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25 August 2021

Simin Ghesmati, Walid Fdhila, Edgar Weippl
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The Bitcoin blockchain was the first publicly verifiable, and distributed ledger, where it is possible for everyone to download and check the full history of all data records from the genesis block. These properties lead to the emergence of new types of applications and the redesign of traditional systems that no longer respond to current business needs (e.g., transparency, protection against censorship, decentralization). One particular application is the use of blockchain technology to enable decentralized and self-sovereign identities including new mechanisms for creating, resolving, and revoking them. The public availability of data records has, in turn, paved the way for new kinds of attacks that combine sophisticated heuristics with auxiliary information to compromise users' privacy and deanonymize their identities. In this paper, we review and categorize Bitcoin privacy attacks, investigate their impact on one of the Bitcoin-based identity methods namely did:btcr, and analyze and discuss its privacy properties.
Walid Fdhila , Nicholas Stifter, Kristian Kostal, Cihan Saglam, Markus Sabadello
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Recent technological shifts have pressured businesses to reshape the way they operate and transact. At the hart of this restructuring, identity management established itself as an essential building block in both B2C and B2B business models. Trustworthy identities may refer to customers, businesses, suppliers or assets, and enable trusted communications between different actors. Unfortunately, traditional identity management systems rely on centralized architectures and trust in third party services. With the inception of blockchain technology, new methods for managing identity emerged, which promise better decentralization and self-sovereignty. This paper provides an evaluation of a selection of distributed identity methods, and analyzes their properties based on the categorization specified in the W3C recommendation rubric.
Animesh Roy, Dibyendu Roy, Subhamoy Maitra
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Arbiter based Physical Unclonable Function (sometimes called Physically Unclonable Function, or in short PUF) is a hardware based pseudorandom bit generator. The pseudorandomness in the output bits depends on device specific parameters. For example, based on the delay parameters, an $n$-length Arbiter PUF can be considered as an n-variable Boolean function. We note that the random variation of the delay parameters cannot exhaust all the Boolean functions and the class is significantly smaller as well as restricted. While this is expected (as the autocorrelation property in certain cases is quite biased), we present a more disciplined and first theoretical combinatorial study in this domain. Our work shows how one can explore the functions achieved through an Arbiter based PUF construction with random delay parameters. Our technique mostly shows limitation of such functions from the angle of cryptographic evaluation as the subclass of the Boolean function can be identified with much better efficiency (much less complexity) than random. On the other hand, we note that under certain constrains on the weights of inputs, such a simple model of Arbiter PUFs provide good cryptographic parameters in terms of differential analysis. In this regard, we theoretically solve the problem of autocorrelation properties in a restricted space of input variables with a fixed weight. Experimental evidences complement our theoretical findings.
Jeongeun Park
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Keeping privacy for every entity in outsourced computation is always a crucial issue. For efficient secure computation, homomorphic encryption (HE) can be one of nice solutions. Especially, multikey homomorphic encryption (MKHE) which allows homomorphic evaluation on encrypted data under different keys can be one of the simplest solutions for a secure computation which handles multiple users' data. However, the current main problem of MKHE is that the dimension of its evaluated ciphertext relies on the number of users. To solve this problem, there are several variants of multikey homomorphic encryption schemes to keep the size of ciphertext constant for a fixed number of users. However, users interact one another before computation to provide their inputs, which increases setup complexity. Moreover, all the existing MKHE schemes and their variants have unique benefits which cannot be easily achieved at the same time in one scheme. In other words, each type of scheme has a suitable computational scenario to put its best performance.

In this paper, we suggest more efficient evaluation key generation algorithm for the existing variants of MKHE schemes which have no ciphertext expansion for a fixed number of users. Our method only requires a very simple and minor pre-processing; distributing public keys, which is not counted as a round at all in many other applications. As a result, participants have less communication, computation, and memory cost in online phase. Moreover, we provide a practical conversion algorithm between the two types of schemes in order to \emph{efficiently} utilize both schemes' advantages together in more various applications. We also provide detailed comparison among similar results so that users can choose a suitable scheme for their homomorphic encryption based application scenarios.
Yao Sun
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) solvers have become one of the most powerful tools for searching cryptographic characteristics, including differentials, impossible differentials, and division trails. Generally, one MILP problem can be formulated by several different MILP models, and the models with fewer constraints and variables are usually easier to solve. How to model a problem with the least number of constraints is also an interesting mathematical problem. In this paper, we discuss this problem in a general form. Specifically, given a set $C \subset F_2^n$, let $L$ be a set of inequalities, and we say $L$ describes $C$ if the inequalities in $L$ only involve $n$ variables and the solution set to $L$ is exactly $C$. Our goal is to find such a set $L$ with the least number of inequalities. We present a brand new approach, named as SuperBall approach, for resolving this problem completely. Our approach is able to generate all available inequalities. Once these inequalities are obtained, Sasaki and Todo's method is used to find out the smallest subset of inequalities that describes $C$. If Sasaki and Todo's method succeeds, the found subset will be proved as the smallest. As a result, we found the smallest subsets of inequalities that describe the Sboxes of Keccak and APN-6. The previous best results were 34 and 167, presented in FSE 2020, and we decreased these numbers to 26 and 145. Moreover, we can prove these numbers are the smallest in case no dummy variables are involved.
Joël Alwen, Sandro Coretti, Yevgeniy Dodis, Yiannis Tselekounis
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The Messaging Layer Security (MLS) project is an IETF effort aiming to establish an industry- wide standard for secure group messaging (SGM). Its development is supported by several major secure-messaging providers (with a combined user base in the billions) and a growing body of academic research. MLS has evolved over many iterations to become a complex, non-trivial, yet relatively ad-hoc cryptographic protocol. In an effort to tame its complexity and build confidence in its security, past analyses of MLS have restricted themselves to sub-protocols of MLS—most prominently a type of sub-protocol embodying so-called continuous group key agreement (CGKA). However, to date the task of proving or even defining the security of the full MLS protocol has been left open. In this work, we fill in this missing piece. First, we formally capture the security of SGM protocols by defining a corresponding security game, which is parametrized by a safety predicate that characterizes the exact level of security achieved by a construction. Then, we cast MLS as an SGM protocol, showing how to modularly build it from the following three main components (and some additional standard cryptographic primitives) in a black-box fashion: (a) CGKA, (b) forward-secure group AEAD (FS-GAEAD), which is a new primitive and roughly corresponds to an “epoch” of group messaging, and (c) a so-called PRF-PRNG, which is a two-input hash function that is a pseudorandom function (resp. generator with input) in its first (resp. second) input. Crucially, the security predicate for the SGM security of MLS can be expressed purely as a function of the security predicates of the underlying primitives, which allows to swap out any of the components and immediately obtain a security statement for the resulting SGM construction. Furthermore, we provide instantiations of all component primitives, in particular of CGKA with MLS’s TreeKEM sub-protocol (which we prove adaptively secure) and of FS-GAEAD with a novel construction (which has already been adopted by MLS). Along the way we introduce a collection of new techniques, primitives, and results with applications to other SGM protocols and beyond. For example, we extend the Generalized Selective Decryption proof technique (which is central in CGKA literature) and prove adaptive security for another (practical) more secure CGKA protocol called RTreeKEM (Alwen et al., CRYPTO ’20). The modularity of our approach immediately yields a corollary characterizing the security of an SGM construction using RTreeKEM.
Dmitrii Koshelev
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Let $E_1$ be an ordinary pairing-friendly elliptic curve of embedding degree $k > 1$ over a finite field $\mathbb{F}_{\!q}$. Besides, let $E_2$ be a twist of $E_1$ of degree $d := \#\mathrm{Aut}(E_1)$ over the field $\mathbb{F}_{\!q^e}$, where $e := k/d \in \mathbb{N}$. As is customary, for a common prime divisor $r$ of the orders $N_1 := \#E_1(\mathbb{F}_{\!q})$ and $N_2 := \#E_2(\mathbb{F}_{\!q^e})$ denote by $\mathbb{G}_1 \subset E_1(\mathbb{F}_{\!q})$ and $\mathbb{G}_2 \hookrightarrow E_2(\mathbb{F}_{\!q^e})$ the eigenspaces of the Frobenius endomorphism on $E_1[r] \subset E_1(\mathbb{F}_{\!q^k})$, associated with the eigenvalues $1$, $q$ respectively.

This short note explains how to hash onto $\mathbb{G}_2$ more efficiently and why we do not need to hash directly onto $\mathbb{G}_1$. In the first case, we significantly exploit the presence of clearing the cofactor $c_2 := N_2/r$. In the second one, on the contrary, clearing the cofactor $c_1 := N_1/r$ can be fully avoided. The fact is that optimal ate pairings $a\!: \mathbb{G}_2 \!\times\! \mathbb{G}_1 \to \mu_r \subset \mathbb{F}_{\!q^k}^*$ can be painlessly (unlike $E_2(\mathbb{F}_{\!q^e}) \!\times\! \mathbb{G}_1$) extended to $\mathbb{G}_2 \!\times\! E_1(\mathbb{F}_{\!q})$, at least in main pairing-based protocols. Throughout the text we mean hashing indifferentiable from a random oracle.

At the moment, the curve BLS12-381 (with $e = 2$) is the most popular in practice. Earlier for this curve (and a number of others) the author constructed encodings $\mathbb{F}_{\!q}^2 \to E_1(\mathbb{F}_{\!q})$ and $\mathbb{F}_{\!q} \to E_2(\mathbb{F}_{\!q^2})$ computable in constant time of one exponentiation in $\mathbb{F}_{\!q}$. Combining the new ideas with these encodings, we obtain hash functions $\{0, 1\}^* \to E_1(\mathbb{F}_{\!q})$ and $\{0, 1\}^* \to \mathbb{G}_2$, which seem to be difficult to speed up even more. We also discuss how much performance gain they provide over hash functions that are actively applied in the industry.
Muhammad Haris Mughees, Hao Chen, Ling Ren
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This paper presents OnionPIR and stateful OnionPIR, two singleserver PIR schemes that significantly improve the response size and computation cost over state-of-the-art schemes. OnionPIR scheme utilizes recent advances in somewhat homomorphic encryption (SHE) and carefully composes two lattice-based SHE schemes and homomorphic operations to control the noise growth and response size. Stateful OnionPIR uses a technique based on the homomorphic evaluation of copy networks. OnionPIR achieves a response overhead of just 4.2x over the insecure baseline, in contrast to the 100x response overhead of state-of-the-art schemes. Our stateful OnionPIR scheme improves upon the recent stateful PIR framework of Patel et al. and reduces its response overhead by 22x by avoiding downloading the entire database in the offline stage. Compared to state-of-the-art stateless PIR schemes including OnionPIR, stateful OnionPIR reduces the computation cost by 7x.

24 August 2021

TalTech, Centre for HW Security; Tallinn, Estonia
Job Posting Job Posting
The Centre for Hardware Security at TalTech invites applications for a postdoctoral researcher position. The Centre conducts research in the area of Hardware Security focusing on trustworthy integrated circuit (IC) design, electronic design automation (EDA) for secure systems, hardware trojans, reverse engineering, circuit obfuscation, and crypto hardware. The position that is currently open is for research on hardware implementation of post-quantum cryptography (PQC) algorithms. The Centre has two separate funded and ongoing efforts to demonstrate best-in-class architectures for PQC for which the candidate will be expected to contribute to: a preliminary case study has been taped out in September 2021 and the candidate is expected to lead a more mature implementation to be later taped out in 2022.

Requirements: We are looking for motivated candidates with a strong background in circuit design. Candidates must have completed a PhD program (or be about to complete). Previous expertise on Hardware Security is highly desirable but experience in other related areas (IC design, test, verification, etc.) can also be considered. The candidates are expected to have the following core skills:
  • Ability to describe digital circuitry (preferably in Verilog)
  • Familiarity with PQC algorithms
  • Ability to write C++/python scripts for automation of design process and validation
  • Familiarity w/ Cadence tools for IC design (Genus, Innovus, etc.)
  • Strong writing skills (English)

    Other skills are considered a plus:
  • FPGA prototyping
  • Familiarity with EDA tools from other vendors (Calibre, ICC, DC, etc.)
  • In-depth understanding of conventional crypto algorithms and their hardware implementations

    How to apply: Please submit your CV and a cover letter to Prof. Samuel Pagliarini by email ( using the subject ‘PostDoc in Hardware Security’.

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: Prof. Samuel Pagliarini

    More information:

  • Expand
    University of Kassel, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
    Job Posting Job Posting
    The University of Kassel has an opening of a professorship in IT-/cyber security. The position is full-time, tenured, available as soon as possible, and paid according to the pay grade W2 HBesO. The successful candidate will be expected to establish and lead a research group working on any aspect of information security (including cryptology), and preferably to integrate into the university's Research Centre for Information Technology Design. Knowledge of the German language is not a prerequisite but the successful candidate will be expected to be able to teach in German after a short while. For further details please consult the official announcement on the university's webpages.

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: Prof. Martin Lange

    More information:

    Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria
    Job Posting Job Posting
    We are looking for a candidate with proven scientific expertise in the field of Security & Privacy. The following areas are of particular interest:

    • Formal Methods and Security
    • Privacy Technologies
    • Systems Security
    • Usable Security & Privacy
    The successful candidate will cover one of these fields or any other field in security & privacy that complements the existing strengths in the department.

    The professorship will be part of the Institute of Applied Information Processing and Communications, which is an internationally visible research environment with more than 60 researchers in information security. The institute collaborates closely with research groups and industry partners around the globe. It is a central part of the recently established Cybersecurity Campus Graz, which unites basic research, education, technology transfer, and industry partners in cybersecurity all under one roof.

    The new professor will build an internationally visible group, and will be an engaged teacher in the Computer Science programs at the Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD level. At Graz University of Technology, undergraduate courses are taught in German or English and graduate courses are taught in English.

    The full description for this professorship can be found here:

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: For further questions, please contact Stefan Mangard -

    The application should be filed online via until 30.11.2021 referencing 7050/21/008.

    More information:

    Durham University, UK
    Job Posting Job Posting

    The Department of Computer Science at Durham University is looking for a postdoctoral researcher from 1 Jan 2022 to work on an EPSRC project on topics related to password-hashing algorithms and idealized models of computation for a period of two years. We would be interested in applicants holding (or nearing the completion of) a PhD in Cryptography (or related fields) who have strong interests in the foundational aspects of crypto, proof techniques, and definitional work. Publications at competitive venues and ability to work independently are a plus. Applicants with backgrounds in Algorithms and Complexity are also very welcome to apply.

    Durham is one of the top (and oldest) universities in the UK, and the CS department hosts one of the strongest Theory groups in the UK across the ACiD and NESTiD groups. The annual salary for the position is ​​£42,149.

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: Pooya Farshim. Please submit a CV containing publications and references.

    More information:


    23 August 2021

    Ege Erdogan, Alptekin Kupcu, A. Ercument Cicek
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    Distributed deep learning frameworks, such as split learning, have recently been proposed to enable a group of participants to collaboratively train a deep neural network without sharing their raw data. Split learning in particular achieves this goal by dividing a neural network between a client and a server so that the client computes the initial set of layers, and the server computes the rest. However, this method introduces a unique attack vector for a malicious server attempting to steal the client's private data: the server can direct the client model towards learning a task of its choice. With a concrete example already proposed, such training-hijacking attacks present a significant risk for the data privacy of split learning clients.

    In this paper, we propose SplitGuard, a method by which a split learning client can detect whether it is being targeted by a training-hijacking attack or not. We experimentally evaluate its effectiveness, and discuss in detail various points related to its use. We conclude that SplitGuard can effectively detect training-hijacking attacks while minimizing the amount of information recovered by the adversaries.
    Zhiyuan Fan, Jiatu Li, Tianqi Yang
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    How much computational resource do we need for cryptography? This is an important question of both theoretical and practical interests. In this paper, we study the problem on pseudorandom functions (PRFs) in the context of circuit complexity. Perhaps surprisingly, we prove extremely tight upper and lower bounds in various circuit models.

    * In general $B_2$ circuits, assuming the existence of PRFs, PRFs can be constructed in $2n + o(n)$ size, simplifying and improving the $O(n)$ bound by Ishai et al. (STOC 2008). We show that such construction is almost optimal by giving an unconditional $2n-O(1)$ lower bound.

    * In logarithmic depth circuits, assuming the existence of $NC^1$ PRFs, PRFs can be constructed in $2n + o(n)$ size and $(1+\epsilon) \log n$ depth simultaneously.

    * In constant depth linear threshold circuits, assuming the existence of $TC^0$ PRFs, PRFs can be constructed with wire complexity $n^{1+O(1.61^{-d})}$. We also give an $n^{1+\Omega(c^{-d})}$ wire complexity lower bound for some constant $c$.

    The upper bounds are proved with generalized Levin's trick and novel constructions of "almost" universal hash functions; the lower bound for general circuits is proved via a tricky but elementary wire-counting argument; and the lower bound for $TC^0$ circuits is proved by extracting a "black-box" property of $TC^0$ circuits from the "white-box" restriction lemma of Chen, Santhanam, and Srinivasan (Theory Comput. 2018). As a byproduct, we prove unconditional tight upper and lower bounds for "almost" universal hashing, which we believe to have independent interests.

    Following Natural Proofs by Razborov and Rudich (J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 1997), our results make progress in realizing the difficulty to improve known circuit lower bounds which recently becomes significant due to the discovery of several "bootstrapping results". In $TC^0$, this reveals the limitation of the current restriction-based methods; in particular, it brings new insights in understanding the strange phenomenon of "sharp threshold results" such as the one presented by Chen and Tell (STOC 2019).
    Denis Firsov, Dominique Unruh
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    In this paper we derive a suit of lemmas which allows users to internally reflect EasyCrypt programs into distributions which correspond to their denotational semantics (probabilistic reflection). Based on this we develop techniques for reasoning about rewinding of adversaries in EasyCrypt. (A widely used technique in cryptology.) We use reflection and rewindability results to prove the security of a coin-toss protocol.
    Arijit Dutta, Suyash Bagad, Saravanan Vijayakumaran
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    Proof of reserves protocols enable cryptocurrency exchanges to prove solvency, i.e. prove that they have enough reserves to meet their liabilities towards their customers. MProve (EuroS&PW, 2019) was the first proof of reserves protocol for Monero which provided some privacy to the exchanges’ addresses. As the key images and the addresses are inherently linked in the MProve proof, an observer could easily recognize the exchange-owned address when a transaction spending from it appears on the blockchain. This is detrimental for an exchange’s privacy and becomes a natural reason for exchanges to not adopt MProve. To this end, we propose MProve+, a Bulletproofs- based (S&P, 2018) NIZK protocol, which unlinks the key images and the addresses, thus alleviating the drawback of MProve. Furthermore, MProve+ presents a promising alternative to MProve due to an order of magnitude smaller proof sizes along with practical proof generation and verification times.
    Hanlin Ren, Rahul Santhanam
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    A recent breakthrough of Liu and Pass (FOCS'20) shows that one-way functions exist if and only if the (polynomial-)time-bounded Kolmogorov complexity, ${\rm K}^t$, is bounded-error hard on average to compute. In this paper, we strengthen this result and extend it to other complexity measures: * We show, perhaps surprisingly, that the $\rm KT$ complexity is bounded-error average-case hard if and only if there exist one-way functions in *constant parallel time* (i.e., ${\sf NC}^0$). This result crucially relies on the idea of *randomized encodings*. Previously, a seminal work of Applebaum, Ishai, and Kushilevitz (FOCS'04; SICOMP'06) used the same idea to show that ${\sf NC}^0$-computable one-way functions exist if and only if logspace-computable one-way functions exist. * Inspired by the above result, we present randomized average-case reductions among the ${\sf NC}^1$-versions and logspace-versions of ${\rm K}^t$ complexity, and the $\rm KT$ complexity. Our reductions preserve both bounded-error average-case hardness and zero-error average-case hardness. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reduction between the $\rm KT$ complexity and a variant of ${\rm K}^t$ complexity. * We prove tight connections between the hardness of ${\rm K}^t$ complexity and the hardness of (the hardest) one-way functions. In analogy with the Exponential-Time Hypothesis and its variants, we define and motivate the *Perebor Hypotheses* for complexity measures such as ${\rm K}^t$ and $\rm KT$. We show that a Strong Perebor Hypothesis for ${\rm K}^t$ implies the existence of (weak) one-way functions of near-optimal hardness $2^{n-o(n)}$. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first construction of one-way functions of near-optimal hardness based on a natural complexity assumption about a search problem. * We show that a Weak Perebor Hypothesis for ${\rm MCSP}$ implies the existence of one-way functions, and establish a partial converse. This is the first unconditional construction of one-way functions from the hardness of ${\rm MCSP}$ over a natural distribution. * Finally, we study the average-case hardness of ${\rm MKtP}$. We show that it characterizes cryptographic pseudorandomness in one natural regime of parameters, and complexity-theoretic pseudorandomness in another natural regime.
    V. Vysotskaya, I. Chizhov
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    The paper provides a complete description of the digital signature scheme based on the Stern identification protocol. We also present the proof of the existential unforgeability of the scheme under the chosen message attack (EUF-CMA) in the random oracle model (ROM) under assumptions of hardness of syndrome decoding and hash function collision finding problems. Finally, we discuss the choice of the signature parameters and introduce a parameter set providing 80-bit security.
    Ege Erdogan, Alptekin Kupcu, A. Ercument Cicek
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    Training deep neural networks requires large scale data, which often forces users to work in a distributed or outsourced setting, accompanied with privacy concerns. Split learning framework aims to address this concern by splitting up the model among the client and the server. The idea is that since the server does not have access to client's part of the model, the scheme supposedly provides privacy. We show that this is not true via two novel attacks. (1) We show that an honest-but-curious split learning server, equipped only with the knowledge of the client neural network architecture, can recover the input samples and also obtain a functionally similar model to the client model, without the client being able to detect the attack. (2) Furthermore, we show that if split learning is used naively to protect the training labels, the honest-but-curious server can infer the labels with perfect accuracy. We test our attacks using three benchmark datasets and investigate various properties of the overall system that affect the attacks' effectiveness. Our results show that plaintext split learning paradigm can pose serious security risks and provide no more than a false sense of security.
    Thore Tiemann, Sebastian Berndt, Thomas Eisenbarth, Maciej Liskiewicz
    ePrint Report ePrint Report
    Chats have become an essential means of interpersonal interaction. Yet untraceable private communication remains an elusive goal, as most messengers hide content, but not communication patterns. The knowledge of communication patterns can by itself reveal too much, as happened e.g., in the context of the Arab Spring. The subliminal channel in cryptographic systems - as introduced by Simmons in his pioneering works - enables untraceable private communication in plain sight. In this context, blockchains are a natural object for subliminal communication: accessing them is innocuous, as they rely on distributed access for verification and extension. At the same time, blockchain transactions generate hundreds of thousands transactions per day that are individually signed and placed on the blockchain. This significantly increases the availability of publicly accessible cryptographic transactions where subliminal channels can be placed. In this paper we propose a public-key subliminal channel using ECDSA signatures on blockchains and prove that our construction is undetectable in the random oracle model under a common cryptographic assumption. While our approach is applicable to any blockchain platform relying on (variants of) ECDSA signatures, we present a proof of concept of our method for the popular Bitcoin protocol and show the simplicity and practicality of our approach.
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