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21 December 2021

George Teseleanu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In our paper we study the effect of changing the commutative group operation used in Feistel and Lai-Massey symmetric structures into a quasigroup operation. We prove that if the quasigroup operation is isotopic with a group $\mathbb G$, the complexity of mounting a differential attack against our generalization of the Feistel structure is the same as attacking the unkeyed version of the general Feistel iteration based on $\mathbb G$. Also, when $\mathbb G$ is non-commutative we show that both versions of the Feistel structure are equivalent from a differential point of view. For the Lai-Massey structure we introduce four non-commutative versions, we argue for the necessity of working over a group and we provide some necessary conditions for the differential equivalency of the four notions.
Sarasij Maitra, David J. Wu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The main goal of traceable cryptography is to protect against unauthorized redistribution of cryptographic functionalities. Such schemes provide a way to embed identities (i.e., a "mark") within cryptographic objects (e.g., decryption keys in an encryption scheme, signing keys in a signature scheme). In turn, the tracing guarantee ensures that any "pirate device" that successfully replicates the underlying functionality can be successfully traced to the set of identities used to build the device.

In this work, we study traceable pseudorandom functions (PRFs). As PRFs are the workhorses of symmetric cryptography, traceable PRFs are useful for augmenting symmetric cryptographic primitives with strong traceable security guarantees. However, existing constructions of traceable PRFs either rely on strong notions like indistinguishability obfuscation or satisfy weak security guarantees like single-key security (i.e., tracing only works against adversaries that possess a single marked key).

In this work, we show how to use fingerprinting codes to upgrade a single-key traceable PRF into a fully collusion resistant traceable PRF, where security holds regardless of how many keys the adversary possesses. We additionally introduce a stronger notion of security where tracing security holds even against active adversaries that have oracle access to the tracing algorithm. In conjunction with known constructions of single-key traceable PRFs, we obtain the first fully collusion resistant traceable PRF from standard lattice assumptions. Our traceable PRFs directly imply new lattice-based secret-key traitor tracing schemes that are CCA-secure and where tracing security holds against active adversaries that have access to the tracing oracle.
Shang GAO, Tianyu ZHENG, Yu GUO, Bin XIAO
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We propose new zero-knowledge proofs for efficient and post-quantum ring confidential transaction (RingCT) protocols based on lattice assumptions in Blockchain systems. First, we introduce an inner-product based linear equation satisfiability approach for balance proofs with a wide range (e.g. 64-bit precision). Unlike existing balance proofs that require additional proofs for some ''corrector values'' [CCS'19], our approach avoids the corrector values for better efficiency. Furthermore, we design a ring signature scheme to efficiently hide a user's identity in large anonymity sets. Different from existing approaches that adopt a one-out-of-many proof [CCS'19, Crypto'19], we show that a linear sum proof suffices in ring signatures which could avoid the costly binary proof part. We further use the idea of ''unbalanced'' relations to build a logarithmic-size ring signature scheme. Finally, we show how to adopt these techniques in RingCT protocols and implement a prototype to compare the performance with existing approaches. The results show our solutions can reduce about 25% proof size of Crypto'19, and up to 70% proof size, 30% proving time, and 20% verification time of CCS'19. We also believe our techniques are of independent interest for other privacy-preserving applications such as secure e-voting and are applicable in a generic setting.
Noga Ron-Zewi, Ron D. Rothblum
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Succinct arguments are proof systems that allow a powerful, but untrusted, prover to convince a weak verifier that an input $x$ belongs to a language $L \in NP$, with communication that is much shorter than the $NP$ witness. Such arguments, which grew out of the theory literature, are now drawing immense interest also in practice, where a key bottleneck that has arisen is the high computational cost of \emph{proving} correctness.

In this work we address this problem by constructing succinct arguments for general computations, expressed as Boolean circuits (of bounded fan-in), with a \emph{strictly linear} size prover. The soundness error of the protocol is an arbitrarily small constant. Prior to this work, succinct arguments were known with a \emph{quasi-}linear size prover for general Boolean circuits or with linear-size only for arithmetic circuits, defined over large finite fields.

In more detail, for every Boolean circuit $C=C(x,w)$, we construct an $O(\log |C|)$-round argument-system in which the prover can be implemented by a size $O(|C|)$ Boolean circuit (given as input both the instance $x$ and the witness $w$), with arbitrarily small constant soundness error and using $poly(\lambda,\log |C|)$ communication, where $\lambda$ denotes the security parameter. The verifier can be implemented by a size $O(|x|) + poly(\lambda, \log |C|)$ circuit following a size $O(|C|)$ private pre-processing step, or, alternatively, by using a purely public-coin protocol (with no pre-processing) with a size $O(|C|)$ verifier. The protocol can be made zero-knowledge using standard techniques (and with similar parameters). The soundness of our protocol is computational and relies on the existence of collision resistant hash functions that can be computed by linear-size circuits, such as those proposed by Applebaum et al. (ITCS, 2017).

At the heart of our construction is a new information-theoretic \emph{interactive oracle proof} (IOP), an interactive analog of a PCP, for circuit satisfiability, with constant prover overhead. The improved efficiency of our IOP is obtained by bypassing a barrier faced by prior IOP constructions, which needed to (either explicitly or implicitly) encode the entire computation using a multiplication code.
Matteo Campanelli, Dario Fiore, Semin Han, Jihye Kim, Dimitris Kolonelos, Hyunok Oh
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Cryptographic accumulators are a common solution to proving information about a large set $S$. They allow to compute a short digest of $S$ and short certificates of some of its basic properties, notably membership of an element. Accumulators also allow to track set updates: a new accumulator is obtained by inserting/deleting a given element. In this work we consider the problem of generating membership and update proofs for {\em batches} of elements so that we can succinctly prove additional properties of the elements (i.e., proofs are of constant size regardless of the batch size), and we can preserve privacy. Solving this problem would allow to obtain blockchain systems with improved privacy and scalability. The state-of-the-art approach to achieve this goal is to combine accumulators (typically Merkle trees) with zkSNARKs. This solution is however expensive for provers and does not scale for large batches of elements. In particular, there is no scalable solution for proving batch membership proofs when we require zero-knowledge (a standard definition of privacy-preserving protocols). In this work we propose new techniques to efficiently use zkSNARKs with RSA accumulators. We design and implement two main schemes: 1) HARiSA, which proves batch membership in zero-knowledge; 2) B-INS-HARiSA, which proves batch updates. For batch membership, the prover in HARiSA is orders of magnitude faster than existing approaches based on Merkle trees (depending on the hash function). For batch updates we get similar cost savings compared to approaches based on Merkle tree; we also improve
Sonia Belaïd, Darius Mercadier, Matthieu Rivain, Abdul Rahman Taleb
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This paper introduces IronMask, a new versatile verification tool for masking security. IronMask is the first to offer the verification of standard simulation-based security notions in the probing model as well as recent composition and expandability notions in the random probing model. It supports any masking gadgets with linear randomness (e.g. addition, copy and refresh gadgets) as well as quadratic gadgets (e.g. multiplication gadgets) that might include non-linear randomness (e.g. by refreshing their inputs), while providing complete verification results for both types of gadgets. We achieve this complete verifiability by introducing a new algebraic characterization for such quadratic gadgets and exhibiting a complete method to determine the sets of input shares which are necessary and sufficient to perform a perfect simulation of any set of probes. We report various benchmarks which show that IronMask is competitive with state-of-the-art verification tools in the probing model (maskVerif, scVerif, SILVER, matverif). IronMask is also several orders of magnitude faster than VRAPS --the only previous tool verifying random probing composability and expandability-- as well as SILVER --the only previous tool providing complete verification for quadratic gadgets with non-linear randomness. Thanks to this completeness and increased performance, we obtain better bounds for the tolerated leakage probability of state-of-the-art random probing secure compilers.
Alessio Caminata, Michela Ceria, Elisa Gorla
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The solving degree of a system of multivariate polynomial equations provides an upper bound for the complexity of computing the solutions of the system via Groebner basis methods. In this paper, we consider polynomial systems that are obtained via Weil restriction of scalars. The latter is an arithmetic construction which, given a finite Galois field extension $k\hookrightarrow K$, associates to a system $\mathcal{F}$ defined over $K$ a system $\mathrm{Weil}(\mathcal{F})$ defined over $k$, in such a way that the solutions of $\mathcal{F}$ over $K$ and those of $\mathrm{Weil}(\mathcal{F})$ over $k$ are in natural bijection. In this paper, we find upper bounds for the complexity of solving a polynomial system $\mathrm{Weil}(\mathcal{F})$ obtained via Weil restriction in terms of algebraic invariants of the system $\mathcal{F}$.
Kaoutar Elkhiyaoui, Angelo De Caro, Elli Androulaki
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The rise of blockchain technology has boosted interest in privacy-enhancing technologies, in particular, anonymous transaction authentication. Permissionless blockchains realize transaction anonymity through one-time pseudonyms, whereas permissioned blockchains leverage anonymous credentials. Earlier solutions of anonymous credentials assume a single issuer; as a result, they hide the identity of users but still reveal the identity of the issuer. A countermeasure is delegatable credentials, which support multiple issuers as long as a root authority exists. Assuming a root authority however, is unsuitable for blockchain technology and decentralized applications. This paper introduces a solution for anonymous credentials that guarantees user anonymity, even without a root authority. The proposed solution is secure in the universal composability framework and allows users to produce anonymous signatures that are logarithmic in the number of issuers and constant in the number of user attributes.
Weizhao Jin, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Muhammad Naveed, Srivatsan Ravi, Eduard Sanou, Kwame-Lante Wright
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Publish-subscribe protocols enable real-time multi-point-to-multi-point communications for many dispersed computing systems like Internet of Things (IoT) applications. Recent interest has focused on adding processing to such publish-subscribe protocols to enable computation over real-time streams such that the protocols can provide functionalities such as sensor fusion, compression, and other statistical analysis on raw sensor data. However, unlike pure publish-subscribe protocols, which can be easily deployed with end-to-end transport layer encryption, it is challenging to ensure security in such publish-process-subscribe protocols when the processing is carried out on an untrusted third party. In this work, we present XYZ, a secure publish-process-subscribe system that can preserve the confidentiality of computations and support multi-publisher-multi-subscriber settings. Within XYZ, we design two distinct schemes: the first using Yao's garbled circuits (the GC-Based Scheme) and the second using homomorphic encryption with proxy re-encryption (the Proxy-HE Scheme). We build implementations of the two schemes as an integrated system atop the Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT) pub-sub protocol. We evaluate our system on several functions and also demonstrate real-world applications based on it. The evaluation shows that the GC-Based Scheme can finish most tasks two orders of magnitude times faster than the Proxy-HE Scheme while Proxy-HE can still securely complete tasks within an acceptable time for most functions but with a different security assumption and a simpler system structure.

20 December 2021

Trondheim, Norway, 29 May 2022
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 29 May 2022
Submission deadline: 7 March 2022
Notification: 15 April 2022
Boston, USA, 5 July - 7 July 2022
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 5 July to 7 July 2022
Submission deadline: 10 January 2022
Brandenburgische Technische Universität
Job Posting Job Posting
The chair of IT Security in the Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg (located in direct vicinity between Berlin and Dresden) is currently seeking a highly motivated:
Junior Researcher / PhD Student, limited to 2 years, full time, with possibility for extension
Our chair performs research and teaching in the area of IT Security with a strong focus on Network Security and Online Privacy. Our goal is to advance the state of the art in research and to educate qualified computer scientists in the area of IT Security who are able to meet the challenges of the growing demand on securing IT Systems and provide data protection in various areas of our life and society. More information about us can be found at
Active research in the area of intrusion detection systems (IDS) for critical infrastructures, secure cyber-physical systems, and artificial intelligence / machine learning for traffic analysis.
Implementation and evaluation of new algorithms and methods.
Cooperation and knowledge transfer with industrial partners.
Publication of scientific results.
Assistance with teaching.
The employment takes place with the goal of doctoral graduation (obtaining a PhD degree). Requirements:
Master’s degree (or equivalent) in Computer Science or related disciplines.
Strong interest in IT security and/or networking and distributed systems.
Knowledge of at least one programming language (C++, Java, etc.) and one scripting language (Perl, Python, etc.) or strong willingness to quickly learn new programming languages.
Linux/Unix skills.
Knowledge of data mining, machine learning, statistics and result visualization concepts is of advantage.
Excellent working knowledge of English; German is of advantage
Excellent communication skills.
For more information about the vacant position please contact Prof. A. Panchenko (E-Mail:
We value diversity and therefore welcome all applications.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Prof. Andriy Panchenko

More information:

Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, India
Job Posting Job Posting
The Networked Wireless Systems Lab (NeWS Lab) at Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad (IITH) is looking for a Post-Doc to work on the 5G security research. The position is for one year and would be extended based on the performance. The applicant should be an Indian national and have or expected to have a PhD degree in the area of network security and willing to work on the 5G security. Interested candidates can send their CV with names of potential references with the subject line "Application for Postdoc Position in 5G Security".

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Dr. Antony Franklin, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, India.

More information:

University of Luxembourg
Job Posting Job Posting
The Security and Networking Lab (SECAN-Lab), headed by Prof. Dr. Thomas Engel, part of the Department of Computer Science at the Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine (FSTM), is currently looking for a Postdoc in Security of Automotive Networks. Your Role... The successful applicant will be integrated in SECAN-Lab, a research group which addresses both fundamental and applied research in computer networking, privacy, and security, applied to in-car and vehicular communication (V2X) scenarios. The yearly gross salary for every Postdoctoral researcher at the UL is EUR 75.285 (full time) The position takes a key role within two major projects: SETICA (SEcuring TIme Critical traffic in (next gen) Automotive networks) – a project jointly funded by the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) and Honda R&D Europe, Germany, under the FNR-BRIDGES funding program. 5G-MOBIX – a EU H2020 project that focuses on developing and testing Cooperative, Connected, and Automated Mobility (CCAM) use cases using 5G core technological innovations along multiple cross-border corridors and urban trial sites. In the context of the SETICA project, the successful candidate will research methods for securing time critical traffic in next generation automotive networks. This includes methods and solutions for time synchronization and Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) security, SDN support for securing TSN, as well as building a security-enabled testbed as basis for the aforementioned research items. In the context of 5G-MOBIX, the successful candidate will focus on disseminating the project results to the international community and actively participate in the ongoing standardization activities related to 5G for CCAM. Your Mission Scientifically co-advising doctoral dissertations in the relevant area Presentation of research findings at workshops and conferences Publication of scientific papers in peer-reviewed international journals Dissemination of project results via reports, deliverables, and standardization activities Participation in teaching activities

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Prof. Dr. Thomas Engel (

More information:

Boris Ryabko
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We consider the problem of constructing an unconditionally secure cipher for the case when the key length is less than the length of the encrypted message. (Unconditional security means that a computationally unbounded adversary cannot obtain information about the encrypted message without the key.) In this article, we propose data compression and randomization techniques combined with entropically-secure encryption. The resulting cipher can be used for encryption in such a way that the key length does not depend on the entropy or the length of the encrypted message; instead, it is determined by the required security level.
Georg Fuchsbauer, Riddhi Ghosal, Nathan Hauke, Adam O'Neill
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We introduce distance-comparison-preserving symmetric encryption (DCPE), a new type of property-preserving encryption (PPE) that preserves relative distance between plaintext vectors. DCPE is naturally suited for nearest-neighbor search on encrypted data. To achieve meaningful security, we divert from prior work on PPE and ask for approximate correctness, which is natural given the prevalence of approximate nearest neighbor (ANN) search. We conduct a thorough study of what security approximate DCPE can provide and how to construct it.

Based on a relation we prove between approximate DCP and approximate distance-preserving functions, we design our core approximate DCPE scheme we call Scale-And-Perturb ($\mathsf{SAP}$). The encryption algorithm of $\mathsf{SAP}$ processes data on-the-fly. To boost security, we also introduce two preprocessing techniques: (1) normalizing the plaintext distribution, and (2) shuffling, wherein the component-wise encrypted dataset is randomly permuted. We prove (under suitable restrictions) that $\mathsf{SAP}$ achieves an indistinguishability-based security notion we call Real-or-Replaced ($\mathsf{RoR}$). In particular, our $\mathsf{RoR}$ result implies that our scheme prevents membership inference attacks by Yeom et al. (CSF 2018). Moreover, we show for i.i.d. multivariate normal plaintexts, we get security against approximate frequency-finding attacks, the main line of attacks against property-preserving encryption. This follows from a one-wayness $(\mathsf{OW})$ analysis. Finally, carefully combining our $\mathsf{OW}$ and $\mathsf{RoR}$ results, we are able characterize bit-security of $\mathsf{SAP}$.

Our overall findings are that our scheme not only has superior bit-security to OPE but resists specific attacks that even ideal order-revealing encryption (Boneh et al., EUROCRYPT 2015) does not. This suggests it could be sufficient for certain ANN applications, a subject on which we encourage further study.
Qiqi Lai, Feng-Hao Liu, Zhedong Wang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We derive the first adaptively secure IBE and ABE for t-CNF, and selectively secure ABE for general circuits from lattices, with $1-o(1)$ leakage rates, in the both relative leakage model and bounded retrieval model (BRM).

To achieve this, we first identify a new fine-grained security notion for ABE -- partially adaptive/selective security, and instantiate this notion from LWE. Then, by using this notion, we design a new key compressing mechanism for identity-based/attributed-based weak hash proof system (IB/AB-wHPS) for various policy classes, achieving (1) succinct secret keys and (2) adaptive/selective security matching the existing non-leakage resilient lattice-based designs. Using the existing connection between weak hash proof system and leakage resilient encryption, the succinct-key IB/AB-wHPS can yield the desired leakage resilient IBE/ABE schemes with the optimal leakage rates in the relative leakage model. Finally, by further improving the prior analysis of the compatible locally computable extractors, we can achieve the optimal leakage rates in the BRM.
Shiduo Zhang, Yang Yu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
As a building block, gadgets and associated algorithms are widely used in advanced lattice cryptosystems. The gadget algorithms for power-of-base moduli are very efficient and simple, however the current algorithms for arbitrary moduli are still complicated and practically more costly despite several efforts. Considering the necessity of arbitrary moduli, developing simpler and more practical gadget algorithms for arbitrary moduli is crucial to improving the practical performance of lattice based applications.

In this work, we propose two new gadget sampling algorithms for arbitrary moduli. Our first algorithm is for gadget Gaussian sampling. It is simple and efficient. One distinguishing feature of our Gaussian sampler is that it does not need floating-point arithmetic, which makes it better compatible with constrained environments. Our second algorithm is for gadget subgaussian sampling. Compared with the existing algorithm, it is simpler, faster, and requires asymptotically less randomness. In addition, our subgaussian sampler achieves an almost equal quality for different practical parameters. Overall these two algorithms provide simpler options for gadget algorithms and enhance the practicality of the gadget toolkit.
Prabhanjan Ananth, Luowen Qian, Henry Yuen
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Pseudorandom states, introduced by Ji, Liu and Song (Crypto'18), are efficiently-computable quantum states that are computationally indistinguishable from Haar-random states. One-way functions imply the existence of pseudorandom states, but Kretschmer (TQC'20) recently constructed an oracle relative to which there are no one-way functions but pseudorandom states still exist. Motivated by this, we study the intriguing possibility of basing interesting cryptographic tasks on pseudorandom states.

We construct, assuming the existence of pseudorandom state generators that map a $\lambda$-bit seed to a $\omega(\log\lambda)$-qubit state, (a) statistically binding and computationally hiding commitments and (b) pseudo one-time encryption schemes. A consequence of (a) is that pseudorandom states are sufficient to construct maliciously secure multiparty computation protocols in the dishonest majority setting.

Our constructions are derived via a new notion called pseudorandom function-like states (PRFS), a generalization of pseudorandom states that parallels the classical notion of pseudorandom functions. Beyond the above two applications, we believe our notion can effectively replace pseudorandom functions in many other cryptographic applications.
Mihai-Zicu Mina, Emil Simion
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Information security plays a major role in the dynamics of today’s interconnected world. Despite the successful implementation and effectiveness of modern cryptographic techniques, their inherent limitations can be exploited by quantum computers. In this article we discuss Grover’s quantum searching algorithm and its impact on the security of modern symmetric ciphers. More specifically, we present its formal description and give an implementation of the algorithm using IBM’s Qiskit framework, which allows us to simulate and run the program on a real device.
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