International Association for Cryptologic Research

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19 January 2023

Marc Joye
ePrint Report ePrint Report
On-line/off-line encryption schemes enable the fast encryption of a message from a pre-computed coupon. The paradigm was put forward in the case of digital signatures. This work introduces a compact public-key additively homomorphic encryption scheme. The scheme is semantically secure under the decisional composite residuosity (DCR) assumption. Compared to Paillier cryptosystem, it merely requires one or two integer additions in the on-line phase and no increase in the ciphertext size. This work also introduces a compact on-line/off-line trapdoor commitment scheme featuring the same fast on-line phase. Finally, applications to chameleon signatures are presented.
Raja Adhithan RadhaKrishnan
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The goals of cryptography are achieved using mathematically strong crypto-algorithms, which are adopted for securing data and communication. Even though the algorithms are mathematically secure, the implementation of these algorithms may be vulnerable to side-channel attacks such as timing and power analysis attacks. One of the effective countermeasures against such attacks is Threshold Implementation(TI). However, TI realization in crypto-device introduces hardware complexity, so it shall not be suitable for resource-constrained devices. Therefore, there is a need for efficient and effective countermeasure techniques for resource-constrained devices. In this work, we propose a lightweight countermeasure using an Arbiter Physical Unclonable Function (A-PUF) to obfuscate intermediate values in the register for rolled and unrolled implementation of Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). The countermeasure is realized in rolled (iterative) implementation of AES in a 65nm Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). We have analyzed the security strength and area of the obfuscated AES using A-PUF and compared it with conventional (rolled AES) and masked TI of AES. Further, we have illustrated the effectiveness of pre-charge and neutralizing countermeasures to strengthen the side channel resistance. We have discussed the complexity of mounting a side channel and modeling attacks on obfuscated AES using A-PUF.
Jose Contreras
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This study presents a proof-of-concept for a cognitive-based authentication system that uses an individual's writing style as a unique identifier to grant access to a system. A machine learning SVM model was trained on these features to distinguish between texts generated by each user. The stylometric feature vector was then used as an input to a key derivation function to generate a unique key for each user. The experiment results showed that the developed system achieved up to 87.42\% accuracy in classifying texts as written, and the generated keys were found to be secure and unique. We explore the intersection between natural intelligence, cognitive science, and cryptography, intending to develop a cognitive cryptography system. The proposed system utilizes behavioral features from linguistic-biometric data to detect and classify users through stylometry. This information is then used to generate a cryptographic key for authentication, providing a new level of security in access control. The field of cognitive cryptography is relatively new and has yet to be fully explored, making this research particularly relevant and essential. Through our study, we aim to contribute to understanding the potential of cognitive cryptography and its potential applications in securing access to sensitive information.
Manuela Horduna, Simona-Maria Lăzărescu, Emil Simion
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Ransomware is a malware that employs encryption to hold a victim's data, causing irreparable loss and monetary incentives to individuals or business organizations. The occurrence of ransomware attacks has been increasing significantly and as the attackers are investing more creativity and inventiveness into their threats, the struggle of fighting against ill-themed activities has become more difficult and even time and energy-draining. Therefore, recent researches try to shed some light on combining machine learning with defense mechanisms for detecting this type of malware. Machine learning allows anti-ransomware systems to become more accurate at predicting outcomes or behaviors of the attacks and is vastly used in the advanced research of cybersecurity. In this paper we analyze how machine learning can improve malware recognition in order to stand against critical security issues, giving a brief, yet comprehensive overview of this thriving topic in order to facilitate future research. We also briefly present the most important events of 2022 in terms of ransomware attacks, providing details about the ransoms demanded.
Mahimna Kelkar, Kushal Babel, Philip Daian, James Austgen, Vitalik Buterin, Ari Juels
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Most cryptographic protocols model a player’s knowledge of secrets in a simple way. Informally, the player knows a secret in the sense that she can directly furnish it as a (private) input to a protocol, e.g., to digitally sign a message.

The growing availability of Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) and secure multiparty computation, however, undermines this model of knowledge. Such tools can encumber a secret sk and permit a chosen player to access sk conditionally, without actually knowing sk. By permitting selective access to sk by an adversary, encumbrance of secrets can enable vote-selling in cryptographic voting schemes, illegal sale of credentials for online services, and erosion of deniability in anonymous messaging systems.

Unfortunately, existing proof-of-knowledge protocols fail to demonstrate that a secret is unencumbered. We therefore introduce and formalize a new notion called complete knowledge (CK). A proof (or argument) of CK shows that a prover does not just know a secret, but also has fully unencumbered knowledge, i.e., unrestricted ability to use the secret.

We introduce two practical CK schemes that use special-purpose hardware, specifically TEEs and off-the-shelf mining ASICs. We prove the security of these schemes and explore their practical deployment with a complete, end-to-end prototype that supports both. We show how CK can address encumbrance attacks identified in previous work. Finally, we introduce two new applications enabled by CK that involve proving ownership of blockchain assets.
David Spielmann, Ognjen Glamocanin, Mirjana Stojilovic
ePrint Report ePrint Report
State-of-the-art sensors for measuring FPGA voltage fluctuations are time-to-digital converters (TDCs). They allow detecting voltage fluctuations in the order of a few nanoseconds. The key building component of a TDC is a delay line, typically implemented as a chain of fast carry propagation multiplexers. In FPGAs, the fast carry chains are constrained to dedicated logic and routing, and need to be routed strictly vertically. In this work, we present an alternative approach to designing on-chip voltage sensors, in which the FPGA routing resources replace the carry logic. We present three variants of what we name a routing delay sensor (RDS): one vertically constrained, one horizontally constrained, and one free of any constraints. We perform a thorough experimental evaluation on both the Sakura-X side-channel evaluation board and the Alveo U200 datacenter card, to evaluate the performance of the RDS sensors in the context of a remote power side-channel analysis attack. The results show that our best RDS implementation in most cases outperforms the TDC. On average, for breaking the full 128-bit key of an AES-128 cryptographic core, an adversary requires 35% fewer side-channel traces when using the RDS than when using the TDC. Besides making the attack more effective, given the absence of the placement and routing constraint, the RDS sensor is also easier to deploy.
Aymeric Genêt
ePrint Report ePrint Report
SPHINCS+ is a hash-based digital signature scheme that was selected by NIST in their post-quantum cryptography standardization process. The establishment of a universal forgery on the seminal scheme SPHINCS was shown to be feasible in practice by injecting a fault when the signing device constructs any non-top subtree. Ever since the attack has been made public, little effort was spent to protect the SPHINCS family against attacks by faults. This paper works in this direction in the context of SPHINCS+ and analyzes the current algorithms that aim to prevent fault-based forgeries.

First, the paper adapts the original attack to SPHINCS+ reinforced with randomized signing and extends the applicability of the attack to any combination of faulty and valid signatures. Considering the adaptation, the paper then presents a thorough analysis of the attack. In particular, the analysis shows that, with high probability, the security guarantees of SPHINCS+ significantly drop when a single random bit flip occurs anywhere in the signing procedure and that the resulting faulty signature cannot be detected with the verification procedure. The paper shows both in theory and experimentally that the countermeasures based on caching the intermediate W-OTS+s offer a marginally greater protection against unintentional faults, and that such countermeasures are circumvented with a tolerable number of queries in an active attack. Based on these results, the paper recommends real-world deployments of SPHINCS+ to implement redundancy checks.
Adrian-Daniel Stefan, Ionut-Petrisor Anghel, Emil Simion
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The use of traditional cryptography based on symmetric keys has been replaced with the revolutionary idea discovered by Diffie and Hellman in 1976 that fundamentally changed communication systems by ensuring a secure transmission of information over an insecure channel. Nowadays public key cryptography is frequently used for authentication in e-commerce, digital signatures and encrypted communication. Most of the public key cryptosystems used in practice are based on integer factorization (the famous RSA cryptosystem proposed by Rivest, Shamir and Adlemann), respectively on the discrete logarithm (in finite curves or elliptic curves). However these systems suffer from two potential drawbacks like efficiency because they must use large keys to maintain security and of course security breach with the advent of the quantum computer as a result of Peter Shor's discovery in 1999 of the polynomial algorithm for solving problems such factorization of integers and discrete logarithm.
Shuqin Su, Bohan Yang, Vladimir Rožić, Mingyuan Yang, Min Zhu, Shaojun Wei, Leibo Liu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
TRNG is an essential component for security applications. A vulnerable TRNG could be exploited to facilitate potential attacks or be related to a reduced key space, and eventually results in a compromised cryptographic system. A digital FIRO-/GARO-based TRNG with high throughput and high entropy rate was introduced by Jovan Dj. Golić (TC’06). However, the fact that periodic oscillation is a main failure of FIRO-/GARO-based TRNGs is noticed in the paper (Markus Dichtl, ePrint’15). We verify this problem and estimate the consequential entropy loss using Lyapunov exponents and the test suite of the NIST SP 800-90B standard. To address the problem of periodic oscillations, we propose several implementation guidelines based on a gate-level model, a design methodology to build a reliable GARO-based TRNG, and an online test to improve the robustness of FIRO-/GARO-based TRNGs. The gate-level implementation guidelines illustrate the causes of periodic oscillations, which are verified by actual implementation and bifurcation diagram. Based on the design methodology, a suitable feedback polynomial can be selected by evaluating the feedback polynomials. The analysis and understanding of periodic oscillation and FIRO-/GARO-based TRNGs are deepened by delay adjustment. A TRNG with the selected feedback polynomial may occasionally enter periodic oscillations, due to active attacks and the delay inconstancy of implementations. This inconstancy might be caused by self-heating, temperature and voltage fluctuation, and the process variation among different silicon chips. Thus, an online test module, as one indispensable component of TRNGs, is proposed to detect periodic oscillations. The detected periodic oscillation can be eliminated by adjusting feedback polynomial or delays to improve the robustness. The online test module is composed of a lightweight and responsive detector with a high detection rate, outperforming the existing detector design and statistical tests. The areas, power consumptions and frequencies are evaluated based on the ASIC implementations of a GARO, the sampling circuit and the online test module. The gate-level implementation guidelines promote the future establishment of the stochastic model of FIRO-/GARO-based TRNGs with a deeper understanding.
Johanna Maria Kirss, Peeter Laud, Nikita Snetkov, Jelizaveta Vakarjuk
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We propose a threshold encryption scheme with two-party decryption, where one of the keyshares may be stored and used in a device that is able to provide only weak security for it. We state the security properties the scheme needs to have to support such use-cases, and construct a scheme with these properties.
Atsuki Momose, Ling Ren, Elaine Shi, Jun Wan, Zhuolun Xiang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Designing an efficient solution for Byzantine broadcast is an important problem for many distributed computing and cryptographic tasks. There have been many attempts to achieve sub-quadratic communication complexity in several directions, both in theory and practice, all with pros and cons. This paper initiates the study of another attempt: improving the amortized communication complexity of multi-shot Byzantine broadcast. Namely, we try to improve the average cost when we have sequential multiple broadcast instances. We present a protocol that achieves optimal amortized linear complexity under an honest majority. Our core technique is to efficiently form a network for disseminating the sender's message by keeping track of dishonest behaviors over multiple instances. We also generalize the technique for the dishonest majority to achieve amortized quadratic communication complexity.
Kelong Cong, Yi-Fu Lai, Shai Levin
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Generating supersingular elliptic curves of unknown endomorphism ring has been a problem vexing isogeny-based cryptographers for several years. A recent development has proposed a trusted setup protocol to generate such a curve, where each participant generates and proves knowledge of an isogeny. Thus, the construction of efficient proofs of knowledge of isogeny has developed new interest.

Historically, the isogeny community has assumed that obtaining isogeny proofs of knowledge from generic proof systems, such as zkSNARKs, was not a practical approach. We contribute the first concrete result in this area by applying Aurora (EUROCRYPT'19), Ligero (CCS'17) and Limbo (CCS'21) to an isogeny path relation, and comparing their performance to a state-of-the-art, tailor-made protocol for the same relation. In doing so, we show that modern generic proof systems are competitive when applied to isogeny assumptions, and provide an order of magnitude ($10\textrm{-}30\times$) improvement to proof and verification times, with similar proof sizes. In addition, these proofs provide a stronger notion of soundness, and statistical zero-knowledge; a property that has only recently been achieved in isogeny PoKs. Independently, this technique shows promise as a component in the design of future isogeny-based or other post-quantum protocols.
Christina Boura, Margot Funk, Yann Rotella
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Troika is a sponge-based hash function designed by Kölbl, Tischhauser, Bogdanov and Derbez in 2019. Its specificity is that it is defined over $\mathbb{F}_3$ in order to be used inside IOTA’s distributed ledger but could also serve in all settings requiring the generation of ternary randomness. To be used in practice, Troika needs to be proven secure against state-of-the-art cryptanalysis. However, there are today almost no analysis tools for ternary designs. In this article we take a step in this direction by analyzing the propagation of differential trails of Troika and by providing bounds on the weight of its trails. For this, we adapt a well-known framework for trail search designed for KECCAK and provide new advanced techniques to handle the search on $\mathbb{F}_3$. Our work demonstrates that providing analysis tools for non-binary designs is a highly non-trivial research direction that needs to be enhanced in order to better understand the real security offered by such non-conventional primitives.
Daniel Lammers, Nicolai Müller, Amir Moradi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Today, resistance to physical defaults is a necessary criterion for masking schemes. In this context, the focus has long been on designing masking schemes guaranteeing security in the presence of glitches. Sadly, immunity against glitches increases latency as registers must stop the glitch propagation. Previous works could reduce the latency by removing register stages but only by impractically increasing the circuit area. Nevertheless, some relatively new attempts avoid glitches by applying DRP logic styles. Promising works in this area include LMDPL, SESYM - both presented at CHES - and Self-Timed Masking - presented at CARDIS - enabling to mask arbitrary circuits with only one cycle latency. However, even if glitches no longer occur, there are other physical defaults that may violate the security of a masked circuit. Imbalanced delay of dual rails is a known problem for the security of DRP logic styles such as WDDL but not covered in formal security models. In this work, we fill the gap by presenting the delay-extended probing security model, a generalization of the popular glitch-extended probing model, covering imbalanced delays. We emphasize the importance of such a model by a formal and practical security analysis of LMDPL, SESYM, and Self-Timed Masking. While we formally prove the delay-extended security of LMDPL and Self-Timed Masking, we show that SESYM fails to provide security under our defined security model what causes detectable leakage through experimental evaluations. Hence, as the message of this work, avoiding glitches in combination with d-probing security is not enough to guarantee physical security in practice.
Jannik Zeitschner, Nicolai Müller, Amir Moradi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
A decisive contribution to the all-embracing protection of cryptographic software, especially on embedded devices, is the protection against SCA attacks. Masking countermeasures can usually be integrated into the software during the design phase. In theory, this should provide reliable protection against such physical attacks. However, the correct application of masking is a non-trivial task which often causes even experts to make mistakes. In addition to human-caused errors, micro-architectural CPU effects can lead even a seemingly theoretically correct implementation to fail satisfying the desired level of security in practice. This originates from different components of the underlying CPU which complicates the tracing of leakage back to a particular source and hence avoids to make general and device-independent statements about its security. In this work, we adapt PROLEAD for the evaluation of masked software, which has recently been presented at CHES 2022 and originally developed as a simulation-based tool to evaluate masked hardware designs. We enable to transfer the already known benefits of PROLEAD into the software world. These include (1) evaluation of larger designs compared to the state of the art, e.g. a full AES masked implementation, and (2) formal verification under the well-established robust probing security model. In short, together with an abstraction model for the micro-architecture, the robust probing model allows us to efficiently detect micro-architectural leakages while being independent of a concrete CPU design. As a concrete result, using PROLEAD_SW we evaluated the security of several publicly available masked software implementations and revealed multiple vulnerabilities.
Dankrad Feist, Dmitry Khovratovich
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this note we explain how to compute $n$ KZG proofs for a polynomial of degree $d$ in time superlinear of $(t+d)$. Our technique is used in lookup arguments and vector commitment schemes.
Joseph Surin, Shaanan Cohney
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The applicability of lattice reduction to a wide variety of cryptographic situations makes it an important part of the cryptanalyst's toolbox. Despite this, the construction of lattices and use of lattice reduction algorithms for cryptanalysis continue to be somewhat difficult to understand for beginners. This tutorial aims to be a gentle but detailed introduction to lattice-based cryptanalysis targeted towards the novice cryptanalyst with little to no background in lattices. We explain some popular attacks through a conceptual model that simplifies the various components of a lattice attack.

16 January 2023

University of St.Gallen, Switzerland
Job Posting Job Posting
We are looking for bright and motivated PhD students to work in the topics of information security and cryptography.

The students are expected to work on topics that include security and privacy issues in authentication. More precisely, the students will be working on investigating efficient and privacy-preserving authentication that provides: i) provable security guarantees, and ii) rigorous privacy guarantees.

Key Responsibilities:
  • Perform exciting and challenging research in the domain of information security and cryptography.
  • Support and assist in teaching computer security and cryptography courses.
  • The PhD students are expected to have a MSc degree or equivalent, and strong background in cryptography, network security and mathematics.
  • Experience in one or more domains such as cryptography, design of protocols, secure multi-party computation and differential privacy is beneficial.
  • Excellent programming skills.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English
The Chair of Cyber Security,, is a part of the Institute of Computer Science (ICS) at the University of St.Gallen. The chair was established in autumn semester 2020 and is led by Prof. Dr. Katerina Mitrokotsa. Our research interests are centered around information security and applied cryptography, with the larger goal of safeguarding communications and providing strong privacy guarantees. We are currently active in multiple areas including the design of provably secure cryptographic protocols and cryptographic primitives that can be employed for reliable authentication, outsourcing computations in cloud-assisted settings, network security problems as well as secure and privacy-preserving machine learning. As a doctoral student you will be a part of the Doctoral School of Computer Science (DCS),

Please apply asap.

Closing date for applications:

Eriane Breu, (Administrative matters)
Prof. Katerina Mitrokotsa, (Research related questions)

More information:

University of St.Gallen, Switzerland
Job Posting Job Posting
We are looking for an excellent, motivated, post-doctoral researcher to work in the area of information security and cryptography. The post-doctoral researcher will join Katerina Mitrokotsa's research group (Chair of Cyber Security), working in the area of information and communication security with a focus on authentication protocols, verifiable delegation of computation, and secure multi-party computation. The position is available for one plus one year after a successful review evaluation.

Key Responsibilities:
  • The post-doctoral fellow is expected to perform exciting and challenging research in the area of information security and cryptography including the design of provably secure cryptographic protocols.
  • The post-doctoral fellow shall be involved in the supervision of PhD and master students
Your profile:
  • The post-doctoral researcher is expected to have a PhD degree in Computer Science, Engineering or Mathematics and a strong background in theoretical computer science and cryptography
  • Have an excellent publication record in top venues Competitive research record in cryptography or information security
  • Strong mathematical and algorithmic CS background
  • Good skills in programming is beneficial
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English
The Chair of Cyber Security, is a part of the Institute of Computer Science (ICS) at the University of St. Gallen. The chair was established in autumn semester 2020 and is led by Prof. Dr. Katerina Mitrokotsa. Our research interests are centered around information security and applied cryptography, with the larger goal of safeguarding communications and providing strong privacy guarantees. We are currently active in multiple areas including the design of provably secure cryptographic protocols and cryptographic primitives that can be employed for reliable authentication, outsourcing computations in cloud-assisted settings, network security problems as well as secure and privacy-preserving machine learning.

Please apply asap.

Closing date for applications:

Eriane Breu, (Administrative matters)
Prof. Katerina Mitrokotsa, (Research related questions)

More information:


13 January 2023

Chicago, USA, 2 July - 8 July 2023
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 2 July to 8 July 2023
Submission deadline: 12 February 2023
Notification: 2 April 2023
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