International Association for Cryptologic Research

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02 August 2023

Jonathan Bootle, Kaoutar Elkhiyaoui, Julia Hesse, Yacov Manevich
ePrint Report ePrint Report
A linkable ring signature allows a user to sign anonymously on behalf of a group while ensuring that multiple signatures from the same user are detected. Applications such as privacy-preserving e-voting and e-cash can leverage linkable ring signatures to significantly improve privacy and anonymity guarantees. To scale to systems involving large numbers of users, short signatures with fast verification are a must. Concretely efficient ring signatures currently rely on a trusted authority maintaining a master secret, or follow an accumulator-based approach that requires a trusted setup.

In this work, we construct the first linkable ring signature with both logarithmic signature size and verification that does not require any trusted mechanism. Our scheme, which relies on discrete-log type assumptions and bilinear maps, improves upon a recent concise ring signature called DualRing by integrating improved preprocessing arguments to reduce the verification time from linear to logarithmic in the size of the ring. Our ring signature allows signatures to be linked based on what message is signed, ranging from linking signatures on any message to only signatures on the same message.

We provide benchmarks for our scheme and prove its security under standard assumptions. The proposed linkable ring signature is particularly relevant to use cases that require privacy-preserving enforcement of threshold policies in a fully decentralized context, and e-voting.
Sebastian Faller, Astrid Ottenhues, Johannes Ernst
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Oblivious Pseudo-Random Functions (OPRFs) are a central tool for building modern protocols for authentication and distributed computation. For example, OPRFs enable simple login protocols that do not reveal the password to the provider, which helps to mitigate known shortcomings of password-based authentication such as password reuse or mix-up. Reliable treatment of passwords becomes more and more important as we login to a multitude of services with different passwords in our daily life. To ensure the security and privacy of such services in the long term, modern protocols should always consider the possibility of attackers with quantum computers. Therefore, recent research has focused on constructing post-quantum-secure OPRFs. Unfortunately, existing constructions either lack efficiency, or they are based on complex and relatively new cryptographic assumptions, some of which have lately been disproved. In this paper, we revisit the security and the efficiency of the well-known “OPRFs via Garbled Circuits” approach. Such an OPRF is presumably post-quantum-secure and built from well-understood primitives, namely symmetric cryptography and oblivious transfer. We investigate security in the strong Universal Composability model, which guarantees security even when multiple instances are executed in parallel and in conjunction with arbitrary other protocols, which is a realistic scenario in today’s internet. At the same time, it is faster than other current post-quantumsecure OPRFs. Our implementation and benchmarks demonstrate that our proposed OPRF is currently among the best choices if the privacy of the data has to be guaranteed for a long time.
Jens Groth, Victor Shoup
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We present new protocols for threshold Schnorr signatures that work in an asynchronous communication setting, providing robustness and optimal resilience. These protocols provide unprecedented performance in terms of communication and computational complexity. In terms of communication complexity, for each signature, a single party must transmit a few dozen group elements and scalars across the network (independent of the size of the signing committee). In terms of computational complexity, the amortized cost for one party to generate a signature is actually less than that of just running the standard Schnorr signing or verification algorithm (at least for moderately sized signing committees, say, up to 100).

For example, we estimate that with a signing committee of 49 parties, at most 16 of which are corrupt, we can generate 50,000 Schnorr signatures per second (assuming each party can dedicate one standard CPU core and 500Mbs of network bandwidth to signing). Importantly, this estimate includes both the cost of an offline precomputation phase (which just churns out message independent "presignatures") and an online signature generation phase. Also, the online signing phase can generate a signature with very little network latency (just one to three rounds, depending on how throughput and latency are balanced).

To achieve this result, we provide two new innovations. One is a new secret sharing protocol (again, asynchronous, robust, optimally resilient) that allows the dealer to securely distribute shares of a large batch of ephemeral secret keys, and to publish the corresponding ephemeral public keys. To achieve better performance, our protocol minimizes public-key operations, and in particular, is based on a novel technique that does not use the traditional technique based on "polynomial commitments". The second innovation is a new algorithm to efficiently combine ephemeral public keys contributed by different parties (some possibly corrupt) into a smaller number of secure ephemeral public keys. This new algorithm is based on a novel construction of a so-called "super-invertible matrix" along with a corresponding highly-efficient algorithm for multiplying this matrix by a vector of group elements.

As protocols for verifiably sharing a secret key with an associated public key and the technology of super-invertible matrices both play a major role in threshold cryptography and multi-party computation, our two new innovations should have applicability well beyond that of threshold Schnorr signatures.

31 July 2023

NUS-Singapore and the University of Sheffield, UK
Job Posting Job Posting
NUS-Singapore is seeking a highly-motivated Postdoc—candidate in the field of cyber security with an emphasis on embedded and hardware security (preferably Physical Unclonable Function (PUF)). Candidates with experience in one or more of the following are preferred: PUF, lightweight cryptography, post-quantum cryptography; designing novel cryptographic primitives and protocols; digital design on ASIC or FPGA platforms using hardware description languages; computer architectures and embedded software; side-channel analysis and fault attacks; and machine learning attacks on PUF especially for security applications. Research topics include but are not limited to Physical Unclonable Function (PUF) secure cryptographic implementations in hardware and software; mechanisms against side-channel analysis and fault attacks security; In the first instance, candidates can discuss applications with Dr Prosanta Gope via email.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Dr Prosanta Gope


30 July 2023

Haochen Sun, Hongyang Zhang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The recent advancements in deep learning have brought about significant changes in various aspects of people's lives. Meanwhile, these rapid developments have raised concerns about the legitimacy of the training process of deep networks. However, to protect the intellectual properties of untrusted AI developers, directly examining the training process by accessing the model parameters and training data by verifiers is often prohibited.

In response to this challenge, we present zkDL, an efficient zero-knowledge proof of deep learning training. At the core of zkDL is zkReLU, a specialized zero-knowledge proof protocol with optimized proving time and proof size for the ReLU activation function, a major obstacle in verifiable training due to its non-arithmetic nature. To integrate zkReLU into the proof system for the entire training process, we devise a novel construction of an arithmetic circuit from neural networks. By leveraging the abundant parallel computation resources, this construction reduces proving time and proof sizes by a factor of the network depth. As a result, zkDL enables the generation of complete and sound proofs, taking less than a minute with a size of less than 20 kB per training step, for a 16-layer neural network with 200M parameters, while ensuring the privacy of data and model parameters.
Yuval Ishai, Dakshita Khurana, Amit Sahai, Akshayaram Srinivasan
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We give the first construction of a fully black-box round-optimal secure multiparty computation (MPC) protocol in the plain model. Our protocol makes black-box use of a sub-exponentially secure two-message statistical sender private oblivious transfer (SSP-OT), which in turn can be based on (sub-exponential variants of) almost all of the standard cryptographic assumptions known to imply public-key cryptography.
Ittai Abraham, Kartik Nayak, Nibesh Shrestha
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This work focuses on the parallel broadcast primitive, where each of the $n$ parties wish to broadcast their $\ell$-bit input in parallel. We consider the authenticated model with PKI and digital signatures that is secure against $t < n/2$ Byzantine faults under a synchronous network.

We show a generic reduction from parallel broadcast to a new primitive called graded parallel broadcast and a single instance of validated Byzantine agreement. Using our reduction, we obtain parallel broadcast protocols with $O(n^2 \ell + \kappa n^3)$ communication ($\kappa$ denotes a security parameter) and expected constant rounds. Thus, for inputs of size $\ell = \Omega(n)$ bits, our protocols are asymptotically free.

Our graded parallel broadcast uses a novel gradecast protocol with multiple grades with asymptotically optimal communication complexity of $O(n \ell + \kappa n^2)$ for inputs of size $\ell$ bits. We also present a multi-valued validated Byzantine agreement protocol with asymptotically optimal communication complexity of $O(n \ell + \kappa n^2)$ for inputs of size $\ell$ bits in expectation and expected constant rounds. Both of these primitives are of independent interest.
Hao Lu, Jian Liu, Kui Ren
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Byzantine fault-tolerant state machine replication (BFT-SMR) replicates a state machine across a set of replicas, and processes requests as a single machine even in the presence of Byzantine faults. Recently, synchronous BFT-SMRs have received tremendous attention due to their simple design and high fault-tolerance threshold.

In this paper, we propose Arena, the first multi-leader synchronous BFT-SMR. Thanks to the synchrony assumption, Arena gains the performance benefit from multi-leader with a much simpler design (compared to other partially synchronous multi-leader designs). Furthermore, it is more robust: ``no progress'' of a leader will not trigger a view-change. Our experimental results show that Arena achieves a peak throughput of up to 7.7$\times$ higher than the state-of-the-art.
Navid Alamati, Hart Montgomery, Sikhar Patranabis, Pratik Sarkar
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We present a new framework for building round-optimal (two-round) $adaptively$ secure MPC. We show that a relatively weak notion of OT that we call $indistinguishability \ OT \ with \ receiver \ oblivious \ sampleability$ (r-iOT) is enough to build two-round, adaptively secure MPC against $malicious$ adversaries in the CRS model. We then show how to construct r-iOT from CDH, LPN, or isogeny-based assumptions that can be viewed as group actions (such as CSIDH and CSI-FiSh). This yields the first constructions of two-round adaptively secure MPC against malicious adversaries from CDH, LPN, or isogeny-based assumptions. We further extend our non-isogeny results to the plain model, achieving (to our knowledge) the first construction of two-round adaptively secure MPC against semi-honest adversaries in the plain model from LPN.

Our results allow us to build a two-round adaptively secure MPC against malicious adversaries from essentially all of the well-studied assumptions in cryptography. In addition, our constructions from isogenies or LPN provide the first post-quantum alternatives to LWE-based constructions for round-optimal adaptively secure MPC. Along the way, we show that r-iOT also implies non-committing encryption(NCE), thereby yielding the first constructions of NCE from isogenies or LPN.
Kittiphop Phalakarn, Nuttapong Attrapadung, Kanta Matsuura
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In oblivious finite automata evaluation, one party holds a private automaton, and the other party holds a private string of characters. The objective is to let the parties know whether the string is accepted by the automaton or not, while keeping their inputs secret. The applications include DNA searching, pattern matching, and more. Most of the previous works are based on asymmetric cryptographic primitives, such as homomorphic encryption and oblivious transfer. These primitives are significantly slower than symmetric ones. Moreover, some protocols also require several rounds of interaction. As our main contribution, we propose an oblivious finite automata evaluation protocol via conditional disclosure of secrets (CDS), using one (potentially malicious) outsourcing server. This results in a constant-round protocol, and no heavy asymmetric-key primitives are needed. Our protocol is based on a building block called "an oblivious CDS scheme for deterministic finite automata'' which we also propose in this paper. In addition, we propose a standard CDS scheme for deterministic finite automata as an independent interest.
Kittiphop Phalakarn, Vorapong Suppakitpaisarn, Nuttapong Attrapadung, Kanta Matsuura
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Secret sharing is a cryptographic primitive that divides a secret into several shares, and allows only some combinations of shares to recover the secret. As it can also be used in secure multi-party computation protocol with outsourcing servers, several variations of secret sharing are devised for this purpose. Most of the existing protocols require the number of computing servers to be determined in advance. However, in some situations we may want the system to be "evolving". We may want to increase the number of servers and strengthen the security guarantee later in order to improve availability and security of the system. Although evolving secret sharing schemes are available, they do not support computing on shares. On the other hand, "homomorphic" secret sharing allows computing on shares with small communication, but they are not evolving. As the contribution of our work, we give the definition of "evolving homomorphic" secret sharing supporting both properties. We propose two schemes, one with hierarchical access structure supporting multiplication, and the other with partially hierarchical access structure supporting computation of low degree polynomials. Comparing to the work with similar functionality of Choudhuri et al. (IACR ePrint 2020), our schemes have smaller communication costs.
Kittiphop Phalakarn, Vorapong Suppakitpaisarn, Nuttapong Attrapadung, Kanta Matsuura
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This paper proposes $t$-secure homomorphic secret sharing schemes for low degree polynomials. Homomorphic secret sharing is a cryptographic technique to outsource the computation to a set of servers while restricting some subsets of servers from learning the secret inputs. Prior to our work, at Asiacrypt 2018, Lai, Malavolta, and Schröder proposed a $1$-secure scheme for computing polynomial functions. They also alluded to $t$-secure schemes without giving explicit constructions; constructing such schemes would require solving set cover problems, which are generally NP-hard. Moreover, the resulting implicit schemes would require a large number of servers. In this paper, we provide a constructive solution for threshold-$t$ structures by combining homomorphic encryption with the classic secret sharing scheme for general access structure by Ito, Saito, and Nishizeki. Our scheme also quantitatively improves the number of required servers from $O(t^2)$ to $O(t)$, compared to the implicit scheme of Lai et al. We also suggest several ideas for future research directions.
Gayathri Garimella, Mike Rosulek, Jaspal Singh
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Structure-Aware private set intersection (sa-PSI) is a variant of PSI where Alice's input set $A$ has some publicly known structure, Bob's input $B$ is an unstructured set of points, and Alice learns the intersection $A \cap B$. sa-PSI was recently introduced by Garimella et al. (Crypto 2022), who described a semi-honest protocol with communication that scales with the description size of Alice's set, instead of its cardinality. In this paper, we present the first sa-PSI protocol secure against malicious adversaries.

sa-PSI protocols are built from function secret sharing (FSS) schemes, and the main challenge in our work is ensuring that multiple FSS sharings encode the same structured set. We do so using a cut-and-choose approach. In order to make FSS compatible with cut-and-choose, we introduce a new variant of function secret sharing, called derandomizable FSS (dFSS).

We show how to construct dFSS for union of geometric balls, leading to a malicious-secure sa-PSI protocol where Alice's input is a union of balls. We also improve prior FSS constructions, giving asymptotic improvements to semi-honest sa-PSI.
Fabio Banfi, Ueli Maurer, Silvia Ritsch
ePrint Report ePrint Report
A universal re-encryption (URE) scheme is a public-key encryption scheme enhanced with an algorithm that on input a ciphertext, outputs another ciphertext which is still a valid encryption of the underlying plaintext. Crucially, such a re-encryption algorithm does not need any key as input, but the ciphertext is guaranteed to be valid under the original key-pair. Therefore, URE schemes lend themselves naturally as building blocks of mixnets: A sender transmits the encryption of a message under the receivers public-key to a mixer, which re-encrypts it, and the receiver later retrieves the re-encrypted ciphertext, which will decrypt successfully to the original message.

Young and Yung (SCN 2018) argued that the original definition of URE by Golle et al. (CT-RSA 2004) was flawed, because it did not consider anonymity of encryption. This motivated them to claim that they finally put URE on solid grounds by presenting four formal security notions which they argued a URE should satisfy.

As our first contribution, we introduce a framework that allows to compactly define and relate security notions as substitutions of systems. Using such framework, as our second contribution we show that Young and Yung's four notions are not minimal, and therefore do not properly capture the essence of a secure URE scheme. We provide three definitions that imply (and are implied by) theirs. Using the constructive cryptography framework, our third contribution is to capture the essence of URE from an application point of view by providing a composable security notion that expresses the ideal use of URE in a mixnet. Finally, we show that the composable notion is implied by our three minimal notions.
Luciano Freitas, Andrei Tonkikh
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The majority of fault-tolerant distributed algorithms are designed assuming a nominal corruption model, in which at most a fraction $f_n$ of parties can be corrupted by the adversary. However, due to the infamous Sybil attack, nominal models are not sufficient to express the trust assumptions in open (i.e., permissionless) settings. Instead, permissionless systems typically operate in a weighted model, where each participant is associated with a weight and the adversary can corrupt a set of parties holding at most a fraction $f_w$ of total weight.

In this paper, we suggest a simple way to transform a large class of protocols designed for the nominal model into the weighted model. To this end, we formalize and solve three novel optimization problems, which we collectively call the weight reduction problems, that allow us to map large real weights into small integer weights while preserving the properties necessary for the correctness of the protocols. In all cases, we manage to keep the sum of the integer weights to be at most linear in the number of parties, resulting in extremely efficient protocols for the weighted model. Moreover, we demonstrate that, on weight distributions that emerge in practice, the sum of the integer weights tends to be far from the theoretical worst-case and, often even smaller than the number of participants.

While, for some protocols, our transformation requires an arbitrarily small reduction in resilience (i.e., $f_w = f_n - \epsilon$), surprisingly, for many important problems we manage to obtain weighted solutions with the same resilience ($f_w = f_n$) as nominal ones. Notable examples include asynchronous consensus, verifiable secret sharing, erasure-coded distributed storage and broadcast protocols. While there are ad-hoc weighted solutions to some of these problems, the protocols yielded by our transformations enjoy all the benefits of nominal solutions, including simplicity, efficiency, and a wider range of possible cryptographic assumptions.
Hyeokdong Kwon, Minjoo Sim, Gyeongju Song, Minwoo Lee, Hwajeong Seo
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In 2022, a Korean domestic Post Quantum Cryptography contest called KpqC held, and the standard for Post Quantum Cryptography is set to be selected in 2024. In Round 1 of this competition, 16 algorithms have advanced and are competing. Algorithms submitted to KpqC introduce their performance, but direct performance comparison is difficult because all algorithms were measured in different environments. In this paper, we present the benchmark results of all KpqC algorithms in a single environment. To benchmark the algorithms, we removed the external library dependency of each algorithm. By removing dependencies, performance deviations due to external libraries can be eliminated, and source codes that can conveniently operate the KpqC algorithm can be provided to users who have difficulty setting up the environment.
Masaaki Shirase
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Let $(A,t)$ be an instance of the search-LWE problem, where $A$ is a matrix and $t$ is a vector. This paper constructs an integer programming problem using $A$ and $t$, and shows that it is possible to derive a solution of the instance $(A,t)$ (perhaps with high probability) using its optimal solution or its tentative solution of small norm output by an integer programming solver. In other words, the LWE-search problem can be reduced to an integer programming problem. In the reduction, only basic linear algebra and finite field calculation are required. The computational complexity of the integer programming problem obtained is still unknown.
Karim Baghery, Axel Mertens, Mahdi Sedaghat
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Subversion-resistant zk-SNARKs allow the provers to verify the Structured Reference String (SRS), via an SRS Verification (SV) algorithm and bypass the need for a Trusted Third Party (TTP). Pairing-based zk-SNARKs with \(updatable\) and \(universal\) SRS are an extension of subversion-resistant ones which additionally allow the verifiers to update the SRS, via an SRS Updating (SU) algorithm, and similarly bypass the need for a TTP. In this paper, we examine the setup of these zk-SNARKs by benchmarking the efficiency of the SV and SU algorithms within the \(\textsf{Arkworks}\) library. The benchmarking covers a range of updatable zk-SNARKs, including Sonic, Plonk, Marlin, Lunar, and Basilisk. Our analysis reveals that relying solely on the standard Algebraic Group Model (AGM) may not be sufficient in practice, and we may need a model with weaker assumptions. Specifically, we find that while Marlin is secure in the AGM, additional elements need to be added to its SRS to formally prove certain security properties in the updatable CRS model. We demonstrate that the SV algorithms become inefficient for mid-sized circuits with over 20,000 multiplication gates and 100 updates. To address this, we introduce Batched SV algorithms (BSV) that leverage standard batching techniques and offer significantly improved performance. As a tool, we propose an efficient verification approach that allows the parties to identify a malicious SRS updater with logarithmic verification in the number of updates. In the case of Basilisk, for a circuit with \(2^{20}\) multiplication gates, a \(1000\)-time updated SRS can be verified in less than 30 sec, a malicious updater can be identified in less than 4 min (improvable by pre-computation), and each update takes less than 6 min.
Yan Yan, Arnab Roy, Elisabeth Oswald
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Research about the theoretical properties of side channel distinguishers revealed the rules by which to maximise the probability of first order success (``optimal distinguishers'') under different assumptions about the leakage model and noise distribution. Simultaneously, research into bounding first order success (as a function of the number of observations) has revealed universal bounds, which suggest that (even optimal) distinguishers are not able to reach theoretically possible success rates. Is this gap a proof artefact (aka the bounds are not tight) or does a distinguisher exist that is more trace efficient than the ``optimal'' one? We show that in the context of an unknown (and not linear) leakage model there is indeed a distinguisher that outperforms the ``optimal'' distinguisher in terms of trace efficiency: it is based on the Kruskal-Wallis test.
Huan Zou, Yuting Xiao, Rui Zhang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
As a fundamental operation in fixed-point arithmetic, truncation can bring the product of two fixed-point integers back to the fixed-point representation. In large-scale applications like privacy-preserving machine learning, it is essential to have faithful truncation that accurately eliminates both big and small errors. In this work, we improve and extend the results of the oblivious transfer based faithful truncation protocols initialized by Cryptflow2 (Rathee et al., CCS 2020). Specifically, we propose a new notion of two-bit extraction that is tailored for faithful truncation and demonstrate how it can be used to construct an efficient faithful truncation protocol. Benefiting from our efficient construction for two-bit extraction, our faithful truncation protocol reduces the communication complexity of Cryptflow2 from growing linearly with the fixed-point precision to logarithmic complexity.

This efficiency improvement is due to the fact that we reuse the intermediate results of eliminating the big error to further eliminate the small error. Our reuse strategy is effective, as it shows that while eliminating the big error, it is possible to further eliminate the small error at a minimal cost, e.g., as low as communicating only an additional 160 bits in one round.
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