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07 March 2021

University of South-Eastern Norway (USN)
Job Posting Job Posting
PhD Fellow position in Cybersecurity for 5G

The University of South-Eastern Norway (USN) seeks a dedicated an able phd fellow for work in cybersecurity for the 5G core networks. The context is for critical communications and specifically for emergency services, which in Norway will be migrating from Tetra to 4G/5G commercial networks during the next 5-6 years. This is a paid position and the duration is 3 years fulltime work. The phd fellow will join the Secure Distributed Systems reach group, and the research will be done in the context of the Raksha research project. Raksha is a RCN funded joint project with SINTEF Digital as the leading partner; Other partners and advisors include the University of Oslo, SimulaMet and the Norwegian Communications Authority, the Norwegian Security Authority, etc.

Special conditions: Due to the sensitive nature of the research topic, it is a requirement the applicant must be an EU national or come form a NATO country. Additionally, citizens from Australia or New Zealand may apply. (Background: A Norwegian security clearance may be required.) This is an absolute requirement.

NOTE: Students that will complete their master’s degree no later than June 2021 may apply.

A (rough and unofficial) English translation of the Norwegian-only announcement can be requested.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Professor Geir M. Køien

More information:

Vienna, Austria, 17 August - 20 August 2021
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 17 August to 20 August 2021
Submission deadline: 30 April 2021
Notification: 3 June 2021

06 March 2021

Konstantinos Chalkias, Shir Cohen, Kevin Lewi, Fredric Moezinia, Yolan Romailler
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This paper presents HashWires, a hash-based range proof protocol that is applicable in settings for which there is a trusted third party (typically a credential issuer) that can generate commitments. We refer to these as "credential-based" range proofs (CBRPs). HashWires improves upon hashchain solutions that are typically restricted to micro-payments for small interval ranges, achieving an exponential speedup in proof generation and verification time. In terms of proof size and computational cost, we show that HashWires compares favorably against Bulletproofs for both 32- and 64-bit numeric values. Although CBRPs are inherently less flexible than general zero-knowledge range proofs, we provide a number of applications in which a credential issuer can leverage HashWires to provide range proofs for private values, without having to rely on heavyweight cryptographic tools and assumptions.
Jan Richter-Brockmann, Pascal Sasdrich, Tim Güneysu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Physical attacks are serious threats to hardware implementations of any strong cryptographic primitive. Particularly, fault injection attack is considered as a powerful technique to successfully attack embedded cryptographic implementations since various fault injection mechanisms from simple clock glitches to more advanced techniques like laser fault injection can lead to devastating attacks, even with just a single successfully injected fault. Given these critical attack vectors, researchers in academia and industry came up with a long list of dedicated countermeasures to thwart such attacks.

However, the validation of proposed countermeasures is mostly performed on custom adversary models that are often not tightly coupled with the actual physical behavior of available fault injection mechanisms and techniques and, hence, fail to model the reality accurately. Furthermore, using custom models complicates comparison between different designs and evaluation results. As a consequence, we aim to close this gap by proposing a simple, generic, and consolidated fault injection adversary model in this work that can be perfectly tailored to existing fault injection mechanisms and their physical behavior in hardware. To demonstrate the advantages of our adversary model, we apply it to a cryptographic primitive (i.e., an ASCON S-box) and evaluate it based on different attack vectors. We further show that our proposed adversary model can be used and integrated into the state-of-the-art fault verification tool VerFI. Finally, we provide a discussion on the benefits and differences of our approach compared to already existing evaluation methods and briefly discuss limitations of current available verification tools.
Michael Zuzak, Ankur Srivastava
ePrint Report ePrint Report
A sizable body of work has identified the importance of architecture and application level security when using logic locking, a family of module level supply chain security techniques, to secure processor ICs. However, prior logic locking research proposes configuring logic locking using only module level considerations. To begin our work, we perform a systematic design space exploration of logic locking in modules throughout a processor IC. This exploration shows that locking with only module level considerations cannot guarantee architecture/application level security, regardless of the locking technique used. To remedy this, we propose a tool-driven security-aware approach to enhance the 2 most effective candidate locking locations, on-chip memory and data path. We show that through minor design modifications of the on-chip memory and data path architecture, one can exponentially improve the architecture/application level security of prior locking art with only a modest design overhead. Underlying our design space exploration and security-aware design approach is ObfusGEM, an open-source logic locking simulation framework released with this work to quantitatively evaluate the architectural effectiveness of logic locking in custom processor architecture configurations.
Marco Baldi, Franco Chiaraluce, Paolo Santini
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The Schnorr-Lyubashevsky approach has been shown able to produce secure and efficient signature schemes without trapdoors in the lattice-based setting, exploiting Gaussian distributions in the Euclidean metric and rejection sampling to tune the signature probability distributions. Translating such an approach to the code-based setting has revealed to be challenging, especially for codes in the Hamming metric. In this paper, we propose a new adaptation of the Schnorr-Lyubashevsky framework to codes in the Hamming metric exploiting restricted vectors, which allows avoiding existing attacks. We provide some preliminary arguments to assess the security level of the new scheme and for computing the relevant parameters. We show that the new scheme achieves compact keys and signatures even without considering structured codes.
Nicolas Bordes, Joan Daemen, Daniël Kuijsters, Gilles Van Assche
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Designing a block cipher or cryptographic permutation can be approached in many different ways. One such approach, popularized by AES, consists in grouping the bits along the S-box boundaries, e.g., in bytes, and in consistently processing them in these groups. This aligned approach leads to hierarchical structures like superboxes that make it possible to reason about the differential and linear propagation properties using combinatorial arguments. In contrast, an unaligned approach avoids any such grouping in the design of transformations. However, without hierarchical structure, sophisticated computer programs are required to investigate the differential and linear propagation properties of the primitive. In this paper, we formalize this notion of alignment and study four primitives that are exponents of different design strategies. We propose a way to analyze the interactions between the linear and the nonlinear layers w.r.t. the differential and linear propagation, and we use it to systematically compare the four primitives using non-trivial computer experiments. We show that alignment naturally leads to different forms of clustering, e.g., of active bits in boxes, of two-round trails in activity patterns, and of trails in differentials and linear approximations.
Akinori Hosoyamada, Yu Sasaki
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper, we for the first time show dedicated quantum collision attacks on SHA-256 and SHA-512. The attacks reach 38 and 39 steps, respectively, which significantly improve the classical attacks for 31 and 27 steps. Both attacks adopt the framework of the previous work that converts many semi-free-start collisions into a 2-block collision, and are faster than the generic attack in the cost metric of time-space tradeoff. We observe that the number of required semi-free-start collisions can be reduced in the quantum setting, which allows us to convert the previous classical 38 and 39 step semi-free-start collisions into a collision. The idea behind our attacks is simple and will also be applicable to other cryptographic hash functions.
Guilhem Castagnos, Dario Catalano, Fabien Laguillaumie, Federico Savasta, Ida Tucker
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Due to their use in crypto-currencies, threshold ECDSA signatures have received much attention in recent years. Though efficient solutions now exist both for the two party, and the full threshold scenario, there is still much room for improvement, be it in terms of protocol functionality, strengthening security or further optimising efficiency.

In the past few months, a range of protocols have been published, allowing for a non interactive -- and hence extremely efficient -- signing protocol; providing new features, such as identifiable aborts (parties can be held accountable if they cause the protocol to fail), fairness in the honest majority setting (all parties receive output or nobody does) and other properties. In some cases, security is proven in the strong simulation based model.

We combine ideas from the aforementioned articles with the suggestion of Castagnos \textit{et al.} (PKC 2020) to use the class group based $\mathsf{CL}$ framework so as to drastically reduce bandwidth consumption.

Building upon this latter protocol we present a new, maliciously secure, full threshold ECDSA protocol that achieving additional features without sacrificing efficiency. Our most basic protocol boasts a non interactive signature algorithm and identifiable aborts. We also propose a more advanced variant that also achieves adaptive security (for the $n$-out-of-$n$ case) and proactive security. Our resulting constructions improve upon state of the art Paillier's based realizations achieving similar goals by up to a 10 factor in bandwidth consumption.
Alex Biryukov, Aleksei Udovenko
ePrint Report ePrint Report
At CHES 2016, Bos et al. showed that most of existing white-box implementations are easily broken by standard side-channel attacks. A natural idea to apply the well-developed side-channel countermeasure - linear masking schemes - leaves implementations vulnerable to linear algebraic attacks which exploit absence of noise in the white-box setting and are applicable for any order of linear masking. At ASIACRYPT 2018, Biryukov and Udovenko proposed a security model (BU-model for short) for protection against linear algebraic attacks and a new quadratic masking scheme which is provably secure in this model. However, countermeasures against higher-degree attacks were left as an open problem. In this work, we study the effectiveness of another well-known side-channel countermeasure - shuffling - against linear and higher-degree algebraic attacks in the white-box setting. First, we extend the classic shuffling to include dummy computation slots and show that this is a crucial component for protecting against the algebraic attacks. We quantify and prove the security of dummy shuffling against the linear algebraic attack in the BU-model. We introduce a refreshing technique for dummy shuffling and show that it allows to achieve close to optimal protection in the model for arbitrary degrees of the attack, thus solving the open problem of protection against the algebraic attack in the BU-model.

Furthermore, we describe an interesting proof-of-concept construction that makes the slot function public (while keeping the shuffling indexes private). A variant of this construction was used, among other countermeasures, in challenge #100, one of the three white-box AES challenges from the CHES 2019 CTF / WhibOx 2019 contest that proved to be challenging for the attackers.
Sam Blackshear, Konstantinos Chalkias, Panagiotis Chatzigiannis, Riyaz Faizullabhoy, Irakliy Khaburzaniya, Eleftherios Kokoris Kogias, Joshua Lind, David Wong, Tim Zakian
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We present a novel approach for blockchain asset owners to reclaim their funds in case of accidental private-key loss or transfer to a mistyped address. Our solution can be deployed upon failure or absence of proactively implemented backup mechanisms, such as secret sharing and cold storage. The main advantages against previous proposals is it does not require any prior action from users and works with both single-key and multi-sig accounts. We achieve this by a 3-phase Commit() -> Reveal() -> Claim() - or - Challenge() smart contract that enables accessing funds of addresses for which the spending key is not available. We provide an analysis of the threat and incentive models and formalize the concept of reactive KEy-Loss Protection (KELP).
Mark Zhandry
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Indifferentiability is used to analyze the security of constructions of idealized objects, such as random oracles or ideal ciphers. Reset indifferentiability is a strengthening of plain indifferentiability which is applicable in far more scenarios, but is often considered too strong due to significant impossibility results. Our main results are:

- Under weak reset indifferentiability, ideal ciphers imply (fixed size) random oracles and random oracle domain shrinkage is possible. We thus show that reset indifferentiability is more useful than previously thought.

- We lift our analysis to the quantum setting showing that ideal ciphers imply random oracles under quantum indifferentiability.

- Despite Shor's algorithm, we observe that generic groups are still meaningful quantumly, showing that they are quantumly (reset) indifferentiable from ideal ciphers; combined with the above, cryptographic groups yield post-quantum symmetric key cryptography. In particular, we obtain a plausible post-quantum random oracle that is a subset-product followed by two modular reductions.
Adrien Benamira, David Gerault, Thomas Peyrin, Quan Quan Tan
ePrint Report ePrint Report
At CRYPTO'19, Gohr proposed a new cryptanalysis strategy based on the utilisation of machine learning algorithms. Using deep neural networks, he managed to build a neural based distinguisher that surprisingly surpassed state-of-the-art cryptanalysis efforts on one of the versions of the well studied NSA block cipher speck (this distinguisher could in turn be placed in a larger key recovery attack). While this work opens new possibilities for machine learning-aided cryptanalysis, it remains unclear how this distinguisher actually works and what information is the machine learning algorithm deducing. The attacker is left with a black-box that does not tell much about the nature of the possible weaknesses of the algorithm tested, while hope is thin as interpretability of deep neural networks is a well-known difficult task.

In this article, we propose a detailed analysis and thorough explanations of the inherent workings of this new neural distinguisher. First, we studied the classified sets and tried to find some patterns that could guide us to better understand Gohr's results. We show with experiments that the neural distinguisher generally relies on the differential distribution on the ciphertext pairs, but also on the differential distribution in penultimate and antepenultimate rounds. In order to validate our findings, we construct a distinguisher for speck cipher based on pure cryptanalysis, without using any neural network, that achieves basically the same accuracy as Gohr's neural distinguisher and with the same efficiency (therefore improving over previous non-neural based distinguishers).

Moreover, as another approach, we provide a machine learning-based distinguisher that strips down Gohr's deep neural network to a bare minimum. We are able to remain very close to Gohr's distinguishers' accuracy using simple standard machine learning tools. In particular, we show that Gohr's neural distinguisher is in fact inherently building a very good approximation of the Differential Distribution Table (DDT) of the cipher during the learning phase, and using that information to directly classify ciphertext pairs. This result allows a full interpretability of the distinguisher and represents on its own an interesting contribution towards interpretability of deep neural networks.

Finally, we propose some method to improve over Gohr's work and possible new neural distinguishers settings. All our results are confirmed with experiments we have been conducted on speck block cipher (source code available online).
Justin Holmgren, Alex Lombardi, Ron D. Rothblum
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Shortly after the introduction of zero-knowledge proofs, Goldreich, Micali and Wigderson (CRYPTO '86) demonstrated their wide applicability by constructing zero-knowledge proofs for the NP-complete problem of graph 3-coloring. A long-standing open question has been whether parallel repetition of their protocol preserves zero knowledge. In this work, we answer this question in the negative, assuming a standard cryptographic assumption (i.e., the hardness of learning with errors (LWE)).

Leveraging a connection observed by Dwork, Naor, Reingold, and Stockmeyer (FOCS '99), our negative result is obtained by making positive progress on a related fundamental problem in cryptography: securely instantiating the Fiat-Shamir heuristic for eliminating interaction in public-coin interactive protocols. A recent line of works has shown how to instantiate the heuristic securely, albeit only for a limited class of protocols.

Our main result shows how to instantiate Fiat-Shamir for parallel repetitions of much more general interactive proofs. In particular, we construct hash functions that, assuming LWE, securely realize the Fiat-Shamir transform for the following rich classes of protocols:

- The parallel repetition of any ``commit-and-open'' protocol (such as the GMW protocol mentioned above), when a specific (natural) commitment scheme is used. Commit-and-open protocols are a ubiquitous paradigm for constructing general purpose public-coin zero knowledge proofs.

- The parallel repetition of any base protocol that (1) satisfies a stronger notion of soundness called round-by-round soundness, and (2) has an efficient procedure, using a suitable trapdoor, for recognizing ``bad verifier randomness'' that would allow the prover to cheat.

Our results are obtained by establishing a new connection between the Fiat-Shamir transform and list-recoverable codes. In contrast to the usual focus in coding theory, we focus on a parameter regime in which the input lists are extremely large, but the rate can be small. We give a (probabilistic) construction based on Parvaresh-Vardy codes (FOCS '05) that suffices for our applications.
Amos Beimel, Hussien Othman, Naty Peter
ePrint Report ePrint Report
There is a huge gap between the upper and lower bounds on the share size of secret-sharing schemes for arbitrary $n$-party access structures, and consistent with our current knowledge the optimal share size can be anywhere between polynomial in $n$ and exponential in $n$. For linear secret-sharing schemes, we know that the share size for almost all $n$-party access structures must be exponential in $n$. Furthermore, most constructions of efficient secret-sharing schemes are linear. We would like to study larger classes of secret-sharing schemes with two goals. On one hand, we want to prove lower bounds for larger classes of secret-sharing schemes, possibly shedding some light on the share size of general secret-sharing schemes. On the other hand, we want to construct efficient secret-sharing schemes for access structures that do not have efficient linear secret-sharing schemes. Given this motivation, Paskin-Cherniavsky and Radune (ITC'20) defined and studied a new class of secret-sharing schemes in which the shares are generated by applying (low-degree) polynomials to the secret and some random field elements. The special case $d=1$ corresponds to linear and multi-linear secret sharing schemes.

We define and study two additional classes of polynomial secret-sharing schemes: (1) schemes in which for every authorized set the reconstruction of the secret is done using polynomials and (2) schemes in which both sharing and reconstruction are done by polynomials. For linear secret-sharing schemes, schemes with linear sharing and schemes with linear reconstruction are equivalent. We give evidence that for polynomial secret-sharing schemes, schemes with polynomial sharing are probably stronger than schemes with polynomial reconstruction. We also prove lower bounds on the share size for schemes with polynomial reconstruction. On the positive side, we provide constructions of secret-sharing schemes and conditional disclosure of secrets (CDS) protocols with polynomials of degree-$2$ sharing and reconstruction. We extend a construction of Liu et al. (CRYPTO'17) and construct a degree-$2$ $k$-server CDS protocols for a function $f:[N]^k\rightarrow \{0,1\}$ with message size $O(N^{(k-1)/3})$. We also show how to transform our degree-$2$ $k$-server CDS protocol to a robust CDS protocol, and use the robust CDS protocol to construct degree-$2$ secret-sharing schemes for arbitrary access structures with share size $O(2^{0.716n})$; this is better than the best known share size of $O(2^{0.762n})$ for linear secret-sharing schemes and worse than the best known share size of $O(2^{0.637n})$ for general secret-sharing schemes.
Christof Ferreira Torres, Antonio Ken Iannillo, Arthur Gervais, Radu State
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In recent years, Ethereum gained tremendously in popularity, growing from a daily transaction average of 10K in January 2016 to an average of 500K in January 2020. Similarly, smart contracts began to carry more value, making them appealing targets for attackers. As a result, they started to become victims of attacks, costing millions of dollars. In response to these attacks, both academia and industry proposed a plethora of tools to scan smart contracts for vulnerabilities before deploying them on the blockchain. However, most of these tools solely focus on detecting vulnerabilities and not attacks, let alone quantifying or tracing the number of stolen assets. In this paper, we present Horus, a framework that empowers the automated detection and investigation of smart contract attacks based on logic-driven and graph-driven analysis of transactions. Horus provides quick means to quantify and trace the flow of stolen assets across the Ethereum blockchain. We perform a large-scale analysis of all the smart contracts deployed on Ethereum until May 2020. We identified 1,888 attacked smart contracts and 8,095 adversarial transactions in the wild. Our investigation shows that the number of attacks did not necessarily decrease over the past few years, but for some vulnerabilities remained constant. Finally, we also demonstrate the practicality of our framework via an in-depth analysis on the recent Uniswap and attacks.
Carsten Baum, Bernardo David, Tore Frederiksen
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Cryptocurrency exchange services are either trusted central entities that have been routinely hacked (losing over 8 billion USD), or decentralized services that make all orders public before they are settled. The latter allows market participants to ``front run'' each other, an illegal operation in most jurisdictions. We extend the ``Insured MPC'' approach of Baum et al. (FC 2020) to construct an efficient universally composable privacy preserving decentralized exchange where a set of servers run private cross-chain exchange order matching in an outsourced manner, while being financially incentivised to behave honestly. Our protocol allows for exchanging assets over multiple public ledgers, given that users have access to a ledger that supports standard public smart contracts. If parties behave honestly, the on-chain complexity of our construction is as low as that of performing the transactions necessary for a centralized exchange. In case malicious behavior is detected, users are automatically refunded by malicious servers at low cost. Thus, an actively corrupted majority can only mount a denial-of-service attack that makes exchanges fail, in which case the servers are publicly identified and punished, while honest clients do not to lose their funds. For the first time in this line of research, we report experimental results on the MPC building block, showing the approach is efficient enough to be used in practice.
Péter Kutas, Simon-Philipp Merz, Christophe Petit, Charlotte Weitkämper
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Supersingular isogeny Diffie-Hellman key exchange (SIDH) is a post-quantum protocol based on the presumed hardness of computing an isogeny between two supersingular elliptic curves given some additional torsion point information. Unlike other isogeny-based protocols, SIDH has been widely believed to be immune to subexponential quantum attacks because of the non-commutative structure of the endomorphism rings of supersingular curves. We contradict this commonly believed misconception in this paper. More precisely, we highlight the existence of an abelian group action on the SIDH key space, and we show that for sufficiently unbalanced and overstretched SIDH parameters, this action can be efficiently computed (heuristically) using the torsion point information revealed in the protocol. This reduces the underlying hardness assumption to a hidden shift problem instance which can be solved in quantum subexponential time. We formulate our attack in a new framework allowing the inversion of one-way functions in quantum subexponential time provided a malleability oracle with respect to some commutative group action. This framework unifies our new attack with earlier subexponential quantum attacks on isogeny-based protocols, and it may be of further interest for cryptanalysis.
Alessandro Chiesa, Eylon Yogev
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In a seminal work, Micali (FOCS 1994) gave the first succinct non-interactive argument (SNARG) in the random oracle model (ROM). The construction combines a PCP and a cryptographic commitment, and has several attractive features: it is plausibly post-quantum; it can be heuristically instantiated via lightweight cryptography; and it has a transparent (public-coin) parameter setup. However, it also has a significant drawback: a large argument size.

In this work, we provide a new construction that achieves a smaller argument size. This is the first progress on the Micali construction since it was introduced over 25 years ago.

A SNARG in the ROM is *(t,ε)-secure* if every t-query malicious prover can convince the verifier of a false statement with probability at most ε. For (t,ε)-security, the argument size of all known SNARGs in the ROM (including Micali's) is Õ((log (t/ε))^2) bits, *even* if one were to rely on conjectured probabilistic proofs well beyond current techniques. In practice, these costs lead to SNARGs that are much larger than constructions based on other (pre-quantum and costly) tools. This has led many to believe that SNARGs in the ROM are inherently quadratic.

We show that this is not the case. We present a SNARG in the ROM with a sub-quadratic argument size: Õ(log (t/ε) ∙ log t). Our construction relies on a strong soundness notion for PCPs and a weak binding notion for commitments. We hope that our work paves the way for understanding if a linear argument size, that is O(log (t/ε)), is achievable in the ROM.
Jelle Don, Serge Fehr, Christian Majenz, Christian Schaffner
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We show the following generic result. Whenever a quantum query algorithm in the quantum random-oracle model outputs a classical value $t$ that is promised to be in some tight relation with $H(x)$ for some $x$, then $x$ can be efficiently extracted with almost certainty. The extraction is by means of a suitable simulation of the random oracle and works *online*, meaning that it is *straightline*, i.e., without rewinding, and *on-the-fly*, i.e., during the protocol execution and without disturbing it.

The technical core of our result is a new commutator bound that bounds the operator norm of the commutator of the unitary operator that describes the evolution of the compressed oracle (which is used to simulate the random oracle above) and of the measurement that extracts $x$.

We show two applications of our generic online extractability result. We show *tight* online extractability of commit-and-open $\Sigma$-protocols in the quantum setting, and we offer the first non-asymptotic post-quantum security proof of the *textbook* Fujisaki-Okamoto transformation, i.e, without adjustments to facilitate the proof.
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