31 August 2021
David Gerault, Thomas Peyrin, Quan Quan Tan
Lin You, Wang Cheng, Gengran Hu
30 August 2021
University of Sheffield, UK
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Dr. Prosanta Gope Email: p.gope@sheffield.ac.uk
École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
- cover letter (identify one or more faculty of interest and provide availability)
- CV (including a ranked list of at least three writers for letters of reference)
- research statement (covering research interests, past research focus, and future research directions)
EPFL is located in Lausanne (Switzerland) and ranks among the world’s top scientific universities. In French-speaking Lausanne, English is generally well spoken and is the main language at EPFL. Postdoctoral positions come with a competitive salary for 1 year (83'600 CHF with yearly increments), renewable up to a maximum of 4 years. Postdoctoral scholars will work in a collaborative environment where they can further develop their research skills and expand their professional network.
Closing date for applications:
Contact: secpriv-postdoc@groupes.epfl.ch
More information: https://www.epfl.ch/schools/ic/research/security-privacy-cryptography/
27 August 2021
Institute of Science and Technology Austria; Klosterneuburg, Austria
IST Austria invites applications in all areas of computer science including cryptography, systems security and privacy.
We offer
- A highly international and interdisciplinary research environment with English as working language on campus
- State-of-the-art facilities and scientific support services (www.ist.ac.at/scientific-service-units/)
- Substantial start-up package and attractive salary
- Guaranteed annual base funding including funding for PhD students and postdocs
- An international Graduate School with high admissions criteria and a rigorous training program
- Leadership program
- Employee Assistance Program
- Dual Career support packages
- Child-care facilities on campus (for children aged 3 months till school age)
IST Austria (www.ist.ac.at) is an international institute dedicated to basic research and graduate education in the natural, mathematical, and computational sciences. The Institute fosters an interactive, collegial, and supportive atmosphere, sharing space and resources between research groups whenever possible, and facilitating cross-disciplinary collaborations. Our PhD program involves a multi-disciplinary course schedule and rotations in research groups, and we hire scholars from diverse international backgrounds.
Assistant professors receive independent group leader positions with an initial contract of six years, at the end of which they are reviewed by international peers. If the evaluation is positive, an assistant professor is promoted to a tenured professor.
Candidates for tenured positions are distinguished scientists in their respective research fields and typically have at least six years of experience in leading a research group.
IST Austria values diversity and is committed to equal opportunity. We strive to increase the number of women, particularly in fields where they are underrepresented, and therefore we strongly encourage female researchers to apply.
Please apply online at: www.ist.ac.at/jobs/faculty
The closing date for applications is October 29, 2021.
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Prof. Krzysztof Pietrzak (krzysztof.pietrzak@ist.ac.at)
More information: https://ist.ac.at/en/jobs/faculty/
NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technoogy; Dep. of Inf. Sec. and Comm. Tech.
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Prof. Colin Boyd, email: colin.boyd@ntnu.no, or Prof. Danilo Gligoroski, email: danilo.gligoroski@ntnu.no
More information: https://www.jobbnorge.no/en/available-jobs/job/209975/perseus-phd-candidate-in-cryptography
Shanghai Jiao Tong University,China
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Contact: Chaoping Xing, emial: xingcp@sjtu.edu.cn Linjie Li, email: lilinjie@sjtu.edu.cn
26 August 2021
University of Wollongong, Australia
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Prof. Willy Susilo
More information: https://ejgl.fa.ap1.oraclecloud.com/hcmUI/CandidateExperience/en/sites/CX_1/job/1637/?utm_medium=jobshare
University of Twente, Computer Science Department; The Netherlands
The Services and Cybersecurity (SCS) group at the University of Twente invites applications for a 4-years PhD position on the topic of 'evidence-based security response'.
We are looking for candidates with a solid background in network and system security.
More information and the link to apply:
Deadline for applications: 20 September 2021, 23:59 CET
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Prof. Dr. Andreas Peter (a.peter@utwente.nl)
More information: https://www.utwente.nl/en/organisation/careers/!/147/
Technische Universität Darmstadt
What we offer:
- Highly innovative research, especially within the framework of our participation in the National Research Center for Applied Cybersecurity ATHENE
- Perfection of your research skills using stringent scientific methods
- Independent research as well as research in a team of excellent doctoral and master candidates
- Excellent support for further academic qualification
- Exceptional team spirit and cordial working atmosphere in an international team
- Exposure to cutting-edge research and to an international community of peers
- Appetite for cutting-edge international research and interest to shape the future cybersecurity
- Completed PhD with excellent research record and deep knowledge in one of the stated focus areas
- Experience in writing and publishing scientific work in flagship conferences and journals
- Excellent command of English and preferably good command of German
- Master's level knowledge in computer networks and preferably in artificial intelligence
- Strong interpersonal skills and proven teamwork competencies
- High level of intrinsic motivation and demonstrated ability to perform targeted independent work
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Rolf Egert - egert(at)tk.tu-darmstadt.de
University of Copenhagen, Department of Computer Science (DIKU); Copenhagen, Denmark
The post-doc will be located at DIKU, which is part of the Copenhagen ELLIS unit. The research will be conducted in collaboration with cryptography experts at Aarhus University. The application deadline is September 15, 2021.
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Christian Igel (please apply online via https://jobportal.ku.dk/alle-opslag/?show=154272)
More information: https://jobportal.ku.dk/alle-opslag/?show=154272
The registration site is now open. Registration for CHES 2021 is free for IACR members; non-IACR members will be asked to pay the IACR membership fee (USD 50 regular, USD 25 for students) during registration.
The registration site is now open. For in person attendees, please note that the early bird registration will end on September 17th (anywhere on earth). After that deadline, a late registration fee of $100 will be charged.
A number of affiliated events will take place before the main conference. More information can be found here.
Tarun Chitra, Guillermo Angeris, Alex Evans
Lars Folkerts, Charles Gouert, Nektarios Georgios Tsoutsos
Aleksei Udovenko
Olivier Pereira
In this note, we revisit this property in the context of the IVXV version of the Estonian voting system, which has been in used for the Estonian municipal elections of 2017 and for the Estonian and European parliamentary elections of 2019.
We show that a compromised voter device can defeat the individual verifiability mechanism of the current Estonian voting system. Our attack takes advantage of the revoting option that is available in the Estonian voting system, and only requires compromise of the voting client application: it does not require compromising the mobile device verification app, or any server side component.
Ivan Chizhov, Alexandra Davletshina
Ignacio Cascudo, Bernardo David, Omer Shlomovits, Denis Varlakov
In this work, we propose Mt. Random, a multi-tiered randomness beacon that combines PVSS and (T)VRF techniques in order to provide an optimal efficiency/quality trade-off without sacrificing security guarantees. Each tier is based on a different technique and provides a constant stream of random outputs offering progressing efficiency vs. quality trade-offs: true uniform randomness is refreshed less frequently than pseudorandomness, which in turn is refreshed less frequently than (bounded) biased randomness. This wide span of efficiency/quality allows for applications to consume random outputs from an optimal point in this trade-off spectrum. In order to achieve these results, we construct two new building blocks of independent interest: GULL, a PVSS-based beacon that preprocesses a large batch of random outputs but allows for gradual release of smaller ``sub-batches'', which is a first in the literature of randomness beacons; and a publicly verifiable and unbiasable protocol for Distributed Key Generation protocol (DKG), which is significantly more efficient than most of previous DKGs secure under standard assumptions and closely matches the efficiency of the currently most efficient biasable DKG protocol.
Mt. Random (and all of its building blocks) can be proven secure under the standard DDH assumption (in the random oracle model) using only a bulletin board as setup, which is a requirement for the vast majority of beacons. We showcase the efficiency of our novel building blocks and of the Mt. Random beacon via benchmarks made with a prototype implementation. Our experimental results confirm the benefits of our multi-tiered approach, showing that even though higher tiers provide fresh random outputs more often, lower tiers can be executed fast enough to keep higher tiers freshly seeded.