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28 April 2023

Elena Kirshanova, Alexander May, Julian Nowakowski
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The original NTRU cryptosystem from 1998 can be considered the starting point of the great success story of lattice-based cryptography. Modern NTRU versions like NTRU-HPS and NTRU-HRSS are round-3 finalists in NIST's selection process, and also Crystals-Kyber and especially Falcon are heavily influenced by NTRU. Coppersmith and Shamir proposed to attack NTRU via lattice basis reduction, and variations of the Coppersmith-Shamir lattice have been successfully applied to solve official NTRU challenges by Security Innovations, Inc. up to dimension $n=173$. In our work, we provide the tools to attack modern NTRU versions, both by the design of a proper lattice basis, as well as by tuning the modern BKZ with lattice sieving algorithm from the G6K library to NTRU needs. Let $n$ be prime, $\Phi_n := (X^n-1)/(X-1)$, and let $\mathbb{Z}_q[X]/(\Phi_n)$ be the cyclotomic ring. As opposed to the common belief, we show that switching from the Coppersmith-Shamir lattice to a basis for the cyclotomic ring provides benefits. To this end, we slightly enhance the LWE with Hints framework by Dachman-Soled, Ducas, Gong, Rossi with the concept of projections against almost-parallel hints. Using our new lattice bases, we set the first cryptanalysis landmarks for NTRU-HPS with $n \in [101,171]$ and for NTRU-HRSS with $n \in [101,211]$. As a numerical example, we break our largest HPS-171 instance using the cyclotomic ring basis within $83$ core days, whereas the Coppersmith-Shamir basis requires $172$ core days. We also break one more official NTRU challenges by Security Innovation, Inc., originally worth 1000\$, in dimension $n=181$ in $20$ core years.
Yasuhiko Ikematsu, Hyungrok Jo, Takanori Yasuda
ePrint Report ePrint Report
MQ-Sign is a variant of the UOV singature scheme proposed by Shim et al. It has been suggested as a candidate for the standardization of post-quantum cryptography in Republic of Korea (known as KpqC). However, recently Aulbach et al. proposed a practical key recovery attack against MQ-Sign-RS and MQ-Sign-SS with a simple secret key $\mathcal{S}$. In this paper, we propose another attack that is valid for the case of a general secret key $\mathcal{S}$.
Rui Zhou, Ming Duan, Qi Wang, Qianqiong Wu, Sheng Guo, Lulu Guo, Zheng Gong
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The neural-differential distinguisher proposed by Gohr boosted the development of neural aided differential attack. As another significant cryptanalysis technique, linear attack has not been developing as rapidly in combination with deep learning technology as differential attack. In 2020, Hou et al. proposed the first neural-linear attack with one bit key recovery on 3, 4 and 5-round DES and restricted multiple bits recovery on 4 rounds, where the effective bits in one plain-ciphertext pair are spliced as one data sample. In this paper, we compare the neural-linear cryptanalysis with neural-differential cryptanalysis and propose a new data preprocessing algorithm depending on their similarities and differences. We call the new data structure distribution data. Basing on it, we mount our key recovery on round-reduced DES—first, we raise the accuracy of the neural-linear distinguisher by about 50%. Second, our distinguisher improves the effectiveness of one bit key recovery against 3, 4 and 5-round DES than the former one, and attack 6-round DES with success rate of 60.6% using 2048 plain-ciphertext pairs. Third, we propose a real multiple bit key recovery algorithm, leading neural-linear attack from theory to practice.
Erez Danieli, Menachem Goldzweig, Moshe Avital, Itamar Levi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this work we are interested in evaluating the possibility of extracting information from radio-enabled embedded-systems from a long distance. That is, our focus is capturing information from sources in the micrometer to tens of centimeters scale, such as intra- or inter- device busses, board-level routing traces etc. Moreover, we focus on distances in the range of millimeters to tens of centimeters from the (on-chip or on-board) embedded-system Tx Antenna to the signal source. Side-channels denotes presence of information in illegitimate channels. Side-channel analysis (SCA) attacks typically require statistical analysis and many leakage traces, focusing on micrometer level signals (sources) which emanate direct Near-Field information up to centimeters-level distances. In the same context (Near-Field and micrometer-level) simple power analysis (SPA) like attacks typically extract either direct raw information from one or few leakages or utilize statistical analysis on various samples from the same trace, similarly to horizontal attacks. Lately, radio-enabled systems were shown to emanate to a large distance (Far-Field), information from micrometer level sources, such as CPU processing, through the RF Tx Antenna: so far, SCA-like statistical analysis were shown. On the other hand, various reports exist on direct information eavesdropping/ sniffing or data exfiltration, emanated from centimeter to tens of centimeters scale sources, e.g., SATA, USB, Power-lines, Serial interface, Air-Gap systems, Screens and even optical fibers. All these elements are typically being used as a source and a direct Tx Antenna (huge, several to tens of centimeters) of the sensitive information. These antennas typically transmit information to short distances and the decay is very steep (proportional to $r^{-2}$-$r^{-3}$ depending on various factors and models). To the best of our knowledge, we report here for the first time an alarming security challenge: any signal in the embedded system, from serial ports, DMA-controlled memory-access, JTAG and SPI interfaces, on-board signals with galvanic connection to the Tx Antenna-chip and \emph{on-board signals without galvanic connection to the Tx Antenna-chip itself, all leak direct information up to tens of centimeters from source to the Tx Antenna}. This alarming situation induce signal-integrity implications within the embedded system, and significant implications relating to device-isolation and user-isolation, it may also affect standards and specifications for e.g., electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), on-board signal shielding, electromagnetic and RF interference (EMI, RFI), cross-talk, and generally design-for-manufacturing (DFM) guidelines for both intra-IC and PCB board. We demonstrate such direct readout of signals with commercial and low-cost equipment indicating how problematic the situation is. The existence of such leakage is demonstrated both over an ultra-low-cost platform such as the nRF52832(nRF) embedded-system and on a more advanced ESP32-c3-devkitc-02 board which is far more widespread in ISM radio applications and meets certification like FCC and CE (as compared to the nRF device). We have constructed an experiment to demonstrate leakage scenarios from (1) on- and (2) off-chip, on-board or (3) signals without galvanic connection to the RF front-end chip, showing the severity of the leakage, repetitively and systematic nature of the phenomena over various devices. We further demonstrate how sophisticated adversaries can build a code-injection Gadget which can carry sensitive-data and modulate it to be best extracted by the RF-channel. The main observation we push forward is that unless concrete interference and isolation standards appear with security metrics in mind, which are significantly different than ones needed for communication, it would be hard to prevent such leakages.
Brett Falk, Daniel Noble, Rafail Ostrovsky, Matan Shtepel, Jacob Zhang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Distributed Oblivious Random Access Memory (DORAM) is a secure multiparty protocol that allows a group of participants holding a secret-shared array to read and write to secret-shared locations within the array. The efficiency of a DORAM protocol is measured by the amount of communication and computation required per read/write query into the array. DORAM protocols are a necessary ingredient for executing Secure Multiparty Computation (MPC) in the RAM model.

Although DORAM has been widely studied, all existing DORAM protocols have focused on the setting where the DORAM servers are semi-honest. Generic techniques for upgrading a semi-honest DORAM protocol to the malicious model typically increase the asymptotic communication complexity of the DORAM scheme.

In this work, we present a 3-party DORAM protocol which requires $O((\kappa + D)\log N)$ communication and computation per query, for a database of size $N$ with $D$-bit values, where $\kappa$ is the security parameter. Our hidden constants in a big-O nation are small. We show that our protocol is UC-secure in the presence of a malicious, static adversary. This matches the communication and computation complexity of the best semi-honest DORAM protocol, and is the first malicious DORAM protocol with this complexity.
Nicky Mouha
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Cryptographic hash functions are used inside many applications that critically rely on their resistance against cryptanalysis attacks and the correctness of their implementations. Nevertheless, vulnerabilities in cryptographic hash function implementations can remain unnoticed for more than a decade, as shown by the recent discovery of a buffer overflow in the implementation of SHA-3 in the eXtended Keccak Code Package (XKCP), impacting Python, PHP, and several other software projects. This paper explains how this buffer overflow vulnerability in XKCP was found. More generally, we explore the application of formal methods to the five finalist submission packages to the NIST SHA-3 competition, allowing us to (re-)discover vulnerabilities in the implementations of Keccak and BLAKE, and also discover a previously undisclosed vulnerability in the implementation of Grøstl. We also show how the same approach rediscovers a vulnerability affecting 11 out of the 12 implemented cryptographic hash functions in Apple's CoreCrypto library. Our approach consists of removing certain lines of code and then using KLEE as a tool to prove functional equivalence. We discuss the advantages and limitations of our approach and hope that our attempt to consolidate some earlier approaches can lead to new insights.
Elnaz Mehraein, Zahra Ahmadian, Reza Nourmohammadi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Due to the significant development of the intelligence industry worldwide, various initiatives have increasingly recognized the value of the Internet of Things. IoT systems, however, are often hindered by fundamental challenges, such as the need for a central server to manage them. Decentralizing these systems can be achieved through the use of blockchains. Recently, there has been an increase in the popularity of blockchain in various fields, such as banking, Internet of Things, and intelligence industry, and human societies have taken notice of it. One of the main problems is with the scalability of such systems as the network size grows.

This paper examines how blockchain can assist IoT systems to overcome this challenge. We introduce a lightweight-scalable blockchain as a solution for the sharding nodes. This solution assigns nodes to shards according to their history of activity. As part of this study, an IGDBFT algorithm is introduced within the proposed scheme for intra-shard consensus. A solution to storing blocks and cross-shard transactions has been developed using a global chain containing parent blocks in the cloud layer. Finally, we analyze the security and efficiency of our scheme and compare our sharding-based protocol with previous protocols.
István Vajda
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) is in the phase of discussion in most of countries. In this paper, we consider the security issues of centralized retail CBDC. Our focus is on the design and analysis of the underlying cryptographic protocol. The main security requirements against the protocol are transaction anonymity and protection against tax evasion. The protocol provides security guarantees in case of the strongest model of an execution environment which is the general concurrent environment. We apply the Universal Composition (UC) methodology of Canetti [3],[4]. At the time of this writing, we are not aware of any published CBDC protocol with an aim to provide secure compositional guarantees.
Ajay Dabral
ePrint Report ePrint Report
There are lots of Random Key Generators, In this paper, we gave a new construction of Randomized Bit Generator by using Algebraic number theory, which is quite easy to compute and also we keep the security of this generator in our mind. we discussed its applications as a secret key generator being a randomized bit generator in encryption schemes and hash functions. We tried to make it Quantumly secure by randomizing it and extending its parameters to see it as a Quantum Random key generator.

24 April 2023

Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Department of Computer Science and Mathematics, Spain
Job Posting Job Posting

Organisation: The CRISES research group at Rovira i Virgili University is seeking to recruit a full-time postdoctoral researcher in computer security. The group focuses on theoretical advances for computer security and privacy, often in collaboration with industry and the government. The successful candidate will work in an exciting international campus located at the sunny and Mediterranean city of Tarragona, Spain. For further information please check:

Your role: The successful candidate is expected to contribute to the HERMES project, which focuses on supply chain security and data provenance. The post, however, offers the candidate the opportunity to develop their own research agenda within the area of security and privacy of software systems. The successful candidate will work under the direction of Dr. Rolando Trujillo together with other members of the CRISES research group. Candidates with experience in cryptographic protocols, threat modelling or formal verification are encouraged to apply.

Offer: The University offers a two-year employment that may be extended up to three years. The University offers highly competitive salaries and is an equal opportunity employer.

Applications: Applications will be considered on receipt until 15 Jun 2023 (closing date).

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Dr. Rolando Trujillo (

Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Job Posting Job Posting
The School of Cyber Science and Engineering (formerly known as the School of Information Security Engineering) of Shanghai Jiao Tong University was founded in October 2000. It was the first school-level training base for high-level information security professionals in China and was jointly established by the Ministry of Education of China, the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, and the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government. The undergraduate and postgraduate students of the school mainly come from the top 100 key high schools and 985/double first-class universities in China. The school is ranked among the best cyberspace security nationwide every year. The school has a solid foundation and strength in the field of academic research and technological innovation on cyberspace security. The school is committed to building a world-class academic research center, cultivating the talents of the country and society. The school is in great demand of a number of world renowned professors, outstanding young researchers, full-time research fellows and post-doctors. The school now has a few positions available at the rank of tenure-track Assistant/Associate Professors, tenured Full Professors as well as Research Assistants/Associates and Post-Doctors in theory and practice of cyberspace security.

Applicants should have (a) a doctoral degree in Computer Science, Electronic Engineering, Communication, Mathematics or Statistics; (b) an established track record in research and scholarship; (c) expertise in the cryptographic and security research areas; and (d) a demonstrated commitment to excellence in teaching.

The school will provide highly competitive remuneration packages and assist applicants to apply for various national, provincial and ministerial level talent programs such as “Outstanding Youth Talents Program”, Shanghai “Talents Program”,etc. We will also assist on employment of spouses, schooling for children and medical care.

Closing date for applications:

Chaoping Xing, emial:;
Ni Liang, email:

Abhiram Kothapalli, Srinath Setty
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This paper introduces HyperNova, a recursive argument for proving incremental computations whose steps are expressed with CCS (Setty et al. ePrint 2023), a customizable constraint system that simultaneously generalizes Plonkish, R1CS, and AIR without overheads. A distinguishing aspect of HyperNova is that the prover’s cost at each step is dominated by a single multi-scalar multiplication (MSM) of size equal to the number of variables in the constraint system, which is optimal when using an MSM-based commitment scheme.

To construct HyperNova, we generalize folding schemes (CRYPTO 22), to allow instances from two (potentially) different NP relations, that share the same structure, to be folded; we refer to this generalization as multi-folding schemes. Furthermore, we devise a public-coin, multi-folding scheme for instances in CCS and linearized CCS (a variant of CCS that we introduce). This construction can be viewed as an “early stopping” version of Spartan (CRYPTO 20), applied to a carefully-crafted polynomial that includes claims about prior linearized CCS instances. The prover’s work in the multi-folding scheme is a linear number of finite field operations and the verifier’s work is a logarithmic number of finite field operations and a single group scalar multiplication. We then construct incrementally verifiable computation (IVC) from non-interactive multi-folding schemes with the lowest prover costs and the lowest recursion overheads in the literature. We also provide an alternate realization of HyperNova with a black box use of Nova, which nearly eliminates the need for deferred arithmetic when instantiated with a cycle of elliptic curves.

As an additional contribution, we describe nlookup, a lookup argument, that is particularly suited for recursive arguments based on folding schemes. Specifically, at a particular step in an incremental computation, for m lookups into a table of size $n$ $(m << n)$, the prover’s work is dominated by $O(n)$ finite field operations and it requires only $O(m \cdot \log{n})$ degree-2 constraints and $O(\log{n})$ hash evaluations in the incremental computation. nlookup is currently not suitable for efficiently encoding bitwise operations, but it provides a powerful tool for efficiently encoding (large) finite state machines and proving their transitions with recursive SNARKs.
Sashidhar Jakkamsetti, Zeyu Liu, Varun Madathil
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Private messaging systems that use a bulletin board, like privacy-preserving blockchains, have been a popular topic during the last couple of years. In these systems, typically a private message is posted on the board for a recipient and the privacy requirement is that no one can determine the sender and the recipient of the message. Until recently, the efficiency of these recipients was not considered, and the party had to perform a naive scan of the board to retrieve their messages. More recently, works like Fuzzy Message Detection (FMD), Private Signaling (PS), and Oblivious Message Retrieval (OMR) have studied the problem of protecting recipient privacy by outsourcing the message retrieval process to an untrusted server. However, FMD only provides limited privacy guarantees, and PS and OMR greatly lack scalability.

In this work, we present a new construction for private signaling which is both asymptotically superior and concretely orders of magnitude faster than all prior works while providing full privacy. Our constructions make use of a trusted execution environment (TEE) and an Oblivious RAM to improve the computation complexity of the server. We also improve the privacy guarantees by keeping the recipient hidden even during the retrieval of signals from the server. Our proof-of-concept open-source implementation shows that for a server serving a hundred thousand recipients and ten million messages, it only takes $< 6$ milliseconds to process a sent message, and $< 200$ milliseconds to process a retrieval (of 100 signals) request from a recipient.
Abtin Afshar, Geoffroy Couteau, Mohammad Mahmoody, Elahe Sadeghi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this work, we initiate a study of $K$-NIKE protocols in the fine-grained setting, in which there is a polynomial gap between the running time of the honest parties and that of the adversary. Our goal is to show the possibility, or impossibility, of basing such protocols on weaker assumptions than those of $K$-NIKE for $K \geq 3$. Our contribution is threefold. - We show that random oracles can be used to obtain fine-grained $K$-NIKE protocols for every constant $K$. In particular, we show how to generalize Merkle's two-party protocol to $K$ parties in such a way that the honest parties ask $n$ queries each, while the adversary needs $n^{K/(K-1)}$ queries to the random oracle to find the key. - We then improve the security by further using algebraic structures, while avoiding pairings. In particular, we show that there is a 4-party NIKE in Shoup's generic group model with a quadratic gap between the number of queries by the honest parties vs. that of the adversary. - Finally, we show a limitation of using purely algebraic methods for obtaining $3$-NIKE. In particular, we show that any $n$-query $3$-NIKE protocol in Maurer's generic group model can be broken by a $O(n^2)$-query attacker. Maurer's GGM is more limited compared with Shoup's both for the parties and the adversary, as there are no explicit labels for the group elements. Despite being more limited, this model still captures the Diffie Hellman protocol. Prior to our work, it was open to break $3$-NIKE protocols in Maurer's model with any polynomial number of queries.
Kai-Min Chung, Yao-Ting Lin, Mohammad Mahmoody
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Commitments are fundamental in cryptography. In the classical world, commitments are equivalent to the existence of one-way functions. It is also known that the most desired form of commitments in terms of their round complexity, i.e., non-interactive commitments, cannot be built from one-way functions in a black-box way [Mahmoody-Pass, Crypto'12]. However, if one allows the parties to use quantum computation and communication, it is known that non-interactive commitments (to classical bits) are in fact possible [Koshiba-Odaira, Arxiv'11 and Bitansky-Brakerski, TCC'21].

We revisit the assumptions behind non-interactive commitments in a quantum world and study whether they can be achieved using quantum computation and classical communication based on a black-box use of one-way functions. We prove that doing so is impossible unless the Polynomial Compatibility Conjecture [Austrin et al. Crypto'22] is false. We further extend our impossibility to protocols with quantum decommitments. This complements the positive result of Bitansky and Brakerski [TCC'21], as they only required a classical decommitment message. Because non-interactive commitments can be based on injective one-way functions, assuming the Polynomial Compatibility Conjecture, we also obtain a black-box separation between one-way functions and injective one-way functions (e.g., one-way permutations) even when the construction and the security reductions are allowed to be quantum. This improves the separation of Cao and Xue [Theoretical Computer Science'21] in which they only allowed the security reduction to be quantum.

At a technical level, we prove that sampling oracles at random from ``sufficiently large'' sets (of oracles) will make them one-way against polynomial quantum-query adversaries who also get arbitrary polynomial-size quantum advice about the oracle. This gives a natural generalization of the recent results of Hhan et al.[Asiacrypt'19] and Chung et al. [FOCS'20].
Antonio Faonio, Dario Fiore, Markulf Kohlweiss, Luigi Russo, Michal Zajac
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We study sufficient conditions for compiling simulation-extractable zkSNARKs from information-theoretic interactive oracle proofs (IOP) using a simulation-extractable commit-and-prove system for its oracles. Specifically, we define simulation extractability for opening and evaluation proofs of polynomial commitment schemes, which we then employ to prove the security of zkSNARKS obtained from polynomial IOP prove systems, such as Plonk and Marlin. To instantiate our methodology we additionally prove that KZG commitments satisfy our simulation extractability requirement, despite being naturally malleable. To this end, we design a relaxed notion of simulation extractability that matches how KZG commitments are used and optimized in real-world prove systems. Only the proof that KZG satisfies this relaxed simulation extractability property relies on the algebraic group model (AGM) and random oracle (RO). We thus isolate the use of (and thus the reliance on) these strong heuristics.
Marc Titus Trifan, Alexandru Nicolau, Alexander Veidenbaum
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The increased popularity of Machine Learning as a Service (MLaaS) makes the privacy of user data and network weights a critical concern. Using Torus FHE (TFHE) offers a solution for privacy-preserving computation in a cloud environment by allowing computation directly over encrypted data. However, software TFHE implementations of cyphertext-cyphertext multiplication needed when both input data and weights are encrypted are either lacking or are too slow. This paper proposes a new way to improve the performance of such multiplication by applying carry save addition. Its theoretical speedup is proportional to the bit width of the plaintext integer operands. This also speeds up multi-operand summation. A speedup of 15x is obtained for 16-bit multiplication on a 64-core processor when compared to previous results. Multiplication also becomes more than twice as fast on a GPU if our approach is utilized. This leads to much faster dot product and convolution computations, which combine multiplications and a multi-operand sum. A 45x speedup is achieved for a 16-bit, 32-element dot product and a ~30x speedup for a convolution with a 32x32 filter size.
Sanjam Garg, Abhishek Jain, Pratyay Mukherjee, Rohit Sinha, Mingyuan Wang, Yinuo Zhang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We propose hinTS --- a new threshold signature scheme built on top of the widely used BLS signatures. Our scheme enjoys the following attractive features:

\begin{itemize} \item A {\em silent setup} process where the joint public key of the parties is computed as a deterministic function of their locally computed public keys. \item Support for {\em dynamic} choice of thresholds and signers, after the silent setup, without further interaction. \item Support for {\em general} access policies; in particular, native support for {\em weighted} thresholds with zero additional overhead over standard threshold setting. \item Strong security guarantees, including proactive security and forward security. \end{itemize}We prove the security of our scheme in the algebraic group model and provide implementation and extensive evaluation. Our scheme outperforms all prior proposals that aim to avoid distributed key generation in terms of aggregation time, signature size, and verification time. As an example, the aggregation time for 1000 signers is under 0.5 seconds, while both signing and verification are constant time algorithms, taking roundly 1 ms and 17.5 ms respectively.

The key technical contribution of our work involves the design of special-purpose succinct proofs to {\em efficiently} prove the well-formedness of aggregated public keys. Our solution uses public ``hints'' released by the signers as part of their public keys (hence the name hinTS).
Zhuohui Feng, Ye Luo, Chao Wang, Qianqian Yang, Zhiquan Liu, Ling Song
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Plaintext structures are a commonly-used technique for improving differential cryptanalysis. Generally, there are two types of plaintext structures: multiple-differential structures and truncated-differential structures. Both types have been widely used in cryptanalysis of S-box-based ciphers while for SPECK, an Addition-Rotation-XOR (ARX) cipher, the truncated-differential structure has not been used so far. In this paper, we investigate the properties of modular addition and propose a method to construct truncated-differential structures for SPECK. Moreover, we show that a combination of both types of structures is also possible for SPECK. For recovering the key of SPECK, we propose dedicated algorithms and apply them to various differential distinguishers, which helps to obtain a series of improved attacks on all variants of SPECK. Notably, on SPECK128, the time complexity of the attack can be reduced by a factor up to 2^15. The results show that the combination of both structures helps to improve the data and time complexity at the same time, as in the cryptanalysis of S-box-based ciphers.
Pratish Datta, Tapas Pal
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This paper presents the first decentralized multi-authority attribute-based inner product functional encryption (MA-ABIPFE) schemes supporting vectors of a priori unbounded lengths. The notion of AB-IPFE, introduced by Abdalla et al. [ASIACRYPT 2020], combines the access control functionality of attribute-based encryption (ABE) with the possibility of evaluating linear functions on encrypted data. A decentralized MA-ABIPFE defined by Agrawal et al. [TCC 2021] essentially enhances the ABE component of AB-IPFE to the decentralized multi-authority setting where several authorities can independently issue user keys involving attributes under their control. In MA-ABIPFE for unbounded vectors (MA-ABUIPFE), encryptors can encrypt vectors of arbitrary length under access policies of their choice whereas authorities can issue secret keys to users involving attributes under their control and vectors of arbitrary lengths. Decryption works in the same way as for MA-ABIPFE provided the lengths of the vectors within the ciphertext and secret keys match. We present two MA-ABUIPFE schemes supporting access policies realizable by linear secret sharing schemes (LSSS), in the significantly faster prime-order bilinear groups under decisional assumptions based on the target groups which are known to be weaker compared to their counterparts based in the source groups. The proposed schemes demonstrate different trade-offs between versatility and underlying assumptions. The first scheme allows each authority to control a bounded number of attributes and is proven secure under the well-studied decisional bilinear Diffie-Hellman (DBDH) assumption. On the other hand, the second scheme allows authorities to control exponentially many attributes, that is, supports large attribute universe, and is proven secure under a non-interactive q-type variant of the DBDH assumption called L-DBDH, similar to what was used in prior large-universe multi-authority ABE (MA-ABE) construction. When compared with the only known MA-ABIPFE scheme due to Agrawal et al. [TCC 2021], our schemes offer significantly higher efficiency while offering greater flexibility and security under weaker assumptions at the same time. Moreover, unlike Agrawal et al., our schemes can support the appearance of the same attributes within an access policy arbitrarily many times. Since efficiency and practicality is the prime focus of this work, we prove the security of our constructions in the random oracle model against static adversaries similar to prior works on MA-ABE with similar motivations and assumptions. On the technical side, we extend the unbounded IPFE techniques of Dufour-Sans and Pointcheval [ACNS 2019] to the context of MA-ABUIPFE by introducing a novel hash-decomposition technique.
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