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15 February 2023

Mario Larangeira, Maxim Jourenko
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The efficiency of blockchain systems is often compared to popular credit card networks with respect to the transactions per second rate. This seems to be an unfair comparison since these networks do not complete a transaction from beginning to end. Rather they buy the risk and settle it much later. Typically transactions have only two players, the payer and the payee, and the settlement of this transaction requires time since it depends on basic properties of the consensus protocol. In practice, the payee, very often, needs to wait for confirmation in order to ship the traded goods. Alternatively, the payee, or merchant, can ship it in faith that the transaction will be confirmed. Our contribution, the Maravedí Protocol, introduces a third player to minimize the risk of the payee to be left without the payment even without the consensus layer confirmation. The main idea is that the third player can work similarly to a credit card company. That is, it buys the risk from the merchant, by a small discount, and allows the third player to pay it instantaneously via a payment-channel like protocol. In parallel, the third player receives the regular payment transaction from the payer that can be settled on the chain, thus, after waiting the consensus/blockchain required time. Moreover, the on-chain transaction pays the full amount, allowing the third player to cash in the discount. Hence on the side of the merchant, our protocol puts forth instantaneous finality in a novel way to the best of our knowledge.
Yi-Fu Lai
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In this work, we propose two post-quantum verifiable random functions (VRFs) constructions based on group actions and isogenies, one of which is based on the standard DDH assumption. VRF is a cryptographic tool that enables a user to generate a pseudorandom output along with a publicly verifiable proof. The residual pseudorandomness of VRF ensures the pseudorandomness of unrevealed inputs, even if an arbitrary number of outputs and proofs are revealed. Furthermore, it is infeasible to generate proofs to validate distinct values as outputs for the same input.

In practical applications, VRFs have a wide range of uses, including in DNSSEC protocols, blockchain and cryptocurrency. Currently, most VRF constructions rely on elliptic curve cryptography (ECC), pairing, or Decisional Diffie-Hellman (DDH) type assumptions. These assumptions, however, cannot thwart the threats from quantum adversaries. In light of this, there is a growing need for post-quantum VRFs, which are currently less widely developed in the literature.

We contribute to the study by presenting two VRF proposals from group actions and isogenies. Our constructions are fairly simple and derived from number-theoretic pseudorandom functions. We present a proof system that allows us to prove the factorization of group actions and set elements, providing a proof for our VRFs. The first one is based on the standard DDH problem. For the proof we introduce a new problem, the master decisional Diffie-Hellman problem over group actions, which we prove to be equivalent to the standard DDH problem. Furthermore, we present a new use of quadratic twists to reduce costs by expanding the input size and relaxing the assumption to the square DDH problem. Additionally, we employ advanced techniques in the isogeny literature to optimize the proof size to 39KB and 34 KB using CSIDH512 without compromising VRF notions. To the best of our knowledge, they are the first two provably secure VRF constructions based on isogenies.
Emanuele Bellini, David Gerault, Juan Grados, Rusydi Makarim, Thomas Peyrin
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In this paper, we present a fully automated tool for differential-linear attacks using Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP) and Mixed-Integer Quadratic Constraint Programming (MIQCP) techniques, which is, to the best of our knowledge, the very first attempt to fully automate such attacks. We use this tool to improve the correlations of the best 9 and 10-round differential-linear distinguishers on Speck32/64, and reach 11 rounds for the first time. Furthermore, we improve the latest 14-round key-recovery attack against Speck32/64, using differential-linear distinguishers obtained with our MILP/MIQCP tool. The techniques we present are generic and can be applied to other ARX ciphers as well.
Jinpeng Hou, Yansong Gao, Mang Su, Willy Susilo, Jie Chen, Anmin Fu
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We introduce a new primitive called the asymmetric trapdoor pseudorandom generator (ATPRG), which belongs to pseudorandom generators with two additional trapdoors (a public trapdoor and a secret trapdoor) or backdoor pseudorandom generators with an additional trapdoor (a secret trapdoor). Specifically, ATPRG can only generate public pseudorandom numbers $pr_1,\dots,pr_n $ for the users having no knowledge of the public trapdoor and the secret trapdoor; so that this function is the same as pseudorandom generators. However, the users having the public trapdoor can use any public pseudorandom number $pr_i$ to recover the whole $pr$ sequence; so that this function is the same as backdoor pseudorandom generators. Further, the users having the secret trapdoor can use $pr$ sequence to generate a sequence $sr_1,\dots,sr_n$ of the secret pseudorandom numbers. As for applications of ATPRG, we construct the first homomorphic signature scheme (in the standard model) whose public key size is only $O(T)$ independent of the dataset size. As a comparison, the shortest size of the existing public key is $O(\sqrt{N}+\sqrt{T})$, proposed by Catalano et al. (CRYPTO'15), where $N$ is the dataset size and $T$ is the dimension of the message. In other words, we provide the first homomorphic signature scheme with $O(1)$-sized public keys for the one-dimension messages.
Itay Bookstein, Boaz Tsaban
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We study a novel family of cryptographic hash functions based on Galois linear feedback shift registers (LFSRs), and identify initial guidelines for choosing secure parameters for this family. These hash functions are extremely simple, efficient, and suitable for implementation in constrained environments.
Siwei Chen, Zejun Xiang, Mingming Zhu, Runqing Xu, Xiangyong Zeng, Shasha Zhang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper, we propose a rectangle-like method called \textit{rotational-XOR differential rectangle} attack to search for better distinguishers. It is a combination of the rotational-XOR cryptanalysis and differential cryptanalysis in the rectangle-based way. In particular, we put a rotational-XOR characteristic before a differential characteristic to construct a rectangle structure. By choosing some appropriate rotational-XOR and differential characteristics as well as considering multiple differentials, some longer distinguishers that have the probability greater than $2^{-2n}$ can be constructed effectively where $n$ is the block size of a block cipher. We apply this new method to some versions of \textsc{Simon} and \textsc{Simeck} block ciphers. As a result, we obtain rotational-XOR differential rectangle distinguishers up to 16, 16, 17, 16 and 21 rounds for \textsc{Simon}32/64, \textsc{Simon}48/72, \textsc{Simon}48/96, \textsc{Simeck}32 and \textsc{Simeck}48, respectively. Our distinguishers for \textsc{Simon}32/64 and \textsc{Simon}48/96 are both longer than the best differential and rotational-XOR distinguishers. Also, our distinguisher for \textsc{Simeck}32 is longer than the best differential distinguisher (14 rounds) and has the full weak key space (i.e., $2^{64}$) whereas the 16-round rotational-XOR distinguisher has a weak key class of $2^{36}$. In addition, our distinguisher for \textsc{Simeck}48 has a better weak key class ($2^{72}$ weak keys) than the 21-round rotational-XOR distinguisher ($2^{60}$ weak keys). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time to consider the combinational cryptanalysis based on rotational-XOR and differential cryptanalysis using the rectangle structure.
Damien Robert
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While the Weil pairing is geometric, the Tate pairing is arithmetic: its value depends on the base field considered. Nevertheless, the étale topology allows to interpret the Galois action in a geometric manner. In this paper, we discuss this point of view for the Tate pairing: its natural geometric interpretation is that it gives étale $\mu_n$-torsors. While well known to experts, this interpretation is perhaps less known in the cryptographic community.

As an application, we explain how to use the Tate pairing to study the fibers of an isogeny, and we prove a conjecture by Castryck and Decru on multiradical isogenies.
Pierre Briaud, Morten Øygarden
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The Regular Syndrome Decoding (RSD) problem, a variant of the Syndrome Decoding problem with a particular error distribution, was introduced almost 20 years ago by Augot et al.. In this problem, the error vector is divided into equally sized blocks, each containing a single noisy coordinate. More recently, the last five years have seen increased interest in this assumption due to its use in MPC and ZK applications. Generally referred to as "LPN with regular noise" in this context, the assumption allows to achieve better efficiency when compared to plain LPN. In all previous works of cryptanalysis, it has not been shown how to exploit the special feature of this problem in an attack.

We present the first algebraic attack on RSD. Based on a careful theoretical analysis of the underlying polynomial system, we propose concrete attacks that are able to take advantage of the regular noise distribution. In particular, we can identify several examples of concrete parameters where our techniques outperform other algorithms.
Vasyl Ustimenko
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Studies of linear codes in terms of finite projective geometries form traditional direction in Coding Theory. Some applications of projective geometries are known. Noncommutative groups and semigroups defined in terms of projective geometries can serve as platforms of protocols of Post Quantum Cryptography. We introduce an idea of public keys of Multivariate Cryptography given by quadratic public rules generated via walks on incidence substructures of projective geometry with vertexes from two largest Schubert cells. It differs from the known algorithms of Code Based Cryptography and can be considered as the first attempt to combine ideas of this area with the approach of Multivariate Cryptography.
Qun Liu, Zheng Zhao, Meiqin Wang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In many applications, low area and low latency are required for the chip-level implementation of cryptographic primitives. The low-cost implementations of linear layers usually play a crucial role for symmetric ciphers. Some heuristic methods, such as the forward search and the backward search, minimize the number of XOR gates of the linear layer under the minimum latency limitation.

For the sake of achieving further optimization for such implementation of the linear layer, we put forward a new general search framework attaching the division optimization and extending base techniques in this paper. In terms of the number of XOR gates and the searching time, our new search algorithm is better than the previous heuristics, including the forward search and the backward search when testing matrices provided by them. We obtain an improved implementation of AES MixColumns requiring only 102 XORs under minimum latency, which outdoes the previous best record provided by the forward search.
Daniel Escudero, Hongqing Liu, Chaoping Xing, Chen Yuan
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In the recent work of (Cheon & Lee, Eurocrypt'22), the concept of a degree-$D$ packing method was formally introduced, which captures the idea of embedding multiple elements of a smaller ring into a larger ring, so that element-wise multiplication in the former is somewhat "compatible" with the product in the latter. Then, several optimal bounds and results are presented, and furthermore, the concept is generalized from one multiplication to degrees larger than two. These packing methods encompass several constructions seen in the literature in contexts like secure multiparty computation and fully homomorphic encryption.

One such construction is the concept of reverse multiplication-friendly embeddings (RMFEs), which are essentially degree-2 packing methods. In this work we generalize the notion of RMFEs to \emph{degree-$D$ RMFEs} which, in spite of being "more algebraic" than packing methods, turn out to be essentially equivalent. Then, we present a general construction of degree-$D$ RMFEs by generalizing the ideas on algebraic geometry used to construct traditional degree-$2$ RMFEs which, by the aforementioned equivalence, leads to explicit constructions of packing methods. Furthermore, our theory is given in an unified manner for general Galois rings, which include both rings of the form $\mathbb{Z}_{p^k}$ and fields like $\mathbb{F}_{p^k}$, which have been treated separately in prior works. We present multiple concrete sets of parameters for degree-$D$ RMFEs (including $D=2$), which can be useful for future works.

Finally, we apply our RMFEs to the task of non-interactively generating high degree correlations for secure multiparty computation protocols. This requires the use of Shamir secret sharing for a large number of parties, which is known to require large-degree Galois ring extensions. Our RMFE enables the generation of such preprocessing data over small rings, without paying for the multiplicative overhead incurred by using Galois ring extensions of large degree. For our application we also construct along the way, as a side contribution of potential independent interest, a pseudo-random secret-sharing solution for non-interactive generation of packed Shamir-sharings over Galois rings with structured secrets, inspired by the PRSS solutions from (Benhamouda et al, TCC 2021).
Luke Demarest, Benjamin Fuller, Alexander Russell
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Fuzzy extractors convert noisy signals from the physical world into reliable cryptographic keys. Fuzzy min-entropy is an important measure the ability of a fuzzy extractor to distill keys from a distribution: in particular, it bounds the length of the key that can be derived (Fuller, Reyzin, and Smith, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 2020). In general, fuzzy min-entropy that is superlogarithmic in the security parameter is required for a noisy distribution to be suitable for key derivation. There is a wide gap between what is possible with respect to computational and information-theoretic adversaries. Under the assumption of general-purpose obfuscation, keys can be securely derived from all distributions with superlogarithmic entropy. Against information-theoretic adversaries, however, it is impossible to build a single fuzzy extractor that works for all distributions (Fuller, Reyzin, and Smith, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 2020).

A weaker information-theoretic goal is to build a fuzzy extractor for each particular probability distribution. This is the approach taken by Woodage et al. (Crypto 2017). Prior approaches use the full description of the probability mass function and are inefficient. We show this is inherent: for a quarter of distributions with fuzzy min-entropy and $2^k$ points there is no secure fuzzy extractor that uses less $2^{\Theta(k)}$ bits of information about the distribution.} This result rules out the possibility of efficient, information-theoretic fuzzy extractors for many distributions with fuzzy min-entropy.

We show an analogous result with stronger parameters for information-theoretic secure sketches. Secure sketches are frequently used to construct fuzzy extractors.
Itai Dinur, Uri Stemmer, David P. Woodruff, Samson Zhou
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We study the space complexity of the two related fields of differential privacy and adaptive data analysis. Specifically, (1) Under standard cryptographic assumptions, we show that there exists a problem $P$ that requires exponentially more space to be solved efficiently with differential privacy, compared to the space needed without privacy. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first separation between the space complexity of private and non-private algorithms. (2) The line of work on adaptive data analysis focuses on understanding the number of samples needed for answering a sequence of adaptive queries. We revisit previous lower bounds at a foundational level, and show that they are a consequence of a space bottleneck rather than a sampling bottleneck. To obtain our results, we define and construct an encryption scheme with multiple keys that is built to withstand a limited amount of key leakage in a very particular way.
Xiangyu Liu, Shengli Liu, Shuai Han, Dawu Gu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
(Asymmetric) Password-based Authenticated Key Exchange ((a)PAKE) protocols allow two parties establish a session key with a pre-shared low-entropy password. In this paper, we show how Encrypted Key Exchange (EKE) compiler [Bellovin and Merritt, S&P 1992] meets tight security in the Universally Composable (UC) framework. We propose a strong 2DH variant of EKE, denoted by 2DH-EKE, and prove its tight security in the UC framework based on the CDH assumption. The efficiency of 2DH-EKE is comparable to original EKE, with only $O(\lambda)$ bits growth in communication ($\lambda$ the security parameter), and two (resp., one) extra exponentiation in computation for client (resp., server).

We also develop an asymmetric PAKE scheme 2DH-aEKE from 2DH-EKE. The security reduction loss of 2DH-aEKE is $N$, the total number of client-server pairs. With a meta-reduction, we formally prove that such a factor $N$ is inevitable in aPAKE. Namely, our 2DH-aEKE meets the optimal security loss. As a byproduct, we further apply our technique to PAKE protocols like SPAKE2 and PPK in the relaxed UC framework, resulting in their 2DH variants with tight security from the CDH assumption.
Muhong Huang, Runchao Han, Zhiqiang Du, Yanfang Fu, Liangxin Liu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
State machine replication (SMR) allows nodes to jointly maintain a consistent ledger, even when a part of nodes are Byzantine. To defend against and/or limit the impact of attacks launched by Byzantine nodes, there have been proposals that combine reputation mechanisms to SMR, where each node has a reputation value based on its historical behaviours, and the node’s voting power will be proportional to its reputation. Despite the promising features of reputation-based SMR, existing studies do not provide formal treatment on the reputation mechanism on SMR protocols, including the types of behaviours affecting the reputation, the security properties of the reputation mechanism, or the extra security properties of SMR using reputation mechanisms. In this paper, we provide the first formal study on the reputation-based SMR. We define the security properties of the reputation mechanism w.r.t. these misbehaviours. Based on the formalisation of the reputation mechanism, we formally define the reputation-based SMR, and identify a new property reputationconsistency that is necessary for ensuring reputation-based SMR’s safety. We then design a simple reputation mechanism that achieves all security properties in our formal model. To demonstrate the practicality, we combine our reputation mechanism to the Sync-HotStuff SMR protocol, yielding a simple and efficient reputation-based SMR at the cost of only an extra ∆ in latency, where ∆ is the maximum delay in synchronous networks.
Mila Anastasova, Reza Azarderakhsh, Mehran Mozaffari Kermani, Lubjana Beshaj
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The elliptic curve family of schemes has the lowest computational latency, memory use, energy consumption, and bandwidth requirements, making it the most preferred public key method for adoption into network protocols. Being suitable for embedded devices and applicable for key exchange and authentication, ECC is assuming a prominent position in the field of IoT cryptography. The attractive properties of the relatively new curve Curve448 contribute to its inclusion in the TLS1.3 protocol and pique the interest of academics and engineers aiming at studying and optimizing the schemes. When addressing low-end IoT devices, however, the literature indicates little work on these curves. In this paper, we present an efficient design for both protocols based on Montgomery curve Curve448 and its birationally equivalent Edwards curve Ed448 used for key agreement and digital signature algorithm, specifically the X448 function and the Ed448 DSA, relying on efficient low-level arithmetic operations targeting the ARM-based Cortex-M4 platform. Our design performs point multiplication, the base of the Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH), in 3,2KCCs, resulting in more than 48% improvement compared to the best previous work based on Curve448, and performs sign and verify, the main operations of the Edwards-curves Digital Signature Algorithm (EdDSA), in 6,038KCCs and 7,404KCCs, showing a speedup of around 11% compared to the counterparts. We present novel modular multiplication and squaring architectures reaching ~25% and ~35% faster runtime than the previous best-reported results, respectively, based on Curve448 key exchange counterparts, and ~13% and ~25% better latency results than the Ed448-based digital signature counterparts targeting Cortex-M4 platform.
Colin Boyd, Bor de Kock, Lise Millerjord
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A key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) is a basic building block for key exchange which must be combined with long-term keys in order to achieve authenticated key exchange (AKE). Although several KEM-based AKE protocols have been proposed, KEM-based modular building blocks are not available. We provide a KEM-based authenticator and a KEM-based protocol in the Authenticated Links model (AM), in the terminology of Canetti and Krawczyk (2001). Using these building blocks we achieve a set of generic AKE protocols. By instantiating these with post-quantum secure primitives we are able to propose several new post-quantum secure AKE protocols.
Brice Minaud, Michael Reichle
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Dynamic Symmetric Searchable Encryption (SSE) enables a user to outsource the storage of an encrypted database to an untrusted server, while retaining the ability to privately search and update the outsourced database. The performance bottleneck of SSE schemes typically comes from their I/O efficiency. Over the last few years, a line of work has substantially improved that bottleneck. However, all existing I/O-efficient SSE schemes have a common limitation: they are not forward-secure. Since the seminal work of Bost at CCS 2016, forward security has become a de facto standard in SSE. In the same article, Bost conjectures that forward security and I/O efficiency are incompatible. This explains the current status quo, where users are forced to make a difficult choice between security and efficiency.

The central contribution of this paper it to show that, contrary to what the status quo suggests, forward security and I/O efficiency can be realized simultaneously. This result is enabled by two new key techniques. First, we make use of a controlled amount of client buffering, combined with a deterministic update schedule. Second, we introduce the notion of SSE supporting dummy updates. In combination, those two techniques offer a new path to realizing forward security, which is compatible with I/O efficiency. Our new SSE scheme, Hermes, achieves sublogarithmic I/O efficiency $O(\log\log \frac{N}{p})$, storage efficiency $O(1)$, with standard leakage, as well as backward and forward security. Practical experiments confirm that Hermes achieves excellent performance.
Chengkai Zhu, Zhenyu Huang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Synthesis and optimization of quantum circuits are important and fundamental research topics in quantum computation, due to the fact that qubits are very precious and decoherence time which determines the computation time available is very limited. Specifically in cryptography, identifying the minimum quantum resources for implementing an encryption process is crucial in evaluating the quantum security of symmetric-key ciphers. In this work, we investigate the problem of optimizing the depth of quantum circuits for linear layers while utilizing a small number of qubits and quantum gates. To this end, we present a framework for the implementation and optimization of linear Boolean functions, by which we significantly reduce the depth of quantum circuits for many linear layers used in symmetric-key ciphers without increasing the gate count.
Frank Y.C. Lu
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We introduce an efficient transparent interactive zero knowledge argument system with practical succinctness. Our system converts circuit inputs in Pedersen commitment form to linear polynomials so that the verifier can use standard integer operations to compute and verify the circuit output. The verifier runtime of our protocol is linear to the number of multiplication gates in the path that contains the most multiplications in a circuit (we use symbol $d_m$ to denote its value). However, its practical performance still compares favorably against state-of-the-art transparent zero-knowledge protocols with sub-linear verifier work.

The asymptotic cost of our protocol is $O (d_m \text{ log } d_m)$ for prover work, $O (d_m)$ for verifier work, and $ O({d_m}^{1/2})$ for communication cost, where $d_m$ stands for the total number of multiplication gates in the path that contains the most multiplications in a circuit (e.g. for a circuit with $n=2^{20}$ sequential multiplications, $d_m = n$). Specifically, when running a circuit with $2^{20}$ multiplication gates on a single thread CPU, the prover runtime of our protocol is $1.9$ seconds, the verifier runtime is $32$ ms and the communication cost is $56$ kbs.

In this paper, we will first introduce a base version of our protocol in which the prover work is dominated by $O ({d_m}^2)$ field operations. Although field operations are significantly faster than group operations, they become increasingly expensive as $d_m$ value gets large. So in the follow up sections, we will introduce a mechanism to apply number theoretic transformation (NTT) to bring down the prover time to $O (d_m \text{ log } d_m)$.

Another added benefit of our protocol is that it does not require a front end encoder to translate NP relation $R$ to some zero-knowledge friendly representation $\hat{R}$ (such as R1CS constraint system) before the relation can be converted to a proof system, making our protocol relatively easy to implement and also easier to use compared to constraint system based protocols.
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