06 October 2020
Jean-Philippe Bossuat, Christian Mouchet, Juan Troncoso-Pastoriza, Jean-Pierre Hubaux
We achieve this by introducing two novel contributions, applicable to the CKKS scheme: (i) We propose a generic algorithm for homomorphic polynomial evaluation that is scale-invariant and optimal in level consumption. (ii) We optimize the key-switch procedure and propose a new technique to perform rotations (``double hoisting'') that significantly reduces the complexity of homomorphic matrix-vector products.
Our scheme improvements and bootstrapping procedure are implemented in the open source Lattigo library (https://github.com/ldsec/lattigo). As an example, bootstrapping a plaintext in $\mathbb{C}^{32768}$ takes 17 seconds, with an output coefficient modulus of 505 bits and a mean precision of 19.2 bits. Hence, we achieve an order of magnitude improvement in bootstrapped throughput (plaintext-bit per second) with respect to the previous best results, while ensuring 128-bit of security.
Yunsi Fei, Guang Gong, Cheng Gongye, Kalikinkar Mandal, Raghvendra Rohit, Tianhong Xu, Yunjie Yi, Nusa Zidaric
Tingting Cui, Lorenzo Grassi
As one instance of Farfalle, Xoofff is very efficient on a wide range of platforms from low-end devices to high-end processors by combining the narrow permutation Xoodoo and the inherent parallelism of Farfalle. In this paper, we present key-recovery attacks on reduced-round Xoofff. After identifying a weakness in the expanding rolling function, we first propose practical attacks on Xoofff instantiated with 1-/2-round Xoodoo in the expansion layer. We next extend such attack on Xoofff instantiated with 3-/4-round Xoodoo in the expansion layer by making use of Meet-in-the-Middle algebraic attacks and the linearization technique. All attacks proposed here -- which are independent of the details of the compression and/or middle layer -- have been practically verified (either on the "real" Xoofff or on a toy-version Xoofff with block-size of 96 bits).
As a countermeasure, we discuss how to slightly modified the rolling function for free to reduce the number of attackable rounds.
Yatao Yang, Ye Zhang , Yuying Zhai, Zheng Yuan, Guangwu Xu
Yevgeniy Dodis, Pooya Farshim, Sogol Mazaheri, Stefano Tessaro
In this work we further develop the technique of combining two or more independent BROs to render their backdoors useless in a more general sense. More precisely, we study the question of building an indifferentiable and backdoor-free random function by combining multiple BROs. Achieving full indifferentiability in this model seems very challenging at the moment. We however make progress by showing that the xor combiner goes well beyond security against preprocessing attacks and offers indifferentiability as long as the adaptivity of queries to different backdoor oracles remains logarithmic in the input size of the BROs. We even show that an extractor-based combiner of three BROs can achieve indifferentiability with respect to a linear adaptivity of backdoor queries. Furthermore, a natural restriction of our definition gives rise to a notion of indifferentiability with auxiliary input, for which we give two positive feasibility results.
To prove these results we build on and refine techniques by Göös et al. (STOC 2015) and Kothari et al. (STOC 2017) for decomposing distributions with high entropy into distributions with more structure and show how they can be applied in the more involved adaptive settings.
Davide Poggi, Philippe Maurine, Thomas Ordas, Alexandre Sarafianos, Jérémy Raoult
Rachit Garg, Dakshita Khurana, George Lu, Brent Waters
Arthur Van Der Merwe, David Paul, Jelena Schmalz, Timothy M. Schaerf
David Cash, Andrew Drucker, Alexander Hoover
Andrea Coladangelo, Christian Majenz, Alexander Poremba
In this work, we introduce a quantum copy-protection scheme for a large class of evasive functions known as "compute-and-compare programs" - a more expressive generalization of point functions. A compute-and-compare program $\mathsf{CC}[f,y]$ is specified by a function $f$ and a string $y$ within its range: on input $x$, $\mathsf{CC}[f,y]$ outputs $1$, if $f(x) = y$, and $0$ otherwise. We prove that our scheme achieves non-trivial security against fully malicious adversaries in the quantum random oracle model (QROM), which makes it the first copy-protection scheme to enjoy any level of provable security in a standard cryptographic model. As a complementary result, we show that the same scheme fulfils a weaker notion of software protection, called "secure software leasing", introduced very recently by Ananth and La Placa (eprint 2020), with a standard security bound in the QROM, i.e. guaranteeing negligible adversarial advantage.
05 October 2020
Telecom Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris & Thalès Group
Ph.D. positions in cryptography and security, with focus on distributed protocols, cryptology and Secure Multi-party Computation. Secure “multi-party computation” (MPC) is a type of cryptographic protocol that allows a set of parties to compute a function of each of their individual inputs, without having to reveal their inputs. It would be interesting to explore the use of this approach in the context of the autonomous connected vehicles to define protocols that preserve privacy and integrity, and ensure secure communications in a highly distributed context.
Position is available in the INFRES (Computer Science and Network) Department at Telecom Paris of the Institute of Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris), France.
The expected Ph.D research takes part of research activities carried out in the Axis 2 of the Chair C3S and especially related to topic 2 – Protection of data and data flow in real time, cryptography and agility focusing on light and robust cryptography, real-time cryptography and crypto-agility. Candidates should have a strong background in computer science and cryptography. Demonstrated expertise in cryptography, distributed computing, or multi-party computation is a plus. Applicants must hold a master degree in the relevant research fields. Positions are available and come with a competitive salary. The selection process runs until suitable candidates are found. If you are interested, please apply by sending email with one single PDF file and subject line set to Application for Ph.D., addressed directly to Prof. Duong Hieu Phan and Prof. Houda Labiod from Infres Department, Institute Polytecnique de Paris and Dr. Aurélien Dupin from Thalès Group. Since we receive many applications, we encourage you to include necessary materials that demonstrate your motivation and strengths.
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Hieu Phan (hieu.phan@telecom-paris.fr) and Houda Labiod (houda.labiod@telecom-paris.fr).
01 October 2020
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 27 January - 28 January 2021
Submission deadline: 15 November 2020
Notification: 15 December 2020
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Prof. Mark Tehranipoor tehranipoor@ufl.edu
More information: http://tehranipoor.ece.ufl.edu/
Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), Singapore
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Prof. Jianying Zhou (jianying_zhou@sutd.edu.sg)
More information: http://jianying.space/
Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria
- Formal Methods and Security
- Privacy Technologies
- Systems Security
- Usable Security & Privacy
The professorship will be part of the Institute of Applied Information Processing and Communications, which is an internationally visible research environment with more than 60 researchers in information security. The institute collaborates closely with research groups and industry partners around the globe. It is a central part of the recently established Cybersecurity Campus Graz, which unites basic research, education, technology transfer, and industry partners in cybersecurity all under one roof.
The new professor will build an internationally visible group, and will be an engaged teacher in the Computer Science programs at the Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD level. At Graz University of Technology, undergraduate courses are taught in German or English and graduate courses are taught in English.
Closing date for applications:
Contact: For further question, please contact Stefan Mangard / stefan.mangard@iaik.tugraz.at
The application should be sent to the Dean of the Department of Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering at applications.csbme@tugraz.at until 26.11.2020 referencing to 7050/20/035
More information: https://www.tugraz.at/fakultaeten/csbme/news/jobs-grants-calls/tenure-track-professor-in-security-and-privacy/
Cryptology and Data Security Group, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
Ph.D. positions in cryptography and security, with focus on distributed protocols and blockchain Cryptology and Data Security Group, University of Bern Ph.D. positions are available in the Cryptology and Data Security research group at the Institute of Computer Science, University of Bern, led by Christian Cachin.
Our research addresses all aspects of security in distributed systems, especially cryptographic protocols, consistency, consensus, and cloud-computing security. We are particularly interested in blockchains, distributed ledger technology, cryptocurrencies, and their security and economics.
Candidates should have a strong background in computer science. They should like conceptual, rigorous thinking for working theoretically, or be interested in building innovative systems for working practically. Demonstrated expertise in cryptography, distributed computing, or blockchain technology is a plus. Applicants must hold a master degree in the relevant research fields.
Positions are available starting January 2021 and come with a competitive salary. The selection process runs until suitable candidates have been found. The University of Bern conducts excellent research and lives up its vision that “Knowledge generates value”. The city of Bern lies in the center of Switzerland and offers some of the highest quality of life worldwide.
If you are interested, please apply be sending email with one single PDF file and subject line set to Application for Ph.D., addressed directly to Prof. Christian Cachin at crypto (at) inf.unibe.ch.
Since we receive many applications, we encourage you to include material that demonstrates your interests and strengths and sets you apart from others.
For more information, please contact Christian Cachin (https://crypto.unibe.ch/cc/).
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Christian Cachin
More information: https://crypto.unibe.ch/jobs