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26 October 2023

Ignacio Cascudo, Bernardo David
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Publicly Verifiable Secret Sharing (PVSS) allows a dealer to publish encrypted shares of a secret so that parties holding the corresponding decryption keys may later reconstruct it. Both dealing and reconstruction are non-interactive and any verifier can check their validity. PVSS finds applications in randomness beacons, distributed key generation (DKG) and in YOSO MPC (Gentry et al. CRYPTO'21), when endowed with suitable publicly verifiable re-sharing as in YOLO YOSO (Cascudo et al. ASIACRYPT'22).

We introduce a PVSS scheme over class groups that achieves similar efficiency to state-of-the art schemes that only allow for reconstructing a function of the secret, while our scheme allows the reconstruction of the original secret. Our construction generalizes the DDH-based scheme of YOLO YOSO to operate over class groups, which poses technical challenges in adapting the necessary NIZKs in face of the unknown group order and the fact that efficient NIZKs of knowledge are not as simple to construct in this setting.

Building on our PVSS scheme's ability to recover the original secret, we propose two DKG protocols for discrete logarithm key pairs: a biasable 1-round protocol, which improves on the concrete communication/computational complexities of previous works; and a 2-round unbiasable protocol, which improves on the round complexity of previous works. We also add publicly verifiable resharing towards anonymous committees to our PVSS, so that it can be used to efficiently transfer state among committees in the YOSO setting. Together with a recent construction of MPC in the YOSO model based on class groups (Braun et al. CRYPTO'23), this results in the most efficient full realization (i.e without assuming receiver anonymous channels) of YOSO MPC based on the CDN framework with transparent setup.
Kosuke Sakata, Tsuyoshi Takagi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The security of multivariate polynomial cryptography depends on the computational complexity of solving a multivariate quadratic polynomial system (MQ problem). One of the fastest algorithms for solving the MQ problem is F4, which computes a Groebner basis but requires numerous calculations of zero reduction that do not affect the output.The Hilbert-driven algorithm evaluates the number of generators in the Groebner basis of degree $d$ using Hilbert series, then it reduces the number of zero reduction computations. In this paper, we propose a high-speed algorithm designed for randomly generated semi-regular MQ problems. Although the Hilbert-driven algorithm is limited to computing homogeneous ideals, we demonstrate its applicability to semi-regular non-homogeneous ideals in this work. Furthermore, when using the Hilbert-driven algorithm to solve non-homogeneous MQ problems with F4, we demonstrate the efficient achievement of reducing zero reduction for F4. We implemented the proposed algorithm in C++ and report successful decryption of a new record $m=21$ Type VI equations. This was achieved using an AMD EPYC 7742 processor and 2TB RAM, and the decryption process was completed within approximately 9 h.
Xiaopeng Zheng, Hongbo Li, Dingkang Wang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Homomorphic Encryption (HE) is one of the mainstream cryptographic tools used to enable secure outsourced computation. A typical task is secure matrix computation. Popular HE schemes are all based on the problem of Ring Learning with Errors (RLWE), where the messages are encrypted in a ring. In general, the ring dimension should be large to ensure security, which is often larger than the matrix size. Hence, exploiting the ring structure to make fast homomorphic matrix computation has been an important topic in HE. In this paper, we present a new framework for encoding a matrix and performing multiplication on encrypted matrices. The new framework requires fewer basic homomorphic operations for matrix multiplication. Suppose that the ring dimension is $n$ and the matrix size is $d\times d$ with $d= n^{\rho}$. (1) In the compact case where $\rho \leq \frac{1}{3}$, the multiplication of two encrypted matrices requires $\tilde{O}(1)$ basic homomorphic operations, which include plaintext-ciphertext multiplications, ciphertext-ciphertext multiplications, and homomorphic Galois automorphisms. (2) In the large sized case where $\rho> \frac{1}{3}$, our new method requires $O\big(d^{(1 - \frac{1}{3\rho})\cdot \log_2 7 }\big)$ basic homomorphic operations, which is better than all existing methods. In addition, the new framework reduces the communication cost, since it requires fewer key-switching keys. The number of key-switching keys is reduced from $O(d)$ to $O(\log d)$.
Apostolos Tzinas, Srivatsan Sridhar, Dionysis Zindros
ePrint Report ePrint Report
When Satoshi Nakamoto introduced Bitcoin, a central tenet was that the blockchain functions as a timestamping server. In the Ethereum era, smart contracts widely assume on-chain timestamps are mostly accurate. In this paper, we prove this is indeed the case, namely that recorded timestamps do not wildly deviate from real-world time, a property we call timeliness. Assuming a global clock, we prove that all popular mechanisms for constructing blockchains (proof-of-work, longest chain proof-of-stake, and quorum-based proof-of-stake) are timely under honest majority, but a synchronous network is a necessary condition. Next we show that all timely blockchains can be suitably modified, in a black-box fashion, such that all honest parties output exactly the same ledgers at the same round, achieving a property we call supersafety, which may be of independent interest. Conversely, we also show that supersafety implies (perfect) timeliness, completing the circle.
Amund Askeland, Svetla Nikova, Ventzislav Nikov
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Over the last decades, fault injection attacks have been demonstrated to be an effective method for breaking the security of electronic devices. Some types of fault injection attacks, like clock and voltage glitching, require very few resources by the attacker and are practical and simple to execute. A cost-effective countermeasure against these attacks is the use of a detector circuit which detects timing violations - the underlying effect that glitch attacks rely on. In this paper, we take a closer look at three examples of such detectors that have been presented in the literature. We demonstrate four high-speed clock glitching attacks, which successfully inject faults in systems, where detectors have been implemented to protect. The attacks remain unnoticed by the glitch detectors. We verify our attacks with practical experiments on an FPGA.
Alessandro Chiesa, Ziyi Guan, Shahar Samocha, Eylon Yogev
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Proof-carrying data (PCD) is a powerful cryptographic primitive that allows mutually distrustful parties to perform distributed computation in an efficiently verifiable manner. Applications of PCD have sparked keen interest within the applied community and industry.

Known constructions of PCD are obtained by recursively-composing SNARKs or related primitives. Unfortunately, these constructions do not come with security analyses that yield useful concrete security bounds, leaving practitioners in the dark about how to securely instantiate PCD constructions.

In this work we study the concrete security of recursive composition, with the goal of enabling practitioners to set efficient parameters for certain PCD constructions of practical interest. Our main result is that PCD obtained from SNARKs with \emph{straightline knowledge soundness} has essentially the same security as the underlying SNARK. In this setting, recursive composition incurs no security loss.

We describe how straightline knowledge soundness is achieved by SNARKs in several oracle models, including SNARKs that are deployed in practice. Crucially, SNARKs in these settings can be \emph{relativized}, allowing us to construct PCD without instantiating the SNARK's oracle explicitly. This results in a highly efficient security analysis of PCD that makes black-box use of the SNARK's oracle.

As a notable application, our work offers an idealized model that provides useful, albeit heuristic, guidance for setting the security parameters of \emph{recursive STARKs} currently used in blockchain systems.
Chenglian Liu, Sonia Chien-I Chen
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In 2019, Wan, Liao, Yan and Tsai proposed an article ``Discrete Sliding Mode Control for Chaos Synchronization and Its Application to an Improved ElGamal Cryptosystem''. However, Wan et al. just renamed the variable names without modified the core algorithm. Their paper passed review phase and then published. For this case, it is difficult to detect this situation by computer/digital forensics techniques. In this paper the authors would like to point out this dilemmas.
Ricardo Jose Menezes Maia, Dustin Ray, Sikha Pentyala, Rafael Dowsley, Martine De Cock, Anderson Nascimento, Ricardo Jacobi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Domain Generation Algorithms (DGAs) are used by malware to generate pseudorandom domain names to establish communication between infected bots and Command and Control servers. While DGAs can be detected by machine learning (ML) models with great accuracy, offering DGA detection as a service raises privacy concerns when requiring network administrators to disclose their DNS traffic to the service provider. We propose the first end-to-end framework for privacy-preserving classification as a service of domain names into DGA (malicious) or non-DGA (benign) domains. We achieve this through a combination of two privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs), namely secure multi-party computation (MPC) and differential privacy (DP). Through MPC, our framework enables an enterprise network administrator to outsource the problem of classifying a DNS domain as DGA or non-DGA to an external organization without revealing any information about the domain name. Moreover, the service provider's ML model used for DGA detection is never revealed to the network administrator. Furthermore, by using DP, we also ensure that the classification result cannot be used to learn information about individual entries of the training data. Finally, we leverage the benefits of quantization of deep learning models in the context of MPC to achieve efficient, secure DGA detection. We demonstrate that we achieve a significant speed-up resulting in a 15% reduction in detection runtime without reducing accuracy.
Sofiane Azogagh, Victor Deflour, Marc-Olivier Killijian
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In the ever-evolving landscape of Information Technologies, private decentralized computing on an honest yet curious server has emerged as a prominent paradigm. While numerous schemes exist to safeguard data during computation, the focus has primarily been on protecting the confidentiality of the data itself, often overlooking the potential information leakage arising from the function evaluated by the server. Recognizing this gap, this article aims to address the issue by presenting and implementing an innovative solution for ensuring the privacy of both the data and the program. We introduce a novel approach that combines the power of Fully Homomorphic Encryption with the concept of the Turing Machine model, resulting in the first fully secure practical, non-interactive oblivious Turing Machine. Our Oblivious Turing Machine construction is based on only three hypothesis, the hardness of the Ring Learning With Error problem, the ability to homomorphically evaluate non-linear functions and the capacity to blindly rotate elements of a data structure. Only based on those three assumptions, we propose an implementation of an Oblivious Turing Machine relying on the TFHE cryptosystem and present some implementation results.
Johannes Mono, Tim Güneysu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Fully homomorphic encryption is a promising solution for privacy-preserving computation. For BFV, BGV, and CKKS, three state-of-the-art fully homomorphic encryption schemes, the so-called key switching is one of the primary bottlenecks when evaluating homomorphic circuits. While a large body of work explores optimal selection for scheme parameters such as the polynomial degree or the ciphertext modulus, the realm of key switching parameters is relatively unexplored.

This work closes this gap, formally exploring the parameter space for BGV-like key switching. We introduce a new asymptotic bound for key switching complexity, thereby providing a new perspective on this crucial operation. We also explore the parameter space for the recently proposed double-decomposition technique by Kim et al. [24], which outperforms current state-of-the-art only in very specific circumstances. Furthermore, we revisit an idea by Gentry, Halevi, and Smart [19] switching primes in and out of the ciphertext and find novel opportunities for constant folding, speeding up key switching by up to 50% and up to 11.6%, respectively.
Zuodong Wu, Dawei Zhang, Yong Li, Xu Han
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Symmetric Private Information Retrieval (SPIR) is a protocol that protects privacy during data transmission. However, the existing SPIR focuses only on the privacy of the data to be requested on the server, without considering practical factors such as the payload that may be present during data transmission. This could seriously prevent SPIR from being applied to many complex data scenarios and hinder its further expansion. To solve such problems, we propose a primitive (PSKPIR) for symmetric private keyword information retrieval based on private set intersection (PSI) that supports payload transmission and batch keyword search. Specifically, we combine probe-and-XOR of strings (PaXoS) and Oblivious Programmable PRF (OPPRF) to construct PSI with payload (PSI-Payload) not only satisfies client privacy and server privacy, but also facilitates efficient payload transmission. The client can efficiently generate symmetric keys locally using keywords in the intersection, and receive payloads with matching labels in batches. In addition, we provide security definitions for PSKPIR and use the framework of universal composability (UC) to prove security. Finally, we implement PSKPIR with sublinear communication costs in both LAN and WAN settings. Experimental results show that our payload transfer speed is 10× faster than previous work on sufficiently large data sets.

24 October 2023

Oxford, United Kingdom, 12 June - 14 June 2024
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 12 June to 14 June 2024
Submission deadline: 19 January 2024
Notification: 15 March 2024
Toronto, Canada, 24 March 2024
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 24 March 2024
Leuven, België, 17 January - 19 January 2024
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 17 January to 19 January 2024
Isla Vista, USA, 18 August - 22 August 2024
Event date: 18 August to 22 August 2024
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 5 March - 8 March 2024
Event Calendar Event Calendar
Event date: 5 March to 8 March 2024
Submission deadline: 11 November 2023
Notification: 10 December 2023
Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France
Job Posting Job Posting

Two assistant professor (maître de conférences) positions in computer science will open at University of Lorraine in Spring 2024, with the common topic of security and safety. Hired persons will conduct their research on these topics within one of the teams of the Loria research lab [1] (Nancy). Teaching will take place at Mines Nancy for one of the two positions, and Polytech Nancy for the other one. At Mines Nancy, the hired person may choose to teach entirely in English.

All relevant detailed information about these positions will be posted online in due time.

Potential applicants are encouraged to reach out well in advance.

IMPORTANT (in particular for foreign applicants) Applicants must enter the "qualification" process [2] before Nov. 10, 4pm, in order to apply. The application deadline is in March 2024.

Newly hired assistant professors typically have a reduced teaching load for at least the first year.


  • [1]
  • [2]

Closing date for applications:


Chair of IT Security, Brandenburg University of Technology
Job Posting Job Posting

Our chair performs research and teaching in the area of IT Security with a strong focus on Network Security and Online Privacy. Our goal is to advance the state of the art in research and to educate qualified computer scientists in the area of IT Security who are able to meet the challenges of the growing demand on securing IT Systems and provide data protection in various areas of our life and society. More information about us can be found at

  • Active research in the area of intrusion detection systems (IDS) for critical infrastructures, secure cyber-physical systems, and artificial intelligence / machine learning for traffic analysis
  • Implementation and evaluation of new algorithms and methods
  • Cooperation and knowledge transfer with industrial partners
  • Publication of scientific results
  • Assistance with teaching

  • Master’s degree (or equivalent) and PhD degree (only for PostDocs) in Computer Science or related disciplines
  • Strong interest in IT security and/or networking and distributed systems
  • Knowledge of at least one programming language (C++, Java, etc.) and one scripting language (Perl, Python, etc.) or strong willingness to quickly learn new programming languages
  • Linux/Unix skills
  • Knowledge of data mining, machine learning, statistics and result visualization concepts is of advantage
  • Excellent working knowledge of English; German is of advantage
  • Excellent communication skills
Applications containing the following documents:
  • A detailed Curriculum Vitae
  • Transcript of records from your Master studies
  • An electronic version of your Master thesis, if possible
  • should be sent in a single PDF file as soon as possible, but not later than 09.11.2023 at

    Closing date for applications:


    Applications should be sent in a single PDF file till 09.11.2023 at

    Applications sent to email addresses other than that will be automatically discarded.

    More information:

Nanyang Technological University, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Job Posting Job Posting
The School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore invites applications for the position of Professor (Tenured) in “Quantum Sovereignty and Resilience (QUASAR)"

The applicant is expected to possess an international reputation as a technological leader in the areas of quantum security technologies such as Quantum Cryptanalysis, Post-quantum Cryptography (PQC), Quantum Key Distribution Systems, Quantum-safe Communication and Privacy-preserving Computing, etc., and has an excellent record of distinguished academic and scholarly achievements in at least one area within quantum-safe cryptography or quantum communication system security. The job holder is expected to play a leading role to grow new capabilities, nurture innovative ideas and develop strategies jointly with other faculty members to attract funding and resources in the relevant areas of research.

  • A relevant PhD from a reputable university
  • Extensive research and teaching experience in Computing, Communication and Data Space Security and Trust.
  • Successful track record of academic/research leadership and team building
  • Experience in cross-disciplinary research initiatives and collaboration
  • Well-developed understanding of the priorities, operation and strategies of relevant funding bodies
  • Strong network and ties with renowned international entities and organisations
  • Internationally acclaimed with presentations such as plenary and/or keynote addresses at flagship conferences and prestigious journal publications.
Application (cover letter, detailed CV including publication list, research and teaching statements, citation report, and/or any other documents) can be submitted through the NTU Workday career portal
Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Prof Chang Chip Hong

More information:

University of Innsbruck
Job Posting Job Posting
The Security and Privacy Lab of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Innsbruck, Austria offers a doctoral (Phd student/University assistant) position in the area of Symmetric Cryptography for Secure and Private Computation. A successful candidate should have an excellent academic record from master's or equivalent curriculum in Mathematics, Computer Science, or related fields, and is expected to do cutting edge research in cryptography. Previous knowledge/experience in the area of cryptography or security is a plus.

The University of Innsbruck is located in the heart of the Alps, in the capital city of the Austrian state of Tyrol. The Security and Privacy Lab is engaged in research on a range of topics, including cryptography, privacy enhancing technologies (PETs) and digital currencies. Our working language is English.

How to apply? Formal application must be submitted via

Inquiries regarding the position and application to: arnab.roy[AT]

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Dr. Arnab Roy

More information:

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