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13 November 2023

Michele Ciampi, Rafail Ostrovsky, Luisa Siniscalchi, Hendrik Waldner
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A central direction of research in secure multiparty computation with dishonest majority has been to achieve three main goals:

1. reduce the total number of rounds of communication (to four, which is optimal); 2. use only polynomial-time hardness assumptions, and 3. rely solely on cryptographic assumptions in a black-box manner.

This is especially challenging when we do not allow a trusted setup assumption of any kind. While protocols achieving two out of three goals in this setting have been designed in recent literature, achieving all three simultaneously remained an elusive open question. Specifically, it was answered positively only for a restricted class of functionalities. In this paper, we completely resolve this long-standing open question. Specifically, we present a protocol for all polynomial-time computable functions that does not require any trusted setup assumptions and achieves all three of the above goals simultaneously.
Prabhanjan Ananth, Aditya Gulati, Fatih Kaleoglu, Yao-Ting Lin
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We introduce a new notion called ${\cal Q}$-secure pseudorandom isometries (PRI). A pseudorandom isometry is an efficient quantum circuit that maps an $n$-qubit state to an $(n+m)$-qubit state in an isometric manner. In terms of security, we require that the output of a $q$-fold PRI on $\rho$, for $ \rho \in {\cal Q}$, for any polynomial $q$, should be computationally indistinguishable from the output of a $q$-fold Haar isometry on $\rho$.

By fine-tuning ${\cal Q}$, we recover many existing notions of pseudorandomness. We present a construction of PRIs and assuming post-quantum one-way functions, we prove the security of ${\cal Q}$-secure pseudorandom isometries (PRI) for different interesting settings of ${\cal Q}$.

We also demonstrate many cryptographic applications of PRIs, including, length extension theorems for quantum pseudorandomness notions, message authentication schemes for quantum states, multi-copy secure public and private encryption schemes, and succinct quantum commitments.
Miguel de Vega, Andrei Lapets, Stanislaw Jarecki, Wicher Malten, Mehmet Ugurbil, Wyatt Howe
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Among secure multi-party computation protocols, linear secret sharing schemes often do not rely on cryptographic assumptions and are among the most straightforward to explain and to implement correctly in software. However, basic versions of such schemes either limit participants to evaluating linear operations involving private values or require those participants to communicate synchronously during a computation phase. A straightforward, information-theoretically secure extension to such schemes is presented that can evaluate arithmetic sum-of-products expressions that contain multiplication operations involving non-zero private values. Notably, this extension does not require that participants communicate during the computation phase. Instead, a preprocessing phase is required that is independent of the private input values (but is dependent on the number of factors and terms in the sum-of-products expression).
Michele Ciampi, Ivan Damgård, Divya Ravi, Luisa Siniscalchi, Yu Xia, Sophia Yakoubov
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Motivated by the fact that broadcast is an expensive, but useful, resource for the realization of multi-party computation protocols (MPC), Cohen, Garay, and Zikas (Eurocrypt 2020), and subsequently Damgård, Magri, Ravi, Siniscalchi and Yakoubov (Crypto 2021), and, Damgård, Ravi, Siniscalchi and Yakoubov (Eurocrypt 2023), focused on ??-?????? ????????? ??????? ???. In particular, the authors focus on two-round MPC protocols (in the CRS model), and give tight characterizations of which security guarantees are achievable if broadcast is available in the first round, the second round, both rounds, or not at all.

This work considers the natural question of characterizing broadcast optimal MPC in the plain model where no set-up is assumed. We focus on four-round protocols, since four is known to be the minimal number of rounds required to securely realize any functionality with black-box simulation. We give a complete characterization of which security guarantees, (namely selective abort, selective identifiable abort, unanimous abort and identifiable abort) are feasible or not, depending on the exact selection of rounds in which broadcast is available.
Simon Holmgaard Kamp, Jesper Buus Nielsen
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It is well-known that Asynchronous Total Order Broadcast (ATOB) requires randomisation and that at most $t < n/3$ out of $n$ players are corrupted. This is opposed to synchronous total-order broadcast (STOB) which can tolerate $t < n/2$ corruptions and can be deterministic. We show that these requirements can be conceptually separated, by constructing an ATOB protocol which tolerates $t < n/2$ corruptions from blackbox use of Common Coin and Reliable Broadcast. We show the power of this conceptually simple contribution by reproving, using simpler protocols, existing results on STOB with optimistic responsiveness and asynchronous fallback. We also use the framework to prove the first ATOB with sub-quadratic communication and optimal corruption threshold $t < n/3$, new ATOBs with covert security and mixed adversary structures, and a new STOB with asymmetric synchrony assumptions.
Alessandro Chiesa, Marcel Dall'Agnol, Ziyi Guan, Nicholas Spooner
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We study the concrete security of a fundamental family of succinct interactive arguments, stemming from the works of Kilian (1992) and Ben-Sasson, Chiesa, and Spooner ("BCS", 2016). These constructions achieve succinctness by combining probabilistic proofs and vector commitments.

Our first result concerns the succinct interactive argument of Kilian, realized with any probabilistically-checkable proof (PCP) and any vector commitment. We establish the tightest known bounds on the security of this protocol. Prior analyses incur large overheads unsuitable for concrete security, or assume special (and restrictive) properties of the underlying PCP.

Our second result concerns an interactive variant of the BCS succinct non-interactive argument, which here we call IBCS, realized with any public-coin interactive oracle proof (IOP) and any vector commitment. We establish tight bounds on the security of this protocol. While this variant has been informally discussed in the literature, no prior security analysis, even asymptotic, existed before this work.

Finally, we study the capabilities and limitations of succinct arguments based on vector commitments. We show that a generalization of the IBCS protocol, which we call the Finale protocol, is secure when realized with any public-query IOP (a notion that we introduce) that satisfies a natural "random continuation sampling" (RCS) property. We also show a partial converse: if the Finale protocol satisfies the RCS property (which in particular implies its security), then so does the underlying public-query IOP.
Florian Krieger, Florian Hirner, Ahmet Can Mert, Sujoy Sinha Roy
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Homomorphic encryption (HE) has gained broad attention in recent years as it allows computations on encrypted data enabling secure cloud computing. Deploying HE presents a notable challenge since it introduces a performance overhead by orders of magnitude. Hence, most works target accelerating server-side operations on hardware platforms, while little attention has been given to client-side operations. In this paper, we present a novel design methodology to implement and accelerate the client-side HE operations on area-constrained hardware. We show how to design an optimized floating-point unit tailored for the encoding of complex values. In addition, we introduce a novel hardware-friendly algorithm for modulo-reduction of floating-point numbers and propose various concepts for achieving efficient resource sharing between modular ring and floating-point arithmetic. Finally, we use this methodology to implement an end-to-end hardware accelerator, Aloha-HE, for the client-side operations of the CKKS scheme. In contrast to existing work, Aloha-HE supports both encoding and encryption and their counterparts within a unified architecture. Aloha-HE achieves a speedup of up to 59x compared to prior hardware solutions.
Kaijie Jiang, Anyu Wang, Hengyi Luo, Guoxiao Liu, Yang Yu, Xiaoyun Wang
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$\mathbb{Z}^n$ is one of the simplest types of lattices, but the computational problems on its rotations, such as $\mathbb{Z}$SVP and $\mathbb{Z}$LIP, have been of great interest in cryptography. Recent advances have been made in building cryptographic primitives based on these problems, as well as in developing new algorithms for solving them. However, the theoretical complexity of $\mathbb{Z}$SVP and $\mathbb{Z}$LIP are still not well understood.

In this work, we study the problems on rotations of $\mathbb{Z}^n$ by exploiting the symmetry property. We introduce a randomization framework that can be roughly viewed as `applying random automorphisms’ to the output of an oracle, without accessing the automorphism group. Using this framework, we obtain new reduction results for rotations of $\mathbb{Z}^n$. First, we present a reduction from $\mathbb{Z}$LIP to $\mathbb{Z}$SCVP. Here $\mathbb{Z}$SCVP is the problem of finding the shortest characteristic vectors, which is a special case of CVP where the target vector is a deep hole of the lattice. Moreover, we prove a reduction from $\mathbb{Z}$SVP to $\gamma$-$\mathbb{Z}$SVP for any constant $\gamma = O(1)$ in the same dimension, which implies that $\mathbb{Z}$SVP is as hard as its approximate version for any constant approximation factor. Second, we investigate the problem of finding a nontrivial automorphism for a given lattice, which is called LAP. Specifically, we use the randomization framework to show that $\mathbb{Z}$LAP is as hard as $\mathbb{Z}$LIP. We note that our result can be viewed as a $\mathbb{Z}^n$-analogue of Lenstra and Silverberg's result in [JoC2017], but with a different assumption: they assume the $G$-lattice structure, while we assume the access to an oracle that outputs a nontrivial automorphism.
Keita Xagawa
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Auerbach, Cash, Fersch, and Kiltz (CRYPTO 2017) initiated the study of memory tightness of reductions in cryptography in addition to the standard tightness related to advantage and running time and showed the importance of memory tightness when the underlying problem can be solved efficiently with large memory. Diemert, Geller, Jager, and Lyu (ASIACRYPT 2021) and Ghoshal, Ghosal, Jaeger, and Tessaro (EUROCRYPT 2022) gave memory-tight proofs for the multi-challenge security of digital signatures in the random oracle model.

This paper studies the memory-tight reductions for _post-quantum_ signature schemes in the _quantum_ random oracle model. Concretely, we show that signature schemes from lossy identification are multi-challenge secure in the quantum random oracle model via memory-tight reductions. Moreover, we show that the signature schemes from lossy identification achieve more enhanced securities considering _quantum_ signing oracles proposed by Boneh and Zhandry (CRYPTO 2013) and Alagic, Majenz, Russel, and Song (EUROCRYPT 2020). We additionally show that signature schemes from preimage-sampleable functions achieve those securities via memory-tight reductions.
Baiyu Li, Daniele Micciancio, Mariana Raykova, Mark Schultz-Wu
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We present two new constructions for private information retrieval (PIR) in the classical setting where the clients do not need to do any preprocessing or store any database dependent information, and the server does not need to store any client-dependent information.

Our first construction HintlessPIR eliminates the client preprocessing step from the recent LWE-based SimplePIR (Henzinger et. al., USENIX Security 2023) by outsourcing the "hint" related computation to the server, leveraging a new concept of homomorphic encryption with composable preprocessing. We realize this concept on RLWE encryption schemes, and thanks to the composibility of this technique we are able to preprocess almost all the expensive parts of the homomorphic computation and reuse across multiple executions. As a concrete application, we achieve very efficient matrix vector multiplication that allows us to build HintlessPIR. For a database of size 8GB, HintlessPIR achieves throughput about 3.7GB/s without requiring any client or server state. We additionally formalize the matrix vector multiplication protocol as LinPIR primitive, which may be of independent interests.

In our second construction TensorPIR we reduce the communications of HintlessPIR from square root to cubic root in the database size. For this purpose we extend our HE with preprocessing techniques to composition of key-switching keys and the query expansion algorithm. We show how to use RLWE encryption with preprocessing to outsource LWE decryption for ciphertexts generated by homomorphic multiplications. This allows the server to do more complex processing using a more compact query under LWE.

We implement and benchmark HintlessPIR which achieves better concrete costs than TensorPIR for a large set of databases of interest. We show that it improves the communication of recent preprocessing constructions when clients do not have large numbers of queries or database updates frequently. The computation cost for removing the hint is small and decreases as the database becomes larger, and it is always more efficient than other constructions with client hints such as Spiral PIR (Menon and Wu, S&P 2022). In the setting of anonymous queries we also improve on Spiral's communication.
Suparna Kundu, Angshuman Karmakar, Ingrid Verbauwhede
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Masking is a well-known and provably secure countermeasure against side-channel attacks. However, due to additional redundant computations, integrating masking schemes is expensive in terms of performance. The performance overhead of integrating masking countermeasures is heavily influenced by the design choices of a cryptographic algorithm and is often not considered during the design phase. In this work, we deliberate on the effect of design choices on integrating masking techniques into lattice-based cryptography. We select Scabbard, a suite of three lattice-based post-quantum key-encapsulation mechanisms (KEM), namely Florete, Espada, and Sable. We provide arbitrary-order masked implementations of all the constituent KEMs of the Scabbard suite by exploiting their specific design elements. We show that the masked implementations of Florete, Espada, and Sable outperform the masked implementations of Kyber in terms of speed for any order masking. Masked Florete exhibits a $73\%$, $71\%$, and $70\%$ performance improvement over masked Kyber corresponding to the first-, second-, and third-order. Similarly, Espada exhibits $56\%$, $59\%$, and $60\%$ and Sable exhibits $75\%$, $74\%$, and $73\%$ enhanced performance for first-, second-, and third-order masking compared to Kyber respectively. Our results show that the design decisions have a significant impact on the efficiency of integrating masking countermeasures into lattice-based cryptography.
Puja Mondal, Suparna Kundu, Sarani Bhattacharya, Angshuman Karmakar, Ingrid Verbauwhede
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Physical attacks are serious threats to cryptosystems deployed in the real world. In this work, we propose a microarchitectural end-to-end attack methodology on generic lattice-based post-quantum key encapsulation mechanisms to recover the long-term secret key. Our attack targets a critical component of a Fujisaki-Okamoto transform that is used in the construction of almost all lattice-based key encapsulation mechanisms. We demonstrate our attack model on practical schemes such as Kyber and Saber by using Rowhammer. We show that our attack is highly practical and imposes little preconditions on the attacker to succeed. As an additional contribution, we propose an improved version of the plaintext checking oracle, which is used by almost all physical attack strategies on lattice-based key-encapsulation mechanisms. Our improvement reduces the number of queries to the plaintext checking oracle by as much as 39% for Saber and approximately 23% for Kyber768. This can be of independent interest and can also be used to reduce the complexity of other attacks.
Elena Kirshanova, Ekaterina Malygina
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We show an explicit construction of an efficiently decodable family of $n$-dimensional lattices whose minimum distances achieve $\Omega(\sqrt{n} / (\log n)^{\varepsilon+o(1)})$ for $\varepsilon>0$. It improves upon the state-of-the-art construction due to Mook-Peikert (IEEE Trans.\ Inf.\ Theory, no. 68(2), 2022) that provides lattices with minimum distances $\Omega(\sqrt{n/ \log n})$. These lattices are construction-D lattices built from a sequence of BCH codes. We show that replacing BCH codes with subfield subcodes of Garcia-Stichtenoth tower codes leads to a better minimum distance. To argue on decodability of the construction, we adapt soft-decision decoding techniques of Koetter-Vardy (IEEE Trans.\ Inf.\ Theory, no.\ 49(11), 2003) to algebraic-geometric codes.
Yongqin Wang, Pratik Sarkar, Nishat Koti, Arpita Patra, Murali Annavaram
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Secure Multiparty Computation (MPC) protocols enable secure evaluation of a circuit by several parties, even in the presence of an adversary who maliciously corrupts all but one of the parties. These MPC protocols are constructed using the well-known secret-sharing-based paradigm (SPDZ and SPD$\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$), where the protocols ensure security against a malicious adversary by computing Message Authentication Code (MAC) tags on the input shares and then evaluating the circuit with these input shares and tags. However, this tag computation adds a significant runtime overhead, particularly for machine learning (ML) applications with computationally intensive linear layers, such as convolutions and fully connected layers.

To alleviate the tag computation overhead, we introduce CompactTag, a lightweight algorithm for generating MAC tags specifically tailored for linear layers in ML. Linear layer operations in ML, including convolutions, can be transformed into Toeplitz matrix multiplications. For the multiplication of two matrices with dimensions T1 × T2 and T2 × T3 respectively, SPD$\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$ required O(T1 · T2 · T3) local multiplications for the tag computation. In contrast, CompactTag only requires O(T1 · T2 + T1 · T3 + T2 · T3) local multiplications, resulting in a substantial performance boost for various ML models.

We empirically compared our protocol to the SPD$\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$ protocol for various ML circuits, including ResNet Training-Inference, Transformer Training-Inference, and VGG16 Training-Inference. SPD$\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$ dedicated around 30% of its online runtime for tag computation. CompactTag speeds up this tag computation bottleneck by up to 23×, resulting in up to 1.47× total online phase runtime speedups for various ML workloads.
Daniele Micciancio, Adam Suhl
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In LWE based cryptosystems, using small (polynomially large) ciphertext modulus improves both efficiency and security. In threshold encryption, one often needs "simulation security": the ability to simulate decryption shares without the secret key. Existing lattice-based threshold encryption schemes provide one or the other but not both. Simulation security has seemed to require superpolynomial flooding noise, and the schemes with polynomial modulus use Rényi divergence based analyses that are sufficient for game-based but not simulation security.

In this work, we give the first construction of simulation-secure lattice-based threshold PKE with polynomially large modulus. The construction itself is relatively standard, but we use an improved analysis, proving that when the ciphertext noise and flooding noise are both Gaussian, simulation is possible even with very small flooding noise. Our modulus is small not just asymptotically but also concretely: this technique gives parameters roughly comparable to those of highly optimized non-threshold schemes like FrodoKEM. As part of our proof, we show that LWE remains hard in the presence of some types of leakage; these results and techniques may also be useful in other contexts where noise flooding is used.
Shoichi Hirose, Kazuhiko Minematsu
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Envelope encryption is a method to encrypt data with two distinct keys in its basic form. Data is first encrypted with a data-encryption key, and then the data-encryption key is encrypted with a key-encryption key. Despite its deployment in major cloud services, as far as we know, envelope encryption has not received any formal treatment. To address this issue, we first formalize the syntax and security requirements of envelope encryption in the symmetric-key setting. Then, we show that it can be constructed by combining encryptment and authenticated encryption with associated data (AEAD). Encryptment is one-time AEAD satisfying that a small part of a ciphertext works as a commitment to the corresponding secret key, message, and associated data. Finally, we show that the security of the generic construction is reduced to the security of the underlying encryptment and AEAD.
Steven D. Galbraith, Derek Perrin, José Felipe Voloch
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We construct a new post-quantum cryptosystem which consists of enhancing CSIDH and similar cryptosystems by adding a full level $N$ structure. We discuss the size of the isogeny graph in this new cryptosystem which consists of components which are acted on by the ray class group for the modulus $N$. We conclude by showing that, if we can efficiently find rational isogenies between elliptic curves, then we can efficiently find rational isogenies that preserve the level structure. We show that one can reduce the group action problem for the ray class group to the group action problem for the ideal class group. This reduces the security of this new cryptosystem to that of the original one
René Rodríguez-Aldama
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For any prime number $p$, we provide two classes of linear codes with few weights over a $p$-ary alphabet. These codes are based on a well-known generic construction (the defining-set method), stemming on a class of monomials and a class of trinomials over finite fields. The considered monomials are Dembowski-Ostrom monomials $x^{p^{\alpha}+1}$, for a suitable choice of the exponent $\alpha$, so that, when $p>2$ and $n\not\equiv 0 \pmod{4}$, these monomials are planar. We study the properties of such monomials in detail for each integer $n$ greater than two and any prime number $p$. In particular, we show that they are $t$-to-one, where the parameter $t$ depends on the field $\mathbb{F}_{p^n}$ and it takes the values $1, 2$ or $p+1$. Moreover, we give a simple proof of the fact that the functions are $\delta$-uniform with $\delta \in \{1,4,p\}$. This result describes the differential behaviour of these monomials for any $p$ and $n$. For the second class of functions, we consider an affine equivalent trinomial to $x^{p^{\alpha}+1}$, namely, $x^{p^{\alpha}+1}+\lambda x^{p^{\alpha}}+\lambda^{p^{\alpha}}x$ for $\lambda\in \mathbb{F}_{p^n}^*$. We prove that these trinomials satisfy certain regularity properties, which are useful for the specification of linear codes with three or four weights that are different than the monomial construction. These families of codes contain projective codes and optimal codes (with respect to the Griesmer bound). Remarkably, they contain infinite families of self-orthogonal and minimal $p$-ary linear codes for every prime number $p$. Our findings highlight the utility of studying affine equivalent functions, which is often overlooked in this context.
Dan Boneh, Aditi Partap, Lior Rotem
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In a traitor tracing system there are $n$ parties and each party holds a secret key. A broadcaster uses an encryption key to encrypt a message $m$ to a ciphertext $c$ so that every party can decrypt~$c$ using its secret key and obtain $m$. Suppose a subset of parties ${\cal J} \subseteq [n]$ combine their secret keys to create a pirate decoder $D(\cdot)$ that can decrypt ciphertexts from the broadcaster. Then it is possible to trace $D$ to at least one member of ${\cal J}$ using only blackbox access to the decoder. Traitor tracing received much attention over the years and multiple schemes have been developed.

In this paper we explore how to do traitor tracing in the context of a threshold decryption scheme. Again, there are $n$ parties and each party has a secret key, but now~$t$ parties are needed to decrypt a ciphertext~$c$, for some $t>1$. If a subset ${\cal J}$ of at least $t$ parties use their secret keys to create a pirate decoder $D(\cdot)$, then it must be possible to trace $D$ to at least one member of ${\cal J}$. This problem has not yet been explored in the literature, however, it has recently become quite important due to the use of encrypted mempools, as we explain in the paper.

We develop the theory of traitor tracing for threshold decryption. While there are several non-threshold traitor tracing schemes that we can leverage, adapting these constructions to the threshold decryption settings requires new cryptographic techniques. We present a number of constructions for traitor tracing for threshold decryption, and note that much work remains to explore the large design space.
Fatima Elsheimy, Giorgos Tsimos, Charalampos Papamanthou
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We present a deterministic synchronous protocol for binary Byzantine Agreement against a corrupt minority with adaptive $O(n\cdot f)$ communication complexity, where $f$ is the exact number of corruptions. Our protocol improves the previous best-known deterministic Byzantine Agreement protocol developed by Momose and Ren (DISC 2021), whose communication complexity is quadratic, independent of the exact number of corruptions. Our approach combines two distinct primitives that we introduce and implement with $O(n\cdot f)$ communication, Reliable Voting, and Weak Byzantine Agreement. In Reliable Voting, all honest parties agree on the same value only if all honest parties start with that value, but there is no agreement guarantee in the general case. In Weak Byzantine Agreement, we achieve agreement, but validity requires that the inputs to the protocol satisfy certain properties. Our Weak Byzantine Agreement protocol is an adaptation of the recent Cohen et al. protocol (OPODIS 2022), in which we identify and address various issues.
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