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06 April 2022

Aparna Gupte, Neekon Vafa, Vinod Vaikuntanathan
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We show direct and conceptually simple reductions between the classical learning with errors (LWE) problem and its continuous analog, CLWE (Bruna, Regev, Song and Tang, STOC 2021). This allows us to bring to bear the powerful machinery of LWE-based cryptography to the applications of CLWE. For example, we obtain the hardness of CLWE under the classical worst-case hardness of the gap shortest vector problem. Previously, this was known only under quantum worst-case hardness of lattice problems. More broadly, with our reductions between the two problems, any future developments to LWE will also apply to CLWE and its downstream applications.

As a concrete application, we show an improved hardness result for density estimation for mixtures of Gaussians. In this computational problem, given sample access to a mixture of Gaussians, the goal is to output a function that estimates the density function of the mixture. Under the (plausible and widely believed) exponential hardness of the classical LWE problem, we show that Gaussian mixture density estimation in $\mathbb{R}^n$ with roughly $\log n$ Gaussian components given $\mathsf{poly}(n)$ samples requires time quasi-polynomial in $n$. Under the (conservative) polynomial hardness of LWE, we show hardness of density estimation for $n^{\epsilon}$ Gaussians for any constant $\epsilon > 0$, which improves on Bruna, Regev, Song and Tang (STOC 2021), who show hardness for at least $\sqrt{n}$ Gaussians under polynomial (quantum) hardness assumptions. Our key technical tool is a reduction from classical LWE to LWE with $k$-sparse secrets where the multiplicative increase in the noise is only $O(\sqrt{k})$, independent of the ambient dimension $n$.
Marc Rivinius, Pascal Reisert, Daniel Rausch, Ralf Küsters
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In recent years, lattice-based secure multi-party computation (MPC) has seen a rise in popularity and is used more and more in large scale applications like privacy-preserving cloud computing, electronic voting, or auctions. Many of these applications come with the following high security requirements: a computation result should be publicly verifiable, with everyone being able to identify a malicious party and hold it accountable, and a malicious party should not be able to corrupt the computation, force a protocol restart, or block honest parties or an honest third-party (client) that provided private inputs from receiving a correct result. The protocol should guarantee verifiability and accountability even if all protocol parties are malicious. While some protocols address one or two of these often essential security features, we present the first publicly verifiable and accountable, and (up to a threshold) robust SPDZ-like MPC protocol without restart. We propose protocols for accountable and robust online, offline, and setup computations. We adapt and partly extend the lattice-based commitment scheme by Baum et al. (SCN 2018) as well as other primitives like ZKPs. For the underlying commitment scheme and the underlying BGV encryption scheme we determine ideal parameters. We give a performance evaluation of our protocols and compare them to state-of-the-art protocols both with and without our target security features: public accountability, public verifiability and robustness.
Frédéric Dupuis, Philippe Lamontagne, Louis Salvail
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We explore the cryptographic power of arbitrary shared physical resources. The most general such resource is access to a fresh entangled quantum state at the outset of each protocol execution. We call this the Common Reference Quantum State (CRQS) model, in analogy to the well-known Common Reference String (CRS). The CRQS model is a natural generalization of the CRS model but appears to be more powerful: in the two-party setting, a CRQS can sometimes exhibit properties associated with a Random Oracle queried once by measuring a maximally entangled state in one of many mutually unbiased bases. We formalize this notion as a Weak One-Time Random Oracle (WOTRO), where we only ask of the $m$-bit output to have some randomness when conditioned on the $n$-bit input.

We show that WOTRO with $n - m \in \omega(\lg n)$ is black-box impossible in the CRQS model, meaning that no protocol can have its security black-box reduced to a cryptographic game. We define a (inefficient) quantum adversary against any WOTRO protocol that can be efficiently simulated in polynomial time, ruling out any reduction to a secure game that only makes black-box queries to the adversary. On the other hand, we introduce a non-game quantum assumption for hash functions that implies WOTRO in the CRQS model (where the CRQS consists only of EPR pairs). We first build a statistically secure WOTRO protocol where $m = n$, then hash the output.

The impossibility of WOTRO has the following consequences. First, we show the black-box impossibility of a quantum Fiat-Shamir transform, extending the impossibility result of Bitansky et al. (TCC '13) to the CRQS model. Second, we show a black-box impossibility result for a strenghtened version of quantum lightning (Zhandry, Eurocrypt '19) where quantum bolts have an additional parameter that cannot be changed without generating new bolts.
Takashi Yamakawa, Mark Zhandry
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We show the following hold, unconditionally unless otherwise stated, relative to a random oracle with probability 1:

- There are NP search problems solvable by BQP machines but not BPP machines.

- There exist functions that are one-way, and even collision resistant, against classical adversaries but are easily inverted quantumly. Similar separations hold for digital signatures and CPA-secure public key encryption (the latter requiring the assumption of a classically CPA-secure encryption scheme). Interestingly, the separation does not necessarily extend to the case of other cryptographic objects such as PRGs.

- There are unconditional publicly verifiable proofs of quantumness with the minimal rounds of interaction: for uniform adversaries, the proofs are non-interactive, whereas for non-uniform adversaries the proofs are two message public coin.

- Our results do not appear to contradict the Aaronson-Ambanis conjecture. Assuming this conjecture, there exist publicly verifiable certifiable randomness, again with the minimal rounds of interaction.

By replacing the random oracle with a concrete cryptographic hash function such as SHA2, we obtain plausible Minicrypt instantiations of the above results. Previous analogous results all required substantial structure, either in terms of highly structured oracles and/or algebraic assumptions in Cryptomania and beyond.
Nico Döttling, Lucjan Hanzlik, Bernardo Magri, Stella Wohnig
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Blockchain protocols have revolutionized the way individuals and devices can interact and transact over the internet. More recently, a trend has emerged to harness blockchain technology as a catalyst to enable advanced security features in distributed applications, in particular fairness. However, the tools employed to achieve these security features are either resource wasteful (e.g., time-lock primitives) or only efficient in theory (e.g., witness encryption). We present McFly, a protocol that allows one to efficiently ``encrypt a message to the future'' such that the receiver can decrypt the message almost effortlessly. Towards this goal, we design and implement a novel primitive we call signature-based witness encryption and combine it with a BFT blockchain (or a blockchain finality layer) in such a way that the decryption of the message can be piggybacked on the tasks already performed by the blockchain committee, resulting in almost-for-free decryption. To demonstrate the practicality of the McFly protocol, we implemented our signature-based witness encryption scheme and evaluated it on a standard laptop with Intel i7 @2,3 GHz. For the popular BLS12-381 curve, a $381$-bit message and a committee of size $500$ the encryption time is $9.8s$ and decryption is $14.8 s$. The scheme remains practical for a committee of size $2000$ with an encryption time of $58 s$ and decryption time of $218 s$.
Jiayu Zhang
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In the quantum computation verification problem, a quantum server wants to convince a client that the output of evaluating a quantum circuit $C$ is some result that it claims. This problem is considered very important both theoretically and practically in quantum computation [arXiv:1709.06984, 1704.04487, 1209.0449]. The client is considered to be limited in computational power, and one desirable property is that the client can be completely classical, which leads to the classical verification of quantum computation (CVQC) problem. In terms of the time complexity of server-side quantum computations (which typically dominate the total time complexity of both the client and the server), the fastest single-server CVQC protocol so far has complexity $O(poly(\kappa)|C|^3)$ where $|C|$ is the size of the circuit to be verified, given by Mahadev [arXiv:1804.01082]. This leads to a similar cubic time blowup in many existing protocols including multiparty quantum computation, zero knowledge and obfuscation [, arXiv:1902.05217, 2106.06094, 1912.00990, 2012.04848, 1911.08101]. Considering the preciousness of quantum computation resources, this cubic complexity barrier could be a big obstacle for taking protocols for these problems into practice.

In this work, by developing new techniques, we give a new CVQC protocol with complexity $O(poly(\kappa)|C|)$ (in terms of the total time complexity of both the client and the server), which is significantly faster than existing protocols. Our protocol is secure in the quantum random oracle model [arXiv:1008.0931] assuming the existence of noisy trapdoor claw-free functions [arXiv:1804.00640], which are both extensively used assumptions in quantum cryptography. Along the way, we also give a new classical channel remote state preparation protocol for states in $\{|+_\theta\rangle=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|0\rangle+e^{i\theta\pi/4}|1\rangle):\theta\in \{0,1\cdots 7\}\}$, another basic primitive in quantum cryptography. Our protocol allows for parallel verifiable preparation of $L$ independently random states in this form (up to a constant overall error and a possibly unbounded server-side isometry), and runs in only $O(poly(\kappa)L)$ time and constant rounds; for comparison, existing works (even for possibly simpler state families) all require very large or unestimated time and round complexities [arXiv:1904.06320, 1904.06303, 2201.13445, 2201.13430].
Xinyu Mao, Noam Mazor, Jiapeng Zhang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Two of the most useful cryptographic primitives that can be constructed from one-way functions are pseudorandom generators (PRGs) and universal one-way hash functions (UOWHFs). The three major efficiency measures of these primitives are: seed length, number of calls to the one-way function, and adaptivity of these calls. Although a long and successful line of research studied these primitives, their optimal efficiency is not yet fully understood: there are gaps between the known upper bounds and the known lower bounds for black-box constructions.

Interestingly, the first construction of PRGs by H ̊astad, Impagliazzo, Levin, and Luby [SICOMP ’99], and the UOWHFs construction by Rompel [STOC ’90] shared a similar structure. Since then, there was an improvement in the efficiency of both constructions: The state of the art construction of PRGs by Haitner, Reingold, and Vadhan [STOC ’10] uses $O(n^4)$ bits of random seed and $O(n^3)$ non-adaptive calls to the one-way function, or alternatively, seed of size $O(n^3)$ with $O(n^3)$ adaptive calls (Vadhan and Zheng [STOC ’12]). Constructing a UOWHF with similar parameters is still an open question. Currently, the best UOWHF construction by Haitner, Holenstein, Reingold, Vadhan, and Wee [Eurocrypt ’10] uses $O(n^{13})$ adaptive calls and a key of size $O(n^5)$.

In this work we give the first non-adaptive construction of UOWHFs from arbitrary one-way functions. Our construction uses $O(n^9)$ calls to the one-way function, and a key of length $O(n^{10})$. By the result of Applebaum, Ishai, and Kushilevitz [FOCS ’04], the above implies the existence of UOWHFs in NC0, given the existence of one-way functions in NC1. We also show that the PRG construction of Haitner et al., with small modifications, yields a relaxed notion of UOWHFs. In order to analyze this construction, we introduce the notion of next-bit unreachable entropy, which replaces the next-bit pseudoentropy notion, used in the PRG construction above.
Véronique Cortier, Pierrick Gaudry, Quentin Yang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Coercion-resistance is a security property of electronic voting, often considered as a must-have for high-stake elections. The JCJ voting scheme, proposed in 2005 by Juels, Catalon and Jakobsson, is still the reference paradigm when designing a coercion-resistant protocol. We highlight a weakness in JCJ that is also present in all the systems following its general structure. This comes from the procedure that precedes the tally, where the trustees remove the ballots that should not be counted. This phase leaks more information than necessary, leading to potential threats for the coerced voters. Fixing this leads to the notion of cleansing-hiding, that we apply to form a variant of JCJ that we call CHide. One reason for the problem not being seen before is the fact that the associated formal definition of coercion-resistance was too weak. We therefore propose a definition that can take into accounts more behaviors such as revoting or the addition of fake ballots by authorities. We then prove that CHide is coercion-resistant for this definition, and that JCJ is coercion-resistant for a slightly weakened version of our definition, that models the leakage of information in JCJ.
Jianfang "Danny" Niu
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Xifrat was a group-theoretic public-key cryptosystem based on a quasigroup with the special property of "restricted-commutativity". It was broken within half a month of its publication, due to a mistake made in the "mixing" function.

In this paper, we revisit the design decisions made, proposing new constructions, and attempt (again) to build secure digital signature schemes and key encapsulation mechanisms.

If the schemes can be proven secure, then this will be the most compact and the most efficient post-quantum cryptosystem ever proposed to date.
Adrián Ranea, Joachim Vandersmissen, Bart Preneel
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Since the first white-box implementation of AES published twenty years ago, no significant progress has been made in the design of secure implementations against an attacker with full control of the device. Designing white-box implementations of existing block ciphers is a challenging problem, as all proposals have been broken. Only two white-box design strategies have been published this far: the CEJO framework, which can only be applied to ciphers with small S-boxes, and self-equivalence encodings, which were only applied to AES.

In this work we propose implicit implementations, a new design of white-box implementations based on implicit functions, and we show that current generic attacks that break CEJO or self-equivalence implementations are not successful against implicit implementations. The generation and the security of implicit implementations are related to the self-equivalences of the non-linear layer of the cipher, and we propose a new method to obtain self-equivalences based on the CCZ-equivalence. We implemented this method and many other functionalities in a new open-source tool BoolCrypt, which we used to obtain for the first time affine, linear, and even quadratic self-equivalences of the permuted modular addition. Using the implicit framework and these self-equivalences, we describe for the first time a practical white-box implementation of a generic Addition-Rotation-XOR (ARX) cipher, and we provide an open-source tool to easily generate implicit implementations of ARX ciphers.
Katarzyna Kapusta, Matthieu Rambaud, Ferdinand Sibleyras
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We consider threshold Computational Secret Sharing Schemes, i.e., such that the secret can be recovered from any $t+1$ out of $n$ shares, and such that no computationally bounded adversary can distinguish between $t$ shares of a chosen secret and a uniform string. We say that such a scheme has Constant Size (CSSS) if, in the asymptotic regime of many shares of small size the security parameter, then the total size of shares reaches the minimum, which is the size of an erasures-correction encoding of the secret with same threshold. But all CSSS so far have only maximum threshold, i.e., $t=n-1$. They are known as All Or Nothing Transforms (AONT). On the other hand, for arbitrary thresholds $t
Our first contribution is to show that the CSSS of [Des00, Crypto], which holds under the ideal cipher assumption, looses its privacy when instantiated with a plain pseudorandom permutation.

Our main contribution is a scheme which: is the first CSSS for any threshold $t$, and furthermore, whose security holds, for the first time, under any plain pseudorandom function, with the only idealized assumption being in the key-derivation function. It is based on the possibly new observation that the scheme of [Des00] can be seen as an additive secret-sharing of an encryption key, using the ciphertext itself as a source of randomness.

A variation of our construction enables to improve upon known schemes, that we denote as Encryption into Shares with Resilience against Key exposure (ESKE), having the property that all ciphertext blocks are needed to obtain any information, even when the key is leaked. We obtain the first ESKE with arbitrary threshold $t$ and constant size, furthermore in one pass of encryption. Also, for the first time, the only idealized assumption is in the key-derivation.

Then, we demonstrate how to establish fast revocable storage on an untrusted server, from any black box ESKE. Instantiated with our ESKE, then encryption and decryption both require only $1$ pass of symmetric primitives under standard assumptions (except the key-derivation), compared to at least $2$ consecutive passes in [MS18, CT-RSA] and more in [Bac+16, CCS].

We finally bridge the gap between two conflicting specifications of AONT in the literature: one very similar to CSSS, which has indistinguishability, and one which has not.
Basavesh Ammanaghatta Shivakumar, Jack Barnes, Gilles Barthe, Sunjay Cauligi, Chitchanok Chuengsatiansup, Daniel Genkin, Sioli O'Connell, Peter Schwabe, Rui Qi Sim, Yuval Yarom
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Practical information-flow programming languages commonly allow controlled leakage via a “declassify” construct—programmers can use this construct to declare intentional leakage. For instance, cryptographic signatures and ciphertexts, which are computed from private keys, are viewed as secret by information-flow analyses. Cryptographic libraries can use declassify to make this data public, as it is no longer sensitive.

In this paper, we study the impact of speculative execution in practical information-flow programming languages. First, we show that speculative execution leads to unintended leakage that violates the programmer’s intent. Concretely, we present a PoC that recovers the AES key of an implementation of AES written in FaCT, a domain-specific language for constant-time programming. Our PoC is an instance of a Spectre-PHT attack; interestingly, it remains effective even if the program is compiled with Speculative Load Hardening (SLH), a compiler-based countermeasure against Spectre-PHT. Second, we propose compiler-based countermeasures for protecting programs against leakage, and show that these countermeasures achieve relative non-interference: Informally, speculative leakage of the transformed programs must correspond to sequential leakage of the original programs. One of our countermeasures is a new transformation of independent interest called selective speculative load hardening (selSLH). SelSLH optimizes SLH as implemented by the LLVM compiler, reducing the number of inserted mitigations. Third, we implement one of our countermeasures in the FaCT compiler and evaluate performance overhead for core cryptographic routines from several open-source projects. The results indicate a moderate overhead. Although we do not implement selSLH, we carry a preliminary evaluation which suggests a significant gain over SLH for cryptographic implementations.
Charles Gouert, Dimitris Mouris, Nektarios Georgios Tsoutsos
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) enables arbitrary computation on encrypted data, allowing customers to upload ciphertexts to third-party cloud servers for meaningful computation while mitigating security and privacy risks. Many cryptographic schemes fall under the umbrella of FHE, and each scheme has several open-source implementations with its own strengths and weaknesses. Nevertheless, developers have no straightforward way to choose which FHE scheme and implementation is best suited for their application needs, especially considering that each scheme offers different security, performance, and usability guarantees.

To address this open question and allow programmers to effectively utilize the power of FHE, we employ a series of benchmarks collectively called the Terminator 2 Benchmark Suite and present new insights gained from running these algorithms with a variety of FHE back-ends. Contrary to generic benchmarks that do not take into consideration the inherent challenges of encrypted computation, our methodology is tailored to the security primitives of each target FHE implementation. To ensure fair comparisons, we developed a versatile compiler (called T2) that converts arbitrary benchmarks written in a domain-specific language into identical encrypted programs running on different popular FHE libraries as a backend. Our analysis exposes for the first time the advantages and disadvantages of each FHE library as well as the types of applications most suited for each computational domain (i.e., binary, integer, and floating-point).
Dor Amzaleg, Itai Dinur
ePrint Report ePrint Report
At EUROCRYPT~2021, Beierle et al. presented the first public analysis of the GPRS ciphers GEA-1 and GEA-2. They showed that although GEA-1 uses a 64-bit session key, it can be recovered with the knowledge of only 65 bits of keystream in time $2^{40}$ using $44$ GiB of memory. The attack exploits a weakness in the initialization process of the cipher that was presumably hidden intentionally by the designers to reduce its security.

While no such weakness was found for GEA-2, the authors presented an attack on this cipher with time complexity of about $2^{45}$. The main practical obstacle is the required knowledge of 12800 bits of keystream used to encrypt a full GPRS frame. Variants of the attack are applicable (but more expensive) when given less consecutive keystream bits, or when the available keystream is fragmented (it contains no long consecutive block).

In this paper, we improve and complement the previous analysis of GEA-1 and GEA-2. For GEA-1, we devise an attack in which the memory complexity is reduced by a factor of about $2^{13} = 8192$ from $44$ GiB to about 4 MiB, while the time complexity remains $2^{40}$. Our implementation recovers the GEA-1 session key in average time of 2.5~hours on a modern laptop.

For GEA-2, we describe two attacks that complement the analysis of Beierle et al. The first attack obtains a linear tradeoff between the number of consecutive keystream bits available to the attacker (denoted by $\ell$) and the time complexity. It improves upon the previous attack in the range of (roughly) $\ell \leq 7000$. Specifically, for $\ell = 1100$ the complexity of our attack is about $2^{54}$, while the previous one is not faster than the $2^{64}$ brute force complexity. In case the available keystream is fragmented, our second attack reduces the memory complexity of the previous attack by a factor of $512$ from 32 GiB to 64 MiB with no time complexity penalty.

Our attacks are based on new combinations of stream cipher cryptanalytic techniques and algorithmic techniques used in other contexts (such as solving the $k$-XOR problem).
Samanvaya Panda
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Inverse sqrt and sqrt function have numerous applications in linear algebra and machine learning such as vector normalisation, eigenvalue computation, dimensionality reduction, clustering, etc. This paper presents a method to approximate and securely perform the inverse sqrt function using CKKS homomorphic encryption scheme. Since the CKKS homomorphic scheme allows only computation of polynomial functions, we propose a method to approximate the inverse sqrt function polynomially. In the end, we provide an implementation of our method for the inverse sqrt function.
Diego F. Aranha, Carsten Baum, Kristian Gjøsteen, Tjerand Silde
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Cryptographic voting protocols have recently seen much interest from practitioners due to their (planned) use in countries such as Estonia, Switzerland and Australia. Many organizations also use Helios for elections. While many efficient protocols exist from discrete log-type assumptions, the situation is less clear for post-quantum alternatives such as lattices. This is because previous voting protocols do not carry over easily due to issues such as noise growth and approximate relations. In particular, this is a problem for tested designs such as verifiable mixing and decryption of ballot ciphertexts.

In this work, we make progress in this direction. We propose a new verifiable secret shuffle for BGV ciphertexts as well as a compatible verifiable distributed decryption protocol. The shuffle is based on an extension of a shuffle of commitments to known values which is combined with an amortized proof of correct re-randomization. The verifiable distributed decryption protocol uses noise drowning for BGV decryption, proving correctness of decryption steps in zero-knowledge.

We give concrete parameters for our system, estimate the size of each component and provide an implementation of all sub-protocols. Together, the shuffle and the decryption protocol are suitable for use in real-world cryptographic voting schemes, which we demonstrate with a prototype voting protocol design.
Aritra Banerjee, Hitesh Tewari
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The evolution of Smart Contracts in recent years inspired a crucial question: Do Smart Contract evaluation protocols provide the required level of Privacy when executing contracts on the Blockchain? The Hawk (IEEE S\&P '16) paper introduces a way to solve the problem of Privacy in Smart Contracts by evaluating the contracts \textit{off-chain}, albeit with the trust assumption of a \textit{manager}. To avoid the partially trusted manager altogether, a novel approach named zkHawk (IEEE BRAINS '21) explains how we can evaluate the contracts privately off-chain using a Multi-Party Computation (MPC) protocol instead of trusting said manager. This paper dives deeper into the detailed construction of a variant of the zkHawk protocol titled \textit{V-zkHawk} using formal proofs to construct the said protocol and model its security in the Universal Composability (UC) framework (FOCS '01). The V-zkHawk protocol discussed here does not support immediate closure, i.e, all the parties ($n$) have to send a message to inform the blockchain that the contract has been executed with corruption allowed for up to $t$ parties, where $t
Jonathan Bootle, Alessandro Chiesa, Yuncong Hu, Michele Orrù
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We introduce and study elastic SNARKs, a class of succinct arguments where the prover has multiple configurations with different time and memory tradeoffs, which can be selected depending on the execution environment and the proved statement. The output proof is independent of the chosen configuration.

We construct an elastic SNARK for rank-1 constraint satisfiability (R1CS). In a time-efficient configuration, the prover uses a linear number of cryptographic operations and a linear amount of memory. In a space-efficient configuration, the prover uses a quasilinear number of cryptographic operations and a logarithmic amount of memory. A key component of our construction is an elastic probabilistic proof. Along the way, we also formulate a streaming framework for R1CS that we deem of independent interest.

We additionally contribute Gemini, a Rust implementation of our protocol. Our benchmarks show that Gemini, on a single machine, supports R1CS instances with tens of billions of constraints.
Arasu Arun, Chaya Ganesh, Satya Lokam, Tushar Mopuri, Sriram Sridhar
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We construct polynomial commitment schemes with constant sized evaluation proofs and logarithmic verification time in the transparent setting. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first result achieving this combination of properties.

Our starting point is a transparent inner product commitment scheme with constant-sized proofs and linear verification. We build on this to construct a polynomial commitment scheme with constant size evaluation proofs and logarithmic (in the degree of the polynomial) verification time. Our constructions makes use of groups of unknown order instantiated by class groups. We prove security of our construction in the Generic Group Model (GGM). Using our polynomial commitment scheme to compile an information-theoretic proof system yields Dew - a transparent and constant-sized zkSNARK (Zero-knowledge Succinct Non-interactive ARguments of Knowledge) with logarithmic verification.

Finally, we show how to recover the result of DARK (Bünz et al., Eurocrypt 2020). DARK presented a succinct transparent polynomial commitment scheme with logarithmic proof size and verification. However, it was recently discovered to have a gap in its security proof (Block et al, CRYPTO 2021). We recover its extractability based on our polynomial commitment construction, thus obtaining a transparent polynomial commitment scheme with logarithmic proof size and verification under same assumptions as DARK.
Victor Arribas, Zhenda Zhang, Svetla Nikova
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With the enormous increase in portable cryptographic devices, physical attacks are becoming similarly popular. One of the most common physical attacks is Side-Channel Analysis (SCA), extremely dangerous due to its non-invasive nature. Threshold Implementations (TI) was proposed as the first countermeasure to provide provable security in masked hardware implementations. While most works on hardware masking are focused on optimizing the area requirements, with the newer and smaller technologies area is taking a backseat, and low-latency is gaining importance. In this work, we revisit the scheme proposed by Arribas et al. in TCHES 2018 to secure unrolled implementations. We formalize and expand this methodology, to devise a masking scheme, derived from TI, designed to secure hardware implementations optimized for latency named Low-Latency Threshold Implementations (LLTI). By applying the distributive property and leveraging a divide-and-conquer strategy, we split a non-linear operation in layers which are masked separately. The result is a more efficient scheme than the former TI for any operation of algebraic degree greater than two, achieving great optimizations both in terms of speed and area. We compare the performance of first-order LLTI with first-order TI in securing a cubic gate and a degree-7 AND gate without using any registers in between. We achieve a 137% increase in maximum frequency and a 60% reduction in area for the cubic gate, and 3131 times reduction in area in the case of a degree-7 AND gate compared to TI. To further illustrate the power of our scheme we take a low-latency PRINCE implementation from the literature and, by simply changing the secure S-box with the LLTI version, we achieve a 46% max. frequency improvement and a 38% area reduction. Moreover, we apply LLTI to a secure a low-latency AES implementation and compare it with the TI version, achieving a 6.9 times max. freq. increase and a 47.2% area reduction.
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