18 May 2020
Alexei Zamyatin, Zeta Avarikioti, Daniel Perez, William J. Knottenbelt
Recently, two improved sublinear light clients were proposed: to validate the blockchain, NIPoPoWs and FlyClient only download a polylogarithmic number of block headers, sampled at random. The actual verification of payments, however, remains costly: for each verified transaction, the corresponding block must too be downloaded. This yields NIPoPoWs and FlyClient only effective under low transaction volumes.
We present TxChain, a novel mechanism to maintain efficiency of light clients even under high transaction volumes. Specifically, we introduce the concept of contingent transaction aggregation, where proving inclusion of a single contingent transaction implicitly proves that $n$ other transactions exist in the blockchain. TxChain reduces the transaction verification overhead of (sublinear) light clients from $O(n)$ to $O(1)$ in the best and $O(n/c + log_c(n))$ in the worst case, for a blockchain constant $c$. We deploy TxChain on Bitcoin without consensus changes and implement a soft fork for Ethereum. Finally, we demonstrate effectiveness in the cross-chain setting: we implement TxChain as a smart contract on Ethereum to efficiently verify Bitcoin payments.
Darrow R Hartman
Zhuotao Liu, Yangxi Xiang, Jian Shi, Peng Gao, Haoyu Wang, Xusheng Xiao, Bihan Wen, Yih-Chun Hu
Michel Abdalla, Dario Catalano, Romain Gay, Bogdan Ursu
Yuval Ishai
Sanjit Chatterjee, R. Kabaleeshwaran
Ming Li, Anjia Yang, Xinkai Chen
17 May 2020
Security & Privacy Group ( Academic Centre of Excellence in Cyber Security) University of Birmingham
Applications are invited for one postdoc position in designing hardware architectures for accelerating homomorphic computing on the encrypted data. The researcher will perform algorithmic optimizations, design optimized hardware architectures, and explore the design-space to construct efficient homomorphic encryption processors on FPGA platforms.
Please apply to the official application portal before 1st June 2020.
More information: https://bham.taleo.net/careersection/external/jobdetail.ftl?job=200001O8&tz=GMT%2B01%3A00&tzname=Europe%2FLondon
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Dr. Sujoy Sinha Roy
More information: https://bham.taleo.net/careersection/external/jobdetail.ftl?job=200001O8&tz=GMT%2B01%3A00&tzname=Europe%2FLondon
Northern Arizona University, School of Informatics, Computing, and Cyber Systems (SICCS); Flagstaff
Duties include:
- Perform research in the broad area of hardware-centric cybersecurity
- Publish papers and present research results at conferences and symposia
- Write grant and contract proposals
- Supervise and coordinate the efforts of PhD, MS, and undergraduate students on a day-to-day basis
- Assist in preparing progress reports to funding agencies
- Earned doctoral (Ph.D. or Sc.D.) degree in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering or closely related area by the start date.
- Demonstrated expertise in one or more of the following areas: computer architecture and microarchitecture, hardware-based security and cryptographic systems
- Demonstrated academic excellence through scholarly publications, i.e. at least one publication in top-ranked conferences/journals
- Excellent communication skills; experience in effectively working with people from a variety of culturally diverse backgrounds; experience in mentoring undergraduate and graduate students
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Dr. Paul Flikkema (paul.flikkema@nau.edu)
More information: https://in.nau.edu/human-resources/current-job-openings/
University of Warsaw
We are looking for talented and motivated Post-Docs to work on the ERC AdG project PROCONTRA: Smart-Contract Protocols: Theory for Applications. The project is about theoretical and applied aspects of blockchain and smart contracts.
The ideal candidates should have a PhD degree in cryptography (or related field) from a leading university, and a proven record of publications in top cryptography/security/TCS venues.
We offer competitive salary and a budget for conference travel and research visit.
The project is expected to start on Sep 1, 2020. There is no specific deadline for this call, but we will start looking at the applications from Jun 15th, 2020. Please apply using the link provided below.
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Stefan Dziembowski
More information: https://www.crypto.edu.pl/positions
University of Warsaw
We are looking for talented and motivated PhD students to work on the ERC AdG project PROCONTRA: Smart-Contract Protocols: Theory for Applications. The project is about theoretical and applied aspects of blockchain and smart contracts. It is mostly focused on theory, but it has also some programming tasks.
The ideal candidates should have an MSc degree in computer science or mathematics from a leading university, and be familiar with the probability theory, computational complexity, algebra, and number theory. The knowledge of cryptography, information theory, and game theory is a significant plus, but is not a prerequisite. The candidates must be fluent in written and spoken English
The successful candidates will be enrolled to the PhD program at the University of Warsaw (Poland). The deadline for the application to this program is Jun 28, 2020, but please contact the project’s PI (Stefan Dziembowski) before applying there. Please do it by Jun 15, 2020 via the web-form available at the address provided below.
Starting date: Oct 1, 2020
Expected salary: around 5,000 PLN/month (net)
Duration: 4 years (negotiable)
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Stefan Dziembowski
More information: https://www.crypto.edu.pl/positions
Multiple Fully Funded PhD positions in Doctoral Program Logical Methods in Computer Science (LogiCS)
Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), Austria
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Mihaela Rozman, Technische Universitat Wien, Favoritenstrasse 9-11, 1040 Wien
More information: https://logic-cs.at/phd/
Noroff University College Norway
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Ezanne van Niekerk - jobs@noroff.no '
More information: https://www.noroff.no/om/ledige-stillinger
16 May 2020
Christopher Patton, Thomas Shrimpton
Marina Polubelova, Karthikeyan Bhargavan, Jonathan Protzenko, Benjamin Beurdouche, Aymeric Fromherz, Natalia Kulatova, Santiago Zanella-Béguelin
A distinctive feature of our approach is that we aggressively share code and verification effort between scalar and vectorized code, between vectorized code for different platforms, and between implementations of different cryptographic primitives. By doing so, we significantly reduce the manual effort needed to add new implementations to our verified library. In this paper, we describe our methodology and verification results, evaluate the performance of our code, and describe its integration into the larger HACL⋆ crypto library. Our vectorized code has already been incorporated into several software projects, including the Firefox web browser.
Anubhab Baksi, Jakub Breier, Xiaoyang Dong, Chen Yi
Usually, the all-in-one differential cryptanalysis is more effective than that only uses one single differential trail. However, when the cipher is non-Markov or its block size is large, it is usually very hard to fully compute. Inspired by Gohr's work, we try to simulate the all-in-one differentials for such non-Markov ciphers through deep learning. As proof of works, we trained several distinguishing attacks following machine learning simulated all-in-one differential approach. We present 8-round differntial distinguishers for Gimli-Hash and Gimli-Cipher, each with trivial complexity. Finally, we explore more on choosing an efficient machine learning model and show a three layer neural network can be used.