03 December 2021
Jiamin Cui, Kai Hu, Qingju Wang, Meiqin Wang
Stefano Tessaro, Xihu Zhang
In this paper, we show the existence of non-trivial distributions of limited independence for which a t-round key-alternating cipher achieves optimal security. Our work is a natural continuation of the work of Chen et al. (CRYPTO '14) which considered the case of t = 2 when all-subkeys are identical. Here, we show that key-alternating ciphers remain secure for a large class of (t-1)-wise and (t-2)-wise independent distribution of sub-keys.
Our proofs proceed by generalizations of the so-called Sum-Capture Theorem, which we prove using Fourier-analytic techniques.
Alexander Bienstock, Yevgeniy Dodis, Yi Tang
More modern Secure Group Messaging (SGM) protocols allow a group of users to asynchronously and securely communicate with each other, as well as add and remove each other from the group. SGM has received significant attention recently, including in an effort by the IETF Messaging Layer Security (MLS) working group to standardize an eponymous protocol. However, the group key agreement primitive at the core of SGM protocols, Continuous Group Key Agreement (CGKA), achieved by the TreeKEM protocol in MLS, suffers from bad worst-case efficiency and heavily relies on less efficient (than symmetric-key cryptography) public-key cryptography. We thus propose that in the special case of a group membership change policy which allows a single member to perform all group additions and removals, an upgraded version of classical Multicast Key Agreement (MKA) may serve as a more efficient substitute for CGKA in SGM.
We therefore present rigorous, stronger MKA security definitions that provide increasing levels of security in the case of both user and group manager state leakage, and that are suitable for modern applications, such as SGM. We then construct a formally secure MKA protocol with strong efficiency guarantees for dynamic groups. Finally, we run experiments which show that the left-balanced binary tree structure used in TreeKEM can be replaced with red-black trees in MKA for better efficiency.
Omid Bazangani, Alexandre Iooss, Ileana Buhan, Lejla Batina
Shahram Rasoolzadeh, Aein Rezaei Shahmirzadi, Amir Moradi
01 December 2021
Tomer Ashur, Mohsin Khan, Kaisa Nyberg
Qiang Tang
Shweta Agrawal, Elena Kirshanova, Damien Stehle, Anshu Yadav
The first scheme relies on the homomorphic evaluation of a lattice-based signature scheme. This requires an ${\sf HE}$-compatible lattice-based signature. For this purpose, we show that the rejection step in Lyubashevsky's signature is unnecessary if the working modulus grows linearly in $\sqrt{Q}$, where $Q$ is an a priori bound on the number of signature queries. Compared to the state of art scheme from Hauck et al [CRYPTO'20], this blind signature compares very favorably in all aspects except for signer cost. Compared to a lattice-based instantiation of Fischlin's generic construction, it is much less demanding on the user and verifier sides.
The second scheme relies on the Gentry, Peikert and Vaikuntanathan signature [STOC'08] and non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs for linear relations with small unknowns, which are significantly more efficient than their general purpose counterparts. Its security stems from a new and arguably natural assumption which we introduce: ${\sf one}$-${\sf more}$-${\sf ISIS}$. This assumption can be seen as a lattice analogue of the one-more-RSA assumption by Bellare et al [JoC'03]. To gain confidence, we provide a detailed overview of diverse attack strategies. The resulting blind signature beats all the aforementioned from most angles and obtains practical overall performance.
Karim Eldefrawy, Tancrède Lepoint, Antonin Leroux
In this work, we construct the first efficient PMPC protocol for \emph{dynamic} groups (where the set of parties changes over time) secure against a \emph{dishonest majority} of parties. Our PMPC protocol only requires $O(n^2)$ (amortized) communication per secret, compared to existing PMPC protocols that require $O(n^4)$ and only consider static groups with dishonest majorities. At the core of our PMPC protocol is a new efficient technique to perform multiplication of secret shared data (shared using a bivariate scheme) with $O(n \sqrt{n})$ communication with security against a dishonest majority without requiring pre-computation. We also develop a new efficient bivariate batched proactive secret sharing (PSS) protocol for dishonest majorities, which may be of independent interest. This protocol enables multiple dealers to contribute different secrets that are efficiently shared together in one batch; previous batched PSS schemes required all secrets to come from a single dealer.
30 November 2021
École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
The application must include the following materials:
- Cover letter (identify one or more faculty of interest and provide availability).
- CV (including a ranked list of at least three writers for letters of reference).
- Research statement (covering research interests, past research focus, and future research directions).
EPFL is located in Lausanne (Switzerland) and ranks among the world’s top scientific universities. In French-speaking Lausanne, English is generally well spoken and is the main language at EPFL. Postdoctoral positions come with a competitive salary for 1 year (83'600 CHF with yearly increments), renewable up to a maximum of 4 years.
Closing date for applications:
Contact: tcs-postdoc@groupes.epfl.ch
More information: https://recruiting.epfl.ch/Vacancies/2123/Description/2
University of Stuttgart, Institute of Information Security
fully-funded Postdoc and PhD positions in formal verification.
Successful candidates are expected to carry out research on tool-supported formal verification methods for security-critical systems and security protocols in our new REPROSEC initiative (https://reprosec.org/). See, e.g., our work at ACM CCS 2021 and EuroS&P 2021 on DY*.
The positions are available immediately with an internationally competitive salary (German public salary scale TV-L E13 or TV-L E14, depending on the candidate's qualification, ranging from about 4.000 Euro to 6.200 Euro monthly gross salary). The employment periods are between one and six years, following the German Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz (WissZeitVg).
The Institute of Information Security offers a creative international environment for top-level international research in Germany's high-tech region.
You should have a Master's degree or a Ph.D. (or should be very close to completion thereof) in Computer Science, Mathematics, Cyber Security, or a related field. We value excellent analytical skills and
Knowledge in cryptography/security is not required, but a plus. Knowledge of German is not required.
The deadline for applications is
December 12th, 2021.
Late applications will be considered until the positions are filled.
See https://www.sec.uni-stuttgart.de/institute/job-openings/ for the official job announcement and details of how to apply.
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Prof. Dr. Ralf Küsters Institute of Information Security University of Stuttgart, Germany
More information: https://www.sec.uni-stuttgart.de/institute/job-openings/
29 November 2021
Sebastian Paul, Patrik Scheible, Friedrich Wiemer
In this work, we propose two novel solutions for the integration of post-quantum (PQ) primitives (digital signatures and key establishment) into the industrial protocol Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture (OPC~UA): a hybrid solution combining conventional cryptography with PQC and a solution solely based on PQC. Both approaches provide mutual authentication between client and server and are realized with certificates fully compliant to the X.509 standard. We implement the two solutions and measure and evaluate their performance across three different security levels. All selected algorithms (Kyber, Dilithium, and Falcon) are candidates for standardization by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). We show that Falcon is a suitable option~-- especially~-- when using floating-point hardware provided by our ARM-based evaluation platform. Our proposed hybrid solution provides PQ security for early adopters but comes with additional performance and communication requirements. Our solution solely based on PQC shows superior performance across all evaluated security levels in terms of handshake duration compared to conventional OPC~UA but comes at the cost of increased handshake sizes.
In addition to our performance evaluation, we provide a proof of security in the symbolic model for our two PQC-based variants of OPC~UA. For this proof, we use the cryptographic protocol verifier ProVerif and formally verify confidentiality and authentication properties of our quantum-resistant variants.
Andrew Morgan, Rafael Pass
In this work, we demonstrate the first concurrently composable SPS-NISC. Our construction assumes the existence of: - a non-interactive (weakly) CCA-secure commitment, - a stand-alone secure SPS-NISC with subexponential security, and satisfies the notion of "angel-based" UC security (i.e., UC with a superpolynomial-time helper) with perfect correctness.
We additionally demonstrate that both of the primitives we use (albeit only with polynomial security) are necessary for such concurrently composable SPS-NISC with perfect correctness. As such, our work identifies essentially necessary and sufficient primitives for concurrently composable SPS-NISC with perfect correctness in the plain model.
Orr Dunkelman, Nathan Keller, Eyal Ronen, Adi Shamir
Our main result complements this lower bound by showing that in the standard Quantum Accessible Classical Memory (QACM) model of computation, we can improve Hellman's tradeoff curve to $T^{4/3}M^2=N^2$. When we generalize the cryptanalytic problem to a time/memory/data tradeoff attack (in which one has to invert $f$ for at least one of $D$ given values), we get the generalized curve $T^{4/3}M^2D^2=N^2$. A typical point on this curve is $D=N^{0.2}$, $M=N^{0.6}$, and $T=N^{0.3}$, whose time is strictly lower than both Grover's algorithm (which requires $T=N^{0.4}$ in this generalized search variant) and the classical Hellman algorithm (which requires $T=N^{0.4}$ for these $D$ and $M$).
Shiyao Chen, Yanhong Fan, Ling Sun, Yong Fu, Haibo Zhou, Yongqing Li, Meiqin Wang, Weijia Wang, Chun Guo
As our main contribution, we propose \texttt{SAND}, a new family of lightweight AND-RX block ciphers. To overcome the difficulty regarding security evaluation, \texttt{SAND} follows a novel design approach, the core idea of which is to restrain the AND-RX operations to be within nibbles. By this, \texttt{SAND} admits an equivalent representation based on a $4\times8$ \textit{synthetic S-box} ($SSb$). This enables the use of classical S-box-based security evaluation approaches. Consequently, for all versions of \texttt{SAND}, (a) we evaluated security bounds with respect to differential and linear attacks, and in both single-key and related-key scenarios; (b) we also evaluated security against impossible differential and zero-correlation linear attacks.
This better understanding of the security enables the use of a relatively simple key schedule, which makes the ASIC round-based hardware implementation of \texttt{SAND} to be one of the state-of-art Feistel lightweight ciphers. As to software performance, due to the natural bitslice structure, \texttt{SAND} reaches the same level of performance as \texttt{SIMON} and is among the most software-efficient block ciphers.
Kaiyi Zhang, Hongrui Cui, Yu Yu
Chitchanok Chuengsatiansup, Andrew Feutrill, Rui Qi Sim, Yuval Yarom
We explain how to exploit the side-channel information with the Heninger-Shacham algorithm. To analyse the complexity of the approach, we model the attack as a Markov process and experimentally validate the accuracy of the model. Our model shows that the attack is feasible in the commonly used case where the window size is 5.
Marco Baldi, Alessandro Barenghi, Franco Chiaraluce, Gerardo Pelosi, Paolo Santini
Raghvendra Rohit, Santanu Sarkar
In this work, we give positive answers to these questions by providing a comprehensive security analysis of Ascon in the weak key setting. Our first major result is the 7-round cube distinguishers with complexities $2^{46}$ and $2^{33}$ which work for $2^{82}$ and $2^{63}$ keys, respectively. Notably, we show that such weak keys exist for any choice (out of 64) of 46 and 33 specifically chosen nonce variables. In addition, we improve the data complexities of existing distinguishers for 5, 6 and 7 rounds by a factor of $2^{8}, 2^{16}$ and $2^{27}$, respectively. Our second contribution is a new theoretical framework for weak keys of Ascon which is solely based on the algebraic degree. Based on our construction, we identify $2^{127.99}$, $2^{127.97}$ and $2^{116.34}$ weak keys (out of $2^{128}$) for 5, 6 and 7 rounds, respectively. Next, we present two key recovery attacks on 7 rounds with different attack complexities. The best attack can recover the secret key with $2^{63}$ data, $2^{69}$ bits of memory and $2^{115.2}$ time. Our attacks are far from threatening the security of full 12 rounds Ascon, but we expect that they provide new insights into Ascon's security.
Sujoy Sinha Roy, Ahmet Can Mert, Aikata, Sunmin Kwon, Youngsam Shin, Donghoon Yoo
Our instruction-set accelerator Medha is programmable and it supports all homomorphic evaluation routines of the leveled fully RNS-HEAAN scheme. For a reasonably large parameter with the polynomial ring dimension 214 and ciphertext coefficient modulus 438-bit (corresponding to 128-bit security), we implemented Medha in a Xilinx Alveo U250 card. Medha achieves the fastest computation latency to date and is almost 2.4× faster in latency and also somewhat smaller in area than a state-of-the-art reconfigurable hardware accelerator for the same parameter.