International Association for Cryptologic Research

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09 June 2022

University of Birmingham, UK
Job Posting Job Posting

This is an exciting opportunity to join the University of Birmingham’s Centre for Cyber Security and Privacy on the EPSRC-funded project ‘CAP-TEE: Capability Architectures in Trusted Execution’.

In this project, we use capability architectures (as e.g. developed by the CHERI project) to protect TEEs against such state-of-the-art attacks. We address a wide range of threats from software vulnerabilities such as buffer overflows to sophisticated hardware attacks like fault injection. CAP-TEE will provide a strong, open-source basis for the future generation of more secure TEEs.

You'll be working on state-of-the-art hardware prototypes like the ARM Morello board.

We're looking for a candidate with a PhD or equivalent industry experience e.g. in cyber security, computer science, or electrical engineering. You should have strong experience in writing system level or low-level code in programming languages such as C, C++, or Rust. Experience in a relevant area such as embedded systems, automotive security, binary analysis, or fuzzing would be a strong asset.

For informal enquiries, contact Prof David Oswald ( To apply online until 30 June 2022, use the following URL:

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Prof David Oswald
Twitter: @sublevado

More information:

Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Luxembourg
Job Posting Job Posting
We are looking for a highly motivated candidate with proven skills in security and privacy-preserving machine learning to work on a research project funded by FNR (Luxembourg) and ANR (France). The ongoing deployment of new communication technologies related to 5G opens new doors to the implementation of cooperative, connected and automated mobility applications. However, more time is needed before all these technologies are fully deployed and with a satisfactory level of security and privacy. This is even more critical in cross-border areas such as between Luxembourg and France, where a large number of attacks (e.g., related to roaming) may arise. In this context, the main mission of the candidate will be to design and evaluate machine learning based attack detection solutions based on network traffic data generated by a vehicular network (V2X).

The position is initially for one year and can be extended to more years, with a possibility to become a permanent one. More information is here:

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Dr. Qiang Tang (

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, SECUSO - Security, Usability, Society; Karlsruhe, Germany
Job Posting Job Posting

Job Description

The interdisciplinary research group SECUSO (Security - Usability - Society) is offering a research associate position. The research group is active in various areas of Human Factors in Security & Privacy. Awareness and training measures as well as usable tools and interfaces are designed, developed, and evaluated. To this end, various – primarily empirical – methods are used as part of the “Human Centered Security & Privacy by Design” approach. Current topics include cookie banners, authentication on AR/VR glasses, verifiable online voting systems, notification studies, security UI patterns, and explainability of security solutions and guarantees.

You will conduct research in the field of Human Factors in Security & Privacy. This includes, for example, the conducting interviews, focus groups, online/laboratory or field studies. The results of your research will then be published and presented at international conferences. In addition to research work, you will also be involved in teaching activities and scientific administration, which also includes the organization of events.

Personal Qualification

You have a degree (Master/Diploma (University)) in computer science, business informatics, media informatics, industrial engineering, mathematics, communication sciences, psychology, or related areas. You have attended lectures on security or usability and you are interested in the research area Human Factors in Security & Privacy and have already gained experience in interdisciplinary work. Furthermore, you convince with a high level of self-motivation and the ability to work in a team. Programming experience in the context of creating mockups and experience in conducting qualitative and quantitative studies is an advantage. Very good written and spoken German and English skills complete your profile.

Salary category 13, depending on the fulfillment of professional and personal requirements.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Prof. Dr. Melanie Volkamer, phone: 0721 608-45045

More information:

Tokyo Institute of Technology, School of Computing, Tokyo, Japan
Job Posting Job Posting
Area of Specialization: Theory of Cryptography, Theory and Practice of Cybersecurity, Theoretical Computer Science, Theory of Algorithms, Theory of Computational Complexity, Programming Theory, Software Verification Theory, Blockchain Technology, Network Security, etc.
Job Description: Research and education at Department of Mathematical and Computing Science. Assigned tasks on management of the department.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Keisuke Tanaka, Professor, Associate Chair of Department of Mathematical and Computing Science, School of Computing (Email:

More information:

Lawrence Roy, Stanislav Lyakhov, Yeongjin Jang, Mike Rosulek
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Public-key authentication in SSH reveals more information about the participants' keys than is necessary. (1) The server can learn a client's entire set of public keys, even keys generated for other servers. (2) The server learns exactly which key the client uses to authenticate, and can further prove this fact to a third party. (3) A client can learn whether the server recognizes public keys belonging to other users. Each of these problems lead to tangible privacy violations for SSH users.

In this work we introduce a new public-key authentication method for SSH that reveals essentially the minimum possible amount of information. With our new method, the server learns only whether the client knows the private key for some authorized public key. If multiple keys are authorized, the server does not learn which one the client used. The client cannot learn whether the server recognizes public keys belonging to other users. Unlike traditional SSH authentication, our method is fully deniable. Our new method also makes it harder for a malicious server to intercept first-use SSH connections on a large scale.

Our method supports existing SSH keypairs of all standard flavors — RSA, ECDSA, EdDSA. It does not require users to generate new key material. As in traditional SSH authentication, clients and servers can use a mixture of different key flavors in a single authentication session.

We integrated our new authentication method into OpenSSH, and found it to be practical and scalable. For a typical client and server with at most 10 ECDSA/EdDSA keys each, our protocol requires 9 kB of communication and 12.4 ms of latency. Even for a client with 20 keys and server with 100 keys, our protocol requires only 12 kB of communication and 26.7 ms of latency.
Antonin Leroux, Maxime Roméas
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Updatable Encryption (UE) allows to rotate the encryption key in the outsourced storage setting while minimizing the bandwith used. The server can update ciphertexts to the new key using a token provided by the client. UE schemes should provide strong confidentiality guarantees against an adversary that can corrupt keys and tokens.

This paper solves three open problems in ciphertext-independent post-quantum UE. First, we propose the first two post-quantum CCA secure UE schemes, solving an open problem left by Jiang at Asiacrypt 2020. Second, our three UE schemes are the first post-quantum schemes that support an unbounded number of updates. Third, the security of our three schemes is based on three different problems which are not lattice problems, whereas the two prior post-quantum UE schemes are both based on LWE.

We do so by studying the problem of building UE in the group action framework. We introduce a new notion of Mappable Effective Group Action (MEGA) and show that we can build UE from a MEGA by generalizing the SHINE construction of Boyd et al. at Crypto 2020. We propose two post-quantum instantiations of our UE scheme using some recent group action constructions. Isogeny-based group actions are the most studied post-quantum group actions. Unfortunately, the resulting group actions are not mappable. We show that we can still build UE from isogenies by introducing a new algebraic structure called Effective Triple Orbital Group Action (ETOGA). We prove that UE can be built from an ETOGA and show how to instantiate this abstract structure from isogeny-based group actions.
Buvana Ganesh, Paolo Palmieri
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Homomorphic Encryption (HE) is a very attractive solution to ensure privacy when outsourcing confidential data to the cloud, as it enables computation on the data without decryption. As the next step, searching this homomorphic data becomes necessary to navigate it in the server. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm to search homomorphically encrypted data outsourced to an untrusted server and shared with multiple users. We optimize the steps involved in the process to reduce the number of rounds of communication. We use an order-preserving encoding to batch the data with multi-key HE cryptosystems to reduce the multiplicative depth of the equality circuits and enable direct comparison. Further, we use LEAF to retrieve indices securely, and SealPIR to retrieve the values obliviously to the user. Overall, we provide an efficient end-to-end framework for searching shared data in a semi-honest server.
Prasanna Ravi, Anupam Chattopadhyay, Anubhab Baksi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this work, we present a systematic study of Side-Channel Attacks (SCA) and Fault Injection Attacks (FIA) on structured lattice-based schemes, with main focus on Kyber Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM) and Dilithium signature scheme, which are leading candidates in the NIST standardization process for Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC). Through our study, we attempt to understand the underlying similarities and differences between the existing attacks, while classify them into different categories. Given the wide-variety of reported attacks, simultaneous protection against all the attacks requires to implement customized protections/countermeasures for both Kyber and Dilithium. We therefore present a range of customized countermeasures, capable of providing defenses/mitigations against existing SCA/FIA. Amongst the presented countermeasures, we propose two novel countermeasures to protect Kyber KEM against SCA and FIA assisted chosen-ciphertext attacks. We implement the presented countermeasures within two well-known public software libraries for PQC - (1) pqm4 library for the ARM Cortex-M4 based microcontroller and (2) liboqs library for the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus based on the ARM Cortex-A53 processor. Our performance evaluation reveals that the presented custom countermeasures incur reasonable performance overheads, on both the evaluated embedded platforms. We therefore believe our work argues for usage of custom countermeasures within real-world implementations of lattice-based schemes, either in a standalone manner, or as reinforcements to generic countermeasures such as masking.
Phil Hebborn, Gregor Leander, Aleksei Udovenko
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This work surveys mathematical aspects of division property, which is a state of the art technique in cryptanalysis of symmetric-key algorithms, such as authenticated encryption, block ciphers and stream ciphers. It aims to find integral distinguishers and cube attacks, which exploit weakness in the algebraic normal forms of the output coordinates of the involved vectorial Boolean functions. Division property can also be used to provide arguments for security of primitives against these attacks.

The focus of this work is a formal presentation of the theory behind the division property, including rigorous proofs, which were often omitted in the existing literature. This survey covers the two major variants of division property, namely conventional and perfect division property. In addition, we explore relationships of the technique with classic degree bounds.
Ni Trieu, Avishay Yanai, Jiahui Gao
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We describe a new paradigm for multi-party private set intersection cardinality (PSI-CA) that allows n parties to compute the intersection size of their datasets without revealing any additional information. We explore a variety of instantiations of this paradigm. Our protocols avoid computationally expensive public-key operations and are secure in the presence of a malicious adversary.

We demonstrate the practicality of our PSI-CA protocol with an implementation. For n = 16 parties with data-sets of 2^20 items each, our server-aided variant takes 71 seconds. Interestingly, in the server-less setting, the same task takes only 7 seconds. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first ‘special purpose’ implementation of a multi-party PSI-CA (i.e., an implementation that does not rely on a generic underlying MPC protocol).

Our PSI-CA protocols can be used to securely compute the dot-product function. The dot-product function takes n binary vectors v1, ..., vn, each of m elements, and outputs the sum of m entries, where the i-th entry is equal the product of the i-th entries in all n input vectors. Importantly, the complexity of our protocol for secure dot-product (where party Pi has a secret vector vi) is linear only in the Hamming weight of the vectors, which is potentially sub-linear in the input size.

We demonstrate that two interesting applications, namely, ‘COVID-19 heatmap’ and ‘associated rule learning (ARL)’, can be computed securely using a dot-product as a building block. We analyse the performance of securely computing Covid-19 heatmap and ARL using our protocol and compare that to the state-of-the-art.
Charlotte Lefevre, Bart Mennink
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The cryptographic sponge is a popular method for hash function design. The construction is in the ideal permutation model proven to be indifferentiable from a random oracle up to the birthday bound in the capacity of the sponge. This result in particular implies that, as long as the attack complexity does not exceed this bound, the sponge construction achieves a comparable level of collision, preimage, and second preimage resistance as a random oracle. We investigate these state-of-the-art bounds in detail, and observe that while the collision and second preimage security bounds are tight, the preimage bound is not tight. We derive an improved and tight preimage security bound for the cryptographic sponge construction. The result has direct implications for various lightweight cryptographic hash functions. For example, the NIST Lightweight Cryptography finalist Ascon-Hash does not generically achieve $2^{128}$ preimage security as claimed, but even $2^{192}$ preimage security. Comparable improvements are obtained for the modes of Spongent, PHOTON, ACE, and Subterranean 2.0, among others.
Vincent Ulitzsch, Jean-Pierre Seifert
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The potential advent of large-scale quantum computers in the near future poses a threat to contemporary cryptography. Without doubt, one of the most active and ubiquitous usage of cryptography is currently present in the very vibrant field of cellular networks, i.e., 3G, 4G, 5G and 6G, which is already in the planning phase. The entire cryptography of cellular networks is centered around seven secret-key algorithms $f1,\ldots, f_5, f_1^{*}, f5^{*}$, aggregated into an "authentication and key agreement" algorithm set. Still, these secret key algorithms have not yet been subject to quantum cryptanalysis. Instead, many quantum security considerations for telecommunication networks argue that the threat posed by quantum computers is restricted to public-key cryptography. On the other hand, the only threat to secret-key algorithms would stem from the famous Grover quantum search algorithm, which admits a general square root speedup of all oracle based search problems, thus resulting in an effectively halved key length of the above algorithms. However, various recent works have presented quantum attacks on secret key cryptography that result in more than a quadratic speedup. These attacks call for a re-evaluation of quantum security considerations for cellular networks, encompassing a quantum cryptanalysis of the secret-key primitives used in cellular security. In this paper, we conduct such a quantum cryptanalysis for the Milenage algorithm set, the prevalent instantiation of the seven secret-key algorithms that underpin cellular security. Building upon recent quantum cryptanalytic results, we show attacks that go beyond a quadratic speedup. Concretely, we provide for all Milenage algorithms various quantum attack scenarios, including exponential speedups distinguishable by different quantum attack models. The presented attacks include a polynomial time quantum existential forgery attack, assuming an attacker has access to a superposition oracle of Milenage and key recovery attacks that reduce the security margin beyond the quadratic speedup of Grover. Our results do not constitute an immediate quantum break of the Milenage algorithms, but they do provide strong evidence against choosing Milenage as the cryptographic primitive underpinning the security of quantum resistant telecommunication networks.

08 June 2022

Matteo Campanelli, Danilo Francati, Claudio Orlandi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The dream of software obfuscation is to take programs, as they are, and then compile them into obfuscated versions that hide their secret inner workings. In this work we investigate notions of obfuscations weaker than virtual black-box (VBB) but which still allow obfuscating cryptographic primitives preserving their original functionalities as much as possible. In particular we propose two new notions of obfuscations, which we call oracle-differing-input obfuscation (odiO) and oracle-indistinguishability obfuscation (oiO). In a nutshell, odiO is a natural strengthening of differing-input obfuscation (diO) and allows obfuscating programs for which it is hard to find a differing-input when given only oracle access to the programs. An oiO obfuscator allows to obfuscate programs that are hard to distinguish when treated as oracles. We then show applications of these notions, as well as positive and negative results around them. A few highlights include: – Our new notions are weaker than VBB and stronger than diO. – As it is the case for VBB, we show that there exist programs that cannot be obfuscated with odiO or oiO. – Our new notions allow to compile several flavours of secret key primitives (e.g., SKE, MAC, designated verifier NIZK) into their public key equivalent (e.g., PKE, signatures, publicly verifiable NIZK) while preserving one of the algorithms of the original scheme (function-preserving), or the structure of their outputs (format-preserving).
Xiaoyang Dong, Jian Guo, Shun Li, Phuong Pham
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The rebound attack was introduced by Mendel et al. at FSE 2009 to fulfill a heavy middle round of a differential path for free, utilizing the degree of freedom from states. The inbound phase was extended to 2 rounds by the Super-Sbox technique invented by Lamberger et al. at ASIACRYPT 2009 and Gilbert and Peyrin at FSE 2010. In ASIACRYPT 2010, Sasaki et al. further reduced the requirement of memory by introducing the non-full-active Super-Sbox. In this paper, we further develop this line of research by introducing Super-Inbound, which is able to connect multiple 1-round or 2-round (non-full-active) Super-Sbox inbound phases by utilizing fully the degrees of freedom from both states and key, yet without the use of large memory. This essentially extends the inbound phase by up to 3 rounds. We applied this technique to find classic or quantum collisions on several AES-like hash functions, and improved the attacked round number by 1 to 5 in targets including AES-128 and SKINNY hashing modes, Saturnin-Hash, and Grostl-512. To demonstrate the correctness of our attacks, the semi-free-start collision on 6-round AES-128-MMO/MP with estimated time complexity $2^{24}$ in classical setting was implemented and an example pair was found instantly on a standard PC.
Gilad Stern, Ittai Abraham
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In 1985, Dolev and Reischuk proved a fundamental communication lower bounds on protocols achieving fault tolerant synchronous broadcast and consensus: any deterministic protocol solving those tasks requires at least a quadratic number of message to be sent by nonfaulty parties. Followup work by Abraham, Chun, Dolev, Nayak, Pass, Ren and Shi shows a similar lower bound for randomized protocols. With the rise of blockchain systems, there have been many real-world systems that achieve consensus with seemingly linear communication per instance. We bridge this discrepancy in two ways. First, we generalize the lower bound to Crusader Broadcast protocols, and to all-but $m$ Crusader Broadcast. Second, we discuss the ways these lower bounds relate to the security of blockchain systems. Specifically, we show how eclipse style attacks in such systems can be viewed as specific instances of Dolev-Reischuk style attacks. Our observation suggests a more systematic way of analyzing and thinking about eclipse style attacks through the lens of the Dolev-Reischuk family of attacks. Finally, we present an example of a simple subquadratic Crusader Broadcast protocol whose security is highly dependent on insights from the presented lower bounds.
Hosein Hadipour, Maria Eichlseder
ePrint Report ePrint Report
WARP is a 128-bit block cipher published by Banik et al. at SAC 2020 as a lightweight alternative to AES. It is based on a generalized Feistel network and achieves the smallest area footprint among 128-bit block ciphers in many settings. Previous analysis results include integral key-recovery attacks on 21 out of 41 rounds.

In this paper, we propose integral key-recovery attacks on up to 32 rounds by improving both the integral distinguisher and the key-recovery approach substantially. For the distinguisher, we show how to model the monomial prediction technique proposed by Hu et al. at ASIACRYPT 2020 as a SAT problem and thus create a bit-oriented model of WARP taking the key schedule into account. Together with two additional observations on the properties of WARP's construction, we extend the best previous distinguisher by 2 rounds (as a classical integral distinguisher) or 4 rounds (for a generalized integral distinguisher). For the key recovery, we create a graph-based model of the round function and demonstrate how to manipulate the graph to obtain a cipher representation amenable to FFT-based key recovery.
Jiangshan Long, Changhai Ou, Zhu Wang, Shihui Zheng, Fei Yan, Fan Zhang, Siew-Kei Lam
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The performance of Side-Channel Attacks (SCAs) decays rapidly when considering more sub-keys, making the full-key recovery a very challenging problem. Limited to independent collision information utilization, collision attacks establish the relationship among sub-keys but do not significantly slow down this trend. To solve it, we first exploit the samples from the previously attacked S-boxes to assist attacks on the targeted S-box under an assumption that similar leakage occurs in program loop or code reuse scenarios. The later considered S-boxes are easier to be recovered since more samples participate in this assist attack, which results in the ``snowball'' effect. We name this scheme as Snowball, which significantly slows down the attenuation rate of attack performance. We further introduce confusion coefficient into the collision attack to construct collision confusion coefficient, and deduce its relationship with correlation coefficient. Based on this relationship, we give two optimizations on our Snowball exploiting the ``values'' information and ``rankings'' information of collision correlation coefficients named Least Deviation from Pearson correlation coefficient (PLD) and Least Deviation from confusion coefficient (CLD). Experiments show that the above optimizations significantly improve the performance of our Snowball.
Parker Newton, Silas Richelson
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Regev's Learning with Errors (LWE) problem (STOC 2005) is a fundamental hardness assumption for modern cryptography. The Learning with Rounding (LWR) Problem was put forth by Banarjee, Peikert and Rosen (Eurocrypt 2012) as an alternative to LWE, for use in cryptographic situations which require determinism. The only method we currently have for proving hardness of LWR is the so-called "rounding reduction" which is a specific reduction from an analogous LWE problem. This reduction works whenever the LWE error is small relative to the noise introduced by rounding, but it fails otherwise. For this reason, all prior work on establishing hardness of LWR forces the LWE error to be small, either by setting other parameters extremely large (which hurts performance), or by limiting the number of LWR samples seen by the adversary (which rules out certain applications). Hardness of LWR is poorly understood when the LWE modulus ($q$) is polynomial and when the number of LWE samples ($m$) seen by the adversary is an unbounded polynomial. This range of parameters is the most relevant for practical implementations, so the lack of a hardness proof in this situation is not ideal.

In this work, we identify an obstacle for proving the hardness of LWR via a reduction from LWE in the above parameter regime. Specifically, we show that any "point-wise" reduction from LWE to LWR can be used to directly break the corresponding LWE problem. A reduction is "point-wise" if it maps LWE samples to LWR samples one at a time. Our argument goes roughly as follows: first we show that any point-wise reduction from LWE to LWR must have good agreement with some affine map; then we use a Goldreich-Levin-type theorem to extract the LWE secret given oracle access to a point-wise reduction with good affine agreement. Both components may be of independent interest.
Chenar Abdulla Hassan, Oğuz Yayla
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The lattice-based cryptography is considered a strong candidate amongst many other proposed quantum-safe schemes for the currently deployed asymmetric cryptosystems that do not seem to stay secure when quantum computers come into play. Lattice-based algorithms possess a time-consuming operation of polynomial multiplication. As it is relatively the highest time-consuming operation in lattice-based cryptosystems, one can obtain fast polynomial multiplication by using number theoretic transform (NTT). In this paper, we focus on and develop a radix-3 NTT polynomial multiplication and compute its computational complexity. In addition, utilizing the ring structure, we propose two parameter sets of CRYSTALS-KYBER, one of the four round-three finalists in the NIST Post-Quantum Competition.
Patrick Derbez, Marie Euler, Pierre-Alain Fouque, Phuong Hoa Nguyen
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In recent years, several MILP models were introduced to search automatically for boomerang distinguishers and boomerang attacks on block ciphers. However, they can only be used when the key schedule is linear. Here, a new model is introduced to deal with nonlinear key schedules as it is the case for AES. This model is more complex and actually it is too slow for exhaustive search. However, when some hints are added to the solver, it found the current best related-key boomerang attack on AES 192 with $2^{136.4}$ time, $2^{126.2}$ data, and $2^{94.4}$ memory complexities, which is better than the one presented by Biryukov and Khovratovich at ASIACRYPT 2009 with complexities $2^{176}/2^{123}/2^{152}$ respectively. This represents a huge improvement for the time and memory complexity, illustrating the power of MILP in cryptanalysis.
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