International Association for Cryptologic Research

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03 December 2020

University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia
Job Posting Job Posting
The Coding and Information Transmission Group at the Institute of Computer Science, the University of Tartu, Estonia, is looking for a Research Fellow (post-doc). The position is available almost immediately (subject to necessary paperwork), and could last until 31 December 2022. The ideal candidate will have strength in one or more of the following areas:

• algebraic/combinatorial coding theory;
• coding techniques/coded modulations/practical LDPC and LDPC-like codes;
• coding for distributed data storage/PIR/load balancing;
• code-based cryptography.

University of Tartu offers internationally-competitive salary packages. Cost of living in Estonia is quite low, see e.g. During the COVID pandemic, it is possible to start working remotely, and then to move to Estonia once the situation normalizes.

A successful candidate should:
• hold a Ph.D. degree;
• have a strong publication record at outstanding venues.

To apply, please submit the following documents (by email):
• Application letter
• Curriculum vitae
• Publication list

Deadline for applications: 15th December 2020

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Vitaly Skachek, e-mail vitaly.skachek at, see . Do not hesitate to contact us in the case of questions.

Tabitha Ogilvie, Rachel Player, Joe Rowell
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The fixed-Hessian minimisation method can be used to implement privacy-preserving machine learning training from homomorphic encryption. This is a relatively under-explored part of the literature, with the main prior work being that of Bonte and Vercauteren (BMC Medical Genomics, 2018), who proposed a simplified Hessian method for logistic regression training over the BFV homomorphic encryption scheme. Our main contribution is to revisit the fixed- Hessian approach for logistic regression training over the CKKS homomorphic encryption scheme. We improve on the prior work in several aspects, most notably showing how the native encoding in CKKS can be used to take advantage of SIMD operations. We implement our new fixed-Hessian approach in SEAL and compare it to more commonly-used minimisation methods, based on Gradient Descent and Nesterov’s Accelerated Gradient Descent. We find that the fixed-Hessian approach exhibits fast run time and comparable accuracy to these alternative approaches. Moreover, it can be argued to be more practical in the privacy-preserving training context, as no step size parameter needs to be chosen.

As an additional contribution, we describe and implement three distinct training algorithms, based on Gradient Descent, Nesterov’s Accelerated Gradient Descent, and a fixed-Hessian method respec- tively, to achieve privacy-preserving ridge regression training from homomorphic encryption. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time homomorphic encryption has been used to implement ridge regression training on encrypted data.
Bruno Blanchet, David Pointcheval
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This paper presents the first automatic technique for proving not only protocols but also primitives in the exact security computational model. Automatic proofs of cryptographic protocols were up to now reserved to the Dolev-Yao model, which however makes quite strong assumptions on the primitives. On the other hand, with the proofs by reductions, in the complexity theoretic framework, more subtle security assumptions can be considered, but security analyses are manual. A process calculus is thus defined in order to take into account the probabilistic semantics of the computational model. It is already rich enough to describe all the usual security notions of both symmetric and asymmetric cryptography, as well as the basic computational assumptions. As an example, we illustrate the use of the new tool with the proof of a quite famous asymmetric primitive: unforgeability under chosen-message attacks (UF-CMA) of the Full-Domain Hash signature scheme under the (trapdoor)-one-wayness of some permutations.

02 December 2020

Mike Hamburg
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Bernstein et al. recently introduced a system ``Elligator'' for steganographic key distribution. At the heart of their construction are invertible maps between a finite field $\mathbb{F}$ and an elliptic curve $\mathcal{E}$ over $\mathbb{F}$. There are two such maps, called $\phi$ in the ``Elligator 1'' system, and $\psi$ in the ``Elligator 2'' system.

Here we show two ways to construct hash functions from $\psi$ which are indifferentiable from a random oracle. Because $\psi$ is relatively simple, our analyses are also simple. One of our constructions uses a novel ``wallpapering'' approach, whereas the other uses the hash-twice-and-add approach of Brier et al.
Jan Pennekamp, Patrick Sapel, Ina Berenice Fink, Simon Wagner, Sebastian Reuter, Christian Hopmann, Klaus Wehrle, Martin Henze
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Benchmarking the performance of companies is essential to identify improvement potentials in various industries. Due to a competitive environment, this process imposes strong privacy needs, as leaked business secrets can have devastating effects on participating companies. Consequently, related work proposes to protect sensitive input data of companies using secure multi-party computation or homomorphic encryption. However, related work so far does not consider that also the benchmarking algorithm, used in today's applied real-world scenarios to compute all relevant statistics, itself contains significant intellectual property, and thus needs to be protected. Addressing this issue, we present PCB — a practical design for Privacy-preserving Company Benchmarking that utilizes homomorphic encryption and a privacy proxy — which is specifically tailored for realistic real-world applications in which we protect companies' sensitive input data and the valuable algorithms used to compute underlying key performance indicators. We evaluate PCB's performance using synthetic measurements and showcase its applicability alongside an actual company benchmarking performed in the domain of injection molding, covering 48 distinct key performance indicators calculated out of hundreds of different input values. By protecting the privacy of all participants, we enable them to fully profit from the benefits of company benchmarking.
Ivan Damgård, Chaya Ganesh, Hamidreza Khoshakhlagh, Claudio Orlandi, Luisa Siniscalchi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The lack of privacy in the first generation of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc. is a well known problem in cryptocurrency research. To overcome this problem, several new cryptocurrencies were designed to guarantee transaction privacy and anonymity for their users (examples include ZCash, Monero, etc.).

However, the anonymity provided by such systems appears to be fundamentally problematic in current business and legislation settings: banks and other financial institutions must follow rules such as "Know your customer" (KYC), "Anti Money Laundering" (AML), etc. It is also well known that the (alleged or real) anonymity guarantees provided by cryptocurrencies have attracted ill-intentioned individual to this space, who look at cryptocurrencies as a way of facilitating illegal activities (tax-evasion, ransom-ware, trading of illegal substances, etc.).

The fact that current cryptocurrencies do not comply with such regulations can in part explain why traditional financial institutions have so far been very sceptical of the ongoing cryptocurrency and Blockchain revolution.

In this paper, we propose a novel design principle for identity management in Blockchains. The goal of our design is to maintain privacy, while still allowing compliance with current regulations and preventing exploitations of Blockchain technology for purposes which are incompatible with the social good.
Jun Yan
ePrint Report ePrint Report
A quantum bit commitment scheme is to realize bit (rather than qubit) commitment by exploiting quantum communication and quantum computation. In this work, we study the binding property of a generic quantum computationally-binding bit commitment scheme composed in parallel, which can be viewed as a quantum string commitment scheme. We show that the resulting scheme satisfies a stronger quantum computational binding property than the trivial honest-binding, which we call the predicate-binding. Intuitively and very roughly, the predicate-binding property guarantees that given any inconsistent predicate pair over a set of strings (i.e. no strings in this set can satisfy both predicates), if a (claimed) quantum commitment can be opened so that the revealed string satisfies one predicate with certainty, then the same commitment cannot be opened so that the revealed string satisfies the other predicate (except for a negligible probability).

As an application, we plug a generic quantum (perfectly/statistically-hiding) computationally-binding bit commitment scheme in Blum's zero-knowledge protocol for the NP-complete language Hamiltonian Cycle. Then the quantum computational predicate-binding property of the commitments immediately translates into the quantum computational soundness of the protocol. Combined with the perfect/statistical zero-knowledge property which can be similarly established as Watrous [Wat09], as well as known constructions of quantum computationally-binding bit commitment scheme, this gives rise to the first quantum perfect/statistical zero-knowledge argument system for all NP languages based solely on quantum-secure one-way functions.
Kevin Lewi, Payman Mohassel, Arnab Roy
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The typical login protocol for authenticating a user to a web service involves the client sending a password over a TLS-secured channel to the service, occasionally deployed with the password being prehashed. This widely-deployed paradigm, while simple in nature, is prone to both inadvertent logging and eavesdropping attacks, and has repeatedly led to the exposure of passwords in plaintext.

Partly to address this problem, symmetric and asymmetric PAKE protocols were developed to ensure that the messages exchanged during an authentication protocol reveal nothing about the passwords. However, these protocols inherently require at least two messages to be sent out: one from each party. This limitation hinders wider adoption, as the most common login flow consists of a single message from client to the login server. The ideal solution would retain the password privacy properties of asymmetric PAKEs while allowing the protocol to be a drop-in replacement into legacy password-over-TLS deployments.

With these requirements in mind, we introduce the notion of credential-hiding login, which enables a client to authenticate itself by sending a single message to the server, while ensuring the correct verification of credentials and maintaining credential privacy in the same strong sense as guaranteed by asymmetric PAKEs. We initiate a formal study of this primitive in the Universal Composability framework, design and implement a practical password-based protocol using identity-based encryption, and report on its performance. We also construct a variant of credential-hiding login for fuzzy secrets (e.g. biometrics), proven secure based on the Learning With Errors (LWE) assumption.
Nico Döttling, Giulio Malavolta, Sihang Pu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Quantum pseudorandom functions (QPRFs) extend the classical security of a PRF by allowing the adversary to issue queries on input superposition. Zhandry [Zhandry, FOCS 2012] showed a separation between the two notions and proved that common construction paradigms are also quantum secure, albeit with a new ad-hoc analysis. In this work, we revisit the question of constructing QPRFs and propose a new method starting from small-domain (classical) PRFs: At the heart of our approach is a new domain-extension technique based on bipartite expanders. Interestingly, our analysis is almost entirely classical. As a corollary of our main theorem, we obtain the first (approximate) key homomorphic quantum PRF based on the quantum intractability of the learning with errors problem.
Mike Hamburg, Mike Tunstall, Qinglai Xiao
ePrint Report ePrint Report
RSA key generation requires devices to generate large prime numbers. The na\"ive approach is to generate candidates at random, and then test each one for (probable) primality. However, it is faster to use a sieve method, where the candidates are chosen so as not to be divisible by a list of small prime numbers $\{p_i\}$.

Sieve methods can be somewhat complex and time-consuming, at least by the standards of embedded and hardware implementations, and they can be tricky to defend against side-channel analysis. Here we describe an improvement on Joye et al.'s sieve based on the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT). We also describe a new sieve method using quadratic residuosity which is simpler and faster than previously known methods, and which can produce values in desired RSA parameter ranges such as $(2^{n-1/2}, 2^n)$ with minimal additional work. The same methods can be used to generate strong primes and DSA moduli.

We also demonstrate a technique for RSA private key operations using the Chinese Remainder Theorem (RSA-CRT) without $q^{-1}$ mod $p$. This technique also leads to inversion-free batch RSA and inversion-free RSA mod $p^k q$.

We demonstrate how an embedded device can use our key generation and RSA-CRT techniques to perform RSA efficiently without storing the private key itself: only a symmetric seed and one or two short hints are required.
Gabrielle De Micheli, Nadia Heninger
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Side-channel attacks targeting cryptography may leak only partial or indirect information about the secret keys. There are a variety of techniques in the literature for recovering secret keys from partial information. In this tutorial, we survey several of the main families of partial key recovery algorithms for RSA, (EC)DSA, and (elliptic curve) Diffie-Hellman, the public-key cryptosystems in common use today. We categorize the known techniques by the structure of the information that is learned by the attacker, and give simplified examples for each technique to illustrate the underlying ideas.
Mariusz Jurkiewicz
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper we construct and consider a signature scheme with evolving secret key, where there is used Type 3 pairing. The idea is based on some properties of binary trees, with a number of leaves being the same as a number of time periods in the scheme. This lets us to gain such conditions, that allows to prove the forward-security of the considered scheme in the random oracle model. The proof is conducted by reducing the security of the scheme to the difficulty of solving a certain counterpart of the Weak $\ell$-th Bilinear Diffie-Hellman Inversion problem. In addition to that, we construct an interactive signature scheme with evolving private key and justify that it is forward-secure blind scheme.
Ben Nassi, Lior Rokach, Yuval Elovici
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Seven years ago, a famous case in which data from a Fitbit tracker was used in the courtroom in a personal injury case heralded a new age: the age of testifying wearable devices. Prior to that, data from wearable devices was used in various areas, including medicine, advertising, and scientific research, but the use of such data in the Fitbit case attracted the interest of a new sector: the legal sector. Since then, lawyers, investigators, detectives, and police officers have used data from pacemakers and smartwatches in order to prove/disprove allegations regarding wearable device owners in several well-known cases (sexual assault, arson, personal injury, etc.). In this paper, we discuss testifying wearable devices. We explain the advantages of wearable devices over traditional IoT devices in the legal setting, the parties involved in cases in which a wearable device was used to testify against/for the device owner, and the information flow. We then focus on an interesting area of research: intoxication detection. We explain the motivation to detect whether a subject was intoxicated and explain the primary scientific gap in this area. In order to overcome this gap, we suggest a new method for detecting whether a subject was intoxicated based on free gait data obtained from a wearable device. We evaluate the performance of the proposed method in a user study involving 30 subjects and show that motion sensor data obtained from a smartphone and fitness tracker from eight seconds of free gait can indicate whether a subject is/was intoxicated (obtaining an AUC of 0.97) and thus be used as testimony. Finally, we analyze the current state and the near future of the age of testifying wearable devices and explain why we believe that (1) we are still at the beginning of this age despite the fact that seven years has passed since the original court case, and (2) the number of cases in which wearable device data is used to testify for/against the device owner is expected to increase significantly in the next few years.
Satoshi Okada, Yuntao Wang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
CRYSTALS-KYBER and SABER are two lattice-based encryption algorithms in the third round finalists of NIST’s post-quantum cryptography standardization project. In ProvSec 2020, Wang et al. introduced a notion of “meta-PKE” for (ring) Learning With Errors crypto mechanism. They also proposed a key reuse attack on NewHope and LAC cryptosystems which meet the meta-PKE model. In their attack, the encryptor Bob’s partial (or even all) secrets can be recovered under the key reuse scenario. In this paper, we consider the meta-PKE model inCRYSTALS-KYBER and SABER. By improving Wang et al.’s method, we show that our proposed attacks cost only 4, 3, and 4 queries to recover Bob’s secrets for any security levels of I (AES-128), III (AES-192), and V (AES-256), respectively in CRYSTALS-KYBER. Simultaneously, only 6, 4, and 4 queries are required to recover Bob’s secret for security levels I, III, and V in SABER.
Kamil Kluczniak
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In a witness encryption scheme, to decrypt a ciphertext associated with an NP statement, the decrypter takes as input a witness testifying that the statement is in the language. When the statement is not in the language, then the message is hidden. Thus far, the only provably secure constructions assume the existence of indistinguishability obfuscation (iO) and multilinear maps (MMaps).

We make progress towards building polynomially efficient witness encryption for NP without resorting to iO or MMaps. In particular, we give a witness encryption scheme from Yao's garbled circuit technique and a new type of fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) that we call annihilating. Interestingly, we require a version of the annihilating FHE that is circularly insecure, i.e., allows testing the presence of a key cycle. We prove our witness encryption's security from a novel assumption about our annihilating FHE. We formulate the assumption as an interplay between an annihilating FHE and ideal ciphers. We show a candidate (leveled) annihilating FHE built from a multikey variant of the BGV/BFV fully homomorphic cryptosystems.
Paul Grubbs, Anurag Khandelwal, Marie-Sarah Lacharité, Lloyd Brown, Lucy Li, Rachit Agarwal, Thomas Ristenpart
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We present PANCAKE, the first system to protect key-value stores from access pattern leakage attacks with small constant factor bandwidth overhead. PANCAKE uses a new approach, that we call frequency smoothing, to transform plaintext accesses into uniformly distributed encrypted accesses to an encrypted data store. We show that frequency smoothing prevents access pattern leakage attacks by passive persistent adversaries in a new formal security model. We integrate PANCAKE into three key-value stores used in production clusters, and demonstrate its practicality: on standard benchmarks, PANCAKE achieves 229× better throughput than non-recursive Path ORAM - within 3–6× of insecure baselines for these key-value stores.
Alex B. Grilo, Huijia Lin, Fang Song, Vinod Vaikuntanathan
ePrint Report ePrint Report
MiniQCrypt is a world where quantum-secure one-way functions exist, and quantum communication is possible. We construct an oblivious transfer (OT) protocol in MiniQCrypt that achieves simulation-security in the plain model against malicious quantum polynomial-time adversaries, building on the foundational work of Bennett, Brassard, Crépeau and Skubiszewska (CRYPTO 1991). Combining the OT protocol with prior works, we obtain secure two-party and multi-party computation protocols also in MiniQCrypt. This is in contrast to the classical world, where it is widely believed that one-way functions alone do not give us OT.

In the common random string model, we achieve a constant-round universally composable (UC) OT protocol.
Joël Alwen, Bruno Blanchet, Eduard Hauck, Eike Kiltz, Benjamin Lipp, Doreen Riepel
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE) scheme is an emerging standard currently under consideration by the Crypto Forum Research Group (CFRG) of the IETF as a candidate for formal approval. Of the four modes of HPKE, we analyse the authenticated mode HPKE_Auth in its single-shot encryption form as it contains what is, arguably, the most novel part of HPKE and has applications to other upcoming standards such as MLS.

HPKE_Auth’s intended application domain is captured by a new primitive which we call Authenticated Public Key Encryption (APKE). We provide syntax and security definitions for APKE schemes, as well as for the related Authenticated Key Encapsulation Mechanisms (AKEMs). We prove security of the AKEM scheme DH-AKEM underlying HPKE Auth based on the Gap Diffie-Hellman assumption and provide general AKEM/DEM composition theorems with which to argue about HPKE_Auth’s security. To this end, we also formally analyse HPKE_Auth’s key schedule and key derivation functions. To increase confidence in our results we use the automatic theorem proving tool CryptoVerif. All our bounds are quantitative and we discuss their practical implications for HPKE_Auth.

As an independent contribution we propose the new framework of nominal groups that allows us to capture abstract syntactical and security properties of practical elliptic curves, including the Curve25519 and Curve448 based groups (which do not constitute cyclic groups).
Olivier Sanders, Jacques Traoré
ePrint Report ePrint Report
EPID systems are anonymous authentication protocols where a device can be revoked by including one of its signatures in a revocation list. Such protocols are today included in the ISO/IEC 20008-2 standard and are embedded in billions of chips, which make them a flagship of advanced cryptographic tools. Yet, their security analysis is based on a model that suffers from several important limitations, which either questions the security assurances EPID can provide in the real world or prevents such systems from achieving their full impact. The most prominent example is the one of revocation lists. Although they could be managed locally by verifiers, which would be natural in most use-cases, the security model assumes that they are managed by a trusted entity, a requirement that is not easily met in practice and that is thus tempting to ignore, as illustrated in the corresponding standard.

In this paper, we propose to revisit the security model of EPID, by removing some limitations of previous works but mostly by answering the following question: what can we achieve when revocation lists are generated by a malicious entity?

Surprisingly, even in this disadvantageous context, we show that it is possible to retain strong properties that we believe to better capture the spirit of EPID systems. Moreover, we show that we can construct very efficient schemes resisting such powerful adversaries by essentially tweaking previous approaches. In particular, our constructions do not require to perform any significant test on the revocation lists during the signature generation process. These constructions constitute the second contribution of this paper.
Michael Scott
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Optimization of finite field arithmetic is important for the deployment of public key cryptography, particularly in the context of elliptic curve cryptography. Until now the primary concern has been operations over the prime field $\F_p$, where $p$ is a prime. With the advent of pairing-based cryptography there arises a need to also look at optimal arithmetic over extension fields $\F_{p^n}$ for small values of $n$. Here we focus on the determination of quadratic residuosity and the calculation of inverses and square roots over these fields, operations often carried out in conjunction with one another. We demonstrate with a minor improvement in a hash-to-curve algorithm, and a major speed-up in the calculation of square roots in quadratic extensions.
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