International Association for Cryptologic Research

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18 February 2020

Maria Eichlseder, Lorenzo Grassi, Reinhard Lüftenegger, Morten Øygarden, Christian Rechberger, Markus Schofnegger, Qingju Wang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Algebraically simple PRFs, ciphers, or cryptographic hash functions are becoming increasingly popular, for example due to their attractive properties for MPC and new proof systems (SNARKs, STARKs, among many others). In this paper, we focus on the algebraically simple construction MiMC which became an attractive cryptanalytic target due to its simplicity, but also due to its use as a baseline in an ongoing competition for more recent designs exploring this design space.

For the first time, we are able to describe key-recovery attacks on all full-round versions of MiMC over GF(2^n), requiring half the codebook. Recovering the key from this data for the n-bit version of MiMC takes the equivalent of less than 2^(n-log_2(n)+1) calls to MiMC and negligible amounts of memory.

The attack procedure is a generalization of higher-order differential cryptanalysis, and it is based on two main ingredients: First, a zero-sum distinguisher which exploits the fact that the algebraic degree of MiMC grows much slower than originally believed. Second, an approach to turn the zero-sum distinguisher into a key-recovery attack without needing to guess the full subkey.

The attack has been practically verified on toy versions of MiMC. Note that our attack does not affect the security of MiMC over prime fields.

17 February 2020

21 March - 25 March 2021
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 21 March to 25 March 2021
Submission deadline: 2 March 2020
Notification: 1 May 2020
Award Award
Starting with the CHES conference in 2020 the CHES Test-of-Time Award is given yearly. An award will be given in year X to honor a paper published at (T)CHES in years X-21 to X-19 which has had a lasting impact on the field with respect to academia and/or industry.

Nominations for the 2020 award (for papers published in 1999-2001) are welcomed by the selection committee. Deadline for nomination is May 3, 2020 23:59 AoE.

The proceedings of the relevant conferences can be found here:
CHES 1999
CHES 2000
CHES 2001

In order to nominate please send an email to the chair of selection committee with the following contents:
  1. email subject line: ches test of time award nomination
  2. mention: paper title and publication year
  3. provide short justification why the paper should receive the award by providing number of citations, describing influence in industry, etc. in a max. 2 pages document or text in the email body
More information about the CHES Test-of-Time award can be found here:

The 2020 Selection Committee:
  • Benedikt Gierlichs (chair)
  • Helena Handschuh
  • Marc Joye
  • Christof Paar
  • Pankaj Rohatgi
Zagreb, Croatia, 10 May 2020
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 10 May 2020
Submission deadline: 6 March 2020
Notification: 16 March 2020
Paderborn University
Job Posting Job Posting
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics has two full-time research assistant positions in the area of System Security.

Our group provides a relaxed and inspiring working atmosphere allowing you to address challenging research problems or to develop new cool attacks on well-used cryptographic implementations.

Your profile:

  • Academic degree in Informatics, Mathematics, or a related area; ideally (but not mandatory) with a specialization in the area of IT security or cryptography
  • High interest in research in IT security or applied cryptography
  • Solid know-how in at least one of these areas:
    • Applied cryptography (e. g., protocols like TLS or SSH)
    • System security (e. g., fuzzing, reverse engineering or microarchitectural attacks)
    • Web security

Deadline: 2nd March 2020. More information at:

Closing date for applications:

Contact: For further details about the position, you can contact Juraj Somorovsky.

More information:

Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), Singapore
Job Posting Job Posting
Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) is a young university which was established in collaboration with MIT. iTrust is a Cyber Security Research Center with 10+ multi-discipline faculty members from SUTD. It has the world’s best facilities in cyber-physical systems (CPS).

I am looking for postdocs & research fellows with expertise on cyber-physical system security. The candidates should have track record of strong R&D capability, be a good team player, and also have good written/oral communication skills. The positions are available immediately, and will provide an excellent opportunity to perform both basic and translational research in close collaboration with industry. Successful candidates will be offered internationally competitive remuneration, and enjoy high-quality living and low tax rates in Singapore.

Interested candidates please send your CV with a research statement to Prof. Jianying Zhou. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interview.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Prof. Jianying Zhou (

More information:

Télécom Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Job Posting Job Posting

Télécom Paris, one of the top four engineering schools in France for training general engineers and PhDs, invites application for a tenured position of Professor in Cryptography. The successful candidate will join the Computer Science and Networks department of the school and will be at the center of a unique innovation ecosystem on the Paris-Saclay Campus.

Details about this job offer can be found on :

The closing date for applications is April 12, 2020.

Informal enquiries may be made to Bertrand Meyer (

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Bertrand Meyer

More information:


14 February 2020

Trondheim, Norway, 25 April - 30 April 2021
Eurocrypt Eurocrypt
Event date: 25 April to 30 April 2021
Kohei Nakagawa, Hiroshi Onuki, Atsushi Takayasu, Tsuyoshi Takagi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Isogeny-based cryptography is a kind of post-quantum cryptography whose security relies on the hardness of an isogeny problem over elliptic curves. In this paper, we study CSIDH, which is one of isogeny-based cryptography presented by Castryck et al. in Asiacrypt 2018. In CSIDH, the secret key is taken from an $L_\infty$-norm ball of integer vectors and the public key is generated by calculating the action of an ideal class corresponding to a secret key. For faster key exchange, it is important to accelerate the algorithm calculating the action of the ideal class group, many such approaches have been studied recently. Several papers showed that CSIDH becomes more efficient when a secret key space is changed to weighted $L_\infty$-norm ball. In this paper, we revisit the approach and try to find an optimal secret key space which minimizes the computational cost of the group action. At first, we obtain an optimal secret key space by analyzing computational cost of CSIDH with respect to the number of operations on $\mathbb{F}_p$. Since the optimal key space is too complicated to sample a secret key uniformly, we approximate the optimal key space by using $L_1$-norm ball and propose algorithms for uniform sampling with some precomputed table. By experiment with CSIDH-512, we show that the computational cost of the $L_1$-norm ball is reduced by about 20\% compared to that of the $L_\infty$-norm ball, using a precomputed table of 160 Kbytes. The cost is only 1.08 times of the cost of the optimal secret key space. Finally, we also discuss possible sampling algorithms using other norm balls and their efficiency.
Prabhanjan Ananth, Abhishek Jain, ZhengZhong Jin, Giulio Malavolta
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We construct a multikey fully-homomorphic encryption scheme (multikey FHE) with one-round threshold decryption in the plain model, i.e. without a trusted setup, assuming the intractability of standard problems over lattices. Prior to our work, such a scheme was only known to exist assuming sub-exponentially hard indistinguishability obfuscation.
Nathan Keller, Asaf Rosemarin
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The HADES design strategy combines the classical SPN construction with the Partial SPN (PSPN) construction, in which at every encryption round, the non-linear layer is applied to only a part of the state. In a HADES design, a middle layer that consists of PSPN rounds is surrounded by outer layers of SPN rounds. The security arguments of HADES with respect to statistical attacks use only the SPN rounds, disregarding the PSPN rounds. This allows the designers to not pose any restriction on the MDS matrix used as the linear mixing operation.

In this paper we show that the choice of the MDS matrix significantly affects the security level provided by HADES designs. If the MDS is chosen properly, then the security level of the scheme against differential and linear attacks is significantly higher than claimed by the designers. On the other hand, weaker choices of the MDS allow for extremely large invariant subspaces that pass the entire middle layer without activating any non-linear operation (a.k.a. S-box).

We showcase our results on the Starkad and Poseidon instantiations of HADES. For Poseidon, we significantly improve the lower bounds on the number of active S-boxes with respect to both differential and linear cryptanalysis provided by the designers -- for example, from 28 to 60 active S-boxes for the t=6 variant. For Starkad, we show that the t=24 variant proposed by the designers admits an invariant subspace of a huge size of $2^{1134}$ that passes any number of PSPN rounds without activating any S-box. Furthermore, we show that the problem can be fixed easily by replacing t with any value that is not divisible by four.
Santosh Ghosh, Luis S Kida, Soham Jayesh Desai, Reshma Lal
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This paper proposes a method to protect DMA data transfer that can be used to offload computation to an accelerator. The proposal minimizes changes in the hardware platform and to the application and SW stack. The paper de-scribes the end-to-end scheme to protect communication between an appli-cation running inside a SGX enclave and a FPGA accelerator optimized for bandwidth and latency and details the implementation of AES-GCM hard-ware engines with high bandwidth and low latency.
Christian Badertscher, Ueli Maurer, Christopher Portmann, Guilherme Rito
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This paper takes a fresh approach to systematically characterizing, comparing, and understanding CCA-type security definitions for public-key encryption (PKE), a topic with a long history. The justification for a concrete security definition $X$ is relative to a benchmark application (e.g. confidential communication): Does the use of a PKE scheme satisfying $X$ imply the security of the application? Because unnecessarily strong definitions may lead to unnecessarily inefficient schemes or unnecessarily strong computational assumptions, security definitions should be as weak as possible, i.e. as close as possible to (but above) the benchmark. Understanding the hierarchy of security definitions, partially ordered by the implication (i.e. at least as strong) relation, is hence important, as is placing the relevant applications as benchmark levels within the hierarchy.

CCA-2 security is apparently the strongest notion, but because it is arguably too strong, Canetti, Krawczyk, and Nielsen (Crypto 2003) proposed the relaxed notions of Replayable CCA security (RCCA) as perhaps the weakest meaningful definition, and they investigated the space between CCA and RCCA security by proposing two versions of Detectable RCCA (d-RCCA) security which are meant to ensure that replays of ciphertexts are either publicly or secretly detectable (and hence preventable).

The contributions of this paper are three-fold. First, following the work of Coretti, Maurer, and Tackmann (Asiacrypt 2013), we formalize the three benchmark applications of PKE that serve as the natural motivation for security notions, namely the construction of certain types of (possibly replay-protected) confidential channels (from an insecure and an authenticated communication channel). Second, we prove that RCCA does not achieve the confidentiality benchmark and, contrary to previous belief, that the proposed d-RCCA notions are not even relaxations of CCA-2 security. Third, we propose the natural security notions corresponding to the three benchmarks: an appropriately strengthened version of RCCA to ensure confidentiality, as well as two notions for capturing public and secret replay detectability.
Eugene Frimpong, Alexandros Bakas, Hai-Van Dang, Antonis Michalas
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Symmetric Searchable Encryption (SSE) allows the outsourcing of encrypted data to possible untrusted third party services while simultaneously giving the opportunity to users to search over the encrypted data in a secure and privacy-preserving way. Currently, the majority of SSE schemes have been designed to fit a typical cloud service scenario where users (clients) encrypt their data locally and upload them securely to a remote location. While this scenario fits squarely the cloud paradigm, it cannot apply to the emerging field of Internet of Things (IoT). This is due to the fact that the performance of most of the existing SSE schemes has been tested using powerful machines and not the constrained devices used in IoT services. The focus of this paper is to prove that SSE schemes can, under certain circumstances, work on constrained devices and eventually be adopted by IoT services. To this end, we designed and implemented a forward private dynamic SSE scheme that can run smoothly on resource-constrained devices. To do so, we adopted a fog node scenario where edge (constrained) devices sense data, encrypt them locally and use the capabilities of fog nodes to store sensed data in a remote location (the cloud). Consequently, end users can search for specific keywords over the stored ciphertexts without revealing anything about their content. Our scheme achieves efficient computational operations and supports the multi-client model. The performance of the scheme is evaluated by conducting extensive experiments. Finally, the security of the scheme is proven through a theoretical analysis that considers the existence of a malicious adversary.
Stefan Dziembowski, Grzegorz Fabiański, Sebastian Faust, Siavash Riahi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Most of blockchains do not scale well, i.e., they cannot process quickly large amounts of transactions. Moreover, using blockchains can be expensive in real life, since blockchain operations cost fees. One of the remedies for these problem are \emph{off-chain} (or: \emph{Layer-2}) protocols where the massive bulk of transactions is kept outside of the main blockchain. In the optimistic case, off-chain protocols drastically improve scalability, since typically the users only need to communicate with the blockchain when they enter, or when they exit the system. In the pessimistic case when parties are malicious a ``smart contract'' running on the underlying blockchain guarantees that no coins are stolen.

In this work we initiate the study of the inherent limitations of off-chain protocols. Concretely, we investigate the so-called \emph{Plasma} systems (also called ``commit chains''), and show that malicious parties can always launch an attack that forces the honest parties to communicate large amounts of data to the blockchain. More concretely: the adversary can always (a) either force the honest parties to communicate a lot with the blockchain, even though they did not intend to (this is traditionally called \emph{mass exit}); or (b) an honest party that wants to leave the system needs to quickly communicate large amounts of data to the blockchain. What makes these attacks particularly hard to handle in real life (and also making our result stronger) is that these attacks do not have so-called \emph{uniquely attributable faults}, i.e.~the smart contract cannot determine which party is malicious, and hence cannot force it to pay the fees for the blockchain interaction.

An important implication of our result is that the benefits of two of the most prominent Plasma types, called \emph{Plasma Cash} and \emph{Fungible Plasma}, cannot be achieved simultaneously. Our results apply to every Plasma system, and cannot be circumvent by introducing additional cryptographic assumptions.
Mohammad Zaheri, Adam O'Neill
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Classically, selective-opening attack (SOA) has been studied for randomized primitives, like randomized encryption schemes and commitments. The study of SOA for deterministic primitives, which presents some unique challenges, was initiated by Bellare et al. (PKC 2015), who showed negative results. Subsequently, Hoang et al. (ASIACRYPT 2016) showed positive results in the non-programmable random oracle model. Here we show the first positive results for SOA security of deterministic primitives in the standard (RO devoid) model. Our results are: \begin{itemize} \item Any $2t$-wise independent hash function is SOA secure for an unbounded number of ``$t$-correlated'' messages, meaning any group of up to $t$ messages are arbitrarily correlated. \item An analogous result for deterministic encryption, from close variant of a NPROM scheme proposed by Hoang et al. \item We connect the one-more-RSA problem of Bellare et al. (J.~Cryptology 2003) to this context and demonstrate this problem is hard under the $\Phi$-Hiding Assumption with large enough encryption exponent. \end{itemize} Our results indicate that SOA for deterministic primitives in the standard model is more tractable than prior work would indicate.
Dimitris Karakostas, Aggelos Kiayias
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Distributed ledgers based on the Proof-of-Work (PoW) paradigm are typically most vulnerable when mining participation is low. During these periods an attacker can mount devastating attacks, such as double spending or censorship of transactions. Checkpointing has been proposed as a mechanism to mitigate such 51% attacks. The core idea is to employ an external set of parties that securely run an assisting service which guarantees the ledger's properties and can be relied upon at times when the invested hashing power is low. We realize the assisting service in two ways, via checkpointing and timestamping, and show that a ledger, which employs either, is secure with high probability, even in the presence of an adversarial mining majority. We put forth the first rigorous study of checkpointing as a mechanism to protect PoW ledgers from 51% attacks. Notably, our design is the first to offer both consistency and liveness guarantees, even under adversarial mining majorities. Our liveness analysis also identifies a previously undocumented attack, namely front-running, which enables Denial-of-Service against existing checkpointed ledger systems. We showcase the liveness guarantees of our mechanism by evaluating the checkpointed version of Ethereum Classic, a blockchain which recently suffered a 51% attack, and build a federated distributed checkpointing service, which provides high assurance with low performance requirements. Finally, we prove the security of our timestamping mechanism, build a fully decentralized timestamping solution, by utilizing a secure distributed ledger, and evaluate its performance on the existing Bitcoin and Ethereum systems.
Daan Leermakers, Boris Skoric
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We re-visit Unclonable Encryption as introduced by Gottesman in 2003. We introduce two qubit-based prepare-and-measure Unclonable Encryption schemes with re-usable keys. In our first scheme there is no classical communication from Alice to Bob. Over a noisy channel its communication rate is lower than in Quantum Key Recycling schemes that lack unclonability. Our second scheme needs more rounds but has the advantage that it achieves the same rate as Quantum Key Distribution.

We provide security proofs for both our schemes, based on the diamond norm distance, taking noise into account.
Martine De Cock, Rafael Dowsley, Anderson C. A. Nascimento, Davis Railsback, Jianwei Shen, Ariel Todoki
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper, we present a secure logistic regression training protocol and its implementation, with a new subprotocol to securely compute the activation function. To the best of our knowledge, we present the fastest existing secure Multi-Party Computation implementation for training logistic regression models on high dimensional genome data distributed across a local area network.
Saikrishna Badrinarayanan, James Bartusek, Sanjam Garg, Daniel Masny, Pratyay Muhkerjee
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We present a reusable two-round multi-party computation (MPC) protocol from the Decisional Diffie Hellman assumption (DDH). In particular, we show how to upgrade any secure two-round MPC protocol to allow reusability of its first message across multiple computations, using Homomorphic Secret Sharing (HSS) and pseudorandom functions in NC1— each of which can be instantiated from DDH.

In our construction, if the underlying two-round MPC protocol is secure against semi-honest adversaries (in the plain model) then so is our reusable two-round MPC protocol. Similarly, if the underlying two-round MPC protocol is secure against malicious adversaries (in the common random/reference string model) then so is our reusable two-round MPC protocol. Previously, such reusable two-round MPC protocols were only known under assumptions on lattices.

At a technical level, we show how to upgrade any two-round MPC protocol to a first message succinct two-round MPC protocol, where the first message of the protocol is generated independently of the computed circuit (though it is not reusable). This step uses homomorphic secret sharing (HSS) and low-depth pseudorandom functions. Next, we show a generic transformation that upgrades any first message succinct two-round MPC to allow for reusability of its first message.
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