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31 May 2022

Katharina Boudgoust, Amin Sakzad, and Ron Steinfeld
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PASS Encrypt is a lattice-based public key encryption scheme introduced by Hoffstein and Silverman in 2015. The efficiency and algebraic properties of PASS Encrypt and of the underlying partial Vandermonde knapsack problem (PV-Knap) make them an attractive starting point for building efficient post-quantum cryptographic primitives. Recall that PV-Knap asks to recover a polynomial of small norm from a partial list of its Vandermonde transform. Unfortunately, the security foundations of PV-Knap-based encryption are not well understood, and in particular, no security proof for PASS Encrypt is known. In this work, we make progress in this direction. First, we present a modified version of PASS Encrypt with a security proof based on decision PV-Knap and a leaky variant of it, named the PASS problem. We next study an alternative approach to build encryption based on PV-Knap. To this end, we introduce the partial Vandermonde LWE problem (PV-LWE), which we show is computationally equivalent to PV-Knap. Following Regev's design for LWE-based encryption, we use PV-LWE to construct an efficient encryption scheme. Its security is based on PV-LWE and a hybrid variant of PV-Knap and Polynomial LWE. Finally, we give a refined analysis of the concrete security of both schemes against best known lattice attacks.
Mark Zhandry
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Collapsing is a post-quantum strengthening of collision resistance, needed to lift many classical results to the quantum setting. Unfortunately, the only existing standard-model proofs of collapsing hashes require LWE. We construct the first collapsing hashes from the quantum hardness of any one of the following problems:

- LPN in a variety of low noise or high-hardness regimes, essentially matching what is known for collision resistance from LPN.

- Finding cycles on exponentially-large expander graphs, such as those arising from isogenies on elliptic curves.

- The "optimal" hardness of finding collisions in *any* hash function.

- The *polynomial* hardness of finding collisions, assuming a certain plausible regularity condition on the hash.

As an immediate corollary, we obtain the first statistically hiding post-quantum commitments and post-quantum succinct arguments (of knowledge) under the same assumptions. Our results are obtained by a general theorem which shows how to construct a collapsing hash $H'$ from a post-quantum collision-resistant hash function $H$, regardless of whether or not $H$ itself is collapsing, assuming $H$ satisfies a certain regularity condition we call "semi-regularity."
Leon Mächler and David Naccache
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As of today, the Hermite constants $\gamma_n$ are only known for $n\in \{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,24\}$.

We noted that the known values of $(4/\gamma_n)^n$ coincide with the values of the minimal determinants of any $n$-dimensional integral lattice when the length of the smallest lattice element $\mu$ is fixed to 4.

Based on this observation, we conjecture that the values of $\gamma_n^n$ for $n=9,\ldots,23$ are those given in Table 2.

We provide a supporting argument to back this conjecture. We also provide a provable lower bound on the Hermite constants for $1\leq n\leq24$.
Xavier Bonnetain, André Chailloux, André Schrottenloher, and Yixin Shen
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Given a random function $f$ with domain $[2^n]$ and codomain $[2^m]$, with $m \geq n$, a collision of $f$ is a pair of distinct inputs with the same image. Collision finding is an ubiquitous problem in cryptanalysis, and it has been well studied using both classical and quantum algorithms. Indeed, the quantum query complexity of the problem is well known to be $\Theta(2^{m/3})$, and matching algorithms are known for any value of $m$.

The situation becomes different when one is looking for \emph{multiple} collision pairs. Here, for $2^k$ collisions, a query lower bound of $\Theta(2^{(2k+m)/3})$ was shown by Liu and Zhandry (EUROCRYPT~2019). A matching algorithm is known, but only for relatively small values of $m$, when many collisions exist. In this paper, we improve the algorithms for this problem and, in particular, extend the range of admissible parameters where the lower bound is met.

Our new method relies on a \emph{chained quantum walk} algorithm, which might be of independent interest. It allows to extract multiple solutions of an MNRS-style quantum walk, without having to recompute it entirely: after finding and outputting a solution, the current state is reused as the initial state of another walk.

As an application, we improve the quantum sieving algorithms for the shortest vector problem (SVP), with a complexity of $2^{0.2563d + o(d)}$ instead of the previous $2^{0.2570d + o(d)}$.
Nishat Koti, Shravani Patil, Arpita Patra, and Ajith Suresh
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The growing volumes of data being collected and its analysis to provide better services are creating worries about digital privacy. To address privacy concerns and give practical solutions, the literature has relied on secure multiparty computation. However, recent research has mostly focused on the small-party honest-majority setting of up to four parties, noting efficiency concerns. In this work, we extend the strategies to support a larger number of participants in an honest-majority setting with efficiency at the center stage.

Cast in the preprocessing paradigm, our semi-honest protocol improves the online complexity of the decade-old state-of-the-art protocol of Damgård and Nielson (CRYPTO'07). In addition to having an improved online communication cost, we can shut down almost half of the parties in the online phase, thereby saving up to 50$\%$ in the system's operational costs. Our maliciously secure protocol also enjoys similar benefits and requires only half of the parties, except for one-time verification, towards the end.

To showcase the practicality of the designed protocols, we benchmark popular applications such as deep neural networks, graph neural networks, genome sequence matching, and biometric matching using prototype implementations. Our improved protocols aid in bringing up to 60-80$\%$ savings in monetary cost over prior work.
Cezary Glowacz
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In our paper " Optimal collision side-channel attack" ( we studied collision side-channel attacks, derived an optimal distinguisher for the key, and provided an optimal algorithm for maximizing the success rate of the attacks. In this note we show that the problem of key ranking using an optimal distinguisher for collision side-channel attacks is NP-hard.
Alex Biryukov, Luan Cardoso dos Santos, Je Sen Teh, Aleksei Udovenko, and Vesselin Velichkov
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We propose a new cryptanalytic tool for differential cryptanalysis, called meet-in-the-filter (MiF). It is suitable for ciphers with a slow or incomplete diffusion layer such as the ones based on Addition-Rotation-XOR (ARX). The main idea of the MiF technique is to stop the difference propagation earlier in the cipher, allowing to use differentials with higher probability. This comes at the expense of a deeper analysis phase in the bottom rounds possible due to the slow diffusion of the target cipher. The MiF technique uses a meet-in-the-middle matching to construct differential trails connecting the differential’s output and the ciphertext difference. The proposed trails are used in the key recovery procedure, reducing time complexity and allowing flexible time-data trade-offs. In addition, we show how to combine MiF with a dynamic counting technique for key recovery.

We illustrate MiF in practice by reporting improved attacks on the ARX-based family of block ciphers Speck. We improve the time complexities of the best known attacks up to 15 rounds of Speck32 and 20 rounds of Speck64/128. Notably, our new attack on 11 rounds of Speck32 has practical analysis and data complexities of $2^{24.66}$ and $2^{26.70}$ respectively, and was experimentally verified, recovering the master key in a matter of seconds. It significantly improves the previous deep learning-based attack by Gohr from CRYPTO 2019, which has time complexity $2^{38}$. As an important milestone, our conventional cryptanalysis method sets a new high benchmark to beat for cryptanalysis relying on machine learning.
Tassos Dimitriou and Khazam Alhamdan
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We propose a novel obfuscation technique that can be used to outsource hard satisfiability (SAT) formulas to the cloud. Servers with large computational power are typically used to solve SAT instances that model real-life problems in task scheduling, AI planning, circuit verification and more. However, outsourcing data to the cloud may lead to privacy and information breaches since satisfying assignments may reveal considerable information about the underlying problem modeled by SAT.

In this work, we develop CENSOR (privaCy prEserviNg obfuScation for Outsourcing foRmulas), a novel SAT obfuscation framework that resembles Indistinguishability Obfuscation. At the core of the framework lies a mechanism that transforms any formula to a random one with the same number of satisfying assignments. As a result, obfuscated formulas are indistinguishable from each other thus preserving the input-output privacy of the original SAT instance. Contrary to prior solutions that are rather adhoc in nature, we formally prove the security of our scheme. Additionally, we show that obfuscated formulas are within a polynomial factor of the original ones thus achieving polynomial slowdown. Finally, the whole process is efficient in practice, allowing solutions to original instances to be easily recovered from obfuscated ones.

A byproduct of our method is that all NP problems can be potentially outsourced to the cloud by means of reducing to SAT.
Shujiao Cao and Rui Xue
ePrint Report ePrint Report
As an enhancement of quantum collision-resistance, the collapsing property of hash functions proposed by Unruh (EUROCRYPT 2016) emphasizes the hardness for distinguishing a superposition state of a hash value from a collapsed one. The collapsing property trivially implies the quantum collision-resistance. However, it remains to be unknown whether there is a reduction from the collapsing hash functions to the quantum collision-resistant hash functions. In this paper, we further study the relations between these two properties and derive two intriguing results as follows:

Firstly, when the size of preimages of each hash value is bounded by some polynomial, we demonstrate that the collapsing property and the collision-resistance must hold simultaneously. This result is proved via a semi-black-box manner by taking advantage of the invertibility of a unitary quantum circuit.

Next, we further consider the relations between these two properties in the exponential-sized preimages case. By giving a construction of polynomial bounded hash functions, which preserves the quantum collision-resistance, we show the existence of collapsing hash functions is implied by the quantum collision-resistant hash functions when the size of preimages is not too large to the expected value.

Our results indicate that the gap between these two properties is sensitive to the size of preimages. As a corollary, our results also reveal the non-existence of polynomial bounded equivocal collision-resistant hash functions.
Jayamine Alupotha and Xavier Boyen
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Zero-knowledge defines that verifier(s) learns nothing but predefined statement(s); e.g., verifiers learn nothing except the program's path for the respective transaction in a zero-knowledge contract program. Intra-Privacy or insiders' zero-knowledge --- ability to maintain a secret in a multi-party computation --- is an essential security property for smart contracts of Confidential Transactions (CT). Otherwise, the users have to reveal their confidential coin amounts to each other even if it is not a condition of the contract, contradicting the idea of zero-knowledge. For example, in an escrow contract, the escrow should not learn buyers' or sellers' account balances if the escrow has to pay into their accounts. Current private computational platforms, including homomorphic encryption and (ZK-)SNARK, can not be used in CT's smart contracts because homomorphic encryption requires secret key sharing, and (ZK-)SNARK requires a different setup for each computation which has to be stored on the blockchain. Existing private smart contracts are not intra-private even though they are inter-private --- participants can maintain secrets from verifiers but not from other participants, accordingly. To fill this research gap, we introduce the notion of ``Confidential Integer Processing'' (CIP) with two intra-private single-setup zero-knowledge programming protocols, (1) ``CIP-DLP'' from the Discrete Log Problem (DLP) targeting Ring/Aggregable CT like Monero and Mimblewimble, and (2) ``CIP-SIS'' from Approximate (Ring-Modular-) Short Integer Solution Problem (Approx-SIS) aiming at lattice-based Ring/Aggregable CT. To the best of our knowledge, our CIP protocols are the first practical public zero-knowledge contract protocols that are also secure under the Universal Composability (UC) framework without any hardware magic or trusted offline computations.
Claude Carlet and Serge Feukoua
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In this paper, we study the class of those Boolean functions that are coset leaders of first order Reed-Muller codes. We study their properties and try to better understand their structure (which seems complex), by studying operations on Boolean functions that can provide coset leaders (we show that these operations all provide coset leaders when the operands are coset leaders, and that some can even produce coset leaders without the operands being coset leaders). We characterize those coset leaders that belong to the well known classes of direct sums of monomial Boolean functions and Maiorana-McFarland functions. Since all the functions of Hamming weight at most $2^{n-2}$ are automatically coset leaders, we are interested in constructing infinite classes of coset leaders having possibly Hamming weight larger than $2^{n-2}$.
Yaobin Shen and Ferdinand Sibleyras
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3kf9 is a three-key CBC-type MAC that enhances the standardized integrity algorithm f9 (3GPP-MAC). It has beyond-birthday-bound security and is expected to be a possible candidate in constrained environments when instantiated with lightweight blockciphers. Two variants 2kf9 and 1kf9 were proposed to reduce key size for efficiency, but recently, Leurent et al. (CRYPTO'18) and Shen et al. (CRYPTO'21) pointed out critical flaws on these two variants and invalidated their security proofs with birthday-bound attacks.

In this work, we revisit previous constructions of key-reduced variants of 3kf9 and analyze what went wrong in security analyzes. Interestingly, we find that a single doubling at the end can not only fix 2kf9 to go beyond the birthday bound, but also help 1kf9 to go beyond the birthday bound. We then propose two new key-reduced variants of 3kf9, called n2kf9 and n1kf9. By leveraging previous attempts, we prove that n2kf9 is secure up to 2^{2n/3} queries, and prove that n1kf9 is secure up to 2^{2n/3} queries when the message space is prefix-free. We also provide beyond-birthday analysis of n2kf9 in the multi-user setting. Note that compared to EMAC and CBC-MAC, the additional cost to provide a higher security guarantee is expected to be minimal for n2kf9 and n1kf9. It only requires one additional blockcipher call and one doubling.
Pascal Reisert, Marc Rivinius, Toomas Krips, and Ralf Küsters
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Some of the most efficient protocols for Multi-Party Computation (MPC) use a two-phase approach where correlated randomness, in particular Beaver triples, is generated in the offline phase and then used to speed up the online phase. Recently, more complex correlations have been introduced to optimize certain operations even further, such as matrix triples for matrix multiplications. In this paper, our goal is to speed up the evaluation of multivariate polynomials and therewith of whole arithmetic circuits in the online phase. To this end, we introduce a new form of correlated randomness: arithmetic tuples. Arithmetic tuples can be fine tuned in various ways to the constraints of application at hand, in terms of round complexity, bandwidth, and tuple size. We show that for many real-world setups an arithmetic tuples based online phase outperforms state-of-the-art protocols based on Beaver triples.
Ivana Ivkovic and Nikolay Kaleyski
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We describe an efficient algorithm for testing and recovering linear equivalence between a pair of $k$-to-$1$ discrete functions with a specific structure. In particular, for $k = 3$ this applies to many APN functions over fields of even characteristic, and for $k = 2$ this applies to all known planar functions over fields of odd characteristic. Our approach is significantly faster than all known methods for testing equivalence, and allows linear equivalence to be tested in practice for dimensions much higher than what has been possible before (for instance, we can efficiently test equivalence for $n = 12$ or $n = 14$ in the case of 3-to-1 APN functions over $\mathbb{F}_{2^n}$, and for $n = 8$ or $n = 9$ in the case of 2-to-1 planar functions over $\mathbb{F}_{3^n}$ within a few minutes even in the worst case). We also develop supplementary algorithms allowing our approach to be extended to the more general case of EA-equivalence. Classifying 3-to-1 APN functions over $\mathbb{F}_{2^n}$ for dimensions as high as $n = 14$ up to EA-equivalence can be performed in a matter of minutes using the developed framework.
Lih-Chung Wang, Po-En Tseng, Yen-Liang Kuan, and Chun-Yen Chou
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper, we propose a noncommutative-ring based unbalanced oil and vinegar signature scheme with key-randomness alignment: NOVA (Noncommutative Oil and Vinegar with Alignment). Instead of fields or even commutative rings, we show that noncommutative rings can be used for algebraic cryptosystems. At the same or better level of security requirement, NOVA has a much smaller public key than UOV (Unbalanced Oil and Vinegar), which makes NOVA practical in most situations. We use Magma to actually implement and give a detailed security analysis against known major attacks.
Qian Liu, Zhiwei Huang, Jianrui Xie, Ximeng Liu, and Jian Zou
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Permutation polynomials with low $c$-differential uniformity and boomerang uniformity have wide applications in cryptography. In this paper, by utilizing the Weil sums technique and solving some certain equations over $\mathbb{F}_{2^n}$, we determine the $c$-differential uniformity and boomerang uniformity of these permutation polynomials: (1) $f_1(x)=x+\mathrm{Tr}_1^n(x^{2^{k+1}+1}+x^3+x+ux)$, where $n=2k+1$, $u\in\mathbb{F}_{2^n}$ with $\mathrm{Tr}_1^n(u)=1$; (2) $f_2(x)=x+\mathrm{Tr}_1^n(x^{{2^k}+3}+(x+1)^{2^k+3})$, where $n=2k+1$; (3) $f_3(x)=x^{-1}+\mathrm{Tr}_1^n((x^{-1}+1)^d+x^{-d})$, where $n$ is even and $d$ is a positive integer. The results show that the involutions $f_1(x)$ and $f_2(x)$ are APcN functions for $c\in\mathbb{F}_{2^n}\backslash \{0,1\}$. Moreover, the boomerang uniformity of $f_1(x)$ and $f_2(x)$ can attain $2^n$. Furthermore, we generalize some previous works and derive the upper bounds on the $c$-differential uniformity and boomerang uniformity of $f_3(x)$.
Harsh Chaudhari, Matthew Jagielski, and Alina Oprea
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Secure multiparty computation (MPC) has been proposed to allow multiple mutually distrustful data owners to jointly train machine learning (ML) models on their combined data. However, the datasets used for training ML models might be under the control of an adversary mounting a data poisoning attack, and MPC prevents inspecting training sets to detect poisoning. We show that multiple MPC frameworks for private ML training are susceptible to backdoor and targeted poisoning attacks. To mitigate this, we propose SafeNet, a framework for building ensemble models in MPC with formal guarantees of robustness to data poisoning attacks. We extend the security definition of private ML training to account for poisoning and prove that our SafeNet design satisfies the definition. We demonstrate SafeNet's efficiency, accuracy, and resilience to poisoning on several machine learning datasets and models. For instance, SafeNet reduces backdoor attack success from $100\%$ to $0\%$ for a neural network model, while achieving $39\times$ faster training and $36 \times$ less communication than the four-party MPC framework of Dalskov et al.
Midhul Vuppalapati, Kushal Babel, Anurag Khandelwal, and Rachit Agarwal
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Many applications that benefit from data offload to cloud services operate on private data. A now-long line of work has shown that, even when data is offloaded in an encrypted form, an adversary can learn sensitive information by analyzing data access patterns. Existing techniques for oblivious data access—that protect against access pattern attacks—require a centralized, stateful and trusted, proxy to orchestrate data accesses from applications to cloud services. We show that, in failure-prone deployments, such a centralized and stateful proxy results in violation of oblivious data access security guarantees and/or system unavailability. Thus, we initiate the study of distributed, fault-tolerant, oblivious data access. We present SHORTSTACK , a distributed proxy architecture for oblivious data access in failure-prone deployments. SHORTSTACK achieves the classical obliviousness guarantee—access patterns observed by the adversary being independent of the input—even under a powerful passive persistent adversary that can force failure of arbitrary (bounded-sized) subset of proxy servers at arbitrary times. We also introduce a security model that enables studying oblivious data access with distributed, failure-prone, servers. We provide a formal proof that SHORTSTACK enables oblivious data access under this model, and show empirically that SHORTSTACK performance scales near-linearly with number of distributed proxy servers.
Aisling Connolly, Jerome Deschamps, Pascal Lafourcade, and Octavio Perez Kempner
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Recent works to improve privacy and auditability in permissioned blockchains like Hyperledger Fabric rely on Idemix, the only anonymous credential system that has been integrated to date. The current Idemix implementation in Hyperledger Fabric (v2.4) only supports a fixed set of attributes, it does not support revocation features, nor does it support anonymous endorsement of transactions (in Fabric, transactions need to be approved by a subset of peers before consensus). A prototype Idemix extension by Bogatov et al. (CANS, 2021) was proposed to include revocation, auditability, and to gain privacy for users. We explore how to gain efficiency, functionality, and further privacy departing from recent works on anonymous credentials based on Structure-Preserving Signatures on Equivalence Classes. As a result, we propose Protego and Protego Duo, two alternatives for Idemix and its recent extensions. We discuss how they can be used in the permissioned blockchain setting and integrated to Hyperledger Fabric. We also provide a prototype implementation and benchmarks showing that both alternatives are twice as fast as state-of-the-art-approaches.
Dana Dachman-Soled, Seung Geol Choi, S. Dov Gordon, Linsheng Liu, and Arkady Yerukhimovich
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Random sampling from specified distributions is an important tool with wide applications for analysis of large-scale data. In this paper we study how to randomly sample when the distribution is partitioned among two parties' private inputs. Of course, a trivial solution is to have one party send a (possibly encrypted) description of its weights to the other party who can then sample over the entire distribution (possibly using homomorphic encryption). However, this approach requires communication that is linear in the input size which is prohibitively expensive in many settings. In this paper, we investigate secure 2-party sampling with \emph{sublinear communication} for many standard distributions. We develop protocols for $L_1$, and $L_2$ sampling. Additionally, we investigate the feasibility of sublinear product sampling, showing impossibility for the general problem and showing a protocol for a restricted case of the problem. We additionally show how such product sampling can be used to instantiate a sublinear communication 2-party exponential mechanism for differentially-private data release.
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