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26 June 2020

OneSpan Brussels
Job Posting Job Posting
OneSpan is seeking applications for highly motivated and self-driven research scientists to complement its Innovation Centre team currently working on cutting-edge research in security, privacy, machine learning and digital identity. The Innovation Centre was established to research and prototype the next generation of digital technologies to improve online security. We seek to make technological advances in areas ranging from OneSpan’s core business of strong authentication, to areas of growing importance such as cybersecurity incidents detection, digital identity and privacy. Our work aims to generate new scientific knowledge, prototypes, and intellectual property that can be transferred into products. We also aspire to be a leading academic-industry partner of choice on emerging technologies related to online security. Job Duties and Responsibilities The objective of the research scientist is to conduct applied research linked to OneSpan’s product range with the aim of enhancing OneSpan’s offering in the short and mid-term. Your key tasks are: Propose research agenda. Perform first-class research. Create research software prototypes that could lead to new products. Show leadership in your field of expertise. Work collaboratively in a team that spans international borders and departments. Requirements Must haves A PhD degree or equivalent experience in information engineering, computer science. Candidates expected to finish their PhD before autumn 2020 will also be considered. Strong proven interest and knowledge of one or more of these research areas: security, machine learning, digital identity, and privacy A willingness to learn and the ability to quickly understand unfamiliar areas of technology. Desirable skills Interest in computer security and machine learning. Some experience in software development. Experience in working in multi-disciplinary teams Authoring reports for and presenting to non-technical audiences. Demonstrated ability to innovate through publications, patents or equivalent

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Julie Tinel

More information:

Job Posting Job Posting
OneSpan is seeking applications for highly motivated and self-driven research scientists to complement its Innovation Centre team currently working on cutting-edge research in security, privacy, machine learning and digital identity. The Innovation Centre was established to research and prototype the next generation of digital technologies to improve online security. We seek to make technological advances in areas ranging from OneSpan’s core business of strong authentication, to areas of growing importance such as cybersecurity incidents detection, digital identity and privacy. Our work aims to generate new scientific knowledge, prototypes, and intellectual property that can be transferred into products. We also aspire to be a leading academic-industry partner of choice on emerging technologies related to online security. Job Duties and Responsibilities The objective of the research scientist is to conduct applied research linked to OneSpan’s product range with the aim of enhancing OneSpan’s offering in the short and mid-term. Your key tasks are: Propose research agenda. Perform first-class research. Create research software prototypes that could lead to new products. Show leadership in your field of expertise. Work collaboratively in a team that spans international borders and departments. Requirements Must haves A PhD degree or equivalent experience in information engineering, computer science. Candidates expected to finish their PhD before autumn 2020 will also be considered. Strong proven interest and knowledge of one or more of these research areas: security, machine learning, digital identity, and privacy A willingness to learn and the ability to quickly understand unfamiliar areas of technology. Desirable skills Interest in computer security and machine learning. Some experience in software development. Experience in working in multi-disciplinary teams Authoring reports for and presenting to non-technical audiences. Demonstrated ability to innovate through publications, patents or equivalent

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Julie Tinel

More information:

Kamakura, Japan, 21 June - 24 June 2020
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 21 June to 24 June 2020
Submission deadline: 4 September 2020
Notification: 9 November 2020
Leuven, Belgium, 7 July - 9 July 2020
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 7 July to 9 July 2020

24 June 2020

Naomi Ephraim, Cody Freitag, Ilan Komargodski, Rafael Pass
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We introduce and construct a variant of a time-lock puzzle which is non-malleable. A non-malleable time-lock puzzle guarantees, roughly, that it is impossible to "maul" a puzzle into one for a related message without solving it. The security of this construction relies on the existence of any (plain) time-lock puzzle and it is proven secure in the auxiliary-input random oracle model. We show that our construction satisfies bounded concurrency and prove that it is impossible to obtain full concurrency. We additionally introduce a more general non-malleability notion, termed functional non-malleability, which protects against tampering attacks that affect a specific function of the related messages. We show that in many (useful) cases, our construction satisfies fully concurrent functional non-malleability.

We use our (functional) non-malleable time-lock puzzles to give efficient multi-party protocols for desirable tasks such as coin flipping and auctions. Our protocols are (1) fair, meaning that no malicious party can influence the output, (2) optimistically efficient, meaning that if all parties are honest, then the protocol terminates immediately, and (3) publicly verifiable, meaning that from the transcript of the protocol anyone can quickly infer the outcome, without the need to perform a long computation phase. Our protocols support an unbounded number of participants and require no adversary-independent trusted setup. Our protocol is the first protocol that satisfies all of the above properties under any assumption. Security is proven assuming the repeated squaring assumption and in the auxiliary-input random oracle model. Along the way, we introduce a publicly verifiable notion of time-lock puzzles which is of independent interest. This notion allows the solver of the puzzle to compute the solution together with a proof which can be quickly verified by anyone.
Seyed Farhad Aghili, Amirhossein Adavoudi Jolfaei, Aysajan Abidin
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Lightweight authenticated key exchange (AKE) protocols based on symmetric-key cryptography is important in securing the Internet of Things (IoT). However, achieving perfect forward secrecy (PFS) is not trivial for AKE based on symmetric-key cryptography, as opposed to AKE based on public-key cryptography. The most recent proposals that provide PFS are SAKE and SAKE-AM. In this paper, we first take a closer look at these protocols and observe that they are vulnerable to a number of attacks, such as, replay attack, denial of service (DoS) attack, tracking attack, etc. We then propose countermeasures to both protocols to restore security. Additionally, our proposed scheme SAKE+ enables concurrent execution of the protocol, whereas the original SAKE scheme supports the sequential execution of the protocol. The concurrency provided by our scheme makes it more suitable for IoT applications where a server receives and sends information from a large number of IoT end devices. Finally, we prove the security and soundness of our schemes, and verify using ProVerif tool.
Giuseppe Vitto, Alex Biryukov
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We propose a Dynamic Universal Accumulator in the Accumulator Manager setting for bilinear groups which extends Nguyen's positive accumulator and Au et al. and Damgård and Triandopoulos non-membership proof mechanism. The new features include support for batch addition and deletion operations as well as a privacy-friendly decentralized batch witness update protocol, where the witness update information is the same for all users. Together with a non-interactive zero-knowledge protocol, these make the proposed scheme suitable as an efficient and scalable Anonymous Credential System, accessible even by low-resource users. We show security of the proposed protocol under the t-SDH assumption through a proper initialization of the accumulator and we demonstrate its practical relevance by providing and discussing an implementation realized using state-of-the-art libraries.
Dana Dachman-Soled, Ilan Komargodski, Rafael Pass
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Non-malleable codes allow one to encode data in such a way that, after tampering, the modified codeword is guaranteed to decode to either the original message, or a completely unrelated one. Since the introduction of the notion by Dziembowski, Pietrzak, and Wichs (ICS '10 and J. ACM '18), a large body of work has focused on realizing such coding schemes secure against various classes of tampering functions. It is well known that there is no efficient non-malleable code secure against all polynomial size tampering functions. Nevertheless, non-malleable codes in the plain model (i.e., no trusted setup) secure against $\textit{bounded}$ polynomial size tampering are not known and obtaining such a code has been a major open problem.

We present the first construction of a non-malleable code secure against $\textit{all}$ polynomial size tampering functions that have $\textit{bounded polynomial depth}$. This is an even larger class than all bounded polynomial $\textit{size}$ functions and, in particular, we capture all functions in non-uniform $\mathbf{NC}$ (and much more). Our construction is in the plain model (i.e., no trusted setup) and relies on several cryptographic assumptions such as keyless hash functions, time-lock puzzles, as well as other standard assumptions. Additionally, our construction has several appealing properties: the complexity of encoding is independent of the class of tampering functions and we obtain sub-exponentially small error.
Christof Beierle, Gregor Leander, Yosuke Todo
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We present several improvements to the framework of differential-linear attacks with a special focus on ARX ciphers. As a demonstration of their impact, we apply them to Chaskey and ChaCha and we are able to significantly improve upon the best attacks published so far.
Majid Khabbazian, Tejaswi Nadahalli, Roger Wattenhofer
ePrint Report ePrint Report
A Hashed Time Lock Contract (HTLC) is a central concept in cryptocurrencies where some value can be spent either with the preimage of a public hash by one party (Bob) or after a timelock expires by another party (Alice). We present a bribery attack on HTLC's where Bob's hash-protected transaction is censored by Alice's timelocked transaction. Alice incentivizes miners to censor Bob's transaction by leaving almost all her value to miners in general. Miners follow (or refuse) the bribe if their expected payoff is better (or worse). We explore conditions under which this attack is possible, and how HTLC participants can protect themselves against the attack. Applications like Lightning Network payment channels and Cross-Chain Atomic Swaps use HTLC's as building blocks and are vulnerable to this attack. Our proposed solution uses the hashpower share of the weakest known miner to derive parameters that make these applications robust against this bribing attack.
Johann Großschädl, Ben Marshall, Dan Page, Thinh Pham, Francesco Regazzoni
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In both hardware and software, masking can represent an effective means of hardening an implementation against side-channel attacks such as Differential Power Analysis (DPA). Focusing on software, however, the use of masking can present various challenges: specifically, it often 1) requires significant effort to translate any theoretical security properties into practice, and, even then, 2) imposes a significant overhead in terms of efficiency. To address both challenges, this paper explores use of an Instruction Set Extension (ISE) as a means of supporting masking in software-based implementations of symmetric cryptographic algorithms: we design, implement, and evaluate such an ISE using RISC-V as the base architecture.
Alex Lombardi, Vinod Vaikuntanathan
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The Fiat-Shamir transform is a methodology for compiling a (public-coin) interactive proof system for a language $L$ into a non-interactive argument system for $L$. Proving security of the Fiat-Shamir transform in the standard model, especially in the context of succinct arguments, is largely an unsolved problem. The work of Canetti et al. (STOC 2019) proved the security of the Fiat-Shamir transform applied to the Goldwasser-Kalai-Rothblum (STOC 2008) succinct interactive proof system under a very strong ``optimal learning with errors'' assumption. Achieving a similar result under standard assumptions remains an important open question.

In this work, we consider the problem of compiling a different succinct interactive proof system: Pietrzak's proof system (ITCS 2019) for the iterated squaring problem. We construct a hash function family (with evaluation time roughly $2^{\lambda^{\epsilon}}$) that guarantees the soundness of Fiat-Shamir for this protocol assuming the sub-exponential ($2^{-n^{1-\epsilon}}$)-hardness of the $n$-dimensional learning with errors problem. (The latter follows from the worst-case $2^{n^{1-\epsilon}}$ hardness of lattice problems.) More generally, we extend the ``bad-challenge function'' methodology of Canetti et al. for proving the soundness of Fiat-Shamir to a class of protocols whose bad-challenge functions are not efficiently computable.

As a corollary (following Choudhuri et al., ePrint 2019 and Ephraim et al., EUROCRYPT 2020), we construct hard-on-average problems in the complexity class $\mathbf{CLS}\subset \mathbf{PPAD}$ under the $2^{\lambda^\epsilon}$-hardness of the repeated squaring problem and the $2^{-n^{1-\epsilon}}$-hardness of the learning with errors problem. Under the additional assumption that the repeated squaring problem is ``inherently sequential'', we also obtain a Verifiable Delay Function (Boneh et al., EUROCRYPT 2018) in the standard model. Finally, we give additional PPAD-hardness and VDF instantiations demonstrating a broader tradeoff between the strength of the repeated squaring assumption and the strength of the lattice assumption.
Xin Li, Fermi Ma, Willy Quach, Daniel Wichs
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Can Alice and Bob agree on a uniformly random secret key without having any truly secret randomness to begin with? Here we consider a setting where Eve can get partial leakage on the internal state of both Alice and Bob individually before the protocol starts. They then run a protocol using their states without any additional randomness and need to agree on a shared key that looks uniform to Eve, even after observing the leakage and the protocol transcript. We focus on non-interactive (one round) key exchange (NIKE), where Alice and Bob send one message each without waiting for one another.

We first consider this problem in the symmetric-key setting, where the states of Alice and Bob include a shared secret as well as individual uniform randomness. However, since Eve gets leakage on these states, Alice and Bob need to perform privacy amplification to derive a fresh secret key from them. Prior solutions require Alice and Bob to sample fresh uniform randomness during the protocol, while in our setting all of their randomness was already part of their individual states a priori and was therefore subject to leakage. We show an information-theoretic solution to this problem using a novel primitive that we call a two-seed extractor, which we in turn construct by drawing a connection to communication-complexity lower-bounds in the number-on-forehead (NOF) model.

We then turn to studying this problem in the public-key setting, where the states of Alice and Bob consist of independent uniform randomness. Unfortunately, we give a black-box separation showing that leakage-resilient NIKE in this setting cannot be proven secure via a black-box reduction under any game-based assumption when the leakage is super-logarithmic. This includes virtually all assumptions used in cryptography, and even very strong assumptions such as indistinguishability obfuscation (iO). Nevertheless, we also provide positive results that get around the above separation: - We show that every key exchange protocol (e.g., Diffie-Hellman) is secure when the leakage amount is logarithmic, or potentially even greater if we assume sub-exponential security without leakage. - We notice that the black-box separation does not extend to schemes in the common reference string (CRS) model, or to schemes with preprocessing, where Alice and Bob can individually pre-process their random coins to derive their secret state prior to leakage. We give a solution in the CRS model with preprocessing using bilinear maps. We also give solutions in just the CRS model alone (without preprocessing) or just with preprocessing (without a CRS), using iO and lossy functions.
Akshima, David Cash, Andrew Drucker, Hoeteck Wee
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We study collision-finding against Merkle-Damgård hashing in the random-oracle model by adversaries with an arbitrary $S$-bit auxiliary advice input about the random oracle and $T$ queries. Recent work showed that such adversaries can find collisions (with respect to a random IV) with advantage $\Omega(ST^2/2^n)$, where $n$ is the output length, beating the birthday bound by a factor of $S$. These attacks were shown to be optimal. We observe that the collisions produced are very long, on the order $T$ blocks, which would limit their practical relevance. We prove several results related to improving these attacks to find short collisions. We first exhibit a simple attack for finding $B$-block-long collisions achieving advantage $\tilde{\Omega}(STB/2^n)$. We then study if this attack is optimal. We show that the prior technique based on the bit-fixing model (used for the $ST^2/2^n$ bound) provably cannot reach this bound, and towards a general result we prove there are qualitative jumps in the optimal attacks for finding length $1$, length $2$, and unbounded-length collisions. Namely, the optimal attacks achieve (up to logarithmic factors) order of $(S+T)/2^n$, $ST/2^n$ and $ST^2/2^n$ advantage. We also give an upper bound on the advantage of a restricted class of short-collision finding attacks via a new analysis on the growth of trees in random functional graphs that may be of independent interest.
Eduard Hauck, Eike Kiltz, Julian Loss, Ngoc Khanh Nguyen
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We observe that all previously known lattice-based blind signature schemes contain subtle flaws in their security proofs (e.g., R\"uckert, ASIACRYPT '08) or can be attacked (e.g., BLAZE by Alkadri et al., FC '20). Motivated by this, we revisit the problem of constructing blind signatures from standard lattice assumptions.

We propose a new three-round lattice-based blind signature scheme whose security can be proved, in the random oracle model, from the standard SIS assumption. Our starting point is a modified version of the (insecure) BLAZE scheme, which itself is based Lyubashevsky's three-round identification scheme combined with a new aborting technique to reduce the correctness error. Our proof builds upon and extends the recent modular framework for blind signatures of Hauck, Kiltz, and Loss (EUROCRYPT '19). It also introduces several new techniques to overcome the additional challenges posed by the correctness error which is inherent to all lattice-based constructions.

While our construction is mostly of theoretical interest, we believe it to be an important stepping stone for future works in this area.
Peter Dixon, Sutanu Gayen, A. Pavan, N. V. Vinodchandran
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We investigate the complexity of problems that admit perfect zero-knowledge interactive protocols and establish new unconditional upper bounds and oracle separation results. We establish our results by investigating certain distribution testing problems: computational problems over high-dimensional distributions represented by succinct Boolean circuits. A relatively less-investigated complexity class SBP emerged as significant in this study. The main results we establish are:

1. A unconditional inclusion that NIPZK is in CoSBP.

2. Construction of a relativized world in which there is a distribution testing problem that lies in NIPZK but not in SBP, thus giving a relativized separation of NIPZK (and hence PZK) from SBP.

3. Construction of a relativized world in which there is a distribution testing problem that lies in PZK but not in CoSBP, thus giving a relativized separation of PZK from CoSBP. These results refine the landscape of perfect zero-knowledge classes in relation to traditional complexity classes.
Carsten Baum, Emmanuela Orsini, Peter Scholl, Eduardo Soria-Vazquez
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Recent years have seen a tremendous growth in the interest in secure multiparty computation (MPC) and its applications. While much progress has been made concerning its efficiency, many current, state-of-the-art protocols are vulnerable to Denial of Service attacks, where a cheating party may prevent the honest parties from learning the output of the computation, whilst remaining anonymous. The security model of identifiable abort aims to prevent these attacks, by allowing honest parties to agree upon the identity of a cheating party, who can then be excluded in the future. Several existing MPC protocols offer security with identifiable abort against a dishonest majority of corrupted parties. However, all of these protocols have a round complexity that scales linearly with the depth of the circuit (and are therefore unsuitable for use in high latency networks) or use cryptographic primitives or techniques that have a high computational overhead.

In this work, we present the first efficient MPC protocols with identifiable abort in the dishonest majority setting, which run in a constant number of rounds and make only black-box use of cryptographic primitives. Our main construction is built from highly efficient primitives in a careful way to achieve identifiability at a low cost. In particular, we avoid the use of public-key operations outside of a setup phase, incurring a relatively low overhead on top of the fastest currently known constant-round MPC protocols based on garbled circuits. Our construction also avoids the use of adaptively secure primitives and heavy zero-knowledge machinery, which was inherent in previous works. In addition, we show how to upgrade our protocol to achieve public verifiability using a public bulletin board, allowing any external party to verify correctness of the computation or identify a cheating party.
Unai Rioja, Servio Paguada, Lejla Batina, Igor Armendariz
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Performing a comprehensive side-channel analysis evaluation of small embedded devices is a process known for its variability and complexity. In real-world experimental setups, the results are largely influenced by a huge amount of parameters that are not easily adjusted without trial and error and are heavily relying on the experience of professional security analysts. In this paper, we advocate the use of an existing statistical methodology called Six Sigma (6σ) for side-channel analysis optimization for this purpose. This well-known methodology is commonly used in other industrial fields, such as production and quality engineering, to reduce the variability of industrial processes. We propose a customized Six Sigma methodology, which enables even a less-experienced security analysis to select optimal values for the different variables that are critical for the side-channel analysis procedure. Moreover, we show how our methodology helps in improving different phases in the side-channel analysis process.
Joseph Jaeger, Nirvan Tyagi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We provide a new definitional framework capturing the multi-user security of encryption schemes and pseudorandom functions in the face of adversaries that can adaptively compromise users' keys. We provide a sequence of results establishing the security of practical symmetric encryption schemes under adaptive compromise in the random oracle or ideal cipher model. The bulk of analysis complexity for adaptive compromise security is relegated to the analysis of lower-level primitives such as pseudorandom functions.

We apply our framework to give proofs of security for the BurnBox system for privacy in the face of border searches and the in-use searchable symmetric encryption scheme due to Cash et al. In both cases, prior analyses had bugs that our framework helps avoid.
Romain Gay, Aayush Jain, Huijia Lin, Amit Sahai
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this work, we study the question of what set of simple-to-state assumptions suffice for constructing functional encryption and indistinguishability obfuscation ($i\mathcal{O}$), supporting all functions describable by polynomial-size circuits. Our work improves over the state-of-the-art work of Jain, Lin, Matt, and Sahai (Eurocrypt 2019) in multiple dimensions.

New Assumption: Previous to our work, all constructions of $i\mathcal{O}$ from simple assumptions required novel pseudorandomness generators involving LWE samples and constant-degree polynomials over the integers, evaluated on the error of the LWE samples. In contrast, Boolean pseudorandom generators (PRGs) computable by constant-degree polynomials have been extensively studied since the work of Goldreich (2000). We show how to replace the novel pseudorandom objects over the integers used in previous works, with appropriate Boolean pseudorandom generators with sufficient stretch, when combined with LWE with binary error over suitable parameters. Both binary error LWE and constant-degree Goldreich PRGs have been subject to extensive cryptanalysis since much before our work. Thus, we back the plausibility of our assumption with security against algorithms studied in context of cryptanalysis of these objects.

New Techniques: We introduce a number of new techniques: - We introduce a simple new technique for proving leakage resilience when polynomial-size noise is used to hide small secrets (for example, to hide LWE-based FHE decryption errors). - We show how to build partially-hiding \emph{public-key} functional encryption, supporting degree-2 functions in the secret part of the message, and arithmetic $\mathsf{NC}^1$ functions over the public part of the message, assuming only standard assumptions over asymmetric pairing groups. - We construct single-ciphertext secret-key functional encryption for all circuits with {\em linear} key generation, assuming only the LWE assumption.

Simplification: Unlike prior works, our new techniques furthermore let us construct public-key functional encryption for polynomial-sized circuits directly (without invoking any bootstrapping theorem, nor security amplification, nor transformation from secret-key to public-key FE), and based only on the polynomial hardness of underlying assumptions. The functional encryption scheme satisfies a strong notion of efficiency where the size of the ciphertext grows only sublinearly in the output size of the circuit and not its size. Finally, assuming that the underlying assumptions are subexponentially hard, we can bootstrap this construction to achieve $i\mathcal{O}$.
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