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19 October 2023

Intak Hwang, Jinyeong Seo, Yongsoo Song
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We propose a new lattice-based sublinear argument for R1CS that not only achieves efficiency in concrete proof size but also demonstrates practical performance in both proof generation and verification. To reduce the proof size, we employ a new encoding method for large prime fields, resulting in a compact proof for R1CS over such fields. We also devise a new proof technique that randomizes the input message. This results in fast proof generation performance, eliminating rejection sampling from the proving procedure. Compared to Ligero (CCS 2017), a hash-based post-quantum SNARK, our proof system yields a comparable proof size and proof generation performance, and excels in verification performance by an order of magnitude.
Bar Alon, Amos Beimel, Eran Omri
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In secure multiparty computation (MPC), the goal is to allow a set of mutually distrustful parties to compute some function of their private inputs in a way that preserves security properties, even in the face of adversarial behavior by some of the parties. However, classical security definitions do not pose any privacy restrictions on the view of honest parties. Thus, if an attacker adversarially leaks private information to honest parties, it does not count as a violation of privacy. This is arguably undesirable, and in real-life scenarios, it is hard to imagine that possible users would agree to have their private information revealed, even if only to other honest parties.

To address this issue, Alon et al. [CRYPTO 20] introduced the notion of security with friends and foes (FaF security). In essence, $(t,h)$-FaF security requires that a malicious adversary corrupting up to $t$ parties cannot help a coalition of $h$ semi-honest parties to learn anything beyond what they can learn from their inputs and outputs (combined with the input and outputs of the malicious parties). They further showed that $(t,h)$-FaF security with $n$ parties is achievable for any functionality if $2t+h
In this paper, we focus on the special, yet already challenging, case of $(1,1)$-FaF security for three-party, 2-ary (two inputs), symmetric (all parties output the same value) functionalities. We provide several positive results, a lower bound on the round complexity, and an impossibility result. In particular, we prove the following. (1) we identify a large class of three-party Boolean symmetric 2-ary functionalities that can be computed with $(1,1)$-FaF full security, and (2) We identify a large class of three-party (possibly non-Boolean) symmetric 2-ary functionalities, for which no $O(\log\kappa)$-round protocol computes them with $(1,1)$-FaF full security. This matches the round complexity of our positive results for various interesting functionalities, such as equality of strings.

17 October 2023

Jianye Gao, Xinyao Li, Changhai Ou, Zhu Wang, Fei Yan
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Masking, as a common countermeasure, has been widely utilized to protect cryptographic implementations against power side-channel attacks. It significantly enhances the difficulty of attacks, as the sensitive intermediate values are randomly partitioned into multiple parts and executed on different times. The adversary must amalgamate information across diverse time samples before launching an attack, which is generally accomplished by feature extraction (e.g., Points-Of-Interest (POIs) combination and dimensionality reduction). However, traditional POIs combination methods, machine learning and deep learning techniques are often too time consuming, and necessitate a significant amount of computational resources. In this paper, we undertake the first study on manifold learning and their applications against masked cryptographic implementations. The leaked information, which manifests as the manifold of high-dimensional power traces, is mapped into a low-dimensional space and achieves feature extraction through manifold learning techniques like ISOMAP, Locally Linear Embedding (LLE), and Laplacian Eigenmaps (LE). Moreover, to reduce the complexity, we further construct explicit polynomial mappings for manifold learning to facilitate the dimensionality reduction. Compared to the classical machine learning and deep learning techniques, our schemes built from manifold learning techniques are faster, unsupervised, and only require very simple parameter tuning. Their effectiveness has been fully validated by our detailed experiments.
Shuichi Katsumata, Yi-Fu Lai, Michael Reichle
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Many of the three-round blind signatures based on identification protocols are only proven to be $\ell$-concurrently unforgeable for $\ell = \mathsf{polylog}(\lambda)$. It was only recently shown in a seminal work by Benhamouda et al. (EUROCRYPT'21) that this is not just a limitation of the proof technique. They proposed an elegant polynomial time attack against the $\ell$-concurrently unforgeability of the classical blind Schnorr protocol for $\ell = \mathsf{poly}(\lambda)$. However, there are still many blind signatures following a similar recipe to blind Schnorr where the attack by Benhamouda et al. does not apply. This includes for instance the isogeny-based blind signature CSI-Otter by Katsumata et al (CRYPTO'23), the lattice-based blind signatures Blaze+ by Alkeilani et al. (ACISP'20) and BlindOR by Alkeilani et al. (CANS'20).

In this work, we provide a simple and novel attack on blind signatures based on identification protocols performing parallel repetition to reduce the soundness error. Our attack translates to a polynomial time break for the $\ell$-concurrent unforgeability of CSI-Otter, Blaze+, and BlindOR for $\ell = \mathsf{poly}(\lambda)$. More formally, we define an intermediate problem called Parallel Random inhomogeneities in an Overdetermined Solvable system of linear equations (pROS) problem and show that an attack against pROS implies an attack to the above blind signatures. One takeaway of our finding is that while parallel repetition allows to exponentially reduce the soundness error of an identification protocol, this has minimal effect on the resulting blind signature. Our attack is concretely very efficient and for instance breaks $4$-concurrent unforgeability of CSI-Otter in time roughly $2^{34}$ hash computations.
Alex Lombardi, Fermi Ma, John Wright
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The Unitary Synthesis Problem (Aaronson-Kuperberg 2007) asks whether any $n$-qubit unitary $U$ can be implemented by an efficient quantum algorithm $A$ augmented with an oracle that computes an arbitrary Boolean function $f$. In other words, can the task of implementing any unitary be efficiently reduced to the task of implementing any Boolean function? In this work, we prove a one-query lower bound for unitary synthesis. We show that there exist unitaries $U$ such that no quantum polynomial-time oracle algorithm $A^f$ can implement $U$, even approximately, if it only makes one (quantum) query to $f$. Our approach also has implications for quantum cryptography: we prove (relative to a random oracle) the existence of quantum cryptographic primitives that remain secure against all one-query adversaries $A^{f}$. Since such one-query algorithms can decide any language, solve any classical search problem, and even prepare any quantum state, our result suggests that implementing random unitaries and breaking quantum cryptography may be harder than all of these tasks.

To prove this result, we formulate unitary synthesis as an efficient challenger-adversary game, which enables proving lower bounds by analyzing the maximum success probability of an adversary $A^f$. Our main technical insight is to identify a natural spectral relaxation of the one-query optimization problem, which we bound using tools from random matrix theory.

We view our framework as a potential avenue to rule out polynomial-query unitary synthesis, and we state conjectures in this direction.
Balthazar Bauer, Pooya Farshim, Patrick Harasser, Markulf Kohlweiss
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The generic-group model (GGM) and the algebraic-group model (AGM) have been immensely successful in proving the security of many classical and modern cryptosystems. These models, however, come coupled with standard-model uninstantiability results, raising the question whether the schemes analyzed under them can be based on firmer standard-model footing.

We formulate the uber-knowledge (UK) assumption, a standard-model assumption that naturally extends the uber-assumption family to knowledge assumptions. We justify the soundness of the UK in both the bilinear GGM and bilinear AGM. Along the way we extend these models to incorporate hashing into groups, an adversarial capability that is available in many concrete groups. (In contrast to standard assumptions, hashing may affect the validity of knowledge assumptions.) These results, in turn, enable a modular approach to security in GGM and AGM.

As example applications, we use the UK to prove knowledge-soundness of Groth16 and KZG polynomial commitments in the standard model, where for the former we reuse the existing AGM proof without hashing.
Gaëtan Cassiers, Barbara Gigerl, Stefan Mangard, Charles Momin, Rishub Nagpal
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Masking is an effective countermeasure against side-channel attacks. It replaces every logic gate in a computation by a gadget that performs the operation over secret sharings of the circuit's variables. When masking is implemented in hardware, care should be taken to protect against leakage from glitches, which could otherwise undermine the security of masking. This is generally done by adding registers, which stop the propagation of glitches, but introduce additional latency and area cost. In masked pipeline circuits, a high latency further increases the area overheads of masking, due to the need for additional registers that synchronize signals between pipeline stages. In this work, we propose a technique to minimize the number of such pipelining registers, which relies on optimizing the scheduling of the computations across the pipeline stages. We release an implementation of this technique as an open-source tool, COMPRESS. Further, we introduce other optimizations to deduplicate logic between gadgets, perform an optimal selection of masked gadgets, and introduce new gadgets with smaller area. Overall, our optimizations lead to circuits that improve the state-of-the art in area and achieve minimal latency. For example, a masked AES based on an S-box generated by COMPRESS reduces latency by 19% and area by 10% over the state of the art.
Thomas Lavaur, Jérôme Lacan
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We present Boomy, a multivariate polynomial commitment scheme enabling the proof of the evaluation of multiple points: batch openings. Boomy is the natural extension of two popular protocols: the univariate polynomial commitment scheme of Kate, Zaverucha and Goldberg \cite{AC:KatZavGol10} and its multivariate counterpart from Papamanthou, Shi and Tamassia \cite{TCC:PapShiTam13}. In the special case of univariate, i.e., for only one evaluation point, Boomy matches these two previous schemes. Our construction is proven secure under the selective security model. In this paper, we present Boomy's complexity and the applications on which it can have a significant impact. In fact, Boomy is perfectly suited to tackling blockchain data availability problems, shrinking existing challenges. We also present special lower-complexity cases that occur frequently in practical situations.
Léo Weissbart, Stjepan Picek
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Ascon is a recently standardized suite of symmetric cryptography for authenticated encryption and hashing algorithms designed to be lightweight. The Ascon scheme has been studied since it was introduced in 2015 for the CAESAR competition, and many efforts have been made to transform this hardware-oriented scheme to work with any embedded device architecture. Ascon is designed with side-channel resistance in mind and can also be protected with countermeasures against side-channel analysis. Up to now, the effort of side-channel analysis is mainly put on hardware implementations, with only a few studies being published on the real-world side-channel security of software implementations. In this paper, we give a comprehensive view of the side-channel security of Ascon implemented on a 32-bit microcontroller for both the reference and a protected implementation. We show different potential leakage functions that can lead to real-world leakages and demonstrate the most potent attacks that can be obtained with the corresponding leakage functions. We present our results using correlation power analysis (CPA) and deep learning-based side-channel analysis and provide a practical estimation of the efforts needed for an attacker to recover the complete key used for authenticated encryption. Our results show that the reference implementation is not side-channel secure since an attacker can recover the full key with 8,000 traces using CPA and around 1,000 traces with deep learning analysis. While second-order CPA cannot recover any part of the secret, deep learning side-channel analysis can recover partial keys with 800 traces on the protected implementation. Unfortunately, the model used for multi-task key recovery lacks the generalization to correctly recover all partial keys for the full key attack.
Anamaria Costache, Lea Nürnberger, Tjerand Silde
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Circuit privacy is an important notion in Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE), well-illustrated by the Machine Learning-as-a-Service scenario. A scheme is circuit private (first defined in Gentry’s PhD Thesis) if an adversary cannot learn the circuit evaluated on a ciphertext from the computation result. In this work, we first show that the BGV FHE scheme by Brakerski, Gentry and Peikert (ITCS’12) is computationally circuit private in a semi-honest context, and then present an extended construction to make it computationally circuit private against a malicious adversary. We achieve this without resorting to expensive mechanisms such as noise flooding. Instead, we argue carefully about the ciphertext and noise distributions that are encountered in BGV.

In more detail, we consider the notion of circuit privacy along four dimensions: whether the adversary is internal or external (i.e. does the adversary hold the secret key or not), and in a semi-honest and malicious setting. Our starting point is Gentry’s definition, which we change from statistical to computational indistinguishability. Doing so allows us to prove that the BGV scheme is computationally circuit-private in a semi-honest setting to an external adversary out of the box.

We then propose a new definition by extending Gentry’s definition to an internal adversary. This is appropriate since the scenario that the client is the adversary (and therefore has access to the decryption key) is a realistic one. Further, we remark that our definition is strictly stronger than Gentry’s – our definition requires that a scheme be circuit private according to Gentry’s definition and additionally, the distribution of the ciphertext noise in all ciphertexts to be computationally indistinguishable. Given this new definition, and using previous results of Costache, Nürnberger and Player (CT-RSA’23), we show that slight modifications to the BGV scheme will make it fulfill this new definition. Finally, we show how to extend these results to a malicious setting if we require that the client attaches proofs of well-formedness of keys and ciphertexts.
Raja Adhithan Radhakrishnan
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The emergence of hardware trojans as significant threats in various aspects of hardware design, including Firmware, open-source IP, and PCB design, has raised serious concerns. Simultaneously, AI technologies have been employed to simplify the complexity of Side Channel Analysis (SCA) attacks. Due to the increasing risk posed by these threats, it becomes essential to test hardware by considering all possible attack vectors. This paper aims to propose a black box attack using side channel analysis with the aid of hardware trojan insertion. The objective is to emphasize the necessity of side channel-based testing to defend against such attacks. The proposed attack can be executed in FPGA, ASIC, and microcontroller designs. The paper is primarily focused on Verilog design based hardware trojan insertion, and a small example demonstration is provided to illustrate this attack. Keywords:
Sofia Celi, Shai Levin, Joe Rowell
ePrint Report ePrint Report
$\Sigma$-protocols, a class of interactive two-party protocols, which are used as a framework to instantiate many other authentication schemes, are automatically a proof of knowledge (PoK) given that they satisfy the "special-soundness" property. This fact provides a convenient method to compose $\Sigma$-protocols and PoKs for complex relations. However, composing in this manner can be error-prone. While they must satisfy special-soundness, this is unfortunately not the case for many recently proposed composed practical schemes. Here we explore two schemes: ZKAttest from Faz-Hernández et al. and the ones from Agrawal et al., and show that their $\Sigma$-protocol's suffer from several security misdesigns which invalidate their security proofs, and state a practical cheap attack on ZKAttest's implementation. By exploring and resolving their misdesigns, we propose CDLS, a sound and secure variant of their protocols.
Hannah Keller, Helen Möllering, Thomas Schneider, Oleksandr Tkachenko, Liang Zhao
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Using secure multi-party computation (MPC) to generate noise and add this noise to a function output allows individuals to achieve formal differential privacy (DP) guarantees without needing to trust any third party or sacrifice the utility of the output. However, securely generating and adding this noise is a challenge considering real-world implementations on finite-precision computers, since many DP mechanisms guarantee privacy only when noise is sampled from continuous distributions requiring infinite precision.

We introduce efficient MPC protocols that securely realize noise sampling for several plaintext DP mechanisms that are secure against existing precision-based attacks: the discrete Laplace and Gaussian mechanisms, the snapping mechanism, and the integer-scaling Laplace and Gaussian mechanisms. Due to their inherent trade-offs, the favorable mechanism for a specific application depends on the available computation resources, type of function evaluated, and desired (epsilon,delta)-DP guarantee.

The benchmarks of our protocols implemented in the state-of-the-art MPC framework MOTION (Braun et al., TOPS'22) demonstrate highly efficient online runtimes of less than 32 ms/query and down to about 1ms/query with batching in the two-party setting. Also the respective offline phases are practical, requiring only 51 ms to 5.6 seconds/query depending on the batch size.
Quang Dao, Yuval Ishai, Aayush Jain, Huijia Lin
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Over the past few years, homomorphic secret sharing (HSS) emerged as a compelling alternative to fully homomorphic encryption (FHE), due to its feasibility from an array of standard assumptions and its potential efficiency benefits. However, all known HSS schemes, with the exception of schemes built from FHE or indistinguishability obfuscation (iO), can only support two or four parties.

In this work, we give the first construction of a multi-party HSS scheme for a non-trivial function class, from an assumption not known to imply FHE. In particular, we construct an HSS scheme for an arbitrary number of parties with an arbitrary corruption threshold, supporting evaluations of multivariate polynomials of degree $\log / \log \log$ over arbitrary finite fields. As a consequence, we obtain a secure multiparty computation (MPC) protocol for any number of parties, with (slightly) sub-linear per-party communication of roughly $O(S / \log \log S)$ bits when evaluating a layered Boolean circuit of size $S$.

Our HSS scheme relies on the Sparse Learning Parity with Noise assumption, a standard variant of LPN with a sparse public matrix that has been studied and used in prior works. Thanks to this assumption, our construction enjoys several unique benefits. In particular, it can be built on top of any linear secret sharing scheme, producing noisy output shares that can be error-corrected by the decoder. This yields HSS for low-degree polynomials with optimal download rate. Unlike prior works, our scheme also has a low computation overhead in that the per-party computation of a constant degree polynomial takes $O(M)$ work, where $M$ is the number of monomials.
Zhengjun Cao, Lihua Liu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We show that the key agreement scheme [Quantum Inf. Process., 20:188, 2021] is flawed. (1) It requires that the quantum channel must be intact so as to keep the transferred photon sequences complete and undamaged, even if the channel is tapped. But this is unrealistic because of quantum non-cloning theorem. (2) The user's capability is artificially assumed, who can measure a hybrid photon sequence only with $Z$-basis, unable to measure with $X$-basis. (3) It requires an authenticated classical channel for the negotiation between Alice and Server$_B$. If such a channel is available, the scheme can be greatly simplified using the mechanism in BB84 protocol.
Yanyi Liu, Rafael Pass
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Consider the recently introduced notion of \emph{probabilistic time-bounded Kolmogorov Complexity}, pK^t (Goldberg et al, CCC'22), and let MpK^tP denote the language of pairs (x,k) such that pK^t(x) \leq k. We show the equivalence of the following: - MpK^{poly}P is (mildly) hard-on-average w.r.t. \emph{any} samplable distribution D; - MpK^{poly}P is (mildly) hard-on-average w.r.t. the \emph{uniform} distribution; - Existence of one-way functions. As far as we know, this yields the first natural class of problems where hardness with respect to any samplable distribution is equivalent to hardness with respect to the uniform distribution.

Under standard derandomization assumptions, we can show the same result also w.r.t. the standard notion of time-bounded Kolmogorov complexity, K^t.
Guillaume Goy, Julien Maillard, Philippe Gaborit, Antoine Loiseau
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This paper presents practicable single trace attacks against the Hamming Quasi-Cyclic (HQC) Key Encapsulation Mechanism. These attacks are the first Soft Analytical Side-Channel Attacks (SASCA) against code-based cryptography. We mount SASCA based on Belief Propagation (BP) on several steps of HQC's decapsulation process. Firstly, we target the Reed-Solomon (RS) decoder involved in the HQC publicly known code. We perform simulated attacks under Hamming weight leakage model, and reach excellent accuracies (superior to $0.9$) up to a high noise level ($\sigma = 3$), thanks to a re-decoding strategy. In a real case attack scenario, on a STM32F407, this attack leads to a perfect success rate. Secondly, we conduct an analogous attack against the RS encoder used during the re-encryption step required by the Fujisaki-Okamoto-like transform. Both in simulation and practical instances, results are satisfactory and this attack represents a threat to the security of HQC. Finally, we analyze the strength of countermeasures based on masking and shuffling strategies. In line with previous SASCA literature targeting Kyber, we show that masking HQC is a limited countermeasure against BP attacks, as well as shuffling countermeasures adapted from Kyber. We evaluate the ``full shuffling'' strategy which thwarts our attack by introducing sufficient combinatorial complexity. Eventually, we highlight the difficulty of protecting the current RS encoder with a shuffling strategy. A possible countermeasure would be to consider another encoding algorithm for the scheme to support a full shuffling. Since the encoding subroutine is only a small part of the implementation, it would come at a small cost.

16 October 2023

Florida Atlantic University, Department of Mathematics; Boca Raton, Florida, USA.
Job Posting Job Posting
The Department of Mathematics within the College of Science (COS) at Florida Atlantic University invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Cryptology.

The candidate will conduct research in cryptography/cryptanalysis. Strong candidates from all areas of cryptology are encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to candidates with several broad areas of interest including, but not limited to, symmetric and public-key cryptography, post-quantum cryptography, quantum algorithms in cryptography, mathematical cryptography, or a closely related area. The candidate should have a strong record of research accomplishments, demonstrated potential for extramural funding, and a commitment to excellence in education. FAU possesses a culture that fosters internal collaboration and innovation as well as partnerships with local, national, and international agencies, and thus candidates must display strong collaborative potential and the ability to conduct transformative externally funded research within their area of specialization.

The Department of Mathematical Sciences is a collegial and research-active department demonstrating excellence in teaching, research, and service. The department has an established national and international reputation for research innovation through our Center for Cryptology and Information Security (CCIS). FAU is also recognized as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity for Cyber Research (CAE-R) for academic years 2012-2024. More information about the department can be found at:

Application Deadline: 2024-01-03.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Informal inquiries can be made to Shi Bai (, formal applications must be submitted through:

More information:

Shield Lab, Huawei France Research Center, Paris, France
Job Posting Job Posting
Position Summary: We are expanding the team by recruiting talented, highly motivated senior researchers in post-quantum cryptography (PQC) and standardization. Candidates should have solid knowledge in cryptographic algorithms and security protocols, particular in PQC, a passion in researching problems with real-world potential and impact, and rich experience of standardizing cryptographic algorithms and/or security protocols in international bodies (IETF, ISO, IEEE etc). Successful candidates will join a team of cryptographic experts to conduct world-class research in applied cryptography. Duties & Responsibilities: • Formulate research problems based on real-world security requirements and independently conduct high-quality research. • Standardize cryptographic algorithms and security protocols at international bodies. • Work on intellectual property. • Develop collaborations with industry peers and academia. Desired Skills & Experience: • Hold M.Sc or Ph.D. degree in Mathematics, Cryptography, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, or similar fields. • Have 5 or more years of work experience in areas related to information security and/or applied cryptography. • Rich standardization experience in international bodies, like IETF, ISO, IEEE, ETSI. • Solid skills in at least one programming language, like C, C++, Java, Python, or shell scripts. • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English. • Self-motivated with strong sense of responsibility. • Strong interpersonal and problem solving skills. • Solid knowledge in PQC and security protocols.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Prof. Houda Labiod ( and Dr. Guilin Wang (

University of South Florida
Job Posting Job Posting

The Department of Mathematics & Statistics of the University of South Florida seeks to fill a nine-month, full-time and tenure-earning Assistant Professor position in Applied Algebra to begin August 7, 2024. A Ph.D. in Mathematics or a closely-related field is required, with preference for applications of algebra to Cryptography, Coding Theory, and Quantum Computing.

The Department is home to the USF Center for Cryptographic Research (, which is run in collaboration with the Department of Computer Science & Engineering. The Department of Mathematics & Statistics offers vertically-integrated programs in Applied Algebra at all levels: postdoctoral supervision in Applied Algebra, a graduate sequence in Applied Algebra, an undergraduate certificate in Cryptography, a Research Undergraduate Experience ( REU Site : program in Cryptography and Coding Theory, as well as a K–12 summer program in cybersecurity (

Applications from individuals who are ABD will be accepted, but the degree must be conferred by the start date of the appointment. We seek applicants with a strong record of research productivity, the potential to secure external funding, and experience teaching university undergraduates. Special consideration will be given to candidates who possess experience beyond the Ph.D. level and the potential for excellence in teaching at the graduate level. Applications from women and minorities are encouraged. Salary is negotiable. To receive consideration, applications must be submitted no later than November 15, 2023.

To apply, please follow the instructions on the Mathjob advertisement for this position:

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Jean-François Biasse

More information:

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