International Association for Cryptologic Research

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23 June 2022

Zeta Avarikioti, Orfeas Stefanos Thyfronitis Litos
ePrint Report ePrint Report
As the Bitcoin mining landscape becomes more competitive, analyzing potential attacks under the assumption of rational miners becomes increasingly relevant. In the rational setting, blockchain users can bribe miners to reap an unfair benefit. Established protocols such as Duplex Micropayment Channels and Lightning Channels are susceptible to bribery, which upends their financial guarantees. Indeed, we prove that in a two-party contract in which the honest party can spend an output right away, whereas the malicious can only spend the same output after a timelock, the latter party can promise a high fee to the miners, who then intentionally ignore the transaction of the honest party in anticipation of the higher fee. This effectively prevents a valid transaction from ever entering the blockchain, resulting in potentially severe financial losses for the honest and considerable gains for the malicious party.

We expand previous results on timelock bribes to more realistic blockchains, proving that a general class of contracts are susceptible. We then apply our results to Duplex Micropayment Channels and Lightning Channels, providing exact bounds on their safe operating region. Furthermore, we enhance the Bitcoin Script of Duplex Micropayment Channels so that the coins of a party that attempts to bribe are given to the miners as fees, therefore effectively disincentivizing bribes. Our solution, named Suborn channels, is implemented as a proof-of-concept. We also propose a small change to Lightning Channels that achieves a similar effect. Moreover, we formally express the exact circumstances under which our two proposals ensure alignment of miner incentives with the prescribed protocol outcome.
Benny Applebaum, Yuval Ishai, Or Karni, Arpita Patra
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Multiparty randomized encodings (Applebaum, Brakerski, and Tsabary, SICOMP 2021) reduce the task of securely computing a complicated multiparty functionality $f$ to the task of securely computing a simpler functionality $g$. The reduction is non-interactive and preserves information-theoretic security against a passive (semi-honest) adversary, also referred to as privacy. The special case of a degree-2 encoding $g$ (2MPRE) has recently found several applications to secure multiparty computation (MPC) with either information-theoretic security or making black-box access to cryptographic primitives. Unfortunately, as all known constructions are based on information-theoretic MPC protocols in the plain model, they can only be private with an honest majority.

In this paper, we break the honest-majority barrier and present the first construction of general 2MPRE that remains secure in the presence of a dishonest majority. Our construction encodes every $n$-party functionality $f$ by a 2MPRE that tolerates at most $t=\lfloor 2n/3\rfloor$ passive corruptions.

We derive several applications including: (1) The first non-interactive client-server MPC protocol with perfect privacy against any coalition of a minority of the servers and up to $t$ of the $n$ clients; (2) Completeness of 3-party functionalities under non-interactive $t$-private reductions; and (3) A single-round $t$-private reduction from general-MPC to an ideal oblivious transfer (OT). These positive results partially resolve open questions that were posed in several previous works. We also show that $t$-private 2MPREs are necessary for solving (2) and (3), thus establishing new equivalence theorems between these three notions.

Finally, we present a new approach for constructing fully-private 2MPREs based on multi-round protocols in the OT-hybrid model that achieve \emph{perfect privacy} against active attacks. Moreover, by slightly restricting the power of the active adversary, we derive an equivalence between these notions. This forms a surprising, and quite unique, connection between a non-interactive passively-private primitive to an interactive actively-private primitive.
Yusuke Naito, Yu Sasaki, Takeshi Sugawara
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We propose a new AEAD mode of operation for an efficient countermeasure against side-channel attacks. Our mode achieves the smallest memory with high-order masking, by minimizing the states that are duplicated in masking. An $s$-bit key-dependent state is necessary for achieving $s$-bit security, and the conventional schemes always protect the entire $s$ bits with masking. We reduce the protected state size by introducing an unprotected state in the key-dependent state: we protect only a half and give another half to a side-channel adversary. Ensuring independence between the unprotected and protected states is the key technical challenge since mixing these states reveals the protected state to the adversary. We propose a new mode $\mathsf{HOMA}$ that achieves $s$-bit security using a tweakable block cipher with the $s/2$-bit block size. We also propose a new primitive for instantiating $\mathsf{HOMA}$ with $s=128$ by extending the SKINNY tweakable block cipher to a 64-bit plaintext block, a 128-bit key, and a $(256+3)$-bit tweak. We make hardware performance evaluation by implementing $\mathsf{HOMA}$ with high-order masking for $d \le 5$. For any $d > 0$, $\mathsf{HOMA}$ outperforms the current state-of-the-art $\mathsf{PFB\_Plus}$ by reducing the circuit area larger than that of the entire S-box.
Yibin Yang, David Heath, Vladimir Kolesnikov, David Devecsery
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Recent work has produced interactive Zero Knowledge (ZK) proof systems that can express proofs as arbitrary C programs (Heath et al., 2021, henceforth referred to as ZEE); these programs can be executed by a simulated ZK processor that runs in the 10KHz range.

In this work, we demonstrate that such proof systems are amenable to high degrees of parallelism. Our epoch parallelism-based approach allows the prover and verifier to divide the ZK proof into pieces such that each piece can be executed on a different machine. These proof snippets can then be glued together, and the glued parallel proofs are equivalent to the original sequential proof.

We implemented and we experimentally evaluate an epoch parallel version of the ZEE proof system. By running the prover and verifier each across 31 2-core machines, we achieve a ZK processor that runs at up to 394KHz. This allowed us to run a benchmark involving the Linux program bzip2, which would have required at least 11 days with the former ZEE system, in only 8.5 hours.
David Heath, Yibin Yang, David Devecsery, Vladimir Kolesnikov
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We build a complete and efficient ZK toolchain that handles proof statements encoded as arbitrary ANSI C programs.

Zero-Knowledge (ZK) proofs are foundational in cryptography. Recent ZK research has focused intensely on non-interactive proofs of small statements, useful in blockchain scenarios. We instead target large statements that are useful, e.g., in proving properties of programs.

Recent work (Heath and Kolesnikov, CCS 2020 [HK20a]) designed a proof-of-concept ZK machine (ZKM). Their machine executes arbitrary programs over a minimal instruction set, authenticating in ZK the program execution. In this work, we significantly extend this research thrust, both in terms of efficiency and generality. Our contributions include: • A rich and performance-oriented architecture for representing arbitrary ZK proofs as programs. • A complete compiler toolchain providing full support for ANSI C95 programs. We ran off-the-shelf buggy versions of sed and gzip, proving in ZK that each program has a bug. To our knowledge, this is the first ZK system capable of executing standard Linux programs. • Improved ZK RAM. [HK20a] introduced an efficient ZK-specific RAM BubbleRAM that consumes $O(\log^2 n)$ communication per access. We extend BubbleRAM with multi-level caching, decreasing communication to $O(\log n)$ per access. This introduces the possibility of a cache miss, which we handle cheaply. Our experiments show that cache misses are rare; in isolation, i.e., ignoring other processor costs, BubbleCache improves communication over BubbleRAM by more than $8\times$. Using BubbleCache improves our processor’s total communication (including costs of cache misses) by $\approx 25-30$%. • Numerous low-level optimizations, resulting in a CPU that is both more expressive and $\approx 5.5\times$ faster than [HK20a]’s. • Attention to user experience. Our engineer-facing ZK instrumentation and extensions are minimal and easy to use.

Put together, our system is efficient and general, and can run many standard Linux programs. The resultant machine runs at up to 11KHz on a 1Gbps LAN and supports MBs of RAM.
David Heath, Vladimir Kolesnikov
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Zero-Knowledge (ZK) proofs (ZKP) are foundational in cryptography. Most recent ZK research focuses on non-interactive proofs (NIZK) of small statements, useful in blockchain scenarios. Another line, and our focus, instead targets proofs of large statements that are useful, e.g., in proving properties of programs in ZK.

We specify a zero-knowledge processor that executes arbitrary programs written in a simple instruction set and proves in ZK the correctness of the execution. Such an approach is well-suited for constructing ZK proofs of large statements as it efficiently supports complex programming constructs, such as loops and RAM access.

We propose several novel ZK improvements that make our approach concretely efficient: (1) an efficient arithmetic representation with conversions to/from Boolean, (2) an efficient read-only memory that uses $2 \log n$ OTs per access, and (3) an efficient read-write memory, BubbleRAM, which uses $1/2 \log^2 n$ OTs per access. BubbleRAM beats linear scan for RAM of size > 3 elements! Prior ZK systems used generic ORAM costing orders of magnitude more.

We cast our system as a garbling scheme that can be plugged into the ZK protocol of [Jawurek et al, CCS’13].

Put together, our system is concretely efficient: for a processor instantiated with 512KB of main memory, each processor cycle costs 24KB of communication. We implemented our approach in C++. On a 1Gbps LAN, our implementation realizes a 2.1KHz processor.
Laura Luzzi, Cong Ling, Matthieu R. Bloch
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We propose a lattice-based scheme for secret key generation from Gaussian sources in the presence of an eavesdropper, and show that it achieves the strong secret key capacity in the case of degraded source models, as well as the optimal secret key / public communication rate trade-off. The key ingredients of our scheme are a lattice extractor to extract the channel intrinsic randomness, based on the notion of flatness factor, together with a randomized lattice quantization technique to quantize the continuous source. Compared to previous works, we introduce two new notions of flatness factor based on $L^1$ distance and KL divergence, respectively, which are of independent interest. We prove the existence of secrecy-good lattices under $L^1$ distance and KL divergence, whose $L^1$ and KL flatness factors vanish for volume-to-noise ratios up to $2\pi e$. This improves upon the volume-to-noise ratio threshold $2\pi$ of the $L^{\infty}$ flatness factor.
Ruize Wang, Kalle Ngo, Elena Dubrova
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In the ongoing last round of NIST’s post-quantum cryptography standardization competition, side-channel analysis of finalists is a main focus of attention. While their resistance to timing, power and near field electromagnetic (EM) side-channels has been thoroughly investigated, amplitude-modulated EM emanations has not been considered so far. The attacks based on amplitude-modulated EM emanations are more stealthy because they exploit side-channels intertwined into the signal transmitted by an on-chip antenna. Thus, they can be mounted on a distance from the device under attack. In this paper, we present the first results of an amplitude-modulated EM side-channel analysis of one of the NIST PQ finalists, Saber key encapsulation mechanism (KEM), implemented on the nRF52832 (ARM Cortex-M4) system-on-chip supporting Bluetooth 5. By capturing amplitude-modulated EM emanations during decapsulation, we can recover each bit of the session key with 0.91 probability on average.
Danilo Francati, Daniele Friolo, Giulio Malavolta, Daniele Venturi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We put forward two natural generalizations of predicate encryption (PE) dubbed multi-key and multi-input PE. More in details, our contributions are threefold.

- Definitions. We formalize security of multi-key PE and multi-input PE following the standard indistinguishability paradigm, and modeling security both against malicious senders (i.e., corruption of encryption keys) and malicious receivers (i.e., collusions).

- Constructions. We construct multi-key and multi-input PE supporting the conjunction of poly-many arbitrary single-input predicates, assuming the hardness of the standard learning with errors (LWE) problem.

- Applications. We show that multi-key and multi-input PE for expressive enough predicates suffices for interesting cryptographic applications, including matchmaking encryption (ME) and non-interactive multi-party computation (NI-MPC).

As a corollary, plugging in our concrete constructions of multi-key and multi-input PE, we obtain the first construction of ME for arbitrary policies, as well as NI-MPC with partial re-usability for all-or-nothing functions and a constant number of parties, under the standard LWE assumption. Prior to our work, all of these applications required much heavier tools such as indistinguishability obfuscation or compact functional encryption.
Ittai Abraham, Danny Dolev, Alon Kagan, Gilad Stern
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Protocols solving authenticated consensus in synchronous networks with Byzantine faults have been widely researched and known to exists if and only if $n>2f$ for $f$ Byzantine faults. Similarly, protocols solving authenticated consensus in partially synchronous networks are known to exist if $n>3f+2k$ for $f$ Byzantine faults and $k$ crash faults. In this work we fill a natural gap in our knowledge by presenting MixSync, an authenticated consensus protocol in synchronous networks resilient to $f$ Byzantine faults and $k$ crash faults if $n>2f+k$. As a basic building block, we first define and then construct a publicly verifiable crusader agreement protocol with the same resilience. The protocol uses a simple double-send round to guarantee non-equivocation, a technique later used in the MixSync protocol. We then discuss how to construct a state machine replication protocol using these ideas, and how they can be used in general to make such protocols resilient to crash faults. Finally, we prove lower bounds showing that $n>2f+k$ is optimally resilient for consensus and state machine replication protocols.
Alex Charlès, Chloé Gravouil
ePrint Report ePrint Report
One of the main challenges cryptography needs to deal with is balancing the performances of a cryptographic primitive with its security. That is why in 2015, the National Institute of Standards and Technologies (NIST) has begun a standardization process to solicit the creation of new lightweight cryptographic algorithms. We then wondered which of this standardization finalists would suit the best to a white-box implementation. To this end, we studied different algorithms structures on their encodability to later develop our white-box encoding solution. Afterwards, we reviewed the standardization finalists on the applicability of our solution to those algorithms, and finally apply it to GIFT, the permutation of GIFT-COFB.
Xavier Arnal, Tamara Finogina, Javier Herranz
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Interactive zero-knowledge systems are a very important cryptographic primitive, used in many applications, especially when non-transferability is desired. In the setting of lattice-based cryptography, the currently most efficient interactive zero-knowledge systems employ the technique of rejection sampling, which implies that the interaction does not always finish correctly in the first execution; the whole interaction must be re-run until abort does not happen.

While aborts and repetitions are acceptable in theory, in some practical applications of such interactive systems it is desirable to avoid re-runs, for usability reasons. In this work, we present a generic transformation that departs from an interactive zero-knowledge system (maybe with aborts) and obtains a 3-moves zero-knowledge system (without aborts). The transformation combines the well-known Fiat-Shamir technique with a couple of initially exchanged messages. %, needed to get the (honest-verifier) zero-knowledge property. The resulting 3-moves system enjoys (honest-verifier) zero-knowledge and soundness, in the random oracle model. We finish the work by showing some practical scenarios where our transformation can be useful.
Alex Luoyuan Xiong, Binyi Chen, Zhenfei Zhang, Benedikt Bünz, Ben Fisch, Fernando Krell, Philippe Camacho
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Traditional blockchain systems execute program state transitions on-chain, requiring each network node participating in state-machine replication to re-compute every step of the program when validating transactions. This limits both scalability and privacy. Recently, Bowe et al. introduced a primitive called decentralized private computation (DPC) and provided an instantiation called ZEXE, which allows users to execute arbitrary computations off-chain without revealing the program logic to the network. Moreover, transaction validation takes only constant time, independent of the off-chain computation. However, ZEXE required a separate trusted setup for each application, which is highly impractical. Prior attempts to remove this per-application setup incurred significant performance loss. We propose a new DPC instantiation VERI-ZEXE that is highly efficient and requires only a single universal setup to support an arbitrary number of applications. Our benchmark improves the state-of-the-art by 9x in transaction generation time and by 2.6x in memory usage. Along the way, we also design efficient gadgets for variable-base multi-scalar multiplication and modular arithmetic within the plonk constraint system, leading to a Plonk verifier gadget using only ∼ 21k plonk constraints.
Hadi Mardani Kamali
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Having access to the scan chain of Integrated Circuits (ICs) is an integral requirement of the debug/testability process within the supply chain. However, the access to the scan chain raises big concerns regarding the security of the chip, particularly when the secret information, such as the key of logic obfuscation, is embedded/stored inside the chip. Hence, to relieve such concerns, numerous secure scan chain architectures have been proposed in the literature to show not only how to prevent any unauthorized access to the scan chain but also how to keep the availability of the scan chain for debug/testability. In this paper, we first provide a holistic overview of all secure scan chain architectures. Then, we discuss the key leakage possibility and some substantial architectural drawbacks that moderately affect both test flow and design constraints in the state-of-the-art published design-for-security (DFS) architectures. Then, we propose a new key-trapped DFS (kt-DFS) architecture for building a secure scan chain architecture while addressing the potential of key leakage. The proposed kt-DFS architecture allows the designer to perform the structural test with no limitation, enabling an untrusted foundry to utilize the scan chain for manufacturing fault testing without needing to access the scan chain. Finally, we evaluate and compare the proposed architecture with state-of-the-art ones in terms of security, testability time and complexity, and area/power/delay overhead.
Sameer Wagh
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Recent advances in function secret sharing (FSS) have led to new possibilities in multi-party computation in the pre-processing model. Silent Pseudorandom Correlation Generators (Crypto '19, CCS '19, CCS '19, CCS '20) have demonstrated the ability to generate large quantities of pre-processing material such as oblivious transfers and Beaver triples through a non-interactive offline phase (with an initial set-up). However, there has been limited protocols for pre-processing material such as doubly authenticated bits (daBits, IndoCrypt'19) and extended doubly authenticated bits (edaBits, Crypto '20) which are critical for state-of-the-art secure comparison protocols over arithmetic secret sharing.

In this work, we propose new protocols in a 3-party computation model for these two cryptographic primitives -- daBits and edaBits. We explore how advances in silent PCGs can be used to construct efficient protocols for daBits and edaBits. Our protocols are secure against a single corruption in both the semi-honest and malicious security models. Our contributions can be summarized as follows:

(1) New constant round protocols for generating daBits and edaBits. We achieve this by constructing an efficient 3-party oblivious transfer protocol (using just 2 rounds of computation) and using it to build efficient protocols for daBit and edaBit generation. (2) We extend the above semi-honest protocol to achieve malicious security against an honest majority. We use a standard cut-and-choose approach for this. This improves the round complexity of prior edaBit protocols from O(log2 l) to a constant, where l is the bit-length of the inputs. (3) Finally, to understand when the above protocols provide concrete efficiency, we implement and benchmark the performance of our protocols against state-of-the-art implementation of these primitives in MP-SDPZ. Our protocols improve the throughput of daBit generation by up to 10x in the LAN setting and 5x in the WAN setting. Comparing the performance of edaBit generation, our protocols achieve 4x higher throughput in the LAN setting and 32x higher throughput in the WAN setting.

It is known that silent PCGs are compute intense and thus the performance of these new protocols can further be improved using works such as CryptGPU (S\&P '21), Piranha (USENIX '22) that significantly improve the local computation in MPC protocols.

22 June 2022

Trento, Italia, 10 October - 14 October 2022
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 10 October to 14 October 2022
Submission deadline: 19 August 2022
Notification: 9 September 2022
Pandit Deendayal Energy University, Gandhinagar, Guarat, India
Job Posting Job Posting
Pandit Deendayal Energy University is looking for meritorious young researchers for the post of Junior Research Fellow (01 Post) on a Supporting R&D in Emerging Fields of S&T on state priority areas under STI fund, sponsored project grant by Gujarat Council on Science and Technology ( GUJCOST) under Department of Science & Technology. The details are given below.
Project Title: Developing a Privacy Preserving Framework for Securing Organizational Data Publication
Duration: 2022-25
PI: Dr. Payal Chaudhari, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Pandit Deendayal Energy University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India
Co-PI: Dr. Nishant Doshi, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Pandit Deendayal Energy University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India
Essential Qualification: M.E./M.Tech in Computer Science & Engg./Computer Engg./Information Technology / Information and Communication Technology or equivalent
Additional Skills : Experimental exposure to cloud set-up and Infrastructure. Knowledge of and interest in Cryptography applications. Knowledge of Network Security Tools will be an added advantage.
Fellowship: As per funding agency norms.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Dr. Payal Chaudhari

More information:

Graz University of Technology
Job Posting Job Posting
Graz University of Technology actively promotes diversity and equal opportunities. Applicants are not to be placed at a disadvantage in personnel selection procedures on the grounds of criteria such as age, gender, ethnicity, religion or ideology, sexual orientation or special needs due to a disability. We aim to increase the proportion of women, in particular in management and academic staff, and therefore particularly encourages qualified women to apply. In the event of under-representation, women with equal qualifications will be given priority.

We are looking for a full-time PhD researcher who will work on cryptographic hardware and software implementations. The researcher will be supervised by Dr. Sujoy Sinha Roy at IAIK, Graz University of Technology, Austria.

The Institute of Applied Information Processing and Communications (aka IAIK) is the largest university institute in Austria for research and education in security and privacy. It has been active in this field for more than 30 years and currently employs more than 60 researchers.

The PhD researcher will be working on Scientific research in the field of implementation and physical security aspects of novel cryptographic algorithms in the “Cryptographic Engineering” group within the “Secure Systems” area at IAIK.

Required Qualifications:
  • MSc degree in computer science, information and computer engineering, electrical or electronics engineering, mathematics, or a related field.
  • BSc students with excellent academic records and project experience are also encouraged.
  • Excellent knowledge of English
  • The ability to work in an international environment
  • Research experience from projects or publication of scientific papers
  • Excellent skills in programming and/or digital circuit design

    Please submit your application online:

    Closing date for applications:

    Contact: If you have any specific questions about the application please contact Sujoy Sinha Roy directly:

    More information:

  • Expand
    University of Houston Downtown
    Job Posting Job Posting
    The Department of Computer Science and Engineering Technology at the University of Houston–Downtown (UHD) invites applications for multiple tenure-track faculty positions in Computer Science. Depending on the applicant's qualifications, the position can be at Assistant or Associate Professor level. We are looking for outstanding candidates with expertise in area of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning or Cybersecurity. The appointment will start in January 2023. Candidates will be expected to teach at the undergraduate and graduate levels, establish an externally funded research program and provide service and leadership to the campus and the scientific community. UHD values diversity, equity and inclusion and is committed to hiring faculty who share these values. To be considered, candidates must describe their experience and future plans to promote equity and inclusion in teaching, mentoring and research. Financial and in-kind resources will be made available to faculty who promote equity and inclusion at UHD, and their work will be recognized as important university service during the faculty promotion process.

    Closing date for applications:


    More information:


    21 June 2022

    Award Award
    Award for Excellence in the Field of Mathematics, Co-Sponsored by IACR

    Each year, RSA Conference recognizes noteworthy work in cryptography and mathematics. Award recipients are determined by an esteemed judging committee who seek to recognize innovation and ongoing contributions to the industry. Dozens of nominated individuals from affiliated organizations, universities or research labs compete each year for this award.

    Recipients of the RSA Conference 2022 Excellence in the Field of Mathematics award are:

    Professors Cynthia Dwork and Moni Naor
    Cynthia Dwork, a professor of Computer Science at the John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard University and a Distinguished Scientist at Microsoft Research, is known for establishing the pillars on which every fault-tolerant system has been built atop for decades. Her innovations modernized cryptography to cope with the ungoverned interactions of the internet through the development of non-malleable cryptography, formed the basis of crypto currencies through proofs of work, placed privacy-preserving data analysis on a firm mathematical foundation, and ensures statistical validity in exploratory data analysis, through differential privacy.

    "RSA Conference is an important venue for the exchange of ideas in the cybersecurity ecosystem. I am deeply honored to join the ranks of past recipients of this prestigious award that recognizes foundational research," said Dwork. "The threats to privacy have never been greater, and advancements in technology means more cybersecurity risk. My research, work, students, and university will continue to play a key role in helping innovation preserve these values."

    Moni Naor is a professor of Computer Science at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel specializing in Cryptography and Complexity. He is well known for his work connecting cryptography and data structure in adversarial environments. In 1992, he collaborated with Cynthia Dwork on "Proofs of Work" to combat denial-of-service attacks and other service abuses, such as spam, which is now famous for its use with Bitcoin and blockchain technologies. He has proposed other fundamental concepts that are at the heart of today's cryptography, including non-malleability, broadcast encryption, tracing traitors, small bias probability, and the efficiency of falsifying assumptions.

    "The RSA Conference Excellence in the Field of Mathematics Awards has a long list of impressive and impactful recipients dating back to 1998 with Shafi Goldwasser receiving it. I am honored to say that I am now part of the amazing group of cryptographers who have received it," said Naor. "I strongly believe advancements in the field of cryptography will continue to prove necessary as digital communication and usage accelerates. I remain dedicated to making a lasting impact in the field."

    “The IACR is proud to join RSAC in co-sponsoring the Excellence in the Field of Mathematics Award. As the worldwide professional society for researchers in cryptography and cryptanalysis, we are dedicated to recognizing individuals who have excelled in our field and advancing awareness of the role cryptology plays in a modern, digitally connected life,” said Michel Abdalla, President, IACR. “This year we celebrate the work of Professors Dwork and Naor, and the impact they individually and collectively have had on the cryptography industry and cybersecurity at large.”

    RSA Conference and IACR presented the Excellence Award in the Field of Mathematics Award on Tuesday, June 7, 2022.