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31 August 2022

Eindhoven Technical University
Job Posting Job Posting
I am searching for an outstanding Ph.D. candidate to start on 1st November 2022 (negotiable) in the Coding Theory and Cryptology group at Eindhoven Technical University (TU/e).

Possible topics fall into the field of provable security with a focus on the construction of efficient cryptographic building blocks and protocols, including
-(post-quantum) secure key exchange and messaging protocols and
-efficient digital signatures and public key encryption in realistic security models.

The fully-funded position offers exciting research in a highly international research environment. Candidates from outside of the Netherlands can be eligible for an additional tax reduction scheme.

-a Master's degree (or equivalent) with excellent grades in computer science, mathematics, or IT security.
-strong mathematical and/or algorithmic/theoretical CS background.
-good knowledge of cryptography and provable security.
-good written and verbal communication skills in English (Dutch is not required).

TU/e embraces diversity and inclusion. Therefore, people from all backgrounds are invited to apply, without regard to sex, gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, age, socio-economic status, identity, visible or invisible disability, religion, or sexual orientation.

To apply, prepare a single PDF file that includes a CV with a course list and grades. Applications received until 9th September 2022 receive full consideration. After that, the position is filled as soon as possible.

Applications and questions can be directed at

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Sven Schäge

Temasek Laboratories, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Job Posting Job Posting
Job Description: A candidate will work in the area of post-quantum cryptography. A candidate will conduct research on analysis of post-quantum cryptography; the emphasis is on quantum analysis on symmetric cipher and PQC. The work requires to carry out some simulations. Applicants are expected to have a PhD degree in Mathematics/Physics/Computer Science and a strong background in quantum algorithm, algebra, linear algebra or algebraic number theory. Preferred candidates are expected to be proficient in Magma software or SAGEMATH software or knowledge on quantum software (eg. Qiskit, etc), a team worker and able to conduct independent research. Interested candidates will kindly include their full CV and transcripts in their applications and send to Dr Chik How Tan, Only shortlisted applications will be notified.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Dr Chik How Tan,

Multimedia University, Faculty of Information Science & Technology; Melaka, Malaysia
Job Posting Job Posting

  • Conduct research based on state-of-the-art cloud cryptography.
  • Enroll in MSc (IT)/PhD (IT) in MMU.
  • Publications in indexed journals.
  • A relevant degree with good grades.
  • Good knowledge in Cryptography, Mathematics, and Cloud Computing will be an added advantage.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Interested candidates may submit their CV to Swee-Huay Heng ( Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interview.


29 August 2022

Atlanta, USA, 7 May - 10 May 2023
Event date: 7 May to 10 May 2023
Submission deadline: 1 November 2022
Notification: 25 January 2023
Vishesh Mishra, Urbi Chatterjee
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Approximate computing techniques are extensively used in computationally intensive applications. Addition architecture being the basic component of computational unit, has received a lot of interest from approximate computing community. Approximate adders are designed with the motivation to reduce area, power and delay of their accurate versions at the cost of bounded loss in accuracy. A major class of approximate adders are implemented using binary logic circuits that operate with a high degree of predictability and speculation. This paper is one of the early attempt to vector model error values that occur in approximate architectures and the inputs fed to them. In this paper, we propose two vectors namely Error Vectors (EVs) and the Input Conditioning Vectors (ICVs) that will form the mathematical foundation of several probabilistic error evaluation methodologies. In other words, the suggested vectors can be used to develop assessment methods to measure the performance of approximate circuits. Our proposed vectors when utilised to analyze approximate circuits, will provide a descriptive idea about (i) chances of error generation and propagation, (ii) the amount of error at specific bit locations and its impact on overall result. This is however not conceivable with existing state-of-the-art methodologies.
Wei Dai
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Public blockchains are state machines replicated via distributed consensus protocols. Information on blockchains is public by default---marking privacy as one of the key challenges.

We identify two shortcomings of existing approaches to building blockchains for general privacy-preserving applications, namely (1) the reliance on external trust assumptions and (2) the dependency on execution environments (on-chain, off-chain, zero-knowledge, etc.) with heterogeneous programming frameworks.

Towards solving these problems, we propose PESCA---a privacy-enhancing smart contract architecture. PESCA utilizes generic building blocks such as threshold fully-homomorphic encryption (FHE), distributed key generation (DKG), dynamic proactive secrete sharing (DPSS), Byzantine-fault-tolerant (BFT) consensus, and universal succinct non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs (zk-SNARKs).

First, we formalize the problem of replicating state machines augmented with threshold decryption protocols and discuss how existing BFT consensus protocols can be adapted to this setting. We describe how to instantiate a blockchain with a fixed FHE public key and have FHE-encrypted chain states programmatically decrypted via consensus.

Next, we describe a smart-contract framework for engineering privacy-preserving applications, where programs are expressed---in a unified manner---between four types of computation: transparent on-chain, confidential (FHE) on-chain, user off-chain, and zero-knowledge off-chain.

Lastly, to showcase the generality and expressiveness of PESCA, we provide two simple application designs for constant function market makers (CFMMs) and first-price sealed-bid auctions (FPSBAs), both with maximal privacy guarantees.
Nishat Koti, Varsha Bhat Kukkala, Arpita Patra, Bhavish Raj Gopal
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Secure multiparty computation (MPC) is increasingly being used to address privacy issues in various applications. The recent work of Alon et al. (CRYPTO'20) identified the shortcomings of traditional MPC and defined a Friends-and-Foes (FaF) security notion to address the same. We showcase the need for FaF security in real-world applications such as dark pools. This subsequently necessitates designing concretely efficient FaF-secure protocols. Towards this, keeping efficiency at the center stage, we design ring-based FaF-secure MPC protocols in the small-party honest-majority setting. Specifically, we provide (1,1)-FaF secure 5 party computation protocols (5PC) that consider one malicious and one semi-honest corruption and constitutes the optimal setting for attaining honest-majority. At the heart of it lies the multiplication protocol that requires a single round of communication with 8 ring elements (amortized). To facilitate having FaF-secure variants for several applications, we design a variety of building blocks optimized for our FaF setting. The practicality of the designed (1,1)-FaF secure 5PC framework is showcased by benchmarking dark pools. In the process, we also improve the efficiency and security of the dark pool protocols over the existing traditionally secure ones. This improvement is witnessed as a gain of up to $62\times$ in throughput compared to the existing ones. Finally, to demonstrate the versatility of our framework, we also benchmark popular deep neural networks.
Kwangsu Lee, Hyoseung Kim
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Multi-signature (MS) is a special type of public key signature (PKS) in which multiple signers participate cooperatively to generate a signature for a single message. Recently, applications that use an MS scheme to strengthen the security of blockchain wallets or to strengthen the security of blockchain consensus protocols are attracting a lot of attention. In this paper, we propose an efficient two-round MS scheme based on Okamoto signature rather than Schnorr signature. To this end, we first propose a new PKS scheme by modifying the Okamoto signature scheme, and prove the unforgeability of our PKS scheme under the discrete logarithm assumption in the algebraic group model (AGM) and the non-programmable random oracle model (ROM). Next, we propose a two-round MS scheme based on the new PKS scheme and prove the unforgeability of our MS scheme under the discrete logarithm assumption in the AGM and the non-programmable ROM. Our MS scheme is the first one to prove security among two-round MS based on Okamoto signature.
Ming-Hsien Tsai, Yu-Fu Fu, Xiaomu Shi, Jiaxiang Liu, Bow-Yaw Wang, Bo-Yin Yang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
COQCRYPTOLINE is an automatic certified verification tool for cryptographic programs. It is built on OCAML programs extracted from algorithms fully certified in COQ with SS- REFLECT. Similar to other automatic tools, COQCRYPTO- LINE calls external decision procedures during verification. To ensure correctness, all answers from external decision procedures are validated by certified certificate checkers in COQCRYPTOLINE. We evaluate COQCRYPTOLINE on cryp- tographic programs from BITCOIN, BORINGSSL, NSS, and OPENSSL. The first certified verification of the reference implementation for number theoretic transform in the post- quantum key exchange mechanism KYBER is also reported.
Chengjun Cai, Yichen Zang, Cong Wang, Xiaohua Jia, Qian Wang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Owner-centric control is a widely adopted method for easing owners' concerns over data abuses and motivating them to share their data out to gain collective knowledge. However, while many control enforcement techniques have been proposed, privacy threats due to the metadata leakage therein are largely neglected in existing works. Unfortunately, a sophisticated attacker can infer very sensitive information based on either owners' data control policies or their analytic task participation histories (e.g., participating in a mental illness or cancer study can reveal their health conditions). To address this problem, we introduce $\textsf{Vizard}$, a metadata-hiding analytic system that enables privacy-hardened and enforceable control for owners. $\textsf{Vizard}$ is built with a tailored suite of lightweight cryptographic tools and designs that help us efficiently handle analytic queries over encrypted data streams coming in real-time (like heart rates). We propose extension designs to further enable advanced owner-centric controls (with AND, OR, NOT operators) and provide owners with release control to additionally regulate how the result should be protected before deliveries. We develop a prototype of $\textsf{Vizard}$ that is interfaced with Apache Kafka, and the evaluation results demonstrate the practicality of $\textsf{Vizard}$ for large-scale and metadata-hiding analytics over data streams.
Javad Ghareh Chamani, Yun Wang, Dimitrios Papadopoulos, Mingyang Zhang, Rasool Jalili
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We study the problem of multi-user dynamic searchable symmetric encryption (DMUSSE) where a data owner stores its encrypted documents on an untrusted remote server and wishes to selectively allow multiple users to access them by issuing keyword search queries. Specifically, we consider the case where some of the users may be corrupted and colluding with the server to extract additional information about the dataset (beyond what they have access to). We provide the first formal security definition for the dynamic setting as well as forward and backward privacy definitions. We then propose μSE, the first provably secure DMUSSE scheme and instantiate it in two versions, one based on oblivious data structures and one based on update queues, with different performance trade-offs. Furthermore, we extend μSE to support verifiability of results. To achieve this, users need a secure digest initially computed by the data owner and changed after every update. We efficiently accommodate this, without relying on a trusted third party, by adopting a blockchain-based approach for the digests’ dissemination and deploy our schemes over the permissioned Hyperledger Fabric blockchain. We prototype both versions and experimentally evaluate their practical performance, both as stand-alone systems and running on top of Hyperledger Fabric.
Valerii Sopin
ePrint Report ePrint Report
A determined algorithm is presented for solving the rSUM problem for any natural r with a sub-quadratic assessment of time complexity in some cases. In terms of an amount of memory used the obtained algorithm is the nlog^3(n) order. The idea of the obtained algorithm is based not considering integer numbers, but rather k (is a natural) successive bits of these numbers in the binary numeration system. It is shown that if a sum of integer numbers is equal to zero, then the sum of numbers presented by any k successive bits of these numbers must be sufficiently "close" to zero. This makes it possible to discard the numbers, which a fortiori, do not establish the solution.
Valerii Sopin
ePrint Report ePrint Report
V. Anashin et al gave criteria for measure-preservation and ergodicity of 1-lipschitz transformations on the ring of p-adic integers. However, issue of describing the ergodic 1-lipschitz transformations on the Cartesian power of the ring of p-adic integers has been opened so far. In this paper we present the resulting solution to this problem. In other words, T-Funtions of several variables are considered.
Sofía Celi, Jonathan Hoyland, Douglas Stebila, Thom Wiggers
ePrint Report ePrint Report
KEMTLS is a proposal for changing the TLS handshake to authenticate the handshake using long-term key encapsulation mechanism keys instead of signatures, motivated by trade-offs in the characteristics of post-quantum algorithms. Prior proofs of security of KEMTLS and its variant KEMTLS-PDK have been hand-written proofs in the reductionist model under computational assumptions. In this paper, we present computer-verified symbolic analyses of KEMTLS and KEMTLS-PDK using two distinct Tamarin models. In the first analysis, we adapt the detailed Tamarin model of TLS 1.3 by Cremers et al. (ACM CCS 2017), which closely follows the wire-format of the protocol specification, to KEMTLS(-PDK). We show that KEMTLS(-PDK) has equivalent security properties to the main handshake of TLS 1.3 proven in this model. We were able to fully automate this Tamarin proof, compared with the previous TLS 1.3 Tamarin model, which required a big manual proving effort; we also uncovered some inconsistencies in the previous model. In the second analysis, we present a novel Tamarin model of KEMTLS(-PDK), which closely follows the multi-stage key exchange security model from prior pen-and-paper proofs of KEMTLS(-PDK). The second approach is further away from the wire-format of the protocol specification but captures more subtleties in security definitions, like deniability and different levels of forward secrecy; it also identifies some flaws in the security claims from the pen-and-paper proofs. Our positive security results increase the confidence in the design of KEMTLS(-PDK). Moreover, viewing these models side-by-side allows us to comment on the trade-off in symbolic analysis between detail in protocol specification and granularity of security properties.
David Naccache, Ofer Yifrach-Stav
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This brief note introduces a new attack vector applicable to a symbolic computation tool routinely used by cryptographers.

The attack takes advantage of the fact that the very rich user interface allows displaying formulae in invisible color or in font size zero. This allows to render some code portions invisible when opened using the tool.

We implement a classical fault attack thanks to this deceptive mechanism but other cryptographic or non-cryptographic attacks (e.g. formatting the victim's disk or installing rootkits) can be easily conducted using identical techniques.

This underlines the importance of creating malware detection software for symbolic computation tools. Such protections do not exist as of today.

We stress that our observation is not a vulnerability in Mathematica but rather a misuse of the rich possibilities offered by the software.
Prabhanjan Ananth, Fatih Kaleoglu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Quantum copy-protection, introduced by Aaronson (CCC'09), uses the no-cloning principle of quantum mechanics to protect software from being illegally distributed. Constructing copy-protection has been an important problem in quantum cryptography. Since copy-protection is shown to be impossible to achieve in the plain model, we investigate the question of constructing copy-protection for arbitrary classes of unlearnable functions in the random oracle model. We present an impossibility result that rules out a class of copy-protection schemes in the random oracle model assuming the existence of quantum fully homomorphic encryption and quantum hardness of learning with errors. En route, we prove the impossibility of approximately correct copy-protection in the plain model.
Daniel Apon, Chloe Cachet, Peter Fenteany, Benjamin Fuller, Feng-Hao Liu
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We give the first constructions in the plain model of 1) nonmalleable digital lockers (Canetti and Varia, TCC 2009) and 2) robust fuzzy extractors (Boyen et al., Eurocrypt 2005) that secure sources with entropy below 1/2 of their length. Constructions were previously only known for both primitives assuming random oracles or a common reference string (CRS). Along the way, we define a new primitive called a nonmalleable point function obfuscation with associated data. The associated data is public but protected from all tampering. We use the same paradigm to then extend this to digital lockers. Our constructions achieve nonmalleability over the output point by placing a CRS into the associated data and using an appropriate non-interactive zero-knowledge proof. Tampering is protected against the input point over low-degree polynomials and over any tampering to the output point and associated data. Our constructions achieve virtual black box security. These constructions are then used to create robust fuzzy extractors that can support low-entropy sources in the plain model. By using the geometric structure of a syndrome secure sketch (Dodis et al., SIAM Journal on Computing 2008), the adversary’s tampering function can always be expressed as a low-degree polynomial; thus, the protection provided by the constructed nonmalleable objects suffices.
Rémy Oudompheng
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The existence of finite maps from hyperelliptic curves to elliptic curves has been studied for more than a century and their existence has been related to isogenies between a product of elliptic curves and their Jacobian surface. Such finite covers, sometimes named gluing maps have recently appeared in cryptography in the context of genus 2 isogenies and more spectacularly, in the work of Castryck and Decru about the cryptanalysis of SIKE. Computation methods include the use of algebraic theta functions or correspondences such as Richelot isogenies or degree 3 analogues. This article aims at giving geometric meaning to the gluing morphism from a product of elliptic curves $E_1 \times E_2$ to a genus 2 Jacobian when it is a degree (3, 3) isogeny. An explicit (uni)versal family and an algorithm were previously provided in the literature (Bröker-Howe-Lauter-Stevenhagen) and a similar special case was studied by Kuwata. We provide an alternative construction of the universal family using concepts from classical algebraic and projective geometry. The family of genus 2 curves which are triple covers of 2 elliptic curves with a level 3 structure arises as a correspondence given by a polarity relation. The construction does not provide closed formulas for the final curves equations and morphisms. However, an alternative algorithm based on the geometric construction is proposed for computation on finite fields. It relies only on elementary operations and a limited number of square roots and computes the equation of the genus 2 curves and morphisms in all cases.
Shuaishuai Li
ePrint Report ePrint Report
\par Topology-hiding computation (THC) enables $n$ parties to perform a secure multiparty computation (MPC) protocol in an incomplete communication graph while keeping the communication graph hidden. The work of Akavia et al. (CRYPTO 2017 and JoC 2020) shown that THC is feasible for any graph. In this work, we focus on the efficiency of THC and give improvements for various tasks including broadcast, sum and general computation. We mainly consider THC on undirected cycles, but we also give two results for THC on general graphs. All of our results are derived in the presence of a passive adversary statically corrupting any number of parties.

\par In the undirected cycles, the state-of-the-art topology-hiding broadcast (THB) protocol is the Akavia-Moran (AM) protocol of Akavia et al. (EUROCRYPT 2017). We give an optimization for the AM protocol such that the communication cost of broadcasting $O(\kappa)$ bits is reduced from $O(n^2\kappa^2)$ bits to $O(n^2\kappa)$ bits. We also consider the sum and general computation functionalities. Previous to our work, the only THC protocols realizing the sum and general computation functionalities are constructed by using THB to simulate point-to-point channels in an MPC protocol realizing the sum and general computation functionalities, respectively. By allowing the parties to know the exact value of the number of the parties (the AM protocol and our optimization only assume the parties know an upper bound of the number of the parties), we can derive more efficient THC protocols realizing these two functionalities. As a result, comparing with previous works, we reduce the communication cost by a factor of $O(n\kappa)$ for both the sum and general computation functionalities.

\par As we have mentioned, we also get two results for THC on general graphs. The state-of-the-art THB protocol for general graphs is the Akavia-LaVigne-Moran (ALM) protocol of Akavia et al. (CRYPTO 2017 and JoC 2020). Our result is that our optimization for the AM protocol also applies to the ALM protocol and can reduce its communication cost by a factor of $O(\kappa)$. Moreover, we optimize the fully-homomorphic encryption (FHE) based GTHC protocol of LaVigne et al. (TCC 2018) and reduce its communication cost from $O(n^8\kappa^2)$ FHE ciphertexts and $O(n^5\kappa)$ FHE public keys to $O(n^6\kappa)$ FHE ciphertexts and $O(n^5\kappa)$ FHE public keys.
Anthony Hart, Morgan Thomas
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Previously [4], Orbis Labs presented a method for compiling (“arithmetizing”) relations, expressed as Σ¹₁ formulas in the language of rings, into Halo 2 [1, 2, 3] arithmetic circuits. In this research, we extend this method to support polynomial quantifier bounds, in addition to constant quantifier bounds. This allows for more efficient usage of rows in the resulting circuit.
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