protocol can be used as a replacement for existing BBs, enabling verifiability under much weaker trust assumptions.
Christoph Dobraunig, Florian Mendel, Bart Mennink
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We analyze the authenticated encryption algorithm of ORANGE, a submission to the NIST lightweight cryptography standardization process. We show that it is practically possible to craft forgeries out of two observed transmitted messages that encrypt the same plaintext. The authors of ORANGE have confirmed the attack, and they discuss a fix for this attack in their second-round submission of ORANGE to the NIST lightweight cryptography competition.
Ryan Amos, Marios Georgiou, Aggelos Kiayias, Mark Zhandry
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We define the notion of one-shot signatures, which are signatures where any secret key can be used to sign only a single message, and then self-destructs. While such signatures are of course impossible classically, we construct one-shot signatures using quantum no-cloning. In particular, we show that such signatures exist relative to a classical oracle, which we can then heuristically obfuscate using known indistinguishability obfuscation schemes.

We show that one-shot signatures have numerous applications for hybrid quantum/classical cryptographic tasks, where all communication is required to be classical, but local quantum operations are allowed. Applications include one-time signature tokens, quantum money with classical communication, decentralized blockchain-less cryptocurrency, signature schemes with unclonable secret keys, non-interactive certifiable min-entropy, and more. We thus position one-shot signatures as a powerful new building block for novel quantum cryptographic protocols.
Frank Schuhmacher
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We suggests a relaxed freshness paradigm for challenge-response authentication for each field of application where challenger and responder are tightly coupled and authentication takes place in a friendly environment. Replay attacks are not feasible under this premise, and freshness can be relaxed to relative freshness: no refresh is required as long as all previously tested responders were authentic. One field of application is anti-counterfeiting of electronic device components. The main contribution is a formal security proof of an authentication scheme with choked refresh. A practical implication is the lifetime increase of stored challenge-response-pairs. This is a considerable advantage for solutions based on hardware intrinsic security. For solutions based on symmetric keys, it opens the possibility to use challenge-response-pairs instead of secret keys by the challenger – a cheap way to reduce the risk of key disclosure.
Frank Schuhmacher
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We provide a solution for the authentication of a component, accessory, smart card or tag by a main device via challenge-response-tests of two MCU intrinsic features: Progression in the execution of test programs (measured in processor clocks) and peripheral feedback to internal stimulation. The main device will be called challenger and the other device responder. Our solution requires that the authentic responders are characterized by a dedicated MCU model and a common responder ID in read-only MCU registers. Its main application is the detection/lock-out of counterfeit batteries, cartridges, sensors, or control units. The solution also suits as a redundant authentication factor in high security applications, such as payment, or conditional access.
Estuardo Alpirez Bock, Alessandro Amadori, Chris Brzuska, Wil Michiels
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We discuss existing and new security notions for white-box cryptography and comment on their suitability for Digital Rights Management and Mobile Payment Applications, the two prevalent use-cases of white-box cryptography. In particular, we put forward indistinguishability for white-box cryptography with hardware-binding (IND-WHW) as a new security notion that we deem central. We also discuss the security property of application-binding and explain the issues faced when defining it as a formal security notion. Based on our proposed notion for hardware-binding, we describe a possible white-box competition setup which assesses white-box implementations w.r.t. hardware-binding. Our proposed competition setup allows us to capture hardware-binding in a practically meaningful way.

While some symmetric encryption schemes have been proven to admit plain white-box implementations, we show that not all secure symmetric encryption schemes are white-boxeable in the plain white-box attack scenario, i.e., without hardware-binding. Thus, even strong assumptions such as indistinguishability obfuscation cannot be used to provide secure white-box implementations for arbitrary ciphers. Perhaps surprisingly, our impossibility result does not carry over to the hardware-bound scenario. In particular, Alpirez Bock, Brzuska, Fischlin, Janson and Michiels (ePrint 2019/1014) proved a rather general feasibility result in the hardware-bound model. Equally important, the apparent theoretical distinction between the plain white-box model and the hardware-bound white-box model also translates into practically reduced attack capabilities as we explain in this paper.
Boxin Zhao, Xiaoyang Dong, Keting Jia, Willi Meier
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Deoxys-BC is the core internal tweakable block cipher of the authenticated encryption schemes Deoxys-I and Deoxys-II. Deoxys-II is one of the six schemes in the final portfolio of the CAESAR competition, while Deoxys-I is a 3rd round candidate. By well studying the new method proposed by Cid et al. at ToSC 2017 and BDT technique proposed by Wang and Peyrin at ToSC 2019, we find a new 11-round related-tweakey boomerang distinguisher of Deoxys-BC-384 with probability of $2^{-118.4}$, and give a related-tweakey rectangle attack on 13-round Deoxys-BC-384 with a data complexity of $2^{125.2}$ and time complexity of $2^{186.7}$, and then apply it to analyze 13-round Deoxys-I-256-128 in this paper. This is the first time that an attack on 13-round Deoxys-I-256-128 is given, while the previous attack on this version only reaches 12 rounds.
Boxin Zhao, Xiaoyang Dong, Keting Jia
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In the CAESAR competition, Deoxys-I and Deoxys-II are two important authenticated encryption schemes submitted by Jean et al. Recently, Deoxys-II together with Ascon, ACORN, AEGIS-128, OCB and COLM have been selected as the final CAESAR portfolio. Notably, Deoxys-II is also the primary choice for the use case ``Defense in depth''. However, Deoxys-I remains to be one of the third-round candidates of the CAESAR competition. Both Deoxys-I and Deoxys-II adopt Deoxys-BC-256 and Deoxys-BC-384 as their internal tweakable block ciphers.

In this paper, we investigate the security of round-reduced Deoxys-BC-256/-384 and Deoxys-I against the related-tweakey boomerang and rectangle attacks with some new boomerang distinguishers. For Deoxys-BC-256, we present 10-round related-tweakey boomerang and rectangle attacks for the popular setting $(|tweak|,|key|)=(128,128)$, which reach one more round than the previous attacks in this setting. Moreover, an 11-round related-tweakey rectangle attack on Deoxys-BC-256 is given for the first time. We also put forward a 13-round related-tweakey boomerang attack in the popular setting $(|tweak|,|key|)=(128,256)$ for Deoxys-BC-384, while the previous attacks in this setting only work for 12 rounds at most. In addition, the first 14-round related-tweakey rectangle attack on Deoxys-BC-384 is given when $(|tweak|<98,|key|>286)$, that attacks one more round than before. Besides, we give the first 10-round rectangle attack on the authenticated encryption mode Deoxys-I-128-128 with one more round than before, and we also reduce the complexity of the related-tweakey rectangle attack on 12-round Deoxys-I-256-128 by a factor of $2^{28}$. Our attacks can not be applied to (round-reduced) Deoxys-II.
Haibat Khan, Keith M. Martin
ePrint Report ePrint Report
End-user privacy in mobile telephony systems is nowadays of great interest because of the envisaged hyper connectivity and the potential of the unprecedented services (virtual reality, machine-type communication, vehicle-to-everything, IoT, etc) being offered by the new 5G system. This paper reviews the state of subscription privacy in 5G systems. As the work on 5G Release 15 – the first full set of 5G standards – has just recently been completed, this seems to be an ideal occasion for such a review. The scope of the privacy study undertaken is limited to the wireless part of the 5G system which occurs between the service provider’s base station and the subscriber’s mobile phone. Although 5G offers better privacy guarantees than its predecessors, contrary to popular belief, this work highlights that there still remain significant issues which need rectifying. To shed light on this matter, we undertook an endeavour to (i) compile the privacy vulnerabilities that already existed in the previous mobile telephony generations. Thereafter, (ii) the privacy improvements offered by the recently finalised 5G standard were aggregated. Consequently, (iii) we were able to highlight privacy issues from previous generations that remain unresolved in 5G Release 15. For completeness, (iv) we also explore new privacy attacks which surfaced after the publication of the 5G standard. To address the identified privacy gaps, we present future research directions in form of proposed improvements.
Claude Carlet, Kwang Ho Kim, Sihem Mesnager
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Using recent results on solving the equation $X^{2^k+1}+X+a=0$ over a finite field $\GF{2^n}$, we address an open question raised by the first author in WAIFI 2014 concerning the APN-ness of the Kasami functions $x\mapsto x^{2^{2k}-2^k+1}$ with $gcd(k,n)=1$, $x\in\GF{2^n}$
Beer Sheva, Israel, 24 May - 26 May 2020
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 24 May to 26 May 2020
Fukui, Japan, 2 September - 4 September 2020
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 2 September to 4 September 2020
Submission deadline: 23 March 2020
Notification: 22 May 2020
Benjamin Dowling, Torben Brandt Hansen, Kenneth G. Paterson
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Hybrid Authenticated Key Exchange (AKE) protocols combine keying material from different sources (post-quantum, classical, and quantum key distribution (QKD)) to build protocols that are resilient to catastrophic failures of the different components. These failures may be due to advances in quantum computing, implementation vulnerabilities, or our evolving understanding of the quantum (and even classical) security of supposedly quantum-secure primitives. This hybrid approach is a prime candidate for initial deployment of post-quantum-secure cryptographic primitives because it hedges against undiscovered weaknesses. We propose a general framework HAKE for analysing the security of such hybrid AKE protocols. HAKE extends the classical Bellare-Rogaway model for AKE security to encompass forward security, post-compromise security, fine-grained compromise of different cryptographic components, and more. We use the framework to provide a security analysis of a new hybrid AKE protocol named Muckle. This protocol operates in one round trip and leverages the pre-established symmetric keys that are inherent to current QKD designs to provide message authentication, avoiding the need to use expensive post-quantum signature schemes. We provide an implementation of our Muckle protocol, instantiating our generic construction with classical and post-quantum Diffie-Hellman-based algorithmic choices. Finally, we report on benchmarking exercises against our implementation, examining its performance in terms of clock cycles, elapsed wall-time, and additional latency in both LAN and WAN settings.
Novak Kaluđerović, Thorsten Kleinjung, Dusan Kostić
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We give an algorithm for key recovery of the Legendre pseudorandom function that supersedes the best known algorithms so far. The expected number of operations is $O(\sqrt{p\log{\log{p}}})$ on a $\Theta(\log{p})$-bit word machine, under reasonable heuristic assumptions, and requires only $\sqrt[4]{p~{\log^2{p}}\log{\log{p}}}$ oracle queries. If the number of queries $M$ is smaller, the expected number of operations is $\frac{{p}\log{p}\log\log{p}}{M^2}$. We further show that the algorithm works in many different generalisations -- using a different character instead of the Legendre symbol, using the Jacobi symbol, or using a degree $r$ polynomial in the Legendre symbol numerator. In the latter case we show how to use Möbius transforms to lower the complexity to $O(p^{\operatorname{max}\{r-3,r/2\}}r^2\log{p})$ Legendre symbol computations, and $O(p^{\operatorname{max}\{r-4,r/2\}}r^2\log{p})$ in the case of a reducible polynomial. We also give an $O(\sqrt[3]{p})$ quantum algorithm that does not require a quantum oracle, and comments on the action of the Möbius group in the linear PRF case. On the practical side we give implementational details of our algorithm. We give the solutions of the $64, 74$ and $84$-bit prime challenges for key recovery with $M=2^{20}$ queries posed by Ethereum, out of which only the $64$ and $74$-bit were solved earlier.
Stanislav S. Malakhov
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The survey deals with elliptic curves which are implemented in the OpenSSL 1.1.1d software library. The objective of this work is to highlight the elliptic curves which comply with the Russian national digital signature standard, namely the GOST R 34.10--2012. For this reason the paper focuses on the OpenSSL elliptic curves over a finite field of a prime order and provides the results of testing those curves for compliance with the GOST R 34.10--2012 requirements. Two cases are observed. The first case covers a complete set of restrictions imposed on elliptic curves parameters, whereas the second one differs in that a restriction on a bit length of a number of points on the curve is omitted. For both cases the paper presents tables which list the curves tested along with corresponding match marks. In order to conduct tests the Wolfram Mathematica computing system was employed, and the Wolfram language source code is given in the appendices. Note, that the paper does not address to a rationale of the requirements of the standard nor does it focus on the parameters generation issues.
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