05 May 2020
Robert Dryło, Tomasz Kijko, Michał Wroński
Montgomery's formulas for doubling and differential addition in $x$-coordinates for elliptic curves
$By^2 = x^3 + Ax^2 + x$ are among the most efficient formulas for point multiplication after compression.
In general, if $E$ is an elliptic curve over a field $K$, then a degree 2 function $f:E\to K$ such that $f(P) = f(-P)$
for $P\in E$ can be used as a compression and there exist analogous formulas for doubling and differential addition
of values $f$ which can be used in the Montgomery ladder algorithm to compute multiplication $[n]f(P) = f([n]P)$ for $n\in \mathbb N$.
In this paper we give formulas for doubling and differential addition of the same or similar efficiency as Montgomery's for Huff's and general Huff's curves of odd characteristic and degree 2 compression, which seems to be new for these models of elliptic curves. Additionally, we give formulas for point recovery after compression. We also found efficient formulas for general odd-isogeny computation on Huff's curves and we showed how to apply obtained formulas, especially, to the isogeny based cryptography. Moreover, it was showed how to apply obtained by us formulas using compression to the ECM algorithm. In appendix, we present examples of convenient cryptographic Huff's curves, where presented compression techniques can be used.
Dimitris Karakostas, Aggelos Kiayias, Mario Larangeira
Blockchain protocols based on Proof-of-Stake (PoS) depend by nature on the active participation of stakeholders. If users are offline and abstain from the PoS consensus mechanism, the systems security is at risk, so it is imperative to explore ways to both maximize the level of participation and minimize the effects of non-participation. One such option is stake representation, such that users can delegate their participation rights and, in the process, form "stake pools". The core idea is that stake pool operators always participate on behalf of regular users, while the users retain the ownership of their assets. Our work provides a formal PoS wallet construction that enables delegation and stake pool formation. While investigating the construction of addresses in this setting, we distil and explore address malleability, a security property that captures the ability of an attacker to manipulate the delegation information associated with an address. Our analysis consists of identifying multiple levels of malleability, which are taken into account in our papers core result. We then introduce the first ideal functionality of a PoS wallets core which captures the PoS wallets capabilities and is realized as a secure protocol based on standard cryptographic primitives. Finally, we cover how to use the wallet core in conjunction with a PoS ledger, as well as investigate how delegation and stake pools affect a PoS systems security.
Balthazar Bauer, Georg Fuchsbauer
Randomizable encryption lets anyone randomize a ciphertext so it is distributed like a fresh encryption of the same plaintext. Signatures on randomizable ciphertexts (SoRC), introduced by Blazy et al. (PKC'11), let one adapt a signature on a ciphertext to a randomization of the latter. Since signatures can only be adapted to ciphertexts that encrypt the same message as the signed ciphertext, signatures thus obliviously authenticate plaintexts. SoRC have been used as a building block in e-voting, blind signatures, and (delegatable) anonymous credentials.
We observe that SoRC can be seen as signatures on equivalence classes (JoC'19), another primitive with many applications to anonymous authentication, and that SoRC provide better anonymity guarantees. We first strengthen the unforgeability notion for SoRC and then give a scheme that provably achieves it in the generic group model. Signatures in our scheme consist of only 4 bilinear-group elements, which is considerably more efficient than prior schemes.
We observe that SoRC can be seen as signatures on equivalence classes (JoC'19), another primitive with many applications to anonymous authentication, and that SoRC provide better anonymity guarantees. We first strengthen the unforgeability notion for SoRC and then give a scheme that provably achieves it in the generic group model. Signatures in our scheme consist of only 4 bilinear-group elements, which is considerably more efficient than prior schemes.
Tomer Ashur, Raluca Posteuca, Danilo Sijačić, Stef D'haeseleer
In this paper we introduce the strictly zero-correlation attack. We extend the work of Ashur and Posteuca in BalkanCryptSec 2018 and build a 0-correlation key-dependent linear trails covering the full DES. We show how this approximation can be used for a key recovery attack and empirically verify our claims through a series of experiments. To the best of our knowledge, this paper is the first to use this kind of property to leverage a meaningful attack against a symmetric-key algorithm.
Lukas Helminger, Daniel Kales, Christian Rechberger, Roman Walch
With the outbreak of the coronavirus, governments rely more and more on location data shared by European mobile network operators to monitor the advancements of the disease. In order to comply with often strict privacy requirements, this location data, however, has to be anonymized, limiting its usefulness for making statements about a filtered part of the population, like already infected people.
In this research, we aim to assist with the disease tracking efforts by designing a protocol to detect coronavirus hotspots from mobile data while still maintaining compliance with privacy expectations. We use various state-of-the-art privacy-preserving cryptographic primitives to design a protocol that can best be described as aggregated private information retrieval (APIR). Our protocol is based on homomorphic encryption, with additional measures to protect against malicious requests from clients.
We have implemented our APIR protocol in the SEAL library and tested it for parameters suitable to create a coronavirus hotspot map for entire nationstates. This demonstrates that it is feasible to apply our APIR protocol to support nationwide disease analysis while still preserve the privacy of infected people.
Marcel Keller
MP-SPDZ is a fork of SPDZ-2 (Keller et al., CCS '13), an implementation of the multi-party computation (MPC) protocol called SPDZ (Damgård et al., Crypto '12). MP-SPDZ extends SPDZ-2 to more than twenty MPC protocols, all of which can be used with the same high-level programming interface based on Python. This considerably simplifies comparing the cost of different protocols and security models.
The protocols cover all commonly used security model (honest/dishonest majority and semi-honest/malicious corruption) as well as computation of binary and arithmetic circuits (the latter modulo primes and powers of two). The underlying primitives employed include secret sharing, oblivious transfer, homomorphic encryption, and garbled circuits.
The breadth of implemented protocols coupled with an accessible high-level interface makes it suitable to benchmark the cost of computation in various security models for researchers both with and without a background in secure computation
This paper aims the outline the variety of protocols implemented and the design choices made in the development of MP-SPDZ as well as the capabilities of the programming interface.
The protocols cover all commonly used security model (honest/dishonest majority and semi-honest/malicious corruption) as well as computation of binary and arithmetic circuits (the latter modulo primes and powers of two). The underlying primitives employed include secret sharing, oblivious transfer, homomorphic encryption, and garbled circuits.
The breadth of implemented protocols coupled with an accessible high-level interface makes it suitable to benchmark the cost of computation in various security models for researchers both with and without a background in secure computation
This paper aims the outline the variety of protocols implemented and the design choices made in the development of MP-SPDZ as well as the capabilities of the programming interface.
Virtual Event, Germany, 13 September 2020
Event date: 13 September 2020
Submission deadline: 1 June 2020
Notification: 31 July 2020
Submission deadline: 1 June 2020
Notification: 31 July 2020
04 May 2020
Yarkın Doröz, Jeffrey Hoffstein, Joseph H. Silverman, Berk Sunar
Post-Quantum (PQ) signature schemes are known for large key and signature sizes, which may inhibit their deployment in real world applications. In this work, we construct a PQ signature scheme MMSAT that is the first such scheme capable of aggregating unrelated messages signed individually by different parties. Our proposal extends the notion of multisignatures, which are signatures that support aggregation of signatures on a single message signed by multiple parties. Multisignatures are especially useful in blockchain applications, where a transaction may be signed by multiple
users. The proposed construction achieves significant gains in bandwidth and storage requirements by allowing aggregation of unrelated transactions. Our construction is derived by extending the PASS scheme, and thus the security of our scheme relies on the hardness of the Vandermonde-SIS problem. When aggregated, a signature consists of two parts. The first part is a post-quantum size signature that grows very slowly, scaling by on the order of~$\log{K}$ bits
for~$K$ signatures. The second part scales linearly with~$K$, with a very short fixed cost, roughly twice the bit security. Thus even when aggregating a modest number of signatures, the per signature cost of MMSAT is in line with that of traditional pre-quantum signature schemes such as ECDSA. As an extension to MMSAT, we describe a variant called MMSATK in which it the public keys required to verify an aggregated signature are compressed by a factor of~$20$ to~$30$.
Hamidreza Amini Khorasgani, Hemanta K. Maji, Mingyuan Wang
Collective coin-tossing allows $n$ processors with private randomness sources to agree on a common public coin.
Without loss of generality, one can assume that the output is in the set $\{0,1\}$, and the expected output of a coin-tossing protocol is $X$.
The objective of a coin-tossing protocol is to be robust to adversarial interventions.
In this paper, we study Byzantine adversaries who can arbitrarily set the messages of the corrupted processors.
Historically, the study of coin-tossing protocols, with the introduction of even the mildest of variations in its setting, tends to yield surprising and exciting outcomes. We know several optimal or asymptotically optimal protocols like tribes, baton passing, and threshold protocols. Incidentally, there are several variants of coin-tossing where the majority protocol (or, more generally, the threshold protocols) turn out to be asymptotically optimal. In this work, we consider coin-tossing protocols in two security models and study the susceptibility of the optimal coin-tossing protocols in those settings to adversarial attacks.
In the first model, there are $n$ processors and processor $i$ broadcasts her uniformly and independently random message $x_i\in\{0,1\}$. The processors apply a function $f_n\colon\{0,1\}^n\to\{0,1\}$ to the broadcast messages and agree on their common output $f_n(x_1,\dotsc,x_n)$. After all the processors broadcast their messages, the adversary may corrupt at most $t$ processors and change their messages arbitrarily. The optimal protocol minimizes the change in the expected output that this adversary causes. We reduce this problem to an isoperimetric inequality over the boolean hypercube and demonstrate that the threshold protocols are the optimal protocols.
In the second model, at time $i$, processor $i$ broadcasts her message $x_i$, and her message distribution possibly depends on the previously broadcast messages. We consider an adversary who can take control of one processor and change her message arbitrarily. In this case, we prove that the threshold protocols are asymptotically optimal.
Historically, the study of coin-tossing protocols, with the introduction of even the mildest of variations in its setting, tends to yield surprising and exciting outcomes. We know several optimal or asymptotically optimal protocols like tribes, baton passing, and threshold protocols. Incidentally, there are several variants of coin-tossing where the majority protocol (or, more generally, the threshold protocols) turn out to be asymptotically optimal. In this work, we consider coin-tossing protocols in two security models and study the susceptibility of the optimal coin-tossing protocols in those settings to adversarial attacks.
In the first model, there are $n$ processors and processor $i$ broadcasts her uniformly and independently random message $x_i\in\{0,1\}$. The processors apply a function $f_n\colon\{0,1\}^n\to\{0,1\}$ to the broadcast messages and agree on their common output $f_n(x_1,\dotsc,x_n)$. After all the processors broadcast their messages, the adversary may corrupt at most $t$ processors and change their messages arbitrarily. The optimal protocol minimizes the change in the expected output that this adversary causes. We reduce this problem to an isoperimetric inequality over the boolean hypercube and demonstrate that the threshold protocols are the optimal protocols.
In the second model, at time $i$, processor $i$ broadcasts her message $x_i$, and her message distribution possibly depends on the previously broadcast messages. We consider an adversary who can take control of one processor and change her message arbitrarily. In this case, we prove that the threshold protocols are asymptotically optimal.
Muhammed F. Esgin, Ngoc Khanh Nguyen, Gregor Seiler
We propose a lattice-based zero-knowledge proof system for exactly proving knowledge of a ternary solution
$\vec{s} \in \{-1,0,1\}^n$ to a linear equation $A\vec{s}=\vec{u}$ over $\mathbb{Z}_q$, which produces
proofs that are $7.5\times$ shorter than the state-of-the-art result by Bootle, Lyubashevsky and Seiler
(CRYPTO 2019).
At the core lies a technique that utilizes the module-homomorphic BDLOP commitment scheme (SCN 2018) over the fully splitting cyclotomic ring $\mathbb{Z}_q[X]/(X^d + 1)$ to prove scalar products with the NTT vector of a secret polynomial.
At the core lies a technique that utilizes the module-homomorphic BDLOP commitment scheme (SCN 2018) over the fully splitting cyclotomic ring $\mathbb{Z}_q[X]/(X^d + 1)$ to prove scalar products with the NTT vector of a secret polynomial.
Thomas Attema, Vadim Lyubashevsky, Gregor Seiler
We construct a practical lattice-based zero-knowledge argument for proving multiplicative relations between
committed values. The underlying commitment scheme that we use is the currently most efficient one of Baum
et al. (SCN 2018), and the size of our multiplicative proof ($8$KB) is only slightly larger than the $7$KB
required for just proving knowledge of the committed values. We additionally expand on the work of
Lyubashevsky and Seiler (Eurocrypt 2018) by showing that the above-mentioned result can also apply when
working over rings $\mathbb{Z}_q[X]/(X^d+1)$ where $X^d+1$ splits into low-degree factors, which is a desirable property
for many applications (e.g. range proofs, multiplications over $\mathbb{Z}_q$) that take advantage of packing
multiple integers into the NTT coefficients of the committed polynomial.
Mordechai Guri
It is known that attackers can exfiltrate data from air-gapped computers through their speakers via sonic and ultrasonic waves. To eliminate the threat of such acoustic covert channels in sensitive systems, audio hardware can be disabled and the use of loudspeakers can be strictly forbidden. Such audio-less systems are considered to be \textit{audio-gapped}, and hence immune to acoustic covert channels.
In this paper, we introduce a technique that enable attackers leak data acoustically from air-gapped and audio-gapped systems.
Our developed malware can exploit the computer power supply unit (PSU) to play sounds and use it as an out-of-band, secondary speaker with limited capabilities. The malicious code manipulates the internal \textit{switching frequency} of the power supply and hence controls the sound waveforms generated from its capacitors and transformers. Our technique enables producing audio tones in a frequency band of 0-24khz and playing audio streams (e.g., WAV) from a computer power supply without the need for audio hardware or speakers. Binary data (files, keylogging, encryption keys, etc.) can be modulated over the acoustic signals and sent to a nearby receiver (e.g., smartphone). We show that our technique works with various types of systems: PC workstations and servers, as well as embedded systems and IoT devices that have no audio hardware at all. We provide technical background and discuss implementation details such as signal generation and data modulation. We show that the POWER-SUPPLaY code can operate from an ordinary user-mode process and doesn't need any hardware access or special privileges. Our evaluation shows that using POWER-SUPPLaY, sensitive data can be exfiltrated from air-gapped and audio-gapped systems from a distance of five meters away at a maximal bit rates of 50 bit/sec.
In this paper, we introduce a technique that enable attackers leak data acoustically from air-gapped and audio-gapped systems.
Our developed malware can exploit the computer power supply unit (PSU) to play sounds and use it as an out-of-band, secondary speaker with limited capabilities. The malicious code manipulates the internal \textit{switching frequency} of the power supply and hence controls the sound waveforms generated from its capacitors and transformers. Our technique enables producing audio tones in a frequency band of 0-24khz and playing audio streams (e.g., WAV) from a computer power supply without the need for audio hardware or speakers. Binary data (files, keylogging, encryption keys, etc.) can be modulated over the acoustic signals and sent to a nearby receiver (e.g., smartphone). We show that our technique works with various types of systems: PC workstations and servers, as well as embedded systems and IoT devices that have no audio hardware at all. We provide technical background and discuss implementation details such as signal generation and data modulation. We show that the POWER-SUPPLaY code can operate from an ordinary user-mode process and doesn't need any hardware access or special privileges. Our evaluation shows that using POWER-SUPPLaY, sensitive data can be exfiltrated from air-gapped and audio-gapped systems from a distance of five meters away at a maximal bit rates of 50 bit/sec.
Thomas Espitau, Antoine Joux, Natalia Kharchenko
In this paper,we investigate the security of binary secret LearningWithError (LWE). To do so, we improve the classical dual lattice attack. More precisely, we use the dual attack on a projected sublattice, which allows to generate instances of the LWE problem with a slightly bigger noise that correspond to a fraction of the secret key. Then, we search for the fraction of the secret key by computing the corresponding noise for each candidate using the constructed LWE samples. As secrets are binary vectors, we can perform the search step very efficiently by exploiting the re- cursive structure of the search space. This approach offers a trade-off between the cost of lattice reduction and the complexity of the search part which allows to speed up the attack. As an ap- plication we revisit the security estimates of the Fast Fully Homomorphic Encryption scheme over the Torus (TFHE) which is one of the fastest homomorphic encryption schemes based on the LWE problem. We provide an estimate of the complexity of our method for various parameters under three different cost models for lattice reduction and show that security level of the TFHE scheme should be re-evaluated according to the proposed improvement. Our estimates show that the cur- rent security level of the TFHE scheme should be reduced by 10 bits for the parameters proposed in the latest version of the scheme and by 7 bits for the recent update of the parameters that are used in the implementation, available online.
Michael Scott
The typical battery supported IoT computing node has progressed in recent years from an 8-bit processor with limited memory resources, to a 32-bit processor with ample amounts of ROM and RAM. This is a game-changer for developers who no longer need to struggle with assembly language programming, but rather can bring to bear all of the tools of modern software engineering, including high level language compilers. At the same time curve based cryptography has matured to the extent that efficient curves and algorithms are now well known. However the dynamics of academic research are such that execution speed, mandating continued use of assembly language, trumps all other considerations. In this paper we report on the performance that can be expected from simple portable high-level language implementations across a wide range of contemporary architectures.
Myrto Arapinis, Nikolaos Lamprou, Lenka Marekova, Thomas Zacharias
The concept of a self-tallying election (STE) scheme was first introduced by Kiayias et al and captures electronic voting schemes in which the tallying authorities are the voters of the election themselves. This type of electronic voting is particularly compatible with and suitable for (but not only) Blockchain governance, where governance is expected to be maintained in a fully distributed manner.
In this work, we formalize the requirements for secure STE schemes in the Universal Composability (UC) framework. Our model captures the standard voting properties of eligibility, fairness, vote-privacy, and one voter-one vote. We present E-cclesia, a new family of STE schemes, and prove that it securely UC-realizes the STE functionality. We propose a first concrete instantiation of E-cclesia using RSA accumulators in combination with a Bitcoin-based time-lock encryption scheme. To this end, we provide en passant the first UC treatment of dynamic accumulators in the public setting as well as time lock encryption (TLE) schemes, and prove the equivalence of our UC definitions to the standard property-based accumulator definitions.
Chandratop Chakraborty, Pranab Chakraborty, Subhamoy Maitra
RC4 stream cipher uses two simple operations, swap for state evolution and double indirection for producing the key-stream output byte. The non-randomness produced by these RC4 operations are well known now. However, still there are many important cryptanalytic issues that remain open in RC4. In this paper we first prove the biases presented by Fluhrer and McGrew (FSE 2000) two decades ago. It is surprising that though the biases have been published long back, and there are many applications of them in cryptanalysis till recent days, the proof of the results have not been considered in a disciplined manner. In this paper, we complete that task and also show that any such bias immediately provides a glimpse of hidden variables in RC4. Further, we take up the biases of two non-consecutive key-stream bytes skipping one byte in between. We show the incompleteness of such a result presented
by SenGupta et al (JoC, 2013) and produce novel results in this direction related to key-stream bytes and glimpses. Similarly, we show certain missed observation in the famous Glimpse theorem presented by Jenkins in 1996. Our results point out how biases of RC4 key-stream and the Glimpses of the RC4 hidden variables are related. It is evident from our results that the biases and glimpses are everywhere in RC4 and it needs further investigation. The new glimpses and biases that we identify in this paper can be exploited in improving practical attacks in the protocols that use RC4.
Iurii Shyshatsky, Vinod Manoharan, Taras Emelyanenko, Lucas Leger
Todays world is organized based on merit and value. A single global currency thats decentralized is needed for a global economy. Bitcoin is a partial solution to this need, however it suffers from scalability problems which prevent it from being mass-adopted. Also, the deflationary nature of bitcoin motivates people to hoard and speculate on them instead of using them for day to day transactions. We propose a scalable, decentralized cryptocurrency that is based on Proof of Work. The solution involves having parallel chains in a closed network using a mechanism which rewards miners proportional to their effort in maintaining the network. The proposed design introduces a novel approach for solving scalability problem in blockchain network based on merged mining.
Nir Drucker, Shay Gueron, Dusan Kostic, Edoardo Persichetti
The QC-MDPC code-based KEM BIKE is one of the Round-2 candidates of the NIST PQC standardization project. Its specification document describes a version that is claimed to have IND-CCA security. The security proof uses the Fujisaki-Okamoto transformation and a de-coder that targeted a Decoding Failure Rate (DFR) of 2^{-128} (for Level-1 security). However, there are several aspects that need to be amended in order for the IND-CCA proof to hold. The main issue is that using a decoder with DFR of 2^{-128} does not necessarily imply that the underlying PKE is \delta correct with \delta=2^{-128}, as required.
In this paper, we handle the necessary aspects in the definitions of the KEM to ensure the security claim is correct. In particular, we close the gap in the proof by defining the notion of a message-agnostic PKE for which decryption failures are independent of the encrypted message. We show that all the PKE underlying the BIKE versions are message-agnostic. This implies that BIKE with a decoder that has a sufficiently low DFR is also an IND-CCA KEM.
In this paper, we handle the necessary aspects in the definitions of the KEM to ensure the security claim is correct. In particular, we close the gap in the proof by defining the notion of a message-agnostic PKE for which decryption failures are independent of the encrypted message. We show that all the PKE underlying the BIKE versions are message-agnostic. This implies that BIKE with a decoder that has a sufficiently low DFR is also an IND-CCA KEM.
Avijit Dutta, Mridul Nandi
In the recent trend of CAESAR competition and NIST light-weight competition, cryptographic community have witnessed the submissions of several cryptographic schemes that are build on public random permutations. Recently, in CRYPTO 2019, Chen et al. have initiated an interesting research direction in designing beyond birthday bound PRFs from public random permutations and they proposed two instances of such PRFs. In this work, we extend this research direction by proposing a nonce-based MAC build from public random permutations. We show that our proposed MAC achieves $2n/3$ bit security (with respect to the state size of the permutation) and the bound is essentially tight. Moreover, the security of the MAC degrades gracefully with the repetition of the nonce.
Yuan Yao, Michael Tunstall, Elke De Mulder, Anton Kochepasov, Patrick Schaumont
Side-channel leakage detection methods based on statistical tests, such as t-test or chi^2-test, provide high confidence in the presence of leakage with a large number of traces. However, practical limitations on testing time and equipment may set an upper-bound on the number of traces available, turning the number of traces into a limiting factor in side-channel leakage detection. We describe a statistical technique, based on statistical bootstrapping, that significantly improves the effectiveness of leakage detection using a limited set of traces. Bootstrapping generates additional sample sets from an initial set by assuming that it is representative of the entire population. The additional sample sets are then used to conduct additional leakage detection tests, and we show how to combine the results of these tests. The proposed technique, applied to side-channel leakage detection, can significantly reduce the number of traces required to detect leakage by one, or more orders of magnitude. Furthermore, for an existing measured sample set, the method can significantly increase the confidence of existing leakage hypotheses over a traditional (non-bootstrap) leakage detection test. This paper introduces the bootstrapping technique for leakage detection, applies it to three practical cases, and describes techniques for its efficient computation.