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10 September 2020

Vancouver, Canada, 11 December 2020
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 11 December 2020
Submission deadline: 2 October 2020
Notification: 23 October 2020
NCC Group, North America
Job Posting Job Posting
**Senior Cryptography Researchers have a responsibility to help grow NCC Group Cryptography Services. They will be key contributors to project delivery and research (we have an entire division dedicated to Research and your bonus includes doing research during company hours) at NCC Group Cryptography Services. **Activities and Responsibilities (include): • Delivery of consultancy projects within Cryptography Services • Research and tool development in Cryptography Services • External delivery of client-facing and public speaking events in Cryptography Services • Assistance with sales support for Cryptography Services • Mentoring and leadership for staff at NCC Group **Skills and Experience: Blockchain Security experience is a requirement. The amount of experience with this is flexible. Minimum of five (5) years of experience in Cryptography disciplines with focus areas including some of the following: • Cryptographic Analysis and Review • Elliptic Curve Cryptography • Finite Field Cryptography • Symmetric Cryptography and Hashes • Post-quantum Cryptography • Cryptanalysis of Novel Cryptosystems • Implementation Review of Cryptographic Primitives • Key Management Design and Implementation Review

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Danielle Owen

More information:

AAU, Austria
Job Posting Job Posting
We are looking for a PhD student and a Post-Doc in the area of (applied crypto) and/or side-channels.

The PhD post can be in any (fun) area of crypto; the candidate will be supervised by Elisabeth Oswald, and as co-supervisors A. Roy and E. Andreeva are potentially available.

The Post-Doc is related to ERC funding and therefore will work in the area of side channels; our areas of interest here are techniques for secure software development, and RISC-V.

Both posts are available immediately. The salary is around 32k per annum for the PhD student and 35k upwards (depending on prior experience) for the Post-Doc. Further information about the group is under

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Elisabeth Oswald (

More information:


09 September 2020

Stefan Steinegger, Robert Primas
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Ascon-p is the core building block of Ascon, the winner in the lightweight category of the CAESAR competition. With ISAP, another Ascon-p-based AEAD scheme is currently competing in the 2nd round of the NIST lightweight cryptography standardization project. In contrast to Ascon, ISAP focuses on providing hardening/protection against a large class of implementation attacks, such as DPA, DFA, SFA, and SIFA, entirely on mode-level. Consequently, Ascon-p can be used to realize a wide range of cryptographic computations such as authenticated encryption, hashing, pseudorandom number generation, with or without the need for implementation security, which makes it the perfect choice for lightweight cryptography on embedded devices.

In this paper, we implement Ascon-p as an instruction extension for RISC-V that is tightly coupled to the processors register file and thus does not require any dedicated registers. This single instruction allows us to realize all cryptographic computations that typically occur on embedded devices with high performance. More concretely, with ISAP and Ascon's family of modes for AEAD and hashing, we can perform cryptographic computations with a performance of about 2 cycles/byte,or about 4 cycles/byte if protection against fault attacks and power analysis is desired.

As we show, our instruction extension requires only 4.7 kGE, or about half the area of dedicated Ascon co-processor designs, and is easy to integrate into low-end embedded devices like 32-bit ARM Cortex-M or RISC-V microprocessors. Finally, we analyze the provided implementation security of ISAP, when implemented using our instruction extension.
Bart Mennink
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Fresh rekeying is a well-established method to protect a primitive or mode against side-channel attacks: an easy to protect but cryptographically not so involved function generates a subkey from the master key, and this subkey is then used for the block encryption of a single or a few messages. It is an efficient way to achieve side-channel protection, but current solutions only achieve birthday bound security in the block size of the cipher and thus halve its security (except if more involved primitives are employed). We present generalized solutions to parallel block cipher rekeying that, for the first time, achieve security beyond the birthday bound in the block size $n$. The first solution involves, next to the subkey generation, one multiplication and the core block cipher call and achieves $2^{2n/3}$ security. The second solution makes two block cipher calls, and achieves optimal $2^n$ security. Our third solution uses a slightly larger subkey generation function but requires no adaptations to the core encryption and also achieves optimal security. The construction seamlessly generalizes to permutation based fresh rekeying. Central to our schemes is the observation that fresh rekeying and generic tweakable block cipher design are two very related topics, and we can take lessons from the advanced results in the latter to improve our understanding and development of the former. We subsequently use these rekeying schemes in a constructive manner to deliver three authenticated encryption modes that achieve beyond birthday bound security and are easy to protect against side-channel attacks.
Olivier Bernard, Adeline Roux-Langlois
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Approx-SVP is a well-known hard problem on lattices, which asks to find short vectors on a given lattice, but its variant restricted to ideal lattices (which correspond to ideals of the ring of integers $\mathcal{O}_{K}$ of a number field $K$) is still not fully understood. For a long time, the best known algorithm to solve this problem on ideal lattices was the same as for arbitrary lattice. But recently, a series of works tends to show that solving this problem could be easier in ideal lattices than in arbitrary ones, in particular in the quantum setting.

Our main contribution is to propose a new ``twisted'' version of the PHS (by Pellet-Mary, Hanrot and Stehlé 2019) algorithm, that we call Twisted-PHS. As a minor contribution, we also propose several improvements of the PHS algorithm. On the theoretical side, we prove that our Twisted-PHS algorithm performs at least as well as the original PHS algorithm. On the practical side though, we provide a full implementation of our algorithm which suggests that much better approximation factors are achieved, and that the given lattice bases are a lot more orthogonal than the ones used in PHS. This is the first time to our knowledge that this type of algorithm is completely implemented and tested for fields of degrees up to~$60$.
Rupeng Yang, Junzuo Lai, Zhengan Huang, Man Ho Au, Qiuliang Xu, Willy Susilo
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Public key encryption (PKE) schemes are usually deployed in an open system with numerous users. In practice, it is common that some users are corrupted. A PKE scheme is said to be receiver selective opening (RSO) secure if it can still protect messages transmitted to uncorrupted receivers after the adversary corrupts some receivers and learns their secret keys. This is usually defined by requiring the existence of a simulator that can simulate the view of the adversary given only the opened messages. Existing works construct RSO secure PKE schemes in a single-challenge setting, where the adversary can only obtain one challenge ciphertext for each public key. However, in practice, it is preferable to have a PKE scheme with RSO security in the multi-challenge setting, where public keys can be used to encrypt multiple messages.

In this work, we explore the possibility of achieving PKE schemes with receiver selective opening security in the multi-challenge setting. Our contributions are threefold. First, we demonstrate that PKE schemes with RSO security in the single-challenge setting are not necessarily RSO secure in the multi-challenge setting. Then, we show that it is impossible to achieve RSO security for PKE schemes if the number of challenge ciphertexts under each public key is a priori unbounded. In particular, we prove that no PKE scheme can be RSO secure in the k-challenge setting (i.e., the adversary can obtain k challenge ciphertexts for each public key) if its secret key contains less than k bits. On the positive side, we give a concrete construction of PKE scheme with RSO security in the k-challenge setting, where the ratio of the secret key length to k approaches the lower bound 1.
Rongmao Chen, Xinyi Huang, Moti Yung
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Motivated by the currently widespread concern about mass surveillance of encrypted communications, Bellare \emph{et al.} introduced at CRYPTO 2014 the notion of Algorithm-Substitution Attack (ASA) where the legitimate encryption algorithm is replaced by a subverted one that aims to undetectably exfiltrate the secret key via ciphertexts. Practically implementable ASAs on various cryptographic primitives (Bellare \emph{et al.}, CRYPTO'14 \& ACM CCS'15; Ateniese \emph{et al.}, ACM CCS'15; Berndt and Li\'{s}kiewicz, ACM CCS'17) have been constructed and analyzed, leaking the secret key successfully. Nevertheless, in spite of much progress, the practical impact of ASAs (formulated originally for symmetric key cryptography) on public-key (PKE) encryption operations remains unclear, primarily since the encryption operation of PKE does not involve the secret key, and also previously known ASAs become relatively inefficient for leaking the plaintext due to the logarithmic upper bound of exfiltration rate (Berndt and Li\'{s}kiewicz, ACM CCS'17).

In this work, we formulate a practical ASA on PKE encryption algorithm which, perhaps surprisingly, turns out to be much more efficient and robust than existing ones, showing that ASAs on PKE schemes are far more effective and dangerous than previously believed. We mainly target PKE of hybrid encryption which is the most prevalent way to employ PKE in the literature and in practice. The main strategy of our ASA is to subvert the underlying key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) so that the session key encapsulated could be efficiently extracted, which, in turn, breaks the data encapsulation mechanism (DEM) enabling us to learn the plaintext itself. Concretely, our non-black-box yet quite general attack enables recovering the plaintext from only two successive ciphertexts and minimally depends on a short state of previous internal randomness. A widely used class of KEMs is shown to be subvertible by our powerful attack.

Our attack relies on a novel identification and formalization of certain properties that yield practical ASAs on KEMs. More broadly, it points at and may shed some light on exploring structural weaknesses of other ``composed cryptographic primitives,'' which may make them susceptible to more dangerous ASAs with effectiveness that surpasses the known logarithmic upper bound (i.e., reviewing composition as an attack enabler).
Jodie Knapp, Elizabeth A. Quaglia
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Achieving fairness and soundness in non-simultaneous rational secret sharing schemes has proved to be challenging. On the one hand, soundness can be ensured by providing side information related to the secret as a check, but on the other, this can be used by deviant players to compromise fairness. To overcome this, the idea of incorporating a time delay was suggested in the literature: in particular, time-delay encryption based on memory-bound functions has been put forth as a solution. In this paper, we propose a different approach to achieve such delay, namely using homomorphic time-lock puzzles (HTLPs), introduced at CRYPTO 2019, and construct a fair and sound rational secret sharing scheme in the non-simultaneous setting from HTLPs. HTLPs are used to embed sub-shares of the secret for a predetermined time. This allows to restore fairness of the secret reconstruction phase, despite players having access to information related to the secret which is required to ensure soundness of the scheme. Key to our construction is the fact that the time-lock puzzles are homomorphic so that players can compactly evaluate sub-shares. Without this efficiency improvement, players would have to independently solve each puzzle sent from the other players to obtain a share of the secret, which would be computationally inefficient. We argue that achieving both fairness and soundness in a non-simultaneous scheme using a time delay based on CPU-bound functions rather than memory-bound functions is more cost effective and realistic in relation to the implementation of the construction.
Ming-Xing Luo, Xiaojun Wang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Bit commitment is a primitive task of many cryptographic tasks. It has been proved that the unconditionally secure quantum bit commitment is impossible from Mayers-Lo-Chau No-go theorem. A variant of quantum bit commitment requires cheat sensible for both parties. Another results shows that these no-go theorem can be evaded using the non-relativistic transmission or Minkowski causality. Our goal in this paper is to revise unconditionally secure quantum bit commitment. We firstly propose new quantum bit commitments using distributed settings and quantum entanglement which is used to overcome Mayers-Lo-Chau No-go Theorems. Both protocols are perfectly concealing, perfectly binding, and cheating sensible in asymptotic model against entanglement-based attack and splitting attack from quantum networks. These schemes are then extended to commit secret bits against eavesdroppers. We further propose two new applications. One is to commit qubit states. The other is to commit unitary circuits. These new schemes are useful for committing several primitives including sampling model, randomness, and Boolean functions in cryptographic protocols.
Avijit Dutta
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In CRYPTO 2015, Cogliati et al. have proposed one-round tweakable Even-Mansour (\textsf{1-TEM}) cipher constructed out of a single $n$-bit public permutation $\pi$ and a uniform and almost XOR-universal hash function \textsf{H} as $(k, t, x) \mapsto \textsf{H}_k(t) \oplus \pi(\textsf{H}_k(t) \oplus x)$, where $t$ is the tweak, and $x$ is the $n$-bit message. Authors have shown that its two-round extension, which we refer to as \textsf{2-TEM}, obtained by cascading $2$-independent instances of the construction gives $2n/3$-bit security and $r$-round cascading gives $rn/r+2$-bit security. In ASIACRYPT 2015, Cogliati and Seurin have shown that four-round tweakable Even-Mansour cipher, which we refer to as \textsf{4-TEM}, constructed out of four independent $n$-bit permutations $\pi_1, \pi_2, \pi_3$ and $\pi_4$ and two independent $n$-bit keys $k_1$ and $k_2$, defined as \begin{equation} \label{eq:abstract} k_1 \oplus t \oplus \pi_4(k_2 \oplus t \oplus \pi_3(k_1 \oplus t \oplus \pi_2(k_2 \oplus t \oplus \pi_1(k_1 \oplus t \oplus x)))), \end{equation}

\noindent is secure upto $2^{2n/3}$ adversarial queries. In this paper, we have shown that if we replace two independent permutations of \textsf{2-TEM} (Cogliati et al., CRYPTO 2015) with a single $n$-bit public permutation, then the resultant construction still guarrantees security upto $2^{2n/3}$ adversarial queries. Using the results derived therein, we also show that replacing the permutation $(\pi_4, \pi_3)$ with $(\pi_1, \pi_2)$ in Eqn.~\eqref{eq:abstract} preserves security upto $2^{2n/3}$ adversarial queries.
Pratik Soni, Stefano Tessaro
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This paper studies constructions of pseudorandom functions (PRFs) from non-adaptive PRFs (naPRFs), i.e., PRFs which are secure only against distinguishers issuing all of their queries at once.

Berman and Haitner (Journal of Cryptology, '15) gave a one-call construction which, however, is not hardness preserving -- to obtain a secure PRF (against polynomial-time distinguishers), they need to rely on a naPRF secure against superpolynomial-time distinguishers; in contrast, all known hardness-preserving constructions require $\omega(1)$ calls. This leaves open the question of whether a stronger superpolynomial-time assumption is necessary for one-call (or constant-call) approaches. Here, we show that a large class of one-call constructions (which in particular includes the one of Berman and Haitner) cannot be proved to be a secure PRF under a black-box reduction to the (polynomial-time) naPRF security of the underlying function.

Our result complements existing impossibility results (Myers, EUROCRYPT '04; Pietrzak, CRYPTO '05) ruling out natural specific approaches, such as parallel and sequential composition. Furthermore, we show that our techniques extend to rule out a natural class of constructions making parallel but arbitrary number of calls which in particular includes parallel composition and the two-call, cuckoo-hashing based construction of Berman et al.\ (Journal of Cryptology, '19).
Mihai-Zicu Mina, Emil Simion
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this article we present the BB84 quantum key distribution scheme from two perspectives. First, we provide a theoretical discussion of the steps Alice and Bob take to reach a shared secret using this protocol, while an eavesdropper Eve is either involved or not. Then, we offer and discuss two distinct implementations that simulate BB84 using IBM’s Qiskit framework, the first being an exercise solved during the “IBM Quantum Challenge” event in early May 2020, while the other was developed independently to showcase the intercept-resend attack strategy in detail. We note the latter’s scalability and increased output verbosity, which allow for a statistical analysis to determine the probability of detecting the act of eavesdropping.
Yusai Wu, Liqing Yu, Zhenfu Cao, Xiaolei Dong
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The tight security bound of the Key-Alternating Cipher (KAC) construction whose round permutations are independent from each other has been well studied. Then a natural question is how the security bound will change when we use fewer permutations in a KAC construction. In CRYPTO 2014, Chen et al. proved that 2-round KAC with a single permutation (2KACSP) has the same security level as the classic one (i.e., 2-round KAC). But we still know little about the security bound of incompletely-independent KAC constructions with more than 2 rounds. In this paper,we will show that a similar result also holds for 3-round case. More concretely, we prove that 3-round KAC with a single permutation (3KACSP) is secure up to $\varTheta(2^{\frac{3n}{4}})$ queries, which also caps the security of 3-round KAC. To avoid the cumbersome graphical illustration used in Chen et al.'s work, a new representation is introduced to characterize the underlying combinatorial problem. Benefited from it, we can handle the knotty dependence in a modular way, and also show a plausible way to study the security of $r$KACSP. Technically, we abstract a type of problems capturing the intrinsic randomness of $r$KACSP construction, and then propose a high-level framework to handle such problems. Furthermore, our proof techniques show some evidence that for any $r$, $r$KACSP has the same security level as the classic $r$-round KAC in random permutation model.
Liliya Kraleva, Raluca Posteuca, Vincent Rijmen
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper we present an analysis of the SpoC cipher, a second round candidate of the NIST Lightweight Crypto Standardization process. First we present a differential analysis on the sLiSCP-light permutation, a core element of SpoC. Then we propose a series of attacks on both versions of SpoC, namely round-reduced differential tag forgery and message recovery attacks, as well as a time-memory trade-off key-recovery attack on the full round version of Spoc-64. Finally, we present an observation regarding the constants used in the sLiSCP-light permutation. To the best of our knowledge, this paper represents the first third-party analysis on both SpoC cipher and the sLiSCP-light permutation.
Julia Kastner, Julian Loss, Michael Rosenberg, Jiayu Xu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Studying the security and efficiency of blind signatures is an important goal for privacy sensitive applications. In particular, for large-scale settings (e.g. cryptocurrency tumblers), it is important for schemes to scale well with the number of users in the system. Unfortunately, all practical, group-based schemes either 1) rely on (very strong) number theoretic hardness assumptions and computationally expensive pairing operations over bilinear groups or 2) support only a polylogarithmic number of \emph{concurrent} (i.e., arbitrarily interleaved) signing sessions per public key. Following the recent work of Fuchsbauer et al. (EUROCRYPT `20), we revisit the security of two \emph{pairing-free} blind signature schemes in the algebraic group model (AGM) + Random Oracle Model (ROM). First, we prove that the popular blind Schnorr scheme is secure under the one-more discrete logarithm assumption if (polynomially many) signatures are issued \emph{sequentially}. This stands in stark contrast to the results of Fuchsbauer et al. and Benhamouda et al. (EPRINT `20). Under the same assumptions, their (combined) results imply security against a polynomial time attacker iff the signer opens at most polylogarithmically many \emph{concurrent} signing sessions. We then reconsider the security of Abe's scheme (EUROCRYPT `01), which is known to have a flawed proof in the plain ROM. We give a proof under the discrete logarithm assumption in the AGM+ROM, even for (polynomially many) \emph{concurrent} signing sessions. Finally, we demonstrate that these pairing-free signature schemes are immediately usable in a real-world setting. Using a cryptocurrency tumbling service as a model, we benchmark the Schnorr and Abe schemes under different workloads and degrees of parallelism and conclude that they can both handle large workloads at reasonable security levels, and have distinct optimal use cases.
Dmitrii Koshelev
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Let $\mathbb{F}_{\!q}$ be a finite field and $E_b\!: y_0^2 = x_0^3 + b$ be an ordinary elliptic $\mathbb{F}_{\!q}$-curve of $j$-invariant $0$ such that $\sqrt{b} \in \mathbb{F}_{\!q}$. In particular, this condition is fulfilled for the curve BLS12-381 and for one of sextic twists of the curve BW6-761 (in both cases $b=4$). These curves are very popular in pairing-based cryptography. The article provides an efficient constant-time hashing $h\!: \mathbb{F}_{\!q} \to E_b(\mathbb{F}_{\!q})$ of an absolutely new type for which at worst $\#\mathrm{Im}(h) \approx q/6$. The main idea of our hashing consists in extracting in $\mathbb{F}_{\!q}$ a cubic root instead of a square root as in the well known (universal) SWU hashing and in its simplified analogue. Besides, the new hashing can be implemented without quadratic and cubic residuosity tests (as well as without inversions) in $\mathbb{F}_{\!q}$. Thus in addition to the protection against timing attacks, $h$ is much more efficient than the SWU hashing, which generally requires to perform two quadratic residuosity tests in $\mathbb{F}_{\!q}$. For instance, in the case of BW6-761 this allows to avoid at least approximately $2 \!\cdot\! 761 \approx 1500$ field multiplications.
Matteo Campanelli, Antonio Faonio, Dario Fiore, Anaïs Querol, Hadrián Rodríguez
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We address the problem of constructing zkSNARKs whose SRS is $\mathit{universal}$ – valid for all relations within a size-bound – and $\mathit{updatable}$ – a dynamic set of participants can add secret randomness to it indefinitely thus increasing confidence in the setup. We investigate formal frameworks and techniques to design efficient universal updatable zkSNARKs with linear-size SRS and their commit-and-prove variants.

We achieve a collection of zkSNARKs with different tradeoffs. One of our constructions achieves the smallest proof size and proving time compared to the state of art for proofs for arithmetic circuits. The language supported by this scheme is a variant of R1CS, called R1CS-lite, introduced by this work. Another of our constructions supports directly standard R1CS and improves on previous work achieving the fastest proving time for this type of constraint systems.

We achieve this result via the combination of different contributions: (1) a new algebraically-flavored variant of IOPs that we call $\mathit{Polynomial}$ $\mathit{Holographic}$ $\mathit{IOPs}$ (PHPs), (2) a new compiler that combines our PHPs with $\mathit{commit}$-$\mathit{and}$-$\mathit{prove}$ $\mathit{\ zkSNARKs}$ for committed polynomials, (3) pairing-based realizations of these CP-SNARKs for polynomials, (4) constructions of PHPs for R1CS and R1CS-lite, (5) a variant of the compiler that yields a commit-and-prove universal zkSNARK.
Radhakrishna Bhat, N R Sunitha
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Private Information Retrieval (PIR) is one of the promising techniques to preserve user privacy in the presence of trusted-but- curious servers. The information-theoretically private query construction assures the highest user privacy over curious and unbounded computation servers. Therefore, the need for information-theoretic private retrieval was fulfilled by various schemes in a variety of PIR settings. To augment previous work, we propose a combination of new bit connection methods called rail-shape and signal-shape and new quadratic residuosity assumption based family of trapdoor functions for generic single database Private Block Retrieval (PBR). The main goal of this work is to show that the possibility of mapping from computationally bounded privacy to information-theoretic privacy or vice-versa in a single database setting using newly constructed bit connection and trapdoor function combinations. The proposed bit connection and trapdoor function combinations have achieved the following results. • Single Database information-theoretic PBR (SitPBR): The proposed combinations are used to construct SitPBR in which the user privacy is preserved through the generation of information-theoretic queries and data privacy is preserved using quadratic residuosity assumption. • Single Database computationally bounded PBR (ScPBR): The proposed combinations are used to construct ScPBR in which both user privacy and data privacy are preserved using a well-known intractability assumption called quadratic residuosity assumption. • Map(SitPBR)→ScPBR: The proposed combinations can be used to transform (or map) SitPBR into ScPBR scheme by choosing appropriate function parameters. • Map(ScPBR)→SitPBR: The proposed combinations can be used to transform (or map) ScPBR into SitPBR scheme by choosing appropriate function parameters. All the proposed schemes are single round, memoryless and plain database schemes (at their basic constructions).

08 September 2020

Research Group COSIC at University of Leuven, Belgium
Job Posting Job Posting
PhD candidate to work on Cryptography secured against physical attacks. The traditional application of cryptography is the protection of communication lines. In modern applications the attacker often has physical access to the device that is executing the cryptographic algorithm, and can measure side channels (execution time, power consumption, electro-magnetic radiation) or perform fault attacks. With the advent of the IOT, the interest in embedded cryptographic systems and side-channel/fault attacks on these systems is steadily increasing. Protection against side channel attacks (SCA) is usually done via masking, i.e. by randomizing any sensitive data manipulated during computations. Protection against fault injection attacks (FA)is typically done either by duplication or by using infection, i.e., ensuring that any induced fault results in a garbage output. The research direction of combined countermeasures -that is, countermeasures against both SCA and FA -is quite young and experimental. We are looking for a postdoc to work on: (1) formal security definitions and methods to defend implementations against combined attacks as well as new countermeasures against combined attacks which have improved performance and a more realistic adversary model. (2) the development of robust automated verification tools capable of handling entire and practical implementations. (3) defining metrics for combined security and to develop procedures for their evaluation using verification tools. Specific Skills Required: The candidates should hold a PhD degree with aproven research track record in any aspects of Cryptography or Embedded Security. We are especially looking for researchers with a broad research spectrum, going from mathematical aspects, to implementations on FPGA and physical attacks evaluation.

Closing date for applications:


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